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When Michael Stands Up

Happy Sabbath and good day to all, wherever or whenever you listen to and watch this video. Here in Nevis, today is Sunday, January 19th, one day before Donald Trump, the destroyer, as I explained to you in a previous video, will be inaugurated in the US. Then we will see what comes to fulfillment while he is reigning over the world, almost the whole world, during his term. We are definitely heading to the end. We saw Los Angeles burning, and we saw drones flying all over the world. Believe me, it is, not mine, that is a small one. Just tonight, we saw a video about an egg that is supposedly an extraterrestrial object. There are a lot of people, Christians, waking up because of what this guy, who was a helicopter pilot, said about the retrieval of this object. In this little video, which is not so clear to me regarding what it really was, he said that he was—or is still—possessed, and I think this is remarkable.

So, when you see any egg-shaped object that, according to him, is about six meters big, I would suggest that you do not go near it. I can only hope that you have watched my video series, at least starting with the one about the Jubilee, because we will come full circle in this video, connecting all the teachings since that video series. Also, extremely important, of course, is The Loosening of the Four Winds and all the other parts of this video series about the end, leading up to The Loosening of the Four Winds.

Go to our Telegram channel, subscribe, and then go back to review my videos. As I was concluding my video series, I have to say at the very beginning of this video—which serves as both a conclusion and an enhancement to The Loosening of the Four Winds—that when you watch very carefully my video series you would understand that I was unaware of the heart sign throughout the entirety of the series.

Brother Ray made a video about it, and Brother Gerhard, the second witness, also created a video about the heart sign, which has been drawn across the heavens since April 8, 2024, through comet G3. This heart sign is truly a gift from God, a blessing. It is the love of God.

Normally, we are the ones who should give our hearts to the Lord, right? But this time, the Lord is giving His heart to us. Within this heart, we see the birds, and He speaks to us, urging us to leave Babylon before it is too late so that we do not receive of her plagues.

And these plagues have already begun. This became undeniable when Donald Trump was confirmed as president, an event that coincided precisely to the time frame with G3 drawing the heart sign's apex. On January 6, Donald Trump was confirmed as the President of the United States by the Electoral College. While I’m not an expert in political matters, I understand that this confirmation is necessary and is conducted by the appropriate chamber or governing body.

And this was done on the 6th of January, shortly after the moment when the Sun and Moon came together at the top of the heart sign. This is something I showed you in my video series.

I believe it was in Last Countdown Part 2 where I showed you exactly when the bowls of wrath would be poured out. It’s always first that the Moon comes into the hand of Orion, and then it follows one trajectory around. But we must watch for the moment when it comes to the Sun.

At that point, the bowl is poured out because we have an empty astronomical new moon. I explained all of this and also showed you the points at which the seven bowls of wrath are poured out.

We had such a first bowl of wrath on the 6th of January around that time. And then it happened: Donald Trump was certified.

And shortly afterward, he was definitively declared to have the ulcers because he was finally, and without any possibility of appeal, he was then a sentenced criminal. He did not receive any fines or go to jail as his enemies might have wanted, but he is now forever the first president in the U.S. to take office without a white vest.

Instead, he is a black-stained, ulcered criminal. The ulcers in Isaiah 1 are described as belonging to those who are criminals. Isaiah 1 also says that this condition extends from the toes to the head.

It is from the bottom up. The United States is now a completely wretched nation. I do not wish to say the harsh words, but you can read the Bible yourself and see what Isaiah said about the Jewish nation. In our days, that nation serves as a type, a foreshadowing of the United States. And now, the head is the second part, extending upward from the toes to the head.

All ulcers, all wounds that are not healing. They are criminals.

A criminal nation has a criminal president. I showed you in my videos that during his first term, he clearly fulfilled the role of the destroyer, Abaddon, and Apollyon.

And here we are now—tomorrow, he will begin his second term. There was a pause, and I also explained to you why this pause occurred. It was clearly because we prayed in 2016 that during his first term, he would not fully act out his role as the destroyer. At that time, we did not fully understand these things, but we prayed for more time so that the 144,000 could be sealed.

This was also explained as being symbolized by Jupiter, which takes 12 years to pass through all the constellations of the 12 tribes. I can only encourage you to watch my videos to gain a full perspective. We also discussed in one of those videos about the two witnesses and explored several time frames.

Revelation 11, the prophecy of the two witnesses, is one of the most difficult and challenging prophecies in the entire Bible—at least in the entire book of Revelation.

And so many people always marvel, asking who these two witnesses are, believing they have to appear in Jerusalem and, and, and, but they fail to see that the book of Revelation is highly symbolic. When it speaks of the two witnesses appearing in Jerusalem, it means the main city of Judaism.

Modern Judaism is Christianity, so these two witnesses must appear amidst Christians. And it’s a movement. The two witnesses represent a movement, a movement that began in the 1800s, after the Great Disappointment in 1844, when many believed Jesus would already come.

This movement re-introduced the Sabbath. It was the Adventist pioneers, but not only them; it also included Methodist pioneers and others who started to keep the Sabbath and rediscovered its significance.

Those were the Sabbath pioneers—the witnesses of Jesus, who, according to His own words, is the Lord of the Sabbath. They re-established the knowledge about the importance of keeping the Sabbath.

Now they are dead, and therefore they belong to the irreproachable church of Smyrna—the martyrs, the dead Christians. But their testimony follows them, as stated in Revelation 14.

And who follows this? Once again, Sabbath keepers. However, the Adventist Church itself has fallen, fallen, twice already. It’s terrible.

What has happened to the Adventist Church is a story I’ve spoken about many, many times. They are now fully in the hands of Satan and whoever still follows a conference church. I’m not speaking about faithful fringes who are not part of the conference, but they do not have prophetic knowledge.

They have not developed. Individuals like David Gates or Andrew Hendricks. They are good Adventists, no longer part of the General Conference. They have separated, but they do not have the full view because they always say that the spirit of prophecy is Ellen G. White. Yes, Ellen G. White had the spirit of prophecy as Revelation 19 mentions.

She had the spirit of prophecy, accompanying the early Adventist Church for many years—from 1844 to 1915, when she died. But she is now dead.

So I ask you, is the Spirit of God, who gives the gift of prophecy, dead? Did the Holy Spirit die? Of course not. The Holy Spirit was given to others. After Ellen G. White, others came.

There were great pastors like M. L. Andreasen, who brought forth a complete understanding—or at least a more developed understanding—of the sanctuary doctrine, which is now starting to re-emerge among some Christian fringes. He was a faithful pastor.

He even lost his pension. He was kicked out, like so many faithful pastors of the Adventist Church nowadays, simply because he spoke the truth. Then came Wieland and Short repeating the message of 1844 that other Adventist pioneers had proclaimed, but they too were rejected.

The Holy Spirit always tries to influence people and provide them with greater knowledge. Ellen G. White, so widely propagated by David Gates and Andrew Henriques, herself said that we have many things to unlearn and still many things to learn.

She declared that there would be new light, but the leaders would see this new light as something dangerous. They would refuse it and cast it aside, just as they did with me in 2010. Yet, we are still here.

You cannot quench the Spirit. The Spirit of life always finds different ways to give life and to revive a church.

We know from the Bible that a church or a people without prophecy dies, perishes.

So, what has happened since 1915? If Ellen G. White died, then according to these pastors, Ellen G. White remains the living spirit because of her books that follow her works. Yes, but her books are not complete because she herself said that new light would come. And this is the reason why we exist—because we are sharing this new light.

I read her books and found things that led me to the correct Bible study. This is also what she said: the light comes from the Bible. She is only the lesser light, while the Bible is the great light.

But you can find inspiration from such writings. For example, she said that one day we would know the new name of Jesus Christ, which is a glorious star, and we would be sealed with the knowledge of this new name.

Now you know that this new name is Alnitak. You could have known it since 2010 if you had studied the Orion Presentation.

And you can still study it.

So we are here, and I am here, to show you how the light I have shared with you through all these video series over the past months has developed further. This is because we discovered another comet, G3, which draws a wonderful heart in the heavens.

This comet was missing in my understanding, and because of that, I could not fully decipher what I believed to be the pinnacle of understanding: the deciphering of the location of the two witnesses in the heavens. In The Loosening of the Four Winds, I clearly deciphered, through a chiasm, what these points are in the heavens and the constellations to which the four parts of the two witnesses belong.

Yes, they have four parts, as Revelation 11:4 tells us: "These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks." Right? So, there are four parts—two olive trees and two candlesticks—and these stand before the God of the whole earth. This always relates to a point on the earth.

The earth circles around the sun in one year. One complete circle. One full orbit. Four points on this orbit are significant and extreme points. One of these points is, and there are two always, depending on which hemisphere you live in.

One is the equinox points and the other two points are the two solstices. On two extremes here and on two extremes here.

At the equinox points, day and night are of equal length. This has been known for thousands of years. The solstice points, on the other hand, mark either the longest day or the longest night. Depending on the hemisphere, you experience either the winter or summer solstice, or the spring and autumn equinox. These are the four extreme and important points.

This is where the two witnesses stand. You can use Stellarium to locate where these points are today. These points that we see today have been in the past in different points.

The spring equinox point, for example always moves, as do the solstice points, but they move very, very slowly—over thousands of years. But they move. Since the time of Jesus, these points have shifted.

And this is also important to understand. Compare, for example, the year 31:

When did Jesus rise? When was Jesus crucified? And so on. When you examine these points and compare them to the present day, you uncover even more wisdom for the deciphering of Revelation, which the Apostle John saw unfolding in the heavens. Therefore, we must look to the heavens.

We must look up to decipher these things correctly.

I think that’s enough for an introduction. I just want to mention that in Brother Gerhard’s latest video about the heart sign, we discussed the idea that perhaps at the pinnacle of the heart—when you see the heart inverted—there, at the pinnacle of the heart where Sagittarius is, there might be something like the special ascension of the two witnesses.

When you read this text, it really seems, when you read it, to resemble a rapture—or at least a pre-rapture. I’m referring to Revelation 11:12: “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither.” This great voice must be a voice receives is strength from the Sun.

Great voices are always associated with the sun. So, the Sun is in a special location that causes the voice of the constellation, the planet, or whatever celestial object to be great.

It says, “Come up hither.” But where is “hither”? And what is the voice? That’s the riddle. These things are all riddles.

It’s the big Rubik’s Cube—the whole of Revelation. You must align all the pieces in the correct position. The verse continues: “And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them.”

There are several points in the Mazzaroth—the 12 constellations around the ecliptic, of in the ecliptic, which were known even by the ancient Jews. Let’s be clear: we are not talking about astrology. We are not astrologers.

We are biblical astronomers, deciphering these things by looking at the heavens. So, where are these locations? Enemies must be present. A cloud must be present.

So we thought, okay, that looks very much like the area where the center of our galaxy is, where Sagittarius A*, the massive black hole with four million solar masses, is located. This is a cloudy area because it’s filled with dust.

We thought that in this time frame, if something plays out in the heart sign, specifically in this Sagittarius region, it could fulfill this text about the special ascension. So, we tried to figure it out.

But okay, today is already the 19th of January.

The Sun is already in Capricornus, which also has a very important connection to the inauguration of Trump because G3 and the Sun are in Capricornus. In this constellation, we see two horns—a beast that has two horns but speaks like a dragon. There is also a fish tail, which could allude to the sea monster, the ancient serpent, Satan.

But this is just a side note. Now, I think we can exclude the possibility that we, as the Church of Philadelphia, as we believe, have been raptured because I’m still here making this video. So, for our theory about the four heavenly bodies passing through the center of the galactic equator at the Sagittarius A* region, entering into the heart of Jesus, which was mentioned by Brother Gerhard in one of his recent videos, we can now exclude the idea that this was the ascension of the two witnesses. Now, whenever we have a theory that is later proven wrong, it does not invalidate the foundation of the ideas.

So, we must return to the prophecy and examine it in more detail. The entirety of Revelation 11 holds a key, and this key is the location of the two solstices and the two equinox points., which are the two trees: the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Sagittarius A* area), the club of Orion, solstice, solstice—at least in their present-day positions. Then, there are the equinox points: one in the laying fish constellation, symbolizing one candlestick, Smyrna, the dead church; and then we have another equinox point in Virgo, symbolizing the living church, the virgin church, which also has no reproach.

It is Philadelphia—another candlestick. This has now been explained in three videos.

That should be sufficient to understand how to decipher these things. Go back to The Loosening of the Four Winds to watch my explanation of this fact. We need to examine these areas to fully decipher Revelation chapter 11, including the secret rapture or whatever it may signify, as well as the great earthquake in which 10% of a certain city will die in the same hour.

And this is exactly where we are now. We are on the brink of the fulfillment of these final verses, because then it states that the second woe is over, which is the sixth trumpet, as explained in my videos, which began with the fall of the Assad regime.

We can now see that the sixth trumpet once had to do in the classical trumpet time with the Ottoman Empire, and today we see articles reporting that Erdogan of Turkey aims to rebuild in Syria following the fall of the Syrian’s empire of Assad. He wants to re-erect the Ottoman Empire there, starting with the Kurds in that region.

So, this is still unfolding, beginning around the 15th of December, or even slightly earlier, around the 1st of December, when comet K2 entered the club of Orion, as I have mentioned many, many times. The 15th of December, 15th of December 2024 is a very, very important date. This marked the beginning, but of course, a third part of mankind did not die immediately, just as during the COVID crisis, when the entire world was not vaccinated in a single day. It starts at a certain point.

It started in the fifth trumpet, it began with the declaration of the pandemic by the World Health Organization, and then the development and rollout of the vaccines began, and so on and so on, as I also explained in my videos. Similarly, a woe takes time to unfold. But we know that when the ascension of the two witnesses—or respectively their four parts—has happened, the second woe ends quickly after the fall of a certain city, which should at least give a reason for a loud cry.

Have you ever asked yourself, as I deciphered in The Loosening of the Four Winds, why these four points are called two witnesses? Not because there are four referring to two, as I have already explained.

Have you ever asked yourself what they have witnessed? Why are they called witnesses? These are points, or constellations, at specific times. For example, Sagittarius currently has a solstice point, just as Taurus or Gemini have a solstice point, and the lying fish in Pisces has an equinox point, or Virgo has an equinox point. They are points in the constellations.

Have you ever wondered what they have witnessed? A hint to find out what they have witnessed is found in Revelation 11 again, of course, and it is there, specifically verse 8: "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,” The "street" has been deciphered as the ecliptic. “which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." So, when they are the witnesses, then they are witnessing something that falls within the witness time frames of nowadays that I deciphered in my video series. And we will see this again for a review and correction in this video.

They must also have witnessed something during Jesus' time, as it is mentioned that they were already present there when Jesus was crucified. Do they play a role, or are they time markers, at least for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

So, first of all, which important day-dates from Jesus' life do we know? I can tell you frankly, it is only our ministry that knows the exact day-dates, because I researched this as early as the year 2010. Here is a list and a table of the day-dates what we know exactly.

And remember, when I show you the heavens later, this was done completely independently of the heavens, and even from these two witnesses, the two trees, the two candlesticks. We did this completely independently from looking up or harmonizing anything.

Later, we will check if there are witnesses and how they confirm in the heavens that we are correct.

So, the first thing, of course, at the beginning of Jesus’ life was his birth. According to the article in LC, Last Countdown, titled Christmas 2.0, Jesus was born on October 27, 5 BC. When we later go to Stellarium, we must input the year as minus 4 because Stellarium includes the year 0, which does not exist in the calendar. So, minus 4 BC in Stellarium corresponds to 5 BC. Then Jesus’ baptism date, September 4, AD 27, was found in the article on White Cloud Farm years later, in The Mystery of the Holy City, Part 2. I wrote an entire book, The Mystery of the Holy City, and Part 2 includes how we found the baptism date of Jesus Christ.

It’s a very interesting chapter, in my opinion.

Jesus' crucifixion date was the first date we ever discovered, which is why it was already included in articles from 2010 on Last Countdown (LC), Full Moon at Gethsemane, Part 2. However, I encourage you to also read Part 1.

Let me remark that just last week, I saw a video from a lady—I don’t recall her name-whose article caught my attention because many people propose different years, but she had the year 31 correct.

She is from some other church, not affiliated with the SDA church, but she correctly identified the year. However, she could not reconcile the Friday crucifixion with the year 31, and this difficulty is explained in Part 1 of Full Moon at Gethsemane. The issue arises simply because people do not take into account the rules governing how the year begins. You need the barley harvest test, which determines when the year starts.

You must also take into account the equinox. Spring cannot begin until the Sun has passed the equinox point. Then, 14 days later, the Moon must be full, of course.

This is precisely the problem: the equinox point and they have to take into account the barley harvest test. In the year 31, the barley harvest apparently failed in the first possibility. This date taught us the correct timing for the beginning of the year, allowing us to calculate the other dates accurately—something other congregations do not have because they never correctly determined the crucifixion date and, as a result, never understood the true calendar. This is why they fail to identify these dates.

The crucifixion date was May 25, AD 31, the lady had Wednesday as a crucifixion date.

This is exactly what I don’t like—when people cannot find the correct date, they start changing their understanding of the biblical record. We know that Jesus was crucified on a Friday and He resurrected on a Sunday, the first day of the week in Jewish understanding. This is clearly stated in the biblical record.

You cannot change that. When they propose a Wednesday crucifixion, they also miss the proper understanding of what a high Sabbath is, as explained in John 19:31. A high Sabbath occurs when a ceremonial rest day, a Sabbath, coincides with a seventh-day Sabbath. This makes it a double Sabbath, a high Sabbath, a term used only in John 19:31.

This is also where our name, High Sabbath Adventists, comes from—because we understand the calendar.

And then we have Jesus resting in the tomb on a high Sabbath, according to the biblical record, in the year 31, not any other year. Jesus' resurrection is then easily calculated from the crucifixion date—it must be two days later, or three days inclusive—which places it on May 27, AD 31.

Jesus' ascension can then be calculated from His resurrection date, adding 40 days inclusive, which gives us July 5, AD 31. These are the day dates we know about Jesus' life. However, what we have never really checked out is how these dates fit together with our understanding of the two witnesses, their four parts, the two candlesticks, and the two trees.

This will now become very interesting, I think. Let’s look to the heavens.

So, let’s check out first Jesus’ birthday on the 27th of October, minus four (Stellarium adjustment), is 5 BC.

The Moon was in Virgo, in one of the candlesticks. Look, here is the equinox point. Over the past 2,000 years, this equinox point has shifted up to here.

However, in the year of Jesus’ birth, 5 BC, the equinox point was here still in Virgo. This makes Virgo one of the candlesticks, one of the candlestick parts of the two witnesses. Where was the sun? The other clock hand of the Mazzaroth—of God the Father’s clock—The sun was in Libra.

Does this situation remind you of any Bible verse? It reminds me of Malachi 4:2, which reads: "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall." So, the Sun of Righteousness, the Sun that is in Libra which is the balance of righteousness, clearly represents Jesus.

The Sun was just at one of the extreme points in Libra. The next day, it would no longer have been the Sun of Righteousness. It's the last day, the 27th of October in the year 5 BC.

The Moon, meanwhile, was in one of the witnesses. Why don’t we have a tree there involved? A tree is represented in Orion. The club of Orion is one of the trees.

You will soon see in the crucifixion scene why the trees are the trees of the crucifixion. And we have the other tree part on the opposite side of the galactic equator, within the region of Sagittarius A*, which is in the midst of the enemies. So in Sagittarius of course.

However, at Jesus’ birth, He was not yet crucified. So, we have one witness present for the birth of the Sun of Righteousness. It is the church, and it is of course, a virgin. it fulfills the prophecy: "A virgin shall give birth." This is an old prophecy from the Old Testament.

The Virgo, the virgin, gives birth. For the birthday of the Sun of Righteousness, at least one of the two clock hands of God the Father’s clock—here, the Moon—must be in Virgo. But there is no tree involved because He was not crucified at that time.

But wait a second. Can we be so sure that Libra has nothing to do with the four parts of the two witnesses? Take a very exact look at the equinox point here in Virgo, which has a special symbol. This symbol is not Virgo's symbol.

It is the symbol of another constellation—That’s the symbol of Libra. Why is this a symbol of Libra?

Let’s go again to the biblical text.

The text that gave us the hint to research the time of Jesus' crucifixion contains another hint. It mentions not only "where also our Lord was crucified" but also "the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt." The word translated as "street" has a deeper meaning. In many Bibles, it is translated as street, but indeed the original Greek word is G4113 actually means open square.

What is an open square? A square is a geometric shape with four equal sides, but an open square must have open areas between the four sides, so that always there is an open space. How is this to be understood? Therefore, people are confused and they translate open square with street, because they cannot imagine what an open square is. Can we see this? So again, here we see the symbol of Libra, yet we are in Virgo. Why? Because this equinox point has shifted.

From where? Clearly, from Libra. But when was it in Libra? This is hinted at with the phrase "spiritually called Sodom and Egypt." Or got the name from Sodom and Egypt. These symbols originate from ancient times.

They date back to post-Flood times, including the time of Sodom, but as we will see they also span Egypt’s time. And both times are not exactly the same. Before we proceed to analyze the dates from the table of Jesus’ time, let’s go far back in time far, far away in the past, to Sodom's time.

As you know from the great Orion Cycle Study, where we also have found out the times of the great clock of God, we determined that the Flood occurred in 2381 BC. I did some research with chat GPT and then the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah occurred around 1989 BC.

Now if we take this date and go back to it, 1989, that would be 88, then where has the equinox point been at that time? Look at that, it was exactly in Libra. You see? So therefore it has this sign.

The Sodomites, or the Canaanites living in Sodom, gave the sign of Libra to the equinox point during their time. And this is where it comes from. This naming comes spiritually from Sodom.

In Jesus’ birth year, the Sun was in Libra and the Moon was in Virgo. So it is one side of the open square. But it is open.

Let’s see where we find the other points. Ok, this also fits. Indeed, this is the sign of Capricornus.

It fits with Sodom still. Here, we have open part. We know that the other equinox point should be in Pisces, but it is not.

Where is it? Ah, now we have a problem. It is still in Taurus during Sodom’s time, not in Aries. But this sign here represents Aries.

When the equinox point shifted to Aries, Sodom had already been destroyed. What about the solstice point? It is normally in Gemini. Aha.

Oh, that was in Leo, but it had the sign of Cancer. So we have two points correct in Sodom's time, but we still need to move forward in time to Egypt's time. Now, what is the most famous date we know from Egypt? Of course, it is the Exodus.

When did the Exodus happen? It was 1446 BC, and in this case, 1445 BC, as I showed you in the study about the Great Orion Clock. And what do you see all of the sudden? This solstice point has changed location from Leo to Cancer. Suddenly, spiritually, the Egyptians assigned the Cancer sign to their solstice point.

Let’s go back to see if the Aries sign has now also moved into the correct location. Previously, it was still in Taurus during Sodom's time, but by the time of the Exodus in Egypt, it had shifted to Aries. Isn’t that incredible? Now, when you look at all of these things and put together these to possible constellations always. We have Aries and today it is in Pisces.

That’s one side of the open square, with nothing in Aquarius—open. Then we have this point Capricornus, which shifted from here to here in our time, right? So this is the second side of the open square. Then we come to Scorpius, nothing.

Then we have Libra, the point was then here, and shifted upward to its current position in our time, forming the third side of the open square. Nothing in Leo, but the point in Cancer has now shifted all the way to the very, very end of Gemini, completing the fourth and last side of the open square. Taurus remains empty.

However, we need two separate time frames, Sodom and Egypt. Let’s move forward. The next date on our list is His baptism date, September 4, AD 27.

Where was the Moon on that date? The Moon was exactly in Pisces. In that year, in the year 27 AD, the equinox point was directly in the rising fish. But today, the equinox point is here, exactly where the Moon was—in the lying fish.

This symbolizes how we are all baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The lying fish represents death, while the rising fish symbolizes resurrection. So we have exactly these two equinox points involved and Jesus was baptized as an example of our death to sin and he was resurrected as our example of the resurrection of a new creature without committing sin.

So here we have the perfect witness which the moon activated on Jesus’ baptism day. But where was the sun? And the sun was again in Virgo and very, very near even to the other equinox point.

For the first time, both candlesticks were activated: the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo, positioned between the two equinox points of these two candlesticks. Incredible, isn’t it?

We had now the two candlestick points, and next, we must finally find the three points involved in Jesus’ crucifixion. Now comes the real test, because this is also the date that is mentioned directly in Revelation 11, the crucifixion, "where also their Lord was crucified."

So this is now May 25, year AD 31. And this is exactly here on the galactic equator amidst the enemy constellations, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius and Scorpius. The father, symbolized by Sagittarius A star, is marked here in the heart of Jesus.

The full moon of Gethsemane shining directly at the crossing of the ecliptic and the galactic equator. This is something we had previously discovered, but at the time, we didn’t have the understanding of the equinox and solstice points being the witnesses. So, who witnessed this? Let’s take a look.

Here is the solstice point of Sagittarius in the year 31. Sagittarius, with its solstice point, witnessed the crucifixion of Christ. Yes. And where was the Sun?

Look at that. In the other tree. We previously identified the tree of the cross of Jesus on one side of the galactic equator. Now, we see the Sun on the opposite side, not precisely on the galactic equator but located on Jesus’s club. In The Loosening of the Four Winds, we deciphered Jesus’s club as representing one of the trees. A club is made of wood, symbolizing the other side of the wood.

Another witness to the crucifixion of Jesus is of course Orion with his club, representing the resurrected Jesus, as you will see in a moment. So we have now the activation of the two trees. From now on the two trees exist, exactly from the point on when Jesus was crucified, we have two trees.

On May 27, Jesus resurrected. Where was the Sun? It had moved directly to the galactic equator, where the solstice point was located at the time in Gemini.

What was Gemini witnessing? The resurrection of Jesus, of course. Can you see it? A significant Bible verse in Luke 24 states: "And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, (at the resurrection of Jesus) behold, two men stood by them in shining garments." There are two men, two angels, have witnessed the resurrection of Jesus and shared the report with the women.

These two men can now be seen in the heavens: It’s the twins, Pollux and Castor, represented by the constellation Gemini. And as incredible as it sounds, you will find these twins again in another event in Jesus’s life, even after the resurrection.

Where was the Moon at that time? Adjusting the time correctly to approximately 5:00 a.m., we see the Moon positioned exactly on the solstice point of that time. Exactly, here is the solstice point, and here is the Moon, at 5 o’ clock on the morning of May 27, AD 31.

No other year fits. Meanwhile, as I showed you already, the Sun was directly on the galactic equator, pointing toward Gemini. At the same time, Gemini’s solstice point was located on the other side, while the solstice point today is found here in Orion. Thus, the solstice points are always involved and we have the candlesticks already involved as witnesses for the most important dates in Jesus’s life.

The final event to examine is Jesus’s ascension, which we have identified as occurring on July 5, AD 31. Let’s take a closer look. Although we don’t know the exact time, it was likely in the morning.

Where was the Moon? The moon was in Gemini again and here is the solstice point, of course. And where was the Sun? The Sun was in Cancer.

Recall what I already told you that the solstice point derived its name from the Egyptians, from their solstice point in Cancer. This is why the solstice point bears the sign of Cancer.

At this moment, the Moon and Sun stood on the same side of the open square. Incredible, isn’t it? Furthermore, to be sure, the biblical text mentions two witnesses again, which I will show you in a moment. But give me a second to show you something else before.

Ten days later, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended. Count it—six, seven, eight, nine, ten days later, we are here. Now, look at where the Spirit emerges: from the mouth of Leo, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who now gives His Spirit to His followers.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Cancer symbolized the door or portal from heaven to men. Out of the mouth of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah—of Jesus—comes His Spirit, descending like tongues of fire upon the heads of men.

But back to the situation on July 5th, as it was with Virgo. In Virgo we had the sun in Libra, which represents the Sun of Righteousness. At His ascension, when all His work on earth had been completed—including the 40 days spent with His disciples after His resurrection—everything was fulfilled.

Just as at the beginning we had only specific witnesses, like Mary was a witness to Jesus' birth in Virgo, here we have Gemini as the witnesses. And there is a clear report about the ascension, if you recall.

In Acts 1:10, we find a detailed account after Jesus had already been taken up: "And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, 'Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.'” Many say these two men were angels.

Now we know that while they were staring up into heaven, watching Jesus ascend in a cloud, there were "two men", Gemini. Yes, they were two men which are the two parts of the Gemini constellation—the twins Pollux and Castor. These are the two "men" who witnessed Jesus’ ascension in a cloud.

You can also find out what the cloud is. There was no comet or similar celestial object at that time, but there was the Moon. The Moon plays a significant role.

In this biblical account, the Moon must play the role of the cloud. This will become especially important when we later talk about the special resurrection of the two witnesses. Here, we already see two witnesses mentioned in the Bible as testifying to Jesus’ ascension.

We, have of course, also the solstice point activating or being in Gemini, whereas today it is directly in Orion’s club. Now, relax a minute and let’s recap what you have learned so far about the two witnesses during Jesus’ time.

So, the next thought that we could explore is: do we also have some witness points in the judgment time? This is what I want to research with you next.

First, let’s start with a table. In this table, I’ve used a color scheme—green and blue—to show different time frames. One represents the two witnesses in the pioneers' time, and the other represents the two modern witnesses, which form the core of the story in Revelation 11, or let me say the heart of the story of Revelation 11.

The story of the two witnesses doesn’t actually begin in Revelation 11; it starts earlier in Revelation 10 with the little book because the last verse of Revelation 10 tells these witnesses—or John, the witness—that he must prophesy again. This word “again” does the trick. So, we know that while the two witnesses' story unfolds in Revelation 11, there is a precursor—something that happened before that would foreshadow their prophesying.

This precursor is found in Chapter 10, in the story of the little book that was sweet in the mouth but bitter in the belly of John the prophet. This prophecy was later fulfilled by William Miller and Samuel Snow when their prediction of the 1844 date for Jesus’ coming ended with a Great Disappointment. I hope you see exactly why I start there, and why the time before 1844—this period of time was left out, as mentioned in Revelation 11 at the beginning, there is a time that was left out, the time of the heathen. This is not part of the story of the two witnesses in the pioneers' time or the two witnesses in the modern timeframe.

The gray section that I have here in my color scheme represents the unknown part, the segment I want to discover with you in this video. When we talk about the judgment time, of course, we are beginning in 1844 with the beginning judgment of the dead. As Paul said, there will be a judgment of the dead and a judgment of the living. On October 22, 1844, many Protestants and Christian groups expected Jesus’ Second Coming because of the Millerite movement and later Samuel Snow who had deciphered the exact Day of Atonement, being October 22.

When you are talking about the two witnesses in the judgment time, we must begin with this judgment, which commenced in 1844 on October 22 to the 23.

But what was the important point there? The important point was not the disappointment itself. The groups of persons or Christians had waited for Jesus until midnight on October 22–23, 1844, and were utterly disappointed when the cloud with Jesus on it did not appear.

Hiram Edson, along with a certain group in the United States, with his followers and with his home church, spent the rest of the night praying in a stable. They prayed through until the morning, and as the sun rose, they went out, still sobbing. Suddenly, Hiram Edson looked up to the heavens and had a vision. He saw the heavens open and he saw Jesus entering the Most Holy Place to begin the Great Day of Atonement in heaven—which still hasn’t ended. This is the important point: the morning hours of October 23, 1844.

This is when Jesus was seen in vision entering the Most Holy Place to start the Day of atonement. So, we must look up what the heavenly situation was at that time. Were there two witnesses?

The next major date that we perfectly know from Adventist history—which is a big and infamous date—is 1888. Almost every Adventist is familiar with this date. It was both a good and a terrible date at the same time.

Two witnesses, Waggoner and Jones, were sent by God to the General Conference session of 1888 with a message. Ellen G. White later referred to this as the Fourth Angel’s Message, the message of the other angel—the message of righteousness by faith and justification by faith.

However, the delegates, elders, and leaders of the church refused this message, they outright rejected this message. This rejection brought great sadness to Ellen G. White, who received confirmation from God that because of this refusal of the Holy Spirit in this message, the Adventist Church would have to wander in the wilderness for many, many, many years. This added up from the year 1888 until 2008 when I began to understand certain things in the heavens, respectively the deciphering of the "man over the river" with the duration of the judgment of the dead.

I was then from then on 2008 together with the other witness prepared to give this message again in its perfect form, which is what we do since I have done for the last 15–16 years.

So, Waggoner and Jones were sent to the General Conference session in 1888, which you can look it up, I will put a photo here, it started on October 17. We have to look up what happened at that time in the heavens. That is a very, very, very important date in Adventist history.

So, this concludes the green-marked part, for this is the part that happened in the time, let me say, of the judgment of the dead in preparation for this fourth angel's message. There is the third angel's message in Revelation 14, which warns about the plagues, and there is the fourth angel's message, which gives a certain loud cry so that many can come out of the Babylonian churches. Now, what is my most important date, for John Scotram? It is, of course, the date when I started to write the Orion study. Let me briefly share what I found out today, as my memory is not always the best either. What I found researching for the exact date when I began to write the Orion study, and what I found in my old files is truly incredible.

Indeed, as we wrote in the Seven Lean Years article, I wrote down the story as I remembered it. It was so that in 2004, I went to Paraguay, and in 2008, I had deciphered the "man over the river" in Daniel 12—the duration of the judgment, and so on. However, it wasn’t until September 2009 that I began to actually write about these things.

I looked it up and found that I reserved the domains for opening a website in August 2009, but I didn’t start publishing until January 2010. I started to write several short articles, but I didn’t publish them.

And then I started indeed the PowerPoint presentation for the Orion study in September 2009. But I was stuck—completely stuck. I had understood the "man over the river" prophecy, the duration of the judgment of the dead for 168 years, and I had understood Orion as a clock, with the 24 elders symbolizing the hours around the clock. I had understood all these things, but I was not able to understand where the clock hands were, I didn’t know how to read the clock.

I knew Orion was God’s clock, but I didn’t understand how to read it. I had a duration, but no starting point, no clock hands. I did not understand all these things.

At that time, a pastor from the Reformation Church, in December 2009, invited me on a missionary trip to Brazil and to explore the Reformation church more deeply, if I would perhaps, after having left the Adventist Church, would convert to their church.

It was on this trip that occurred around Christmas time. We spent Christmas with their families, but they were very fanatical. I must say that I did not feel well and neither did my wife. Frankly, I don’t want to say too much, but they were extremely strong fanatics.

As a result, we decided not to spend New Year’s with them. We left and traveled back, and I found the exact dates in my detailed accounting. I had paid for the bus ticket on December 27, 2009, for travel from São Paulo to Asunción, Paraguay. During that bus trip, I was contemplating a little bit, and that’s when God showed me how to position the clock hands in the four outer stars, starting from the middle star, Alnitak—Jesus at the right hand of the Father, Alnilam.

This came to my mind, and I also understood the starting point, where I should begin. I realized I had to begin with the white horse rider, the star Saiph. I then understood that I did not have to start in 1844, but in 1846, when Ellen G. White and her husband had decided to keep the Sabbath. That was the first time a Sabbath-keeping church was again re-established on Earth.

These are the things that came to me during that bus ride. However, I still couldn’t read the other dates associated with the other three clock hands. I also had no idea about the throne lines. The bus trip lasted 35 hours, as described in the Seven Lean years article, and we arrived home about December 29th.

I wasn’t completely sure if I read the Orion clock for the first time on the 29th or the 30th of December. This was something I couldn’t remember, so I was researching extensively.

Today, I discovered that my Orion study PowerPoint file was actually created back in September. I had already started writing down several things there—incredible However, I was stuck. But now, I was able to continue.

It was impossible to find somewhere the exact dates, the true dates when I created my files until I came across the map that I had used to read the Orion clock with a transparent sheet of paper on my window. I had placed this map behind the transparent paper and then I had marked the points to determine the year dates. I downloaded this file on the 30th, not on December 29, but on December 30. This is when I first read the Orion clock.

This research was challenging, but it’s important to have accurate data. So, it wasn’t the 28th to the 29th, but rather it was the 29th to the 30th of December that I read the clock for the first time on the 30th. I identified these dates. Then I continued to finish the Orion study, so that it could be published for the first time on January 23, 2010.So, we have to look up when I began to complete my Orion study. When I was no longer stuck and I could finish it. On the 23rd of January 2010, I published this study, which, as everyone should know by now. This day happened to be the birthday of the second witness's firstborn son—without me knowing it at the time. Of course, I was still alone at that time, but God always sends two witnesses.

Eleven months later, on the 23rd of December 2010, I received an email, which I already reported about in my video series on the Great Orion Cycle and the Jubilee. It was my friend Gerhard Traweger from Austria who wrote to me for the first time. Therefore, we have the exact date and even the exact hour—it was seven o'clock in the morning Paraguayan time when I received it.

In the email, which I highlighted in blue, he wrote when he had started to deeply investigate the Orion message. He said he had spent the last three days working on it. That means he started on the 21st of December and lasted until the 23rd—or let me say, during the night of the 22nd, he began to write the email to me.

We need to research this exactly at this timeframe, from the 21st to the 23rd of December, and it will be incredible what we will find there—how the second modern witness joined the first modern witness in the Orion message.

As it was with the SDA movement that began in 1844 when Hiram Edson saw the heavens open and understanding that Jesus would not yet come but that the judgment had begun, we also had our own "aha" moment.

This occurred between October 19th and 20th, 2016, when we prayed for more time. We believed Jesus would come imminently, and we did prayer. This took place during the autumn feasts of 2016, specifically during Tabernacles. On the morning of October 19th, I awoke clearly hearing Jesus’ order to have the church pray for more time. He would come, but if He came at that time, the earth would be destroyed, and no flesh would be saved. Thus, we were ordered to fervently pray for more time with a solemn oath.

This was a pivotal moment for our movement and it is a fulfillment of Revelation 7, where an angel from the east comes and says to the four angels, the fourth angel’s message: “Hold, hold, hold, do not harm (and there is the mentioning of) the earth, the trees, or the green things.”

So, this is our date. However, not the entire Philadelphia church—our movement—prayed on October 19th. On the contrary, we did it only in Paraguay. That evening, I also checked it in our forum, and in evening in the late hours of the 19th, we published the request for all members of the church and our movement to join in this prayer. So far it was only the members in Paraguay that had prayed.

Then starting from the evening of the 19th and throughout October 20th, the entire church joined in.

Well, not the whole church—some members definitely refused to participate. They went away, saying, “We don’t believe anymore. You’ve made yourselves clowns.” They dismissed the prayer as invalid, failing to understand that it was a fulfillment of Revelation 7. Instead, they claimed, “You are not correct in praying for more time, you were wrong about the second coming date, and that’s it.” The same thing that happened once in the great disappointment to the Millerites happened to us on this pivotal date.

On the other hand, this event fulfilled prophecy. Additional time was granted, allowing Jupiter to complete its round to Gemini, which will be fulfilled in June 2025.

In the Day of the Witnesses article on White Cloud Farm, we documented this experience. There is a whole series about our prayer because it was so important. This series also was the beginning of our new website, So, to have this date correct It is October 19th and 20th, but more on October 20th being the day when this prayer was offered as a church, as a movement, the High Sabbath Adventist Movement.

This will be important when we look up the heavens, identifying where the Sun and Moon during those dates. Are we really the Two Witnesses? Do we fulfill part of the story of the Two Witnesses? Then I marked still the ascension of the two witnesses with question marks. How does the entire story of the Two Witnesses fulfill at last? When will the great voice from heaven be heard “Come up Hither”? When will two churches of the seven churches in Revelation—Smyrna and Philadelphia—be pre-raptured, while the other churches are left and have to go through that hour of temptation on earth? That is the great question, and we will answer that in this video.

Now, let’s look up at the heavens and these four dates we know from the Judgment Time—the Two Witnesses in the Judgment Time. First, let’s look at the date when Hiram Edson saw Jesus entering the Most Holy Place, marking the beginning of the Judgment Time. That was October 23, 1844.

As Hiram Edson tells us, the Sun had just risen. I placed our location in Buffalo, New York, as Edson was near there at the time, in Port Gibson. We can see the exact sunrise Edson saw. Where is the Sun? The Sun is in Virgo, and here we have the equinox point of the Church of Philadelphia.

What did Ellen White say about the church at that time? She identified it as the Church of Philadelphia, the living Church of Philadelphia in 1844. And where was the Moon? Of course, by this hour, the Moon had already set. We need to switch off the ground to locate the Moon. The Moon was in Pisces at this hour, in the lying fish exactly at the equinox point.

How incredible is that please? This is significant because this Philadelphia church one day would belong to the church that has died. I don’t mean they are martyrs, but rather that it is a church that went to the grave before Jesus’ return. Here we see the Sun and Moon together in the perfect positions for the two witnesses, the two candlesticks, both sun and moon in the constellations representing the candlesticks. Now I have brought us to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and to October 17, 1888, the opening day of the General Conference session when the two witnesses, Waggoner and Jones, delivered their testimony. Let’s examine where the Sun and Moon were located at that time. And you see it already, once again, the Sun was in Virgo and here is the equinox point.

And where was the Moon? Remarkably, the Moon was precisely at the other equinox point, in the lying fish. Philadelphia church together with the Smyrna candlestick.

So again, a prophecy in a certain form foretelling that this Philadelphia church would die and become Laodicea. However, the faithful pioneers would go through as Smyrna and later resurrect in a special resurrection.

Finally, we come to our time to 2009: December 30. I have brought us to Asunción, Paraguay, where I did the discovery. I brought us to the exact moment, which I verified as 15 hours 57 or 3pm and 57 minutes. This is the download time of the map that I showed you before—the one I used to read the Orion clock.

You see already where the sun is. The Sun is in Sagittarius, and here is the solstice point. This time we are in the area where the following year, 2010, I would find the correct date of Jesus’ crucifixion.

This is the sun. And where is the Moon? As incredible as it seems, the moon at that time was positioned exactly in the club of Orion. And here is the other solstice point, the other tree. These were my discoveries, and it was from that exact moment that I started writing about these things: the Orion study and, later in 2010, also the correct date of Jesus's crucifixion. The key for deciphering the rest of Revelation and the true calendar of God.

#BEGIN 1:26:30# In the email I showed you earlier, the second witness, Brother Gerhard, began investigating the Orion study on the 21st of December 2010. He spent three entire days reconstructing it, purchasing a specific program to analyze all the details I had described in the Orion study. During those days, he became convinced and decided to join me in the ministry, writing me that important email.

I brought you to the date: the 21st of December 2010. Here, of course, we see the sun and the cross, he was even a New Apostolic at that time, directly at the heart of the Father and at the solstice point of the tree witness. Where was the moon? It's incredible. If you look at that moment—let's say at 10 o'clock in the morning in Vienna when Gerhard started his research—the moon was directly in the club of Orion.

As unbelievable as it may seem. It is exactly the same constellation arrangement, sun in the cross in one of the tree witnesses and the moon in the other tree in the club of Orion. The same constellation arrangement, in the exact same way as during my discovery of the Orion clock message, when I was unstuck in my studies. This alignment truly shows the orchestration of the grand hand of the Grand Maestro—the Grand Artist of the universe.

Even if you add one or two days to the timeframe, you’ll find the moon still in Gemini and Gemini, as you know from the time of Jesus, represents the two men. Once again, God assembled two men to bring His final latter rain message to the world. Already in 2010, we were ready, and from that moment, we went out.

As I have already explained in other videos, between October 19 and 20, 2016, we did our Church of Philadelphia prayer. Where was the Sun? As I have shown many times, the Sun was in Virgo. On October 19, the rising Sun in Virgo as I showed many times. It was even on the 19th, the rising sun in Virgo fulfilled the prophecy of Revelation 7. Here, of course, we also find the equinox point of the Church of Philadelphia, activated by the Sun.

Additionally, the Spirit of God—represented by Jupiter, the Ruach—was also in Virgo, again a part of the fulfillment, because in Revelation it is written that this angel commanding the Church to pray for more time holds the seal of God in his hand. So this is what we know already, but where was the Moon? Amazingly, the Moon was exactly in Orion’s club. Around this time, on October 20, we received the last confirmative prayers of the Church. This is the end point when the Church of Philadelphia had decided worldwide to join in this sacrificial prayer to ask for more time agreeing to stay in this terrible, dark world for at least seven more years, as we believed.

And now, it has been even longer. I believe this evidence is quite convincing. Imagine: always the two witnesses with their points are there. The witnesses in the stars are the solstice and equinox points. They always witness the most important moments in God’s Church throughout history, even beginning with the Great Master of all of us, Jesus Christ and His times, where he was crucified. This evidence should be sufficiently convincing.

Now we are prepared to understand the rest. We are prepared to put the right emphasis and significance to these witnesses, which are so important. We should not take any other planets to play their role. The witnesses suffice on their own, perfectly fulfilling their role, as we saw now in the time frame of almost 2000 years.

But before we go on in our study, just lean back, relax a couple of minutes and watch the development and all the signs of the two witnesses in the time of the judgment.

For those who have watched my videos—and I counsel you to do so and do your homework—you will recognize this table of the timeframes of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. We have covered the two times 1,260 days in sackcloth, which spanned from January 23, 2010, when I first published the Orion study on the old website,, to December 16, 2016.

On that date, we published the article about The Day of the Witnesses, of our prayer on October 20, 2016. This marked the conclusion of our testimony on our old website, and all the events that occurred while we were "in sackcloth" for two times 1,260 days.

In the context of the two witnesses, where we saw so many signs, being "in sackcloth" clearly means that there are no visible signs in the heavens. We do not see these two witnesses in the heavens anymore.

There is no sign marking their beginning on January 23, 2010, there is no sign at the midpoint, and there is no sign on December 16, 2016 when in sackcloth hidden.

Next came the two times 1,290 days of the witnesses laying "dead" in the same street where their Lord was crucified. That span from December 16, 2016, to January 9, 2024.

If being in sackcloth for the first time frame, the two times 1260 days for the two witnesses, meant that they were hidden, that they had no sign in the heavens, what would it mean for them to be "dead"? Once again, no signs in the heavens, not at the beginning of the two times 1,290 days, not at the midpoint, and not at the endpoint. These two timeframes are the development of the vaccinations and the global rollout of the vaccines for the first woe.

On January 9, 2024, we observed that comet K2 touched the second leg line of Orion. So we believed, ah, look at the sign of the Son of man in Orion, K2 had entered Orion in December 2023 and touched the first leg, then the second leg on January 9.

This could be the standing up of the two witnesses. We had the idea to look the second witness, which was for us the Horologium constellation with its pendulum. We interpreted the pendulum as the leg of the second witness. And we observed when would comet E3 that was tracing together with K2 the “sign of the Son of man” touched two times the pendulum of the Horologium, which we interpreted as the standing up of the second witness. We observed this period which extended until May 28, 2024.Thus the two witnesses had stood up according to the text in Revelation 11.

Later, we then identified the two times 1,335 days of waiting is over. This was again derived, as before, from the timeframes in the book of Daniel, specifically Daniel 12. Wait, but "two times" because of the two witnesses.

This period began on December 16, 2016, coinciding with the timeframe of the two times 1,290 days when the witnesses were lying dead. So it’s 90 days longer, from January 9, 2024, to April 8, 2024. This was the day of the solar eclipse that drew the famous "X" over the United States. We recognized this as a very important date.

What we did not know at the time when I created the videos about it was that April 8 also marked the beginning of the trajectory of the comet C/2024 G3 Atlas. This comet is now drawing a heart shape in the heavens. We made several videos, after my videos, about this heart sign, which also serves as a final warning and speaks to the "birds" inside the heart, that their time has come to eat much flesh.

So, we believed when this starts or when this sign reached its pinnacle in Sagittarius, when G3 is there together with the Sun, then this must develop. We thought this would fit very well with the ascension of the two witnesses.

However, when I first created this table, I had no knowledge of the G3 heart sign.

So, for me without knowing about it, believing that the standing up of the witnesses had already occurred on May 28, 2024. I interpreted the other part of the prophecy—mentioning the same hour when an earthquake occurs in a specific city—to be the hour that we see in the Horologium that is drawn by comet E3 completing one time around from May 28, 2024, to June 4, 2025. However, perhaps it was out of context there.

Of course, the phrase "cometh quickly" is taken from the verse stating that when the second woe is over, the third woe comes quickly. When we know that the second woe is over, the cometh quickly. We had deciphered as being the remaining days—from the close of probation on June 4, 2025, to June 20, 20255—as this "quickly" period. I believe this interpretation still holds. But where is the error? What has been proven correct, and where is the error? The error must lie in the interpretation of the standing up of the witnesses.

These 140 days must have been incorrect. Why? While Orion is indeed one of the parts of the witnesses, representing one of the trees, it is not a candlestick. On the other hand, we left out Virgo, and we had left out even the crucifixion point at the solstice point in Sagittarius, where G3 was recently located.

Additionally, we omitted not only Virgo as a candlestick, but we also had left out the lying fish, which is another candlestick or Pisces as a candlestick constellation. In total, we left out three constellations that had been previously deciphered as being parts of the two witnesses, and we only had Orion. This must be the wrong part.

We need to re-understand the standing up of the witnesses playing out in a different way, in a different scenario in the heavens. It must play out in a clearer and more definitive manner than what we thought would happen in Sagittarius with the four heavenly bodies passing through it during a specific timeframe. That this would mark the true end of the standing up and, respectively, the ascension.

We then come to different conclusions when we have the correct standing up of the witnesses. Then we come to different conclusions regarding the ascension of the two witnesses and for the “same hour.” So, this is where we are now, and we have learned now through all these preparatory signs that I showed you—accompanying Jesus's life and also the church during the judgment time—that something similar must occur during the standing up of the two witnesses.

I’m quite sure that you cannot easily spot the error in the table because we also overlooked it for a considerable amount of time. All the other timeframes we included there were deciphered chronologically using the time frames in Daniel 12. This table should now bring clarity to the riddle.

The two times 1,260 days in sackcloth are found in Daniel 12:7, where it speaks of "a time, times, and half a time," spoken to two witnesses similar to Revelation 11:3, a thousand two hundred and threescore days where the two witnesses are given power to prophesy. But they were in sackcloth, meaning there were no visible signs in the four parts of the two witnesses.

The two times 1,290 days dead, when they were dead lying on the same street as their Lord is in Daniel the next timeframe that is visible or readable and that’s the 1290 days and this gave us the possibility to decipher the three days and a half which is not the normal time frame of 1260 days, but includes one year with a leap month, so, 1,290 days times two.

Now, suddenly, I have a blank field in Daniel 12 for the standing up of the witnesses, and that shouldn’t be the case, right? This indicates there might already be an error. However, we have a verse in Revelation 11 that we had not fully utilized: "And after three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet" (Revelation 11:11). We were searching for this timeframe, and we have a blank there.

We did not put the 1,335 days in the correct location. Instead, we had a separate row labeled “two times 1,335 days of “waiting” over. Blessed is he that waiteth. Waith, so after the 1,290 days (or two times 1,290 days), there is a waiting time. The difference between 1,290 and 1,335 is 45 days, so two times that equals 90 days. So after three, and even after "three days and a half." So longer, than three days and a half. Then you read in the Strong’s, the word "after" can mean "amid" or "longer than." Or in this period of 45 (or 90) days of waiting time, then the spirit of life enters into the two witnesses. So what we need to do simply is to do the correct association, we need to put the standing up of the two witnesses row together with the two times 1,335 days of waiting row. And then we have an association again between Daniel 12 and Revelation 11. Here was the error. We didn’t do that. So we get after the end of the two times 1290 days, a waiting time of 90 days until April 8, 2024. And then we should see something like a standing up, something like a resurrection of the four parts of the witnesses from then on or amid, this word after that means to the end of the 90 days of waiting time we should start to see something in the witnesses, in these four parts, in these four constellations, that gives us a hint that they are now standing up. It must be the spirit of God entering into them. We now need to decipher what this was or is.

Here was the error, and now I will show you this wonderful and great theater in the heavens that God has displayed. I have the honor to be the messenger bringing this spectacle to you.

So, dear friends, I have brought you back to the heavens where we have to look up. I brought you to April 8, 2024, when the heart sign began that we understood marking the end of the two times 1,335 days of waiting. However, the corresponding text in Revelation 11:11 states that "after" or "amidst" the waiting time, or toward the end of the waiting time, we should see the spirit of life from God entering into at least one part of the four parts of the two witnesses.

I cannot see here God. I do not see the spirit of life in this heart sign at the moment. I see a comet that could symbolize the spirit of life, but it does not enter at that time any of the four constellations forming the four parts of the two witnesses.

Let’s see where the Sun is. The Sun represents the bridegroom—symbolic of God, it’s a symbol for Jesus. Where is the Sun at that time? Oh, now it becomes more interesting as I would say. The Sun is indeed in Pisces, and Pisces is one of the candlesticks.

So, the Sun itself represents the bridegroom—God—but is it also the spirit of life? We should see a little earlier something that fulfills that this sign would have revived. That something very special happened. Something that was sent by God, by the Sun as we could believe.

But of course, we need proof for that. We see that the Sun already passed the equinox point. Let’s go back to the equinox point to observe if we see something happening. If you observe very, very attentively, you can see something happening. I’ll show you more clearly. Indeed, I see comet 12P/Pons-Brooks in 2024 at the head of the rising fish. This occurs exactly at the equinox date, in the lying fish, when the bridegroom was in the lying fish. Can you see it?

Pons-Brooks started to enter on March 15 or slightly earlier, at the head part of the lying fish which is a fish representing the resurrection—the spirit of life. The verse says, "And they stood upon their feet." We have the activation from March 15 or 20 onward, at the equinox point, with the lying fish marked by the Sun and the resurrected fish, or the ascension fish, activated by the so-called devil’s comet. Isn’t it funny, that the world has nicknamed Pons-Brooks the "devil’s comet" because of its horns. You can look it up in Google, but I have to make the video a little shorter; you can look it up. It made headlines at that time because it had just erupted and became clearly visible.

And this is exactly the time when the press was full of news about this comet . But what happened then on the 8th of April? Look at that. We move forward, and then comes the Moon, of course and on the 8th of April, we had the solar eclipse.

So again a big hint. Hey, now the waiting time is over. The U.S. will be X out. Babylon will fall, and the witnesses stand up. This was one of the four parts of the two witnesses. Now, perhaps we understand that we need to follow the trajectory of the Sun to get the rest of the story of the standing up, because all four parts must stand up. Let’s follow the Sun then to the next constellation that plays a role. This is, of course, where the solstice point is in Orion. I spoke about this event, that was the crowning of Orion, in a different Bible verse.

Now, we go with the Sun directly there, where is the spirit of life? I still have the trajectory of K2 marked here. Let’s see where K2 was at that time.

It was directly in the head part of Orion. Remember, K2 entered the Orion constellation in December 2023. Then it stood up on its feet, but it wasn’t lifted up as I now understand it, because we also had comet Pons-Brooks (12P) in the head part of the Ascension Fish.

Now we see K2 finally positioned directly in the head part of Orion. This is what God meant by "standing up." It is lifted up from the feet to the head, with the comet—the prominent comet in the constellation—now at the head part.

Here we have the solstice point, the bridegroom activating the spirit of life, K2, which lifted up Orion from his feet to his head. Orion stood up. Is it possible that all four parts of the two witnesses have the prominent comets that we’ve discussed in videos and articles? Is it possible? The next point to observe would be Virgo.

Let’s go there. Follow the Sun to Virgo. And now let's observe what will happen, ok?

I go there day wise, can you see something? Look here. Even prominently painted. I go back to the equinox point. Here when the Sun was at the equinox point, in the Sextants comet A3 Tchuchinshan Atlas began to develop a tail. And now it went into the head part of Virgo.

Isn’t that incredible? How much did we speak about that comet? To be the comet representing the loud voice of the angel of Revelation 18:1: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory." What part of the two witnesses is Virgo? Virgo represents Philadelphia. This comet, we understood to signify the voice of the fourth angel’s message.

I made videos about this. And now we know—wow This marked the standing up of Philadelphia, of this candlestick, which was lit, just as the rising fish was lit by comet 12P Pons-Brooks.

Can you see it? It’s incredible. How probable do you think these things are? How probable is it that we have one comet after another just activating these Mazzaroth constellations that are part of the four parts of the two witnesses? Impossible, any coincidence is excluded, if we find a fourth one.

So, what would the fourth part be?

Ah, of course— we must come to the tree where Jesus was crucified. I already see it. What is there? Let’s go there.

Follow the Sun. Now let me activate the comet that traces the red heart trajectory. Of course, it’s G3—the spirit of life, the heart of Jesus that comes now. Recently, we made two videos about this.

Pastor Ray made one, and the second witness, Gerhard, created one or two as well. Here is G3, even in the heart of the Father on January 2nd, where Jesus was crucified.

A few days later, on January 6th, Donald Trump was confirmed as president. Then, on January 7th, all four parts of the two witnesses had stood up. The candlesticks are lit, and the trees are lit like Christmas trees.

At that time, the Los Angeles fires began. Los Angeles, if you’ll excuse the pun, was also lit, and many trees there.

Then we have G3 prominently standing in the Sun, proclaiming the terrible ordeal that the supper of the birds is ready. This was a few days before Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20th as president. And then, we have Capricornus also activated, with G3 and the Sun in Capricornus.

This is the moment when we have Revelation 13 depicted: the second beast rising from the earth, representing the USA, that has two horns like a lamb. Here are the two horns.

But it speaks like a dragon, with this fish tail—Cetus, the ancient serpent, the sea monster tail. All the four parts of the two witnesses have now stood up. We’ve now seen prominent comets in each of the four parts of the two witnesses, positioned on their heads.

Doesn’t this remind you of a certain moment? It reminds me of Pentecost. It reminds me of the tongues like flames.

When I read this verse in Acts 2, which states, "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them," I always had a little bit of a stomachache because in many cultures around the world, cloven or divided tongues, and to speak with such a tongue is associated with speaking lies or deceit. Why would God use such a symbol to represent His Holy Spirit, especially for the great gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? This question has always puzzled me.

Some like my wife interpreted the "cloven tongues" as meaning that the tongues were distributed among the apostles, but that’s not what the text explicitly says. The text specifically refers to "cloven tongues," divided tongues. Like a snake's divided tongue—a liar. Why, then, would God choose this imagery?

I would like to show you four images on a row of the comets that have been set upon the heads of the four parts of the two witnesses. These include the 12 P/Pons-Brooks, K2, the comet that rested upon the head of Philadelphia (A3 Tsuchinshan), and the most recent comet (G3) that draws the heart sign. All of these comets developed cloven tails like fire.

Now we understand that the first Pentecost was a prefiguration of the great, prophesied Pentecost—the latter rain. Another Pentecost, the latter rain with a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter days. This latter rain will ripen the fruit. Then it can be gathered into the barn. This will be the next topic I would like to discuss.

I’m also reminded of another prophecy I am also reminded on a second Pentecost that is prophesied in Joel 2:28 and repeated in Acts 2:17:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days,” are we in the last days? Saith God, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." The spirit of life, and "Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." I am an old man, and I had a dream.

This dream is mentioned in Pastor Ray’s last video. I had a dream about the heart sign.

A couple of weeks or a month before, it was then understood by us. With all my heart. With all my heart. And with all my heart.

Now, recording this video has already taken a couple of days. We now know that Comet G3, which draws the heart of Jesus, has broken up.

I believe that in the next video, Jesus's second witness, Brother Gerhard, will talk more about the situation we are now in. But you can contemplate what I’ve told you right now. Let me say a word about comet K2. All the other comets truly rested upon the four points of the two witnesses during their perihelion time and they had developed a coma that resembled divided tongues, but K2 was different. It was discovered in 2017, designated as C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), but its perihelion occurred on December 19, 2022. It became visible in December 2022 and remained so until February 2023, with its coma forming divided tongues during that time.

But what began exactly during this time? Why were we led to this comet? It was precisely the time when we started to see the sign of the Son of Man. From March 2023 onward, shortly after K2 was widely discussed in the press, the sign of the Son of Man began to be drawn on March 5 or March 12, 2023. Later, K2 entered Orion and symbolically "sat upon its head." So it is absolutely valid and it really shows how the latter rain truly began with the sign of the Son of Man.

Then three other comets were missing to sit as divided tongues upon the heads of the other three points of the two witnesses. Interestingly, one of our members had a dream in which he was told that I have to go to the island of Nevis to unbind three other sheep, and we didn’t fully understand the meaning of this dream. Now, I realize that it referred to the discovery of those points of the two witnesses, as revealed in this video, and their divided, cloven tongues that rest upon their heads.

I more and more understand more and more the book of Revelation to be a huge Rubik's Cube.

To align all the colors into their correct positions so that every single side is harmonious is a very, very difficult task—because it's mixed. It's mixed up like a Rubik's Cube.

Often, people achieve to align one color on one side perfectly, but all the other five sides remain mixed up. So this is now the big question:

Have we now aligned all the sides in their perfect colors? I don’t believe so. We still have many tasks to do.

The first thing we should do is also recapitulate and ask: Which loud voice did we hear on the 21st of December 2024 when the sun was at the solstice point at the cross of Jesus?

This is one of the questions. We suggested that perhaps it was the voice that shouts “Come up hither” in Revelation 11, referring to the ascension of the two witnesses. But this cannot be right because we now see that the two witnesses fully stood up on the 8th or 9th of January when G3 was in the head part of Sagittarius.

So, that was too early. But then, what loud voice was it? It must have been one of the important loud voices.

Let’s go to Revelation 16. Here, you see where this voice was: “And I heard a great voice out of the temple.”

We said that’s the temple area there because Sagittarius A* is a symbol for the Father, “saying to the seven angels”—deciphered to be Orion—“Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.”

And the first went.

So this is the timeframe when, on the 6th of January, the presidency of Donald Trump was confirmed. He is the ulcers in the first plague that came upon the earth. This goes on until the fifth plague and even longer.

This is the destroyer, as I have said so many times.

Let me bring G3 to the head part of Sagittarius to see exactly when all four parts of the two witnesses stood up. Here is the head part.

It could also be the 9th, but the 8th fits better. We have been exactly at the head part. And the 8th is the date when all the reports about the LA fires came out.

This is the hour mentioned in Revelation 18—the first hour of Babylon’s burning.

This is when Michael stood up in the form of the two witnesses, with all parts of the two witnesses.

This is the standing up of Michael from Daniel 12. Let’s read the verse: “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, that’s the good news, every one that shall be found written in the book.”

Here, we come to the special resurrection:

“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, (not all but many) some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

So, we also have a resurrection of bad guys on the earth.

I believe this connects to these UAP sightings or “eggs” that we see. Birds and devils, birds and snakes—both lay eggs.

People report when they approach these eggs they are possessed—that’s evil possession, of course. This could already be a real sign of a special resurrection of evil. How far have we come now in the deciphering or the solving of the Rubik's Cube side that belongs to Revelation 11?

Here is an updated table. In the first section, “Times of the Two Witnesses,” almost nothing has changed from what we already knew.

I only added at the end one row: Revelation 11:11.

The understanding of “and after,” of the first, with which the first begins, even means “among.”

How long is this “among”? We’ve known for a while now that it’s 90 days longer than the two times 1290 days.

That period extends from the 9th of January 2024 to the 8th of April 2024—three months.

The standing up of the two witnesses is then deciphered, as I’ve already shown you.

A prerequisite for this is that the sun must be present in the constellation. This is simply because the verse states: “And the spirit of life from God.”

From God means the sun must be there—it has to be in the constellation. Then we must observe the corresponding comet when it reaches or it is at the head part.

Let’s go through this quickly:

Pisces. This was the first one, it was 12P/Pons-Brooks 2024.

It had already entered at the head of the ascending fish on the 15th of March 2024. And the sun was already there, but it reached the equinox point just on the 20th of March. You could also put there March 20, but it is up to you, I believe it’s correct to put the 15th of March since Pisces was already activated.

And we have to check, is the 15th of March between the time of “even among” of Revelation 11:11? Is the 15th of March, 2024 between the 9th of January and the 8th of April? Yes, it is.

In these 90 days, the witnesses began to stand up. In this case, even Pisces—where Smyrna and the living church are symbolized—stood up in this time frame. The next point is a tree point: Orion. Comet K2 re-entered Orion at its head because there was a small remaining part at the head where it had exited Orion, went into Taurus officially, and then re-entered at the head part of Orion on the 22nd of June 2024.

This is the moment when Orion completely stood up, even if K2 had already entered Orion on the 15th of December 2023. But this is the moment when the head was activated, signifying that the spirit of life had fully filled Orion.

Next, we have Virgo as an equinox point. Comet A3, Tsuchinshan Atlas, entered Virgo at the head, and this was at the borderline of Virgo’s head on the 4th of October 2024.

The last one is a tree and it is the tree where Jesus was crucified, located in Sagittarius. This is also where the Father is—Sagittarius A*, the temple area, most important part. This is where Comet G3, which draws the heart sign, reached the head of Sagittarius exactly on the 8th of January 2025, coinciding with the reports of the Los Angeles fires.

Now we have a gray area titled Open Riddles. This is now the great voice from heaven: When will we hear it? When will the two witnesses ascend in a cloud, and their enemies will behold them? Then we have the next verse speaks of at the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell.

This event marks the true beginning, or the first thing that we can see, of the sixth trumpet, in which we are since the fall of the Assad regime in December 2024. This is now exactly the point when people will hear the trumpet sound loudly. However, it must take a while because this is only a 10th part of Babylon that falls there.

And “the second woe is over,” is the next verse meaning the entire sixth trumpet must have played out, and a third of humanity must have perished. After that has happened, there is a silent phase and then the third woe cometh quickly.

This is in green because I believe it has already been deciphered. This is from the close of probation on the 4th of June 2025 to the 20th of June 2025. We can also say that the declaration of “the second woe is over” coincides exactly with the close of probation on the 4th of June 2025.

So this leaves us with three gray fields open for finding the correct dates. It should not be too difficult. Should it? Because it is simply so, that we need to follow the rhythm of the Revelation 11 four-part two witnesses prophecy. The rhythm is: every single equinox point, every single solstice point has importance as we saw in the standing up of the Witnesses.

The next point would be where? It would be again in Pisces. And as we heard a great voice from heaven saying to the angels of wrath “go and pour out,” on the solstice point. So we will hear now the great voice of God, the sun in this case, from the next point of the four parts of the two Witnesses which is the equinox point in Pisces. Let’s go there.

I brought you to the 17th of March 2025, just before the sun reaches the equinox point, so you can see the equinox point. Of course, the sun marches forward, and then on the 20th of March we are directly on the equinox point.

For the timing, I’ve chosen Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, where I live. However, you can use any other location to observe this point and the details I’m explaining.

At this time, Venus is also present in Pisces, because Venus is a symbol for the church, which is very significant. Mercury is also there, but it is retrograde, so it isn’t clearly visible at that moment. However, it will emerge behind the sun in a few days.

This is the moment of the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere. However, this event occurs every year. Is this enough to say this is the moment when we hear the great voice from heaven saying, Come up hither? I don’t believe so. There must be something extraordinary.

So when we look a few days further, the moon comes, and we have there a solar eclipse, at least a partial one. This occurs in the lying fish, as you can see.

This solar eclipse corresponds to the eclipse on April 8, 2024, when the two times 1335 days had concluded. Do you remember where that solar eclipse took place? Let’s go back a year and then of course we have to bring the moon there.

This was exactly also in the lying fish. That was the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, marking the end of the 1335 days when the heart sign began. Now, in 2025, we have another solar eclipse in Pisces, in the lying fish. We come full circle, and I believe this is the moment when both witnesses have heard God’s voice saying, "Come up hither."

But where is the other witness? Okay, Pisces represents Smyrna. We saw Venus and Mercury there. We also see two fish there, which could symbolize the two witnesses. However, isn’t the lying fish more representative of Smyrna, the one that resurrects and ascends? So, one witness, one candlestick, shown in two different positions. What about Philadelphia? Every solar eclipse has a corresponding lunar eclipse normally. When does that happen? Let’s look it up on this chart here.

Here we see the date when it happens: March 13–14. This is when the lunar eclipse occurs. This is the moment when the blood moon becomes visible, at least in Basseterre, where we are, and also in Paraguay. Follow me minute wise, and I’ll show you how the moon turns into a blood moon. Here’s the reddish glow. The question is, where does this happen? When in doubt, then zoom out.

Look at that. This blood moon occurs at the head star of Virgo, very close to the other equinox point. Now, you might say the moon still belongs to the border lines of Leo. But compare: this is the distance between the moon and the first star of Virgo and the distance to Chertan or Denebola in the Leo constellation is much longer.

Even an astronomer would say this blood moon occurs in Virgo, despite these artificial constellation boundaries. So, once again, we have Philadelphia, represented by Virgo, in the sign. This lunar eclipse corresponds to the partial solar eclipse in Pisces two weeks later. As we’ve learned in this video, in so many signs involving the two witnesses’ constellations we must have the sun in another constellation of the four parts of the witnesses, so it is valid. The question here is: Is the sun already in Pisces on March 14? Let’s check.

Here we are. Yes, the sun has already entered Pisces. So, we have both churches, Philadelphia and Smyrna, involved in this great sign. This ends when they both have heard the voice. This moment is completed on March 29.

Of course, this alludes to Acts 2:19–20: “And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of smoke. (verse 20) The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.” Perhaps now, we can find out what the prophecy in Joel, as repeated in Acts, truly means. What is this great and terrible day? When does it begin? What is it, really? Maybe we can find the answers now with all this knowledge.

Remember very well this partial solar eclipse on March 29. But is that the exact moment of the ascension? I don’t believe so. As explained, we have a great voice and also a cloud. But we still need to bring the cloud to the ascending fish to fulfill the part of the text that says, “And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud.” Right? So, when does this happen? Let’s move forward with the moon for about a day and a half until the moon reaches the ascending fish.

At that point, the moon is just entering its first sickle phase. We come to that in a moment. This is the moment when they ascended up in a cloud. I showed you what the cloud was in the ascension scene of Jesus Christ Himself. Can you remember? I told you to take note that it was the moon. And don’t forget the Andromeda Nebula, which we deciphered years ago as another representation of a cloud—a galaxy, something resembling a cloudy object in the heavens.

But this is the moon, exactly as it was in the ascension scene of Jesus Christ.

So, March 30 is the date when we have the sun, moon, Venus, and a here you can see a little of Mercury, all in the two fish. Perfect. This is the ultimate rapture sign for the two witnesses.

But another part of the text says, “And their enemies beheld them.” I’ll take you to another point, the solstice point, where Jesus’s enemies were when He was crucified. These include Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer, and Sagittarius, who pointed with the spear (or bow) to Jesus’s side.

And this was, of course, Scorpius with the sting—the sting of death. These were the enemies of Jesus. But who are the enemies of Pisces, representing the followers of Jesus, the fish, the Christians? Who are their enemies?

When I look around, I can see Cetus, the sea monster, which we deciphered a long time ago as even representing a department of the United Nations.

But it is the old serpent—the old serpent. This is Leviathan in the Bible. As you can see, the two fish, interestingly, are bound to the neck (or whatever it is) of the sea monster. They are bound.

The question is: Do we have any hint anywhere in Scripture—and I now include prophetic writings of Ellen G. White—Do we have a hint that these fish are bound by the enemy? What are fish, or Christians, that are bound to an enemy? They are bound by sin, perhaps to a master. And when they are bound by sin to a master, Paul explains to us that they are slaves. They are slaves to sin. But when they resurrect, they are liberated. That’s a liberation.

When they are resurrected and ascend, they are unbound. This is something like a special ascension, a special resurrection, and a special ascension. Let’s see if we can find proof for this scene—the enemies being the slave master—and the fish being liberated from its master. The quote I mean is from Early Writings, page 35, paragraph one. And it reads:

"Then commenced the jubilee, when the land should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory, and shake off the chains"—here are the chains—"that bound him, while his wicked master"—Cetus—"was in confusion,( Babylonian confusion), and knew not what to do. For the wicked could not understand the words of the voice of God."

What did I say about what we just heard? The great voice of God that says, “Come up hither.”

“Soon appeared the great white cloud.” Just then, the great white cloud of the sign of the Son of Man appears. We know that’s K2 in a certain position in Orion. “It looked more lovely than ever before. On it sat the Son of Man.” “At first, we did not see Jesus on the cloud, but as it drew near the earth, we could behold His lovely person. This cloud, when it first appeared, was the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. The voice of the Son of God called forth the sleeping saints.”

I won’t go on reading, but I want you to see that there are two different risings. First, “I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory, and shake off the chains that bound him.” That’s the situation we see here in Pisces. Then we have Jesus coming in the clouds, and then have the calling forth the sleeping saints clothed with glorious immortality. Then the living saints are changed in a moment and are caught up with them into the cloudy chariot.

Should we now check it? What would we believe about this situation—the first resurrection and rapture happening on the 20th of June? Do we have something like a sign there? Okay, let’s go there to check. That is the 20th of June. Oh, I see something already.

Just a couple of hours later on the 20th of June—can you see it? Here we are. The moon is again in the rising fish. Wow And where is the sun? Of course, on the solstice point—a perfect sign of the seventh trumpet, which is also in chapter 11.

I must explain why I always use the Rubik’s Cube as an example for the riddle of Revelation. Because so many times, we’ve had one side in the correct color, as it should be. Then perhaps we had a second side, and even a third side. But when we tried to understand the fourth side, we mixed up a side that was already solved.

This is exactly the case here. We believed the coronation of Jesus would take place in February with the Horologium, having E3 on the top. We thought that would be the moment when the seventh trumpet sounds. Not necessarily, because this is still all in heaven.

But the seventh trumpet text says that the first proclamation of the seventh trumpet indeed is: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” So, it’s about the earth. And just when Jesus comes, He has won the war of Revelation 17.

The Lamb has overcome the enemies, and then He is also Lord of this earth. And that’s then the seventh trumpet. Then you see all the worship of the saints in heaven in Revelation 19, as well as in Revelation 11 in the seventh trumpet text.

So it’s very late—the seventh trumpet. I believe we have now placed the seventh trumpet on its correct side of the Rubik’s Cube, meaning it belongs to the first resurrection and the great rapture. Meanwhile, we have something like a prefiguring of this great rapture in Pisces in March.

Let’s go back and bring the moon again in a couple of hours so that it is exactly on the rising fish. This is what I wanted to explain as the pre-rapture, special resurrection, or similar sign that we have been observing for years. At this moment, the pious slave rises.

But what did we not covered, and what did we not understand from this quote by Ellen G. White? It starts with the words: “Then commenced the jubilee, when the land should rest.”

What do you believe? Is the 30th of March a very special date? Yes, it is. Indeed, it is the beginning day of the jubilee. I can show you that using an astronomical calculation program that we’ve been using since the start of this ministry.

It’s called Accurate Times. I wanted to confirm the visibility of the moon on the 30th of March 2025. When I checked whether the moon could have been sighted on the 29th already, I got a map where everything was marked red and blue, meaning no sighting was possible.

What about the 30th? Let’s draw this map. Oh, wow Everything—Jerusalem, Paraguay—is green. This means that on the evening of the 30th, in Jerusalem, we have the sighting of the new moon of the first month, which is the beginning of the year.

But it is a special year. Have you seen my video series about the great Orion cycle and the jubilee? There I showed that this year, beginning exactly on the evening of this day in Jerusalem, marks the beginning of the jubilee. Precisely at that time. As I mentioned, I initially used Basseterre for the timing, where it was 11 hours earlier, but in Jerusalem, it was already evening.

Let’s go there. Now we are still on the 30th, but in Jerusalem the time 17:37. Let’s switch on the background. Can you see what I see? The moon is just rising, and the sun is just setting.

This is the very moment when the jubilee new year begins. And just as the moon disappears on the horizon, it is in the rising fish. This is the beginning of the jubilee. Ellen White was totally and completely right.

Here we have the sighting in Jerusalem of the jubilee new year moon. How great is that? The jubilee begins, and then the pious slave rises. Philadelphia and Smyrna, these two candlesticks, this time both represented in Pisces.

So, should we now check the next gray field, which speaks of the great earthquake? The prophecy mentions “in the same hour.” Which hour are we referring to if we only look at Pisces? Then we have the hour and the day clock hand of the Father’s clock of the Mazzaroth. An hour is always shown by the moon.

In which hour are we? Have you watched my videos about The Last Countdown or The Great and Marvelous Sign, then you will know that the moon at this time represents the bowl of wrath being poured out. In this case, it was together with the sun, if you recall.

This corresponds to the fourth bowl of wrath that has been poured out. And the fourth bowl of wrath reads in Revelation 16:8–9:

"And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men (him, interesting, the sun is him “Jesus”) with fire. “To scorch men with fire” “And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory."

I was thinking about what this could mean. Of course, it could be a solar flare or some event that disrupts technology on earth. However, I think we’ve already deciphered the sores of the first plague to be Donald Trump. What could be a law that “scorches” men and is related to the sun? A Sunday law. This is speculation again, but that would be a perfect point for a Sunday law.

Smyrna, representing the early Adventist church pioneers or Sabbath keepers from around 1844, is raptured and Philadelphia, is also raptured, the Sabbath keepers who bear the seal of God as described in Revelation 3:12.

And then those who are left are the unfaithful Sunday keepers, now under the Sunday law. Which is the “hour of temptation.” Remember the “hour” and the “hour of temptation” that comes upon the whole world.

This worldwide development of a Sunday law would likely originate in the U.S. It’s a possibility—or it could be something else entirely. Regardless, this marks the beginning of the hour of temptation.

Revelation 11:13 speaks about the great earthquake that, of course, has to do with this resurrection moment. The same hour. And then a tenth part of the city fell.

So we are in the hour of the fourth bowl of wrath. When does this hour finish? It finishes when the moon comes back, only five days later, to the club area of Orion. Then it has ended, because then begins the hour of the fifth bowl of wrath.

The fifth bowl represents a darkening all over the world, likely a development of what has already happened—a worldwide Sunday law. Then comes the sixth bowl. In the sixth bowl, the evil entities decide to kill everyone who does not comply with this law. When I see the radicalism of Mr. Trump, I believe he could be one of these three entities. It's almost certain.

We know that the false prophet, Donald Trump, is part of these three entities. Read the text for yourself. So, when we want to finally bring the prophecy in the sixth seal about the kings of the earth, the slaves, and everyone shouting that the great and terrible day of the Lord has begun, to its right place, we must understand what Revelation 11:13 really expresses about fear. It says clearly, "and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven." So, there’s a great fear on earth.

I can imagine that if such a great earthquake occurs, a huge one that is perhaps global, though not as massive as the last earthquake for the first resurrection—when the two witnesses resurrect and ascend, it will be an earthquake that wakes even sleeping virgins. This corresponds to the Revelation 6:14 moment, when “the heaven departed as a scroll.” After all, what did we speak about all the time? We have been speaking about the heavens.

When we depart, the heavens also depart—just like our writings, “like a scroll when it is rolled together.” “Every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” Many times, we have said that mountains symbolize the Cordillera area in Paraguay, a mountainous region area. And the island, you know that I live on an island because I was called by God about a year and a half ago to live here on an island. So, these moved out of their places.

That is when the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the chief captains, the mighty men, and every bondman and freeman hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains. And said to the mountains and rocks: “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of His wrath has come, and who shall be able to stand?” In the great day of the 70th jubilee year, as proclaimed by the great Orion clock.

So, this is my view of these last things that must happen. To conclude this video, I want to leave you with a thought.

Jesus spoke about the midnight cry in a parable—It is of course the parable of the ten virgins. Five of them were wise, and five were not so wise. They are called the foolish virgins that did not have enough of the Holy Spirit in their vessels. You know what happened to the five foolish ones: they were left out and the door was shut.

We now know that this fits perfectly into this timeframe because the door closes on the 4th of June 2025. From the 30th of March, when the jubilee begins, to this date must be the time when people witness terrible events on earth, perhaps even seen a partial rapture—a special resurrection and rapture of Smyrna and Philadelphia. However, we have always pondered on that because Jesus, is the greatest prophet, and why would He use the number ten for the virgins. That was always the question.

Okay, Ten Commandments, with five foolish and five not, it does not fit. So it cannot be related to the ten commandments and it can also not have to do with the five world religions for example since they are virgins, I don’t think that a Buddhist or an Islamist is a virgin in the eyes of Jesus. They are all virgins, they’re all Christians.

So, why five and five? Recently, I listened recently to a sermon by Pastor David Gates. He brought me to the idea that when the Sunday law is enacted, there will be a great division on earth. All Christians will be divided in two camps. One camp is those that understand now, due to all the events taking place, that keeping the Sunday is sin instead of keeping the Sabbath Of course there are the other ones that don’t have enough oil in their vessels, Holy Spirit, to understand the importance of the Sabbath and this is the great division. So, if we would have five churches they would divide in five foolish parts and five wise parts.

In Revelation, we have seven churches. Right? Exactly. But two of them are without reproach and they are the two candlesticks of Revelation 11. Right? Exactly.

Smyrna, is without reproach, represents the church that had died during the judgment before Jesus returned. And then there is Philadelphia, that goes through alive, but it is not the 144,000, is a special church bearing all of God’s seals, the three seals, and the complete understanding.

These are not the 144,000. I say it again, the 144,000 have to do a great work on earth from the 30th of March until Jesus comes or respectively on the 4th of June 2025 when the door of probation closes.

So, two churches will be raptured. These two churches must disappear when Jesus’ loud cry and midnight cry prophecy begins. They would have disappeared by that time. We know where they have gone—they were pre-raptured on the 30th of March 2025 when the jubilee began, and the pious slave rose.

This leaves five churches on earth, and each and every one of these five churches has a reproach, but also a counsel. Read about the five churches. Read their prophecies. Have you lost your first love? Find it again. Read the counsel given. Have you bought gold from Jesus? Have you understood the messages that I was giving? Buy out the time, buy gold from Jesus.

Have you always opposed time-setting like the church of Sardis and did not know the time of visitation, then stop shouting against time-setting and know now the day and hour of the great rapture and Jesus’ second coming. Everything is open to you now.

If you are in one bed with Thyatira because of fornication and lust, stop doing the things that are not valuable in the eyes of our Great Lord Jesus Christ. Be holy as He is holy. At least try with all your might. I rather say don’t try it with our own might. Try it with the Lord’s might. Pray daily that you may be found worthy of receiving the great inheritance: eternal life and the privilege to sit together with our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ at one table. Then, I believe, at the latest, we will meet again.

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