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The Heart of Time

Welcome and thank you for joining me here at the White Cloud Farm. Today I have the honor to bring to you our next study. Brother John has been giving you a number of detailed studies in the previous weeks, but today I will be sharing about the heart of time, and it relates to a new comet that was discovered.

It gives a special perspective on Revelation chapter 19. And to get some context, let's just remind ourselves a little bit about some of the concepts from those previous videos that are relevant to this present discussion. First of all, we have in Sealing Humanity's Fate the setting of Orion as the Book of Seven Seals.

And particularly relevant to this discussion is the time period of the Sixth Seal. Now we're already in the time of the Sixth Seal, but you remember Brother John shared how the first signs of the Sixth Seal started to unfold with the earthquake, and the sun being darkened, and the moon turning to blood with all of the fires in the north. These signs that were reminiscent of similar signs in the past, in the classical seals.

And then, right now, we are in this pause, before we anticipate the signs to be fulfilled of the rest of the Sixth Seal. So in this time frame, it's good just to have an understanding of some of the things, the prophecies that are fulfilling, because there are many prophecies fulfilling all at this same time. And this Sixth Seal prophecy is one.

We're talking about the time in which we're currently living, especially the time going forward. Now the next video, the Seven Blessings to Eternity that Brother John shared with us, he related how there's a test associated with each of the seals. And a blessing is given to those who successfully pass the test with their faith in Christ.

And particularly that sixth blessing on April 8th, 2024. And that relates also to December 15th. As you will recall from the coming quickly period of time, that 251 days that leads from April 8th to December 15th.

In the last countdown videos, there were two in that series, the sixth trumpet was elaborated on with the fire, the smoke, and the brimstone. So those elements we will see also again in this study. The Great and Marvelous Sign shows us a chiastic arrangement of the filling of the bowls of wrath and their consequent pouring out.

And so it provides us a time frame for this pouring out of the vials. And that's an important time frame. And we'll be referencing that concept of the filling and the pouring with respect to the vials of the moon in this study.

In the last video from Brother John, the Loosening of the Four Winds, we learned an array of different prophecies and their fulfillments in the present time. And it opened to our eyes many beautiful aspects of the prophecy. And this will be building on that some.

And there's one aspect, the angel standing in the sun, that we will actually have a clearer understanding of what that really is. Because you will see, we just simply didn't have the information at that time to understand it in its proper light. Our study today begins with the time around April 8, 2024.

Now, maybe you will remember that this was the date of the great solar eclipse, the total eclipse over the United States, one that formed and completed the X across the United States. And this was a prophetically significant date because it, as Brother John shared with us in one of his videos, was the end of the two times 1,335 day prophecy, that timeline in Daniel chapter 12, where it's multiplied by two because of the two witnesses. Now, at this general time, there was a new comet that was discovered.

It's a comet C 2024 G3. It was actually discovered in the first pictures on April 5, 2024. The interesting thing about this comet is that although it was technically discovered in the first pictures on April 5, it's really connected more closely with April 8, because that was the day when it was confirmed and named.

Then they know it's a comet because they've observed it, and the follow-up observations happened on April 8. So this comet, just by that fact, is connected with the blessing in Daniel 12.12, that 1,335 day blessing. Okay, so here we are in Daniel chapter 12, and looking at verse 12, and I have here all three languages for your reference, but I will be looking at the English. It says, Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1,335 days.

So from the previous studies that Brother John shared with us, we know that this blessing concluded on April 8, 2024. And it was exactly on that day when the follow-up observations were made that confirmed this comet G3 as a comet, and it received its name. Let's go ahead and look at this comet where it is in Stellarium.

Now here I have Stellarium opened, and I've already imported the comet, so I will just locate it here. And let's go back to that time when it was first confirmed. Now you notice it's right here on the border of this constellation, which is the constellation of Apis.

Apis, you'll notice the artwork, shows this bird of paradise, and that's what Apis is. And this bird is known for, or it's actually named, as having no feet. It's not that it really doesn't have feet.

It's a real bird. But historically, the foreigners, when they first encountered this bird, they encountered it as a specimen in trade, and the locals had a habit of clipping the feet. And so the foreigners thought that this was a naturally footless bird, and that this bird always flew.

It was always in the midst of heaven. But it's a bird of paradise. And that is also very significant with respect to the blessing of Daniel, because as we saw, this was connected with the next verse, which says to Daniel, the angel speaking to Daniel, he says, Go thy way till the end be, for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

So this is talking about the resurrection, when Daniel would stand up, and even his inheritance, when he goes out into his promised inheritance, the eternal inheritance, paradise. So here we have this comet just entering into this constellation, this bird of paradise, right at the time of this blessing. So these things are adding up that show us that this comet is indeed very important, and specifically with respect to this blessing.

Now the question is, where does it go? All right, let's follow its path. As we advance in the time, we see it has just come in, and it goes, and I'm going to move this a little bit faster. So moving through this constellation, it goes through to the Centaur.

Let me zoom out here a little bit. And we saw that in a previous discussion. Then it goes a little bit faster as it comes around the sun.

That's the time of its perihelion. Let me go daywise through this. Right around January 12th or 13th is the time of its perihelion, and it's going quickly around the sun.

And it does come quite close to the sun. And of course, we have this happening in the constellation of Sagittarius as its perihelion. Then it continues and comes around.

And lo and behold, it comes directly into the clock face of the Horologium, even right through the middle. So that is definitely very interesting. Let's look at when it crosses into the Horologium constellation.

If we zoom in a little bit, we see it's right there on the border on May 25th. Now, I hope that rings bells in your mind, because that's a very, very important date, one that we have understood its significance since 2010. This is the anniversary of Jesus's crucifixion.

And here we are with this comet entering into the Horologium, which, as you know, itself represents the cross. Here it's pointing to the time of Jesus's crucifixion at 3 o'clock, or in the biblical timing, that would be the ninth hour when he gave up the ghost. Let's see when it leaves the constellation.

If we advance here into June, we see that it's right around the end of the time when we expect the rapture. So Jesus comes, he takes his people, and this comet signals the end, when it's coming out of the Horologium, out of this sign of the cross. Now, what's interesting is that if we look a little bit further, we see that it comes into the snake constellation, Hydrus, and into Mensa, which is the table mountain, a flat mountain in South Africa that's actually represented in the heavens.

Now, these two in combination point to the time after the thousand years. So Jesus takes his people, then there's the thousand-year judgment, and at the end of that is when the Holy City is described in Revelation chapter 20 as coming down. And we understand from other prophecies that it touches down on the Mount of Olives and actually makes a plane out of the top of the mountain, where it cleaves the mountain in two parts, going this way and that way, making a plane.

And that's exactly what we see described here in this table mountain. And it's also the same time when the devil is released from his prison. Satan is unbound.

His chains are let loose, as it is described in Revelation chapter 20. And so we see this illustrated there as well. So let's look at the path of this comet to see if we can learn a little bit more about it.

Okay, now I have drawn the ephemeris for this comet, concluding here with its passage through the constellation of Mensa, because that seems to be the limit of its prophetic significance, and beginning with its discovery and confirmation as it entered into the bird of paradise. Now, when we zoom out, we can ask ourselves the question, what do you see? And when we do that, what shape is that? Now, you might say, hey, that looks like a heart. And indeed, it does resemble a heart.

But let's be honest, it's not really this Valentine's heart. Because, well, for one, it's not closed at the top, and it doesn't even have a point. I mean, this is a very rounded base.

But it is a heart. It's just a more physical heart. You see, here in this illustration, we can see where the blood flows in and out from the heart, just like the real heart of a human.

And then it makes sense why it has this rounded base, because this is really describing not the sensual love that we represent with the Valentine's heart, but it represents the heart of the body where the blood flows. And we will see more about what that actually refers to. So, this is definitely about the blood in the heart, not this love symbol that is devoid of blood.

So, this is definitely about the blood in the heart, not this love symbol that is devoid of blood. What we see in this sign is the heart with Christ's blood that is received by the righteous, and at the same time, the wicked who choose the bloodless heart, they reject the blood of Jesus. And so, we see this contrast, and it's all about who accepts and who rejects the blood of Jesus.

And it points to the time of the coming of Jesus Christ. And this, of course, in Scripture, is described in Revelation chapter 19 in verse 11. It says,

And I saw heaven opened.

So, this is a new scene that is being described here. And behold, a white horse. Did we see a white horse in the sign? Yes, we did.

We'll look at this in more detail. But first, let's understand that this picture, while we began the picture with the discovery of the comet, the text itself begins with the white horse. And the reason for that is clear, because when we look at the path of the comet, let's follow this.

Let's go back to when it was discovered. So, here at the beginning, and then tracing this forward in time, you'll notice that the sun approaches the sign and comes to the white horse. Here's the white horse, Sagittarius.

The sun only activates Sagittarius later, around the time of mid-December, around December 17 or so. This is when the sun crosses the border into the white horse constellation, Sagittarius. I want to show you a clip from a message before, where we talked about this white horse, but in the context of the first seal.

Okay. So, that was at the beginning of the investigative judgment. And now, we are at the end of that judgment.

I want you to look at how Revelation chapter 19 describes this. It says, And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

So, this is pointing to both aspects of the white horse. Just like we saw before, that was the time when he began to judge. That was the beginning of the investigative judgment.

And he began to make war, or he begins to make war, now, in our time. And that's what this comet is pointing to. It's important to understand this in the context of the chapter, because earlier in the chapter, it describes the lamb's wife, saying that the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

So, after that, then it transitions to this scene with the white horse. Of course, this white horse rider is Jesus, the bridegroom. And therefore, we have to understand this scene is in the context of the husband coming to get his wife.

It's in the marriage setting that this heart is presented. And so, we can see that this is a message of love from Jesus to his bride, to his wife. And so, you'll notice how this white horse is the main theme of the sign.

So, when we look at this in Stellarium, we see that the focus of this passage is on the white horse rider. And you'll notice how Sagittarius is at the bottom part of the heart. And so, it's very fitting for the expression that we have today, that something comes from the bottom of the heart.

And this message is from the bottom of our Lord's heart. So, as we look through these verses in Revelation 19, we will see how they describe the imagery that we see in the heavens. So, keep that in mind as we go forward.

Okay. Let's look at these one by one. His eyes were as a flame of fire.

When we look at Sagittarius, the first thing you notice is right in front of his eyes, there is this star right there. His eyes are as a flame of fire, this star right in front, even making it a singular because it's only one star pointing to the eyes there. And then the verse continues, and on his head were many crowns.

Now, this is an interesting expression because it's unusual in a physical sense. Normally, a king would wear a single crown. Revelation in another place describes Jesus as wearing seven crowns, but here it says many crowns.

So, presumably, it's more than seven. But what does this actually mean in terms of the heavens? How do we understand that? Well, we've seen that the crowns in the heavenly description are often represented by solar eclipses, specifically the annular solar eclipses. And as we saw before in verse 11, it says, he doth judge and make war.

So, we're in the context of the time of judgment. And from that time of judgment, he has collected, as it were, many crowns. And so, when we understand that crowns are illustrated in the heavens by annular solar eclipses that are brought to one's head, then we can trace that circumstance through the time of the judgment.

When do annular solar eclipses happen in the constellation of Sagittarius? somewhere near his head. Some are at the bow being given, or perhaps some you will see are in the mantle, but they're given to Sagittarius, and then he collects them over the period of the judgment. And so, we see the first one in late December of 1843.

So, just before the judgment was to begin. And then we see another one here in the mantle, 1861, 1870 in the bow again, and so on and so forth, all throughout the time of the judgment. One after the other, after the other.

There are quite a number of them, certainly enough to say there are many crowns. If you looked at somebody with 15 crowns on their head, you'd say, wow, that's a lot of crowns. So, it's a very fitting description.

So, as we continue in this description, we see that he has a name written, that no man knew but he himself. So, what is that name that is written? And of course, biblically speaking, one's name represents their character. And so, already we can see that this sign points to the name or character of Jesus.

But we want to see that a little bit more clearly, and we have to ask, how is it written? And to understand that, we look at the next verse, verse 13. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. So, notice how the description is chiastic, like the mountain.

And it starts with, he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself. And then, at the peak of the mountain, we see, he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood. So, that seems to be an important point.

And then again, it references his name being called the Word of God. So, we have this little chiastic structure here, just describing the name. And when we consider those things together, in light of what we see in the heavens, a very interesting and beautiful picture appears.

So, let's go back. And I have included an illustration here of Jesus on the cross. You'll recall from Brother John's last video how he showed how the cross is represented at the crossing of the galactic equator with the ecliptic.

It's those trees that are mentioned in the Revelation. On one side, we see the cross. On the other side, we see Orion's club.

And in this case, when we look at that more closely, in connection with the comet that is coming through, I've marked this place, marking the central black hole of the Milky Way. This is the center of the entire Milky Way. And the comet that we're looking at goes right through this very area.

It passes right over the heart of the Milky Way. Now, this black hole represents the Father. And that is very important to understand in this context, because as we saw in the description, it says, He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God.

So, that brings our attention to John chapter 1. In the opening words of the Gospel of John, it says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. So, the Word is Jesus, and the Word was with God, the Father. And the Word was God.

They were united. They were one. And the same was in the beginning with God.

So, we see this description of unity between the Father and the Son. And that is exactly the description that we see here at the cross. We know that the Father was with Jesus at the cross, but he was shrouded in darkness.

You remember, it describes how while Jesus was hanging on the cross, there was darkness over the whole land for the space of three hours until Jesus died. And that represented how the Father was hidden from Christ. Nevertheless, they were together.

And when Jesus gave His blood on the cross, the Father was also giving His sacrifice. The Father gave His only begotten Son. And that is what we see here represented, the black hole representing the Father shrouded in darkness at the heart of Jesus while he's on the cross.

So, we see both together. And the comet that comes through is that vesture dipped in blood as it passes through the heart of Jesus, the heart of the Father, giving his Son, giving his blood. The vesture is the righteousness of Christ being dipped in His blood.

And that is what clothes Sagittarius. As the comet comes, it comes around the constellation Sagittarius, just as we saw when Brother John explained it with K2 going around the constellation of Orion coming up through like this, clothing Orion with the vesture. So, we have the same situation as this comet, clothes Sagittarius.

So, this description is completely illustrated right here. Let's look at it one more time. And he had a name written.

It was written. That's the comet that writes it in the heavens that no man knew, but he himself. So, what is it that no man knew about this description, about this name? So, we see the heart of Christ's love.

And when Jesus gave His life on the cross, it wasn't just like any man, but Jesus had the Father's character in his heart. He had that perfect obedience to the law of God written in his heart. And there was no man that had lived a perfect life and gave that life for others sacrificially.

No one else knew that character, only Jesus himself. So, it is indeed a unique name that is written here in the heavens. And it continues.

He was clothed with the vesture, dipped in blood. And notice the way that that is described, dipped in blood. The process of dipping something is a matter of putting it in and pulling it out.

And that is exactly what we see in this sign. It's going in and coming out. And that explains the description that, again, would be rather difficult to explain.

Why is it dipped in blood? Why is that word used? And his name is called the Word of God. And in the Bible, the word has the meaning of the commandments. Look at Psalm 119, verse 11.

It says, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. So, the Word of God's law written in the heart, hidden in the heart. This is what we see in the picture, the Word of God in the heart, that he might not sin or transgress the commandments.

But the word of God has another meaning that we find described in 2 Peter and in chapter 3 it describes this situation at the end of time where there will be scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. And that very well describes our time today.

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: (referring to the flood)

But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

So this prophecy is showing us that the word of God is both a creative expression from when the Father was with His Son and created all things through His Son, but it also points to this time of judgment and as we saw before, the white horse rider came at the beginning of the investigative judgment, at the opening of the first seal in the 1840s and now we see Him coming again appearing in Revelation 19, this time for the executive judgment. And you can see how as the comet comes through the area of the black hole, the area of the cross where Jesus and the Father are together and it is speaking about the word of God coming in judgment, but this is about whether one accepts the sacrifice of Jesus. And that is what the judgment is all about and the executive judgment is about pouring out God’s wrath on those who have rejected the blood of Jesus until the end.

So, after this deep and beautiful description of Christ's character and its illustration in the heavens, it continues with the armies which were in heaven that followed him, the rider on the white horse, upon white horses of their own, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And that fine linen, white and clean, represents the pure righteousness of Christ. So, when we look at the sign, we recognize that the vesture dipped in blood is that same clothing that must clothe those armies that follow him.

So, there's some interesting things to notice when we look at this in the heavens. First of all, we have Jesus as the white horse rider here in Sagittarius. And the comet comes up through Scorpius, being dipped in blood as it crosses through the black hole area, and then representing that vesture dipped in blood as it continues on.

And then it describes those who follow. So, who is following the comet? Well, look back here, and you see another horse. The only two horses in the heavens are these two centaurs, representing both the horse and the rider.

And so, here we see the armies that follow Jesus, looking back here. Now, notice these are on the other side. Their vesture, although the comet clothes this horse rider as well, it hasn't passed through the blood yet.

And therefore, their linen is white and clean, but Jesus' linen, his garments, have been dipped in the blood. So, it's illustrating exactly what the Bible describes in words. And now, as we come to verse 15, we see that it will start to look forward. And you will see exactly where that point is, because it is written in the verse.

So, verse 15 says, out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword. So, this is now something a little bit different than what we have understood before, because so far, the scene hasn't changed. The point of view is still from the perspective of Sagittarius.

We have previously understood that that referred to the Horologium. But now that we see the comet and how it's actually outlining this passage, we see that our perspective has not changed yet. And we're still looking at Sagittarius.

So, where is the sword coming out of his mouth? Well, he's holding a bow and arrow. And of course, when you're aiming that arrow, you have to pull it directly at your mouth. So, it's quite clear the sword out of his mouth, that sharp sword, is the arrow of Sagittarius.

And so, we're transitioning into this description of Jesus making war and using his sharp sword. But as the passage continues, it says that he should smite the nations. Okay, let's look at that first.

Smiting the nations. So, where is the sword pointed? On the other side of the cross, we commonly refer to this scorpion as the beast upon which Ophiuchus is riding, the serpent bearer, Pope Francis, riding the beast. And this beast that Pope Francis rides, as we've described in other videos, is nothing other than the United Nations.

And so, there it is, the arrow pointed directly at the scorpion, that with it, with that sword, he should smite the nations with the arrow coming out of his mouth. And then, notice what it says continuing on. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron.

So, now, we're looking forward in time. He shall. It hasn't happened yet, so our perspective now is looking forward.

Forward. So, now, we can look ahead and see that rod of iron. And, of course, we're familiar with that rod of iron being the pendulum of the Horologium.

So, there's nothing new on that. But the sword coming out of his mouth, we see that it is actually this arrow coming out of the mouth of Sagittarius. So, here is the rod of iron.

And notice the connection. He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. So, with this shall, looking forward in time, points to the Horologium later as the comet comes through, directly through the Horologium, crossing this rod of iron, the pendulum of the clock, and at the same time, treading the winepress as it goes through the clock face.

So, every symbol is highlighted with this comet. And notice now, and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So, it's important to understand.

Now, we're looking again at the present tense. He hath or he has on his vesture. We're now looking again in the Sagittarius area.

So, where do we see here the name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Well, it tells us where, on his thigh. And this is another one of those things that is a bit strange if you think about it literally. Why would you have written on your thigh a name? Normally, you would have King of Kings and Lord of Lords on a banner over your head, but this is written on his thigh.

And so, we see this. We have to look at the thigh of the rider of Sagittarius. Now, the horse and his rider are blended into one image, but if he's standing here as the rider, his thigh would be right around here.

And lo and behold, here we see the crown and what identifies somebody as a king, but the crown. And so, there is the crown, the name that describes who he is, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

And notice that the name is also written on his vesture. Now this is the same vesture that previously was dipped in blood. So His name is on this blood stained vesture and when we look at this in the heavens what we see is that the comet coming through the blood of the cross, passes through His mantle, His vesture. And it is His sacrifice on the cross that made Him worthy to be called King of kings and Lord of Lords. And that is why His name is written on the blood-stained mantle.

At this point, I want to take a step back and look at the big picture once again. We see here the cross of Jesus, and we see in this sign especially Jesus returning on the white horse. So there's a relationship between these two illustrations.

And to understand that better, we can look here at the time of Christ's crucifixion. We're looking at AD 31, May 25th, at the hour that Jesus was put on the cross, the third hour of the day, which would be from sunrise at about six to seven would be the first hour until eight would be the second hour. And then the third hour, as they measured it, would be from eight to nine, would be around the third hour of the day.

So early in the third hour of the day, the moon was at the galactic equator, directly on the galactic equator at the moment of the full moon. And just to show that, it is 100% full moon at the time of Christ's crucifixion. And this is very significant with respect to our current understanding of this moon as the bowl of wrath.

You remember from our recent videos that Brother John has shared with us, how on December 15th of this year, in the constellation of Orion, we have the full moon there also. And in this case, it is in Orion's hand as the angel of the plagues, who is ready to pour out that vial, the full bowl of God's wrath. And so the moon, the full moon represents God's full wrath, ready to be poured out.

And so when we see the moon over the cross, we can understand that Jesus took the wrath of God for us. And that's what this sign is pointing to. It's showing the contrast between those who accept Christ's sacrifice for them and those who refuse it.

You have the full moon in AD 31 for those who accept Christ's sacrifice and are gathered with the harvest into the barn. And there is the full moon on December 15th, which begins a countdown of the bowls of wrath—still with grace—as Brother John explained in a previous video, until the conclusion of the sixth seal. Then begins the vintage, when ultimately the seventh bowl is poured out with the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God over those who reject Christ’s sacrifice.

And in this sign, there are some time indicators as well. We have looked at how the sun comes into the constellation of Sagittarius, activating the white horse on December 17th or 18th. And that's the central focus of this passage in Revelation 19, is the white horse.

And most of that passage is describing the imagery around it. And as we look further in the passage, it says, And I saw an angel standing in the sun. So this now is talking about the comet's perihelion.

So first of all, when does that happen? So here's the comet. And it is passing the galactic equator at the heart of the cross. And then it has its perihelion around January 12th or 13th.

That's when it is closest to the sun. And it swings around the constellation. So this is the moment that is pointed to by this passage where it says, I saw an angel standing in the sun.

So now we know what time this is referring to. And he cried with a loud voice. The loud voice, of course, is the sun itself.

It's giving the loud voice to the cometary angel, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven. Now, where are those fowls? Do we see them? Indeed, if we look here in the sign, there are many different birds. We have the peacock, we have the toucan, we have a crane, we have a phoenix, and the bird of paradise, as we mentioned before.

Five different birds. So we see all of the elements in this prophecy are clearly indicated in the heavens in this time and by this comet. And then the command is given, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God.

So this command is given at the time of the perihelion, January 13th, when the birds are called to gather together and prepare, basically, for a great supper. And it continues to tell us what they will be eating, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

Now, you'll notice there's a key word that is repeated in this verse.

Flesh, flesh, flesh, flesh, flesh. Five times this word is mentioned in this verse, just as there are five birds in the sign. But notice that they don't immediately eat.

That comes a little bit later. Right now, at the time of the perihelion, they are just called, come, gather yourselves together. That's a hint also to another gathering that is mentioned in the sixth plague text, the gathering for Armageddon.

And then in verse 19, he says, And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth in their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army. We have the beast with the nations. We have the rider of the beast representing the kings and the leaders.

And of course, the main king over the nations, who is Pope Francis. But in those two constellations, we have represented those people of the earth who fight against the Lord, just as the Romans and the Jews fought against Christ and had him crucified. So the modern day enemies of God fight against the Lord when he comes on the white horse.

So we see that scene illustrated here in these constellations. Keep in mind that in this context, because we're seeing that the white horse rider is Jesus, we can't use this to represent the false prophet as we typically would. So in this case, these are the good constellations representing Christ, and we have the bad constellations representing the enemies of Christ.

And then in verse 20, here we see the false prophet mentioned. And that's an interesting point because we should still be able to see that in the heavens. It says, The beast was taken and with him the false prophet that brought miracles before him.

Now that's a reference to Revelation 13. We'll look at that in just a moment. With which, he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that had worshipped his image.

These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. So can we see this still in this sign? Are these symbols actually there? Let's look. We have the beast, all right, but where's the false prophet? Because we don't want to use Sagittarius as the false prophet because that's already used in this sign for the white horse, Jesus riding the white horse.

But you'll notice right over here, next to the beast, there is this wolf. And this wolf that we see here in the sign, that is a reference to something that Jesus said. It comes from Matthew chapter 7 and verse 15, where Jesus said, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

So in this sign, we see the wolves that Jesus linked with the false prophets. So it's very legitimate to use the wolf as a symbol for the false prophet.

Now there’s more to this sign’s change in the symbol from Sagittarius to the wolf, because when we look at what the Bible says in Revelation 13, it describes the false prophet in verse 11, saying, “And I beheld another beast [that’s the United States] coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” It doesn’t mention a wolf in that case, but it is talking about the false prophet. He’s presenting himself as a Christian; a lamb-like animal. But in the Bible, it speaks like a dragon. And what we see in the heavens is his true nature as a wolf. Both are describing the false prophet, but it’s a different character now. And this points to the recent, or the ongoing transition from the election of Donald Trump. Now the United States is having a major right-wing shift. And all the Christians are excited, because now they have things going in the right direction for them. They feel like the United States will be a Christian nation again. But no, it won’t. It’s still a false prophet. It’s just a wolf in sheep’s clothing, as opposed to the dragon with lamb’s horns.

And of course, we also have the armies of Jesus in this context that are slaying that wolf. They understand the mark of the beast and the image of the beast, and with the truth, they slay the lies of the false teachers.

So there's the beast and the false prophet, but where's the fire? Well, right over here, we have this altar. So this altar with the fire represents that lake of fire into which the beast and the false prophet are cast, all represented right here in this close area.

And so now we come to the last verse of the passage. And in verse 21, it speaks of the remnant that were slain, the rest of the people. So those who weren't slain already are then slain in this verse.

The remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. So notice that this is now the fulfillment of the command to the birds to gather together, to have their supper where they feed on the flesh. And here we see that they're actually eating.

Before it was the call to gather, now it is that they are actually eating on their flesh and they're filled even with their flesh. So when we look at this in the heavens, what we see is that this is pointing to the time when the comet comes through the constellation of the Horologium. And so if we advance the time from the call to the birds until the feast of the birds, as the comet exits the Horologium, which is right around the 21st or the 22nd, then that is when the birds are filled with their flesh.

Now all the people have died. Died. The remnant, the rest of the people were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse.

So before we saw that that sword was the arrow in the hand of Sagittarius that was raised up and aimed from the mouth. And yet we don't see the horse or the rider over here. And so we have to look at this as a story.

The comet is what tells the story. It's moving along. And of course the central theme of the story is the white horse.

And it's describing this imagery, the followers of the white horse, and it describes his coming to the earth. And therefore we can understand that there's no horse depicted here in heaven because at this time he returns to the earth. This time as the comet comes here and exits the Horologium, this is the time of the Lord's second coming.

It's the time when we see him visibly in the air. And so when looking in this heavenly sign, we don't see him, but we do see the sign of his vengeance. And so again, when we look at this, we see Jesus on the white horse is the central theme.

And on this side, we see the followers of Christ. And you'll notice that there is a little cross that is tucked in under the followers of Jesus. They have taken up their cross and they follow him as the armies of heaven follow their leader.

And on this side of the heart, we see only the winepress where those who have rejected the sacrifice of Christ are as the grapes that are trodden in the winepress. And so this is the side of the wicked, those who have rejected Christ, and they don't have Christ with them. And so in this sign, we see there are a total of three crosses.

One cross here for the armies that follow the rider on the white horse. And then there's a cross here that corresponds with Jesus. That's a memorial of his crucifixion where the moon stood at the galactic equator and the black hole at the heart of Christ at the time of his crucifixion.

And then the cross in the Horologium. This is the that is rejected. It was not picked up and therefore they are remembered by God in the outpouring of His wrath.

In Jewish thinking, to remember is not a function of the mind, but of the heart. And so in this heart symbol, we have the remembrance of Babylon. Just as we had the call in verse 17 to the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, we saw those in the sign, come and gather yourselves together under the supper of the great God.

And that gathering was a reflection back to the sixth plague. In Revelation 16, verse 16, it says, and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And this is the last verse of the sixth plague text, the gathering.

And then in the seventh plague text, it says, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. It's to remember, to give her the judgment, the justice that she deserves. And that is the time when every island fled away, the mountains are not found, and the great hail is finally allowed to fall on the earth.

This, of course, would point to a time after God takes away his people from the earth. Not all of the timing details are perfectly clear yet. After all, the seventh trumpet has not yet sounded, and that is when the mystery will be completely finished.

So until then, we will continue to study and understand what the Lord is teaching. But it should be clear now that this sign gives us a lot of clues regarding what is to transpire in this time. It is very clear from our analysis so far that this is directly related to these verses in Revelation 19, to the coming of Jesus on the white horse.

And Babylon coming into remembrance is seen here as well in the center of the heart because we've recognized before how this Indian man, let me turn him over, this Indian chief in the middle here represents Pope Francis. You may recall a few years ago, he made a trip to Canada and was actually pictured wearing just such a headdress. And here he is amidst the birds, the unclean birds of Babylon, as it were, as it is described in Revelation 18.

And here he is with the peacock pointing to the role of Babylon sitting as a queen and knowing no sorrow, the pride of Babylon. So we see these elements within the heart as Babylon is remembered by God in the time of the seventh plague. All of these things are being pointed to in this time because even though those plagues aren't directly referenced in the verses of Revelation 19, they are definitely hinted at there.

And so it fits perfectly for the timing. So let's look briefly at an overview of the timing aspect of this sign and what it tells us. First of all, you know that on December 15th, the bowls of wrath begin to be poured out.

And we mentioned already how the sign itself is not activated. The white horse with his bow and arrow are not activated until December 17 or 18. I'm in Jerusalem time in this view.

But that bowl of December 15, when the moon was in the hand of Orion, is the focus of the hour, day, month and year ofj the sixth trumpet prophecy, as deciphered in the last countdown video series. And if we follow the moon going forward, when it is emptied, see, it's becoming more and more empty, being poured out until it's almost completely poured out. And here when it comes into alignment with the sun, that's when it is completely empty.

It's the new moon, a 0% illuminated, 0.2% in this case, new moon. And that signifies that it has been emptied. And this happens precisely at the mouth of Sagittarius, activating the sword coming out of His mouth right at the end of the year, December 31st in Jerusalem time and at midnight.

So what does that mean? Well, it suggests that there's this time frame that things may be unfolding with respect to the outpouring of that first bowl of wrath. And then another two weeks or so until the call of the birds.

And the next thing is when the second bowl is empty. And I won't go through all of these, but in another couple of weeks, there is the emptying of the second bowl.

And so this happens month after month until the comet enters into the Horlogium constellation on the anniversary of Jesus' crucifixion. And you'll notice also how it traces very closely to the hour hand that points to the very hour of Jesus' death. The comet flies right by the hour of Christ's crucifixion as a double reminder of the sacrifice that was rejected and the reason why this trampling of the winepress must take place.

It is also at this time when the sixth bowl of wrath is being poured out, also a very significant date, the anniversary of Jesus' resurrection. And then the following day is when the moon comes into the hand of Orion and the seventh bowl begins to be poured out. And Babylon comes into remembrance, as it is said in the seventh plague.

And then we have the second coming, the trampling of the winepress. It's not completely clear, all of the details, but as the time comes closer, the Lord will surely reveal more. And so when we look at this amazing view of Revelation chapter 19, it encompasses quite a lot.

You can see that it starts with paradise. You could say the Garden of Eden. And it concludes with this imagery of the mountain and the serpent being let loose after the millennium.

And that, of course, is the concluding act before Eden and paradise is restored. And so we see depicted in this symbol, in the path of this comet, is the entire controversy over the last 6,000 years. And even looking forward until the 7,000 years is finished and all is encompassed in the heart of God.

And we see then in this picture, a representation of how Christ is fulfilling the covenant that He made with Adam and Eve in the beginning, to restore them to their home in Paradise. Several weeks ago before Brother John discovered this comet and its amazing path, he had a dream. And he dreamt of a good friend who had a beautiful bride. And his friend had asked him to communicate with her because he couldn’t meet her at a certain location, and that he should communicate with her as though he were her bridegroom.

And he gave him a big alarm clock—an old fashioned alarm clock with the two bells—and he was to write on the upper part of the clock, a message. And on the lower part of the clock, the bride would communicate a response to him. And so he wrote on the upper part of the clockface three times, “With all my heart…, With all my heart…, With all my heart…” And then he was waiting for her answer at the appointed time. And then the answer came And it said, “OK.” That was it. And then he woke up, and at the time that he woke up, he was looking at the clockface to see, was there something more that she would say? But he only saw that brief response, “OK.” And then when we saw this sign about the heart, and we looked at this where the clock is shown, you see that the clock is indeed divided between an upper and a lower part.

And three times, Brother John wrote on the upper part of the clock, “With all my heart… With all my heart… With all my heart…” and here in that upper part of the clock is the heart. But why three times? Because three times, there are crosses in connection with this heart. “With all my heart…”, says Christ, the Bridegroom. “With all my heart…” and the third time in the Horologium itself, “With all my heart…”

And this also alludes to God’s three clocks. There’s the Mazzaroth clock, there’s the Horologium, and the Orion clock, as we have studied many times, and Brother John shared some of that study with you in the recent videos. These three clocks are to serve as God’s alarm clock for His bride to know the time. It is a message that comes, as we have seen, from the bottom of Christ’s heart, our Bridegroom. And so, it’s an open question. How will you respond? Will it simply be “OK”, or will your answer also come from the bottom of your heart in response to the sacrificial love that Christ has demonstrated for you.

I want to conclude with these lines from the Book of Job.

Then Job answered and said, I know it is so of the truth, but how should man be just with God? If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. He is wise in his heart and mighty in strength. Who hath hardened himself against him and hath prospered? That line is especially relevant to this picture.

God is wise in heart and mighty in strength riding on the white horse. And who hath hardened himself against him and hath prospered? Do the wicked really prosper? Not forever. Which removeth the mountains, and they know not, which overturneth them in his anger, which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble, which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not, and sealeth up the stars, which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea, which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

And that is what we never understood until now. But in this sign, here we see the heart chambers, the chambers, the two chambers of the heart, the chambers of the south, at the south celestial hole. That is what this sign is describing.

God doeth great things past finding out, yea, and wonders without number. And I hope that with these wonders that we see in the heavens, you will understand that God is speaking. This is his word.

It's the written word that matches the heavenly word. And it is the answer to those who are watching for the time of Jesus' return. Jesus said, you don't know the time, so watch.

And when you watch, when you see his wonders in the heavens, then you see when he is coming. And this is that time to heed His warning to come out of Babylon that ye receive not of her plagues. And I hope that you will take this to heart, as it were, and respond to the Lord's call to take up your cross and follow him, to bring the understanding of his sacrifice to others, and to give him your whole heart.


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