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The Fifth Plague

Good morning, everyone. It's good to be together again on another Sabbath. Let's start our service with a short word of prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for this Sabbath day, another time where we can come together, away from the burdens of the week, to learn at Your feet. We ask for Your Spirit to be with us, to guide us, and to give Brother Gerhard and me the right words to communicate Your message to Your people for this time. We pray these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


So, good morning again from my side as well. I should mention, we're a little bit under the weather today—I think that’s the correct expression in English. I have a deep voice today, so hopefully the recording works well. And the flu is going around a bit here. So bear with us, but please stay until the end, because we have a very important and timely message today. The title is "The Fifth Plague."

Why do we say that? You might remember the slide we've used in previous videosseveral times. . Just to refresh your memory, we’ve been looking at timeframes when comets or planets are in the hand of Orion. In the text about the plagues, there’s a verse that says the plagues are given to the plague angels. As you can see in this table, we are now at the fifth plague. The actor in this case is Mars, and from August 31st or September 1st until September 4th, Mars is in the hand of Orion.

Okay, let’s take a look at this picture because it should be very familiar to you. Keep in mind all the stories we’ve covered using this image in the past. For example, we talked about the last walk of Elijah and Elisha on the final day—from Gilgal to Bethel, to Jericho, and then to the River Jordan. That’s one story, so just keep that in mind.

We can also see what will most probably be the threefold fall of financial Babylon. Remember, we had either a "Dark Friday" or "Dark Monday" here, where there was a big financial crash. We suggested that this could represent the first fall of Babylon in Revelation 18, specifically the fall of financial Babylon. When it comes back here, I think around November or December, it could represent the second strike. Then, in June 2025, we may see the third and final strike.

We also covered the fourth and sixth plagues, both are indicated by K2 here and here. This is also shown here . Now, we need to look at the fifth plague because Mars is entering the area where it should receive the fifth plague.

This is the hand of Orion—these two lines. We just extend those to see when Mars enters that same range. There’s one more important point. This is when K2 activates Orion again, around October 30th or so. This is where we said Jesus himself says, "Come out of Babylon so you do not receive her plagues." After today’s sermon, you’ll understand why this is, more or less, Jesus' last call to leave Babylon. This will come out through today’s message.

I think you’re already familiar with this picture. Now, we want you to first listen to Brother Matt, as he has a very important message that is really, really interesting. Listen closely. He mentions that the sign of Jesus has already appeared. Search for it. The second part is that the arm of Orion, the arm of judgment, is stretched out from Jesus. You know, this is the right hand of Orion. Even the title says, "I am bringing a hand of judgment on this Earth." Listen to what the Lord says:

"Make ready, O church. Make ready, O servants of the Lord. You shall see your Master coming from on high. Look for my sign, the sign of my coming. Every eye will see. This thing shall not be hidden on that day. I have not hidden from my servants what I will do. Watch and see. Watch and see, O you nations. The mighty hand of the Lord. I am bringing a hand of judgment upon this Earth. For I have weighed you in the scales, O man, and found you lacking. Do you think that my justice will not find you, O man? It is for justice that I am coming. And my justice will be satisfied on this earth. So

I think this says everything. It’s very fitting for this time. So, what happened on September 1st when Mars, the red war planet, reached the hand of Orion?

First of all, this is big news. On September 1st, there was a major drone strike or attack on Moscow itself, which caught them off guard—I think that’s the right phrase. And, of course, when an event like this happens on the very day we expected something visible on Earth, it’s significant news. But we’ll need to see if it fulfills the prophecy. Nevertheless, Mars is the war planet, so it’s at least stirring up the European war situation.

The war has been going on for a long time now, but this was different because most of the fighting had been confined to Ukrainian territory. This attack on Moscow was unprecedented—this was on Russian core land. Meanwhile, there’s also a lot of turmoil in Gaza and Israel. I’m sure you’ve been following the news. These things shouldn’t escape your attention, but we want to reference them in this video. Keep your eyes open, because things are not getting better—they're getting worse.

But what else happened on September 1st? Here’s a picture that sums it up: German elections. You see the sign saying "Merkel muss weg"—Merkel must go. But why are they using this slogan in 2024 when everyone knows Merkel is no longer Chancellor? We’ll solve that mystery at the end. There’s a key video we recently published called "Whom Do You Elect?" You might remember it, as it dealt with the whole election theme.

In Europe and the US, we are in the election season, spanning from 2024 to 2025 in various locations. We see how the plagues are especially relevant to this theme of elections. Just as a reminder, in that video, these are some slides where we discussed the issue of open borders and migration. Remember the connection to the Ukraine war and the third plague text, where the fountain represents the migration flow to Europe, and why it’s symbolized by blood. We always asked in that video: "Whom do you elect?" Because Jesus is coming, and He observes the people of Earth.

Maybe now is the time to explain this a bit more deeply. We have an investigative judgment on the dead, which started in 1844 or 1846—watch our last video on this. That judgment lasted 168 years, up until 2014. From then on, the judgment of the living began—people like you, Ray, and me. Of course, a living person can still make decisions, while the dead cannot. So, the Lord wants to know: How do you decide?

Think back to the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel—choose. Or Joshua, who said when entering the Promised Land: "Choose you this day whom you will serve." That’s the point. Jesus wants to see how the living people decide.

Why is this so important? Election always involves choosing—choosing your president or your king. And the kingdom of heaven is Jesus’ kingdom. So, for example, if you were to migrate to another country, you would normally check out the laws there to decide whether or not you want to live under them. Then, you choose whether you want to live there and submit to those lawsor not. If you don’t agree, it’s better not to migrate to that land. Similarly, the Lord in heaven has laws, and if you show Him that you accept His laws, He will certainly welcome you. Why not?

But if you want to rebel—like we see in Europe or similarly in the US—then I believe the Lord does not want rebellion in heaven anymore. That’s the topic. Jesus checks to see who fits in His kingdom and who is willing to accept Him as King.

It’s a natural process of evaluating the Earth. We have to go through the judgment process—first for the dead, to see if they lived in harmony with God, and then transitioning to the living, just before Jesus’ return, to determine how we choose. Whom do you elect?


So, now a reminder: from June 13 to June 15. This was the first plague in the table. We had two elections, if you will. The first was in the Christian world, the Orthodox Christian world, where they chose the Pope as their head, because the Pope issued a document as the Bishop of Rome, claiming to be the true bishop of Christians, in other words. On the other hand, we had the G7 in Italy, where they invited the Pope, and by doing so, they also elected him in a political sense. So, we have the religious sense, and we have the political sense. We made a video about this. Please watch it. But this is just a reminder.

Then we had some other elections. There was the European Union election from June 6 to June 9. And then there was the French election, with the first round on June 30 and the second on July 7, as they needed two elections. So, this was all covered in the video, which explains the time frame well.

And just so you know, in the EU election, there was a big right-wing move, which stirred Mr. Macron to action. He had to call for early elections because of issues in his country. There was a trick they used, so that the right-wing didn’t win, but the left-wing did. But it was a trick. These elections were important, and we explained why. Of course, Europe is one of the beasts. The European Union is a child of the papacy from the past, and so on. Please watch the video. It's very important.

Anyway, Europe is divided at the moment, as you can see in the news. We had another election-related event—at least in terms of the theme. There was an assassination attempt on Trump on July 13. This wasn’t an election itself, of course, but it has helped—or will help—his popularity, and he will most likely be elected in November. At the moment, the two candidates are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. And all these dates are in this plague table in relation to the hand of Orion.

This polarization we’re seeing, not only in the United States—the second beast—but also in Europe, between the right wing and the left, brings this election topic to the forefront. Whom do you choose? Which side are you on? Take your stand.


Now, let’s move on to the actual text of the fifth plague. could you read it, Brother Ray?

This is the fifth plague text:

“And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.”

So, this slide is from the previous election video. And here we have the fifth plague angel—this is Mars. We know the time frame, from September 1st to September 4th. The text refers to the seat of the beast and the kingdom being full of darkness.

Back then, we looked into what the seat of the beast could be, since there are several beasts. We went back to the first plague, where there’s a connection to the sores, and we said that there's a specific seat of the beast mentioned in the circumstances of the plague.

We have a beast in Revelation 13, which points to the papacy. We have another in Revelation 17, which points to the UN. So, which beast is it? We chose to focus on the papacy, because of the connection with the sores in the first plague.

Now, you may remember that we explained how the prophecy of the seven and eight kings (or popes) in Revelation 17 might unfold. So, let’s clarify: of course, the Pope is still alive—I believe he’s traveling to Indonesia right now. So, obviously, this text isn’t referring to his death as part of the fifth plague. We had initially suggested that the pouring out of the vial on the seat of the beast might refer to the Vatican, and the kingdom being full of darkness might point to the death of the Pope, based on the prophecy of the seven and eight kings. But that doesn’t mean the prophecy in Revelation 17 about the seven and eight popes won’t happen It’s just not in the context of the fifth plague.

What’s important in Revelation 17 is that the angel whose role was to explain these things is the one with the plagues—this is K2. And after he pours out the vial, he can explain the verses in Revelation 17, which are still relevant. So, initially, we focused on the papacy, but today we’ll find out which of the several beasts is the kingdom that is really meant. You’ll see that it’s not the Pope fulfilling this verse, but something else. However, the Pope is still involved. So, stay tuned, because this is very important.

Now, let’s return to the election theme. Back in July, when we made the election video, we looked up all the dates when the hand of Orion was activated. Of course, we checked September 1st to September 4th, and we found this election. But these were just regional elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and soon, Brandenburg.

Honestly, we thought these regional elections were too small to be relevant—nothing like the whole EU or US elections. What do these small German states have to do with the bigger picture? So, we dismissed the importance of these elections and focused on the Pope. That’s the truth. But as we’ll see today, these elections are more significant than we realized.

Note that these regions in Germany are what was once East Germany. This picture from the internet shows that this part on the right—here it is again—was formerly the DDR (East Germany). This part was under Communist control during the Cold War. The rest was West Germany. These regions vote earlier than the rest of Germany, so their election results are seen as a preview of what’s to come nationally.

As you’ve seen in the news, there has been a strong shift to the right, which is something the whole of Europe fears. The EU government fears this move. We’ll explain today why this is happening and where it’s coming from.

About 30 to 35 percent of the vote in these regions went to the right-wing parties.

In 2020, we wrote an article called "The Great Earthquake." I’d like to take a moment now to mention that we know more than what we’re discussing here in this sermon. Brother John is preparing a video, or a series of videos, about the earthquakes in Revelation, and it’s a real eye-opener. We know the content already, but we don’t want to spill the beans just yet. Stay with us because it’s going to be a great revelation, helping us understand these earthquakes in the book of Revelation. What are these earthquakes all about?

Right. Throughout the book of Revelation, what do those earthquakes mentioned there signify? So, what did we write in that particular article? This will now help us solve the problem of which seat of the beast we should focus on. Maybe you can read it from here.

Sure. We can narrow down the meaning in this context by the fact that the moon plays the critical role as the seat or throne that is hit. So, keep in mind our plague picture, where the vials are seen in heaven for the filling of the plagues. One of them was the moon, and at that time it was directly under Ophiuchus, serving as the seat of Ophiuchus. This points to that place.

Continuing on: Spiritual Babylon, that is, Satan has two thrones on Earth—this is an important point. His religious seat is in Rome, and his executive seat is in Germany, where literally the throne of Satan, the Pergamon Altar, resides in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. This is the actual seat of Satan that's mentioned in the letter of Jesus to the Church of Pergamos, which was relocated to Berlin.

So, pause for a moment and keep that in mind. This may be something new for you. We knew it, but we didn't really think about it when we made the election video—that these regional elections would be so important.

Rome, of course, is the spiritual seat, the religious seat, where the Vatican is, where the Pope lives. But the executive seat is in Germany because they have the Altar of Pergamos there. Yes, I’ve spoken with many people in the past, and they didn’t know that either.

But the Bible says that Satan lives there. In the letter to the Church of Pergamos, Jesus wrote, “I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is.” Because in Pergamos, they had this big altar, which is like a throne. You can see it—it's like a giant throne to sit on. It was originally located in Pergamos at the time of Christ. But then the whole thing was relocated to Berlin and placed in the museum.

“And thou holdest fast, my name and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”

So here we have a connection with His name, which is also a very important point. It is in Germany where Satan’s executive plans are often hatched, then taken from there to be implemented in other locations. We will figure out today what this particular executive plan is.

This reference is from Wikipedia, just for your information, about the Pergamon Altar—this might be important in this case. Yes, it gives us the history of how it got to Berlin. In 1878, the German engineer Karl Humann started official excavations on the Acropolis of Pergamon, an effort that lasted until 1886. The relief panels from the Pergamon Altar were subsequently transferred to Berlin, where they were placed on display in the Pergamon Museum.

So, that’s the official story. Now we know that there are two seats in Europe. And please forgive us for only focusing on the Italian seat—the Vatican seat—at first. We simply hadn’t considered that there was also a seat in Berlin.

But it's very fitting, because in the prophecy of the seven and eight popes or kings in Revelation 17, we recognize a division between the religious aspect of the prophecy and the political aspect. Amen.

And that’s exactly what we see here. There’s a religious seat or throne, and there’s a political throne as well.

Now, this next picture comes from the Orion presentation that we discussed quite a bit in the last video. We spoke there about the first seal. Now, this part is about Pergamos—this is slide 88. In the Orion presentation, we have four beasts: Saiph, Betelgeuze, Bellatrix, and Rigel. We have the rider on the white horse, the red rider, the black rider, and the pale rider—these correspond to the first four seals. Right?

And the churches are depicted here as well. The white horse rider corresponds to the Church of Ephesus, the first church in the sequence, the white church, the pure church. Exactly. And the red rider corresponds to the Church of Smyrna, where the martyrs were located at that time. It’s all nicely described.

We can only recommend again: scan this code and go to the Orion message. You’ll need it for the upcoming videos anyway.

But now we’re focusing on Pergamos. So, this time frame is from 1936 to 1986, and we apply the text of Pergamos to this period.

Now, this is very interesting. Please read from here.

In the classical cycle of churches, Pergamos was the compromising church. Likewise, when Hitler demanded that all children should go to school on Sabbath. (This was in the time of 1936. Second World War. Exactly.) The SDA church agreed to send their children to school on Sabbath. (So, they violated their conscience, essentially.)

The trial of God that started in 1936 was especially focused on the Sabbath commandment. Watch the last video—we spoke a lot about the validation or the validity of the Sabbath. Right.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church compromised, and you can see the circular letter from that time. But of course, the questions about military service came to trial again.

So, read the text of Pergamos for yourself. There are plenty of points we already know, like “I come quickly” and “I will judge you with the sword out of my mouth”—all those things are there. And remember, in the end times, all the negative aspects, as well as the two good aspects of Smyrna and Philadelphia, are visible in our world. Right.

But there is one name we should not forget, and that is Hitler. It was mentioned that Hitler, during the Second World War, had a lot to do with Pergamos. Remember that Antipas is mentioned, and Antipas was part of Smyrna—It still carries over into this section. These were the martyrs, the faithful ones. And even in our time, we have martyrs who still die for the word of God, for justice, for righteousness. And it is the same as it was back then.

You see, the verses in Revelation have several layers of fulfillment. This was the big one in the Middle Ages—it went up to 538 in the classical interpretation. And, of course, there is a repetition of Smyrna between World War I and World War II, and afterward of Pergamos representing the compromising church. And we see that the faithful church, which should have remained faithful, compromised with Hitler’s rules in this case.

Now, what did the Vatican have to do with Germany during that time? This is from a question to ChatGPT, because this often helps to get ideas. It says here that there was a treaty between the Vatican and Nazi Germany in 1933. Maybe you can read this yellow line here: "One of the most significant formal ties between the Vatican and Nazi Germany was"—maybe you can read that word—Reichskonkordat, signed on July 20, 1933.

Anyway, the popes at that time were Pius XI and later Pius XII. They made contracts with Germany during that time to get through the period. There are controversial issues, but we won’t discuss them today. The simple fact is that there was already a connection between the popes and Germany at that time to navigate through those difficult times.

As we said before, we searched for September 1 to see what was happening in the world, but we didn’t connect it to Berlin. We were still focused on the pope in Rome because of the church seat, the spiritual seat of Satan. We hadn't considered the political seat at the time.

Then, this news came up, and as soon as we saw it, everything clicked. Why? Because I had already marked it here—Berlin came up in the article. And what's in Berlin? Of course, there’s the seat of Satan—the Pergamon Altar. This is the seat.

Now, this is a short article, so that people will understand what’s happening here with the election. Maybe you could read this article.

"German extremist gains are a gift for Vladimir Putin." Why Vladimir Putin? Because the elections were in the eastern part of Germany, which previously belonged to communist East Europe—East Germany. Yes. And I believe Putin was stationed there during his KGB time, in that area.

"For all the talk of a political earthquake in Germany, the nationalist right's success in two state elections in the former East came with plenty of warning. The impact is reverberating through Berlin regardless."

OK, so Berlin is where Germany’s government is located, and also where the Pergamon Altar is. As projected, the Alternative for Germany (AfD)—the far-right-wing party—came first in Thuringia yesterday. This marks the first time the far-right has won a regional election since the days of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, better known as the Nazis.

There's a connection to Hitler and to Pergamos. The anti-immigration, pro-Russia AfD came second in the neighboring state of Saxony. In truth, the shock is overdue. The AfD was already the second-largest bloc in each state parliament. Nationally, its breakthrough was in 2017, when it became the main opposition party in the Bundestag.

In 2017, at the end of this sermon, we’ll come back to exactly this election again. So, here’s the result. We can see that the AfD, in blue, gained, while the others lost many voters.

At this point, we should mention that the text of the fifth plague says the kingdom is darkened. Darkened usually means blackened. But black has already been used by the CDU/CSU party since 1949, or around that time, so they couldn’t use black. That’s why they use blue. This right-wing shift, this electoral gain, darkens the kingdom of Satan—the kingdom of Germany. So blue here represents darkness because they can’t use black, as it’s already taken by another party.

But this is the point about the darkening. Of course, this election result is darkening the kingdom because Satan doesn’t want rebellious people in his view. He wants people to follow his liberal, open direction.

And to be clear, we don’t support any political party. There are many things in right-wing parties that might align more closely with Christian values, but there are still many things they do that are not in line with Christian values.

"Neither is it any great surprise that the AfD was able to capitalize on a weak federal government, beset by economic stagnation, tensions over migration and persistent infighting. But the message the result sends is still a serious one. Thuringia is picture postcard Germany. Saxony is its semiconductor hub. Voters in each state have shown that 35 years after the fall of Berlin, of the Berlin Wall, the country's east and west have never been more politically divided."

This is what we also said in our election video—the rift, this division of Europe, and now even within Germany itself. And again, it’s mentioned that this “picture postcard Germany." So, what we see here in Thuringia and Saxony is a preview of what could happen in 2025, when the rest of the country votes and the government is elected. They are afraid. Yes, you know that—they are afraid.

"Attitudes to Russia are one core difference. Among yesterday’s big winners was a new party called BSW, which mixes left-wing economic positions with opposition to immigration and to arming Ukraine. From nowhere, it placed third in both states and may enter government in each."

"Federal policy is not made in the state capitals of Erfurt or Dresden, but the prevailing sentiment there may become harder for Berlin to ignore as the next federal election due in September 2025 rolls near. That's something that cannot have escaped one former inhabitant of Saxony, Vladimir Putin, who, as a young KGB officer, was posted in Dresden during the Cold War."

Right. So, this article is the only one we will read, but just for context, for people who haven’t been watching the news, so they know what happened. That’s all.

And again, you see Berlin mentioned over and over. When Berlin kept coming up in our minds, we understood that it was the Pergamon Altar, and we realized we probably need to look more deeply in that direction.

It’s already written here: the big election in Germany will be in September 2025. By the way, this is after Jesus’ return, as we know now. Therefore, the kingdom is now only darkened because the really big dark event in 2025 would be a big earthquake, which —we won’t see, because God’s people won’t be here anymore.

OK, so Mars is the plague angel. And as you can see, this AfD right-wing party is waging a great war against the current government. They have declared war on the German government.

Here are some pictures showing how they describe this "earthquake." And their fear. When you hear about an earthquake, it’s something new, something extraordinary, something shaking. Or here, they call it a "landmark victory," like a landslide.

So, we underestimated a little bit the importance of these regional elections in the big picture of the Lord. But clearly, they have great significance.

Now again, "political earthquake." It says here that the German election year—2024 to 2025—is one of the most significant political events of the year in Germany. For Germany, this is a very important election.

And as we mentioned, because of the two seats of Satan in Europe, this is very significant. We’ll show you why. For example, the importance of a state is often reflected in its GDP, in the financial power of a country. And we’re speaking about Europe here. Of course, Germany has the biggest impact, with almost a quarter of Europe’s GDP. So, Germany is, of course, the leading country in Europe.

Worldwide, where is Germany? Number three. That’s big. Then the UK comes after, depending on whether you consider the UK part of Europe or not. France, Italy—Germany is number three. So, Germany is a major player worldwide.

Here’s another picture: Germany is number three worldwide. I would say this election, this pre-election in Germany, has a great impact. And Jesus is right.

Now, let’s come back to the text of the fifth plague, because there are many points we need to figure out.

OK, now we know that the seat of the beast refers to Germany. And his kingdom was full of darkness—we’ve already explained that. Keep in mind that in the election video, we also showed that the EU itself has shifted to the right, not just Germany.

Then we have this part about the tongue. Maybe you can read it?

"And they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven."

So, what do you need a tongue for? In the political realm, what does the tongue represent in biblical symbolism? With the tongue, you speak, of course, and it’s also used to speak laws into effect.

And the tongue is also used for tasting, right? To taste whether something is bitter, sour, or sweet.

German leaders reacted to the far-right surge in Thuringia and Saxony. What did Olaf Scholz, the current chancellor, say? "It was a bitter election result." So, you can imagine it, right? They didn’t want the right-wing party to gain such a significant foothold in Europe.

So, literally, you can imagine them sitting at home, biting their tongues in frustration. Right. They are really fed up with this result. That’s the picture—biting their tongues. And it was spot on. It really was a bitter experience.

So, another part of the fifth plague text says that they blasphemed God. Now, there are several ways commonly known by which you can blaspheme God. The first is, and Jesus Himself was accused of this, by claiming to be God. This is one way to blaspheme God—unless, of course, you are God, which Jesus rightfully was.

The second way to blaspheme is by forgiving sins. If you claim to forgive sins, you are blaspheming God because that is something only God can do. Jesus did this rightfully, of course.

A third way to blaspheme is to reject the Holy Spirit or act against Him. This is also considered blasphemy. But there are more ways to blaspheme, and maybe you can read this, Brother Ray. There's something very important here.

Sure. This comes from the Torah, in Leviticus 24:

"And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him, as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall be put to death."

So, you might now question, what does this have to do with the election, right? We'll get to that. At the very least, keep in mind that blaspheming the name of God is very serious, even to the point of deserving death. This is also related to the Third Commandment. You should know that.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain."

Once again, it’s about the name of the Lord. You know, the Lord has many names in the Bible, and we’ll get to a specific one in a moment.

This is from Ezekiel 36:

"When they had entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name." Speaking of the children of Israel, they profaned God's holy name by saying to the people, "These are the people of the Lord and are gone forth out of His land."

But God said, "I had pity for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen whither they went."

This is a very important passage. First of all, His name is holy—we know that. But this passage describes how God's people, through their actions, profane and slander His holy name in front of other nations. Right? They were saying, “Hey, these are the people of the Lord,” taking His name, but then they didn’t behave like it.

Now we get to the point. In Europe, we often refer to Christian nations or regions. Some political party names even have the word, "Christian" in them. And this is exactly the point. One of the leading parties, for example, is called the CDU—the Christian Democratic Union. This is the second-largest party in the Bundestag, the German government. The CDU has two parts in Germany—the Bavarian part and the rest of Germany.

So here you see the CDU leader from the German part, and this is the leader from the Bavarian part. Together, they form the Christian Democratic Union. Now, you can see in Thuringia and Saxony (the black areas), the CDU lost several points, and naturally, they are not happy about it.

But it goes even deeper. Please read this last part here:

"The CDU is a member of the Centrist Democrat International, the International Democracy Union, and the European People’s Party."

Remember, in our election video, this was the party that won the European election again. And this is its chief, Ursula von der Leyen. But continue, please. “Ursula von der Leyen, the current president of the European Commission, is also a member of the CDU.”

So, I mention this because if someone sees this picture, they might be reminded of the woman in Revelation 12. Yes, this woman is a king—a ruler—because she is the leader of the EU. But she is not the woman who has the 12 stars in her crown. I just wanted to clarify that, as we explained in our previous video.That womanis a church, of course, the true church. Keep that in mind. Yes. But she does represent the

horns on the beast that the Pope rides. So, this lady is from the CDU party. We see this Christian label for political parties, not only in Germany but in many countries of Europe, and it’s also tied to the EU itself.

The question is: does the EU or the German Christian Democratic Union truly serve God? Do they do His will? Do they act as Christians, or are they simply taking the Christian name and profaning it?

According to the text of the plague, they blaspheme God because they claim to act as Christians. But do they? No.

A Christian party should protect Christian values in the land. They should protect the whole area, like Europe. Christians should be free to live there and exercise their faith. But what do we see in reality? The streets and cities are filled with war—especially religious war—against Christians and Islam. Look at England, look at Germany, especially. This is a religious wartaking place there. , and it has an origin. We’ll get to that.

A Christian should welcome other people with a good heart, right? But according to Paul, if someone works well, they should be paid. If they don’t work, they should not be paid. But that’s not what’s happening. Many of these refugees in Europe receive a filled debit card each month without working.

So, with all the struggles around us, we need to differentiate between what is true Christian behavior and what is its misuse. We aren’t making a political statement here or sharing our personal stand . No, we are simply observing and pointing out that there is a Christian character, and there is an abuse of that Christian character. And obviously, it is being abused, which is why people are waking up and protesting against it.

Even in Israel, God commanded that strangers and foreigners could live among the Jews, but they had to adhere to their rules. On the other hand, when the Israelites entered Canaan, which was full of idolatry, God wasn’t as lenient. He said, “No, this isn’t going to work, because they will lead you astray.”

Now, friends, this is an article we wrote a few years ago called The Age of Aquarius. It’s a very nice piece and makes the connection to one of the earlier images where the headline says, “Merkel muss weg”—“Merkel must go.” Why Merkel? The Queen of Hearts in Lucifer’s Game was a subheading in this article. We recognized that we had the head of the spiritual seat of Satan in Rome, and back then the chancellor of the political kingdom of Satan in Germany. “There is probably no other G20 head of state who has been to the Vatican as often as she has in the few years of Pope Francis reign.” This was in 2017. Yes. And in this article, you’ll find several quotes, like this one: “She is probably the most frequently invited of all heads of state.” So, there’s a strong connection between Germany and the Vatican, especially Merkel and Pope Francis.

This is just a little later in the article—please read the entire part here because it’s very important.

“It looks like we have to set our sights on Germany. Each of these news articles is a little jewel because they show the very close relationship between Francis and Merkel, Vatican and Germany. And that is no accident. There is a plan behind it. Merkel has a special mission to carry out.”

Which one?

“Just as Obama was the ‘child’ of Pope Benedict, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel [at that time was] is Satan's own marionette. Since we already know what Satan has in mind and also that he especially uses the kings of the G20 [or the kings of the G7], it is already obvious now that the recent G20 summit in Hamburg [that was in 2017] will probably turn out to be what we're looking for. Her visit to the Vatican in June was something like one last meeting to receive the last work orders and personal instructions from Satan to reach the desired goal, acceptance of his mark in the old world's leading nation.”

Wow. This is what we wrote in 2017. Since then, many things have happened: the LGBT issues, the vaccination crisis, and of course, the threat of world war.

This was particularly written in the context of the LGBT issue. Exactly. ,

This is from the same article, The Age of Aquarius. I can only encourage you to read it, because there are many gems in it. There is a special LGBT-colored knot which was bound at that time. Just read it. There are so many gems that we wrote. We ourselves often have to look up old articles to find those hidden gems because they suddenly fit, like this one. This was in 2017.

“The recent adoption of marriage for all in Germany should be mentioned.” So, it started in 2015 in the US and spread to Germany in 2017. Now, it’s official: everyone can marry—a man and a man, a woman and a woman, and so on.

This was part of the 2017 discussion, not elections, This was part of Merkel’s visit to the Pope in 2017, speaking about all that stuff, as we mentioned earlier. There’s a strong connection between Merkel and Pope Francis, and she was carrying out his orders.

Right. So, maybe this is interesting here. “The vote in the German National Parliament, the Bundestag, took place on Friday, June 30th, 2017, still punctually before the end of the LGBT movement's Pride Month. And this is also perfectly between Merkel's last visit to the Vatican and the G20 celebration. I noted earlier that Merkel must have something to do with it and that we must discern by her fruits what she secretly discussed with Satan in the Vatican.”

So, just a bit of context here: Merkel went to visit Pope Francis shortly before the G20 summit that year, and that’s what it's referring to. She needed instruction because she had to devise a trick to ensure that LGBT marriage would pass in the Bundestag vote. Just read it.

But here, please. “Let us ponder the following question. How can it be that especially the Christian parties, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, the Christian Social Union in Bavaria, agree to same sex marriage?”

So you have the CDU—the Christian Democratic Union Party building—and the LGBT flag is there. How can a Christian agree to that? We asked this question already in 2017 because the name "Christian" is still in the party name. Christianity. The Lord's name, Jesus Christ is in the name. How can you not act according to His law, His book? That’s taking His name in vain, right?

By the way, again, Merkel made a trick to even make this work—to legalize same-sex marriage in Germany. As a Christian party (CDU), it’s not easy to bring up this topic and then vote against Christian values. A trick was needed, and she needed the Pope’s help and blessing.

Now, here’s young Angela Merkel. You see, I included this to show that she belongs to the CDU party, of course. Right.

And now we come to the core point: The headline here is 2015 European Migrant Crisis. Merkel encouraged cooperation between EU member states, urging that Europe needed to act as a whole. She was the driving force, the acting force, in the EU to open the borders. She suspended the Dublin Regulations, and Merkel announced that Germany would also process asylum applications from Syrian refugees if they came to Germany through other EU countries.

So, just come in. You know this already, but it may have been forgotten because time has passed. Right. But no, no—those decisions have long-lasting effects. Long-lasting effects. Right.

That year, nearly 1.1 million asylum seekers entered Germany. Merkel coined the phrase, and you surely know it: “We can do this” like the American president express it also all the time.—“Wir schaffen das”. We can handle this. No problem. Maybe you can continue.

“Junior coalition partner and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany could take in 500,000 refugees annually for the next several years.” Wow, that’s a load of refugees.

And now, of course, keep this in mind: a true refugee is one who clings to the rule of the state, who tries to learn the language, who wants to work, right? That would be a true immigrant. Yes, which is fine. But we know there were many who were not so well-intentioned. Yes.


“German opposition to the government’s admission of the new wave of migrants was strong and coupled with the rise in anti-immigration protests like AfD party. Merkel insisted that Germany had the economic strength to cope with the influx of migrants and reiterated that there is no legal maximum limit on the number of immigrants or migrants Germany can take.” No maximum

Look at the streets of Germany today. There’s all-out war all the time; constant unrest. People are upset and even fearful because, recently, again, crime is soaring, especially with knife attacks, like in the famous city of Solingen Every day, there’s a problem somewhere involving those refugees who do not follow the rules. They don’t hold the Christian values that Germany once stood for.

In September 2015, enthusiastic crowds across the country welcomed arriving refugees and migrants. Remember? Welcome, welcome. That was the ideology everywhere. We wrote about this crisis.

Now, we come to the point, going back to 2017 and the AfD. This is what we mentioned before. The migrant crisis spurred right-wing electoral preferences across Germany, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) gaining 12% of the vote in the 2017 German federal election. And now, it has doubled. Here’s where it started: 2015—opening the borders. By 2017, a protest party emerged. Now, we see the double result of that mess in 2015. Those decisions are now having their combined impact today. So it is.

“Some researchers have argued that increased right-wing preferences are a result of the European migrant crisis. Particularly the increasing common perception that refugees constitute an ethnic and cultural threat to Germany.” So it is. This is all from Wikipedia—Angela Merkel and her fruits.

Of course, we ask again, what role did Angela Merkel and Pope Francis play? Both have had notable, though different, roles in shaping the discourse around open borders and migration within the EU.

We’ll make this short—read it for yourself. Merkel was the active force in politics. She opened the borders; she made it happen. And Pope Francis has been a vocal advocate for refugees and migrants, emphasizing compassion and responsibility for those fleeing war and persecution. Again, it’s good to take in someone who is fleeing, but they must be submissive to your rules and grateful, not rebellious.

So, read it for yourself. It’s just a summary of the whole topic we are showing today. Merkel and Pope Francis have met multiple times to discuss global challenges. Francis was the spiritual mentor, and Merkel was the active force.

Conclusion. Maybe you can read this.

“While Angela Merkel was directly involved in shaping EU migration policy through her government’s actions, particularly during the 2015 migrant crisis, Pope Francis has played a more symbolic and moral role. Both have contributed to the broader discourse on migration and open borders in Europe, albeit from different perspectives.”

And they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores. Now, they are receiving the consequences of their decisions. The election results show the fruits of their open, liberal approach to Europe.

Again, hospitality is something good—it is ordered by the Lord. But only if the people adhere to the rules and don’t cause problems. You know this already because the newspapers are full of these results.

Now, what I just said is written here in Numbers 15:

"One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance forever in your generations. As ye are, so shall the stranger be before the Lord. One law and one manner shall be for you and for the stranger that sojourneth with you."

So, it cannot be that they bring their own culture, their own laws, and everything else with them and then corrupt your nation.

Yes. It’s clear here. What happens in Germany is not the will of God.

What happens here, and what does the Lord want to see? He wants to see how people react as individuals and how the state handles its affairs—how the state, for example, takes control of the land. Because they are responsible for everyone, and you are responsible for yourself.

This here is another point that must be said. Yes, being kind to someone seeking help is important, but that person must be humble and thankful in a good sense. If this is a war attack, as we see in some cases, then perhaps this verse should be considered.

Yeah, it’s one thing to seek help, knowing you are in need. It’s another thing to seek help while believing you’re entitled to provision.

"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh." Is an Islamist person—no matter how good they may be—saying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came in the flesh? On the contrary, they explicitly deny that Jesus is the Son of God.

“This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought." In other words, the Christian country, the Christian Europe—don’t lose this nation. The Lord warns you not to do that. All the good things that were built up with Christian values will be lost if you compromise.

Absolutely. But that we receive a full reward when He comes.

Exactly. He is coming soon. He’s watching the people and bringing His reward with Him.

"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house. Neither bid him Godspeed. For he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

And now you know that the Christian Democratic Party is a partaker of the evil deeds of those whom they welcomed in—those who did not have the doctrine of Christianity.

Yes, because this is a militant war with many militant people. Not all, but many—the majority. And you see the problems there right now in the streets of Germany, France, and across Europe.

Right. So, this is a hard word written by the most beloved apostle of Jesus.


Because in the year 90 AD, this was written, and he already saw the influence of outside forces attacking the new Christian church. And now, we are at the end of the Christian era because Jesus is coming back, and we see that this counsel was not heeded. There was no distinction. The Christian Democratic Party did not act as it should have.

We wrote the article Day of the Demon back in September 22, 2015, during the height of the migrant crisis from Syria, Iraq, and other places. This was exactly what we read earlier—when Merkel opened the borders. Some countries, like Hungary and Poland, resisted. Remember Orban? He’s still in the news, saying, “We in Hungary will close the borders because we fought against Islamic armies 100 years ago.” We mentioned this recently in one of our videos about the war in Vienna and so on. They understood that Christian Europe needed to be separated from the Islamic East.

Right. So, we wrote this Day of the Demon article. We urge you to read it because it’s still relevant today.

And one of the pictures from the article shows this. The result of this story is unfolding right now. You know, in the night, they opened the door of the horse, came out and set the whole city of Troy on fire. And this fire—you just open the news or YouTube—you see this fire in France, in Germany, and wherever else. You see exactly this fire.

Now, you understand how this fifth plague text is unfolding before our eyes, at least as far as we understand it now. And how the election in Thuringia and Saxony was so important to the Lord, because it paints a broad picture of Europe once again.

Now, you also understand how Rome—represented by the seat in this audience hall of Satan in the Vatican, in that horrible creature here. Literally a throne where the pope sits—and the throne or altar of Pergamos in Berlin, how these two connect.

So, while focusing solely on the pope wasn’t entirely correct in the context of the fifth plague verses, you now see that he is indeed involved, along with the German election.

The kingdom of Satan, which includes, if you will, all of Europe, is being darkened because of this right-wing movement. In other words, people are not happy with the current situation. Christians can no longer live their Christian lives freely in Europe. You now have to live in fear in your own land.

And the most horrible part is this: They repented not. They repented not of their deeds.

These are the last words of the fifth plague because now we know that the federal elections in Germany will happen in September 2025. Right now, they’ve started with the local elections in these two states of Germany. Soon, there will be an election in Brandenburg—the third one. Next year, the other states will vote, and then in September, we will have the federal election.

And what won’t they do? They won’t heed the results of this pre-election in Thuringia and Saxony. They will simply continue with their liberal EU pathway. They will not repent.

And since the federal election happens after Jesus’ return, you know what the outcome will be. It won’t be a blessed land in Germany. Many people have already fled Germany. Here in Paraguay, there are lots of Germans. If you ask them, many will say, for example, “We know what’s coming. We were not happy there. The school system is not working. Children as young as six are reading about transgender issues and LGBT topics in their schoolbooks. We didn’t like that, so we left.”

This is the current situation.

Now, keep in mind that the judgment of the living will end soon. In upcoming videos, we will even see it in the heavens. So, have this in mind.

After the knowledge of this election, Jesus says personally in Revelation 18:4-5, “Come out of Babylon, that you be not partakers of her plagues.” This is honestly His last warning. He cannot do more because everyone must decide for themselves in the judgment of the living. God doesn’t want robots, but people, Christians, who act like Him and who choose freely.

So, do you know Him? This was an attempt to show you the fifth plague text, and we hope we’ve covered a lot of things and brought you some light on how this text is being fulfilled.

Yeah. Thank you, Brother Gerhard.

You're welcome. Thank you.

And let's stand for a closing word of prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Once again, we thank You for Your guidance. Step by step, You open the way before us. You show us the deeper revelation of Your truth with each step we take with You—a step into greater and brighter and more comforting light. It is always comforting to walk with You in Your presence, and know that You are with us and guiding us. We don’t ever want to go astray from You. We see the results of what happens when Your people forsake the values that You taught us, and we are forced to endure the results of that, seeing these things unfold in the world.

We are grateful for this understanding. The two seats of the beast that are referenced in your word, which is far greater and deeper than many realize. There’s so much to learn from every word that proceeds from Your mouth.

We thank You for that, for all the instruction and guidance we can apply in our lives to honor You and live better, happier lives even here on earth. But we pray especially that many will receive this message because Jesus came to give life—and to give it more abundantly. That is what we desire for all Your people, and that can only be achieved as we walk together with You, agreed and united.

So we thank You and praise Your name for all that You do and all that You have revealed. We ask that You keep us faithful to Your name always.

We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, and in His new name, Alnitak, the Alpha and Omega, as we see it in the heavens.


Amen. Thank you very much, and we look forward to seeing you again in the coming time.

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