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The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 1

I wish you a happy Sabbath because I know this video will again be published on a Sabbath evening, from Friday to Sabbath. While it is not Sabbath here today, I’m sitting here in a normal shirt, but I feel a very sanctified mood because the themes I want to talk about really touch the heart of the Bible, of Christianity, of creation, Adam’s creation, the fall into sin, the patriarchs, Moses' birth, Jacob seeing the ladder to heaven. These are wonderful things, wonderful stories in the Bible that begin with the Bible itself and, as you will see, also end with the proclaimed and prophesied conclusion of the Bible.

What you will hear now is vast. In how many parts I don't yet know, because I’m just starting. It’s a huge and extensive topic that I want to cover in these recordings. I don’t know how many parts it will have, but you’ll see that it’s vast and that it also covers the history of this movement from its early beginnings. Of course, with the Orion message, it all started, but it’s not the Orion message itself that I want to talk about, but parts of it that reach far into the past, as well as into the near future and eternity.

I feel a holy atmosphere around me. Today, I have a new setup here—you can't see it—but I got a new big screen, and I’m still learning how to use it. So bear with me, and I hope you’ll enjoy the great themes we’re going to explore. When I first started publishing my findings between 2008, 2009, and 2010, which culminated in the Orion message in 2010, I had no idea that I would go on to write thousands more pages of studies and findings.

The Bible is incredibly rich in what God wants to reveal and tell to us. For the Bible student, it’s not just about finding the love of God, which is absolutely there, but also encountering what I call the Master of all riddles. I love God because it’s never boring with Him when you want to know more about Him. Recently, I read an article where Pope Francis told the entire Catholic Church that priests should shorten their Sunday sermons to 20 minutes because parishioners were falling asleep.

And I can only say, that would never happen to anyone who is discussing topics that truly touch eternity—who is conveying the message God is trying to bring to you. It would never be boring. In Revelation, there is even the song of Moses.

Recently, my wife said something to me when I told her, "Linda, we’ve been in this message for 14 years now. You’ve been with me the whole time. We’ve had highs and lows, and it’s been difficult, especially because of the harsh reactions from people who heard these messages but then rejected them."

I asked, “Linda, how do you feel after all these years?” And she said, "It’s been a deep experience." And I told her, "This is exactly what God wants us to have when we study His word—a deep, spiritual experience." Then she added, "Yes, and we can sing a song, just as Moses could sing a song about his experience." 6:04

And I said, "Yes, and this is exactly what Revelation says—that the 144,000 are singing a new song, and this song is the song of Moses, a song of his experience." To make a long story even longer, I have to tell you that we recently had a dream. I won’t go into the dream details, but the dream clearly stated that we need to give the medicine to the people before we give the messages.

And the medicine comes from the great healer, Jesus Christ. It is the message of salvation—the message of salvation. This is the great hope: our salvation. It’s not about the big mansions in heaven or anything like that. It’s salvation from sin.

In the themes that I am discussing with you, we will touch on these subjects a lot. All of God's promises, ever since creation and the fall into sin, have pointed to the fact that there would be a sacrifice at the door. And this always pointed to the first coming of Jesus, when He would take away sin from the earth.

Or, let me say, He was the door through which we become redeemed—new creations, new creatures. Redeemed ones, no longer living in sin. And in our studies and decipherings of the riddles, we sometimes forget to give the medicine first, which is that salvation is only in Christ.

There is only one name through which we can come to the Father and to heaven, of course. And that name is Jesus Christ. Yes, He has a new name that was also prophesied. His name is "the Wounded One," which refers to what He did for us. He took our sins upon Himself so that when we accept His sacrifice, believe in His sacrifice, and trust in His redeeming blood, we can overcome sin.

If we do not overcome sin, then our Christian life is only a lie. If we do not show love, our Christian life is a lie. I always wonder about people who walk with us for a few years and then start to hate us. They say, "I have a different idea, a different understanding." 9:22

Then i said: look, where did it come from? There's the counsel of Gamaliel: if something is from God, you cannot destroy it; and if it’s not from God, it will fade away on its own.

So, here we are—quite a long time now, considering how fast-paced the world is. We've been here for 14 years, and the studies I presented in 2010 already had a pre-history, which was even longer.

It all began around 2004. One of my first studies from that time, which eventually led to the understanding of the Orion clock, is also published on the website. It’s called "Prophesy Again." If you want to read it, go to, and of course, it’s available in other languages as well.

So I said, look, we’re still here. This is not to boast—it’s to show that we didn’t study just for the sake of studying or to deliver some sensational news. No, we do it because we love God. And we love God because He saved us.

We want to live by every word that comes from His mouth. Think of it like going to a special expensive restaurant where you pay $1,000 for a meal. You would chew slowly, savoring every bite. The portions are small, but you savor them slowly to experience the full taste, just like how we savor every word of the Savior.

A good meal takes time to prepare, and the same goes for the complete messages we’ve been given, and those we still have to share. 12:06

But the Holy Spirit is now withdrawing. We are already deep into the final 372 portions of the Holy Spirit given to the earth, which will cease on June 4, 2025. So I know that what I’m sharing with you now are the last corrections and messages.

We received a dream, and the dream instructed us to give the medicine first. But it also revealed that we need to correct and cleanse some things from the past, things that probably weren’t entirely correct. I’m sure that many things haven’t been completely right. We’ve tried, for instance, with the story of the two witnesses—I don’t know how many times, maybe 10 or 12 times—to fully understand it.

Our initial understanding was that the two witnesses were our two websites. Later, we understood, "Oh, we are the witnesses of the two witnesses." So, the two websites are the witnesses of the two witnesses, and so on. We gained a deeper understanding over time. We didn’t even realize that the second witness was the Horologium until a large comet entered the Horologium. Suddenly, we saw a clock in heaven that we hadn’t recognized among the 88 constellations before because it hadn’t been activated.

As we continued to study, our understanding grew. This is what we always do—we continually correct ourselves to align with the latest and clearest understanding, with honest hearts and no intention of deceit. We study diligently, trying to grasp the word of God, and we chew on it until we have the full savor (of the Savior).

That’s what we are doing. And of course, the dream—whenever we receive dreams, they are usually meant to admonish or correct us. If there are no dreams, I assume we are doing things right. But since we do receive dreams, they guide us. One of our community members had a dream that pointed to another correction. This was just a few days ago.

At first, I wasn’t thinking about the correction specifically; I was focused on a different theme. But when I began to study that theme, I realized we had made a mistake back in 2012-2013.

One error in an entire Orion cycle that we’ll talk about involves seven different dates—or in this case, six different dates or years. When I realized that we had made a slight error, it was because we didn’t fully understand what to place on the pointer God had put into the heavens at that time, far in the past. We are not Bible scholars; we are Bible students.

So, we don’t know everything. We didn’t know exactly what to put there, so we placed something there. Now, with new tools available, such as ChatGPT, which knows quite a lot, I was able to find the correct application—something that wasn’t easily accessible and available back then when we studied it nearly 14 years ago. I believe we studied these themes around 2013 and published them in parts.

This correction that the dream predicted has now come to light. To be honest, I wasn’t even studying that specific topic at first—I was researching something completely different. But this new topic led me to discover the small error we made in an old study. That’s how God works. He predicted through a dream what I was already working on, and then He said, "Hey, this leads to a correction, and you need to address it." So, He confirmed that He wanted me to bring this message to you.

And indeed, once all these corrections are made, and the study is complete in its purest form in this video series, you will have an absolute, ultimate confirmation of the second coming of Jesus Christ in the heavens, with the predicted dates in 2025. There is no seven-year tribulation; it doesn’t go on beyond that. The mark of the beast is not Elon Musk’s chip implanted in people’s heads. The year is 2025, and time will come to an end. But I don’t want to reveal everything just yet.

Therefore, I need to proceed step by step. Let me show you now what I was studying when the dream arrived. At that time, I was watching a video by "Mike444", a nice guy from England i think, who often talks about prophetic themes that he reads about anywhere and shares as YouTube videos. I watched this one because the title caught my attention—it had to do with the Jubilees.

Jubilees are a significant theme in end-time prophecy, so naturally, I was interested. But later, that video pointed me to another of his videos, which I also watched. There was a lot of error in that videos—truth and error were quite mixed—but there were also some very good insights, and we shouldn’t despise those.

The later video had been published before and was linked to an article, which we’ll discuss soon. When I hear about Jubilees, especially with the title "The Last Jubilee Year Approaches," I pay attention. This is because there’s a prophecy by a well-known Seventh-day Adventist prophetess i will show you later—yes, you know who I’m talking about—that also speaks about the Jubilee in one of her most famous visions of the second coming.

This is a theme I could never quite solve. I’ve tried many times, but the prophecy about the Jubilee would come and go away. In her vision, she says that the Jubilee commences when Jesus comes, or shortly before He comes. There are many details in that vision. 20:22

One of the details in that vision is that the Jubilee year begins shortly before Jesus comes. And we’re going to read that because it’s marvelous if you know when this Jubilee is. Now, of course, it would be fantastic if the Jubilee were to be next year.

We’re going to find that out—or if it begins in the spring of next year. As I said, we’ve tried many times to figure this out. We have the Bible verses when Jesus was in the temple preaching, and He spoke of the Jubilee in Isaiah.

He unrolled the scroll, read only one part of the prophecy, and left the other part, which speaks of judgment, unread. We’ve always tried to align the Jubilees with that date because it’s well known—it was during a specific feast. I believe it was in the year AD 29 when He was in the synagogue in Nazareth, reciting those verses from Isaiah, and stated that they were fulfilled with Him.

From there, we’ve attempted to count the Jubilees in a certain rhythm, but there’s a lot of debate among scholars about how exactly to count them. Some take a straightforward approach, making it fit nicely and simply using our decimal system, but the decimal system isn’t God’s system.

They count 49 years—7 times 7—because the Jubilee is defined as being 7 times 7 years away, and then the 50th year is the Jubilee itself. Now, according to this method, you let the Jubilee year pass, and then the year after the Jubilee becomes year 1 again, and you repeat with 50-year cycles. That’s the simple way to count.

But after studying it and discussing it, I believe that’s the wrong way to count. God, who represents completion and perfection, always works in sevens—seventh-day Sabbath, and so on. We have the 70-week prophecy, which again follows a seven-day cycle.

So, following this symbolic significance of the goodly number seven, part of the scholars (and our own study) led us to conclude that the correct count is 49 years. The 50th year is indeed the Jubilee, but it also serves as the first year of the new 49-year cycle. So, there’s an overlap between the 50th year and the first year of the next cycle.

In this method, you have 49-year cycles, and the first year of every new 49-year cycle is also the Jubilee. Now, even with this understanding, we arrived at a date around 2036 or 2037 (i am not sure now) for the next Jubilee. But then the thought arises—that seems very late for the second coming of Jesus.

So, if the Jubilee falls so late, then perhaps it’s not the final Jubilee fulfillment we’re expecting, and it may happen earlier. The Jubilee represents going to heaven—it’s about restoring the inheritance, among other things.

You can study this for yourself, and I’ll share an article with more details. The Jubilee is fascinating because it symbolizes our entry into the heavenly Canaan and the receiving of our inheritance. When you correctly understand the timing of the Jubilees, it offers an almost certain and strong indication that Jesus will return during a Jubilee year.

The problem, however, is that there’s so much debate about whether Jesus' recitation of Isaiah’s verses in AD 29 was actually a declaration of a Jubilee year. Most scholars deny that it was. But even if it was not a Jubilee declaration by Jesus or you debate whether it was AD 27, AD 29, AD 30, or some other year, it’s a weak anchor because Jesus didn’t directly state that the Jubilee had been fulfilled.

Jesus said, "These verses have been fulfilled by Me," but it’s not explicitly stated that this was a Jubilee year. So, it’s difficult. What is the next anchor we have? The beginning of all the Jubilees, which is an anchor—but it’s a challenging one because the Jubilees began at the first year beginning, during the first spring feasts, when the people of Israel entered Canaan after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

There’s been a huge scholarly debate about which year this occurred before Christ (BC). Sometimes, scholars differ by hundreds of years, and the anchor seems to drift away. However, there is a significant amount of evidence, supported by many scholars, that places the entry into Canaan in 1406 BC. This is backed up by historical findings, old writings, the timing of the construction of Solomon's Temple, and Manasseh's captivity in 677 BC, with calculations working backward. There is strong biblical genealogy and proof that 1406 BC was indeed the year of the first Jubilee, or the first year of counting the Jubilee cycle.

So, the next question is: how many Jubilees did God plan from Israel’s entry into Canaan until our entry into the heavenly Canaan? There are numerous biblical types that speak of 70 years, 70 weeks, and so on. You can read about and study that later in more detail.

If it would be so, that we were to count 70 Jubilees—not counting the first but 70 full Jubilee cycles—until the second coming of Jesus to give us our inheritance in the heavenly Canaan, and we count this from 1406 BC as the date of Israel’s entry into Canaan, then--I'll show you. Here’s what we find in the article. I will show you. Before diving into the article directly, I want to introduce the author.

The article is from a website called "Stand in Faith," which I hadn’t heard of before. The author is Major Thomas J. Noss, USAF (Retired). Thomas is described as a Christian disciple, writer, and teacher at website. This international ministry focuses on spiritual and physical preparation as we enter the biblical end of the age. Yes, we say the same.

The content of all his articles and nonfiction books are available at no cost on his website. For people who prefer a good novel, his fictional novel trilogy dramatizes his nonfiction teachings... and so on. Here is what he did in the war in Vietnam, and so on. But like us, he’s a Bible student with a different profession, and God leads to certain studies.

Now, let’s turn to the article itself. The title is called "When is the Next Year of Jubilee?" Not the 120th or what ever others tell you. But the 70th. When is the next Year of Jubilee? Compelling archaeological and prophetic evidence suggests that the ram’s horn announcing the 70th Jubilee will sound on the Day of Atonement in October 2024. In this article you will learn:

Evidence that the Biblical year starting in March 2025 is the 70th Jubilee anniversary since Israel entered the promised land. Before there were no Jubilees.

The article explains how the Year of Jubilee under the Mosaic covenant foreshadows its glorious spiritual fulfillment in the New Covenant.

What are God’s 49 and 50-year cycles? How they’re both culminating right now in the 7-year period from 2017 to 2024.

Listen up those, who believe that there are future 7 years. We have already experienced a certain tribulation with the COVID crisis and other spiritual tribulation crises, such as the LGBT persecution of those who do not endorse these things.

Okay, I’m not sure if they count Yom Kippur on the same Gregorian date as we do, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to go deeper into the calculation. Perhaps it’s three or four days off, or it might be correct—whatever the case, it doesn’t matter. This Yom Kippur is in this autumn 2024.

Nehemia Gordon, a true Jew who studies the Torah and all the ancient laws of the Bible deeply, clearly states that there is consensus among scholars that the Yom Kippur trumpet, blown on the 10th day of Tishri (which typically falls in September or October), would already mark the beginning. The biblical text in Leviticus says that a trumpet must be blown to *announce* the Jubilee, not to *begin* the Jubilee. This small difference in the text makes all the difference.

Indeed, this is proven. We can say it is biblically proven, and even Messianic Jewish scholars, who believe in Jesus Christ, confirm this. 34:12

It’s proven that it was an announcement trumpet, meant to warn the people: “Hey, prepare your lands, because you have to return them to the original owner. Get ready to pay back your debtors, and so on.” The people had six months to prepare, until the next year began, which would then be the Jubilee year, when they had to return everything that had been taken from others, since it had only been lent.

Similarly, rejoice, if someone had been made poor, had their land taken, or had lent out their property to survive over those 50 years, they would receive everything back—they would get their original inheritance back. It was a fantastic law that only existed in Israel, unlike today’s governments, which take but never give back—you know what I mean.

Of course, we should keep reading, and then we will get into different themes I want to shed light on. The article talks about the 49- and 50-year cycles. Yes, you will see that we do not need the 50-year cycle. It can be counted with 50-year cycles, but if we do that, we’d have to start from Creation, which becomes tricky and doesn’t work as well.

But we should absolutely cling to the biblical text, which gives us the 49-year cycle. The 50th year is the same as the first year of the next 49-year cycle. So, Yom Kippur in October 2024 would be the announcement—the blowing of the ram’s horn—signaling the coming Jubilee in spring 2025. This day will announce the 70th Year of Jubilee since Joshua led Israel to enter the Promised Land in 1406 BC.

This 70th year of Jubilee will celebrate our release from the toils of this world and the restoration of our ancient spiritual inheritance in God's kingdom. 36:56

Dispelling Confusion About When a Jubilee Year Starts.

This is now about Nehemia Gordon (I believe the author even mentions him). But we read it together.

Each coming Year of Jubilee should be announced by shofar (rams horn) blasts on Yom Kippur (the day of Atonement) in the 49th year of the Jubilee cycle. Then, the Year of Jubilee starts about 6 months later, as i said, on the 1st day of the 1st month of the 50th year. (The 50th year overlaps with the 1st year of the next 49-year cycle. See the diagram below.) This caught my attention even more because not many people have this count correct.

Most people count 50, 50, 50, 50. It fits so neatly into our decimal system, but this is an absolutely correct understanding of how God counts in seven-year periods.

In the quote below, Hebrew scholar Dr. Nehemia Gordon explains this more simply. You can read it yourself to save time, but here’s the gist: He found, through a deep study of Leviticus 25, that this is indeed the correct way to count.

The article also includes a link to Gordon’s original study, which is much longer. This is why I (the author) stated the shofar announcing a 2025 Year of Jubilee would be sounded on Yom Kippur in 2024. So far, it’s refreshing, and I’m glad to see that someone else’s study aligns with what we wrote and studied years ago.

When you study the Bible deeply enough, you should arrive at the same conclusions. God is not a God of confusion, so when you truly understand how He thinks, how He counts, and how He symbolizes things, you won’t come to a conclusion of 50, 50, or 100-year cycles. That’s just not possible with God. If it were, then our week would also have 10 days; then that would be correct.

What is the Jubilee year? I think I’ve already explained it. The High Priest enters God’s presence to cover the sins of the entire nation. Very important. The Jubilee year is a whole year of rest for men, animals, and the land. Then the land should rest. Our SDA prophetess also said in a vision: "Then the Jubilee begins, when the land will rest." 40:24

We come to that and read it together—here it is. This is her vision about the second coming.

The ancient Hebrew year of Jubilee. Let's read it. It’s really nice.

Jubilee first appears in the book of Leviticus, written by Moses. And we’ll come back to Moses, incredibly and nicely, in this study. God said a Jubilee year was to be celebrated after every 49 years. During this 50th Jubilee year—the year of Jubilee is the 50th year, which should be clearly have been written here—, all debts were erased and all indentured Israelites were freed. It’s liberation—the liberation of the Israelites and spiritual Israel when Jesus comes. Everyone and everything in Israel was to be restored to their original clans and families.

God told Moses to start the 49-year Jubilee cycle “when you enter the land that I am giving to you.” Also, “the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the LORD..” Sabbaths of 7 days and 7 years—that’s in Leviticus 25:2.

There’s no record of Israel ever celebrating the Year of Jubilee by complying with all its requirements to forgive debts, free slaves, etc.

Wow, this is really interesting. We can study that further. Due to this negligence in celebrating the Jubilees (which the rich and leading people found very unfavorable), there’s missing evidence that they ever returned things as God commanded. There’s a certain punishment mentioned in the Bible—specific days of suffering for not keeping the Jubilee, which ultimately culminated in slavery and the captivity in Egypt. The prophecy related to this is found in Ezekiel, and all these things are written there. However, it would lead to extensive studies that might bore you, so I’ll leave it out, but I wanted to mention that the Bible contains a prophecy about Israel being punished for not keeping the Jubilees.


Jubilee in the New Covenant

Enter Our Promised Land. I already explained a little bit about this, but let’s read on.

Just as Israel was to celebrate Jubilee after entering their promised land under Joshua, we have a spiritual promised land to enter. What better time to enter our promised land than on the 70th Jubilee anniversary?

In the New Covenant, the Year of Jubilee represents entering our promised land, when God glorifies His overcomers.

This restoration includes: complete deliverance from our sinful nature, glorification, immortality, and restoring our heavenly inheritance in God’s kingdom. What a blessed hope

Return to Your Property and Your Clan.

…consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be your Jubilee, when each of you is to return to his property and to his clan (Leviticus 25:10).

Property and Clan.

Return to His Property.

What property are we to return to? Before you can understand the property we’re returning to, you need to know where we came from in our past.

Warning–the following section will probably be new and strange to you, so I ask you to consider this information without preconceived bias, according to the Bible–not according to denominational theology.

Our spirits existed with God in the eon of time before Adam, but we all fell into sin, resulting in God destroying the earth, making it without form and void. Our spirits continued to exist, but sin alienated us from our holy God. The situation was hopeless–something in us died. Then, since ‘before the foundation of the earth, and so on...

So, I do not agree with that. This doesn’t change the correctness of his count, but I believe that what we lost is simply Eden. Eden was the place we were meant to be. If Adam and Eve would not have sinned, we would not have lost Eden—the place where humanity was supposed to grow and live a wonderful, beautiful life in preparation to replace the third of the angels that fell.

So, I don’t need the concept of spirits floating around in eons to make the count correct. This is imagination, not biblical. We can study what a soul is: a living soul is body and God’s spirit together. When the spirit leaves, the body dies and returns to dust. We must wait for resurrection, when the spirit reenters in us as a witness.

The Bible always tells us to study everything, consider everything, but keep what is good. If something is bad, leave it out. So, we will leave that out.

We don’t need that idea—we know we’re going back to Eden. We will get our Eden back. 47:29

We get our promised land back. We get our original inheritance back in heaven, with added mansions as an extra gift.

Natural Israel, spiritual Israel, our clan, our eternal home, during the year of Jubilee,... Where are we now? Let’s see where i should start reading again. Here is a deeper study about the appointed times. I agree with these points.

Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits—these are the feasts we studied in absolute depth on our old website, Through studying this, we found the 372 portions. By studying this, we also discovered the exact date of Jesus’ birth, even down to the exact Gregorian day, though of course that wasn’t originally in His thinking. We also found the exact date of the crucifixion, and so on.

The author here might not have found those things, but perhaps he did find the correct Jubilee. What’s important, and something we wrote about as well (and I fully agree), is that Jesus fulfilled the first four spring feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Pentecost, with the coming of the Holy Spirit—on the exact days and times set by the feasts, while the Jews were celebrating them.

Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect that God will fulfill the remaining three autumn feasts—Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles—exactly on their annual anniversaries in our future. This is a conclusion the Adventist pioneers also had, but it’s not necessarily true. Some believe that in the year of Jesus’ coming, He would return either before or after Tabernacles, perhaps on Yom Kippur (as the Adventists believed) or on the Feast of Trumpets, as it would harmonize well with the seventh trumpet.

But, no—not necessarily. Not necessarily because Jesus didn’t just fulfill Passover in the year He died. He didn’t only fulfill Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, or Pentecost in the year He died. Yes, He fulfilled them through His sacrifice, but Jesus accomplished much more, as these feasts prefigured more than just His death. He had a three-and-a-half-year ministry, and during that time, He celebrated several of these feasts, and throughout His life, He participated in many of them. He also mentioned that He would fulfill these things at a later time.

So, the speculation that Jesus would return on a Feast of Trumpets, Atonement, or Tabernacles is not necessarily correct, even if you have the correct biblical calendar. It’s just an assumption, and we’ve found that it’s not on those dates. Rather, it will be during a year when there is a lunar standstill, at sunrise, because the bridegroom comes at sunrise. Sunrise represents solstice.

Of course, Jesus will come like a thief in the night—He won’t announce Himself with the sounding of trumpets or arrive on Yom Kippur. Those feasts have different meanings. The sacrifices of the autumn feasts, for instance, represent and give us the 372 days that are depicted in the heavens as the final cycle of the Horologium clock for the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit. This, in itself, is a fulfillment of the sacrifices of the three autumn feasts combined.

Of course, the Day of Atonement prefigured Adventist history, and biblical prophecy refers to the long Day of Atonement—first the judgment of the dead, being 168 years long, and then later, the judgment of the living, which began in 2014. This is the long Day of Atonement, when Jesus, as our High Priest, entered the Most Holy Place in heaven and started the judgment—first of the dead, and later, on February 1st, 2014, the judgment of the living. And now, this is very nearly over.

So, that’s what the Day of Atonement prefigured. What about Trumpets? The trumpets also had a fulfillment in Adventist history as a warning that the Day of Atonement was coming and judgment would begin. Trumpets were fulfilled through William Miller in 1841 when he began to proclaim loudly that Jesus’ coming was imminent. He confounded it and mistakenly believed that the cleansing of the earth and the fire, following the 2300 days (or evenings and mornings), referred to the second coming.

But in reality, it marked the beginning of the Day of Atonement in heaven. He was warning people—not just for three years leading up to the 1844 date on October 22nd, but he had been studying the Bible for about 20 years, even longer than I have. 54:30

So, that's the fulfillment in true history. God thinks in larger time frames than just a week. He does think in weeks for resting, yes, but when it comes to the fulfillment of prophecies and important feasts like the spring and autumn feasts, He operates on much larger time scales.

The Biblical 49-Year Jubilee Cycle.

Starting on the year Israel entered the ‘promised land (this year),’ the Jubilee-year cycle occurs every 49 years. Here are the details from Leviticus 25:

Shmitah Years – Sabbath Every 7th Year.

When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the LORD…For six years you may sow your field and prune your vineyard and gather its crops. But in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for the land—a Sabbath to the LORD…The land must have a year of complete rest. Leviticus 25:2,3,5

So, the Jubilee year happens after seven Shemitah periods, seven times seven. (I’ll skip the details here for now.) In this picture you can see what I’ve explained several times before and the author also: you have 49 years, and the next year is the 50th year, which is also the first year of the next cycle.

So, if we later count 70 Jubilees, we need to count 70 times 49, plus 1. That’s how we arrive at the 70th Jubilee. Okay, and here’s a video if you want further clarification.

Now, when is the next Jubilee year? This is the big question, and this is why we’re here.

If you ask Google ‘When is the next year of Jubilee’ you’ll see there’s a lot of ignorance (absolutely), disagreement, and confusion about this question. It’s a mystery. And whenever I hear "mystery," you know I’m interested.

According to Leviticus chapter 25, the Biblical Jubilee year cycle started when Israel entered the Promised Land. Yes, this is repeated many times.

Then the LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai (holy, holy, holy), “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the LORD.” This marked the beginning of these Sabbath cycles.

I discovered a article that convincingly proves that Joshua led Israel to enter the Promised Land in 1406BC. And friends, it’s not just this article—there are many scholars who agree. Many scholars have pinned the date of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land to this year. And if this date is correct, then next year—2025—will be the 70th Jubilee. So, let’s pray that this date is correct, because that means we’ll be going home in about nine months.

A search on their website will provide many references to 1406BC. Here is one of them:

The commencement of the conquest can be dated exactly. With the exodus datable to 1446 BC, the conquest automatically is dated to 1406 BC, because for “40 years the sons of Israel walked in the wilderness” before entering Canaan (Josh 5:6). Since the crossing of the Jordan River transpired on the 10th day of the first month, a date of 28 April 1406 BC... But don’t focus too much on the exact date—we could calculate it and I’m sure we are two or three days off. fixed as the day in which the Israelites crossed into Canaan (Josh 4:19).

Now, here’s the final calculation.

Year of Jubilee Starting in 2024?

Based on this 1406BC start date and a 49-year Jubilee cycle, the next Jubilee Year will start on Day 1 of the Biblical calendar, in the spring of 2025, and Jubilee will be formally announced by trumpet blasts on Yom Kippur, in the autumn of 2024. It will be the 70th Jubilee. Perhaps we could even consider a Lord’s Supper in preparation for Yom Kippur or on the evening of Yom Kippur.

Here are my calculations:

2025AD + 1406BC -1* = 3430 years.

And here is an asterisk... This is very important because I wrote about Miller’s error. Miller was also off by one year because there is no year zero. You go from 1 BC directly to 1 AD.

*You need to subtract one because there is no year zero on a BC and AD timeline. As soon as 1 BC ends, AD 1 starts. So between the first of January 1 BC and the first of January AD 1, it’s precisely one year.

That’s why this correction is made here. The total comes to 3430 years. Right?


Now, if we divide these 3430 total years by 49 (the cycle length), we get 70 cycles.

The pattern and dates fit exactly, just as they would if they match God’s plan.

In his website, Dean Coombs provides detailed corroboration that the 70th Year of Jubilee will start in 2025. So, we aren’t hearing this from just one voice.

He also discusses the 50-year cycle, but I’ll leave that out because it’s cumbersome. They also discuss the 6000 years. There are about 6000 years between Creation and the Second Coming, though the exact count might differ slightly. It’s intriguing that God said one day is like a thousand years to Him, so we have six days (6000 years), followed by a thousand-year millennium. There is such a count.

Personally, I wouldn’t make such calculations, especially not with the Jubilees. I wouldn’t focus on it because it’s not explicitly written in the Bible—it’s speculation. We don’t need to get into the 70th week or all these additional counts.

Let’s get to the conclusion.

A Bright Future.

We are living at the end of the age (I agree with that, yes.), and the birth pangs are increasing for everyone. The good news is that God will defeat all His enemies and God’s people have nothing to worry about.

When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.

Even though the author doesn’t look up, at least he calculates. Very, very conclusive.

There is nothing man can do to us if we are in Christ.

You know all these verses. So, abide in God’s Spirit, continually listening and obeying His voice. Strive to make yourself ready for the Lord’s imminent appearing.

That’s the article.

It would be great and marvelous and joyful if this article fit perfectly into a study I did in 2012 and 2013. From 2010, after discovering the Orion message, I spent a long time studying the "Seven Steps to Heaven" article. It started out with certain ideas because I noticed there are always seven dates in an Orion cycle. 1:04:56

Seven year dates, seven dates—whatever-in an Orion cycle. We have the four outer stars and the two throne lines. So, we always end up with six dates, and the full circle becomes the seventh date.

That’s why I called the article **"Seven Steps to Eternity."** I spent a long time studying it, until we, as a group already, discovered the **great Orion cycle**, as we called it. We realized that in Orion, we don’t just see the judgment cycle that spanned from 1846 to 2014, followed by certain trumpet or perhaps even plague cycles in Orion, with specific dates, down to the day.

We discovered that **Orion is a clock**, going all the way back to Creation, revealing a magnificent cycle. This includes a formula we found that involves the number **168**, which represents the judgment of the living—a crucial figure tied to the oath of Jesus over the river in Daniel 12. If you're familiar with the original Orion study, you’ll know how significant this number, 168, is.

Now, when you take this number and think in terms of millennia, instead of just years, you arrive at what we called the **great Orion cycle**, which spans **two cycles of 2016 years each**, totaling **4032 years**. We wrote an article on this because when you consider such a long time frame, you get very, very close to the **4000-year mark** for the first coming of Jesus Christ—whether it's 4000 or 4032 years from Creation to the time of Christ.

And if you take this formula and harmonize it with **24-year "ticks"**, it brings you precisely to the number we called the **great Orion cycle** that we found. 1:07:34

Then we checked, of course, the year markers, the stars, and the throne lines. **168 times 24**, twice the covenant of God, gives you **4032 years**—one full cycle from Creation around the Orion clock to the coming of Jesus Christ. And when you know the exact date of the crucifixion, you can also determine the year Jesus was born.

Using the biblical account, you can even figure out His exact birth date. This is also what I did.

We know the crucifixion date exactly. It’s documented on the old website in a series called **"Full Moon in Gethsemane,"** a two-part series that, that later even was praised by Adventist scholars. One scholar appreciated it at least, but the rest wouldn’t believe it. The series was written in response to a particular attack on the Adventist Church by a well-known figure, which I addressed in the first part if you're interested.

Through this research, we arrived at the date of **May 25, 31 AD** as the crucifixion date, based on the stars and lunar month calculations. I worked on this myself. It was a bit tedious, but you can do that also and follow the article to see how it's done correctly. The result was God’s correct calendar, with all the necessary rules, because Jesus deliberately chose His death date to teach us the rules of the biblical calendar. With all the necessary exceptions, you come to the correct date. And this date can be astronomically proven.

Now, back to the **4032 years**. I’ll show you the article we wrote first, which was called **"Christmas 2.0."** If we have the correct crucifixion date, why shouldn’t we be able to calculate His birthday as well? Even better, we would need now the exact year of His birth.

While studying this topic, I was alarmed by a dream. It happened on the night of **Monday, October 15, 2012.** The dream recurred the following night—something I’ve never experienced before in my life. So many prophets say, “I had a dream, and it repeated,” and so on. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that repeated, but not me. I’m not Pharaoh or Nebuchadnezzar, so I was astonished that I had the same dream twice.

Here’s the dream:

First, I heard the voice of Jesus as follows: “Not even you understand... In the dream, it seemed He wasn’t speaking to me personally, but to our Bible study group. He continued: much my people are hurting me with what they will do on October 27, 2012.” I was shocked in the dream... “Not even you, He repeated to me.” Then the infinitely sad voice continued... I can still remember how sorrowful He sounded. He said: “This day is not only My birthday (October 27, 2012), but also leads to the day when I did the following...” And then I saw Jesus in the dream, in the early evening twilight kneeling down by the form of Adam, still lifeless, and He bent over and blew the breath of life into his nostrils.

What? October 27, 2012, was not only the anniversary of Jesus' birthday, but also the anniversary of Adam’s creation, on the evening of the sixth day. After Adam received life, a few minutes or perhaps an hour later, the Sabbath began. He walked then with Jesus in the Garden of Eden.

This seemed impossible. 1:13:44

How can that be true? And how can we calculate it? We did that, placing the term for the first time as subtitle: " the great clock of time". You really should read it—I can’t fit everything into this video.

For those who haven’t read it yet, you must read it. And for those who have read it, you should reread it, because although it’s short, it’s very deep. So, we tried out to discover the truth about the date of Jesus' birth.

First, you need the year. That’s what this study covers. After an arduous journey (like Joseph's), after a certain autumn feast in a particular year, when you find the route he walked, you can determine how long it took. After the **Shemini Atzeret**, the last great day of the autumn feast, it took just **one day of travel** from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.

So, indeed, we can calculate it again astronomically. Just as we learned how to calculate God’s calendar to find the exact date of Jesus' crucifixion, we can calculate when, in a particular year, the autumn feast began. From there, we can determine the exact **last day of the feast**.

You then add a day and arrive at the **night of Jesus’ birth**. With this, you can determine both a **Gregorian** or **Jewish** date for His birth. You also then have two ways to celebrate His birthday—either a **Gregorian anniversary** or a **Jewish anniversary**.

Let’s say, for example, His birth occurred on the **night of October 26th to 27th** in a particular year. You could celebrate Christmas Eve every year from the evening of October 26th to the 27th. That would be a **solar anniversary**—I don’t want to say Gregorian, but you could do that.

Or, you could calculate **Jewish** and say that since **Shemini Atzeret** is on the **22nd of Tishri**, the seventh monesus’ birthday according to the Jewish calendath, you can calculate the travel time and arrive at Jesus' birthday. So, you could either celebrate every year from the evening of October 26th to October 27th or on the **24th day of Tishri**, which would be Jr. It’s that simple.

The Bible contains everything. You just need logical thinking and the correct astronomical calculations. Here is a quote I want to share with you from **Ellen White**, the great prophetess and messenger of God of the Adventist Church, given for all mankind:

“When the **great clock of time** pointed to that hour, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.”

Wait a minute—what **great clock of time** is she referring to? Here a prophet says there is a great clock of time pointing to the hour of Jesus' birth. Wow Is this symbolic? Is this allegorical? Or is there really a great clock of time?

When you understand that God is not only love but also **intrinsically time**, why wouldn’t He have a timepiece in the heavens for us to look up to? And this is exactly what we should do—indeed.

So, our idea after all these calculations was to check if Orion itself could be this great clock of time. Because we had already found the judgment cycle with a duration of 168 years, which lasted from 1846 to 2014. But could there be a longer cycle that points to Jesus’ birth? And if so, how long would that cycle be?

Using the same formula—**168 ticks by 24**, two times the covenant number—we calculated and arrived at the **cycle** I mentioned earlier: **4032 years** in duration. Now, knowing that Jesus was crucified in **31 AD**, se He was born in **5 BC** (since there is no year zero). Many scholars, including studies in the **Encyclopedia of the Adventist Church**, have verified that **5 BC** is the correct year for His birth.

You can calculate backwards (without accounting for the nonexistent year zero since we are working only with BC dates). This brings us to the **creation year**. This must be the creation of Adam, because I had the dream where it was revealed that the timing points not only to Jesus' birthday in **5 BC** but also to the creation of Adam.

This is the help of the Holy Spirit through dreams that were given to a Bible student who is eager to understand deeper truths. I wouldn’t have come to this conclusion on my own. It took a dream to help and to reveal the idea that **Adam 1** and **Adam 2** (Jesus) were born on the same day, 4032 years apart. I would never have thought of that on my own.

The next step (we did in that article and it is the only thing we now from creation) was to check whether **October 27, 4037 BC**—the proposed creation date—would fall at least on the correct **weekday**. Since God created man on the sixth day, and it was in the evening, this day must have been a **Friday**. So, we searched online for a **weekday calculator** capable of reaching back over 4000 years.

There are various tools that account for Gregorian and Julian date adjustments, but the weekly rhythm itself—despite all the changes made by Pope Gregory—has remained consistent. So, we calculated and we used this tool, input **October 27, 4037 BC**, and the result came back: **Friday**

The dream was proven correct, at least in this regard—it was indeed a Friday. The odds were **seven to one**, take any year, choose a day like October 27 and put it in... So it was the first confirmation of our study’s accuracy. Here we have some additional thoughts on this.

But in the next article we wrote, we explored where exactly the seven star pointers in the great Orion cycle point to—specifically, which years and events they correspond to in biblical history, particularly the distant past during Old Testament times.

I hope you’ll follow me for the next part. In that part, we’ll correct an error we made in our original calculation, and we’ll find a lot of further evidence supporting the **1406 BC** date for Israel's entry into Canaan, as well as the **70th Jubilee** beginning in **spring 2025**.

I’ll keep you posted. Have a very blessed Sabbath, and I’ll see you back next Sabbath if you want to learn more about the mysteries of our marvelous God. Be blessed

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