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The 70th Jubilee

The 70th Jubilee – The Year of Redemption Has Come

Unlocking the Great Orion Clock Cycle and Announcing the Final Jubilee

The 70th Jubilee is the climax of prophecy—the year of redemption and the return of Christ. This video series unveils the Orion Clock’s perfect timeline, solving biblical chronology and revealing 2025 as the 70th Jubilee.

⏳ The Great Orion Cycle (Parts 1-3) – The Bible’s hidden timeline, now decoded.

📜 The Everlasting Covenant – God’s unbreakable promise in the stars.

🎺 Yom Kippur 2024 – The Jubilee trumpet has sounded—freedom is at hand!

This is the final call—will you recognize the sign of your redemption?

Video Series

The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 1

The Biblical Jubilee was given when Israel entered the Promised Land as a type to point to the ultimate deliverance from sin and restoration of our inheritance. In this video, we reconsider that jubilee cycle in light of a conservative understanding of when the Exodus occurred, and discover its perfect and unlikely harmony with the current revelations of God’s voice from Orion. In the process, we take another look at a seldom-studied aspect of the Orion clock: The Great Orion Cycle, which spans the long millennia between the creation of the world and the birth of its Savior.

The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 2

Having considered the 70-jubilee cycle in the first part of this series, which confirms the heavenly report for the final moments of earth’s history before the great Jubilee, we take a deeper look into the timing of the biblical Exodus. In this video, Brother John reveals how God’s clock in Orion not only supports a straightforward interpretation of the timing of the Exodus, but also resolves a longstanding mystery that has been a thorn in the side of biblical chronologists for centuries! Don’t miss this fascinating revelation that exposes the need for God’s heavenly clock in Orion for understanding the chronologies given in the Bible that point to important aspects of God’s plan of salvation that are relevant for us today.

The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 3

This conclusion to the Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee presents the covenant of God to Abraham in light of Jesus’ oath in Daniel 12. Join us in this remarkable analysis that teaches us about the two end-time witnesses from the first chapters of Genesis. The written word of God and the heavens give a united testimony, so that you might believe, as Jesus said, “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.” The Creator has done a great work in heaven, which gives specific utterance in understanding the application of His prophecies. After all the evidence, may you be found among those who believe in the heavenly testimony and who stand in vindication of the Father’s name.

The Eternal and Everlasting Covenant

God made a covenant with Abraham to make his seed numerous like the stars. In this video, we look up and see how God is fulfilling His everlasting covenant to the seed of Abraham by faith in this last generation. That ancient covenant was full of significance for the end-times, and through the symbolism of the divided animals, it points to a special time of revelation, after which we can expect God to deliver the covenant to His faithful people. Join us as we dig deeper into the mysteries of the clock of God in Orion, that connect the beginning with the end.

Closing Yom Kippur Ceremony 2024

The 70th jubilee was announced from White Cloud Farm with a short service at the end of Yom Kippur on October 14, 2024. The long blast of the shofar is recorded here, which points us forward to our ultimate deliverance as the heavenly signature of the Godhead testifies.

The 70th Jubilee is not just a historical milestone—it is the fulfillment of prophecy. The Orion Clock confirms it, the heavens declare it, and the time is now.

⏳ Will you prepare for the year of redemption?

🎺 Will you proclaim the Jubilee?

🙏 Will you be found faithful when Jesus returns?

The trumpet has sounded—the time of restoration has come!


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