The Sixth Trumpet
Welcome once more to my small office on Nevis Island. This will be a very short video, and I am making it simply to help Brother Gerhard a little with his video about the harvest.
In one of my video series, I was teaching about the sixth trumpet, and I thought it would begin on December 15th, when the full moon of the Great and Marvelous Sign would be in Orion’s hand and coincide with that date.
I had more or less understood that the prophecy about the hour, the day, the month, and the year would align very well with that date because it represents the culmination of this marvelous sign. But that was not the case.
About 14 to 15 days before the moon reached this position, we observed that K2 had arrived at a certain position, which I show here, precisely matching with one of the club stars of Orion.
I had noticed this coincidence, or conjunction, but I did not know what to make of it. However, we then observed that on December 1, 2024, the Assad regime in Syria fell. This was a historic event.
This event aligns with the prophecy that a command was given to the sixth angel who had the trumpet to loosen the four angels bound at the Euphrates River—because the Euphrates also flows through Syria.
However, the expected event on December 15th did not occur.
There was no event indicating that a third of mankind would fall, or at least the beginning of such a fall. So, what does this really mean? What is the significance of the hour, the day, the month, and the year?
Now, months into this trumpet, we can see that it clearly had a significant start on December 1st. So, is it possible that these four timeframes always correspond to a specific moon? A moon that, more or less, aligns with those thrown as the bowls of wrath by Jesus since December 15th? Or is it something similar? Or is it something else entirely?
Before addressing this question, I need to clarify something.
When we read the text, we should ask ourselves: Who bound these angels to the Euphrates River? Who did that?
In one of my videos, I taught that in October 2016, we prayed a specific prayer that prevented the first four trumpets from sounding loudly during Donald Trump's first term. He spoke about fire and fury, but he did not unleash that fire and fury right away.
With our prayer, we held back the winds, we restrained these angels, allowing Jesus more time to seal the 144,000 through Jupiter’s trajectory, which at that time was in Virgo and still had many years to travel before reaching Taurus, the final constellation.
Thus, we bound these angels to the Euphrates River.
There was already a major Syrian crisis in 2016, yet it did not escalate into a full-fledged Middle Eastern war or global conflict.
So, we restrained these four angels.
But now, we are in Trump’s second term.
He was elected in November 2024, and he celebrated his victory at Mar-a-Lago on New Year's Day—perhaps marking the beginning of his renewed administration.
So, the next step was to understand how these four time frames should be interpreted. I will show you the solution in disguise. Let's begin right where we left off—with the conjunction of K2 together with Xi Orionis, this star here in the club.
Now, we will try to understand these time frames not as leading up to December 15th or December 1st, but rather as a time frame beginning from the order given to loosen these angels. Then, we can understand that they are prepared to slaughter a third of mankind as a waiting period until we see the fall of the Assad regime escalate into a full-fledged regional Middle Eastern war—or perhaps something else. I once suggested that it could even be a supervolcanic explosion.
We do not yet know what the event will be. However, we now understand that the four time frames were not leading up to the command, but rather marking the period between the command and the event itself. I suspect this because the prophecy mentions “hour” and “month” twice, which seems to refer to the moon, but it also mentions “day” and “year” twice, which appears to relate to the sun.
So, where exactly was the moon on the day of that conjunction?
To find out, we conduct a simple search in Stellarium to locate the moon’s position.
Oh It was an astronomical new moon, and over which star?
It was directly over Antares, the head star of Scorpio, in direct conjunction—not only with Antares but also with the Sun.
That is an astronomical new moon
Oh That could be the hour mentioned first in the prophecy’s four time frames. The sun and moon are definitely the day and hour markers on the Mazzaroth.
So, here we have a specific hour.
Now, let’s see when the moon completes one full cycle until it meets the sun again—which I have already interpreted as the point when a bowl of wrath is normally poured out.
But at this stage, this was not yet a bowl of wrath.
This was just the moon before. Brother Gerhard will explain that this is the moon that brought the smoke into the temple just one day later.
Now, let’s watch one full cycle—let’s call this cycle the “hour round” because this is the first moon cycle mentioned in the text.
We simply advance one full month—not a sidereal month, but a month until it meets the sun again.
We must do this very carefully.
Now, here we are, in Sagittarius, once again under an astronomical new moon. This moon was now called the “hour round” because it completed a moon cycle.
Now, look at the date:
December 30, 2024.
This date is just two days before New Year's Eve and one day before the Mar-a-Lago feast at the end of the old year.
In German, we call that day Silvester.
It was only one day apart, but it was not yet the new year when this astronomical new moon occurred.
In fact, the first Hebraic new moon cycle was sighted on January 1st.
So, this moon was the hour, but what was it not?
It was not the day.
Why? Because the day is determined by the Sun, following the “day-for-year” principle.
We are not using prophetic time here, but the Sun clearly defines the day.
And the next moon cycle, just two days later, would mark the Gregorian new year, which God calls “the day”—your day.
The Sixth Trumpet
And then we had this Trump feast at Mar-a-Lago—this blasphemous feast. I hope Brother Gerhard has time to discuss it further.
So, it is absolutely logical to call the next moon cycle the "day" because the new year begins within it. Click, click—and we have the new year. This is the moon cycle of the new year in the Gregorian sense.
Now, let's complete this moon cycle until it meets the sun again. It is now in Capricornus on January 29th.
If we follow the logic we have established, we should now call this moon phase the "month".
Okay, it is a lunar month, but not in the traditional sense. This is an astronomical moon cycle—from one astronomical new moon to the next.
So, this phase represents a "month", but it is not associated with a specific day, new year, or anything else.
At this point, the moon is now in Aquarius—it is an astronomical new moon that has been designated as the "month" up until now.
The next new moon receives a new designation: "the year".
Why is it called a year?
Perhaps you already see the reason.
Now, let’s complete another full moon cycle.
The moon moves forward, and the sun has now passed the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere.
Then, we reach a solar eclipse—and this exact moment is called "the year."
Why "a year"?
Because this is the last day of the old year.
Just as the moon moves forward by one day and a few hours, we then arrive at the first cycle of the new year in the Hebraic sense.
This is a very special moon cycle—it is the moon cycle of the barley harvest test, because it marks the beginning of the new year.
It is the first of Nisan, which initiates the Jubilee. That is why this is "the year" in the Hebrew sense.
Now, let's conclude this short video with one final refinement.
What Did We Just Observe in Stellarium?
Here it is—presented in this table.
I want to discuss the true sighting days of the new moon according to Hebrew understanding.
The four angels were prepared for an hour, a day, a month, and a year.
Now, instead of using the astronomical new moon, which would be shown in this column, we apply the moon sighting method—which gives us precise results.
The first moon sighting, marking the "hour" time frame, occurred on December 2, 2024.
Not on December 1st, which was the astronomical new moon.
I have verified all of this with accurate timing, so these dates are absolutely correct.
The last day of this "hour" time frame was December 31, 2024.
Now, we notice something important:
It ends exactly at the end of the Gregorian month
An hour is the moon’s time marker, and it aligns precisely with the end of the Gregorian month.
So, an hour extends from the December 2nd moon sighting to the astronomical new moon on December 31, 2024.
Then, of course, the next moon sighting occurred on January 1, 2025—which marked the "day."
In the Bible, the day-for-year principle applies,
But in this specific case, the designation "day" aligns with the Gregorian new year.
This moon phase, from the sighting to the next astronomical new moon, extended until January 29, 2025.
Thus, it was correctly identified as "a day."
The next moon sighting was on January 30, 2025, lasting until the astronomical new moon on February 28, 2025.
Since 2025 is not a leap year, the cycle again aligns with the end of a Gregorian month.
Incredible, isn’t it?
The next moon sighting was on March 1, 2025.
Now, how do we determine "the year"?
This period ended on the astronomical new moon of March 29, 2025, which coincided with a solar eclipse.
This is very important, because it fulfills the fourth bowl of wrath, which is poured out upon the sun.
And this event happens exactly one day before the Jubilee begins—the Great Year of the Jubilee.
This connection provides the perfect understanding of the "year" time frame.
Now, we have fully deciphered it.
And I believe this should lead to great faith instead of disappointment.
What About the Sixth Trumpet?
"Oh, nothing happened with the Sixth Trumpet"
People might say this—but let’s look at the facts:
The sixth trumpet is a long passage with an extended introduction—about four to five verses long.
This introduction builds up to the beginning of the judgment where a third of mankind is killed.
That preparatory phase is what this video was about.
Final Message: Be Spiritually Prepared
Now, we arrive at the barley harvest test, which aligns with the beginning of the Jubilee.
I urge each and every one of you who watches these videos to prepare spiritually.
I believe that the time frames of an hour, a day, a month, and a year are not only a preparation for judgment—
They are also a waiting period.
A time of preparation for our church.
Many people follow the videos I have produced,
as well as the work of Brother Gerhard, Pastor Ray, and even Sister Yormary.
But as time passes and the expected event does not happen exactly on the predicted day, we sometimes need to refine our understanding.
And sadly, many lose faith in the process.
This is unacceptable.
God is always testing, always proving the things He reveals.
And in this case, it is the barley test.
Is there enough ripe barley in the fields for the Jubilee to truly begin?
If there is not enough faith among us—
If there are not enough believers who remain steadfast in what we teach,
even when we must refine some details,
Then the barley harvest test will fail.
And if the barley harvest test of the Jubilee fails,
Then you will have to wait for Jesus at least another 49 years.
This ministry will end on March 30, 2025.
And with it, all the teachings of the past 15 years.
Be blessed, and prepare.
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