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The Eternal and Everlasting Covenant

Well, good morning once again. Happy High Sabbath today. This is the day of the Feast of Trumpets.

Last night we sighted the moon for the seventh Hebrew month, and so that makes today a High Sabbath of Trumpets. So, without any further ado, let's start with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time in the week that you have given every Sabbath day to set some time apart for you, and we appreciate that special day, this day, this Sabbath day of rest.

And our rest is in you, and we pray that you will be here with us and with each one watching. We pray that you will guide the discussion and that we will give the message with clarity, that it may be well understood by all of your people, because we live in very momentous times, times of decision, and we pray that you will invigorate your people, your church, and that they may come to a place where they are willing to make that decision, and that they may come to that place very quickly, because the time is very short. So, Father, we place these things at your feet, and we ask again for your presence, and please guide us as we speak your word today.

We pray this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.

Good morning also from my side on this very special day, and the content of our video is as special as this day. The title is the Eternal and Everlasting Covenant, and just so you know, today is not September 21st, but we received this message already on September 21st, and that's important. We will come to that soon.

Now, as Brother Ray already said, just to be clear which day it is today, because we need that for this entire month, this is a very important month, as you will see when we go through this sermon. It is a High Sabbath. We said it already.

You should already know this because you have surely read the series Full Moon at Gethsemane, parts one and two, and the following articles, which explain the true calendar of God. Here's a link, and then you will know that this is really the seventh month of this year. Now, when a ceremonial Sabbath or feast day falls on a seventh-day Sabbath, then it is a High Sabbath. This is when Jesus rested in the tomb.

Back then, this was the first day of unleavened bread. Therefore, a feast day fell on a Sabbath, and they were all worried and wanted to bring down the body of Jesus, so that it would not remain on that very special Sabbath at the cross. So, today we have the Feast of Trumpets, and when this first day of Tishri is already a High Sabbath, then automatically the first day of Tabernacles is a High Sabbath, and the last day of this feast season is a High Sabbath, Shemini Atzeret.

And by the way, we'll say it right now, when is the true Christmas? You may remember last year we had several sermons. I gave some lectures here, also in German, and we spoke about how the last Christmas on earth would have already been the one in 2023. Of course, at that time, we only knew that Alpha and Omega were signing in the heavens and that it would end earlier, but we didn't know at that time that also the Mu, the third person of the Godhead, signs the whole area in the heavens.

Therefore, and only because of this, this coming December will be the last December here on earth, and we want to make sure that you don't wait for that December, which is a wrong Christmas feast, but instead celebrate the one before—the correct one. And just so you know, it is two days after Shemini Atzeret. And as you’ve already heard in some videos from our brother John, this October 27th, the Gregorian date, is also valid in this case, because it is the October 27th to 28th, which is the real eve two days after Shemini Atzeret, the truly real Christmas.

Please keep this in mind and observe the true Christmas, because, as you know, there is a verse that says God will one day destroy the feasts of the heathens, the pagans, the wrong feasts. And this could very, very likely be this Christmas in December. Keep this in mind.

It's a very important time that starts from now. Here is a picture from yesterday, a very nice picture from our brother Ruben. Here's the new moon.

We saw it. If you don't believe us, we always look at Deborah’s Date Tree. These are very serious Jews who at least observe part of the rules to figure out when a new month starts.

As you see, at the beginning of this year, they looked for barley to see if it was aviv, which means ripe. They did not see it in March, which is good, because one rule is that the new moon for the new year must be after the spring equinox. So they did well.

They started the year in April. We did, too. And therefore, we have the seventh month.

They saw the moon yesterday evening, the 4th of October, which means the 5th of October is the real Feast of Trumpets. And therefore, they have the same dates. If you look here, as we have it here, they have the very same dates.

We just published yesterday The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee Year, Part 3. With this publication, this three-part series about the Great Orion Cycle and everything you need to know about the 70th Jubilee is complete and available. So, this is from our Telegram channel.

Here is the publication again, and we also published a special article. We will come to that. In that three-part series by our brother John, he explained more or less the whole 4,000 years from creation to the birth of Jesus, depicted in the Orion Clock in heaven with all the details.

And a key part was the covenant with Abram, who was later called Abraham, right? And this is the promise to Abraham. Maybe read it, Brother Ray, and then we’ll talk a little bit about it. Sure.

This comes from Genesis 15, verses 5 to 8. And he brought him forth, that is, God brought Abraham forth abroad and said, Look now toward heaven and tell the stars if thou be able to number them. And He said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness.

And He said unto him, I am the Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees to give thee this land to inherit it. And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? So, through this three-part series, you can already understand that what happened and began back then is now coming full circle, because at some point, this inheritance will be given to the people. It was a promise to Abraham, but at one point, it must be given to the children in faith, or in the faith of Abraham.

There was, of course, the Exodus. And then when they entered Canaan, this was, of course, the first literal fulfillment back then. But thereafter, many, many, many, many seeds came out of the faith of Abraham.

So, of course, this then refers to the heavenly Canaan. And one day it must be fulfilled too. So, please keep that in mind.

This promise here is now coming to fulfillment. And we will see that in this sermon. Please remember that.

This is a very important promise from God Himself. Brother John elaborated on it very deeply. Please, please watch this video series.

Take note that He directed Abraham to look up toward heaven. So, that's the true place of his inheritance. Yes.

From this last video, the third part, Brother John explained this time frame of 400 years and why it is actually 407 years. The great mystery of centuries that no one could solve until now—unless you have a revelation from God, an understanding of the oath of Jesus.

Now, I'll say it again. This is from the third video. I took a part out, and we are elaborating on it because there is a great fulfillment of this in our days.

Now, Genesis 15:13. This is the part. Please read it.

And He said unto Abraham, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them 400 years. This is the first point. We read about 400 years.

And when you watched Brother John’s video, the third part, then you know why it's not really 400 years. In this case, 400 years plus seven are 407 years. You will see them in the picture later—that this seven is important.

And if the whole world doesn't know how to explain an oath of Jesus, they will never solve (and they never could have solved) that gap in the whole time frame of the 4,000 years before Christ. Therefore, it's important to watch this video. Now, there are different oaths of Jesus.

One time He has one hand up, another time He has two hands up, and another time He has no hands up. In Abraham's case, there were no hands involved. Therefore, we don't have the additional two years.

Just remember that third part of Brother John's video series. But we want to bring you back from that whole context to this sermon. So, it's important that you keep that in mind. Now, the next part is where he explained a period of 26 years.

Please read this first. Sure. This comes from Genesis 15:9-10.

So, this is God's answer to Abraham's question of how he can be sure that he will receive that inheritance. And He said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she-goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle dove and a young pigeon. And he took all of these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against the other.

But the birds, divided he not. Sacrifices have meaning. We’ve known that for some time because out of the sacrifices, we got, for example, the portions of the Holy Spirit—the 372 days or portions, and other portions explained in other videos. Keep that in mind.

Whenever it is about sacrifices, they are shadows of things to come and have a deeper meaning. Now, we have here three animals. One animal, two animals, three animals, and all the animals have meaning.

They represent three years. So, we have three years, three years, three years, and three animals. That's 12.

And because these animals, the big ones, needed to be divided, this is a multiplication by two, which means 24. Remember the dream of Pharaoh—seven cows; a cow was a year. It's the same principle.

And then we have here this little turtle dove and this little pigeon. And we say here a "tick" and a "tick." Brother John explained it: a bit more on the left side, and it touched a bit more on the right side of those years.

Therefore, in total, you have 26 years, but the core time is 24 years, with a little bit on the left and a little bit on the right. Now, where are these years seen in the clock? That’s important.

Now, this table you already know; it’s used in the videos of Brother John. We are already looking at the Bellatrix point here, because you should know from the video that these 26 years were aligned there. This is an old picture we had in our article, and Brother John used it.

But let’s focus on this because this is simply the result of the three-part video series by Brother John. This is the final result of all the teaching. And I can just say it again, this is nice, but if you wouldn’t watch those videos, you wouldn’t have the explanation for it—the knowledge about it, right? So I zoom into this part here, because this is the part that is about Jacob. Bellatrix.

And as you see, we have here the 430 years in the prophecy, and also the 400 years plus the seven years because of the oath of Jesus to Abraham. And this gap here, this is the 26 years—24 in the core, plus a little bit used here and a little bit u sed there.

The Hebrew year doesn’t begin with the change of the Gregorian year, and therefore there’s always a few months on either side. Touched. Exactly.

And here also touched. And in Jewish thinking, it’s already counted—if it’s part of a year, it counts as the whole.

So, from here, from this Jacob part, these 26 years come from. Now, Abraham’s covenant. This covenant is the basis for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

You can read that everywhere. Of course, Abraham came before, and later, Ishmael came, right? And from Ishmael came the Islamic lineage, and later from Isaac came the Jewish lineage. But, as you know, the Jews still do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, except for the Messianic Jews. They do.

Now, this covenant is very much in the news at the moment and really under attack. It is torn apart and pulled around. Everyone wants to have a part of this covenant of Abraham because he was the father of all. Yeah, but you need to believe in Jesus. Now, you know about that picture in the Emirates, right? Each one of the religions has a prayer building.

You see here the different religious directions: the Christians, the Catholics, and then the Muslims. They are all here united. This is a very hot topic in the press at the moment—even to speak about it, because you could be banned if you speak against someone, right? To say that they do not accept Jesus.

But we know as Christians that it is the only name that can save. So Jacob did everything wrong, as you know from the threefold video series, but one time there must be an end to this wrongdoing and going into captivity. We want to come to the heavenly Canaan—to freedom—after this long walk on this earth, which is already very, very fallen and sinful.

What did Jacob do wrong? You know it. On the one side of this 24-year tick, he bought the birthright of Esau with the lentil soup, which was obviously very good. And on the other side, he lied to Isaac and said he was Esau.

So you know that, but just to keep it in mind, this is the two-fold wrongdoing, which then caused exile—first for Jacob himself, and then later, of course, for the whole tribe of Israel. Now, I wrote here, the SDA [Seventh-day Adventist Church] also did a lot of things wrong back then in 1888, and I think after watching this video series, you know what they neglected there. So, therefore, a new wilderness wandering for them also began and took place.

Now, in the covenant of Abraham, it was always written that after 400 years, or in your fourth generation, I will bring you back. Count from there, we are pretty much in the fourth generation. So it is time again to change something for the Lord, because He promised it.

Now, this is a very important part here. Can you remember, we had on the clock on the one side 162 years for Jared, and on the other side, we had the 120 years of Moses. We saw the fulfillment because both timeframes pointed to 2008—an endtime fulfillment of the whole thing.

But what we need to look for is also how it works with the 26 years. And this is the part for today. Therefore, we are looking at this marker where Jacob is especially mentioned. And again, remember, sacrifices are a shadow of something in the future.

Now, what happened on March 28, 1999? Brother John made a covenant, a commitment with God. We can calculate simply: 1999 plus 26 is what? It points to 2024, right now, where we are. Of course, we’re pointing to Yom Kippur because Yom Kippur is THE day in the year.

This is when the high priest went into the Most Holy to cleanse all the sins of the past year. It’s a very important day. Now, do the calculation a little more precisely.

1999 plus one year—remember, this is this one little dove on one side—plus 12 is 2011. And we count inclusively like the Jews. And I made here a mirror line..

From 2012 plus 12 is 2023 inclusive, plus a little dove, pigeon dove. We are in 2024. Right now, this entire time periode ends,or let me say, it ended yesterday.

Because with the Feast of Trumpets, with the seventh Tishri month, this part, the whole part here, is over. This time span is over. Now starts a new era in which many things will be fulfilled.

Last year, what happened in the last year of this period? What happened? Well, the sign of the Son of Man appeared. It's very interesting, right? At the end of the whole ministry of Brother John, God signs in heaven with Alpha and Omega, and even Mu, the entire work. Because as you know, Brother John and this little ministry mainly focused on Orion, and later on Horologium and Eridanus, with the deciphering of the HSL, the High Sabbath List.

And overall, God signs this work. Very interesting, I would say. So what is so special about the fall or autumn of 2024 and the entire year 2024 and 2025? Now, this picture comes from an article series we wrote, The Elijah Promise.

Again, as already mentioned in these last videos-we spoke about Malachi 4,-one time, the last Elijah will come. I think it’s already explained that back then, the Adventist Church was already successful in their early times when their gospel was right, but they fell. So then another Elijah comes afterward, which is Brother John.

It might be that he's not as successful, and therefore Jesus comes and will smite the earth with a curse. That's the point where we are at the moment. But nevertheless, he is the one, right? So, it is a very solemn topic we speak about today.

Let’s focus now on this covenant with Abraham back then, and how it will be fulfilled in our times after this 26-year period. This is a quote from Ellen White. We no longer need to introduce her, because it’s already done in a lot of videos. And to say it one more time, you cannot bypass the SDA Church, at least not its basic doctrines and the true prophetess, because without her and without that basic knowledge, as Brother John said, we wouldn’t have come to the great Orion Cycle, to all those fulfillments, to look up to Orion, and so on.

So she is a true prophet, and what she said must come to pass. And it gives many hints, right? Now, read that when you really have time and peace. Download the PowerPoint presentation because there this prophecy is available in written form. Perhaps then you can use the text better.

But what we want to say is the following: this prophecy gives us a timeline. I start here in the last lines. Then commenced the Jubilee, when the land should rest.

This was always announced on Yom Kippur. And if this year, this autumn, is the last autumn on earth—because you know the date when Jesus comes: June 2025 (you know it already)--then this is the last autumn feast season.

And as you know, from the earlier slides, in 10 days or in nine days counting inclusive, it is Yom Kippur. This is a very special day on which the shofar horn was sounded to announce the Jubilee year, which will start in the spring of 2025. In the time of trouble… Do we have a time of trouble? Everywhere World War, vaccination, whatever.

I don’t comment on it so clearly. Read it for yourself. There is someone entering houses with swords.

Do people come with maybe a needle, like a sword, to your house? Maybe, right? The important thing is this: this sentence gives us a time frame. The sun came up and the moon stood still.

Can you remember the last videos? The so-called lunar standstill, right? This is an astronomical event that happens every 18.6 years. That season starts in fall 2024 and spans the whole year of 2025. So, this part is just now beginning to fulfill.

It’s a time frame. It takes several months. Yes.


And it reaches a peak and then goes down over a whole year from now on. Do you see something? This happens AFTER this 26 years. If you want Jesus to come now, that’s fine.

If you don’t, then wait 18.6 years longer. But then you won’t have the Jubilee. And then it doesn’t fit. And the sun came up. Brother John already said it.

This is a solstice Ok, you have one in the wintertime, and you have one in the summertime.

But when the sun comes up, it is the summer solstice I just jumped ahead because I need that slide. Do forget that stuff. But look here.

The Moon’s major still stand. This is when the moon is up, and the sun is also up. Summer solstice.

Now we know this is always in June. Yeah. So look around in June.

Where is this moon? Where is the full moon in June? If you look, this is the 11th of June—full moon. And this is the week before when you already see Jesus coming, the week up to the 20th of June, 2025.

Therefore, this part here of the prophecy gives us a great frame, nailing the coming of Christ. Because if Ellen White is a true prophet, this should come to pass right now and not in 18.6 years. Here is the next part:

One clear place of settled glory, where the voice of God comes from like many waters. I want to say that Ellen White always said also that the Holy City and the voice of God come from the open space in Orion.

Do we look to Orion? You know that we just looked at the great Orion cycle. There is a settled place of glory. Of course, we know the story now.

Yeah, and the "many waters" of course refers to the physical land of Iguazu Falls: "many waters." Yes.

And the harps are playing, and the songs are being sung. The national instrument of Paraguay is also the harp. So it's very humbling for us to be here and give from here the last message to the world.

Right. So, people, please listen. And as God spoke the day and the hour of Jesus' coming:

For all those who don’t want to hear that—yes, God is doing that. Of course, He is doing that. He said that He will tell His prophets everything before He does it.

Amos 3:7. The sign of the Son of Man. You know it now. This is a timeline.

The mu makes a timeline. You know those things. God speaks the day and the hour of Jesus' coming. You are living in that message.

And what is He doing then? He delivered the everlasting covenant to His people. And now we are at the point that we expect right now. And the everlasting covenant is the covenant which began with Abraham as a promise.

But it must come to fulfillment, a full cycle. Therefore, we make this sermon about the covenant with Abraham. I like this sentence: He spoke one sentence and then paused while the words were rolling through the earth.

I want to ask you something. We publish a video each week from the word of God, from heaven, because Hebrews says: He speaks from heaven, and don’t despise Him. On Friday evening, He speaks, and then a week rolls through the world.

And then another video, and it rolls through the world. And another video, and it rolls through the world. And now I want to ask you, the Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed upwards, listening to the words as they came from the mouth of Jehovah.

And I would say these messages come from heaven. And then what do they shout at every sentence? Glory, hallelujah I want to ask, as you watched all those videos, did you say, Glory, hallelujah? It would be good, right? Because then it is a sign that you are His people, understanding His voice.

Then we have here this part: the face of Moses is shining when you live in that time and hear the message, when you are filled with that light. What happened? Moses received the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai. And interestingly, at that place, God Himself blew the shofar. Read it in Exodus 19:19.

And it was so loud that the people trembled. So, you know what we will do on Yom Kippur? This is a very solemn thing. Did Brother John speak a lot about Moses in this three-part video series? And therefore, we could count the 70th Jubilee up to 2025, right? Of course, this face is shining.

And then never-ending blessings were pronounced. I can just tell you, wait for the upcoming videos, because then you will hear the never-ending blessings, and you need seven of them. These are the never-ending blessings.

And then we have here the shout of victory over the beast and over its image. This is Revelation 15, when this great and marvelous sign was seen in heaven. They stood, the Bible says in Revelation 15:2, they stood there and they were victorious over the beast and over its image.

We spoke so much about the beast, the image, the number, and all of that. Are you part of those who are victorious? Wait for this upcoming video. And then we have the jubilee announcement in nine days.

This part comes from another book of Ellen White, here with just some additions to the other message from Ellen White mentioned earlier. It’s absolutely the same; therefore, I marked the same things. It was at midnight.

There are many midnights we have, because, of course, the light is growing, the understanding is growing. We had a midnight in March 2023 when the sign of the Son of Man began. Of course, we only knew about Alpha and Omega, but not Mu.

Now, can you remember in the—what was that video? The Crowning Comets, for example. E3 coming from the northern crown, going down to Horologium, and at midnight, places the crown, so to speak, at the 12 o’clock point in Horologium, which is midnight, February 2025. Don't you think at that time it will be very, very dark on Earth? I mean, really, with the events. You will see.

You will see. In the next videos, you will see. You can decide for yourself.

It’s just an idea. It’s just a hint. Be aware, times will not get better here on Earth.

Okay, we had already discussed that before. Just to have it here, you can read it with some additions. Also, an earthquake was mentioned there.

I will make a video, if there is time, about the earthquakes in Revelation. It's a very interesting topic, by the way. Yeah, what will happen on Yom Kippur 2024? I mean, this guy isn’t important, but this thing here is important.

This is the shofar we bought for that day. The shofar was delivered on September 19th, as Brother John deciphered the Abrahamic covenant, why this topic we now have in this sermon. Remember, two days later, we received it from Brother John, on the 21st of September, as I wrote at the beginning. And this covenant is part of the third video, which you’ve already seen.

Okay, we’ll get to that. We have a Lord's Supper, of course, because we want to be clean, most holy, and prepared for that day. We’ll come back to that.

Yeah, and here I have it again: delivery of the everlasting covenant. Please be aware, in these days here, maybe today, maybe in the coming days as you prepare yourself, God is doing that. God is doing that.

And the blasting of the shofar horn in nine days is, if you want, an assurance that the jubilee will come, that the slaves will be freed—we, here from this earth, of course. And I write it here to fulfill also what Ellen White said: "Glory, hallelujah." It's really important. It’s really, really a big, big thing.

It’s a unique day, a unique timeframe, a unique month. The last Yom Kippur, the last jubilee on earth. Yeah, I took this picture shortly before. This is our horn.

It’s that long. So, we created a YouTube live link because we want to fulfill what the Bible says. It says that we should blast the shofar horn, the jubilee horn, throughout the whole land.

And how do we do that? Yeah, we will go live for the first time ever. Pray that this works, that the link works, that everything works well. But we’ve written an article here, a short one. This is the title of this article: announcing the 70th jubilee.

It’s really short. Read it, and you’ll know what it’s about. Also, you get the link for YouTube. Let’s focus a little bit on these 26 years because they ended, let me say, just yesterday, if you want.

So, the clock, the Great Orion Clock, always shows the dates from fall to fall, from Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur. So, we mainly focused on the Bellatrix point with this Jacob part and his two sins. One is on the left side and one is on the right side. We have the birthright problem, and we have the lying to Isaac problem.

And of course, some weeks or days later, even fleeing to Laban, and on that way, the ladder dream. You know that. It is important: it is about the ladder dream. We’ve always had that in our old article, even Jacob's ladder, which is still correct on one side of the clock marker, still correct.

Now, the question is, what do we see in 2024? Yeah, we have here the wooden club of Orion. You know, many stories—end-time stories—are being fulfilled here in that area from different points of view. But here we have a ladder because K2 gives us the steps, and you need to see the ladder, otherwise you cannot ascend to heaven. Just to point it out, if you’re not familiar with it, there are pairs of stars that form this arm going up.

And so it actually is like the two sides of the ladder. Right. And then K2 is forming the rungs of the ladder. Right.

So this is as if we have three steps. It’s as if the Godhead, three persons, would say, Come up hither. Each one says, Come here, come up here. This is the place. This is the place.

We had several dreams about it too. I just want to mention it. This part here was also indicated with a ladder. So, our eyes are, of course, focused on the place, and then we see, "Oh yeah, it is true” And K2 is forming the steps.

Now: “equivalent to the great cycle…” Because from there we get these 26 years. Now, in 2024, we see the ladder. That’s important.

Jacob saw it, and we do too. So, the covenant will be fulfilled because since there are these three steps, we walk with K2, if you want, in faith. We walk up here, and you know what happens here. It is June there.

Didn’t it say that angels walked up and down this ladder? Isn’t K2 an angel? We know comets are angels—messengers. Of course, it is so. And therefore, you know, deliverance follows in 2025.

Remember Nimrod. He wanted to build a ladder too, a whole tower. He wanted to go up to heaven, but God did not allow that.

This is not the way you go up to heaven. You go up to heaven when He shows you the ladder. We will come back to that about the ladder.

We will read more about it. Now, something interesting. This is the famous 4th of June 2025, when the 372 portion ends, when the mu ends.

Now, who is above the ladder? Because we know from the dream of Jacob that Jesus was above the ladder. Who is above the ladder? Of course, it’s Jupiter. Jupiter is the king planet—a depiction of Jesus, clothed with kingly robes..

The king planet is up there. And what does this eye, this mysterious eye of Jupiter remind us of? Do you know that? Do you have an idea? Look, it’s very interesting because everyone knows it. Brother Ray, read that Bible verse, please.

Sure. Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

What eye? At the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Now, I'll just say it: Mr. Trump may become president again. "Trump" - "trump", you know. But "twinkling of an eye" is a good hint to Jupiter here, with that eye.

Now, we want to know: how long is the twinkling of Jesus, perhaps, right? Let’s see. This is now the 20th of June. You know, this is the day when Jesus stands before us, when the resurrection starts, and all those events on this day or these two days.

It doesn’t matter. If Jesus is in front of you, those two days in case doesn’t matter at all, right? So, who is now above the ladder? The sun is there. Jupiter passed, and the sun came.

Now, who is the sun? Of course, the "Sun of Righteousness," Jesus again, the bridegroom. And this gives a date.

You know that. I’ve shown you already. So, here from Genesis, we can read, please.

And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. Behold, the angels of God ascending and descending. This verse is from the section in the bible when Jacob had this dream, right? So, do you have the ladder here? You have Jesus above it.

You have the angels walking up and down. Now, most probably, these 15 days—the prophetic hour—is a twinkling for the Lord. By the way, we won’t spill the beans, but Revelation often mentions: I come quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly.

Wait for another video. You will know exactly how long "quickly" is for the Lord. Just stay tuned, as people say, right? Yes.

But it goes further. What is the name of the place where the dream was set, where it happened? And he was afraid and said, How dreadful is this place This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.

Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel. But the name of that city was called Luz at first.

Remember, we had a video recently where we showed you that here is Gilgal, the last day of Elijah and Elisha. Here, Gilgal. Here, Bethel.

Here, Jericho. And here, the Jordan; going over the Jordan. Now, guess what? Where was K2 when God revealed this knowledge on September 20/21? Here.

What was the place called? Bethel. Now, do you see how these 26 years, and how this ladder and how this dream are fulfilling right now in our time? Do you see that? The house of God, Bethel, was here. And then here we have the gate of heaven mentioned.

If you speak about the gate to heaven, this points to a rapture point, of course. The whole theme is about the rapture. You have to go up this ladder through the gate to heaven.

Now, you know where this thing is—up here. And here’s Jesus waiting for you.

Come up here. Right. And you have a timeframe again, a timeline.

God is proclaiming the time. Amen. Some words from Ellen White about the ladder:

Very interesting. Maybe you could read it. Truth is an active working principle, molding heart and life so that there is a constant upward movement, climbing the ladder Jacob saw to the Lord above the ladder.

In every step of climbing, the will is obtaining a new spring of action. The glory of God revealed above the ladder can be appreciated only by the progressive climber who is ever attracted higher to nobler aims that Christ reveals. All the faculties of mind and body must be enlisted.

So, it is very crucial not to fall down in this last moment. As this quote says, you have to climb up in faith, stronger and stronger and stronger. And God is waiting above.

That’s all that is written here. And you see it here. Another quote:

The mystic ladder revealed to Jacob in his dream, the base of it resting upon the earth and the topmost round reaching to the highest heavens, God himself above it and His glory shining upon every round, is a symbol of the ladder of faith. Christ is the ladder. By faith in Him, the soul climbs step by step, reaching heaven.

Christ is at the upper end of the ladder, and the base of it rests upon the earth. I just want to emphasize it again. Orion is one of the biggest and most prominent constellations in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

Almost everywhere you can see Orion and the clock of God. So, to deny that, to deny the entire message, the entire meaning of this clock in all its depths and variants, is almost criminal. You understand? Jesus is the ladder.

Of course, Orion is also a depiction of Jesus. This is from a prophetess. Read and compare, what you see.

And I just want to point out, how else can you have Jesus being the ladder and also being at the top of the ladder? Because He is represented in one symbol as Orion and also in the other one, even at different times, with Jupiter and the sun. So, this quote is long, we won’t read it all. First, in Eden, the Godhead came down and walked with Adam in Eden.

The Deity passed up and down using this ladder from heaven to earth. But then, of course, sin came, right? So, what’s the point? What is the remedy to this broken ladder? The Son of God, the sinless one, perfect in obedience, becomes the channel through which the lost communion may be renewed. The way through which the lost paradise may be regained.

We want to go to paradise, and we can only come to paradise through Him. Now we are at a very important point: justification by faith, righteousness by faith. You need to believe in the name of Jesus Christ—that He was the Son of God, came down, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died sinless, rose, ascended to the Father, and received all the honor back, right? This is Jesus Christ, and then He went into the holy place for about 2,000 years, up to 1844, and then He went into the most holy place for the last heavenly Yom Kippur.

And we are back to righteousness or justification by faith. This is something Luther knew, and remember from the last videos why the whole effort back then during the great Reformation ultimately failed? It was because of the Sabbath.

Remember that. It’s the fourth commandment. Why should nine commandments be valid and one not? That doesn’t work.

Of course, of course. So this is the high priest in heaven interceding for us. This is the only name.

He is the ladder, and it is depicted in Orion. Therefore, the whole Orion message is of the utmost importance to understand what’s going on up there in heaven—how these verses in the Bible and how these prophecies from a messenger are seen in heaven.

It all strengthens your faith. And just like Orion is the ladder, Jesus is the ladder, and He’s at the top of the ladder—so it is with our experience. Jesus is both the way, and to Abraham, He said, I am your exceeding great reward.

That restoration of communion to be with Him. He is our reward. So He’s both the way, the ladder, and the reward at the end of the ladder.

Amen. This is the way. Amen.

Here it is. Christ is the ladder. This is the ladder, the base of it resting upon the earth where we can reach it.

The top reaching to the highest heavens. Now, how is this shown? Look, I used this picture here, but I want to point to the oath of Jesus. You heard about the different ones in the three-part series. There are different oaths, but Jesus is standing and reaching with either one hand or both hands up to heaven, depending on whether it’s Revelation 10 or Daniel 12.

It doesn’t matter. He stands on earth and reaches up with His hands to heaven. And this is also depicted in the oath, and the great Orion cycle was THE oath of Daniel 12 with Jared and Moses and Jesus above the sea of glass, the river Eridanus.

Right. So, as the ladder stretched from earth [please continue], reaching to the highest heavens and the glory of God was seen above the ladder, so Christ, in His divine nature, reached immensity and was one with the Father. As the ladder through its top penetrated into heaven, with its base upon the earth, so Christ, though He was God, clothed His divinity with humanity and was in the world, found in fashion as a man. The ladder would be useless if it did not rest on the earth or if it did not reach the heavens.

Now, the covenant of Abraham. Everyone claims it—the Jews want it, the Christians want it, and the Muslims want it. Now really, who claims it? Who has the ladder? Who has the ladder? Who says Jesus is the one? Islam does not, as we know.

Jews? Only a part of the Jews do—the Messianic Jews—but not the rest. They are still waiting for the Messiah. And the Christians? Yeah, they say so.

But, as you heard in the last videos, you know that in 1844 to 1846, many, many, many people did not follow through. Yes, some kept the Sabbath, but they didn’t have the teaching about what happened in heaven. Jesus went from the holy place to the most holy place.

So they stayed in the holy place, but they didn’t follow the Lamb in faith into the most holy place. It’s bad. That’s why it’s so important to make the decision.

Don’t wait until some future time that you don’t know will actually come. Make the decision now based on the evidence you’ve been given now instead of demanding more and more and more. There’s always more evidence you could desire, but make the decision based on the evidence you have, which is sufficient—more than sufficient. And then use your faith to span the gap of knowledge, that’s the right way.

Yes. Here are some nice details—really, really nice details. Please read this part here: And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away.

And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. So there is a parallel, right? Because Jacob had a dream, and Abraham fell into a deep sleep, and we have here this 26 years again. Always remember these timeframes, always coming from this 26-year gap at Bellatrix.

Now, in the following verses after this, Abraham saw the 26 years, and it ended with Jacob's ladder dream when he had his vision. So, at the beginning, where the timeframe starts, Abraham had this dream, and at the end of the 26th year, Jacob had his dream of the ladder. But there is much more here. What are these birds?

Now, in our present fulfillment, of course, you should already know that this fourth angel's message—the message of this ministry—was first meant to be given to the Adventist Church, not just in our time but also back in 1888. And in 1888, those birds came and didn’t want to hear anything about the beginning of the fourth angel’s message, which is nothing other than righteousness by faith through keeping all the commandments and getting rid of all the rules that are not salvational. This is what Waggoner and Jones gave.

Remember the video from Brother John. So, turning away from legalism and the focus on all those things to faith in Christ, through whom we are able to be obedient.

Right. And then how did it end? Back then, Philadelphia was the pure church in 1846, but it became Laodicea. So, they did not want to accept this message of the fourth angel.

They didn’t want God to ratify His covenant back then. And they succeeded in this, right? Because we are still here. But now we are in the last times, and it should not be so anymore.

Now, remember the fourth generation, as it was said in this covenant with Abraham, "in the fourth generation." There were many pagan tribes in Canaan. And God said, “no, no, 407 years must first pass because the iniquity in that land is not yet full.” There were a lot of tribes doing everything wrong, but it wasn’t enough.

And so it is also today. In 1888, there were still good people, but the iniquity was not completely full. But now it is full. Do you understand? It is very interesting.

Do you see the final completion of the entire Abrahamic covenant with the burning lamp? This is the quote then, please: And it came to pass that when the sun went down and it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. Now, of course, this is Jesus. This is God who ratified this covenant—He went through these carcass halves.

Now, I just want to say that this comes from Revelation 1:14, where the depiction of Jesus is that His eyes are like a flame of fire and His feet are like fine brass, as if they were burned in a furnace. This is just a part of the description of the Lord, nothing else. He goes through.

Now, this burning lamp, this comes from the Strong’s—it is even a torch. Now, I know a depiction of Jesus in heaven, in Orion, having something like a wooden piece in His hand. And I also see a fire, if you want, lighting up this piece, making it a torch. Yes, making it a torch. Of course, it’s Jesus Christ going through.

And this is, by the way, the 20th of June, 2025. Now, do you see that the Lord will keep His word? Do you see that the promise to Abraham is now coming to completion, to fulfillment? Not at any other time, but now. It’s coming to completion with the understanding of the 26-year timeframe, with the Jubilee, with the last Yom Kippur, with the ladder.

There is plenty of evidence—a mountain of evidence. I don’t know how much evidence people still need in order to decide, even evidence for the Sabbath, to have a pure, white gospel. This is a heart problem.

Therefore, Enoch walked with God. I really can imagine. The guy was simply a good man. He knew what was right, and he did it. The law was written in his heart. Right. And that’s what God wants from us. Right. And those are the people. Those are the people who will receive the covenant.

Now, this is something nice. I found it yesterday, and it’s really nice. Please read this part of the covenant first.

Sure. “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:”

Now, of course, this was fulfilled when Joshua brought the people into Canaan. We know that in 1406 BC, we have the date clear now, but it was not completely fulfilled at that time because, as you know, the tribes of Israel never reached the Euphrates during Joshua’s time.

So, I googled a little because I wanted to find a nice picture, but I couldn’t find one. And then I suddenly found one, and I thought, what’s this? And if you google it, this is the name—the so-called Greater Israel. Now, there are people who draw maps about that.

It’s a great discussion because they want to know how big Israel was, right? But what’s very interesting is that the so-called Greater Israel is simply the kingdom of Israel at its largest extent during the reign of David.

I didn’t know that, but obviously, this year, David’s kingdom, and this year is only Solomon’s kingdom, but this was David’s kingdom. It reached up to the Euphrates. The point is, and I like it, that David, King David, is a picture of Jesus Christ, as we know.

And when it is said that this is the Greater Israel topic, then wait, I will show you the Greater Israel in the end-time fulfillment. It’s nice that the largest extent of Israel was under King David, and it reached those borders. That’s very nice.

Before I go to the next slide, count the pagan tribes. There are ten pagan tribes. They did not keep the commandments of God. And remember, their iniquity was not full when Abraham had the covenant, but after 407 years, their iniquity was full.

Where are the enemy's birds? Where is the Euphrates? Now, friends, you know it, of course—the Euphrates is Mu. And it begins here with Phaeton up to here. This is Mu.

On the other side, toward Egypt, what is that river called here? And what is the church called here? This is the Laodicean church, the SDA church, which is spit out. Now, you have here the river Euphrates, and you have here this wadi [a seasonal river] or whatever it is toward Egypt.

Where are the birds? Right next to Laodicea is the phoenix, rising out of the ash. There is the phoenix, the toucan. Here's another one, and here's another one. Do you see that in heaven? Now, what is the heavenly inheritance? Do you know what’s there? Do you know what’s there? Can you remember? We have here in the sign of the Son of Man all the tribes.

We found them. We made articles about it and videos about it. We have here the east, south, west, and north tribes.

This even forms the pyramid of the holy city described in Revelation 21 and 22. By the way, read The Mystery of the Holy City, part three. There we wrote about the inheritance. I looked it up yesterday, and this is already, I think you would agree, the Greater Israel, right? Amen

And if you go and read in The Mystery of the Holy City, part three, then you will even read where the inheritance of these 12 tribes is in reality—in the Milky Way, the real Greater Israel. Amen. I hope that you really go to that article.

It’s very nice. It’s always impressed me how beautiful it is because God takes the heavens and divides it up into plots of land, essentially. That’s what each constellation is.

It’s like a plot of land, and there is the heavenly Israel with its 12 plots of land, one for each of the tribes. Right, and this is all in the sign of the Son of Man. Amen.

Okay, the Greater Israel in heaven this time. Now, I spoke of the 10 pagan tribes that were once in Canaan. We also, through textual alignments, figured out that the 10 commandments on the two tablets of stone are depicted in the sign of the Son of Man.

Yeah, because if the pagans are no longer there like it was in the time of Joshua, and the Lord went before Joshua and helped him drive them out, then the Israel that kept the 10 commandments could inherit the land. Now, we know a lot of bad things have happened since then, but we want to have the pure white gospel again. Amen.

We want to come back to the first love, Ephesus, and so on. Therefore, keep all 10 commandments with all your heart. Go to the Sabbath—coming back to the first love. If you remember, we have the church of Ephesus represented here. Right. Where Jesus said, You have lost your first love. And coming back from Laodicea all the way to Ephesus, and then one more step to the first love—that is the fourth commandment, represented in that same place: Jesus in the person of time in the Horologium.

Amen. So, Abraham's faith—we know those verses…. “…because of his faith, he was counted righteous.” Because he believed, he was counted righteous. By faith, Abraham left his homeland.

He was called out, and he went, not knowing where to go. Brother John left his homeland and went where God called him to go—to the land where the voice is like thunder, where many waters flow, and where the harps are playing. I mean, we did the same here, and I’ve heard some others followed a similar call, because when we speak with people, they say, "Oh, the Lord showed me this and that, but He brought us here.” And then we can tell them why they are here. But they did the same—they went, and they left their homeland.

They sold everything, and so on. Okay, but there’s more. There’s more.

For example, Ellen White was shown three steps—the first, second, and third angels' messages. Now, what is this? This (first angel) is the message of Miller in 1843. Then came Samuel Snow (second angel), who helped him out to calculate correctly.

They came to 1844. The third angel's message, pointing to Ellen White and the Adventist Church, hereafter proclaiming the third angel's message, which is nothing other than, "Don’t take the mark of the beast," which is Sunday. So, don’t do that. Keep the Sabbath, the pure white gospel.

She says there were three steps, and these were a solid, immovable platform. So don’t put away the Sabbath. It’s an immovable platform. Now, the interesting thing is, we have three steps.

Can you remember them being shown up there? Can you remember? Now, Waggoner and Jones are mentioned here in this quote. You should know them from the last video series. The first set of end-time witnesses came to that church, wanting to give the fourth angel's message.

This is justification through faith in obedience to all the commandments of God. Fine. So, with Waggoner and Jones was the beginning of the fourth angel's message, but the fourth angel's message is the fulfillment of the covenant with Abraham.

Of course, God wanted to give it back then in 1888, but they didn’t want it. Okay, fine. And now we’re here with the last chance. So therefore, I wrote here under quotes because I didn't want to change the Bible: "Will I find the faith like Abraham to deliver the everlasting covenant?" Do you have that faith that God can make the bow from the promise to the fulfillment? Now, the important thing is that it is prophesied that this angel is the angel who comes after the three angels.

This is the fourth angel in Revelation 18:1-3. As you know from the videos, this movement, specifically Brother John, represents the fourth angel. This angel reveals all the corruptions that have entered all the churches since 1844 until now—everything that has gone wrong since the message was first given in 1844.

And it is prophesied that this third angel and the fourth angel will unite. These announcements, uniting with the third angel's message, constitute the final warning to be given to the inhabitants of the earth. This is what’s happening since we’re working, but especially right now, because in nine days we have the last Yom Kippur.

So, what we know now is the uniting of these two angels—the prophesied ones—and it’s the final warning. Yes, of course, because if you know all these things and you always negated them, one time it will be too late. Do we see that? Yes, we see that because we already explained that this comet A3 is currently lighting up the heavens and enlightening the earth with its glory—with the shining of a comet. It is visible in the heavens right now.

This is a picture from a website, but I have another one. We also saw it here. So, from September 17th onward, it was already visible. A person saw it.

We had written something about September 20th on, of course, not knowing exactly beforehand. A bright comet is approaching the earth. The press is full of it. This is a visible depiction of this angel in Revelation 18:1-3. This was also the day when the comet first lit up, when Brother John updated the second part of the Jubilee series after the Lord gave understanding about the Bellatrix marker. And today we’re just talking about the 24 years plus the tick-tick of the Bellatrix marker. Where did the comet light up? Yeah, you know it.

Okay, first our picture from here. So, this is our field in the morning, I think around five in the morning. Here’s the comet.

This is a little more zoomed in. This is an original picture from us here. Brother Ruben took it.

So, where did this comet light up? Where was it? In the Sextant. This picture here comes from the video The Angels of the Apocalypse, I think. Watch it, and it shows the comet moving on a path toward Virgo.

This is interesting. It’s also from that same video. Now, of course, this is internal knowledge, but we’ve had a lot of dreams, as you know, and at one time, Brother John was seen as the man with the sextant.

Therefore, it’s so interesting for us when a comet lights up in the Sextant, because we know it’s a fulfillment of a dream. And I wrote here that this man (John) represents the fourth angel, as you know from the video. But don’t be scared, because all the other angels are simply people fulfilling their duties, showing what they are doing and how they fulfill prophecy. Remember, the word angel means messenger.

Messenger. So, I told you, Miller was the first angel, Samuel Snow the second angel, Ellen White and the SDA church were the third angel, and Brother John and this little movement are the fourth angel. That’s it.

But you know that already from the video series. So, as we’re moving toward Virgo, to “Spica”, this signifies the harvest—the last harvest. And now the following is very interesting.

Brother Ray, read it, please: The message of the angel following the third is now to be given to all parts of the world. It is to be the harvest message, and the whole earth will be lighted with the glory of God.

The message of the angel following the third. Three plus one is four. The fourth angel—this one here. Specifically, this one in Revelation 18. Yes, that’s what it’s talking about.

So, this is the harvest message, enlightening the earth with the whole glory of God. Do you see now? While this comet, which represents this messenger and this movement, is seen in the heavens and is enlightening the earth with the glory of God, all these videos are being produced.

All these final, great understandings are being produced and published, and some are yet to come. Therefore, this last video series and the ones that follow it ARE the harvest message. This is clearly what Ellen White saw.

Is that clear? So, don’t despise it. Right. By the way, regarding the harvest texts in Revelation 14:14-20, there will be a video about them.

You will see those harvest texts in the heavens in the near future, maybe in a few weeks.

Now, of course, here is a picture from the Angels of Apocalypse video again. We have the sun in Spica directly, and this is the message and the task that we still have. Daniel 12:3: There are wise that shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.

Of course, they have knowledge about the word of God from heaven, and they may still turn many to righteousness, because the fourth angel’s message is the message of righteousness by faith under the premise of keeping all the commandments. Now, do you understand why these 26 years of this movement, of Brother John’s work—the work of the fourth angel—are so important? Do you see how it is fulfilled in this ministry? Did you see the ladder? Can you grasp now the importance of this upcoming Yom Kippur? It’s time for the deliverance of the everlasting covenant. God is looking into your heart, and He wants to give it to you. Amen.

So, use this time to prepare. Think about these unique moments. Again, this is the short article we wrote. Please read it. There you will also find this information and this link. Now, let’s explain one more time.

We have a Lord's Supper. This is written anyway. The people have already seen the article for a week. BThis video we’ll be publishing earliest this coming Friday. So again, prepare for this Lord's Supper after sunset on October 13. This is the evening before Yom Kippur day.

Here in Paraguay, we will have the Lord’s Supper at 7 p.m., and then at 8 p.m. we will go live on YouTube. This is the link to it because we also want you to hear the original sound of the shofar with the right mindset.

The 70th Jubilee, the last one here on earth, will come in the spring of 2025. So please partake. Please pray for us. It’s a very important day.

Here is a picture from the YouTube live link. This is what you will see. So, you can click this button to be notified.

Check it out. This is what you will see. Please prepare. Use this time. Look up. God is speaking from heaven. It rolls through the earth. Another video. It rolls through the earth. Glory, hallelujah, is all I can say. And this is how we end this presentation. Praise be the Lord. Hallelujah Maranatha. Because we know that the Lord is approaching quickly, very quickly, right? Very quickly.

Yes. All right, let’s stand for a word of prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, indeed we give you our praise for the marvelous things that you have shown. You really are speaking from heaven, and we hear your voice. It’s a surreal experience as we see the prophecies that we’ve read, studied, and believed for so many years now coming to pass. It’s really true.

You are indeed speaking. You are announcing your arrival to your people first, but ultimately, even the wicked will recognize that you are coming. But we don’t want anyone to be in that camp, because you have given plenty of opportunities to place our faith in you, to love your law, and to receive your character in our hearts.

And we pray for all of those who have yet to make that firm decision to choose you. Our hope is only in Christ—that with you living in us by faith, because we believe in the sacrifice you made—that your life may be ours. And so, it is that you make it possible for us to bear good fruit, to be obedient, to have your law in our hearts.

We just thank you for that precious gift. We praise your name for your marvelous works in our lives. Nothing is impossible with you, even the salvation of the most wicked and stubborn among the people of earth.

You are able to save to the uttermost, and we praise your name for that precious treasure, for giving your Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our stead. We look forward to what the coming time brings because with you, there is nothing to fear. We love you, Father, and we thank you for all that you have done and for speaking, even in these last days.

May your voice be heard far and wide. This is our prayer, which we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, and in His new name, Alnitak of Orion. Amen. Amen.

Thank you, and be sure to join us when you see this. It’ll be just a day or two, at most.

We look forward to seeing you there. And until then, have a good time with the Lord. Amen.


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