The Crowning Comets
Good morning, everyone
It's good to see everyone here again. We've had several videos from our brother John in Nevis, and we're happy that he's been able to share with us, and he will continue to do so. But for today, Brother Gerhard and I will share the message with you. Let's begin with a word of prayer.
Dear Father in Heaven, we thank you for this Sabbath day that we can gather together here. And as we are recording this, it is just after the 178th anniversary of some of the events that we will be talking about today in relation to this Sabbath, that you gave to your people this understanding of the seventh-day Sabbath.
And we're grateful for it. It is indeed a blessed day, because you blessed it from creation, and it has been blessed ever since. So, we are gathered together on this day to receive your word, and therefore we ask for your spirit to be with us. Be with Gerhard and me as we speak, and may the message come forth clearly as from you.
We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, and in His new name, Alnitak. Amen. Amen. And good morning, dear friends, from my side as well.
We have a great topic to present to you, so let's jump in. The title for this sermon is "The Crowning Comets." Of course, as you see, we're looking up to heaven again, but with a special focus today.
Now, first of all, let's talk about the videos we have published recently. Brother Ray already said that Brother John gave us some sermons to us and to you. One of them was "The Boy Who Knows the Time," part one and part two. Both have the same picture because they are part of a series.
The latest videos were "The Great River Euphrates"—this is the picture—and "The Patience of the Two Witnesses"—this is the title picture—which was released last night. Just to give you a heads-up, "The Boy Who Knows the Time," part one and part two, was based on a dream, a very short dream back in 2019. One of our sisters had this dream where she saw staircases, and she walked down.
She saw an old office, which represented our actual situation back in 2019. Then, she met someone who didn't want to tell her the time. She continued down the stairs and met another boy, and this boy knew the time. So this is a very interesting topic, and the fulfillment of the dream is super important.
We just want to say, watch part one and also part two, because you will see how this is related to the heavens and how the time was given. It was given in the form of an angle measurement number, like degrees, minutes, and seconds. If you know Stellarium—and if you have been following our suggestions to download it and check out the things we tell you about—you might be more familiar with that notation. Then you know that this angle measurement tool is exactly how this number was shown in the dream. I've marked it here a little bit.
This was the same number when this dream lady came down and met the boy. Of course, the boy was E3. E3 was seen, discovered in 2022, so it’s like a boy, two or three years old. The same number was here at five o'clock in the Horologium and gives a certain date, right? We don't want to give away too much because that's what the video is for. But this is a wonderful, wonderful dream series.
Please watch it. Now, this is "The Great River Euphrates," which is not less important, maybe even more important, because Brother John explained why "Mu," which is the water of life, why this "Mu" is the great and powerful Euphrates River shown in the heavens.
And if you've watched our videos, the recent ones, you know when it ends and when it dries up, right? This is more or less the content, but of course, it's explained in great detail in this special video. So please watch it. This video is of utmost importance because it shows when the Holy Spirit is drawn away, when the portion ends.
This is very serious and has dramatic implications for our lives, of course. And it's not so far away. Yes.
Amen. So, last night, we published this part, "The Patience of the Two Witnesses." Now, maybe the picture doesn’t say anything to you, or maybe it does if you are a faithful student. The top part of this picture is the main logo from our first website, and the bottom part is the main logo of our current website. These represent the two earthly representatives of the heavenly witnesses.
I won’t say more—just watch the video. It’s new, right? So let's jump into our current topic. This is very interesting because it is based on a dream that Brother John received on August 22nd. Maybe it’s worth reading it first.
May you do it? Sure. So, we’re talking about the rider on the white horse, and this is just a summary description of the dream that Brother John had recently and how it led us to seek out God's word for understanding. In his dream, Brother John found himself in a setting where he had to give a lecture about the beginning of the Orion message, something very personal to him.
Naturally, this led to a discussion about the four horsemen, particularly the connection to the white horse from Revelation 19. These were foundational, introductory studies at the beginning of this movement. As he explained the concept of the Orion constellation and its connection to Revelation 4 and 5, the audience reacted with hostility, shouting that his ideas were nonsensical.
Brother John pointed out that this reaction was indicative of the decay within their church, highlighting how the Adventist church had fallen from the purity of the white horse to a lifeless, failed entity, symbolizing the destruction of the gospel as shown in the Orion clock. So, we’re following the four horses, going from the strong and mighty white horse down to the pale horse with death riding. The crowd grew angrier, even throwing tomatoes at him. In the midst of this chaos, he heard the Lord's voice urging him to conduct further research. This prompted Brother John to reflect on how it all began with the white horse and to investigate its connection to Revelation 19, thereby linking Revelation 6 with Revelation 19.
Thank you, Brother Ray. So, keep this dream in mind throughout the sermon, because what we are doing is what the Lord told Brother John, and we are presenting it to you. We are to investigate further from the beginning, because obviously the Lord wants us to find something.
And the difference between 2010, when the Orion message was given, and now is that we simply understand a thousand things more from heaven than before. So, obviously, we overlooked something, or we didn't know it at that time, which is of great interest. So, please keep that in mind.
Now, we should compare Revelation 19 to Revelation 6, because, as you know, both chapters mention a white horse. Let’s take a look. First, we’ll read Revelation 19.
This is when Jesus is coming with the host of heaven. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse; and he that sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns."
"And he had a name written that no man knew, but he himself." Now we have two key phrases. This man, our King Jesus, the Lord—you know that—rides on a white horse, and on his head were many crowns.
This is a secret because, as you know, in the meantime, everything in Revelation you should see in heaven or the heavens. We will figure out where we see these many crowns and how they are given to Jesus. This is the conclusion of our sermon.
So, please stay with us. Amen. Continuing in Revelation 19, "He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God."
"And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean." If you've been watching our videos, you already know why his vesture is dipped in blood. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the one who treads the winepress by himself.
And "The Word of God," what is this? It’s the Bible, the book of nature, the voice of God from heaven, and so on. OK, continuing: "And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron."
"And he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords." So, out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, and he rules with a rod of iron.
Again, you should already know where to look for this particular part of the verse. We will come to it, but you should know it already. Then, the wrath of God Almighty—either we are already experiencing it, or it will unfold very soon in a great manner.
But you know, we are already in the 372 days. And then, of course, at the end, the unmixed wrath of God will come. So, we are already very, very close to that time.
And then, of course, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What does that mean? It means that Jesus must have a crown at that time because otherwise, he’s not the king, right?
Please keep that in mind. Today, we are speaking especially about the crown and the white horse. Now, that was Revelation 19.
Now we compare it to Revelation 6, as the Lord said in the dream. This is the chapter about the seals, and it opens with the first seal. "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see."
"And I saw, and behold, a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." So, just to bring it again to your mind, the book of Revelation is a chiastic structure.
And chiastic means it is like a mountain where the parts on one side reflect in some form the parts on the other side. Obviously, Revelation 19 has a reflection in Revelation 6 because we have a lot of the same words, like a white horse. We have weapons there.
We have a powerful leader there. We have crowns there. And we have this rider going forth to conquer.
You mentioned a powerful leader. There are many who believe that the rider on the white horse described here is the Antichrist. But I think it would be more accurate to compare it with Revelation 19 to see who this rider really is.
It's the same rider. It's Jesus Christ. Amen.
Surely not the bad man, but the Lord, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. So, I already pointed out the key elements reflected in Revelation 19 and Revelation 6. Now, many of you have heard a lot of explanations, justifications, ideas, and doctrines about Orion. Maybe many of you have already read the Orion presentation.
But if you haven’t yet, here’s a QR code. Please scan it and go there to read it, because this is the foundation and the beginning. Like Jesus said in the dream, go back to the beginning, and you need these basics.
Otherwise, you won’t understand anything from what we are talking about. Amen. And it’s nice because we have a QR code, and you’re probably seeing this on a video, maybe on your cell phone.
So, get a friend and have them scan it. Now you both have access. So, this is the picture, as you can see, from our first website, the last countdown website.
Here, the clock of God, and the second part is the Orion message. With the code, you will come to the same link. Please go there and go through the slides.
I will just pick out one of those slides. This is slide 80, which, in this case, is about 1846 and the first seal because we explained exactly Revelation 6, where Jesus opens the first seal. So, what happened during that time frame? We had just come out of the Dark Middle Ages, where obviously something was lost, and this was the Sabbath.
Now, Brother Ray, let's read this part because it’s important to continue. Sure. And for those of you who might be new to understanding Orion as a clock, just very briefly, from Revelation chapters 4 and 5, we find the description.
These four outer stars represent points on this clock, and they specifically relate to the four seals. So, the first point was identified as 1846, which marks the scenes of the rider on the white horse, the first seal being opened. After centuries of an obscured gospel, the adoption of the Sabbath truth re-established, as we just saw in the previous slide, a church on Earth which proclaimed all of the Ten Commandments of God in their original form.
So, like Jesus's parable of the woman who lost the coin, she swept all around until she found that lost coin, one of ten coins, just like the Sabbath, that precious coin that was obscured and lost in the darkness of the Middle Ages. But then it was found. Yes, this is the same. OK, what we have already read. The triumphal conquest of the white horse symbolizes this purified gospel, the coin being found and reunited with the rest. Even in a recent Sabbath school lesson, it was remarked that the white horse had gone forth twice in history: once in the time of the first Christians, in the early days of the Christian church, and again with the Seventh-day Adventist church when the Sabbath was reunited with the commandments. And we believe that.
Yes. So, something was lost in the Middle Ages, and obviously, only the Adventists found it. Now, we will dig a little deeper so that you can really understand why the Adventist church and not other churches. It’s very interesting. Let’s continue. This is just a picture, or these are two pictures, as we have always presented the Orion clock, just to show you one more time. Maybe you’ve seen it already, the Orion, the book of seven seals.
Why? Because in Orion, we see the opening of the seals with Saiph, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Rigel, the first four horse riders. Since Betelgeuse is the only red giant star within the seven main stars of Orion, it's clear that this must be the red one. So it’s clear that this is clockwise, right? Simply, Betelgeuse defines which one is the red one.
So, just to say it here, today we're focusing on the basics around 1846. Brother John is preparing another video with more details about these seals and even the seventh trumpet, the third bowl, but today we're just laying a foundation. Amen. This is another picture, of course, from the same clock. We've added the horses here so that you can see it visually, making it easier to understand.
Always remember that we should restudy the beginning, specifically 1846, which is about the white horse and the crown. So, let's take a look.
It's very interesting that in the text of Revelation 6, it says that a crown was given to him. Now, with our current understanding, we know that when we look into the heavens, this is a moving process.
Yes, right, a moving process. And if a crown is given, then we need to first see it in heaven because this is Revelation.
Then we can think about when it must be. We already know 1844, 1846—something around that area. So, what do we need? We need a planet or a comet. It should be something moving.
Of course, in 2010, we only looked at Orion, not at the moving objects in heaven. We started looking into this in 2016, 2017, and 2018 when we began studying the Mazzaroth. That's when we saw the moving planets, but not back in 2010.
So, naturally, we didn’t consider that giving process back then. Let's take a look now. Here is a picture of one constellation in heaven.
We'll go live on the Mazzaroth later. But for now, compare this: a rider on a horse This is the only constellation in heaven that fits the description. You have the white horse here, and you have the rider on it. He has a bow in his hand, and of course, he wants to conquer.
Now, the question is, do you see a crown there? Hmm. Yes, of course, you see a crown. The problem is, this crown is Corona Australis, the Southern Crown, right? Yes.
But okay, Corona Australis. The issue with this crown is that it's not on the rider's head, where it should be.
It's down on the floor. And that's why we always say this is a picture of fallen Protestantism, right?
So, the rider wants to conquer, but obviously, there's a problem. We need something that will put this crown on a head or lift it up, not leave it on the floor. This ties into the Middle Ages.
We will see in the coming slides why the crown of Protestantism is not up but down, and why it still remains down in many Protestant denominations.
We’ll come to that. It’s very important because many people need to make a decision in these times, and this is important knowledge.
So, what was the difference between many Protestant denominations at that time and the Adventists? One key difference we figured out is the Sabbath, obviously. So, we go back to the Millerite movement during that time frame and the Great Awakening in the U.S. Let’s read a little bit about that.
This is from Wikipedia. Here’s the link if you want to check it out. This is about the Second Great Awakening.
Why do we call it the Second? Because the First Great Awakening was more or less in Europe, in England, in the 1730s to 1750s. But that’s not our focus today. We need to look at the Second Great Awakening.
The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival during the late 18th to early 19th centuries. That’s the late 1700s to the early 1800s in the United States. It spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching, sparking a number of reform movements.
Revivals were a key part of the movement and attracted hundreds of converts to new Protestant denominations. Please keep that in mind. We are talking about Protestants here.
And why is that? Because Protestants were those who protested against what? Against Rome. That’s why they are called Protestants. We will see there’s a significant issue with this protesting against Rome.
We’ll see that it’s very important. But yes, okay, we had it already in the 1790s to the 1800s. And it says here, the Second Great Awakening gave rise to movements like Adventism, because those were the Millerites. Out of the Millerites came the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Right. These are some of the new religious movements that came from that awakening, right? We should dig into the beginnings. This is part of the beginnings.
Now, this is from the same source, just a little bit further down, right?
Looking specifically at the Advent movement, it emerged in the 1830s and 1840s in North America and was preached by ministers such as William Miller, whose followers became known as Millerites. The name refers to belief in the Second Advent of Jesus, known as Adventism, or more commonly, the Second Coming. This led to the formation of several major religious denominations, including the Seventh-day Adventists and Advent Christians. So, out of this Great Awakening came one Protestant church, which God clearly elected to be His church from then on. There were many around, but evidently only this one.
Now, stay with us. It gets deeper. This is from an article, an Adventist article.
Here’s the link. And it says the headline is quite controversial, a little bit provocative: "Why the Reformation Failed." And I can already see people saying, “What do you mean it failed?” But I say, yes, it failed.
Do you know why? Let’s read a little bit, because there was a specific belief that caused a big problem. The problem was that Luther and his followers said, “Sola scriptura,” meaning “the Bible and the Bible only.”
Right. This was the foundation for their efforts to reform Catholicism and reject the authority of the Pope and Catholic tradition, which is good. Great.
They did a lot of good things, wonderfully. Unfortunately, a major problem arose.
They couldn’t fully agree on what and how to reform because there were many, many different views on things like baptism—whether it should be for babies or adults. Okay, something like that.
You can read it for yourself here. This disagreement continued, and that’s why there are so many Protestant denominations today. They protest against Rome, but each one is a little bit different.
And that’s why we have 3,000 churches or whatever it is today. That’s not the main issue in particular. The big issue is coming now.
Please read this first part. Yes, despite these divisions, there is one belief the reformers almost unanimously agreed on. In this, they did not break with the Roman church.
They upheld Sunday as the day of worship. Therefore, it failed.
People would say, “If you claim sola scriptura, then you should keep the Sabbath. Why don’t you keep the Sabbath?” And that’s why the Reformation failed in the end. They did good things, of course, but it was not consistent. It wasn’t complete.
Complete, exactly. So this is a huge problem. And it conflicted with the concept of sola scriptura.
So, if one were to rely solely on sola scriptura to decide doctrine, they would naturally worship on the seventh day. Right? Sure. And how many of the Protestant churches worship on the Sabbath? Not many.
They align with Rome. Plain and simple. You know, it’s very clear from reading the Bible that the seventh day is the Sabbath that God chose.
People say, “Oh, well, that was for the Jews.” But in reality, that was God’s chosen day. He never chose a different day.
Maybe some would argue that we’re not under the law anymore, but still, no other day was chosen. And about the Ten Commandments, if I may say so, they’re still valid. You still shouldn’t kill, you still shouldn’t commit adultery.
You should still honor your father and mother. You should still not covet your neighbor's wife or his house. And you should still do the things required towards God.
Right? So they’re valid. And why not the fourth commandment? It’s foolish, plain and simple. Of course, it is valid.
You’d have to argue that God’s law, his government, was not adequate or good enough. And the Bible clearly says that it was just and good.
Amen. Just search for it yourself on the Internet. It’s clear where this change from Sabbath to Sunday came from.
And again, it’s clear—there are thousands of articles. The Catholic Church, in “Dies Domini,” says that no one changed the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the Lord’s day.
It’s plainly there. Just because Jesus rose on Sunday, the first day of the week—even that’s there—they say, “We keep the first day of the week.”
Yeah. Why didn’t Jesus then tell the apostles to do that? Why did Paul, Peter, and John continue keeping the Sabbath if the Lord rose on Sunday, the first day of the week? It doesn’t make sense. He did rise, but he didn’t command that the day should be then transferred as the holy Sabbath day. Exactly. It’s wonderful to say this in German.
If Wednesday is called “Mittwoch” in German, meaning “midweek,” then do the math. Go three days back and three days forward. The first day is Sunday, and the last day is Sabbath. Everyone knows that.
In Paraguay, we call it “sábado” today. In Russian, it’s “subbota.” And in 80 other languages, there’s still a word for Sabbath. It’s still there.
If you look at those old pocket calendars from before the 1970s, you see Sunday as the first day, and the other S, for Sabbath, is the last day. Then later, it changed.
Now you have S and S together. Yeah. So, okay.
You can find this information on the Internet. Just believe it and check it out. Check it out.
So, obviously, something changed here in the 1840s. The Adventist church started to keep the Sabbath. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into this.
This information comes from the Ellen White Estate, from sources about Adventists, and they were very faithful in recording and writing these things down, right? It’s interesting to note that there was a family, the Howlands, and Ellen White and James White were close friends with them. The Howland home was the location of several significant early Sabbatarian Adventist meetings. So, they met there for some of the early Sabbath services, which is important to know.
Another important point to understand is that soon after their marriage, which was on August 30, 1846, James and Ellen White became convinced of the biblical evidence for the Sabbath's observance through reading Bates' first Sabbath tract. Joseph Bates was the one who wrote a tract, a letter, or a booklet about the importance of the Sabbath. Ellen White saw, read, understood, and accepted it, and they began keeping the Sabbath in August, or maybe September or October, shortly after their marriage. Remember, this is important because we will soon find a comet, and we will see how these things we are reading about now are connected. Here is a report about the Howland family. Maybe you can read it, Ray?
The Howlands were close friends of James and Ellen White and were among the earliest Adventists in Maine to adopt Sabbath-keeping. According to their respective obituaries, Louisa and Stockbridge Howland began to keep the Sabbath in the spring of 1845, around the same time as Joseph Bates.
So, keep that in mind. These were the early Sabbath keepers. And when did this happen? In the spring of 1845.
We will see this in heaven, friends. There’s a reason we’re showing you these dates and events—because we see it in heaven. So, when the Lord said, "Check the beginnings," it seems the beginnings take us back to 1845 already, right? Not just 1846, but even 1845. And soon after the marriage, so after August 30, it would be September or October, something like that, right? We’ll see that.
Now, let’s continue. Here’s another quote that provides a good portion of the understanding we need. Ray, could you read the first part?
James and Ellen White took their stand purely from the scriptural evidence that their minds had been directed to in Bates' tract. Then, on the first Sabbath in April 1847, seven months after they began to teach the seventh-day Sabbath, the Lord gave a vision to Mrs. White in Topsham, Maine, in which the importance of the Sabbath was stressed. Here we have another time period given.
A date—the first Sabbath in April, so early April 1847. Seven months before that, Ellen and James White began to keep and teach the seventh-day Sabbath. Now, let’s do the calculation. Whether we calculate from April or March, it’s seven months back, which takes us to September or October 1846.
Exactly. Keep that in mind.
So, that was when they accepted the Sabbath. And then, during those seven months, they taught it. And only after teaching it for seven months did she have a vision.
Yes, and by the way, if you're interested, write to us or search on the internet for the so-called "halo vision," because this is a wonderful vision of Mrs. Ellen White. But as we said, seven months later, the Lord showed her in a vision what she already believed from studying the Bible.
It’s important to understand this sequence. She didn’t change because of a vision; she changed because of studying and proving it in the Bible. Then later, God confirmed it through a vision.
Yes, it's important to understand this sequence. First, there was the understanding through the Bible, and then came this halo vision. It’s a wonderful vision to read.
Basically, the Lord took Ellen White up to heaven into the most holy place. And this is also important within this 1844 and 1846 topic. I will explain more.
In the most holy place, God removed the lid of the ark, which is in the most holy place. He took out the two tablets of stone, and then the fourth commandment lit up brightly while the other commandments were not as bright. This confirmed that the fourth commandment is of utmost importance and validated what she believed and had been teaching for the past seven months.
This vision is also beautiful because it connects the Sabbath with the sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary, which is described in the book of Hebrews, of course, especially. So, you have that combination, and both of these themes were things God was teaching these people at that time.
So now, keep this in mind. We come from Sabbath-keeping Protestant people. Then this Sabbath teaching reached Joseph Bates. Joseph Bates wrote a tract. This tract was read by Ellen and James White, which led them to accept, understand, keep, and teach the Sabbath. Ellen White and James White were the first leaders of what would become the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Keep this in mind. It went from some Protestants to the Sabbath truth, and then to the leaders of God’s chosen church for the next century. This is very important.
We will see this further. Now, here’s another article. Here’s the link.
It just summarizes what we’ve said so far, and it’s very interesting. The Sabbath truth came from Seventh-day Baptists like Rachel Oakes. They wrote about it, and it came to Frederick Wheeler. Frederick Wheeler influenced Mr. Preble. Mr. Preble wrote an article that influenced Joseph Bates. And Joseph Bates wrote this important Sabbath tract called "The Seventh-day Sabbath, a Perpetual Sign." The Sabbath didn’t change.
Bates understood this very clearly. In August 1846, shortly before James and Ellen White got married, Bates wrote this tract, which they read and believed, all in August 1846. Newly married, James and Ellen White studied this tract with their Bibles and became Sabbath keepers shortly after their marriage.
Ellen White had heard Bates speak about the Sabbath before reading his tract, but at that time, she didn’t feel fully convinced. This was from 1845 until August 1846. So, she studied the Bible to settle her faith, and then she believed it. Later, in January 1847, a second edition of Joseph Bates' Sabbath tract was presented, with the idea that the Sabbath had present truth.
Why was it present truth in 1846 and not anymore today? Can anyone answer that? Right? It’s still present truth, of course. Or it has end-time importance, based on Revelation 11:19. What is in Revelation 11:19? That’s where the Ark of the Covenant is opened, the Ark of the Testimony.
And there were lightnings and thunders, as described there, but that’s also where the law is kept.
Of course, it’s the seventh trumpet.
Exactly, the seventh trumpet. And Brother John will tell us more about this next week or the week after, as soon as he finishes the video he’s currently producing. Because in that verse, the heavens open, and the Ark is seen.
And of course, if the Ark is seen, the commandments are prominent again, just like in Ellen White’s vision.
Revelation 11:19 describes the temple open in heaven. For Bates, the Sabbath had end-time importance. And we are in the end times, right? Because of its link to Jesus’ ministry in the most holy place.
I don’t know if I have it later, but I’ll say it now. There were many Sabbath-keeping people at that time. But why did God choose the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
I can tell you why. Because all the other Protestant groups are still in darkness. They are still in darkness about what happens in heaven. One of the fundamental teachings of the Adventist Church is not just that the Sabbath is valid, which it is.
The breach in the wall was mended by keeping the Sabbath. The wall represents the Ten Commandments, and when one commandment is broken, there’s a breach in the wall.
So, this was corrected in 1846. The wall was made whole again. But the Adventist Church also has the sanctuary doctrine.
Yes, because they understood this through Bates—no, sorry, they understood it through Miller, and then through Samuel Snow a year later—what happens in heaven Daniel prophesied the 2,300 days.
And he spoke a lot about these things. And the prophecy that the sanctuary would be cleansed after 2,300 days ends in 1844. So, they expected Jesus to return, but they misunderstood what it meant for the sanctuary to be cleansed. Shortly after, they understood that it was not the earthly sanctuary but the heavenly sanctuary.
So, they understood Jesus' movement in heaven, going from the holy place throughout the Middle Ages into the most holy place to perform the atonement in heaven—the Yom Kippur in heaven. All others, even today, don’t know this.
They still don’t know it. They are Protestants, but they have no understanding of prophecy, of the time frame we are in regarding prophecy.
And this relates to what Revelation 14:4 says about the 144,000, that they follow the Lamb wherever He goes. When Jesus moved from the holy place into the most holy place in 1844, they followed Him by faith.
They knew where He was. The other Protestants, even those who kept the Sabbath, did not.
So, out of that Great Awakening, only one church emerged that kept the Sabbath.
Yes, and also had the knowledge of what is going on in prophecy and in heaven. The others, even today, do not.
So, by 1846, the gospel was pure again because the breach in the wall, represented by the fourth commandment, was mended. They kept the Sabbath and had more knowledge than the others, of course.
So, we should see something in heaven that shows how this crown is lifted up, right?
Because this points to fallen Protestantism. Yes, the Protestants did protest through the 1500s, 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s, right?
Luther, Zwingli, Calvin—they all protested, but they didn’t keep the Sabbath. So we need to see something in 1846 that shows this crown being lifted. Because of Sabbath-keeping, we need a comet, right? Jesus gave a dream because we hadn’t searched for a comet to see this. And the crown was given to him. We hadn’t seen that before, but we need to see it because it’s obviously very important. And of course, it is important.
We want to see the revelation in heaven unfold. So, here we are looking at information regarding an old comet that was discovered in 1846. Based on the descriptions, we can even put it into Stellarium.
We'll look at that a bit later. Just understand this is not a very common comet. You need to search for it. Actually, you can find it in Wikipedia.
This is the list of long-period comets on Wikipedia. You'll find just this one line here. That’s all.
There isn’t much description. You need to dig and figure out the basic information. We have to find it.
In the Cambridge University collection, there are, I think, six volumes of books on cometography—a catalog of comets. Volume two covers from 1800 to 1899.
We were fortunate because this is a Google book, and you have to be lucky to see this comet in the Google book because not all pages are shown there. But it was there.
So, I copied it out. Now, keep this in mind. The comet was discovered on May 1, 1846.
It was last seen in June of the same year, on June 15. So, it lit up for about one and a half months, which is important because the lighting up of a comet is significant. It’s important because people look up to heaven.
We know that when a comet is seen, it’s a big deal. It’s also a sign from God in heaven, signifying and signaling something. What we know now is that it’s about the beginning and Sabbath-keeping. So, this comet was discovered by Mr. Brorsen, obviously in Germany, on May 1, 1846.
Another man, Mr. Richman in Kaliningrad, also saw it. Then Mr. Bond saw it in Massachusetts. So, we know it was seen from Europe to America.
That’s all I want to say here, right? It was closest to Earth on May 6. It was first seen on May 1, and then it came closest to us on May 6.
In the Netherlands, it was seen again with the naked eye on May 13 and 14. Schmitt saw it on May 19 and 20. You can read it for yourself.
What I want to point out is that it lit up, and everyone saw it. Schmitt saw the traces of the trail on May 23.
It was measured for the last time on June 12. Perihelion was on June 5, 1846. And after calculating its orbit three times—it was a bit difficult back then—it was determined to have a 538-year period. So, this is not just some normal comet.
This is pretty important because the next time it will come is in 2300-something.
So, it’s important. The dates from before are confirmed here. A 538-year period.
And also when the perihelion occurred. Just so you see, this is not fake news. This is accurate.
But, of course, back in 2010, we weren’t looking for comets. And it’s not a super well-known comet in our time. But back then, they saw it.
It was well documented, as we see in this Cambridge collection of comets. This shows that God still works by the same means. What we’ve discovered in the analysis of modern comets also applies to ancient ones. Amen. So, let’s discover comet J1 live. Live.
Okay, now here is Stellarium, and we’re already at the correct place. Here’s Sagittarius again. And here is Corona Australis, the southern crown, lying on the floor.
Remember everything we’ve said before about the dates. What’s interesting is that the comet comes here and enters the constellation in about July 1845, already. Remember?
This was around the time Joseph Bates and the Howland family—close friends of Ellen and James White—within the Millerite movement, started keeping the Sabbath.
Now, let’s go on from here, right? Let’s go day by day. Look, here we are in August. As mentioned in those quotes before, this is when Bates and some Millerites started keeping the Sabbath.
And it’s interesting that the comet comes directly to the fallen crown. The fallen crown, again, symbolizes the breach in the wall—not keeping the Sabbath.
What does the comet do? It moves on. It comes from below. Yes.
Now it’s turning upward. It’s like it takes the crown and lifts it up.
Exactly. It brings it up to the place where the rider would sit on the horse. We’re now at 1846, the year people started keeping the Sabbath. But not Ellen White yet, and not James White either. Not the married couple. Not the two who would become the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Not yet.
So, the rider on the white horse now signifies that Protestantism itself started keeping the Sabbath. But this is not enough. Maybe it’s the right time to have in mind Revelation 12:1-2, the woman sign. The woman sign was given on September 23, 2017. The world knows it. And if you don’t know it, please Google it.
The pictures are everywhere. This sign formed in heaven at that time. It’s important to know that this sign represents God’s true church on Earth throughout history.
It shows the moon under the feet of the pure woman. This is God’s pure church, which he always has on Earth, of course. The moon under her feet.
The moon stands for Judaism, let’s say, before Jesus was nailed to the cross. Then this pure woman was clothed with the sun.
The sun, of course, is the Sun of Righteousness—Jesus. This was the Christian era. And just as the Jews failed, so did the Christian era. You know that. Just look at the papacy, the Middle Ages, and all that.
Look at the seals. Of course, the seals apply from the very beginning. It goes from white to red, to black, and to pale.
So the Jews failed. Christianity failed. Then we come to the beginning of the Protestant era, which is symbolized by the crown. This is the third part of this woman’s sign. Adventism—the Seventh-day Adventist Church—would be the next big, pure church in history and on Earth.
And as we know, and as we will see, this church also failed. For example, they did not listen to the Orion message, which was given by God to correct their wrongdoings. And the fourth and last part of the woman sign is the stars in the crown. So, a movement must come out of Adventism, a movement based on Adventism, that obviously has something to do with studying the voice of God from heaven. You can search far and wide, but you will find nothing else in the world except us.
I’m sorry, but that’s how it is. And after the stars in the crown—the fourth and last symbol in this whole picture—it’s over.
So, let’s continue with the path. Now the comet is moving rapidly. You will see.
Let’s go by months now. Three, four, and here is the fifth month. Keep in mind, here’s May 1st.
See, in 1846, J1 was discovered by Mr. Brorsen and was seen for the first time. Now it’s moving rapidly. This was in May.
This was in June. And it was visible until June 15, I think, as we read earlier.
It then moved rapidly down from the other side to the twins. And this lit-up part happened just shortly before what? Before we come to August, when the important event happened: Bates wrote his tract, which was read by Ellen and James White. After that, they accepted it, kept it, and taught it. So, the lighting up happened just before this event, signifying that something great was about to happen. Now, let’s go day by day. We’re here in July, now in August. And it just entered Orion, dear friends, the first witness. It just entered Orion on August 30. And what happened on August 30? They got married.
And a little before that, Bates wrote the tract, which they read, and then they got married. We read earlier that shortly after their marriage, they kept the Sabbath and taught it. We calculated back from the first Sabbath in April 1847, seven months back.
So, you can calculate it however you want. The Lord gives you great freedom here because the comet is visible throughout September and into the first half of October.
And you’ll definitely cover the time frame when they started to keep and teach the Sabbath. We know the first witness is Orion, and it also received the crown. So, it wasn’t just Protestant people who started keeping the Sabbath in 1845.
No, it had to be the designated church leaders, at least, who started doing so. And from that event, the Seventh-day Adventist Church emerged in 1860—actually, it was 1863. Yes. That's really, really important to understand. And all this is shown in heaven. We didn’t see this before because we weren’t looking for that comet. This moving sign of giving a crown needed to be seen because it’s fulfilling the prophecy of the first rider, pointing to the first rider, which is Saiph in Orion.
Now, the important—and even sad—thing is, how does it go on? (Let’s finish the live study first.) After Ellen and James White, the designated leaders, the first real leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, started well.
Like the comets we see, they often tell a story. We see this story being told where the crown had already fallen during the Middle Ages.
It’s then picked up and brought back to Jesus and to the white horse rider, Sagittarius. Amen.
But also to Jesus. And why to Jesus? We need to explain that here. Why to Jesus? Because the Orion message, the Orion picture itself, shows us Revelation chapters 4 and 5. What’s there? It’s the judgment scene.
Imagine a judgment hall, like a courtroom, where a case is being discussed. The door opens, and people come in—the judge, the witnesses, the testimonies, and the spectators, right? This is what’s described in Revelation 4 and 5. The Father comes in, the 24 elders come in, and the four living creatures come in.
They all take their seats. It’s described in great detail. Read it for yourself.
This just adds to the description of the judgment. We know that the judgment began in 1844. Every Adventist knows that.
But there was a process that continued until 1846. A two-year process. It says there that books were brought to the Father.
Then the Father opens the book. And then comes this great question: Who is worthy to open this book or to take it from the hand of the Father? Then suddenly, someone appears who looks like a slaughtered lamb. Of course, we know this is Jesus.
He comes in, approaches the Father, and takes the book from His hand. That’s when Revelation 6 begins. The Lamb opens and breaks the first seal. So, He takes the book of seven seals from the Father’s hand, which is the Orion clock or the Orion message.
This book, as we titled it, remember, is "The Orion Message: The Book of the Seven Seals." This is a two-year process.
We see this in the heavens. Why does the crown need to be brought not just to the horse rider, which represents Protestantism and the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Why not only to the horseback where the rider sits but also to the witness—to Jesus, who is interceding? Now we’re back in the most holy place.
Why does He also need to receive this crown? Because in 1846, and only Adventists know this, based on what I said earlier, the investigative judgment began in heaven—the judgment of the dead. This judgment lasted for one Orion clock cycle, which is 168 years, and continued until 2014. This is all described in the Orion presentation where we had the QR code.
And this is what all Protestants do not accept and do not know, because they don’t understand what’s going on in heaven and didn’t understand when the 2,300 days from Daniel ended or what began at that point. So, He is the one doing the investigative judgment in the heavenly courts from 1846, as He takes the book and breaks one seal after another.
This is a core doctrine of Seventh-day Adventism, which is good. That’s why they were the elected ones, but they failed because of what? Now let’s continue to see what the heavens say. What happens after the comet passes? This comet goes right to the place where Cetus grabs the DNA blood—our perpetual, continuous DNA from creation onward.
And remember our last videos, where Cetus grabs it and pulls it to him with the vaccination, with the wrong mRNA vaccination. Of course, this was in 1846. Let’s go month by month.
It starts to circle there. When a comet starts to circle, it means it’s already taking its path away from the sun. For the next 500 years, it’s following this slow path. Yes. Now let’s go year by year. Okay, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880.
And you see, let’s go month by month. You see it’s circling towards death in the constellation Sculptor, which, in German, is "Bildhauer," meaning "the image." Remember what we always say in our last videos: we had two main issues.
The vaccination issue, the number of the beast, and the image of the beast. The Adventist church is among those who vaccinated people to death, had problems with women’s ordination, had problems with LGBT issues in the church, and didn’t take a clear stance. This shows their fall a second time after the crown was picked up and ultimately given to Orion. Then they lost that crown again. Yes.
Let’s look at 2024. The comet is still here.
It’s still there, spiraling out.
And it will stay there forever. This is the good story at the beginning: the pure horse rider.
And here we are. The end shows the two main issues where the Adventist church failed. Therefore, you need the stars in the crown because the crown itself failed.
You need a fourth and final church movement, or whatever you want to call it, to finish Earth’s history with a pure gospel, a pure understanding. That’s the sad part. It’s interesting that the one doing the judgment, figuratively, is Orion, the high priest in the most holy place, who received the crown in 1846 with the judgment of the dead, which ended in 2014.
Then began the judgment of the living—the sealing process of living people, you and me, all of us here. We have been under investigation since 2014 as living beings. How will we decide on exactly these issues? And it will end soon, as you already know from other videos.
So, there's not much more to add to the live study at the moment. It started out great, but unfortunately, it ends badly—at least for this third pure church, represented by the woman in Revelation 12:1-2. Now, let’s go back to the slides.
Now, dear friends, as we saw, Orion in heaven was the first witness. What he is doing now requires a certain authorization, a certain crown. You saw the crown. Jesus, depicted in Orion, is performing the investigative judgment. The outcome of this judgment is to determine who receives a white garment and who does not. This was referenced in Revelation 6, with the rider on the white horse introduced there. That was the beginning of what we've discussed so far.
However, we know that in the chiasm, we also have Revelation 19. So, it would be interesting to see something in heaven where the rider on the white horse in Revelation 19, who is Jesus when he returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, also receives a crown, right? Where would that place be? We need to look. Remember the sword coming out of his mouth, the iron rod, and the red vesture dipped in blood.
Why? Because of the pressing. The winepress. Treading the winepress. Of course, Horologium. But we need a crown there because this dear King has a crown, and it's a special one. In fact, it says he has many crowns.
We have another crown, the Corona Borealis, the northern crown.
This is the northern crown. Now, is there a comet that brings this crown to Jesus in some form? Let's see. E3, believe it or not, passes through Corona Borealis.
This even happened on a special date: December 25th, 2022. This is special not because of the pagan Christmas celebrated on that day, but because we received a gift.
That was a special gift to us when Brother John revealed the Alpha and Omega, the sign we've been discussing ever since. Yes, that was the day we first understood it.
This is crucial. Matthew 24:30 describes the sign of the Son of Man, the sign of Jonah, as the last sign before Jesus appears physically. And this sign should be the uniting sign.
Much like events in the 1800s, this should be a connecting event, showing what Jesus is doing in heaven. But not many people listen to it. Only the Adventist church listened to it (1846).
This is the uniting sign. If someone sees this sign, we should unite and share the message.
We often wonder if this is being done. And, honestly, it's a sad thing. This is the greatest revelation.
Alpha and Omega seen in heaven, written by the hand of God through two independent comets appearing at the same place at the same time, fulfilling that purpose. I appreciate the story of James and Ellen White and the pioneers of that time when they learned about the Sabbath. There weren't many Sabbath keepers then, and they received this tract.
They learned it, kept it, and shared it.
They began to teach the same things so that one would follow the other. When you learn it, understand it, and believe it, then carry it forward. Amen.
I want to go back to one thing. It will make more sense now. Here’s Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer.
And here’s the serpent's head. Who is the serpent? Satan. He claims to be the ruler of the world, right? He says he has authority here on earth.
And you know, he thinks he still has the crown on his head. But what does the comet do? We've known about this since the other comet in 1846. Now we go live again.
So here we are. This is comet E3 in the Corona Borealis. You can see it here, above the serpent.
Brother Gerhard, where does it go from there? Right. So, keep in mind, the comet grabs the crown and takes it away from Francis, the pope, who has the serpent Satan within him. We've written several articles about that. But where does it go next? Let's continue. Okay.
We need to observe this. Let’s go month by month. It changes position rapidly.
Okay, this is too fast. Let’s proceed day by day, because it moves so quickly.
Look, it comes to Auriga, then to the Bull, or Taurus. It does not go to Orion.
Why not? Because Orion already has a crown. He received it in 1846. We need Jesus, right? So if Orion is not touched, look, it goes beside him but doesn't touch. It just passes by.
Now you know that the sign of the Son of Man starts HERE, right? Yes. This is already the sign of the Son of Man. So, we can speed things up a bit.
This is one of the comets of the sign of the Son of Man. Now we are in January 2024. This is still part of the sign of the Son of Man.
Now we make this special curve for the first strike of the pendulum. Now we come to the second strike of the pendulum. And now we continue.
Now we reach the final hour. Remember the 372 days. We proceed a bit faster now.
Now look, we are coming down here. Right, this is January.
This is February. And I stop here at February 15. Let me zoom in.
If this is the face, it’s because the sword is coming out of his mouth. That’s the point. So, this is his face, his head.
Right at the top of the head, there is the crown, the northern crown. Yes, this could also be a kind of midnight point, so to speak.
It is certainly the head of Jesus. We know we have Jesus depicted twice with these two witnesses. One is Orion, and the other is Horologium.
Orion shows Jesus as the intercessory figure in heaven, the high priest. Yes.
But Horologium shows him as coming as the King in Revelation 19. Here we have the sword. We’ll see the picture later.
Here we have the iron rod. We have the winepress. This is when Jesus returns.
And on February 15, he is crowned again, or he is crowned for his return. He is even crowned as the King of Time.
Because he is time. Amen, right?
Yes. It's also interesting because E3 was in Sister Jenny's vision, where she was going down the staircases. We still have it here. She met the boy there. The boy told her the time, June 20th, 2025.
And the same boy brings the northern crown and places it on Jesus. But there’s more to it.
We stop the live session here and go back to the slides. But it’s better to see these things live so you can see how the crown moves over there.
We do not lie, right? It’s the heavens that declare this. It’s heaven that shows this. The two witnesses.
The two witnesses. This is the result here, the picture at the end where we see the beginning, with E3 taking the crown.
On December 25th, 2022, right? That’s when we understood Alpha and Omega, the sign of the Son of Man that indicates the coming.
The sign is a timeline. And this is the endpoint, where we find E3 at the head of Jesus depicted in Horologium. This, again, is a kind of midnight point.
A specific midnight point. What will happen from that moment on? The events from then on will be revealed by Brother John, as he has special insights. Especially regarding the third woe, especially about the seventh trumpet. Just wait.
As we said, this is the foundational study for what is to come. So, there is only one constellation. If Orion is not touched by E3, then the only other constellation is Horologium, representing Jesus.
Here, we have all the symbols: the sword, the rods, and the winepress.
He is the King of Time. Both witnesses received a crown, but for different purposes.
The crown on Orion signified the start of the investigative judgment. Horologium's crown represents Jesus coming to harvest, to execute judgment, and to bring the faithful home.
Here is a picture that shows the entire path: starting from Corona Borealis, making a rapid curve, lifting the crown off the head of the serpent, passing by Orion—because Orion already has a crown for the judgment—and placing the northern crown on the head of Horologium. You know these images.
We have pointed out the symbols here: the sword, the iron rod, and even the morning star. There are many Bible verses about the morning star. Jesus will give the morning star to his followers, his faithful ones, when he comes. Now, this lifts or solves another riddle.
Jesus has a special crown, a vision described by Ellen White. She had many wonderful visions.
She was a prophet for the true church of God, by the way. This vision occurs in the setting when Jesus and the redeemed are closing the gates of the holy city after the millennium. As you know, Satan will be freed for a short time, and the unsaved dead will be resurrected. Satan will gather them all to attack the holy city, as written in Revelation 20 and onward. When Satan attacks the holy city for the last time, Jesus will close the doors.
It is clear that Jesus and the redeemed, from within the city, will ascend to the city walls, ready to defend against Satan's final assault.
So the gates were shut, and the saints used their wings to ascend to the top of the city wall. Jesus was also with them. His crown looked brilliant and glorious. It included an intriguing detail: it was a crown within a crown, seven in number. What does that mean? We know this refers to a sevenfold crown. We recognize this crown as Corona Borealis, the northern crown. How many main stars does it have? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. I would say this is a crown within a crown.
This must be shown in heaven because John, in his vision in Revelation, saw it there. So this is the fulfillment. It is absolutely correct to say this is the crown Jesus receives when he returns. Of course, he also wears it after the millennium. This is his crown—a sevenfold crown, and it is Corona Borealis.
Wow, I would say. Now, after understanding the importance of Corona Borealis, you might better understand this recent article written by Brother John. The significance of this article is super, super important and great because it explains a vision about four crowns, if you will. Let’s take a look at the article briefly, but just to bring it to your attention. You can read it yourself in detail later.
Okay, dear friends, here’s the article live: "Three Crowns and the Humble Soul." Now, we won't go into it in depth, just to highlight it with the background knowledge from this sermon.
First of all, the setting of this article is Corona Borealis. Amen. Brother John had long intended to write something about this crown because it has a special "blaze star" near it. Right again, right next to the Corona Borealis crown is a blaze star that erupts at certain times. This was the initial idea—to investigate this crowning event.
Corona Borealis, the northern crown, was the focus. So Brother John looked into the last time the blaze or lighting up of this T Corona Borealis star occurred. I believe that’s the name, right? It first appeared in 1787. So, what was this lighting up of the crown signifying? We see that this was the time of the U.S. Constitution. Remember, the United States was the land where people from the Middle Ages fled to, especially the Protestants. So, if you will, God was pleased to have a land not influenced by the Pope, where Protestants could prosper and do God’s work, far from the papacy.
In 1787, T Coronae Borealis lit up. But, of course, Jesus foresaw that the U.S. would eventually fail, as we see today. Read it for yourself, but this is the crowning, or the crown, that Jesus receives. So, he is searching for faith on Earth. He was pleased when this new land started off well. You could think of it as a question: When this star lit up and signaled the northern crown, could that be the crown Jesus would take in 1787? The crown of the United States, the Constitution, the Protestant government? But it failed, as we can see.
The next time was 1866. What happened then? They understood the Sabbath; they understood the sanctuary doctrine. The church was founded in 1860, and I think '63. Yes, '63. Shortly after, the same star lit up again, as if Jesus was saying, "Great, finally, I have hope in this church," right? Is this, then, the crown that will be delivered to Jesus so he can come as king? As we see, the southern crown ends, but the path of comet J1, going towards this church, also failed greatly, as we know now.
So, what happened next? In 1946, after the war, the same star lit up, repeating its cycle every approximately 80 years. Was this the crown of the United Nations, promising peace on Earth? An institution meant to prevent a third world war—that was the purpose of the United Nations.
Okay, we know what they do. They want to vaccinate everyone to death, and now we face more problems and the threat of World War III as never before. Jesus knew that it would fail. The final one is not an issue. We know February 15, 2025, will be the crowning of Horologium in heaven. The whole world will know, at least those who look up, that this blaze star is expected to light up again in these months. What now? Will it or will it not?
Based on Brother Stephan's article, Jesus took the humble shawl to show that he comes not for the whole world, as the greatest kings do, but for the faithful—those few who look up, who accept his sign, who are awake, right? He comes as a thief.
It may not be a great, popular movement, but this is the one God has chosen. And don't forget, the real crown Jesus received was on the cross. His humility is the point. At the cross, he won the entire battle already. Amen. So it was not that the Jews wanted him as king to drive out the Romans. No, no. He chose another way—the humble way, symbolized by the prayer shawl.
The point is simple: Did you pass the two tests? For example, the DNA test, like the mRNA vaccine test, or the Sabbath test. Remember Brother John’s video? He said it is possible, as Adventists believe, that the third test, the mark of the beast, could indeed come as a Sabbath test, a very short one in time.
But after today’s sermon, you should know that the Sabbath remains the true test, and Protestants must decide what to do. They still cling to Rome, right? So, dear friends, read this article again with the insights from this sermon. That’s all we have to say about this.
And so, we come to the last slide, if it works. A very important question: Will the blaze star in Corona Borealis soon light up? And connected to that question: Will Jesus find faith on Earth? This remains an open question. So far, it hasn't happened. So, will the Son of Man find faith when he returns? That is the question we will close with. Amen.
Let’s have a word of prayer. Please stand.
Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for the mysteries that you have placed in the heavens, as well as in your word, each explaining the other. We thank you for drawing our attention to this comet in 1846, showing the progression of the four horsemen and their relation to your people and the Sabbath, the message of truth that you gave as a blessing to your people. But in the end, the institution went astray, and that history is all recorded in the heavens. Yet, we see a comet of hope today, bringing the crown away from the serpent to the King of Kings, represented in Horologium.
We are thrilled to see this, and we ask that you fulfill your words, as written, that you will have that crown of many crowns when you return. We look forward to that day, not many months away. We ask that many will take this message and share it far and wide, so more can see what you are doing, recognizing you as the creator of the universe, coming to receive your own, those who love you and respond to your love. You took the crown of thorns long before the crown of glory.
We thank you for everything you do, for being our Lord, Savior, and King. May you be crowned in our lives. We pray this in Jesus' name, the Alpha and Omega. Amen. Amen.
Thank you, and we will see you again next week.
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