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The Loosening of the Four Winds

Happy Sabbath and welcome back to my small little office on Nevis Island. This is the last video of this series, and I can confirm that because I recorded the material for this video from October 31 until today, November 6. Today, I only recorded this intro and the outro for the video.

The rest was recorded before the U.S. elections took place, and I would not know with certainty that Donald Trump would again become President of the United States. This video will discuss a lot about the 5th Trumpet and reveal who Donald Trump is indeed biblically. We are not politically motivated; we are solely researching prophecy and whether people of this time play a role in it.

Donald Trump certainly has a role in the biblical prophecy setting, and you’ll see what it is—it may not be what you expect. In this video, I’m going to take you one last time on a heavenly journey to the stars.

And perhaps not only to the stars of our solar system, the wandering stars, but far, far away. Out of our solar system, even to the uttermost ends of our galaxy, and perhaps to the edge of the universe. I hope you’ll join me on this journey, which is still done by the spirit.

And I hope even more that you’ll join me on this journey in person. Now let’s start with the teaching I recorded, beginning on October 31.

Dear friends, of course, in the last videos, the last two videos, we discussed the 2nd woe and the 6th trumpet in depth.

But some might ask, does the 6th trumpet sound before the 5th has sounded? What’s going on? Well, we deciphered the 5th trumpet long ago—years ago, actually—as the Corona crisis. But we divided the Corona crisis into two parts, observing that much of its beginning was represented in the 5th trumpet.

We believed that the five months mentioned there—where people sought death, and death fled from them—signified the waiting period for the vaccine. We know that the vaccine altered DNA and separated individuals from the bloodline of Jesus Christ, which He established at the creation with Adam in Eden. So we believed that seeking death referred to the vaccination.

And this is still correct, as you’ll see. But then we made an error because we expected Jesus to return sooner. We interpreted the 6th trumpet as the fulfillment of the vaccination crisis.

However, this was obviously incorrect. God thinks in longer timeframes than we sometimes estimate. Now, I’ve shown you what the 6th trumpet truly is.

But to do real research, we have to go back to the 5th trumpet and try to understand how that was truly fulfilled. And when we do that, then we get the key—and this will be very exciting—we get the key to who the trumpet angel is. The woes, especially the 1st and the 2nd woe, have long texts, and they are extremely symbolic.

So we have to research very carefully to understand these texts perfectly. I will try to do that now with the 5th trumpet, which is in our past and, of course—correctly—has to do with the Corona crisis.

If we suspect the 5th trumpet to be the Corona crisis, which had worldwide impacts, and all of you sensed it, being restricted in one way or another, having problems—family problems, economic problems, and so on—then this was really a woe, definitely. When we research it, we must first, of course, decipher the first verse of the 5th trumpet, which reads: “And the 5th angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.”

At least two symbols are here: a star falling from heaven to earth and a key to the bottomless pit. To decipher which star it could be, since stars are normally angels, messengers—heavenly bodies that move within a certain time. So, a star falling from heaven to earth seems to be a very special comet.

To find it, we should first look at the beginning of the Corona crisis, because the beginning of the 5th trumpet and the beginning of the Corona crisis must coincide. Wikipedia has this timeline article, and we can disregard, of course, the unconfirmed reports of early cases that were later done and not confirmed.

But in October and November, we have the first confirmed COVID-19 cases. So, for the trumpet to sound and a star to fall from heaven, we need to find a comet or something similar that was visible at that time and made some headlines. It should have been visible to people on earth, at least to astronomers.

There is such a comet, and it is a very unique one. It is called 2I/ Borisov, and it made big, big headlines. Here is a picture of Borisov from October 2019.

It had already developed a coma, so it was active at that time. And why is it 2I and not C? Because it was the second interstellar object ever discovered. The first was the famous Oumuamua.

But Oumuamua was not a comet; it was only a space rock. Whereas this is a star.

It shines; it is a comet. It is the second interstellar object, hence the “two.”

But it is the first comet ever. It is the first observed rogue comet not from our solar system but from heaven—from interstellar space, not from the Oort cloud, not from anywhere near Jupiter.

No, it came from far, far away—from outer space. And nobody knows exactly where it came from. The Bible says it came from heaven.

Let’s look at where this comet was, for instance, on the 1st of October, and see if we can find parts of the text fulfilled—especially the part that says, “to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.”

We should find something that fulfills this “key” in the text. So we need to find the key. Is it difficult? We will see.

On October 1, 2019, 2I/Borisov was located in Leo. And in Leo, there is a very prominent asterism called the sickle.

I’ve marked it here; it’s called the sickle and has the shape of a sickle.

But it could also resemble something like a key. Can we determine the exact date when this key was given to Borisov? At the very least, it should align with the handle, so it can “receive” the key, right? Let’s move forward a few days to see if we get an activation signal there. Yes.

And now you can see it very clearly. It is indeed the moon that activates the whole sign, with Borisov directly in the handle of the sickle.

And the moon activates it, even forming a sickle shape itself. This is the moment when the "key to the bottomless pit" was given to Borisov in 2019. The text also tells us that it "falls from heaven onto the earth."

So “onto the earth” means, in the case of a comet, its nearest approach to earth—not actually falling onto earth, which would have already destroyed it.

But it symbolizes the closest approach of a comet to earth. We can find that date: it was December 28, 2019, when it made its closest approach to earth.

The first interstellar comet with its closest approach to earth. Now let’s compare this with the timeline of the Corona crisis. You can see the dates here.

By December, more and more cases were being detected, especially in Wuhan and the surrounding regions of China. Around December 28, the first report of a novel disease was released.

And on December 28 itself, the first sequencing of the COVID-19 virus genome occurred. This was a key development, as sequencing the genome would later enable the development of the vaccine—the weapon against the COVID-19 virus.

Without sequencing the genome, they would not have been able to create the mRNA and DNA vaccines. Perhaps around these dates in late December 2019, we can find something else in the biblical text that would point to a heavenly sign. The first step is understanding why it is "the key to the bottomless pit."

Already in 2017-2018, we deciphered in articles that the bottomless pit symbolizes the central black hole in the Milky Way, our galaxy. I would now like to show you this center of our galaxy.

It is here, and it's called Sagittarius A*. It’s a black hole with four million solar masses. It’s a massive black hole.

It’s not the largest of all black holes, but it’s the biggest in our Milky Way. So, it is located at a certain region of the skies, surrounded by enemy constellations.

There’s Ophiuchus, representing the papacy; Scorpius, symbolizing the UN; and the USA, the second beast, with the fallen crown—fallen Protestantism as Sagittarius.

You have to look closely to see which of these constellations Sagittarius A * belongs to. And it’s already in its name. It belongs, of course, to Sagittarius.

It belongs to the second beast, the USA symbol in the heavens. This is very important as we continue to decipher these texts. So why is a black hole considered a bottomless pit? Any black hole's matter is fully compressed into a small space.

It has such high gravity that nothing—not even light—can escape. When you fall into a black hole, you’re lost and gone forever; you can never come out, not matter an not even light.

This is why it’s called a bottomless pit. But there’s even more to it. Because it’s bottomless, there is no end or bottom, no place where you can fall to.

The infinitely small point at the center of a black hole is called a singularity. No scientist knows what happens there, as all universal laws completely collapse.

It has no bottom. We have no knowledge of what it is. Speculatively, it could be a new universe.

It could be something else, or could be many dimensions, or perhaps even God himself.

And I believe it’s even a symbol for God, because we see there the collapse of our four-dimensional time-space universe. God chooses to dwell in darkness.

There’s a verse in the Bible that mentions this. And I believe we have here a pretty nice symbol for God himself. Truly powerful.

The greatest force/power in our universe are these black holes. And it’s also a mysterious thing. This is the bottomless pit.

So now we know that Borisov received the key to this bottomless pit. But how did it open it? And when did it open? What is the biblical verse that talks about the opening itself? It’s verse 2, of course, which says, “And he opened the bottomless pit.” So, this must mark a specific moment.

This moment must be defined again in the heavens. “And there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace.” Okay.

We see a great furnace around every black hole. It’s the matter that circles around the black hole, known as the accretion disk.

There, the matter is heated up to millions of degrees Celsius. It’s the hottest place in the universe, if you will. A great furnace surrounding the black holes.

This matter heats up and later falls into the black hole, disappearing forever. But this accretion disk is bright—really bright.

And because of this brightness, we can see the shadow of the black hole itself, even though light cannot escape a black hole. What we see is actually the accretion disk, and the perfect symbol for it is the great furnace.

Here we have the mention of the sun and the air. And as you may remember from my last video, “air”—one of only two verses in Revelation that mention it—was deciphered in the last video. In the seventh bowl, the air symbol was interpreted as Jupiter.

Now that we’ve identified the bottomless pit as the black hole, and its accretion disk as the great furnace, we should also be able to see the smoke. This is in the area of the center of our galaxy. Take a look here.

You can see the smoke, but I can make it even clearer. By increasing the brightness and saturation, now you can see that this is truly the smoky area.

Commonly, we call it the Milky Way. On very clear nights, we can see this smoke. It’s nothing more than the shimmer of the Milky Way.

Let me adjust it back to normal saturation. Now, you can see the smoke again. But this smoke, which came from the bottomless pit, symbolizes the Corona crisis—the coronavirus itself.

A flu virus, which is a coronavirus, is airborne and thus associated with smoke. It’s a pollution of the air. Smoke isn’t pleasant to inhale, and neither is a flu virus.

So here, the smoke itself represents the coronavirus. And please note carefully—it’s not the locusts, which we’ll discuss later—it’s the smoke. This is the coronavirus.

Now, we have a specific date defined in the biblical text: when "the sun and the air"—we believe the sun is the sun, and the air is Jupiter—"were darkened by the smoke of the pit." This now gives us the next sign and a specific date.

Let’s look it up. We need to observe if anything occurs in this smoky area of the Milky Way that would fulfill the biblical text. Moving forward in time, we must watch carefully for when the sun enters this smoky area of the Milky Way and see if any sign or symbol appears.

Can you see already that Jupiter is here with the sun? But we still need the activation signal. And I can see the moon approaching. I hope you can see it too.

What happens next—I need to show you very precisely—is a solar eclipse. And not just any solar eclipse, but an annular solar eclipse. It was a perfect annular eclipse on that exact day.

Does this fulfill “and the sun was darkened”? Absolutely. And what does the moon do just a few minutes later? It also darkens Jupiter, the air. Can you see how incredibly orchestrated this was by God? Do you see that during an annular eclipse, the sun appears crowned or gets a crown? And in Spanish or Latin, the word for crown is “Corona.”

So it even gave the crisis its name directly. And how is the virus transmitted? Of course, through the air—it was an airborne virus.

Flu viruses are airborne. So, the darkening of Jupiter happened, the air was polluted. And, of course, this was the "Corona" crisis.

So now you have a date: the 26th of December. Let’s go back to the timeline of the Corona crisis.

On the 27th of December, the first report of a novel disease was released. "The Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine immediately alerted the local CDC, the Wuhan Disease Prevention and Control Center." This was the first official report of the disease, occurring right after the darkening of the sun and the air.

Then, of course, came all the subsequent events that soon led to the development of the vaccines. So we now clearly decipher the smoke as the coronavirus itself—the illness, the disease.

But what are the locusts? “And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth.” The locusts are an aftermath; they are caused by the smoke, by the disease. So they cannot be the disease itself.

It must be something following, like the next date we have. “And lo, there came out of the smoke locusts.” In the Bible, locusts are definitely a symbol of scarcity and economic destruction.

In earlier times, people primarily earned their livelihood through agriculture. Imagine the locust plague in Egypt. What was the major damage? It led to famine and, of course, economic collapse.

Do you remember the date of the economic collapse? It was the 11th of March 2020 when the WHO, the World Health Organization, declared the pandemic. On the WHO’s website, you can find the date of this proclamation. It was officially "characterized as a pandemic on March 11, 2020."

So now we have a date for the locusts. We will examine what the locusts really represent. The WHO website lists two significant dates.

Here, it states that the "WHO declared a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020." I asked ChatGPT when it was decided to develop a vaccine against the COVID-19 virus, and ChatGPT answered that this decision was made in January 2020.

They had already started developing vaccines for this virus because the genome had been deciphered in December. This allowed them to develop their mRNA-based vaccines.

However, the economic collapse didn’t occur until March 11, 2020, when the WHO classified the outbreak as a pandemic. This led to a crash in the stock markets, job markets, and even cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.

It was one of the “black days” for the economy. The locusts had begun their work. The WHO essentially announced the locusts.

So, while the WHO did not produce the smoke, they introduced the locusts and, of course, the vaccines, which the locusts symbolize. Reading the text makes it clear that the smoke brought forth the locusts, "who were given power as the scorpions of the earth have power."

Locusts are insects, aren't they? We now have a symbol for scorpions, and we have also locusts. Can we find the scorpion in the sky? Yes, of course, it’s the constellation of Scorpio.

But do the locusts have a symbol in the heavens too? Let’s trace the path of Borisov. You can see that the darkening of Jupiter, the air, and the sun happened in December, in this region of the black hole and the tail of Scorpio, thus activating at least the tail of Scorpio.

But where was Borisov at this time? Let’s look it up. It was in the tail of a snake. But where did it come from? Let me go back a few days to check.

At the beginning of December, when the Corona crisis was unfolding, Borisov, after passing through Leo, marked a very significant symbol: the crater—a crater filled with the poison of the terrible water snake.

It would even move into their tail. And there are many references to tails in the text. This must then represent the cup of the woman, of the unfaithful church, including all ecumenical churches—not only the Catholic Church, though she, with the popes, is a key promoter of the vaccination, of course.

This must be the cup she gave to us. Let’s read the text; it’s in Revelation 18, of course.

“For all nations”—didn’t the vaccination reach all nations?—“have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her luxuries.”

Who profited most from the vaccination? You all know it: Bill Gates and other wealthy individuals leading the pharmaceutical industry.

So this is the cup she gave us—"the wine of the wrath of her fornication." But now, what will the other two woes bring? “Reward her even as she rewarded you.”

“And give her double according to her works; in the cup (in the same Calise) which she has filled, fill to her double.” This refers to the second and third woes, which I explained in detail in my last countdown two-part video series.

So this is a cup of fornication of the snake. Let’s move forward to see if we can find an insect that is in any way connected to the scorpion. And i see it already We had the date, March 11, 2020, when the locusts emerged and caused economic collapse.

And here we are in an insect—a loud and unsettling insect with wings. Wings are also mentioned in the text, as you’ll see shortly.

And it’s the only insect, apart from Scorpius, in the sky. It’s the only insect with wings, because Scorpius has none.

But they are connected once through the sun symbol and the Jupiter symbol. Additionally, you can see that the galactic equator connects them. Here we have the insect with wings.

And here is the tail of the scorpion. Now we’re directly at March 11, 2020, and the sun on the opposite side shows us that the fish—the Christians—get now in trouble.

Christians are also mentioned in the text. I can show you; here’s the reference to a certain part of Christians.

“And it was commanded them”—the locusts, or the vaccination—“that they should not hurt the grass of the earth”—meaning humans—“nor any green thing.” Green, like a German idiom says “green behind the ears,” refers to young Christians.

“Nor any tree”—rooted Christians—"but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads." So, it was commanded to these locusts, that were now (back then) in development (the vaccination started to be developed), not to harm any Christian.

But harm only Christians and other people without the seal of God. We have later in this video to research when the sealing began and when it would end.

Or when the time would arrive for the woes to be felt and become a test for all Christians. Here, it states clearly here that only those Christians without the seal of God would be affected by this plague, by these locusts. Now we come to another very important section.

We overlooked part of this, at least half. “And to them it was given that they should not kill them”—not immediately.

"But that they should be tormented for five months." Tormented? You might think it’s the virus itself—no, it’s not.

"And that torment was like the torment of a scorpion." You saw the scorpion. "...when he strikes a man."

"In those days, people will seek death but will not find it. They will desire to die, but death will flee from them." What we overlooked is that there are two phases of five months.

Here we have the first five months, which are torment, during which death flees. Then, we have another five months in verse 10: “And they had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails.”

The word for stings even means “prick.” "And their power was to harm people for five months." So we have five months of torment without killing or hurting.

Then, there’s another five months where they cause harm. Do you see it? This is what we overlooked—the second five months.

Therefore, when the vaccines finally became available on earth... We will now precisely research these time frames. When the vaccines were available, then they hurt.

While in development, it tormented people, especially those in the test phase. During this period of torment, they sought death.

They desired the vaccine. But the vaccine, as you’ve seen, was the chalice full of the poison of the water snake—it was deadly.

So they desired the vaccination, but it was not available to them until certain five months had passed. And this is the five months we need to calculate.

We’re not using prophetic time here; we’re using real time—star time or whatever. We’re using actual five months.

We can check in Stellarium if we want the exact five months, when vaccines were developed but not yet available. When they became available, they would then harm for five months.

Of course, the Corona crisis lasted longer than a total of ten months, but this is the key to understanding, in the end, who the king over these things is. There is a terrible verse we’ll examine, which will reveal to us not only the king over the Corona crisis but also the king over the last two woes.

So we have reached the symbol for the insect locust with wings on March 11, 2020, when the locusts truly began to devastate the world economy. This must mark the start of the five months of torment since the locusts were already present on earth.

At this time, some vaccines were available but only for those in the initial test phase. Now, simply calculating five months forward brings us to August 11, 2020.

By August 11, 2020, Borisov had advanced to the Centaur. On this date, we had the first widely available DNA vaccine. It was the first-ever DNA-based vaccine broadly applied.

It was Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine. This was directly announced on August 11, 2020. Let me show you.

Here, for example, is a BBC article on coronavirus: “Putin says vaccine has been approved for use,” dated August 11, 2020.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that a locally developed COVID-19 vaccine received regulatory approval after less than two months of human testing." So it had been tested already, then it was approved, and they could start vaccinating people.

This was August 11. So for five months, people had waited since the economic collapse until one of the world powers announced, “Yes, we have a vaccine, the locusts are now ready.” Interestingly, this happens in the symbol of the Centaur.

The Centaur is a creature from Greek mythology, holding a spear in its hand—it kills the wolf.

Can you imagine the idea of a horse ready for battle to kill the “fairytale wolf” from the Brothers Grimm. Who would the fairytale wolf be? It represents the COVID-19 virus, now combated by horses with human faces, long hair, and all these features. Let’s see if we can find these symbols. “And the shapes of the locusts were like horses prepared for battle.”

So the coronavirus vaccine was, of course, developed to fight this fairytale wolf. “And on their heads were as it were crowns like gold.” This points directly to the name “Corona-19 vaccine crowns.”

Corona is “crown” in Spanish. “Their faces were like the faces of men, and they had hair like women’s hair.”

“And their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots, of many horses running to battle.”

This is rich in symbolism, and we’ve already uncovered a lot. But what does it represent in reality? This I want to show you in a short form in a simple diagram of how the COVID-19 vaccines work.

I’m not here to explain every detail of this new vaccination method. It’s the first vaccine designed to make our cells produce something they normally wouldn’t. But you can see the resemblance here with the “long hair” of these horse riders or centaurs.

mRNA is a strand of DNA, and DNA itself is an extremely long strand. Interestingly, when you do a genome test, a single hair is usually enough to extract DNA from.

DNA appears as curls or curly hair. So, the mRNA strand, which the vaccine introduces into the muscle, goes into the human body’s cell, where now the cell starts producing the spike protein.

This spike protein looks like this and has a structure similar to the spikes on the coronavirus itself, and it resembles/looks like lion teeth.

Looking closely at the spike protein, it’s like tiny teeth entering the coronavirus cell—though technically, they’re receptors. Let me show you a comparison with lion teeth.

Look at this special form: it rests on the cell with a pointed part first, then expanding outward. This is the resemblance of the spike protein to lion teeth. So, we have this spike protein produced against human nature by the body’s own cells.

This is because the genome was changed and this is something that God does not allow. Theoretically, the process continues from there.

This spike protein is recognized by the immune system, which even changes our immune system and how it works. The immune system then produces antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, destroying it through the immune response. Just to explain completely.

Here is the “long hair,” the “prick,” and the scorpion’s tail with a sting, as described in the text.

Interestingly, “they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron.” I would say they have these breastplates here. I asked ChatGPT about how the coronavirus vaccine’s mRNA strand itself was protected by them.

ChatGPT explained that "in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the mRNA strand is shielded by a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) coating. This lipid coating shields (“breastplate”) the fragile mRNA from degradation in the body and helping it enter cells more effectively. Once inside the cell, the lipid layer dissolves, allowing the mRNA to be used by the cell’s machinery to produce the spike protein, which then triggers an immune response."

Here you have the “breastplates.” I read articles, which I’ll leave for your own research, indicating that the corona vaccines caused blood clots and led to many deaths by this, due to an increase in iron levels in the blood caused by the vaccine.

This was directly related to iron. Here in the text, you also see references to wings of the flies again, as in “the sound of chariots, of many horses running to battle.”

You know how extensive the global vaccination efforts were. It was a battle led by the churches, which even required members to be vaccinated before attending services.

It was a terrible time, and the leading church in vaccinating was even, again, the Adventist Church, which set up health tents outside Sabbath services to vaccinate members before they entered. They failed to see that this was nothing more than the extended hand of Pope Francis, aiming to separate them from the bloodline of Jesus Christ given to Adam in Eden.

I believe I’ve explained the “tails like scorpions” and that they had "stings in their tails." I just want to show you what this means. The stings here come from "kenteo", meaning "to prick."

How often did people ask, “Did you get the prick yet?” Incredible, isn’t it? Now we have the vaccination, and now begins the second five months. This second five months gives us the key to understanding the identity of the destroyer, "the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon," meaning “the destroyer.”

I had an eye-opening conversation with ChatGPT about who the king of all the vaccinations was, or let me say, at least the greatest part of the vaccinations. I asked which nation was leading in vaccination efforts and development.

The first response was that "during the COVID-19 crisis, the leading nations in producing mRNA vaccines were primarily the United States and Germany. Companies like Pfizer, in partnership with BioNTech, a German company, and Moderna, an American company, were at the forefront of developing and distributing mRNA vaccines, playing a crucial role in the global vaccination campaign."

I asked: "Any other companies or U.S. companies that developed vaccines?" The answer: "Yes, apart from Pfizer and Moderna, several other U.S. companies developed COVID-19 vaccines."

"Johnson & Johnson, for example, developed a viral vector vaccine (similar to Sputnik V, which also affects DNA) which requires only one dose. Another company, Novavax, created a protein subunit vaccine using a different technology from the mRNA vaccines. These vaccines significantly contributed to the global battle against the pandemic."

I asked: "Is it correct to say the U.S. led with the most pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines for the world." The answer was affirmative: "Yes The U.S. was indeed a leading nation, with several pharmaceutical companies actively working on COVID-19 vaccines. Companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson played pivotal roles in the development, production, and distribution of vaccines not only in the U.S. but globally. The U.S.'s strong pharmaceutical industry and its investment in research and development were key factors."

Now we come to the king, Abaddon, or Apollyon. I asked ChatGPT to explain briefly "what Donald Trump’s role was in this. Did it have anything to do with Operation Warp Speed?" "Yes, the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed in May 2020 (that was the development)."

"The goal was to accelerate the development, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. This initiative involved significant government funding and coordination with private companies to fast-track vaccine development, aiming to deliver safe and effective vaccines in record time. Operation Warp Speed contributed significantly to the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines."

Then I asked, when did these vaccines start being used? "On which date in 2020, I believe it was around December, was then the first US vaccine available?" "Yes, you’re correct. The first COVID-19 vaccine available in the U.S. was the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine."

"It received emergency use authorization from the FDA on December 11, 2020. Vaccinations began shortly after, marking a major milestone in the fight against the pandemic." "Was there anything notable happening with the vaccinations in January 2021?" "Yes, in January 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout was well underway in the United States."

"The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had been in use since December 2020. By late December 2020, the Moderna vaccine also received emergency use authorization and began distribution. Priority was given to healthcare workers, residents in long-term care, and the elderly."

"The goal was to increase the vaccination pace to control the virus spread." So, by mid-December 2020 and the first weeks of January 2021, the global vaccination rollout was in full swing, led by the United States. Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed had reached its goal, and now the money machine and vaccine distribution were in full motion.

However, the biblical text says it’s over after five months. So just as the real hurting begins, it’s over.

How is this possible? I’ve brought you back to the heavens to the date marking the start of the five months, which was the end of the non-hurting five months—when people of the earth wanted to experience death, the second death. On August 11, 2020, a roaring Putin announced the availability of Sputnik V05. So let’s move forward five months from there.

Now we’re back in Sagittarius. And Sagittarius symbolizes the U.S.—fallen Protestantism that has lost its crown.

Let’s turn to the text. It says, “And they had a king over them, the angel of the bottomless pit.” Who is the angel of the bottomless pit? I show you again, it’s Sagittarius A*.

It’s located in the area of Sagittarius, so it’s a U.S. king, king over the locusts and also the bottomless pit.

There have been many rumors that what escaped from the Wuhan labs was, in fact, a U.S.-origin virus. The one who opened the bottomless pit, then, was indeed a U.S. president. And this is only revealed in the Bible because no proof of this would ever be found.

"Whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, the destroyer, and in Greek, Apollyon." Who was president of the United States when the COVID crisis began, when the smoke rose from the bottomless pit? It was Donald Trump. And who was president ten months later on January 11? Still Donald Trump.

Though he lost the 2020 election, but on January 6 he started an attack on the Capitol. You all know this. The intention was to reverse the 2020 election result.

By January 7, Trump was forced to admit and publicly state that he accepted the election outcome, as failing to do so would have had severe consequences for him. For January 11, 2021, I really had to researched to find out what exactly happened on this date, indicated by the five months.

I consulted ChatGPT, asking if "anything significant had occurred around January 11, 2021." The answer was very interesting and eye-opening. "Around January 11, 2021, several key events took place in the aftermath of the January 6 Capitol riot. First, the House of Representatives introduced an article of impeachment against Trump for “incitement of insurrection” related to the Capitol attack."

"Second, social media platforms, including Twitter, permanently suspended Trump’s accounts, citing the risk of further incitement of violence." Trump lost not only his presidential power but also his influence over the masses on social networks, cutting off his connection or reach with his supporters.

"Third, corporations and political donors began reassessing or cutting financial support to lawmakers who opposed the certification of Electoral College results." So, the fight effectively ended on January 11. "These events were part of the broader reaction to the Capitol riot and its political fallout."

I wanted to know it really for sure, so I asked again: "Would it be true that January 11 would mark a very important date in the loss of power of former President Trump?" "Yes, January 11, 2021, can indeed be seen as an important date in the context of former President Trump’s loss of power. It marked a period where multiple significant events occurred in response to the Capitol riot, further isolating Trump."

"Social media platforms banned or restricted his accounts, limiting his direct communication with his supporters. Secondly, the introduction of an impeachment article in the House of Representatives highlighted the serious consequences he faced. Thirdly, corporate donors distanced themselves from Trump and his allies, signaling a shift in support from parts of the business community."

"These factors contributed to a notable decline in Trump’s political influence during this period." It was over. But let’s turn to the heavens.

How exact are the heavens? On January 11, the sun was activating the U.S. All eyes were on the U.S., of course. Donald Trump had just lost his power.

On January 20, Joe Biden entered the White House. That’s just nine days later. And the sun had moved out of the U.S.

And now, some would tell me that Joe Biden, yes, with the greatest funds and a loud voice, started to distribute the COVID vaccine even more widely over the world, especially in the U.S. But he is not Apollyon or Abaddon. No.

The king was a mighty king. He was the king of the development. And he was king when the great worldwide vaccination began.

But the Bible says, here the text ends, because this man—this Donald Trump—is Abaddon, and he is Apollyon. He is the destroyer. He is not what the Christians believe—that he would be elected by God.

Perhaps he is elected by God, yes, but as the destroyer. I read articles, which you can research for yourself, showing that this prophecy doesn’t end here directly. It indicates something like a pause, as the next verse says, “The first woe is past; behold, after these things come two woes.” But both names mean the same thing—destroyer.

Have you wondered why this name, “destroyer,” is given in two different languages—one in the Hebrew tongue and one in the Greek tongue? Have you noticed how the tail of Scorpius overlaps at the galactic equator with Sagittarius? When you research this, you’ll find that the Hebrews and even the old Arabs knew Scorpius—it was already a well-known constellation at that time. But not Sagittarius. Sagittarius was something else; it was the Greek mythology that named Sagittarius.

So, Sagittarius is a Greek constellation—a destroyer—and Scorpius is a Hebrew constellation, standing for pain and suffering. And remember, the text spoke about torment. In December 2024, on the 15th, as you know, the Sun will be in the knee of Ophiuchus, and then it will pass into this area again.

And I wonder how the most probably elected Donald Trump will react to a big catastrophe in Europe. I don’t believe that he will help. I believe he will rather take care of his own nation, which will make the suffering and torment of those in Europe even greater.

So it seems indeed that his name is given two times because Donald Trump was already the destroyer in the fifth trumpet, and he will be a destroyer a second time in his second term in the sixth trumpet. Meanwhile, in the seventh trumpet, we have a different setting. In Revelation 11:18, we have the same word:

“And the nations were full of wrath, and Your wrath came in the time of the judging of the dead, and to give the reward to Your servants, the prophets, and to the saints, and to those fearing Your name, small and great, and to destroy those who are destroying the earth.” You see the word destroyer twice here. What is this? The seventh trumpet.

This is a prophecy that when this destroyer—revealed to be Donald Trump, who was the king over the locusts—returns, then the final destruction of the earth will happen. There will be a sixth trumpet while he is likely elected, and there is a seventh trumpet that ends world history. All the details of what happens exactly, I explained in my last countdown videos, particularly in part two.

In several videos of this series, I have mentioned the comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan, which was visible across the whole earth from September to mid-October 2024 until it left again. I also noted that another comet—a very rare event—was discovered on September 27, 2024, which raised hopes for two comet events. This reminds us of Revelation 18.

In Revelation 18, we first see another angel come down from heaven with great power. So, this comet would signify “great power” in cometary terms, meaning it would not disintegrate as it passes perihelion around the Sun. “And the earth was lightened with his glory.”

Shortly after, another voice is heard: “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you do not partake of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues.’” This voice must be attributed to Jesus Himself because He says, “Come out of her, my people.”

This voice must be a voice that could be announced by a comet, but it must be the great voice of the Lord Himself, the bridegroom. Now, what is the symbol for the bridegroom in the stars, in the wandering stars? It is, of course, the Sun. We have a Bible verse that directly connects the bridegroom and the Sun in a Psalm. I will blend the verse in.

And, of course, the Sun should be activated again as a symbol by a comet. Did this happen? Yes.

As I announced in those videos, I said that this comet discovered on September 27, 2024, named C/2024 S1 Atlas, gave hope for a second cometary voice, one following the other as in Revelation 18. But then the comet disintegrated as it approached perihelion.

But there are videos showing what exactly happened to this comet, and indeed, the world looked up to see this comet.

It was impressive, but the comet disintegrated. Did it have great power over the Sun? No, the Sun had great power over the comet.

But the comet directed all the telescopes on earth observing the Sun to witness this comet falling toward the Sun, or disintegrating as it came too close. I will show you where this happened.

At its discovery at this date, comet S1 was in the water snake. And earlier, when I spoke about the first woe, you saw this snake in conjunction with the crater, which represents the cup of the woman, be it a good or bad woman. Now, let’s follow the path of this comet.

Where does it go after its discovery? It goes into this cup. What did this voice say that I just showed you? It’s another voice from heaven that does not have power, but it is the voice of Jesus Christ: “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.”

“Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works.” Now it comes: "In the cup she has filled—filled to her double." Does this comet show us the poison of the corona vaccination that was filled into the cup for us? Yes, but it says “double unto her double.”

And now, videos are coming out, showing who gives her double. It is again the woman who must give double. He points to "give you."

And “you” is the good woman of Revelation 12—His people. Let’s follow the path further. It goes into Corvus.

Now, you see, it comes very, very near the Sun. Already on the 27th. I think we’ll go hour by hour.

Then, I have to zoom in so you can see the moment when it fell into the Sun, or rather didn’t survive its perihelion. That was now on the 28th.

Can you see it here? More or less, here it must have died. It pointed directly to the Sun, the bridegroom. And He speaks to His people.

The Sun speaks, but the comet only pointed to the Sun. That was the intention behind it. But it went through the cup.

So, it’s exactly the language of heaven repeating this verse: “Give unto her double, My people. In the cup she filled with the poison of the water snake, fill to her double.”

And this is now the 28th of October, when this voice was heard. This date is a very, very, very special date. We announced it in Paraguay, worldwide, in our Telegram groups—everywhere.

We made videos. We sent it to our friends and family who are still keeping the pagan Christmas.

Most of the world plans to celebrate Christmas on December 25th.

As every year, gifts are purchased, banquets are organized, and people plan to spend time with friends and family. However, the world has entered a time like never before. It is important to understand what God reveals about the timing of significant events like the first advent of Christ and His second coming in glory.

Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus, the only hope of salvation from sin, as His name signifies: "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." Jesus came to bring salvation to the world through His life and sacrifice.

What can we learn about the timing of Jesus' first coming according to the biblical account? In this video, you will discover the true date of Christmas this year according to God's calendar. The real Christmas falls on the 24th day of the seventh month, as explained in the article *Christmas 2.0*. We invite you to read it to understand how this day was discovered. This year, Christmas—Jesus' birthday—begins on the evening of October 27th and continues through October 28th according to God’s calendar.

This is the true Christmas, in which we commemorate the birth of the Savior of the world and give thanks for His love, as He chose to come to this world knowing the risk of losing everything if His mission failed. It was out of His great love that God sent His Son to grant us forgiveness of our sins and salvation. But that’s not the whole story.

God does not change. Just as the wise men from the East were guided by a star to see the King who had been born, God has again orchestrated not just one star but two comets to mark the time of Jesus' second coming. This time He comes with power and great glory as King of kings and Lord of lords. The trajectories of these two comets form the sign of the Son of Man, directed by God in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy, so that His people awaiting His coming may have faith and hope despite living in a troubled world.

"And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." The sign of the Son of Man is what we must continue to look up to in faith, as it shows His second coming, just as the wise men followed the sign at His first coming. Be among the wise, filling your lamp with the oil provided by this sign, and share it with others so that they may know of His soon return in the clouds, and their faces may shine with the blessed hope.

"And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever."

This understanding came from an article I’ll link here, written long time ago, which explains how, through astronomy, we can determine the year of Jesus' birth—it was 5 BC. During that year, there was the autumn feast. By observing the moon's movements, we can determine the timing of the Feast of Trumpets, which required all Israel, including Joseph and Mary, to travel to Jerusalem. They stayed for the feast days, including Shemini Atzeret, the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and afterward traveled one day to Joseph's native village for the census.

We can determine how long the journey took, which leads us to the date when Jesus was born. In 5 BC, it was October 26th to 27th. But this year, the moon was sighted on a different date, so the feast days fell a day later, making the anniversary of Jesus’ birthday fall on October 27th to 28th this year, according to the sun and moon. This comet made its closest approach to the sun on the birthday of Jesus.

On His birthday, He spoke to us, solemnly saying, “Reward her even as she rewarded you (the heaven shows the same signs), and double unto her double according to her works. In the cup which she has filled, fill to her double.” It is common Protestant knowledge (milk) that the first beast of Revelation 13 is the papacy, and the second beast of Revelation 13 is the U.S.

Now we have discovered that King Donald Trump is the destroyer. He is here for the second and third woes. Jesus tells us in Revelation 18, with His voice on the true Christmas, that we should come out of her (Babylon) if we belong to His people.

This includes the first beast, the Catholic Church, and all the fallen churches that belong to Babylon, great Babylon. It also includes the second beast, led by a so-called Protestant president whom many Christians believe God elected to do a great work. But indeed, he is only the destroyer. The U.S. is the greatest atomic power in the world, and Trump has trumpeted this many times.

In his first term, he already trumpeted fire, smoke, and brimstone, and I remember well his declarations of “fire and fury,” because we wrote about it. I want to address a structural theme that will give us much insight into the trumpets, especially why the only the woes affect the inhabitants of the earth while the first four trumpets do not. This will open our eyes to how prophecy is fulfilled in this movement.

The structure of the trumpets is explained in Revelation 8, and it’s very difficult and complex. You have to read the verses carefully to understand, as it can be confusing. The first confusing part is that the trumpet structure explanation begins with the seventh seal, which confuses many interpreters. But the seventh seal is simply the end of the judgment of the living. It connects chiastically to the last verse in the structural explanation of the trumpets, where the angel comes to intercede for us in the judgment, fills the censer with fire from the altar, and casts it to the earth. This verse is definitely the end of the judgment, marking the very end when Jesus casts fire upon the earth.

We must determine what kind of fire this is. Is it the fire of the sixth trumpet, or is it already the seven last plagues? When faced with such questions, it’s useful to do a text search to connect different verses in Revelation. Here, we have a clue through the words “voices, thunderings, lightnings, and earthquakes.”

So let’s do a text search. We find only three verses in Revelation, including the one we began with, that contain these four terms. We know Revelation 11:19 points to the seventh trumpet.

Thus, at a certain point in the seventh trumpet, we must see that Jesus, as the angel at the altar, "takes the censer, fills it with fire from the altar, and casts it into the earth." This relates to the seventh trumpet. It also has to do with Revelation 16:18, which speaks of “the great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.”

It also relates to the seventh bowl of wrath. We see a textual link between the seventh trumpet and the seventh bowl of wrath. Interesting But when does each happen? This is the final verse of the seventh trumpet, as you can see.

This means the seventh trumpet ends with this event. It even mentions “a great hail,” which again refers to the seventh bowl of wrath, ending with the great hail—the outpouring of the seven last plagues. “The temple of God was opened in heaven.”

Remember, the angel stood at the altar and threw down the censer. Then what must happen? The high priest finishes His work on Yom Kippur, the great heavenly Yom Kippur.

He concludes the judgment and comes out as king, but only after He has cast down the censer to earth. So what is this event? The seventh trumpet begins with Jesus becoming king.

"There were great voices in heaven saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” And then there is this carillon with the twenty-four elders "who sat before God on their seats, and they fell upon their faces and worshiped God." Now, where did I say in the last video that this carillon will take place? It is in the Horologium clock.

It happens when the 12 o’clock point is reached by E3. E3 comes to this 12 o’clock point, and then the carillon takes place. You know that Orion, as a clock of God, has more or less stopped ticking with the opening of the seventh seal.

But we are still in the seventh seal within Orion, and now we’re in the Horologium. Both witnesses more or less echo the same messages.

This is the carillon. Can we now pinpoint the exact coronation point of Jesus Christ even more precisely? According to the text, it should have been a little before because "there were great voices in heaven saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” The carillon refers to something that happened a little earlier.

It says, “Because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned.” So, the moment of taking power must be just before they praise Him for having taken His power. And we can also see this in the heavens.

For this, we look to Leo, as you may recall that the moon was in Leo when the 12 o’clock point was struck. Interestingly, we have a perfect full moon in the sickle of Leo on the 12th of February, 2025. This marks the taking of His power, when He takes the scepter.

This is the sickle of Leo, a well-known asterism. Here is the sickle of Leo. It’s called the sickle, the scepter. So, He took His power on February 12. Then, on February 14-15, we have E3 reaching the carillon point.

It is here exactly. Then the praise sounds on a clock of God, the Horologium: “We give Thee thanks, Lord God Almighty.”

He already has the title. Then comes the declaration: “And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets.”

Don’t confuse “should be judged” here with the investigative judgment of the dead. This refers to the millennium judgment after the second coming and after the rapture. And “shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints (to come and give the inheritance to all faithful), and to those who fear Thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy those who destroy the earth.”

This is a prophecy of what will happen very soon after Jesus has become King in the seventh trumpet. Now, we know the exact coronation date: February 12, and the carillon takes place on February 14-15.

The final verse of the seventh trumpet connects textually to the seventh bowl of wrath, which begins a little later on May 28. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament, and there were lightnings, voices, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.”

This is a summary of the seventh bowl. Of course, the seventh trumpet itself is a profound mystery—the greatest of all mysteries—because Revelation 10:7 says, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He has declared to His servants the prophets.”

This is the second part of the oath. The first part was “time no longer.” The second part is that all the mysteries of God in the Revelation will be solved.

So when we understand the seventh trumpet perfectly, then the mystery of God is solved. We should be very careful to understand what this sign of the Ark of His Testament is when the temple opens in heaven and this sign is seen. I won’t reveal it now because I want to save this for the end of the video—to explain what this Ark of the Testament sign really is.

So we now have an overview of when each event takes place, but we still don’t fully understand the movement of this angel standing at the altar of incense, who was Jesus Christ interceding while judgment takes place. One thing we can connect is in Revelation 11, in the seventh trumpet, where it says "the temple of God was opened in heaven." That must be the moment when Jesus comes out as king.

This relates to Revelation 8, where "the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and cast it to the earth," again connected to the seventh bowl of wrath. So this signifies the end of judgment in heaven—the end of judgment.

We know this is June 4, when the great river Euphrates, the Mu, has dried up. What we should carefully observe is the movement of Jupiter to again have a different perspective on all these texts. Here we return to the same moment when the carillon sounds in the Horologium clock, with the 24 elders around this clock.

Jupiter first went retrograde. Then it came to its nearest point to one of the horns of the altar—not the altar of incense, but the altar in the courtyard, which is the altar of sacrifice. This is where the coals were.

Compare: "And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar..." This isn’t from the altar of incense but from the altar of sacrifice in the courtyard, represented by Taurus. Now we understand that this must be the moment when Jesus, already crowned as king with the coronation on February 12, takes fire from the altar and fills the censer with it. After this, the high priest, or rather our king, has to return to the temple to bring the censer back to the most holy place or the altar of incense.

This is highly complex, but this is exactly what happens in the last moments of Yom Kippur. When Jupiter reaches that point, we also have the placing of the people’s sins upon the scapegoat and the slaughtering of the goat for God, which takes place on the altar.

This movement, where Jupiter goes retrograde to this very point, is already very significant. Now, let’s move forward in time to see when Jupiter is positioned to come out of the temple, not the courtyard but the temple itself. And here we arrive.

Now we’re at June 4, and you can also see that K2 is positioned directly over Jupiter, marking the end of the Mu signature that began here in the river. This represents the river Mu, the river of the Holy Spirit, drying up. At this same moment, Jupiter emerges from the temple.

It’s done. He comes out as king, fully king, and has completed the judgment on June 4, 2025.

The censer is now cast down to earth. When something is cast from heaven to earth, there is a time delay. The seventh bowl had already begun before on May 28.

Recall that here was the Moon, signaled the beginning of the seventh bowl to pour out. A now we see Jesus emerging from the temple. Judgment has ceased, and now we must see the sign of the Ark of the Testament. As I mentioned, this will be explained at the end of the video.

This sign must now be visible on that date because the text clearly states, “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the Ark of His Testament.” How is this possible? How can we look into the temple and see the Ark of the Testament? This is one of the greatest secrets and mysteries in the entire book of Revelation. It is the pinnacle of all mysteries.

Remember June 4. It marks the absolute end, a declaration: “He who is just will remain just, and he who is unjust will remain unjust.”

This is the end of the judgment for both the dead and the living, marking the beginning of the time for the Lord’s second coming. The Ark of the Testament was seen only when the door or veil to the most holy place was opened. But this time, it signifies not that the high priest enters but that He comes out as king.

Then "there were lightnings, voices, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail." All these things point to a very severe final period until Jesus returns to rapture His people.

Then the great hail will fall, connected once again to the censer being cast down. The censer, cast down in the weeks following June 4, leads to the outpouring of the seven last plagues. And we can confirm this again with the verse connected to this event.

It is Revelation 16:18. And you see now, that this section is titled "the seventh bowl". And in verse 18 we have this textual connection: "the voices, the thunders, the lightnings, and the great earthquake."

"And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air." Now you know what this means. This is the final trajectory of the moon from the seventh bowl onward until it is fully poured out upon Jupiter, already in Gemini with the sun.

"And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air." Now you know what this means. This is the last trajectory of the moon from the seventh bowl onward until it is fully poured out upon Jupiter, already in Gemini with the sun.

"And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, ‘It is done.’" This marks the end of judgment. Again, this happens on June 4 of next year. Then we have this verse 18.

This verse shows the outpouring of the seven last plagues in the seventh bowl, after the judgment has ended. Now you understand the structure and how these trumpets and bowls are connected. So what is the seventh trumpet, really? It is Jesus becoming king.

Indeed, the seventh trumpet is not the trumpet that wakes up the saints. That wouldn’t make it a trumpet anymore, as the trumpets are warnings—warnings about the outpouring of the seven last plagues.

So excuse me if I mentioned that incorrectly before. But with this textual understanding, we can see that the seventh trumpet is definitely the end of the judgment.

The seventh series of trumpets concludes here, and the seventh bowl of wrath begins to be poured out. This seventh trumpet is the end of all warnings.

The count is full, 7, complete, it is done. There are no more warnings. The 7th trumpet is the end of all warnings.

Now comes the hard part: the seven last plagues.

The temple is open, the high priest has left as king, and He is now coming.

Then, the last trumpet, spoken of by the apostles, will be the one that wakes up the saints. We can now understand these events perfectly.

The seventh trumpet ends all warnings. After that, it’s over. But I want to continue discussing the structure of the trumpets.

The first verse that gives us an idea of what the trumpets are and when they are sounding (or not) is verse 2: "And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets." Then comes the interlude with another angel who stands at the altar with the golden censer.

So which altar is this? It’s the altar before God, the golden altar before the throne. This places us at the altar near the veil to the most holy place.

This moment is early in Yom Kippur, the great Yom Kippur in the heavens. On Yom Kippur, the high priest doesn’t immediately enter the most holy place. First, he places incense on this altar, filling the most holy place with smoke and the prayers of the saints would ascend to God the Father. This we read here:

"And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand." So, these trumpets, seen to be given to the seven angels which stood before God, are preparatory trumpets, trumpets that sounded or were seen before the judgment began in 1844.

Can you remember that I showed you one of these trumpets already? Yes, it was Josiah Litch’s deciphering of the sixth trumpet.

This happened in 1840, four years before the investigative judgment would begin. So there were trumpets, and if you are interested in studying these trumpets, I would call them the classical trumpets. You can find a study on these on a website that I’ll link here.

It’s *Cyberspace Ministry*. They offer a wonderful course that provides a foundation for understanding prophecy, including a substantial chapter on the seven classical trumpets. These are the trumpets given to the seven angels.

Now, who are these seven angels? We’ve already deciphered that the number seven is connected with Jesus, especially with Jesus in Orion. There are seven main stars—the three belt stars and the four outer stars—making seven.

And it is also so, that Jesus "sevenfolds" Himself, as seen in the oath. So who are these seven angels standing before God? It’s Orion—Jesus as Orion again.

So who is the angel receiving the trumpets, preparing, and then sounding the trumpets? It’s Orion, it’s Jesus in Orion again. I saw a video yesterday that truly shocked me. It was a preacher—Jonathan Cahn-however he is named—saying:

"Mr. President, I speak of the mystery of your life. You were born on June 14, 1946. From ages past, it was appointed that on that day, a scripture would be recited throughout the world. The scripture appointed for the day of your birth spoke of bringing God’s vessel, a trumpet, into the world. President Trump, you were born into the world to be a trumpet of God, a vessel of the Lord in the hands of God. God called you to walk according to the template.

He called you according to the template of Jehu, the warrior king. He called Jehu to make his nation great again. Jehu came to the capital city with an agenda to drain the swamp.

Jehu forged an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land. So it was your destiny to do the same. To come to power, Jehu had to prevail against the nation's former first lady.

So to come to power, you had to prevail against the nation's former first lady. Jehu overturned the cult of Baal, by which children were sacrificed. So God chose you to overturn America’s cult of Baal, *Roe v. Wade*, by which millions of babies were sacrificed.

And you set in motion, on a day appointed from ancient times, a cause for the nation to turn away from its sin. There are many mysteries in your life, but before you were born, God ordained that you would walk into His destiny. If He should now bring you to the height of power, it will be for His glory and perhaps America’s last chance of redemption.

But for that to happen, you must seek Him with all your heart and follow Him with all your might. Jehu was born to make his nation great again by turning it back to God.

So were you. America can only be great again if America turns back to God. You are a trumpet of God, and the trumpet can only fulfill its purpose if it’s filled with the breath of the One who holds it up and blows through it.

God is the one who lifted you up, and He wills that you be filled with the breath of His Spirit. God is calling you to go all out for Him. And if you do, then what follows will be the greatest and most glorious part.

Then you will do what no president has ever done. You will be the vessel God uses to bring America back, to touch history, and to change the world. For the Lord has spoken: ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.’

Now arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you—to the glory and in the name above all names, the name of Messiah, Jesus, Yeshua, the Light of the World, the Messiah of Israel, the King of all—that it might yet again shine with the light, the fire, the power, and the glory of the living God. Amen."

Wow. Really, they’re praising Donald Trump before the elections as if he were the trumpet angel or God’s trumpet. No, we’ve already found that he is the destroyer. He is Abaddon and Apollyon. Jesus is the only one connected with seven, and He’s the only one who can sound the trumpets.

So, it’s almost blasphemy of these so-called Protestant preachers to make Donald Trump out to be much greater than he is. It’s ugly, truly unpleasant to hear, and it affected me negatively. So, it is Jesus with the seven trumpets that were given to Him.

Then He intercedes. This interlude of intercession is so interesting because in 2016, we also had a task to prevent the woe trumpets from sounding. I’ll show you later in detail how this can be proven from Revelation.

When we began our ministry in 2010, we knew that the judgment of the dead would end in 2014, based on the prophecy in Daniel 12, specifically the imagery part where we have the symbolic 168. So we knew that in 2014, we would most likely hear the last warning trumpets signaling the beginning of the judgment of the living. And on February 1, 2014, we heard such a trumpet.

Then we understood there was a clock of trumpets in Orion, just as we’d seen with the seals in Orion and the four first seals that I explained in the first part of this video series. Then we had a pause.

And this pause was again filled with trumpets. If we hadn’t prayed in 2016—specifically on October 19, on the third day of the feast of tabernacles—the trumpets would have continued. We would have entered the time of the three woes, and Jesus would have returned earlier. This trumpet cycle that we found is prophesied here: “And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.”

Jesus was already prepared to sound the last three woe trumpets, but we prayed. This is referenced in Revelation 7, the chapter before:

"And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth." This is a great riddle, and you’ll be astonished when you see the solution.

“Holding the four winds of the earth.” Who are these four winds? Who are these four angels? “That the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.” Now, remember in the fifth trumpet, we see these exact elements: the earth, the sea, and the trees.

So, they should not blow as long as these four mysterious angels hold the four winds. And now we reach the point in 2016 when we prayed.

"And I saw another angel ascending from the east." Who is this angel? It must be a heavenly figure, “having the seal of the living God.” When we identify this angel, we will also understand what the seal is. "He cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea"—the whole planet, perhaps.

"Saying, Hurt not—stop—not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” Then comes the long sealing story with the twelve tribes—12 times twelve thousand from each tribe to make up the 144,000.

This is where that number comes from. Look at the title: “The 144,000 of Israel Sealed.”

So, there’s one time an interruption in the trumpets so that the woes don’t come before a certain time. Even in the seventh trumpet, Jesus still grants grace until the very last verse, from His coronation until the temple opens fully, and then He comes out as King on June 4. Until then, grace is still available. Returning to the structure:

Here you see, this was the preparation. The seven angels—the seven Orions—prepared themselves to sound. But then came the prayers of the saints, saying, “Please do not sound yet. Let’s wait.” And we will see who this angel is.

This angel commands the four other angels holding the winds to wait. Then, after this interruption, the true sounding trumpets begin. They also have a structure.

And the structure is, that the first four are not woes, but the last three are. This structure is clarified not by a chapter boundary, but by Revelation 8:13: “And I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven.” The word for “angel” here is actually “eagle”—another issue in the English Bible translation.

"Saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound.” This again shows a distinction between the first four and the last three trumpets.

And even within these, there’s a difference. The fifth trumpet still says, “Do not hurt the earth, the sea, or the trees,” but by the sixth trumpet, such things are no longer heard.

So you can see that grace is diminishing from one woe to the next. By the end of the seventh, grace has ended. There’s no more grace available.

I hope I’ve given you an overview of the very complex structure of the trumpets. We have the classical trumpets that were given, the preparatory trumpets sounding at the beginning of the judgment of the living from 2014 onward. We found there a trumpet cycle, which we later called the preparatory cycle.

Then there was the 2016 interlude, where we gave our sacrifice and wrote articles about it, linked here. After that, the woes were stopped. But later, following our sacrifice, the first four loud-sounding trumpets would play.

Even the fifth trumpet would sound, but then there was another pause. Afterward, those trumpets where grace truly ends—the sixth and the seventh—would sound.

Now you see the structure, and I believe you understand now Donald Trump’s real role. He is of course not the trumpet angel, nor is he God’s trumpet. Rather, he fulfills the trumpet warnings. He *is* the warning in the trumpet, but not as one giving the warning.

The trumpet angel, Orion-seven times, sounds the warning, but the warning is about Trump. This is what you need to understand: Trump is the false prophet, the ultimate destroyer. He will be the one who finally destroys the earth. He will not make America great again.

He will bring down America and the whole earth to ruin. That’s what the trumpets are warning about—they are warning about Donald Trump.

It’s incredible how so many Christians are deeply deceived by a false revival. But this was prophesied.

In 2016, Donald Trump was elected only days after we offered our sacrificial prayer in late October to extend the sealing time, even though the trumpets had already been prepared. I spoke with ChatGPT about his campaign preparations.

For his electoral campaign in 2016 he had actually started earlier, in 2014. He had started a bit earlier with his political career. But in February 2014, when the judgment of the living began, he prepared himself to become a loud voice on social media.

All of a sudden, his Twitter account was gaining more subscribers prominently. And he became a loud voice. He was preparing himself for his trumpet term.

Then, from 2017 onward, when he took office, we saw the first four trumpets sound. We wrote many articles about these loud-sounding trumpets that had again a seven-angel cycle in Orion. The loud sounding trumpets depicted in Orion.

Our prayer allowed for a reset, and then the trumpets sounded, aligning with Trump’s declarations. Fire and fury over North Korea. Her sent six hundred missiles to Syria from the sea. He made economic wars, particularly against China. Remember the videos repeating him saying "China, China, China, China," almost obsessively? He was the trumpet against China, North Korea.

He also stepped out of the nuclear deal with Iran, effectively ending it. He caused distress for Israel by moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, sparking conflict with the Palestinians. He ignited tensions between Palestine and Israel. All of this occurred in his first one or two years in office. These were the loud-sounding four trumpets. In this video, I also showed you the fifth trumpet, where he is exposed as the destroyer.

Can you see it? I hope you see it now. This man is dangerous. He will not make America great again.

No, with his fire and fury, as he declared himself, he will destroy the earth. Take care of your souls.

So, I’ve now given you an overview of our history and the classical trumpets—Josiah Litch and all of that. I think you can grasp what has happened now, but there are still riddles, deep, solemn riddles. One of these is the four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds. And then all the sealing is done with the prayer for extending the time of the saints, as it is prophesied.

How did that work out? How can we see it? I told you, we need to see everything in the heavens. How can we see the sealing of the tribes in the heavens? How is it even possible to see that? This is what I’ll show you now. Believe it or not. Already in the first verse that speaks about the loosening of the four winds we have to solve at least three big riddles.

We have to understand who these four angels are that are standing on the four corners of the earth, who are the four winds that are held, and what this riddle is with the earth, the sea, and the trees. Because, four winds could easily be deciphered if we say, okay, winds stand for war.

War on all four corners of the earth would mean world war. So we’d be talking about north, south, west, and east—on all four cardinal points of the earth, meaning world war. But the world has continents, which would then be the earth, and the earth has sea, which would then be the oceans.

But earth and sea are normally also symbols, where earth represents the United States, and sea represents Europe. That would be a more intelligent approach. But then, what are the trees? Are the trees the rest of the world? Are the trees then Lebanon, or all the other parts of the world in India, Africa, Australia, and Russia, Asia? Why trees? It doesn’t seem to be a fitting symbol at all.

And remember, we already encountered the trees in the fifth trumpet, where the wind wouldn’t blow over the trees. I downplayed it a little bit, not to spill the beans, but this is a very important symbol. You wouldn’t believe how important it is when you decipher it.

Let me first show you the four winds. They are also angels. And you might guess which four angels these are.

Again, I’ve prepared a spreadsheet to show you again Orion as the angel of the harvest, the angel of the seals, the angel of death with grace, and the angel of the oath. We studied this in the two parts of the last-countdown-videos. Now, each one of these Orion angels turns into a terrible angel in the end.

For example, the angel of the harvest is the angel of the wheat harvest. He’s a good angel, collecting the good grain into God’s barn—but only for a certain time.

Then comes the vintage. Remember the two sickles that are pictured in the handle of Orion’s club. When it turns into the vintage, it becomes the harvest of the bad grapes, which are then thrown into the winepress.

The winepress resembles the Horologium and is the 666 recipient. This winepress will be trodden outside the city, meaning that the holy city has already departed with God’s flock from all times.

So, this is nothing good—the vintage is a terrible angel. I showed you when it would be loosened and the vintage would begin, and that’s June 21-22, 2025, because the rapture is one day earlier. Let’s read the key verse:

“And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire—that was K2—and cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, ‘Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.’ And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles—in the Horsehead Nebula—by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.”

We deciphered this a long time ago. The vintage sickle had been fully painted on June 4, when the river Euphrates dried out. Then K2 needed to leave the altar (Torus) and have power over the fire. It stands together with the sun on the galactic equator, marking the absolute end, the outpouring of the seven last plagues, and the great hail.

What happens with the angel of the seals, the second on in our prophecy of the hour, day, month, and year in Revelation 9:15.

Our angel of the seals, again Orion, of course, had opened the sixth seal during the last Orion cycle, if you will, with the trajectory of K2. It had opened the sixth seal to a certain point, until the untimely figs, which were the Orionids, falling from the tree, which represents the club in Orion's hand. Then, the seventh seal will open—the half an hour of silence in the heavens, which we deciphered as the remaining trajectory of K2 until it returns again to the club area of Orion.

The seventh seal then closes on June 4, and the sixth seal continues, revealing that the books are now rolled up, respectively the heavens depart as a scroll. This is the time when the seal angel reaches the point of transforming into the angel of the great day of the Lord, which is mentioned in the sixth seal text as belonging to the angel of the seals. Here is the key verse:

“And the heaven departed as a scroll,” marking the end of judgment on June 4, when it is rolled together, “and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” This signifies the rapture on June 20. “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.’”

“For the great day—one day—of his wrath has come, and who shall be able to stand?”

Description: After the closing of the seventh seal on June 4, the judgment books are closed, signifying the end of grace. Then comes the rapture on June 20, and the great day of the Lord begins on the solstice, when the sun stands with K2 on the galactic equator. Same date (as the angel before). This marks the angel’s transformation into the angel of destruction.

The next one is the angel of death, and I add it here “with grace,” because it concerns the outpouring of the bowls of wrath, which are still poured out with grace from December 15 onward, until we reach the seventh bowl, which still holds grace. But then, in the seventh bowl—which begins on May 28, 2025—there is mention of the closing of probation, which again occurs on June 4. From that point forward, things turn ugly, as this angel becomes the angel of death without mercy.

He is then the angel of the seven last plagues. Key verse: "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air—you now know that the air represents Jupiter—and a great voice from the temple in heaven declared, It is done.”

June 4 marks this declaration: it is done. The angel then goes out and proceeds to pour out the seven bowls of wrath, which will be done on June 21-22, 2025.

"After the close of the heavenly judgment (it is done), the angel of death, who was first the angel of the bowls of wrath poured out while grace was still available, then becomes the angel of death without grace, when the exceedingly great plague of hail—the outpouring of the seven last plagues—strikes." We now have three winds; it’s not the four angels holding the winds, but rather these are the angels that *are* the winds.

The angel of the oath—Jesus in Orion—standing there and declaring, "Time no longer," on December 15, then becomes the angel of the seventh trumpet with the third woe. We just studied that.

Key verse: "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he begins to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he has declared to his servants, the prophets." This points in the second verse of the oath. Because the oath doesn’t stop with "time no longer," but continues to say that in the days of the voice of the seventh trumpet angel, then we have a problem. The outpouring of the great hail is mentioned again, marking the earth’s destruction. Again, it turns violent.

Description: "The seventh trumpet is the third and final woe. When it begins to sound, the investigative judgment concludes with Jesus being declared as King of kings. Then Revelation 11:18 is fulfilled, with God’s wrath and the destruction of those who destroy the earth. (You know who the destroyer is.) The great hail appears at the end of this trumpet in verse 19."

This brings us full circle again: June 21-22, 2025. On that date, all four winds will have been released. The winds were held back, and this is the entire chapter 7, until the sealing of all 144,000 was completed. They were even held back during the time when the 144,000, in the seventh seal’s half hour—or six months on earth—would lead many to righteousness. Is it possible that we can see in heaven even those led to righteousness, giving glory and thanks to the Lord in Revelation 7, alongside the 144,000? Could we see all those things in heaven, perfectly traced by the King of kings, according to the heavens’ precise time plan? It would be marvelous, wouldn’t it?

You already know now that I first studied Daniel 12, at least beginning in the same book of the Bible as William Miller, but it was chapter 12 I looked into, not chapter 8. That’s where I found the 168 years of the judgment of the dead. Yet the question that always remained for me was whether the judgment of the living is anywhere in the Bible, or in Revelation. I don’t know why I couldn’t see it for so many years, even when we were already in the judgment of the living.

Now, at the end of the judgment of the living, I see it so clearly that I almost feel ashamed to admit it was always there. Of course, the judgment of the living is the judgment and the sealing time of the 144,000, because it is clearly the 144,000 who go through without seeing death—they are taken up, never having tasted death.

They are the first fruits. They are a special group of Christians. Don’t come and say, "oh, they are Israelites." Of course not. It’s modern Israel. It is the whole tree, even those who have been added (crafted in) to the tree.

So it is the last sealing of those good Christians who, in terrible times, have to give a pure gospel and shine like the stars. And now we have this almost genealogy of them in chapter 7, where it says 12,000 of this tribe, 12,000 of that tribe, 12,000 of another tribe. So this is 12 times 12,000, right? 144,000.

Why was I not able to see the 12 that is even in the 168-year formula already? And it is also in this formula twice, if you remember. You can write it as either 12 plus 12 times 7. Or you can write it as 7 times 12 in parentheses plus another 7 times 12 in parentheses. So it’s two times 12 because 12 stands for the covenant with God.

It’s the covenant time, and the wise will shine like the stars. So this 12 is, of course, 12 years. But there’s a little difficulty.

When you calculate now the beginning of the judgment of the living, which we place on the 1st of February 2014—seeing that, in 2014, the judgment on the dead would end—and we heard the first trumpet with the taking of Crimea by the Russians, which we understood as the burning of the grass. We then understood that the trumpets had already begun, so the judgment of the living also must have started. Now, when you calculate from February 2014, twelve years, you arrive at 2026, not 2025, if the total duration of the sealing would be twelve years.

So there must be a trick. I pondered about it, I believe for a few days, then one morning I woke up and prayed. And in this prayer, God told me which heavenly body could show the sealing time and the judgment of the living.

It must be a heavenly body with an orbit of twelve years. Oh my God, I said, of course—Jupiter has an orbit that perfectly represents the twelve of the covenant or the twelve of the twelve tribes. I remembered that in 2017, we made many videos about that and we had Jupiter already as the king’s planet, the king of kings in the heavens.

Once, I made a video showing Jupiter disappearing with the holy city, together with the sealed ones, having the seal. I liked this video a lot because it showed Jupiter in all its wonderful colors, just photographed by a space probe. But we did not see that the judgment of the living would take twelve Jupiter years.

Now, even in Jupiter years, Jupiter is still twelve years, but I’ve researched it further. I want to show you this incredible trick of God, how he shows the sealing time through the twelve Mazzaroth constellations. In my book, *The Mystery of the Holy City*, we could already associate each constellation of the Mazzaroth to a tribe.

And in that book, we even understood perfectly why the order of the sealing isn’t in the order of the Mazzaroth constellations, but in a different order. I may not have time to show you that order, but I encourage you to read the linked article to understand, that it is the base construction plan of a pyramid. Each group of three forms triangles with a 90-degree angle, and if put together they form the pillar. Remember the pillars of the temple of the holy city pyramid.

We deciphered this in 2018, and I documented it in *The Mystery of the Holy City*. So, we don’t need to delve into the order of the tribes now. Instead, I’ll show you now in the heavens the trajectory of Jupiter as the heavenly body showing the perfect time for the sealing.

I’m taking you more than ten years back to the 1st of February 2014, when we published articles on the start of the judgment of the living, which began dramatically with a boom with Crimea. And do you see, after all these years, what has happened since? We now have a total war in Ukraine.

And Jupiter was in this twin (Castor), and I want to be very careful to emphasize it: it was in this Gemini twin, because we need to observe where Jupiter will be later. Now, let’s go even further back in time to show you the trick. Let’s move backwards, month by month.

Where did Jupiter come from? Aha It entered Gemini earlier, then went retrograde. So, on the 27th of June 2013, Jupiter had already entered Gemini, one of the twelve tribe constellations. But that would have been too early for the judgment of the living.

Let’s now move forward so you can see again. Jupiter goes forward, then retrograde, and now we reach the start of the judgment of the living. Remember, that this Gemini twin (Castor) has been sealed at that date. The sealing started on that date.

Now, let’s continue month by month through time.

And you see that Jupiter always goes retrograde in each constellation, almost exact, and it stays more or less one year in each constellation. So, it seals all the constellations of the Mazzaroth. And now we come to our time.

Now it’s 2024—August, September, October. Once again, it becomes retrograde and then continues to the point of the end of grace, which is here. And then it is in the club of Orion. It would be just short of reaching Gemini again, but this Gemini was already sealed at the beginning. So, this is nearly the full twelve years of the judgment, with the trick of the retrograde motion, so that the judgment of the living was slightly shortened.

"And if it hadn’t been shortened," what would have happened? "No flesh would have survived." That’s a very interesting point, isn’t it? We come back to the club of Orion, and the end of grace has taken place, because then even those in Taurus have been fully sealed. But I want to show you another secret.

We need to go back in time and look closely at where Jupiter came from. It went retrograde almost exactly back to this point, on the 1st of February 2025.

So, on the 1st of February 2025, we have a turning point of Jupiter. But there was a turning point before that, and we need to go back to find when that happened. It was almost exactly on the 14th of October 2024. What was on that date? It was the 180th Yom Kippur, with the shofar blowing for the announcement of the Jubilee. So, this was a specific Yom Kippur, during which Jupiter, on its first intend, sealed nearly all who belonged to the tribe of Taurus.

What does this mean? It means that the 144,000 had all been found and sealed. And here you have it. That’s the maximum reach of Jupiter before it turns retrograde, and then we enter the time period when the 144,000 need to do their work. I’ve been recording the last parts of this series since that time. As we go forward in time, Jupiter goes backward, and then on the 1st of February, it turns again. That completes precisely twelve years inclusive counting of the judgment of the living when it turns once more. This is one of the secrets of how the judgment played out. But now, we still need to identify the four angels holding the four winds.

Obviously, these four angels have been holding the winds since the 1st of February 2014, throughout the entire sealing time. We can first check another angel—let’s examine the angel in Revelation 7:2. “And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God.” We need to determine which angel this is. "And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea"—Earth and Sea now, maybe Europe and the U.S., "saying, Harm not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees.”

Here are the trees again mentioned. "Till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." So I know, that when we performed our prayer, when we wanted to loose the four winds, that the end would come, believing that Jesus would come on the 24th of October 2016. We prayed, so that He would not come and give more time, on the 19th of October 2016.

Let’s go there. So, this other angel is ascending—not setting, but ascending—from the east.

So, it rises with the sun. The sun comes up in the east, and we need to find out what kind of seal it has. One hint is that it relates to the constellation where the sun is because this angel cried out with a loud voice. Let’s see what it is.

I’ve brought you to the 19th of October 2016, that very morning when I prayed and learned from the Lord what we needed to do. Now, I’ll move forward minute by minute so you can see which angel ascends with the sun, having a loud voice and the seal of God. Definitely, I can see an angel, I see a woman, and even Jupiter is present there. I see the sun—and now, it’s morning. The sunrise.

Can you see it? This is unmistakably Virgo—it is the woman. Virgo is the angel that rises, ascending from the east, having the seal.

And what does she hold? Mercury, the messenger. This could symbolize the one who told the church to do something. But Virgo is the angel who instructs the four winds to hold. This is what we did at that time. So, what does this angel symbolize? Naturally, this Church of Philadelphia.

When was this church sealed? On that exact day, for here is the seal of God—it is Jupiter. This marks the sealing of our tribe, our Church of Philadelphia. We were sealed when we ultimately chose to forego the immediate coming for the benefit of others. We surrendered the journey to heaven for the sake of the remaining 144,000. Are we now able to unravel another mystery? Here, we find the well-known command: “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees.”

These "four angels standing at the four corners of the earth were holding back the four winds," preventing this harm. When you have questions about a symbol’s meaning, not understanding completely, it’s helpful to conduct a textual analysis, this time we do it in the Revelation. The earth is relatively clear as a symbol for the USA. The sea is typically a symbol for Europe. But the trees—this is a peculiar/strange symbol. Searching through Revelation, we find over 60 references to “earth,” about 20-25 references to “sea,” and only a few instances of “trees.” It is not so often used in the Revelation.

So, it makes sense to examine these references to “trees” to see if there is a hidden chiastic structure, and I believe it does. So, we began with this verse in Revelation 7:1, to determined who these four angels standing at the four corners of the earth are. We’ve already identified the four winds but cannot yet fully understand the earth, the sea, and especially the trees. I posed the question: Could the earth represent the USA, the sea represent Europe, and the trees represent the remaining parts of the world? But why trees? By analyzing these verses, we might try to correlate the beginning verses with the last verses, and so on. This is the chiastic structure.

Then we find that one verse in the top, with which we do not start. We do not start at the top to research the chiastic structure but we start at the bottom.

The first verse mentioning “tree” in the Revelation references the tree of life, and the final verse also mentions the tree of life. This suggests already a chiastic arrangement. The first verse is Revelation 2:7: “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” We have now found out that the Spirit is symbolized by Jupiter, the Ruach. “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” This clearly connects to Revelation 22:14: “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city.”

The next chiastic level, we reach in Revelation 6:13: “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree.” Remember, we have already deciphered the fig tree as being Orion’s club. “casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken by a mighty wind." We encounter “wind” again here—could this hint that somebody, at least Orion, holds one of these winds? This connects back to Revelation 22, providing a fresh clue. "In the midst of the street of it (the holy city), on either side of the river, was the tree of life." And we deciphered this to be Eridanus, this river, respectively now we know it even better.

We know now that it is the river painted by K2—the Mu-river, the river of the Spirit. And on both sides, we have the trunks of the two-trunk tree of life, which are Orion and Horologium.

Ellen White clearly saw that this tree is one tree but has two trunks, one on each side of the river. This is perfectly deciphered as Orion and the Horologium clock. "... which bear 12 kinds of fruit and yield their fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

That’s a secret. What are the 12 fruits? And what are the leaves? You will find out together with me.

But there’s already one important hint that’s easy to overlook. Here, we had the tree of life. Here, we had the tree of life. At this level, we have only one mention of the tree of life. So this points to the fig tree that was Orion’s club.

What is Orion’s club really? Oh, it’s even the tree of life. This will become very important as we go forward. The next level is a level that I would rather not reveal just now.

But I have to. Revelation 7:1: *And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.* You know all these verses—I won’t repeat it now. But we asked a question. We asked, who are these four angels? When we look at the other level, and we get the direct answer.

"These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." Yeah, wow.

This is the description of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. That’s even an early verse, and it has always been a riddle. Why are they two olive trees and two candlesticks? So people say, “Oh, the two witnesses, they are two olive trees.” One description. And then they say, “Yeah, and the two candlesticks stand for churches.”

So it must be two churches, most probably the two churches that have no reproach in Revelation among the seven churches. That’s Smyrna, the church of the martyrs, and Philadelphia, the church of the Holy Spirit—those who go through life, while the martyrs, of course, have to die. But all of a sudden, we see something else. *I saw four angels.*

"These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks." So, are there now four? Wait a minute... Normally, when you think of Zechariah’s prophecy about the olive tree, the olive vessel and the candlestick, we have two such connections. We have two candlesticks, and each candlestick is fed by the oil of each olive tree.

So the first olive tree belongs to the first candlestick, and the second olive tree belongs to the second candlestick. That might be an idea. That would tell us that we indeed have four things representing the two witnesses. Highly interesting, as I think. When I saw, that i have the direct answer here, then, of course, I couldn’t help but ponder further.

I said, what is that? How can I see that in the heavens? How can I understand this? How can the heavens help me to understand that riddle there? Let’s go forward. Here we have the command to the four angels holding the winds, that they should "not hurt the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees"—until everyone is sealed.

This connects with Revelation 9:4, interestingly. This is our fifth trumpet, which we examined in this video. "And it was commanded to them," the locusts, the vaccination, "that they should not hurt the grass of the earth."

You have here the earth again, "neither any green thing nor any tree." Can you see a problem? Yes, I see it.

Here we have earth; instead of “green thing” we have “sea,” nor the trees... So the trees are the trees again.

Here we have the tree connection, here the earth connection, and then we have a riddle again or a help, an advice to understand the riddle: “neither the sea,” which connects to the “green thing.”

This will become interesting when we go through the heavens. Now you can see something interesting in this chiasm. At the top stands one verse that also mentions earth, trees, and this time grass.

What’s missing here is the sea. Now we could see that we had the connection with green and the connection with the sea, which must be the green grass. Normally, we say green grass represents young believers—Christians who aren’t yet rooted like trees but are young in faith.

And it has a lot to do with that, as you will see later. But remarkable here is the position of the summit of the mountain of the chiasm; ascending and descending. Now, this top is framed by these two verses that at first glance seem contradictory.

Here it says “hurt not,” and here it says "it should not hurt a certain portion of people", "but only those who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads." So, the seal of God has advanced from here to here.

Obviously, those who had the chance to be sealed are tested, and if they are not sealed, then they can be hurt. This is already a diminishing of grace. But grace was fully granted in Revelation 7:3, fulfilled/caused by the prayer on October 19, when the Church of Philadelphia, the pure woman, asked for more time.

So this is more or less a prohibition to hurt. And this is a relaxing of this prohibition. Can you see it? I hope so.

So what then is the whole interlude of the trumpets? You can see here we have the fifth trumpet, and this is the first trumpet, so they sound. And first what we read is that, in contrast to the prohibition here, this trumpet indeed hurts.

It hurts the earth, it hurts the trees—a third part—and it burns up all green grass. And we know that this trumpet started sounding shortly after our sacrifice. It began to sound when Donald Trump was elected.

To solve this apparent contradiction, we have to understand what the prayer of the Church of Philadelphia really prevented. It prevented something, because this first, second, third, and fourth trumpet hurt a lot: a third of the sea, and so forth, the sun darkening the sky, and so on—please read it, I don’t have time to go through all of it. But these are already terrible ordeals. Many Christians fear the trumpets, believing they must happen before the plagues fall. But no, because there was a prayer.

And this prayer prevented the four loud-sounding trumpets from being directly felt on earth. Instead, these winds if you want—these four trumpet blows winds—were held. "Do not hurt These 4 winds This is what Philadelphia’s prayer truly achieved, caused, prevented. It caused, that these first four trumpets would only be anything more than hot air out of Donald Trump’s mouth. "Fire and fury," "China, China, China," "600 rockets over Syria, “Russia, go down,” “Iran, we’ll kill them all.” Can you see it? So, it was only hot air.

But then, in the fifth trumpet, the wind started to blow, smoke rose from the bottomless pit, and then it was allowed to hurt—because only four winds had been held back. Can you see it? This is, of course, still with grace, as is the sixth trumpet. But then, in the seventh, grace ends.

First, Jesus is crowned as king—still grace—from February to June. But then, on the 4th of June, Jesus leaves the sanctuary. End of grace.

Then all four winds have been finally loosened and can no longer be held back by prayer. We wrote extensively about these first four trumpets on our new website, which opened on November 22, 2016. When this video is published, it marks exactly the eighth anniversary of that date, when we launched a new website after our prayer because we saw that a new era had begun.

These trumpets were fulfilling in the heavens. From 2017 onward, we understood the Mazzaroth and realized that we needed to look up to the constellations and the movements of the planets. Through this, we saw the fulfillment of these trumpets in the heavens.

But their effects would only be felt as “hot air” from the mouth of Donald Trump on earth. So it wasn’t that Donald Trump was the peace-bringer or peace president. On the contrary, his “fire and fury” declarations would have become a terrifying reality if these four angels would not have held back the four winds.

For me, and likely for you too, the greatest mystery here is the answer to the question who these four angels standing on the four corners of the earth are—and that they are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. We puzzled over this for years without finding an answer.

Now I’ll show you the solution. In the Mazzaroth, we have the twelve tribes, represented around the ecliptic. These are the 12 constellations along the path of the sun. According to the camp order of the Israelites, we know, for instance, that the tribe of Judah is represented by Leo. Opposite Leo, we have Aquarius, representing the man. Then we have two other cardinal constellations: Taurus and Scorpius.

Is this a tree? Is there any tree here? No. Is there a symbol for earth? Leo could be considered the king of earthly animals, but Taurus? Is there a sea? Aquarius could represent the sea.

But what about the woman—does she represent the sea, the earth, or the tree? It doesn’t fit. And perhaps this is what made us blind to the truth. Let me show you the four corners of the earth.

Can you see the sun in this picture? Can you see the earth? Yes, you can. Can you see four positions of the sun which would be the ecliptic positions that the sun goes through? No. Do you see the earth in four different positions? Yes, in the positions of the two equinoxes and the two solstices.

These represent the four different positions the earth holds in relation to the sun, or in relation to its annual path around the sun. These points are very significant: the equinoxes, when day and night are equal in length, and the solstices, when day and night are at their longest or shortest. Depending on your hemisphere, these positions correspond to winter or summer solstice, and spring or autumn equinox.

Thus, these are four "points", four "corners" of the earth. While Leo, Scorpius, and similar constellations as cardinal points might represent something like the walls, but they aren’t meant here.

Now, let’s explore these points where they are, and see if then we can find symbols for the sea, the earth—usually standing for the US—and the trees. To decipher this symbolism of earth, sea, and trees, I suggest starting exactly where we left off.

We deciphered the “other angel ascending from the east," Virgo, with the seal of the living God, represented by Jupiter. So, what is the path of Jupiter to find, what not should be hurt? It must also be those constellations, at least the corner points of those constellations, that had not been sealed up to October 19, 2016. Here is our starting point in the prophecy, the angel.

This is the equinox point. Let's search for the next point. Oh yes, this is a solstice point at the galactic equator.

It belongs to the constellation of Sagittarius, which is a symbol for the US, called in Revelation "the earth." What was it we should have found first? "Hurt not the earth." Wow, we’re beginning to see. Perhaps

The next symbol we need to locate is likely the sea. We search for the next equinox point. We do not find it in Aquarius, because that would be a cardinal sign. Instead, we find it in Pisces, here in this lying fish. Fish, of course, live in the sea. So here we are—that's the sea area.

Next, we need to find the trees. But there should be at least two, as it's not just one tree but trees. Still searching... nothing, nothing.

Then, of course, in the galactic equator, we have the solstice on June 21, summer or winter, depending on the hemisphere. Is there a tree? Can you remember our last countdown series, we deciphered through a dream from a member of our movement that the club in Orion's hand is made of wood. Wood comes from trees, and we even said that what he holds in his hand is a tree—it is the fig tree. The Orionids were the untimely figs falling from this tree. Do you remember that? Here we find our first tree. But we’re not finished with the symbols; we still need another tree. Now we are back to Virgo. Hmmm, where is the other tree?

To find it, we need to travel back in time 14 years. In 2010, when I began this ministry, I deciphered the exact date of Christ’s crucifixion. By astronomical calculations it pointed to Friday, May 25, in the year 31 AD. I wrote a two-part series about this, called *Full Moon in Gethsemane,* because it was, of course, the 14th day of the Jewish month—the day the full moon shines.

In May of 2017, we became aware of the Mazzaroth. This only required revisiting that old 2010 study on the crucifixion date, placing the full moon of Gethsemane in its correct location—a very special location. Exactly when Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross for our sins, the full moon of Gethsemane stood on the galactic equator, surrounded by the enemy constellations Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, and Scorpius. There, in the center of the universe, directly marked by the full moon, hung our Savior Jesus Christ on the cross. We captured this in a profoundly solemn, awe-inspiring image, a very solemn image.

In Jesus’ heart as he hung and suffered there was Sagittarius A*, the symbol for his Father, proving the Father never left him. On the contrary, he was always in his heart.

Now you can see where the other tree is—it’s the cross of Christ. Just on the opposite side of the galactic equator, on the one side, we see Jesus Christ holding a tree in his hand as Orion, our High Priest interceding for our sins during the investigative judgment. It is his club, and we now discover that this club is indeed his own cross. On both sides, where the ecliptic and galactic equator crosses, in both cases, it is the cross of Christ.

Am I now contradicting what I previously shared about the sign of the Son of Man, the river Mu, and Orion standing on one side of the river Mu, and the Horologium as the second witness on the other side of the river Mu? Not at all. The sign of the Son of Man is just that—a sign. While it gives us the timing for Jesus' second coming and the preparation time for it, the Mazzaroth gives us the time of the Father, the moment when Jesus was nailed to the cross, and how to decipher these wondrous events planned since the divine council met and decided, before the creation of the earth, who would go to earth and die for humankind when/if they would sin.

So this sign is still absolutely valid, and both witnesses must say the same thing. They also have to convey the same message we now see in the Mazzaroth.

Here anyway, Jesus is depicted with the cross in his hand, interceding: "My blood, my blood, my blood, my blood." But on the other side, we have the Horologium, and it seems to signify time.

It was the perfect time when Jesus was nailed to the cross, as the full moon stood on the galactic equator at that precise moment, amidst the enemy constellations. If you remember our earlier articles, when we discovered the Horologium clock, we soon noted how these numbers here, especially the cardinal numbers, actually depict the crucifixion times. The image I’m showing isn’t fully complete, but let’s review what we outlined in an article.

At nine o'clock, Jesus was lifted up, nailed to the cross for us. Then, at noon, darkness covered the land. And His death, along with a great earthquake, came at the sacrificial hour of three o'clock—or the ninth hour in Jewish terms. He was then buried before 6 p.m., as the Sabbath began at sunset.

As I mentioned, it’s not a complete picture, because 6 a.m. on that Friday of crucifixion also marked the time when Jesus was brought to the morning judgments—a significant six o'clock moment. Then there was another six o'clock event. On the Sabbath, after His burial, Jesus rested in the tomb for a full day. But, at sunrise on Sunday, between the hours of five and six, He rose again.

So, we observe three occurrences of the number six here, which is not the number of the beast in this context but rather the number of the second Adam—God, who became man to die for us. The number of man is 666. But why does Revelation 13:18 say that 666 is the number of the beast? How could that be?

Now we see that 666 is the number of Jesus Christ, God, who died for us as man. When Jesus Christ hung on the cross—and obviously in the Horologium, we indeed see a depiction of the cross—Jesus bore all our and the sins of the world upon Himself.

Now look around. There is Sagittarius with the arrow pointing to Christ. Yes, it is a soldier. Who were the soldiers standing at the cross? They were Roman soldiers, of course. So, it’s Rome or fallen Protestantism nowadays. So, this is one six. And where is the other six? We definitely have the beast, Scorpion, which is even two symbols.

One time, it represents the Jewish nation that shouted, “Nail him to the cross, crucify him.” But can you see where the sting of the scorpion is? It’s also a symbol for death, the penalty for sin. Yet, in His resurrection, Jesus said, “Where is your sting, death?” And soon, death and Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire that burns forever.

So, this is the second six. It stands for death, those that wished death to Jesus, and the penalty for sin. And then we see Ophiuchus standing, holding the snake.

We know that Satan was also at the cross watching. At first, he thought that would be his greatest victory. But then, the cross became the victory of Christ.

And even the popes today, the current pope, Pope Francis, once said a few years ago that the cross was a failure. He repeated exactly what the snake within him was telling him. Now you understand 666.

It is the number of Jesus Christ, who carried our sins to the cross amidst the three enemy constellations. And here, I believe, is wisdom. Now you may perfectly understand why comet E3, one of the two comets that paints the sign of the Son of Man, strikes the six o’clock pendulum of the Horologium three times.

The first time was on the 20th of February, 2024. This, of course, is symbolic of the beginning of the great day of suffering for Jesus Christ. In the morning, they brought Him to the judgments.

He was beaten. He was spit upon. The crown of thorns was placed upon His head.

He had to go to the cross, was nailed there, and hung, suffering the whole day until He died on the cross in the ninth hour, by Jewish time. He was then taken off the cross shortly before nightfall.

And look, it (E3) goes down. This stands for the hour of His burial. He went under the earth.

Another six. And then He comes up. After the 372 days, representing the final portions of the Holy Spirit, we come to the 4th of June, 2025.

And that’s when Jesus becomes king. This is the hour of victory. Jesus leaves the temple and comes to the earth.

How beautiful is the sign of the Son of Man that you see here once more. And now, you understand another application of 666. We have the death of Jesus on the cross, the first six.

We have His burial in the baptism scene; we are buried in the death of Christ. But when we rise from the water, we resurrect.

We are a new creation. And here is the third six. 666.

The number of a man. A very, very wonderful and special man—our beloved Jesus Christ.

And now I give you the last warning with this: Get baptized in His name, in His death, and in His resurrection.

Before judgment closes on the 4th of June 2025. The time has come to wrap up our study on the tree, the tree of life, as we know it now.

You remember we had in the chiasm, on the ground/base level, two mentions of the tree of life—the great promise we receive from Jesus Christ through His death and His victory on the cross and through His victory over death. Then, on the next level, we encountered a riddle. It was the riddle of why the fig tree, or club, that Orion holds in his hand would be the tree of life.

Now we understand it. It is the cross. This is that one tree above all others that brought us life.

Eternal life. The next level is the "aha" level, and it is the most important level of all.

It’s the riddle of the earth, the sea, and, especially, the riddle of the trees. We now know these are two trees—the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. We saw the two trunks, the trunks of the tree of life.

So, it’s both the same tree. It’s in Jesus’ hand—the wood of the tree of life, the cross.

And, of course, in the crucifixion scene, on the other side of the galactic equator, it’s the same wood of the tree on which Jesus was crucified. And we also saw in the Mazzaroth two constellations that are the equinox constellations: Virgo, the pure woman, and the lying fish.

We connected those to Philadelphia and Smyrna, the church of the martyrs. Now, it seems that this prophecy here connects one olive tree with Virgo, or the dead fish, and the other vice versa. So which one is which? It’s simple to understand that the tree trunk on which Jesus was crucified and died is connected to the church of Smyrna, which holds the prophecy of the church of those who died for Jesus—a church without reproach, a candlestick.

So, the death of Jesus Christ is their example. It is their oil, their driving force, motor—the fuel from which they draw their inspiration to also die, as Jesus did, for truth and for the sake of others. This leaves Orion as the olive tree with the oil for those who form Virgo, the absolutely pure church—the church of Philadelphia, without reproach.

This church is indeed special because it’s the living church. It’s the church, in the darkest time of the world, here on earth, preaching to you. This is our ministry, of course.

And I can only pray that the 144,000 will also have this oil to lead many to righteousness, now in the very darkest hour, in the hour of the great tribulation. Does this mean the church of Smyrna is dead and meaningless now? Of course not. Both churches are witnesses.

Philadelphia is a witness that goes through alive. While Smyrna remains on earth, martyrs continue to die until the judgment is finished and the number of all martyrs is fulfilled. Remember the fifth seal—the question of the souls under the altar.

Now, we’ve covered why the two witnesses have two trunks of the olive tree. A smaller riddle appears in Revelation 7:3 and Revelation 9:4, which I already clarified. But now, we can much better understand this “green thing” (in Rev 9:4).

The color green here, with the "green thing", is clearly connected to the sea—that is, to the dead fish. And at first glance, we could not understand, why is it a green thing? Is martyrdom a green thing? Are martyrs green? The word for green is the same as for the pale horse. It means pale or green.

It’s the dead horse. It’s those that die. Green is not a living thing, no.

We can now understand this symbol. It is death. It’s those who die for Christ.

But they are among the living because they will resurrect in the first resurrection, they are green. They are not dead forever.

Revelation 9:4, where we have this prophecy about the green thing, the green people, the martyrs, is, of course, related to the fifth trumpet. What does it mean when it says “hurt not the green thing”? Of course, it means that during this time, there would be no martyrdom necessary. There would be no martyrs.

The corona crisis was the fifth trumpet. Nobody was led to martyrdom for refusing the vaccination. Nobody had to die for Christ because of this crisis.

This is what it means that the green thing, the martyrs, would not be hurt. So nobody would have to give their life in the corona crisis. There would be no forceful vaccination in a form where they would have to refuse, go to jail, and later be tormented, tortured, and then killed.

I think this is a very deep understanding we have now because we don’t have this restriction anymore in the sixth trumpet. Let’s delve a little deeper into the mystery of the Holy City in Revelation 22. The first verse reads, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life.”

We still have to find out what this river is—not in the setting of the sign of the Son of Man but this time in the setting of the whole Mazzaroth, with the trees and with the churches. "Clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb."

There is a throne of God and there is a throne of the Lamb. That could already give us the hint that one time we have the Lamb slaughtered. This is the tree trunk on the side of the crucifixion of Christ, and this is the throne of God, which is in Orion, of course. "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life."

We understand that now. "Which bears twelve manner of fruits." The English version here has “manner of fruits.”

I checked it in other versions—in German and in Spanish. They have it right. It says only “which bear twelve fruits.”

"And yielded her fruit every month." What is that? It’s, of course, the moon. It comes once a month to each of the tree trunks of the tree of life.

"And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Still, we don’t understand it completely—the leaves.

I was nibbling a little bit on that. Then I had the idea to look up in Strong’s Concordance what this word is that’s here translated as “leaves.” It’s the word *phullon*.

And it's the same as G5443, and here is the hint: it means an offshoot, race, or clan. Indeed, it is kindred or tribe.

Now we already know where the tribes are. They are the constellations, the twelve constellations of the Mazzaroth. They are the tribes.

And now it becomes clear that the whole Mazzeroth, including the two tree stems, Orion and the cross of Christ, is the tree of life—the entire Mazzeroth. And this we should now consider when we talk about our inheritance.

In 2018, when the four winds were held, I already had a taste of the Holy City in a long study. I wrote a book about it, *The Mystery of the Holy City* in four parts. Today, we return to this mystery of the Holy City.

The description of this tree of life is that it stands on both sides of a river and also in the midst of the street of this Holy City. Some imagine the Holy City as something like a real city. But it is something much bigger.

It is something much more marvelous. It fulfills the covenant with Abraham when he was told that his inheritance would be like the stars. In the so-called equiangular projection of the Mazzeroth, I can show you this city.

One time emphasizing the river and another time emphasizing the street. And then guess what the great, marvelous, and true inheritance will be that is promised for all the faithful in Christ. The street where the sun walks all year long is called the ecliptic, of course.

And this is the street where we have the twelve constellations in a row, in a light swing here. So we have here in Virgo also the equinox point, and the other equinox point in the lying fish. Here it is.

So you see these two candlesticks easily. They are stars, of course, they shine—candlesticks. And now you know who they are.

The Church of Philadelphia and the Church of Smyrna. Can you see the river? What I did is increase the saturation of the Milky Way. And as the name says, what do you believe flows instead of water in this river? Milk.

What was promised so many times in the Bible that Canaan would indeed be? The land where is flowing milk and honey. Now let’s do the trick and change the projection, and you see the river here flowing wonderfully.

It's the galactic equator. This line is the galactic equator. And now we have on one side the point—the solstice point—where Jesus Christ was crucified amidst the enemies.

And on the other side, we have Orion reaching up with his hand to the other solstice point. Now, what is the Holy City? When the street is there, and the river is there, and the rest of the constellations that we can see with the naked eye from Earth are there, it is the Milky Way. It is our own galaxy with billions of stars and the Father, Sagittarius A star, in its center.

Are you in awe now? This is the secret and the mystery of the Holy City. This is your inheritance—all these stars. We revealed that in this book that talks about the pyramids and the golden ratio and all these many, many things.

And if you are eager to go there, whatever the price, I would counsel you to read this book. It may not include the complete understanding we have now, but it was already the first glimpse for us, in the time when the winds were held, to see that this is indeed our inheritance. Jesus promised to the Church of Philadelphia, depicted in Virgo with its equinox point, he promised and said, "These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, and he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth."

"I know thy works. Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." We had to wait three years after our sacrifice on the 19th of October 2016 until Jupiter came to this open door.

On the 4th of December 2019, Jupiter reached the galactic equator, the crossing where the cross of Jesus Christ was. And he is that door that was set before the Church of Philadelphia. This door is open.

A great eagle in the sky said in December of 2019, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound." By the end of December, we were at the beginning of the corona crisis, in the fifth trumpet, and a woe came over the earth. But "hurt not the earth, hurt not the sea, nor any green thing, nor the tree."

But when Jupiter reaches this point on June 4, 2025, we stand directly before this terrible point of no return. This is the solstice point and the outpouring of the seven last plagues.

You only have until June 4 to be baptized, as I mentioned. Do it quickly. And then, most probably, you might pay the price for waiting so long for not being part of Philadelphia, but you have to pay with your life for eternal life.

Jesus wants to grant it, but you will have to fulfill a certain number—you now know what it is. I urge you to act. You've now seen the kind of inheritance waiting for you.

Did you recognize who the eagle that flies in the midst of heaven is? The eagle symbolizes the king of heaven and stands directly over the crucifixion scene of Jesus Christ. With Jupiter as the king of the planets on December 4, 2019. Can you see it, that it is Jesus Christ who warns, saying, *“Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants”* while also holding a shield in his claws.

This relates to Revelation 3:10: *“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience.”* He says this to the Church of Philadelphia, which has the same patience as He has, even asking for more time. *“I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”*

This corresponds to “and hurt not”. We discussed verse 3:11 in the blessings. But there’s one last riddle I’ll solve.

I won’t claim to solve all riddles but i say that i will solve one more. *“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out. And I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God.”*

*“And I will write upon him my new name.”* This is the seal that Philadelphia has, the Jupiter seal in words.

We have known Jesus Christ’s new name since 2010—Alnitak of Orion. He thus bears the signature *Alpha and Omega.*

We also know the name of God, who is Time. And He is Alnilam of Orion, the middle belt star, also carrying the signature of Alpha and Omega. And the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, must automatically be Mintaka, the third person of the Godhead, represented by this star on the left position of the Father in the belt stars of Orion—the Mu, M, Mintaka, the Spirit of God.

The Spirit is New Jerusalem. Everyone who belongs to the temple of God has the Spirit dwelling inside of them. And this is what He means by New Jerusalem.

It is not a city you can imagine as it is often depicted—a golden city, or anything like that. It is the entire Milky Way. And all who have the Spirit of God indwelling in them will inherit this vast galaxy.

But what does it mean when Jesus says He will make Philadelphia a pillar in the temple of God? In my book, *The Mystery of the Holy City,* I explain clearly that the order of the sealing of the tribes in Revelation 7 is not the order of the Mazzaroth constellations; rather, it follows a specific order. This order of always three tribes forms triangles. These triangles are arranged in such a way that one triangle always has a right angle.

This forms the blueprint for a huge pyramid, also based on the golden ratio. The golden ratio and the pyramid are again symbols of the Milky Way. This is how my book explains this secret.

Let’s quickly go through the triangle construction given by the order of the tribes, and identify which have a solstice or equinox point associated with them. First, we have Gemini, where Orion reaches up, and the solstice point is in Gemini.

Here, the 90-degree angle points to the tribe of Simeon, represented by Gemini. The next one would be Virgo, where we see that the tribe of Asher has a 90-degree point associated with it.

The next one would indeed be Sagittarius. You saw the solstice point in Sagittarius, and again we have a 90-degree angle there.

Logic demands, looking to Pisces, where the lying fish has the equinox point, and indeed, the 90-degree angle points there. This provides a wonderful confirmation to be true. With these triangles, we construct the inner supporting walls, if you will, of a pyramid structure.

We drew the pyramid upside down because we know this is the so-called "travel part" of the Holy City. Certain groups of people indeed have the right to travel with Jesus Christ. These are the four angels that hold the four winds.

Who are those who can travel with Jesus Christ? Can you see the base of the pyramid and these triangles forming the inner supporting walls? Can you see it? The 90-degree angles are always in the middle, pointing to the supporting pillar.

And Ellen G. White saw in the Temple of God a very important supporting pillar. Let’s read again: *“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.”*

When we translate this structure to the Milky Way, we understand that this innermost pillar must be a very close point to the supporting central gravitational force of the Milky Way, which is the black hole, symbolizing the Father. The Father is Jesus Christ, and we have depicted Jesus Christ in Orion with the Tree of Life. Jesus is also represented in the crucifixion scene.

These are the solstice points of the rectangular triangles that point here. Additionally, we have two candlesticks—the Church of Philadelphia and the Church of Smyrna—which serve as the supporting pillars of the Holy City of God. These churches are closest to the throne.

Philadelphia and Smyrna, both churches without any reproach, together with Jesus the Lamb—both in Orion and in the crucifixion scene amidst the enemies of God—form the supporting pillar of the Holy City.

If you want to know exactly where your tribe is, which tribe you belong to, who your apostle is, and which precious stone represents you, all of these details are described in *The Mystery of the Holy City.* Then you can even know to which spiral arm your tribe will belong, where your segment lies, where you will live, and the location of your own planet. My last act in the ministry of the fourth angel, in the ministry of the High Sabbath Adventists, is to place one final puzzle piece in its rightful place.

This puzzle piece completes the mystery of God. We are in the chapter with the oath, and we are in the seventh verse: *“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.”*

It is the task of a servant of God to place this final piece that completes the mystery into its proper position in the Book of Revelation. Let’s go to the verse. It is, of course, the last verse of Revelation 11, which also concludes the ministry of the two witnesses.

Remember, there have been two witnesses in the heavens: Orion and Horologium. And this final verse holds this riddle: “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament.”

This means that, to find this sign of the ark of His testament, we must look inside the temple. You already know when this will happen—it is the end of the judgment and the beginning of the outpouring of the seven last plagues.

This takes place on June 4, 2025. I have brought you to this date. Here we have K2.

Here we have Jupiter. And where is the temple? We must go and look into the temple.

Here is Orion, of course. Now look closely What has happened on June 4, that has not happened before. On June 4, the last of the 372 portions of the Holy Spirit, who leads and has led us with this understanding into all truth, have been poured out.

We see this in the last round of E3 around the Horologium Center, striking the pendulum for the third time on June 4. In the upper part of the sign of the Son of Man, we see K2 standing on its final position on this day when the great river Euphrates, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, dries up because the last 372 portions have been poured out. It is this moment, when this sign we have shown you over the past two years is now totally completed.

What we showed you with the ephemeris of E3 and K2 was never fully completed. We drew it, with part of it in the past and part still in the future. But on June 4, 2025, the signature of Alnitak, the Wounded One, the signature of Alnilam, His Father, and of Mintaka, the Mu of the Holy City and the Spirit of God, will finally be fully painted in the heavens.

This will be a very solemn day. I showed you in the video with the harvest texts, that first each of the two sickles had to be fully painted so that the angel K2, who came out from the temple or from the altar, could tell the angel of the harvest and the angel of the vintage that the time for harvesting or reaping had come. And the same is here in the sign of the Son of Man. We can now understand that it is indeed the sign of the Ark of His Testament in His temple, beginning in Orion.

And we have to go inside from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place. Have you have seen our many, many, many videos, our many, many, many writings, and thousands of pamphlets given to many, many people on all corners of the earth about this marvelous sign? Have you recognized that this sign was never directly mentioned in Revelation? But Jesus Christ Himself pointed to it in four Gospels, saying, "And then they will see the sign of the Son of Man." The only mention in the Book of Revelation of this wonderful sign is the sign of the Ark of His Testament.

Why? And here we have, of course, a reflection of what the Mazzaroth told us before. Can you remember that there were four angels holding the four winds? They have a reflection here, too.

I already showed you these things partially. Of course, Orion remains as one of the two witnesses, but we also have the cross here, which was the cross on the galactic equator.

Now you perfectly understand the 666, which is completed on this very day. And then we had the two candlesticks—the two churches. One church was the church of the martyrs, who would be baptized into the death of Christ.

I am not talking about Smyrna, the old martyrs. I am talking about those who, in the time of great tribulation, will be led to righteousness by the church of Philadelphia, the living church, the church of the Holy Spirit, which leads many to righteousness. Inside the belly of Jonah’s fish, we have the baptism scene of Jesus Christ.

We have the Calumn that engraved the Ten Commandments, and we showed you each of the constellations that are involved as the Ten Commandments. These are the ones who keep the commandments in this last, final time. Everything is reflected.

Jesus said, “The Father, the Mazzaroth clock, is the same as I.” When you have seen the Father, you have seen Me. So His sign, the sign of the Son of Man, also reflects the four corners of the earth, the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks.

Now we understand easily why this sign can be understood as the sign of the Son of man. If you take the corresponding solstice points, we have here Orion and we have here the Horologium. How did Jesus Christ become our Son of man, our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, even in the Most Holy place? Simply because He went to the cross. The cross was His victory. So, He became our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. Who intercedes for us still until June 4. But this is one aspect of this sign of the Son of man. Now I would like to turn this into another position. Especially that position that we encountered two or almost three years ago when we were in the temple. We saw a big fish first. And this gave us the understanding that this sign is also the sign of Jonah.

So now, I just turned the sign. Here is the fin of the fish, the belly of the fish. We even saw the eye of the fish and we saw a smiling fish because we did not paint the sign with the 372 additional special portions of the Holy Spirit. Now you can see even more clearly the baptism scene of Jesus Christ in the river and the dove coming down upon Him. This makes it clear why this is also the sign of Jonah. But how is it the sign of the ark of the testament?

The word used in this verse in Revelation 11, “ark” is the same word that is used for the ark of Noah. And now I ask you, can you see in this sign of the Son of man the sign of the ark of Noah? Now you need to look a little upwards. What is the fish of Jonah carrying on its back? It is a huge ship in the heavens. It’s the ark of Noah. This is the counterpart to the sign of the Son of man.

We have here Jesus who became our High Priest in heaven through the cross and we have here the ark of Noah. How do you come into the ark of Noah? Through baptism, that is the other side of sign. You just need to turn it 90 degrees. So we have here the baptism scene that brings you in the belly of Jonah’s fish and also in the ark of Noah into the ark of the testament. The testament of Jesus Christ and you have to give your testament through baptism. Then you are also part of the ark of the testament, the ark of Noah.

These are the two connecting points. We have here Jesus’ way through the cross, becoming a High Priest, the sign of the Son of man and we have you becoming through baptism part of the ark of Noah, the only refuge in these last days. These are the two solstices and the two equinox understandings of the four angels that are still holding back the four winds.

This brings us to the end of this teaching and the mystery of God, with a quote from Ellen White, which gives us a glimpse of this solution once found. It is in God’s People Delivered in The Great Controversy, Chapter 40.

Their voices rise in triumphant song: “God is our refuge and strength (the refuge in the belly of the great fish), a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea (we have spoken about this); though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.”

While these words of holy trust ascend to God, the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry firmament on either side (the darkening the skies). The glory of the celestial city streams from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand (Orion’s hand, as you can now understand) holding two tables of stone folded together. Says the prophet: “The heavens shall declare His righteousness: for God is judge Himself.” (Now that the investigative judgment has ended, God will step forward to judge the earth.)

That holy law, God's righteousness, that amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai as the guide of life, is now revealed to men as the rule of judgment. The hand opens the tables (And we explained what the two tables are. We showed you how the law is written in the constellations in the sign of the Son of Man, with the two tables of stone symbolized by the two great comets, E3 and K2.)

The hand opens the tables, and there are seen the precepts of the Decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. (Finally.) Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God's ten words (keep the commandments), brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Now you know where the last puzzle piece has its place. It is that which we have written about so many times, so many videos made, so many pamphlets shared.

It was the culmination of our ministry to make known that the seventh trumpet with the coronation of Christ, the end of grace, and the great carillon will soon sound.

Now, it is time to end this video. As I said, I do not pretend that it is complete.

On the contrary, I believe that for God, nothing is ever complete. We will always find new gems in the Word of God. Always.

And eternity will not be enough to study all the secrets of God. It will never be boring with God. The price that every human has to pay for sin is death.

But the second death has no sting for those who believe in the blood of Jesus and in His redemption. He will be here for you in the hour of temptation and perhaps in your hour of the first death. He will never leave you, and He will never leave us.

Whether you belong to Philadelphia or not, a sacrifice is always required. A sacrificial heart is the only thing that can heal the nations. You saw the leaves and that they are the tribes—the tribes around the Mazzaroth.

Now you see the tribes even in the heavens, even within the Milky Way and where they are located. But why are there 88 constellations in the sky? They are not the leaves; they are not the tribes.

These other constellations that do not belong to the Mazzaroth, they represent the nations in the leaf prophecy. And the 144,000 who belong to the tribes, seen in their sealing scene, will bring healing—not only to the nations and the earth by leading many to righteousness in the very last phase of tribulation. They will travel with Jesus, with this traveling part of the Holy City, through the entire universe.

They will bring healing to any virus or lingering traces of strife, of doubt, and any notion that Satan's insinuations might have had merit. With their living experience in a world utterly filled with sin, they will forever testify to all the heavenly nations, on every Sabbath for all eternity, that God is great, marvelous, righteous, and just—and that no sin will ever enter the universe again. God will be King, not only of the earth but of all worlds and the entire universe. Amen

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