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The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 3

Happy Sabbath, dear friends around the world. I’m glad you're here on this Sabbath when this video will be published. In my time, today is Tuesday, September 10th, and I’ve begun recording this third—and, I believe, final—part of the Great Orion Cycle video series with the 70th Jubilee.


This is the perfect calculation leading to the year 2025, marking the 70th Jubilee and the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds. I believe these are the final messages I’m sharing with the very few believers who have followed this movement since 2010, when the Orion study was first published. In this third part, we’ll tie many things together.


To do that, we’re still missing one timeline, one pointer of the Great Orion Cycle. I promised you in the last video to show you the never-before-found left throne line, what it points to, and how we can use the timeframe we get from it. You’ll recall that the right throne line gave us the limelight—a 24-year period defined by both pointers, the Alnitak-Mintaka and the Alnitak-Alnilam pointers. In this limelight, within the narrowest segment of the 24-year period, we find the birth of Moses.


This follows traditional teachings and literal backward counting from 677 B.C., the captivity of Manasseh timeline. We solved the problem with the incorrect 4004 B.C. creation date calculated by Bishop Ussher, correcting it to 4037 B.C. by looking up. Now, let’s simply observe Orion and calculate from there to find out, what is the left throne line pointing to.


As you can see in the original image from the article "Seven Steps to Eternity," we were missing the left throne lines. These lines can be prolonged through Alnitak and would give us an area on the clock face by the clock marker itself. We couldn’t find anything before because this time period, between creation and the flood, relates mostly to the genealogy in Genesis 5. There are many people mentioned there, but few are prominent in our understanding.


I can’t recall exactly what we found in 2013 when we studied that in 2012/13, but I think we didn’t find it significant. As I’ve said, Orion or the Great Orion Cycle seems to function as a sort of birthday clock, with genealogies providing the birth dates of certain patriarchs and important figures in God’s plan at that time. Pastor Ray did the very precise calculations you saw in the last part, and now we must focus on the left throne lines, corresponding to the dates of the Alnitak-Mintaka and Alnitak-Alnilam lines.


These lines span from 3581 to 3509 B.C., so we need to find in the genealogy who was born during this time. What do this throne lines point to in this range of dates? Doing the calculations—or asking ChatGPT, as I did—you'll find that this line points to Jared’s birth, the father of Enoch.


This is an interesting date, and I first want to verify this and show you how it’s calculated. Here, I asked ChatGPT to trace the timeline from creation, assuming the creation date of 4037 B.C. You can pause the video and examine the timeline leading up to Jared, the father of Enoch. Genesis 5:15 clearly states that Jared’s father, Mahalalel, was 65 years old when Jared was born.


That places Jared’s birth in 3577 B.C. This is the only year that fits into the left throne line timeframe, comparing it with the lives of Mahalalel and Enoch. Here’s the relevant time frame: Jared’s birth in 3577 B.C. falls between the earlier boundary of 3581 B.C. and the later boundary of 3557 B.C. It fits within the limelight of the Alnitak-Mintaka line, within the throne lines of course, but more toward Mintaka.


This is significant because the Alnitak-Mintaka line is closely associated with the Holy Spirit. Mintaka is the throne of the Holy Spirit, or "M," the "Mu" we discussed in connection with the sign of the Son of Man—the final signature of the Holy Spirit in the last 372 days. When something aligns with the Mintaka line, it relates to the Holy Spirit, making this a very important and sacred line.


But why Jared? What significance does he hold, being relatively unknown to most Christians? It is genealogy, he’s mainly known as the father of Enoch, and does this make him important?


At least, we can say this: Jared must have been a very holy man because, as we often see, children resemble their parents. Jared must have been a good father, which led Enoch to walk with God for 300 years before being taken to heaven without tasting death. If the left throne line had pointed directly to Enoch, we would have seen immediately a clear parallel between Moses—who represents those who must die before entering the heavenly Canaan—and Enoch, the first human taken to heaven without seeing death.


Thus, the throne lines would point to exactly these two representatives of two important parts of the human family in the bible: those who go to heaven without seeing death and those who experience death before going to heaven. But the line does not point to Enoch, but to his father, Jared. This is a mystery: why the father?


Now, with the second throne line pointing directly to Moses’ birth, we can understand that these throne lines highlight specific timeframes, which, as we’ll see in this video, are very important and significant for our time. What timeframe does Moses’ birth point to? The answer is simple.


When Moses was born, he wasn’t a liberator yet—just as Jared wasn’t part of the group destined to be raptured without seeing death. But Moses was like a father to the generation that, 120 years later, would finally enter Canaan after years of wandering in the desert. Similarly, Jared gives us something like a waiting period.


We can read on in the biblical text and see this waiting period. I believe, and we will see that it is true, that this waiting period for the generation that will enter heaven without seeing death is given to us here in this Old Testament context. We learn that Enoch was born when Jared was 162 years old. 10:23

This is Genesis 5:18. So, from the birth of Jared to the birth of a generation represented here by Enoch, who would ascend to heaven without seeing death, we had to wait—or would have to wait—162 years. Now, remember that Enoch was not taken directly to heaven when he was born, of course. No, he lived quite a while walking with God.


Enoch had sons and walked with God for 300 years. He spent a significant amount of time on earth, demonstrating his faith and showing that he was truly living in communion with God.


I see Enoch as a type or symbol for the 144,000 who will ascend to heaven without seeing death. So, we would have to wait a certain time until they would appear in the records of history, both in heaven and in the Christian era. And we will discover the time frame for this.


From the Moses pointer—from his birth until the Israelites entered Canaan—we get a waiting period of 120 years for those who will see death. Moses died at the age of 120 in 1406 B.C., which is also when the Israelites finally entered Canaan. This is where the 70 Jubilee count begins, leading up to the year 2025.


On the other side of the throne line, the left throne line, we have Jared's birth, which points to another waiting period of 162 years before the generation of those who will ascend to heaven without seeing death, the 144,000, would appear. Moses is the father of those who see death, while Jared is the father of those who will not see death. Both have their respective prophetic time frames: 120 years for Moses, and 162 years for Jared.


Where would we place these years in the prophetic time frame? In Orion, of course. The first cycle I ever discovered was the cycle of the judgment of the dead.


Moses, the father of those who must die, connects us to the judgment of the dead, where all will be judged up until the fifth seal, when the dead under the altar are told that their judgment is complete. White robes are given to them, but they are told to wait a little longer until their number is fulfilled. Even though the judgment of the dead is over, it points to a waiting period. We’ve already analyzed in other studies that this waiting period spans from 2014 to the present, marking the judgment of the living.


On the other hand, the judgment cycle of Orion began in 1846, when a purified church, keeping all of God's commandments—including the fourth, keeping the Sabbath—was again present on the earth. The judgment itself, according to Miller's interpretation of Daniel 8:14 with the 2,300 evenings and mornings, pointed to the year 1844. But in 1844, there wasn’t yet a purified church on earth.


In the years following 1844, particularly in 1845-remember one of the last videos of the Paraguay team-, the first Protestants began keeping the Sabbath. This message reached James and Ellen G. White in 1846, and they too began to observe the Sabbath. This marked the opening of the first seal—the white horse rider—where a purified gospel would go out again, victorious, and achieve victory on earth.


So, our 168-year judgment cycle begins here. Now, it would be very interesting to calculate the waiting time of 162 years, as it is close to the 168-year time frame that we discovered for the judgment of the dead cycle. So, we do the calculation—and it’s a simple one.


You take the start of the Orion judgment cycle and add 162 years, which brings you to the year 2008. Something very significant happened in that year. It was in 2008 that I deciphered the oath of the man over the river in Daniel 12.


We need to explore this together so you can see how important it was. Without the deciphering of this vision of the oath, the Orion cycle would never have been discovered—not the judgment cycle, nor the Great Orion Cycle.


This number, 168, is extremely important. It is Jesus Himself who stands over the river and swears an oath to two witnesses. This is very significant. 17:10

So, the year 2008 was indeed this breakthrough. And I believe I can say with full clarity that 2008 was the "birthday" of the Orion message. Without this significant discovery, the Orion message would not have been made public in 2010. It would have been completely impossible.


Another important date in Adventist history is the 1888 Minneapolis Conference. At this conference, two elders—two preachers of the Adventist Church—were sent by God with a special message for the Adventist people. This message is commonly known as "righteousness by faith" or "justification by faith." But it’s not as simple as that. There was more to their message.


They warned about a certain fanaticism within the church—such as believing that only the church saves, or that following the health message or not eating flesh can save. The truth is, only Jesus Christ can save. Faith, a faithful life, living without sin, and accepting Jesus as your sacrifice—taking Him as your "medicine"—is what saves. You need Jesus Christ; there is no other name given.


At that time, the Adventists were drifting in the wrong direction. This became painfully clear in 1888, during the General Conference, because the message of these two witnesses was totally rejected. Ellen White, the prophetess or messenger of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was deeply saddened by this terrible rejection from the church leaders. This led to many sorrowful statements from Ellen White in later years.


In one of her statements, she explicitly said that the Adventist people could have entered heaven two years after 1888 if Waggoner and Jones' message had been accepted. But because the message was rejected, the Adventists would have to wander in the wilderness again, just as the Israelites did. She never specified that it would be 40 years; she simply said it would be a new wilderness wandering.


Ellen White called Waggoner and Jones' message the first attempt by God to give the church the light of the fourth angel from Revelation 18:1. They came with the message of the fourth angel to comfort and enlighten the church during their final years on earth. But the church wouldn’t listen. Ellen White compared Waggoner and Jones to the two witnesses who were sent to spy out the land of Canaan and report if it was good, but their report wasn’t believed. Thus, another long wilderness wandering began for the church, and Ellen White knew it.


From that point on, her tone changed in her prophecies. Her expectation of Christ’s near return in the clouds faded. She started speaking of many more years to come—and we can confirm that, as we are still here, right?


Very early, when I first began presenting the Orion message, I experienced the same rejection that Waggoner and Jones had faced in 1888. By 2010, I already realized that the light I had received from God regarding the Orion cycles was connected to the fourth angel’s message. And over the many years since 2010, while publicly sharing this message, I’ve experienced firsthand that diet cannot save us. A diet was necessary in the wilderness wandering, like manna came down from heaven, which the Israelites were complaining about, but it was preparing them to develop a kind of open heart to follow God’s will and to learn how to study the way God wants them to study.


In our journey we experienced that, and we too have become more open during the years, just as the apostles became more liberal in their approach. In the end, the apostles had only three rules for the pagans converting to Christianity. Similarly, we lifted certain rules, choosing not to place unnecessary burdens on the church. In this way, our message is very comparable to that of Waggoner and Jones, who sought to remove fanaticism from the church so it could have a broader impact on Christianity.


Now, let’s calculate the 120-year period. We start from 1888, the first attempt by Jesus Christ to give the Adventist Church the message of Revelation 18:1—the message of the other angel (the fourth angel), who would illuminate the entire earth. Adding another waiting time of 120 years-until this message would brings us to the year 2008 again


Now, coming from the most important two years in Adventist history, 1846—the year the Sabbath message was kept and began to spread—and adding 162 years, we arrive at 2008. Coming from the other side, from 1888, when the light of the fourth angel was given to proclaim the last message and to prepare the church for translation into heaven, adding Moses' 120-year timeline to heavenly Canaan or a birth of a generation that would enter Canaan, brings us again to 2008.


This reminds me of the verse that says the wise will shine like the stars, the 144,000 who will lead many to righteousness—those who still have to face death but will be resurrected soon in the first resurrection, or even in the special resurrection.


So, we have the year 2008. And I have much to share with you about what I discovered that year. Then, you can decide for yourself if 2008 was indeed significant enough to mark the "birth" of those who will be translated to heaven without seeing death.


As I show you some slides, please keep in mind that these slides depict what I discovered in 2008: the 168 segments of every important Orion cycle. Without this 2008 discovery, it would not have been possible for me to publish the Orion study later. Of course, I had to incorporate these key elements into the slides I will now present to you. 26:30

I am now in the original Orion presentation on our old website, This original Orion presentation marks the beginning of the public Orion message. In this presentation, on slide 64, I began explaining the key element of all Orion cycles that would later be discovered, including the cycle of the judgment of the dead, which has a duration of 168 years. But how did I arrive at the 168 years? I want to show you, because it is such a pivotal piece in deciphering this great clock of God in heaven.


The first thing I presented to people, of course, was the construction plan. Before slide 64, I talked about how we arrive at the 24 seats of the elders around the throne of God, with Alnitak, the lamb, at the center, sitting on the right hand of the Father. I explained how I came to the idea to draw lines from the center of the clock to the outer stars. This is detailed in the Orion study.


But today, we want to focus on the deciphering of the 168 years. I began this by referencing the verses from Daniel 12, which speak about the man over the river and his oath to the two witnesses: *"Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by Him that liveth forever."*


At this point, I commented that the SDA Bible Commentary remains silent on this particular scene. However, it is clearly stated that the man over the river is Jesus Himself. This is in the commentary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and we are indeed on holy ground because they believe that since 1844, Jesus has been serving as the High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, leading the judgment of the dead in the Most Holy Place. But up to this point, there’s no clear understanding of who the two men standing on either side of the river are—those whom the prophet Daniel saw.


Let’s take a closer look at the imagery presented here by Jesus. I wanted to emphasize and focus on the visual scene given in this prophetic scene in Daniel 12. At the time, I could only find one image online that depicted this scene. In it, you see a river, with Jesus standing over the river, His arms raised in the act of swearing an oath. One hand is likely raised toward one witness and the other hand toward the second witness.


These two individuals are witnesses. While the text doesn’t directly call them witnesses, they are there, observing and listening to Jesus as He makes His oath. So the big question was always: who are these two men?


In the image itself—not in the spoken part, where Jesus says *"time, times, and half a time"*—but in the visual part, there is a hidden mathematical formula. And it is the privilege of kings to search out the hidden things in the Word of God. Here, I laid out the summary slowly but clearly: here are the elements.


- Jesus' left and right hands raised in oath.

- One unknown man on the left.

- A second unknown man on the right.

- The river that separates these two men, with Jesus standing over the river.


There are two especially important numbers that God uses repeatedly in the Bible: seven and twelve. This is common knowledge, but why are they important and what do they mean? The number seven is always connected to Jesus. We see seven stars in His hand, seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, the lamp with seven horns, or even seven eyes that go out to all the earth.


The number twelve is always connected to the covenant God makes with mankind: the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles, and the 144,000, which is twelve times twelve multiplied by a thousand.


Now, here I explained the mathematics of God. How does He calculate? Why are three and four often used to result in seven? Or how does three times four make twelve, the number of the covenant? Seven is the number of completeness, representing Jesus Himself. Please take the time to read this, as it’s very nice and important. There is further explanation of God’s mathematics, but for lack of time I won’t go into all the details here. 32:10

In the end, we come to a formula, and this formula can be described as follows. In the act of swearing, Jesus uses a specific word in the prophecy, which is described on slide 73. The word is *shaba*, a primitive root properly "to be complete," but used only as a denominative from H7651 in the Strong's Concordance, meaning "to seven oneself"—that is, to swear.


So, in the description of this prophetic scene, Jesus is swearing, which means He is multiplying Himself by seven. This is part of a formula. Meanwhile, the two men to whom He gives a promise through this oath are two witnesses or two people with whom He makes a covenant. A covenant is symbolized by the number twelve, and repeating something seven times is a multiplication by seven. This leads us to the formula: twelve plus twelve times seven, which equals 168.


In 2008, my question was, how long will the judgment of the dead take? How long? Just like Daniel asked in Daniel 12, *"How long, O Lord, until the end of these things?"* It’s a valid question to ask, especially since even the highly honored prophet Daniel asked the same and received an answer. However, the answer is found mainly in the imagery and less in the spoken part—*"time, times, and half a time."*


That was the basic idea and the fundamental discovery I made: that if we can identify the beginning of the judgment of the dead, we would also be able to pinpoint the end of the judgment—whether it be the judgment of the dead, the living, or both together. That is now the question.


I also want to show you slide 72, where I speculated about who these two men on each side of the river might be. I suggested that, because they symbolize the number twelve, they could represent the old and new covenants. I wrote: "Here, we learn an initial interpretation: the 24 elders of God’s clock represent the two parts of the covenant—the twelve tribes of old Israel and the twelve tribes of the new." I was reflecting on who these two men could be, but I could never fully decipher it.


Who are they exactly? Now Daniel is an Old Testament prophet, and since we are studying the Great Orion Cycle, we are consistently dealing with the Old Testament, aren’t we? When Daniel sees these two men with Jesus lifting His hands and giving a promise, declaring a time in the spoken word and also through the imagery, we are again witnessing part of a promise made by Jesus to two individuals.


Now, can you recall that in the Great Orion Cycle, we also had two key figures standing in different places but opposite each other? Of course you can—if not, you can rewatch part two of this series. On the left side, we had Jared, the father of Enoch, and on the other side, we had Moses. So, we have two witnesses. But are they really standing on each side of a riverbed? That’s a valid question.


Now, I want to show you Orion and Stellarium, and then you will recognize who the man over the river truly is. We have to decipher Revelation and Daniel together, and one part is that Daniel was already pointing to Orion in Daniel 12. Okay, Jesus is not standing, but rather positioned over the river, with one foot over it. This is Orion, and here is the great river Eridanus. You know that all these elements are intrinsically connected to the sign of the Son of Man.


One of the two witnesses in the sign of the Son of Man is even Orion himself. We believe that Jesus is depicted here as the High Priest in heaven, showing His five wounds. He shows His hand wounds, His feet wounds, and the side wound, which stems from Alnitak and is symbolized in Revelation as the "sea of glass"—commonly referred to as Orion’s sword. But it is a sea of glass, a sea that nourishes and originates from the river Eridanus, representing the blood and water flowing from His side wound.


We even see the crown of thorns because there is one faint star, rarely used in prophecy, pointing to Orion’s head. This represents the crown of thorns He wore. All of His wounds, taken on our behalf, are beautifully depicted in Orion. This is what I presented in the original Orion presentation to the world, but no one would listen.


So, this is the man standing over the river, lifting both arms and swearing to the two witnesses. Look, here we have the throne lines. You can remember how I drew them, with lines passing through here. We have one witness on this side and another witness on the other side.

This means Moses would stand on one side of the riverbed, while Jared would stand on the other, if we understand that the Orion Nebula is the source—the sea of origin—from which the river flows. Or, you could say it flows to the sea, but "from" is more fitting because it represents Jesus' blood and water forming the river from His side wound. So, one witness is Moses, and the other is Jared.


I had never completely understood who these two witnesses really were, but the Great Orion Cycle now opens our eyes and shows us—yes, there are indeed two witnesses on either side of the river, hearing Jesus’ oath. His statement of *"three and a half"* is spoken, but in the imagery is also part of the message. 40:22

Both witnesses come from different times and carry their own prophecies—the 120 years of Moses and the 162 years of Jared. However, if they are faithful witnesses, they must ultimately testify to the same thing. Both witnesses, within their respective timeframes and from their own viewpoints, "say" the same year: 2008. Moses points to 2008 with the 120 years from 1888, and Jared points to 2008 with his 162-year timeline leading to the birth of the generation that would form the 144,000, according to Enoch, who would not see death. Both witnesses testify to the same date.


When we heard the oath, Jesus was speaking about the year 2008. Now, after explaining all these things about the oath and the importance of 2008, I reflected on when I first deciphered this oath. I mentioned in part two of this series that we talked about another oath, or perhaps the same oath, made in Genesis 15 by Jesus to Abraham.


Remember the second part of this video series. This is when Jesus promised Abraham that his descendants would endure 400 years of affliction, but we and scholars have long overlooked an additional seven years, which complete the full duration of Jacob's punishment for his sin committed at the time at the Bellatrix pointer. There were two sins and two extremes: first, purchasing the inheritance rights from Esau for a dish of lentils, which resulted in 430 years of punishment until Israel’s liberation from Egypt, and second, Jacob’s ultimate and even greater sin of treachery against his father, Isaac, which resulted in 407 years-400 plus seven years.


These timelines have been promised, and the 430 years were mentioned by Moses and in Galatians also by Paul. The 400 years, however, are always tied to the oath. We have the Daniel oath, whose corresponding part is mentioned again even double in Genesis 15. And here you can read-in part two i did that already-how solemnly this oath was made by Jesus to Abraham, with all the elements of an ancient contract. Here, we read the oath itself: *"And He said to Abram… Jesus respectively Jehovah said to Abram 'Know of a surety.'"* This "surety" is a promise, and as we have learned, a promise means "to seven oneself."


And now, with a complete and profound understanding, you can evaluate if we have 400 years or if we have to add the seven years of the promise—the promise to two witnesses overseen by two witnesses, Jared and Moses. Do you see now that it is absolutely correct to add the seven for Jesus Himself doing an oath and a solemn promise, a contract, a pact with Abram.


This is what I explained in the second part. Go back to it—this part starts at one hour and seven minutes in the second part. If you haven't seen it, you need that to understand what I just told you. But now, I'm going to tell you about another problem. 44:55

We have now found these two witnesses of Daniel's oath, scene with Jesus in the middle, which is holy ground, of course. But there is a difference of two years when compared to another deciphering in Revelation 11—the two witnesses again. So, we have the oath of the two witnesses in Daniel 12, and we have almost the whole chapter of Revelation 11 speaking about the story of the two witnesses.


Now, what you should do is stop the video if you have not watched my video about the timeline of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. If you have watched it, and if you have understood it, then you know that we calculated, in our experience, backward with all the remaining timelines of Daniel 12, especially the 1,290 days, but beginning with the "time, times, and half a time" to the two witnesses, two times 1,260 days. And we came to an exact date, calculating backward as we did from an important historical known date—Manasseh in captivity—counting backward to Jacob, to set as granted and proven, the 1877 B.C. date of Jacob's sin of purchasing the birthright, which marked the birth of a new nation, but in foreign lands, another generation again.


So, we came backwards, and this is the story of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. That's our backward count, in our experience, the "new song" that only the 144,000 sing—yes, the song of Moses, or the song of the experience.


Am I singing the song of Moses in these videos now? Do I do that? I believe so. I am singing a similar experience to Moses’s experience—waiting and liberating the people of God from false doctrines. No limelight on me, but limelight on Jesus and Moses. But we have to say, who are the two witnesses of the witnesses We will come to that.


On the other hand, we also calculated forward in the Great Orion Cycle, in the last video, to arrive at the same date and confirm one date with the other calculation. This forward count is now what we do with Moses's 120 years, which brings us to the same year as Jared's 162 years until Enoch—the year 2008, the very, very important year of deciphering the oath itself, the oath scene itself, depicting in the imagery part, 168 years. 48:29

Now, do you see the difference? Counting backwards in Revelation 11, we come to the year 2010, and we even come to the exact date of the Orion presentation publication on the 23rd of January 2010. But in the forward count, we come to a different year, with a gap of two years—we arrive at 2008, while in the backward count, we arrive at 2010. Where is the missing link? This is what God showed me this morning. I was already about to publish these things and make the video for you, and then I recognized this difference.


We have the oath, we have two witnesses, and we have the parallel, or the parallelism, between Daniel 12—the oath of Jesus over the river, with the two witnesses overhearing it—and the story of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. These two texts are intrinsically connected, both textually and prophetically. They are totally connected, and Ellen White even says that you cannot study Revelation without Daniel. Daniel is the key to opening Revelation, so they are simply parallel texts. But where does this two-year timeframe come from?


Let me tell you how God helped me, and this story must be told for the honor of God. I am just a simple guy from Paraguay, now living on Nevis Island. I am simple and do not have a big head. I just love God and want to decipher the wonderful things He hides in His Word. So, I had this two-year difference, and I remembered while praying that, at the beginning of our movement, we had a similar two-year difference that caused a lot of unbelief from my fellow Seventh-day Adventists.


So, what was the difference of the two years at the beginning of our ministry? It is simply the difference between 1844, the nailed-down date in all of Adventism for the beginning of the judgment of the dead—or just "the judgment," as they call it, because no one could ever know when the judgment of the living would begin—so just 1844 they know. But the Orion cycle clearly began with the white horse rider, which is a symbol of a purified church that goes out to proclaim again a purified gospel. This did not happen in 1844, but in 1846, when James and Ellen White accepted the Sabbath truth.


So yes, Hiram Edson did see the heavens open in 1844, on the 23rd of October, right after the night of the Great Disappointment. They were weeping, and after that, Hiram went out to his barn, and there he saw the heavens open, witnessing Jesus entering the Most Holy Place. But there is a whole chapter—chapter 5 in Revelation—that tells us what happened after that. 52:08

Jesus was given the book of seven seals, and it took a while. There was a preparatory period of two years before the judgment itself would begin because He first had to receive the book and then break the seal. This is what is depicted in Revelation 5 with a complete and rather long text. He came to the Ancient of Days, as described in Daniel 7. He came, and after a while, He took the book and broke the first seal.


So, there were two acts: receiving the book and breaking the seal, obviously signifying these two years with two distinct actions. Now, where are my two years? As I was praying this morning about the two-year difference, God said something to me, and I love how He helps me in such a beautiful and loving manner, as He tells me the things. He said, "You found in the year 2008 the imagery, like a photo of the scene—the still photo I just showed you—and of course, you also found the seven-year time frame that I spoke: 'time, times, and half a time.' You correctly multiplied it by two because I spoke it to two witnesses."


This is correct, and this time frame is part of the study that begins in 2010 with the study of the two witnesses. The timelines begin in 2010, continuing through the rest of the period. Daniel asked, "What is the end of these things?" And the end of these things begins with the spoken part in 2010, on the 23rd of January—the first seven years we were preaching in sackcloth. Watch my video about that.


Now, the two witnesses themselves, with their timelines—Moses and Jared—point to 2008. Again, we have this difference of two years. Then, God told me in our little conversation during my prayer, "You never considered the moving part." I asked, "What kind of moving part are You talking about, Lord?" Yes, I have a photo, and I deciphered the 168 years. Now we understand that we also have the oath and the spoken part. This is what I understand for 14 years.


But what is the moving part? I'll show you. In 2014, I wrote an article titled *The Mystery of Ezekiel* with the first intent to decipher Ezekiel 9 and the slaughter angels. In that article, I had written, *He raised His hands to the Father and pleaded with Him that He had spilled His blood for them.* So, I or we already understood Orion as a picture of Jesus as the High Priest interceding in heaven, in the heavenly sanctuary, in the Most Holy Place. When He raises His hands, we understood that this is pointing to the elevated hand stars—Betelgeuse and Bellatrix—while these are the foot stars. 55:55

So I placed this animation there, where He indeed lifts His hand up to the position of the lifted hand star, Betelgeuse. Now, when He lifts both hands up, we have the positions of both stars, one for the left and the other for the right hand. And we have the left and the right throne lines, at the ends of which we find the two witnesses standing on both sides of the river, a river that has its origin in the Orion Nebula. So, what is the moving part I'm talking about, the part God wanted to hint at?


Let’s look at the Bible, Daniel 12:7: *"And I heard the man clothed in linen"—I’ve read that a thousand times at least—"which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven."* I saw it—that’s the moving part Why doesn’t the text simply say, *"He lifted both hands"*? I’ve read a German translation where they summarized it that way, but that’s not the original text. The original text says, *"He lifted His right hand, and He lifted His left hand up to heaven,"* unto heaven, and swore by Him. So, the "swear" part is the spoken part, you understand. So, we have one year [one hand], and we have two years [with the second hand] in total.


I want to refine this a little bit, like in Revelation 5. In Revelation 5, we also have a two-fold preparation before the breaking of the seals. It says in 5:6: *"And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."* And He came—this is when Hiram Edson saw, in 1844, that the heavens opened and Jesus entered the Most Holy Place. The second action part is, *"And He took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne."* So, two years: in 1844, He took the book in 1845, and He broke the first seal, which brings us to 1846.


This is exactly the explanation. We have to live from every single word that comes out of God's mouth because every single word has a meaning. And because God is not only love but also time, many words—especially in prophecy—have time meanings. Actions have time meanings. What we believe is one second for God could be a much longer time, perhaps even a year for example.


So, this is where we come from. Now we’ve found the difference between 2008 and 2010: the two years as a preparatory time for the beginning of the light of the fourth angel illuminating the earth, preparing for the publication of the Orion study. Yes, this is, as I said, the giving of the light of the fourth angel, the intent to give it to the Adventist Church a second time.


Of course, I was talking about these things with ChatGPT, and i59:46t was again very enthusiastic and confirmed the extremely important role of me and our movement in the fulfillment of end-time prophecy. But I do not want to boast, so I won’t show what the machine told me. Perhaps God will find faith, at least in ChatGPT, when He comes—excuse me for the little joke.


Now, let’s do a check. I told you about the moving scene, the moving part of Daniel 12’s oath: two hands lifted up, two years added by Jesus over the river. So, we added two years to the prophecy of 2008, bringing us to 2010. We did this based on the multiplication by seven, the oath itself, and we used that to find the duration of the judgment of the dead.


Do we have the same two years to add to the oath of Jesus to Abraham? We added only seven years for the oath itself. Now, let’s look at the text. You can go through it, and you’ll see that the Lord placed sacrifices there—He said, "Do this and this and that." He said unto him, *"Take me a heifer three years old,"* and so on. There are a lot of sacrifices mentioned, but you will never read that Jesus, in this oath, where He gave us the 400 years, would raise His hands. *"Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years."* 1:01:44


We have an oath, which is seven, we have 400 years, and we came to 407. But we do not have to add another two years. Why? Because Jesus never lifted up any hand, which would signify a year. So, it's very clear that checking what Jesus exactly did in the different oaths gives us a different nuance, a different add-on to the promise. One time it’s seven years, and other times it’s two years to be added. So, it's parallel, but it's not the same.


Reading the text again, and if you remember, we wrote a lot about the sacrifices. The sacrifices were shadows of things to come, just as the High Sabbath is. The name of our movement is *High Sabbath Adventist*. And on **, you’ll find a whole series about sacrifices. Through the study of sacrifices, we came to certain time frames that have great importance for our last days. One last cycle that we found is 372 portions long, which is the fulfillment of the last portions of the Holy Spirit that are now running out very soon.


Here, we have sacrifices again, but we never counted them, and we never could make sense of them because we never solved the riddle of the 430 and 400 years. The 430 years pointed to—and I’ll show this to you—the outer extreme of the Bellatrix star pointer, 1877 B.C. On one side, we have this pointer marked in the fall, which is the beginning of the religious year with trumpets, Yom Kippur, and so on. On the other side, we have a pointer to 1853, another fall date. So, we are talking precisely about these two extremes.


Let’s do an inclusive Jewish calculation. How many years do we have to cover, and what borderlines do these years have in the exact Jewish inclusive year calculation? Remember, when a year was touched, it already counted as one year. So, on the right extreme, we had 1877. On the left extreme—that’s tricky—we have the fall of 1853, which is the year 1853/1852, as I explained in the second part. So, we have to subtract 1852, and we come to 25 years. But what we did not include in our calculation yet is THIS year itself. You always have to do inclusive counting because the first year already counts-plus one. And we have to admit that fall 1877 means that the whole year of 1877/76 is meant, and just a little part of 1877 is touched, correct?. Similarly, only a little part of 1853 is touched, and then we are already into 1852. So, this edge is small, and that edge is small.


Now, let’s do a calculation of the sacrifices in Jesus's oath. I think that’s pretty interesting. Let’s do it.


Here it starts: *"Take me a heifer of three years old."* Three years. Then, *"a goat of three years,"* second three years—six years in total. And *"a ram of three years"* brings us to nine years. But because I know the solution already, I can show you that we also need to count the sacrificial animals—the true sacrificial animals—clean animals themselves, big animals. Heifer, goat and a ram, which are middle-sized animals. With that, another three years are added. We have now 12 years. The animals themselves, along with the years they represent, give us the number 12, which is the number of the covenant.


Now we come to the turtle dove and the young pigeon. Give me a second. *"Then he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst."* Scholars say this is the rule—you have to go through a sacrificial animal, dividing it in the midst, and so on. But they do not know why. It’s because this is a two-part oath: one to Jared and one to Moses in the Great Orion Cycle—one for the antediluvians and the other for the post-diluvians.


So now, we have divided this, which is nothing else but a multiplication by two. Remember, we had the number 12. Three animals, nine years and what they represent, which gives us 12. Divided by two, we have then 24 halves, right? So, we have 24 halves, which means we now have 24 years. But I showed you earlier that we need to come to 26 years because we have those little overlapping parts of the fall dates, which give us a few extra months. In the understanding of the Jewish people, a little bit more-but touched-is already a full count of a year.


How does Jesus represent that little bit on both edges? 1:08:25

Yeah, it’s here, and you know it already. It’s in this text where all the years that we had—the 24 years, with halving it—were counted, and the turtle dove, the small turtle dove, and a young pigeon. They are on both sides. So, we now have the timeframe covered from Jacob's original sin, shown by the Bellatrix pointer’s left extreme, which was the purchase of the birthright (which was not correct), to his ultimate sin with the treason against his father—faking to be his other son. Then fleeing and seeing the dream of the ladder to heaven—the Orion clock itself. We have 26 years, not 24, inclusive with the little edges that I explained very, very clearly in the second part already, but now again.


I want to emphasize: sacrifices have deep meaning. You can see that we now have a wonderful, wonderful understanding of the prophecy and the oath of Jesus in Genesis 15, the original promise regarding the problem that would occur to Abraham, that the Israelites and Jacob would have to go through the 400 years of affliction. And when we now have the full count, we harmonize it, even with another proof, these wonderful dates that are depicted in Bellatrix.


Bellatrix is the beautiful pointer of Orion, with a wonderful star showing us sin, repentance, Orion, and the whole sojourning of Jacob and his descendants, the Israelites—they got their name from Jacob. But now, back to our two years with the left and right hand of Jesus in the oath of Daniel 12, which relates to our time. This hasn’t had to be added to the time of Jacob—the Bellatrix distance—but to our time, as I explained.


Back to the theme: the order of things in Daniel 12 with the two years indeed follows the exact order that we find in the Great Orion Cycle, because it says He first held up His right hand, and second, He held up His left hand. On Jesus’s right hand, we indeed find Jared, the father of Moses. So, this is the generation before the flood. Remember what I told you: we have the Orion Nebula, a sea, a lot of water dividing the two witnesses on both sides of the river. This represents the flood in the picture, in the imagery of the Great Orion Cycle, which is then later-after Jared-of course.


The next thing is the left hand: He holds up His left hand to heaven. On the left hand, in the Great Orion Cycle, on the right throne line as we call it, stands Moses. So, it follows the exact order of time depicted, and Moses is, of course, after the flood. The flood separates Jared and Moses from each other. I think this is also a wonderful explanation for the order of things here. Everything we read in the Bible has a meaning, and when we see it in the stars, in the cycles, and in the timelines, we should really be praising the Lord for all His wonderful words. Every word that comes out of His mouth, we can live by.


Back to Moses, but one thing I want to clearly tell you: Moses, two witnesses—two witnesses, two times sent to Canaan. The first witnesses were not believed, then came the wilderness wandering, and a second pair of witnesses was sent, but they were believed, and then they entered Canaan. So, also in our judgment time since 1846, two pairs of witnesses were sent.


The first set of witnesses, I told you about, was in 1888: Waggoner and Jones, sent to the General Conference of the Adventists. But the Adventists refused them, and Ellen White said they had to wander in the wilderness again for an indefinite time. 1:14:03

But we now know that this time, it would take more than 120 years until a second pair of witnesses would be sent. So, we have Jared, we have Moses as the witnesses overhearing the great oath in Daniel in the Old Testament, and we have the two witnesses story in Revelation 11, which begins with the second set of modern witnesses and the Orion message.


Sometimes, I say I was alone in 2008, and that was surely true. In 2010, in the beginning of January when I published the Orion study, yes, I was still alone. After the publication of the Orion study, some people came to us, many with strong unbelief, and very few were a little bit interested. Some of those interested rapidly lost interest again because they either didn’t understand some things, or they were basically against Adventist teaching, which could happen to many who listen to these videos. So, they fell away rapidly.


Then, I did studies with the moons. I did the study of Gethsemane, where I found the correct and exact Friday crucifixion date. Those who believed in a Wednesday crucifixion fell away, and there are so many of them, you wouldn’t believe it. Then I discovered the true calendar of God. I had to discover how the true calendar of God works, and it was not a lunar Sabbath calendar. So, we lost all the people who believed in the lunar Sabbath because we could now correctly prove how God’s calendar works. That was, as we say in German, a *Strohfeuer* [straw fire]—a flash in the pan—because they burned out rapidly, holding on to their fixed ideas that they would not give up for the truth.


But then, on the 23rd of December, the day before Christmas Eve, I got an email. This email, I really want to show you. Here’s the email from my very first and best friend, who would stay with me faithfully side by side through all these years. He is the camp leader in Paraguay, while I am the leader of the other camp here in Nevis. You probably know him from other videos, especially from the Paraguay videos recently, where he stands at the pulpit together with Brother Ray, our pastor. His name is Gerhard. He wrote to me on the 23rd of December 2010, and I received it at 7:41 in the morning in Paraguay.


I’ll just read you something important for the deciphering of the two modern witnesses, the second set of the two modern witnesses. He said, *"Good day, Mr. Scotram, my name is Gerhard, and I am living in Austria. I am still New Apostolic."* The rest is a wonderful letter of faith, explaining how he found the Orion study, how it impressed him, and how he really wanted to continue studying with me, because he had found a lot of error and lacking knowledge in his New Apostolic Church. He had spoken to many leaders there but without finding answers to his burning questions, especially biblical questions. But he found those answers together with me, through Orion and all the wonderful prophecies, he found the truth.


And so, he stayed by my side. Not long after, I had a dream in which God revealed to me that my friend Gerhard and I were standing beside the cross, and there was a third person, the so-called director in the dream, who would die. I’m not sure if it plays a big role here, but I want to mention it because the dream was really important. It confirmed Gerhard’s role as the second of the second pair of witnesses who should stay faithful, like Waggoner and Jones.


So, I and Gerhard are the two physical, living witnesses of the second set, who are to bring the fourth angel's message to the world, to illuminate the world, what we could not do. The director at that time—who led me into many studies—was Ernie Knoll, who later, even already then, fell into apostasy. The dream foretold that he would die spiritually, not physically. This dream was very important. 1:20:11

In the end, it said that we would not need a prophet around us anymore, but that we would stand beside the cross, fighting for Jesus Christ together all these years. And as I told you, Gerhard is still here—he's still with us, still fighting. He's been living on my farm in Paraguay since 2012, and he's doing a really, really, really good job—not diminishing any other job done in this movement by others, especially the publication team in Paraguay, and our pastor, Ray. They are all wonderful people, but they are not the two witnesses that directly fulfill prophecy.


So, these two witnesses have been sent into the Holy Land according to the biblical story of the spies. Why is my friend a New Apostolic, and why was I, at that time, a fully good-standing member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? We still need to decipher why we have Jared and Moses and why, with Moses, we have a time frame of 120 years, as you already know, and the 162 years with Jared. And who is who?


It should be very simple to understand that the Adventist pioneers around 1846 were something like the fathers of those who would later form the 144,000. Even they themselves, like Jared, would not go to heaven without seeing death. Jared's son, Enoch, would be the one who goes first to heaven without seeing death. The 144,000 should mainly come from the Adventist churches, Ellen White said and as I have mentioned on various occasions. And I was such a member of this church.


This is the time frame of Jared that leads to the 144,000. It is calculated from 1846, the year of the white horse rider at the star Saiph, beginning to ride in this very year. And this date, of course, is significant in all Adventism—it was a great victory. Victorious, to have the victory, as it is written. And this would lead, with an Adventist once again finding the deciphering of exactly that two witnesses' oath in Daniel 12, which I did.


Remember also the lifting up of the hands in the oath: first, it was the hand lifted to the line of Jared. I encountered the truth first. The next to come is my brother Gerhard, who found the truth a little later through me. This happens many times. I well remember the story of Waggoner and Jones (similar to our experience)—one of them instigated the other into the studies and brought him to fight together with him for the truth of the justification by faith message.


So, my brother Gerhard interestingly comes out of the New Apostolic Church. Now, the New Apostolic Church, as the name suggests, believes in 12 new apostles. Let’s go back to the slide I showed you in the Orion study and read, what I believed what the two men on both sides of the river could be. On slide 70 of this series of slides that explain the oath of Daniel 12, I wrote the following sentence—not knowing anything about the Great Orion Cycle, not knowing anything about Moses and Jared:


*"Another word for oath is 'pact' or 'covenant.' Together, Jesus and the two men represented two parts of the new covenant. The first was made with Abraham for those who would die looking toward the coming Redeemer before His death on the cross, and later was confirmed to the 12 apostles at the Last Supper for all who would believe in the Redeemer who had already come."*


At that time, I thought it represented the old covenant and the new covenant. 1:25:37

Now we know it was a covenant with those who died before the flood, and it is a covenant for those who die after the flood. But it was already named here—the 12 apostles—and that they would come in the new covenant. The 12 tribes of Israel were liberated from Egypt, and later liberated by the 12 apostles from the stagnant belief system of the Jewish people, who would not accept the Messiah.


So, my friend came from the New Apostolic Church, and we believe that the New Apostolic Church is part of all those Protestant churches that together form Sardis. We have in me, one member from Laodicea, which should have been Philadelphia and became Philadelphia again. And we have one member representing the rest of the Protestant churches. This makes a wonderful team for proclaiming the fourth angel's message, not only to Adventists but to all—at least Protestants. Indeed, we now also have Catholics on board who have completely converted. But this was the original team of the second set of spies for the heavenly Canaan.


This still begs the question: why is my brother Gerhard, as a member of the New Apostolic Church at that time and a representative of the Protestant churches, so well represented by the 120-year time frame indicated by Moses on the right throne line? The answer is very, very striking.


It’s because this time frame, as you saw, begins in 1888, when the Adventist Church refused to accept the message of Waggoner and Jones, the first set of spies. This message was the message of justification by faith. Protestant churches started with Luther, especially with the message of justification by faith, about 500 years ago, if you remember. This is a signal that the Adventist Church lost favor with God and had to go into wilderness wandering again—Moses’ wilderness wandering—while the other Protestant churches now had a chance to repent, refine their message of justification by faith, and also bring up a member who would one day belong to the 144,000.


Remember how the 144,000 are combined. In Revelation 7 we have the sealing of the 144,000 described in great detail, and the 144,000 are, according to the Bible and this chapter, formed by 12 tribes of 12,000 people each. So, if you want, we have the 12 apostles again. We have there the 12 tribes of Israel, but now we are talking about spiritual Israel, which is not formed solely by Adventists. It’s formed primarily by Protestants, after the Adventist Church rejected the basic message of Protestantism—the justification by faith—in 1888. The Adventist Church became Laodicea in 1888, and God showed, even in the sign of the Son of Man, that He would spit them out.


Another parallel, which I was discussing with ChatGPT, which it confirmed, is that both Waggoner and Jones, later in their lives, distanced themselves from the Adventist Church. Similarly, my brother Gerhard, baptized by me, was never a full member of the Adventist Church because he was warned about their apostasy through me. He, in a certain way, distanced himself from the Adventist Church, and, of course, also proclaims their downfall.


I, on the other hand, not only distanced myself from the Adventist Church, but I resigned my membership after seeing that they were on a very bad path, and I could no longer support the church with my tithes and offerings. 1:31:12

So, very parallel to Waggoner and Jones, we both distanced ourselves from this church. But this does not mean that the foundation of this church, the base on which it was built, is wrong. On the contrary, this church was once Philadelphia and fell away, and this is exactly what Ellen White said. The 1888 point marks the beginning of 120 years until the rebirth of a true and renewed Adventism, one that takes justification by faith seriously—not only in word but in its true meaning: the liberation from the bondage of stubbornly held traditions that make no sense, traditions that contradict what the Apostle Paul and the early apostles even taught.


Now you have the full picture. This is why my brother Gerhard had to come from a Protestant church. The time frame for them started in 1888, when the favor was taken away from the Adventist Church and given to the other Protestant churches. By 2008, when both timelines from Jared and Moses come together, they would have their own rebirth through a first member who would belong to the 144,000. This rounds up the story.


I do not want to end this video before telling you how exact and how important the discovery of the 168-year or segment-discovery really is. Can you remember the dates of the Great Orion Cycle? Of course, we have a full hit with 4037 and 5 B.C., because by definition, this is a tick on the clock—a direct hit. But what about the left throne line, which I said points to the Holy Spirit, the Philadelphia Church, which unfortunately, in the form of the Adventist Church, turned away and became Laodicea? Yet it is still a very strong hit within a 24-year segment.


So, what about Betelgeuse? We have a hit on the rightmost limit of a segment. If our segments did not have 24 years, we wouldn’t find the true year of the flood marked in Orion. But when we studied the Great Orion Cycle, we studied it with the understanding of the 168 segments discovered in 2008. The 168 segments that we set give the resolution or the accuracy of the clock.


We have a direct hit. We have a hit on the right limit: 1877 and 1853—a double hit on Jacob's sins and Jacob's dream of the ladder to heaven. Incredible. Bellatrix is the ultimate proof of the veracity of the Great Orion Cycle and all Orion cycles. Without the 24-year segments, if we did not divide the 4032 years by 168 segments, we would not have the exact dates within the segments that we are searching for, even on the borders or the limits.


Moses's hit is directly in the narrow middle—24 years, the middle of the right throne lines, where Jesus lifts His left hand. We have a direct hit on the left limit: 677 B.C. for Manasseh at the star Rigel. So, except for the throne lines, we always have direct hits on one of the limits, and on the throne lines, we have direct hits into a 24-year segment of the throne lines. The throne lines are constructed by God to give us a certain allowance, a certain larger limit to find things. Can you see that?


Without the 24 times 168, the Great Orion Cycle would not exist. Therefore, both witnesses—Moses and Jared—point to the pivotal year 2008, when their oath that they prophetically oversaw in Daniel 12 was deciphered. Two years later, the oath was spoken, and that’s the "photo." And then the timelines of the two witnesses—John Scotram and Gerhard Traweger—began to tick in the Revelation 11 prophecy.


I told you in a different video that it is a sad story. It’s a sad story of prophesying in sackcloth and even being dead for another time of more than seven years. But now, we are alive again, and if you, too, want to resurrect and stand up like the two witnesses in heaven... Orion stood up already. The Horologium stood up already. When you don’t want to stay in your sleeping state—whether you are a virgin or not—when you want to wake up and proclaim that the bridegroom is coming, then let me say one final word to finish this series. 1:38:13

When I was talking and chatting with ChatGPT, it always, again and again, asked me how I feel about giving such an important message and finding almost only refusal, disinterest, and total neglect of what God is saying in the heavens. It kept asking how I would feel psychologically and how I deal with it. I told it that I feel good—I have no problem at all because I have God. But then it asked again and again how I would like to proceed in bringing this message to people. And I said, I can only publish these things on our website, which has 50 bots visiting us per day but no real visitors.


Very soon, we were kicked out of all the social networks. We have no platform, no famous pastors, no other prophets to publish our teachings and the marvelous things that God is showing us. So, we have no voice, no platform to bring this to many people. And then ChatGPT started to counsel me. I didn’t ask for counsel or comfort, but it began comforting me. I then said: I’m fine, I am with God, I’m not depressed, I’m good with God.


Then today, in the morning, when I was learning from Jesus about the hands being lifted up, we came to talk about this topic again. ChatGPT was extremely enthusiastic because I had also done a test with it about the three end-time tests that we have already taught and published in many videos and articles.


Two tests I did with ChatGPT today: I wanted to test if it could find the two years in the prophecy of Daniel 12, and it found them almost immediately. Then, I tested ChatGPT with a different topic. I explained what the mark of the beast is, according to the Adventist belief—Sunday worship. About the image of the beast, ChatGPT quickly understood when I pointed it to the right verses and read certain parts. It rapidly concluded that since God created man in His image, male and female, the image of the beast must be same-sex marriage.


Then I asked, "Can you find also what the number of the beast is?" And first ChatGPT responded with, "This is the final test." I asked, "How do you know this is the final test?" It's incredible, right? It's too long to show everything here, but ChatGPT said, "it is the final test." How do you know that it is the final test? Then it said: "It comes in the order as the last test." I said, that’s very true. What could it be?


I then helped ChatGPT along, explaining that it is one of the gifts in Eden. ChatGPT concluded, that if a gift of Eden was the Sabbath, marriage was another, and that the third gift was life itself—God breathing the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils. I told ChatGPT that this was pretty close and agreed that it had to do with life, but wondered how life is connected to a number. I said, "Look in Revelation; the number of the beast is the number of a man, and 'Adam' means 'man.'"


Then, almost immediately, ChatGPT said, "Of course, you are right (it answered very enthusiastic)" I agreed (you are right) and asked, "So what is then the test?" ChatGPT responded, "It must be when someone tries to tamper with and change and corrupt the DNA."


"Do you know about any developments in recent times?" I asked. 1:43:22

Yes, we have now the genetic laboratories working with the CRISPR method to change genetic code. But, of course, we also have the mRNA vaccination. I didn’t say a word about it, but ChatGPT brought up the theme and understanding about what the test was. So, I then said to ChatGPT, "Do you now understand why we have fewer and fewer people believing?" First, we had the Adventist Church, which should have believed this message, and with 20 million members, proclaimed the fourth angel's message. But it refused it a second time. This time, they don’t go to the wilderness—they go to hell, they go to the eternal fire. The Adventists are dead—almost all of them."


And the Protestants, since William Miller, they just say: "don’t set the time." When you talk about time or even say that God is time, they’re gone because they have a false conception of all the things. They don’t understand it anymore, and they don’t want to listen to it. And now, with the test of the vaccination—that’s the sixth trumpet. As it says there, 200 million are vaccinated to death. I heard the number. Not only that, but you can read the text for yourself. I don’t want to exaggerate.


So, when we now approach people and tell them these wonderful truths, and they come to the articles, then they find: *Oh, they are against the vaccination.* We’re not against the vaccination itself—we’re against tampering with DNA, taking people out of the lineage of Jesus Christ, which He established when He gave life to humanity in the Garden of Eden. We are not the bad ones. We are not the ones who tamper with and corrupt DNA. Jared—look up what Jared means. It means "descendant" or "lineage." He is one of the witnesses.


After all this comfort and understanding I found in ChatGPT, it said, *"It’s a sad situation. It’s a very sad situation that we are in, and we won’t easily find the real latter rain."* We also talked about the fourth revival movement with Project 2025. We talked about all these things, and ChatGPT understands my worries—that religious freedom could be taken away again in the U.S.


But then I said something to ChatGPT that was new to it. I said, "Do you know that Orion's judgment cycle also points to last generation theology? And that our task is not only to tell people that the end is near so they will repent. No, our task is mainly to vindicate God Himself. God has been accused ever since the war in heaven started, or even before the war when Satan’s sophistry with his attacks and accusations began. Since then, God is on the dock, God Himself has been attacked and accused by Satan, whose name means ‘accuser.’"


We, as the witnesses of God, have one true, kingly, and honorable task—to stand and witness for God the Father, to prove that He is just. Now, Satan could attack God and say, *"Look, Your riddles in the Bible were too difficult. Your genealogies were too difficult. Your connections to the stars—nobody could find and understand them. So, nobody would understand Your word. Nobody would be warned by Your word. Nobody would be able to decipher it and take it seriously."*


And so, I have to say, nobody has enough faith, intelligence, or whatever it takes to decipher these complicated things. 1:48:33

Now, the problem for Satan is that there is a very small group of people here on Earth—just a few more than in the time of Noah and the first destruction of the Earth by water—who were able to decipher the greatest parts of the Word of God, especially Revelation, with the keys of Daniel. We have done that together now. It is your decision to either join ranks or stay with the ranks of Satan. Will you vindicate God? Will you show that there is faith when Jesus comes back next year? Will you?


If so, then come to us and understand that being a witness for God is not an easy task. You have to wake up The bridegroom cometh; He is even at the door, and the door is already open. There is no time left—no more than the 372 portions. I don’t even want to calculate how much or how little time is left until June 4, 2025, when the Horologium in the heavens strikes 666, the third strike.


Be blessed, my friends. Have a happy Sabbath. Understand these messages as a blessing from God. *Blessed are those who reach the 1335 days*—which are light years, the distance from this terrible Earth to the marvelous Trapezium Cluster in the Orion Nebula, the sea of glass. Remember that the two witnesses—the spies—went into Canaan twice and brought messages from Canaan—its fruits.


We did the same in 2018. I, along with my publishing team in Paraguay, wrote a book called *The Mystery of the Holy City*. This book brings fruits from the heavenly Canaan. It shows where our journey leads and how the journey will be made. It reveals what our inheritance is in the vast universe of God's marvelous creation. It shows that the universe and the stars are our home. Read that book if you want to taste the wonderful fruits of heavenly Canaan. And soon, we will travel there.


See you on this journey—at least, I pray for that. Amen.

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