The Patience of the Two Witnesses
So, we now come to the story of these two Holy Spirit tree trunks—the tree bearing fruit for the nations, the tree of life with the leaves that heal the nations. We had the leaves here, painted by Bernardinelli-Bernstein in the comet. So all these things are already written.
And about the two witnesses, there is always the question of how you calculate these things. Let me do it together with you a little bit now, at the end of this video. Because it has been studied so many times, and every single time, we got nearer to the truth, what I do now is just a refinement. Only a refinement. I won’t tell the whole story now, but perhaps our brethren in Paraguay can do that.
I want to save you time, and for those who have studied with us over the last years or decades, they know what I am talking about now. Let me open the prophecy, but I won’t read all the parts now. That is, of course, Revelation 11, the middle of the book.
In the Jewish setting, it is the central part. Twenty-two chapters divided by two is eleven, so here is the story of the two witnesses. We deciphered many things, and our last understanding was this: we had here 2014, 2 x 1260 days, with November 8, 2020, the setup and the taking away of the continuance. We said this had to do with the Corona vaccination—the abomination that causes desolation, altering our DNA so that one no longer belongs to the bloodline of Christ. This is the vaccination. All these dates fell into this time frame.
Then we know that first, the two witnesses had to preach in sackcloth for 2 x 1260 days. The text mentions only 1260 days, but it is spoken to two witnesses, so we deciphered this time frame as doubled, 2 x 1260 days. And then it is even mentions, dead for 2 x 3.5 days, which is normally again the 1260 days. But later, we found out that all these texts run parallel to Daniel 12.
In Daniel 12, we have the oath of Jesus over the river to two witnesses, where He says "time, times, and half a time." This corresponds to 3.5 years, or 1260 days when taking prophetic time. Then, He changes the wording. While we are talking here in Revelation 11:3 about these 2x1260 days, where they are clothed in sackcloth, we also have another time frame of 3.5 days. "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."
Now, terrible things happened after this preaching in sackcloth, at a certain important point in time. Then it says, "And when they shall have finished their testimony"—their testimony in sackcloth. Who can decipher that? You will see—only we can. "The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them."
You cannot kill Orion in the heavens. You cannot kill the Horologium in heaven, but you can kill or silence their earthly counterparts. Our movement. Our movement divides into two parts, represented by two websites.
One website was active from 2010 to 2016, and the other started at the end of 2016 and continues until now. White Cloud Forum,, and—these are reflections. At in recent years, we have only written about the Horologium and the sign of the Son of Man—about both witnesses, while in the beginning, we wrote almost exclusively about Orion. There was no second witness there. So again, we have two periods of 1260 days.
We also have two periods of 3.5 days, mentioned two times. 3.5 days with dead bodies. Dead bodies. They are dead. Very sad. We are dead. High Sabbath Adventism. Dead. Are we dead? Not anymore, so far.
"And after 3.5 days, the spirit of life"—oh, oh, oh—when would these 3.5 days have ended? We have to see. "...from God, the spirit of life entered into them, and they stood upon their feet. And great fear fell upon those who saw them."
Has this already happened or is this still in the future? "And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither," and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud." So we saw this spiraling out of the K2 and E3 comets. "And their enemies beheld them..." From when on?
"And the same hour"—this will also be clear now—"there was a great earthquake." So has this happened already or will it happen then? And we will see that. And then, very important, "the second woe is past."
And we decipher the second woe to be the corona crisis, but much more the vaccination. So, during the fifth and sixth trumpet. In the sixth trumpet—the second woe—came the death that they wanted to have in the fifth trumpet and could not find it because the vaccination was not available. But all those who are vaccinated have died "the second death". I’m sorry if you listen to that. It’s terrible, but we have nothing for you anymore if you are vaccinated already. Talk to Jesus, not to us. Sorry, sorry.
It’s also prophesied that one day we would have to say that.It was prophesied 170 years ago that one day the saints would just say to those who are lost, who have already died the second death, "We have nothing for you." It is incredibly, incredibly sad, because my job was to turn "the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to the fathers," and I could not achieve it. The text says, "lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
I could not, so the curse comes over the earth. "The second woe is past," and this is the question: When is this passed? And behold, "the third woe comes quickly," and obviously, the third woe is the seventh trumpet. There was a pause between the first six trumpets—there was a textual pause—and then comes in the eleventh chapter (it was the ninth chapter, the ending was the sixth trumpet) and then we have chapter ten as a complete pause, and then we have chapter eleven. Almost the whole chapter as a pause until in the end of that eleventh chapter. So almost two chapters pause, and then comes the seventh trumpet all of a sudden.
And just to tell you, it’s not by accident that Trump, President Trump, ex-President Trump, is called Trump. And there was also a pause in his two terms. You can already speculate that January next year, January 20th, 2025, he will start, perhaps, if he is elected, his second term.
Seventh trumpet term. Whenever that will be that the real seventh trumpet sounds, but itshould be—according to prophecy and to what we can see—after January 20, 2025, that anytime in these four years the seventh trumpet will sound. I’m pretty sure because of all the signs in the heavens that it does not take four years, but that it is a couple of months later when he starts his term. I hope I make that clear.
So, back to the story of the witnesses. We have two times 1260 correctly. This was our last understanding, correctly deciphered. Then we have two times three and a half years, also correctly understood. Or perhaps not so correctly understood. Perhaps we should put two times, because it’s mentioned two times. And then the end: standing in thy Lord. So you see, we always study Revelation together with Daniel 12. In Daniel 12, we have the oath with two times 1260, three days and a half, and then we have a mention of 1290 days.
Let me quickly tell you, there are so many important things I could say about this, as every word is significant, but I don't have the time to delve into everything. Where is the oath? Here it is: "I heard the man clothed in linen, who was upon the waters of the river"—the river, the dead man, the body of Christ crucified, baptized in the river. "He raised his right hand and his left hand unto heaven and swore by Him," even to two persons, "by Him that liveth forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and a half," which is one year plus two years plus half a year, prophetically deciphered as 1,260 days. So, two witnesses are involved, therefore two times 1,260, as you have it here. So, what then corresponds to the three and a half days in Revelation 11?
The problem is that there’s a riddle again. Daniel's reaction makes it a riddle. He says, "And I heard, but I understood not. Then said I (Daniel speaking), O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?" So obviously, this is the beginning of these things until the abomination is set up, perhaps in two stages: two times three and a half days, prophetically understood as years. But what year count should we take? In Revelation, we have three and a half days and we have 1,260 days. One is prophetic time, already deciphered as prophetic days for prophetic years, or literal days for prophetic years—this is correct. But the other is again in days. Is this now three and a half prophetic days, or is it three and a half literal days? Obviously, it is not literal because we always have symbolism. So it must be something we have to decipher together with Daniel 12 because there are three numbers and here are also three time frames, as you will see.
The first is in Daniel: three and a half days, time-times-and halve a time, and it is deciphered in Revelation 11 as 1,260 days. The three and a half days in Daniel 12, and the 1,260 days in Revelation correspond to each other, but we have the prophetic time in Daniel, while we have the literal time in Revelation. Now, we come vice versa. Here, it is mentioned, and Gabriel explains to Daniel—saying, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away..." Sacrifice is not in the text; it is "the daily, the continuous," that shall be taken away. "And the abomination that maketh desolate set up." So, it is the setting up of the vaccination, the COVID vaccination, or the mRNA vaccination. There shall be 1,290 days.
Now, a prophetic year normally has 360 days, but in Jewish reckoning, more or less every three years, there is a so-called leap year. But it is not a leap year like we have on the 29th of February, where we have one additional day. Normally, February has 28 days. The Jewish calendar does it differently: every three years, they add a leap month. A leap month, prophetically, is 30 days. So, you can have three and a half years that count up to 1,260 days, or you can have three and a half years where one of those three and a half years includes a 30-day leap month, called Adar 2, where the 12th month is doubled. It’s like getting a double salary in December. So, then we have a three and a half year period that is 30 days longer than 1,260 days, which would be 1,290 days. But it can still be, or is even more correctly three and a half years.
So, where do we have the literal and where do we have the symbolic timeframes? Obviously, this time we have the literal timeframe in Daniel, whereas before it had the symbolic. And in Revelation, we have the symbolic one: 3.5 days, which is 3.5 years, prophetic years. But this time, in the count of 1,290. We were very close in our previous understanding because there is a period of 1,290 days. It's not in this slide, but I remember we had it that way before the end period. That was the last interpretation we had, but now it's getting even better. We had it there only once, but we have a mention in Revelation 11 of two times three and a half. Sometimes it looks like it’s the same or could be double, but we will see that it is indeed nicely doubled because it’s always spoken to two witnesses. Then we have another time frame, and this is a time frame that Ellen White, the prophet of the Adventist church, said already: "That’s not prophetic time," and we deciphered it to be not a time but a distance. It is 1,335 light years to the center of the Orion Nebula, where she said we would once travel seven days to. It’s a light-year distance. Who reaches those days is blessed. "Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the travel of the 1,335 days," and that is exactly the distance to the Trapezium Cluster in the Orion Nebula. It is formed like a square, most probably even with a black hole in the middle of the square. Ellen White saw the holy people—the 144,000—standing in a perfect square.
And this is then: "But go thou thy way (Daniel) till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot"—your inheritance, perhaps in this square or already on the new earth at the end of the days. So, we have now deciphered that the three and a half days in Revelation 11 is 1,290 days times 2. But then there is a mention here of "the end of the days". Is it referring to "this", or to additional days? I'll show you that Revelation 11 is the key to understanding which days are mentioned here—is it the travel, or is it an additional time? And what time is it?
Okay, let's go to Revelation 11 again. And yes, there is a part that helps us. Look, we have the last mention of the three and a half days here, and it says, "The spirit of life entered into the two witnesses that were lying dead or were silenced for a long time, and they stood upon their feet." Listen up: "upon their feet," refers to not just one witness. "And great fear fell upon them which saw them." So, it’s already talking about a certain time frame that they have to stand up. This is already time that is mentioned here, but not exactly marked by the count of days.
"And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, 'Come up hither.' And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud." So, they started to spiral out—their ways, their pathways, the orbits of the comets. "And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud," because comets have clouds around them, which is called the coma of both comets. "And their enemies beheld them. And in the same hour..." Now we have a very difficult expression—"the same hour". What is the hour? According to which clock is the hour? Difficult. So, we’ll show you. "There was a great earthquake." And we can ask ourselves, is this hour already past? If so, we have to decipher what the earthquake was, or is the hour ongoing? Then we can still wait for this great earthquake, and we will recognize it when it happens. And then, all the characteristics of that must be fulfilled: "the city fell," "seven thousand men were slain," "the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven."
What did we just say happened on the 27th of July 2024? Did they give glory? No, they did not give glory to the God of heaven—they blasphemed God and the Spirit at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. So, they blasphemed and did not give glory. Look at the wording here: "They gave glory to the God of heaven." And in Revelation 16, in the 4th plague, and the 6th, and 7th. Here it is: "the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given, and men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which has power over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory." But all of a sudden, we read in Revelation 11 that they gave glory to Him, "...and gave glory to the God of heaven." So, this must be on a different time frame, or different people. We deciphered it to be us, in a certain time frame. We gave glory to the God of heaven. And then it says, "The second woe is past."
And when you know that the second woe is the corona vaccination, the mRNA vaccination crisis, which is a great test—the test of the number of the beast, 666—, is over. Now, when is that over? When is 666 over? When it’s painted in the heavens—on the 4th of June 2025. So, we should reach there. "And the second woe is past, and behold, the third woe cometh quickly." When this has passed, it comes really, really, really quickly—not just quickly in terms of "Jesus, I come quickly," 2,000 years ago. No, this is the time of the coming quickly. This is the time when "I come quickly" refers to this verse. This is in chapter 22: "Behold, I come quickly; blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book." It doesn’t say "come quickly" 2,000 years ago or in the year 90, when spoken to John on Patmos. There will be a time in which I really come quickly. And the same term is used in Revelation 11 for the distance between the passing of the second woe and the third woe, which comes as quickly as Jesus comes quickly, because His coming is the third woe.
So, let’s do the math. Let’s do the math together. To make it easier, I’ve prepared an Excel spreadsheet for you, which you can follow along with. This is what I found out today when I was again revisiting the study of the two witnesses that we have tried to decipher so many times. We now know that for the times of the two witnesses, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 different time sequences or time frames.
One is the two times 1,260 days in sackcloth. Then we have deciphered that the three and a half days mentioned, where the two witnesses are dead, must instead be understood as three and a half years corresponding to the 1,290 days of Daniel.
This relates to the abomination of desolation being set up and the continuous being taken away—our DNA, our inheritance, that which should continue with every new child. All those things have already been described on different occasions. So, we have said that the standing up of the witnesses also marks a specific time. “The spirit of life”—who is that? It must have something to do with K2—"entered into them, and they stood up.” The witnesses are the Horologium clock and the Orion clock—we need to understand what that means.
Then we have the mention in Revelation 11 of "the same hour" when there was a great earthquake. What is "the same hour"? It relates to the story of the two witnesses, so we must determine when or what is "the same hour"—which time frame this refers to. And then there is something else we know now since the last video I produced: "cometh quickly." The verse says, "The third woe cometh quickly; the second woe is over, the third woe cometh quickly." We now understand for sure that this refers to the 15 plus 1 days from June 4, 2025, to June 20 or 21, 2025—a double day at the solstice when the moon stands still and the sun comes up. I’ve already placed this for you in the spreadsheet. We also know 2 times 1,260 days is 2,520 days. We also know that part for the two witnesses being death, 2 times 1,290 days—three and a half plus three and a half years or days—is 2,580 days.
These are the things we know, and we need to fill in all the empty fields and question marks. Let’s try to do that from the end to the beginning. This is how you can do it, but only when you’ve lived through the events—you can’t do it beforehand. It’s too difficult; you have to see the comets. The comets themselves have to be discovered, and they all have a discovery date. For example, K2 was discovered in 2017, and E3 in 2022. So, before that time, you would not have been able to decipher perfectly all these stories in the heavens.
Okay, let's start with "the same hour". It cannot be the same hour we found here—the prophetic hour of 15 days—because this belongs to "cometh quickly." It must be a different hour relating to the story of the two witnesses. Which of the two witnesses, Orion or Horologium, shows an hour? I mentioned it even in this video, and it is indeed—let me make it easier. I already told you: this one circle from the second sixth strike around the clock center, painted by E3 as the clock hand, is one time around the clock, if it were the minute pointer, and the minute pointer would show 60 minutes, which is one hour. So, in this hour, which takes 372 days, we have to expect the great earthquake and all these characteristics. I would say that because we cannot just say, "Oh, that was it." We tried it many times, but we still have time for it to happen. We are in this hour. It says "in the same hour" that has been running since the 28th of May 2024 and is ongoing. We are just now in August—today is the 4th of August—and we are here in the fish constellation, so we still have to go until we experience the event this is pointing to.
Also, we are already in the story of the witnesses ascending to heaven because they are already doing the spirals. This is already the time of the spiraling out. The scroll is already being rolled together—not completely gone, but still in the scrolling process. Let’s see that again. Here it says, "And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, 'Come up hither,' and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them." These clouds and the comets are swirling out, "and in the same hour, there was a great earthquake." So, when it starts to spiral—and this begins on the 28th of May. Here comes the first spiral. Before, it was curved, curved, curved, but then it starts to spiral. This is the ascending of the witnesses.
I hope I'm making myself clear. And now, going back to our spreadsheet, I prepared that already, of course, on sheet 2. From the 28th of May 2024 to the 4th of June—the same date when the "cometh quickly" period begins—we have 372 days. I’ve just added a formula to check how many days are between the "from" and "to" dates—this is just a verification for me and for you. It seems to be perfectly correct. So we have the same hour. We have shown the hour on one witness, the Horologium. So that’s fantastic It’s exactly this duration of 372 days that we studied a long time ago.
Next question: "the standing up of the witnesses." There must also be a time frame that can only be deciphered by looking up into the heavens, and we’ve talked about that many, many times. So, let’s do that—let’s look up. I’m going to Stellarium, and of course, I know that the first witness to stand up was Orion. In Orion, we have a clock hand, which is K2. We’ve now discovered that it is the spirit of life painting the Mu. So the spirit of life enters into them—or at least into one of them. The first one where it entered was Orion.
Now, let’s see when it exactly entered. On the 14th of December—by the way, that’s a dream date. I had a dream on that date a long, long time ago, I think in 2012, that the very last important battle would begin on the 14th of December of some year. Now we know the year—2023. Did I say 2024? No, it is 2023, of course. So, it (the spirit of life) entered into Orion. But the text says—we always have to read the text exactly—it says, "and after three and a half days, the spirit of life from God entered into them, or one of them, and they stood upon their feet." So, we are in a process from when one stands up to when the second has stood up. "They stood upon their feet, and great fear fell." This great fear must then occur during this hour of 372 days when the plagues begin to unfold—that must be the great fear, of course. Oh, we have ants here—I’m sorry, but it’s a tropical island where I live, it is so... okay.
Let’s see when Orion would have stood up. We just have to move K2 and see when it comes into the so-called "lines for the feet." So, on the 26th of December 2023, Orion obviously began standing up on that foot which is kneeling here. But the standing up of Orion had not happened yet. I do some training in the morning, and I do exactly this movement; it hurts In that leg—because you lift up with that leg. You use this quadriceps to move your body up. So here, you do not stand up with this leg—it’s impossible to stand up with this leg. You have to use the muscles of this leg to lift yourself up, especially when your hands are up here. The standing up can only happen when K2 comes to this leg and activates it. Let’s see when that is.
At least, the first line of the Orion constellation is touched and passed by K2 on the 26th of December. So, the spirit of life entered into them, and they stood upon their feet. The first stands upon his foot, or the first foot, is on the 9th of January 2024. We’ve written about that date—this is exactly the crossing of the foot star line between Rigel and who? Mintaka. The spirit of life entered into them and on the Line between Holy Spirit at the left foot, we have the fulfillment of the verse. You’ll see, we’re coming to something very awe-inspiring again. This is incredible, but this is study, and it takes a while. You have to follow, you have to bear with me.
So, we have the 9th of January—that’s the process when it began. The Spirit of life, K2, Mu, comes in, even on the Mintaka line to the foot. We have the standing up of the first witness. How long? Until the second witness has at least lifted itself up to two feet? Two times foot equals two feet—English is difficult, alright, you know what I mean. We know that date, we know that date. The second witness is the Horologium, and it is the second strike on the pendulum. The pendulum is the foot, but you do not have two pendulums, so it’s two strikes on the same pendulum that make two feet for the Horologium. And I’ll show you the date, of course—you know it: the 28th of May. We need to show you that E3 comes there a second time. So, here we are at the pendulum—that was the first strike, coming from here.
First strike, second strike. There are two feet: first foot, second foot. Here we are, 28th of May. So this is the time frame: from the 9th of January 2024 to the 28th of May 2024 is the standing-up time frame of the witnesses. I’ve put it here—9th of January 2024 to 28th of May 2024—140 days, calculated and corroborated with a formula. That minus that is 140 days. Good, we have already deciphered three time frames that don’t have specific numbers because we had to wait—and be blessed We had to wait and be blessed to understand these things by studying the heavens.
Now, let’s move on to the numbered time frames. First, we’re going to do the 2 times 1,290 days when the witnesses were dead. That calculates to 2,580 days, leading up to the 9th of January. So, I can calculate from the 9th of January 2024 minus 2,580 days, and then I ask myself, or rather the program or date calculator to give me the answer. What date is that? It’s the 16th of December 2016.
2016 was a very, very, very, very important year in our movement. It was the year in which we made our sacrifice on my little mountain, on my farm, and prayed that Jesus would give more time for the movement—especially for the 144,000 to be sealed, as they were definitely not sealed in 2016. So, we prayed for more time. This story was prophesied by Ellen White, but not by her alone—it is also in Revelation 7. We wrote an entire article series about that.
Now, regarding the 16th of December, we had completed the sacrifice and prayed for more time on the third day of Tabernacles. We published this prayer or petition to God as an official declaration on the "LastCountdown" website, which was our current website at the time of the sacrifice. Then the Holy Spirit told us to open a new website, to start completely anew with a new design, a new layout, and new articles. But these articles at the beginning were talking about the end of our old ministry. Many people, together with us, had expected Jesus to come on the 24th of October 2016, and many were disappointed because we did this prayer, and they said it was fake—that we only did it to cover up our disappointment. But that was not the case.
We had a camp meeting. We were up on that hill in 40°C heat—it was unbearable. I had just had surgery in July of that year. I got a new hip, and was really suffering in this tent. I would not do that as a joke. On the third day, the Holy Spirit woke me up and told me what to do: that Jesus would not come if we prayed for it, and if we didn’t pray, He would come but would totally destroy the earth—it would be the total end because the 144,000 had not been sealed. Of course, I couldn’t do otherwise. I knew that it would be unbelievable, but I told them—I told my people with me in the tents what needed to be done. It was pretty hard to do: pray Jesus away. We were all glad and happy to go to heaven a couple of days later, but that wasn’t to be.
Around the same time frame when we were up there, we understood that God wanted us to open a new website—the"white cloud farm" website—because that would then truly lead to the coming on the white cloud in heaven. The whole story of this website, or shall I say, after that initial article series, the rest of the story of the "White Cloud Farm" website speaks about this coming that I’m showing you now—how we studied that, how we discovered the true coming. And of course, we made some errors in the time frames over all these years of studying. We’re talking about the end of 2016 up to now—that’s nine years until Jesus comes. And that’s a lot of time for people who, in 2016, truly believed that Jesus would appear in the heavens.
So, I asked myself when I saw this date, the 16th of December—it was somewhere in my head, but it didn’t fit directly because we had so many other things. We had the sacrifice in October, we had the expected coming on the 24th, and we published the oath or pledge—our official declaration—on the 22nd of October, which was the anniversary of the Millerite Midnight Cry, and so on. But the December date wasn’t as memorable. We opened the new website on the 22nd of November 2016. Then I remembered we wrote some initial articles, and the initial articles were a series.
I can show you the series. The series was called "The Sacrifice of Philadelphia," and it consisted of four initial articles, though the fourth one is a little different from the others. The very first article spoke about something we had known for a long time but had not published—that God is not just love, but also time. He is not the creator of time; rather, He is time Himself. He is intrinsically time, and this article explains all these concepts. We thought it was the right moment to publish this.
Then came the next two articles, published in rapid succession. The first was published on the 22nd of November, and then came these two articles: "The Day of the Witnesses" and "The Hour of Decision." These two articles marked, or explained the end of our former, initial ministry, which began in 2010—our "Orion" ministry, the "Last Countdown" ministry. These articles explained what we did there in the tents, the prayer we made, and the significance of the hour of the witnesses. We even called it "The Hour of the Witnesses."
The last article of this two-part interior subseries was written by my friend and brother, Robert Dickinson, who also lived in the tents with us at that time. This article, the last of the explanatory articles, marked the finishing and absolute end of our Last Countdown ministry. It was written and published on the 16th of December 2016. This article includes a photo of the tents where we stayed in that dry and hot area, full of snakes and really, really hot tents. Brother Gerhard is pictured here with his sombrero, erecting all these tents and doing the hard work up there. We had to first clear a flat area, and so on. All of this is described here—what we did, how we prayed, and what we studied up there at the end of our Last Countdown ministry. It’s all written here and very nicely detailed because it’s very important. It’s based on Revelation chapter 7, where the four angels got the order to hold back the winds.
On the very day of [Yom Kippur shortly before] the sacrifice, something happened that I never saw before in my life, and never since: my cactus, which I had for 10 or 14 years without a single flower, suddenly bloomed with four flowers. There were four authors in the ministry at that time. You can see the photo—you know me, a little bit slimmer now because I was very sick at that time with cortisone and all that stuff, but I lost 20 kilos later. This is Brother Robert, Brother Gerhard (whom you know from the recent videos), and our Pastor Ray. We were the four authors at that time. So, this was the end—this was the last article. Exactly with this article, our Last Countdown ministry was terminated. It explained how it ended, and that’s the story of the end, published on the 16th of December 2016. You see, there’s a lot to tell.
This is even the second part. Our articles are really, really detailed, and I think very nicely done. It’s so sad that so few people read them and take the time, because this is the experience of God’s last-day people.
As I said, it terminated our Last Countdown ministry. Now, let’s go to the biblical text. We said: this spans from the 16th of December 2016 to the 9th of January 2024—until the spirit of life entered again. This is the time that the witnesses have been dead. So indeed, we ended the Last Countdown ministry with this explanatory article on the 16th of December 2016, just to start the "White Cloud Farm" ministry, which was essentially dead from the beginning. This is exactly what we felt. There is no doubt about this prophecy, to absolutely perfectly describe our feelings when we say, "And the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit overcame the witnesses and killed them". Instead of Christianity recognizing our sacrifice, which was truly a sacrifice, they said we lied blatantly. They claimed that Jesus would never have come on the 24th of October 2016. "Go away" We had many people attacking us—some even wanted the tithe back for years, and so on. We barely survived on small donations, a hundred dollars here and fifty dollars there, but they were shouting against us, coming against us, and killing us with their words and deeds. Wow, you have no idea—this was all when we started the new ministry. It’s described very, very clearly in that text.
Now listen carefully: "When they shall have finished their testimony"—the testimony in sackcloth. This must then refer to the time before, when we were in sackcloth with the Last Countdown ministry during the time frame of the Orion message. But when they have finished this testimony—we finished it with this last article, the third article in the series that explained everything we did to conclude that ministry—“when they shall have finished their testimony” in sackcloth, then it doesn’t get better for them; it gets worse: "The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them."
I know this is a long video, but now I’ll show you the heavenly situation. What is this beast that comes out of the bottomless pit? In May 2017, we deciphered the Mazzaroth as the voice of God the Father, which is also a clock with the 12 constellations of the Mazzaroth. Now, let me go back to 2016, specifically to December 16th. Here we go. So, which constellation is activated by the sun? We learned that it’s a horrible constellation—it’s Ophiuchus, the snake bearer, representing Lucifer or the Pope of Rome, who has the snake inside, which represents Satan. The snake is Satan, and that’s the Pope riding the beast, the UN. And look where the sun is—it’s almost in the area of the galactic center. This is the bottomless pit, which we deciphered a long time ago. In 2017, we deciphered that this is the bottomless pit, the galactic center. There is a huge black hole—the bottomless pit—which is Sagittarius A*, the center of our galaxy. I think it has 4 million solar masses or something like that. It’s also a symbol for God the Father, who dwells in the darkness, but definitely, a black hole is a bottomless pit—it has no bottom, it’s a singularity, and nobody knows what that is. Nothing can escape it. But this one, this is the beast, together with the Pope of Rome, who rides it now.
Yes, I wanted to show you Sagittarius A*. Here is the center of the galaxy—this is the black hole that holds our whole spiral galaxy together, this gravitational bottomless pit. The sun is very near it. And who is there? Which of the planets symbolizes Satan, standing for the beast out of the bottomless pit? It’s Saturn, and Saturn is exactly in the Ophiuchus constellation, powered by the sun, which is the perfect constellation to fulfill that verse we just read: "The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them."
This is also a time frame, in which this happened. "And shall overcome them and kill them." So, we were killed then by all those who were influenced by Satan’s spirit. It was a terrible time for the White Cloud Farm ministry, the ministry Wow, that was hard until we started to decipher the second witness, until we saw the sign of the Son of man appearing, and until the power—the spirit of life—entered again. So, this is the ministry of being dead—in two stages. In former explanations, we found out that this must have something to do with the mRNA vaccination, because it’s also called the time frame of the second woe, which starts in the 5th trumpet with the 5 months of waiting time until the vaccination—the deadly vaccination—is developed and then given to the people in the 6th trumpet. All this is explained in other videos and articles. So you can see that there are now certain dates connected to that.
There is one date I haven’t shown you so far. We have two times 1,290 days related to the abomination of desolation. Alright, let’s calculate one more date. I’ll write here, the 1,290 days. I want to calculate the midpoint. So, if this started on the 16th of December 2016, then I have to do the calculation—equals this plus that. Hopefully, this comes in a date format—the 28th of June 2020—directly at the beginning of the corona crisis.
And then I had a chat again, because my memory isn’t perfect. I wouldn’t know exactly what happened on this date and on that date, especially so early in the corona crisis, which hadn’t even been declared yet because it was December 2019 when it was just emerging. So, I asked ChatGPT a little bit about these two dates, if they make sense, if they’re connected in any way to the vaccination or the crisis.
I’d also like to share this little chat with you. Let me read it because it’s really incredibly interesting. I asked, “Which milestones in the development of mRNA vaccines were reached in 2016, and when exactly?” The answer was:
“In 2016, significant milestones were reached in the development of mRNA vaccines (They had been developed long before the corona crisis, you see what I mean.), particularly regarding their potential for use in humans. Here are the key milestones at that time:
1. **February 2016:** Moderna Therapeutics, a biotechnology company, initiated the first-ever clinical trial of an mRNA vaccine in humans. In 2016. The trial was for an mRNA-based vaccine against the Zika virus, marking a critical step in demonstrating the potential of mRNA technology for vaccine development.
2. **August 2016:** BioNTech, a German biotechnology company, announced the initiation of clinical trials for its mRNA-based cancer immunotherapy. Although this was not a vaccine for infectious diseases, it was a crucial milestone in demonstrating the versatility and potential of mRNA technology in various medical applications, including oncology.
These milestones were significant because they represented the transition of mRNA vaccine technology from pre-clinical research to human clinical trials, paving the way for the rapid development of mRNA vaccines that would later become crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
ChatGPT is not bad, right? So, I asked more because I was intrigued. “Anything remarkable in December 2016?" Because we have the 16th of December of that year.”
“In December 2016, a notable milestone in the field of mRNA vaccines was reached when Moderna Therapeutics announced positive interim results for their early-stage clinical trials. This announcement was significant as it provided evidence for the safety and potential efficacy of mRNA vaccines in humans. The details include:
**December 2016:** Moderna Therapeutics shared positive interim results for its Phase 1 clinical trial of an mRNA-based vaccine against the Zika virus. These results demonstrated that the vaccine was well tolerated and elicited an immune response, providing early evidence that mRNA vaccines could be safe and potentially effective in humans. These findings were crucial (crucial) in building confidence in mRNA vaccine technology, setting the stage for further development and investment in mRNA vaccines for various infectious diseases.”
So, in December 2016, they even started to develop that technology that they would later test during the COVID-19 crisis on humans, bypassing the normal 10, 15, 20, or 30 years of testing. Then I asked, how close are we to nailing down the exact date. "Which date in December that announcement was made?”
“Moderna Therapeutics announced the positive interim results for their early-stage clinical trials on December 14th," just two days before the 16th, the date of our publication of the last article on our old website, marking the end of their testimony. Even the original text says they are ‘about to finish.’ We put the last writing strokes on the article on the 14th of December to publish it on the 16th. "This announcement marked a significant milestone in the development of mRNA vaccines, demonstrating their potential in a clinical setting.”
Now, to refresh your memory—1290 days from the 16th of December, and God often calculates inclusively, would bring us to the 27th of June, because on the 28th of June 2020, the second 1290 days began. So, it would be calculated correctly, subtracting one day and that would bring us to the 27th of June, which would be the perfect calculation. Let’s see.
Therefore, I asked directly, “Was there any remarkable event on June 27, 2020, or some days around that date…” (I didn’t want to exaggerate the detail to God Himself
“On June 27, 2020, a significant event in the COVID-19 crisis and vaccination efforts was the publication...” We’re talking about publications all the time, and we’ve seen so many times that God uses publication dates—when something is made public, when it’s shown to the world. “So, the efforts included the publication of encouraging results from early trials (the results of the trials in 2016) of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine candidate. Around this date, several key developments occurred:
First, on June 26, 2020—one day before—the New England Journal of Medicine published data from a Phase 1 clinical trial of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine. The study showed that the vaccine induced an immune response in all participants, generating neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Second, in late June 2020—so we’re late in June, talking about the 28th of June, the 27th of June, so late June—Pfizer and BioNTech, who were also developing an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2), announced preliminary results from their clinical trials, indicating that the vaccine candidate induced a robust immune response.
So, there is first the setting up of the abomination that will causes desolation, and then it isset up. Then comes the next 1,290 days, during which it is applied and makes desolate. "These events were crucial as they provided early evidence..." What kind of evidence, when later the evidence shows that it is bad for humans? "...that mRNA vaccines could be effective..." Yeah, “could be,”—at least it’s evidence that it could be. Let’s just say , “perhaps effective.” "...against COVID-19, bolstering confidence in this new technology and accelerating (that's the problem) global vaccination efforts." It was accelerating the global vaccination efforts.
This happened exactly at the end of June, when we have the midpoint of the two times 1,290 days "Without these achievements, could the COVID-19 vaccine have been approved?" Without these first 1,290 days, could we have had the second?
"The early achievements in June 2020 were crucial in the development and eventual approval of COVID-19 vaccines. Without a doubt. Without these milestones, the timeline (Timeline, I did not ask for a timeline, but it puts it there.) and success of vaccine approval could have been significantly impacted. Here’s why:"
1. **Demonstration of Safety and Efficacy:** The early trial results from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech provided critical data demonstrating that mRNA vaccines could safely elicit a strong immune response in humans. These findings were essential for moving forward to larger Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials.
2. **Regulatory Confidence:** (Regulatory through states) The positive results from early trials—the first 1,290 days—built confidence among regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EMA in the potential of mRNA vaccines. This confidence was vital for granting Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) later in the year.
3. **Acceleration of Development:** Promising early data accelerated further investments, partnerships, and the scaling up of production capabilities." Now, the money machine was starting to roll and to print. "It allowed companies to proceed with large-scale manufacturing even before final approval, ensuring rapid distribution once the vaccines were authorized.
4. **Public Trust:** (The great lie) Early successes and transparent communication about trial results helped build public trust in the vaccines—trust that was later eroded by the truth. This trust was important for achieving high vaccination rates once the vaccines became available.
Without these early achievements and the data they provided, the development process would have likely been slower, potentially delaying the approval and distribution of effective COVID-19 vaccines." So, the setting up in the first 1,290 days led to the distribution and the death in the second 1,290 days.
So then we have an end on the 9th of January, as we studied, when the spirit of life entered, and the first witness, Orion, stood up on the foot that was kneeling and had to get up with the foot that helped him stand up.
So, what happened in January 2024 that would allow us to state that the COVID-19 crisis was over? Because it says the second woe is over.Was it really over?
"In January 2024, several key events and developments led to the declaration that the COVID-19 crisis was indeed over. The fist answer is a very important and well-explained answer:
1. **Global Vaccination Coverage:** By January 2024, a significant portion of the global population..." Remember, the 6th trumpet speaks about the portion—how many people had been vaccinated to death. "...had been vaccinated, including booster doses. High vaccination rates contributed to widespread immunity, significantly reducing the spread of the virus.
2. **Endemic Phase:** COVID-19 transitioned from a pandemic (the woe) to an endemic phase (no woe anymore), meaning that the virus was still present but at much lower and manageable levels (They won’t admit that it completely went away, or that it became just like the flu.). The shift indicated that the virus was no longer causing large-scale outbreaks and overwhelming healthcare systems.
3. **Effective Treatments:** Advances (oh no) in antiviral treatments and therapeutics made COVID-19 a more manageable disease—a more manageable flu. Effective treatment protocols reduced the severity of cases and mortality rates, contributing to the overall control of the virus.
4. **Public Health Measures:** Continued adherence to public health measures, such as improved ventilation, mask-wearing in high-risk settings, and regular testing, helped keep transmission rates low.
5. **International Cooperation:** Strong international cooperation and coordination in monitoring and responding to new variants ensured that any resurgence of the virus was quickly contained.
6. **Economic and Social Recovery:** The global economy and societies showed strong signs of recovery, with most countries lifting remaining restrictions and returning to pre-pandemic normalcy. The second woe was over.
These factors collectively contributed to the World Health Organization and other major health bodies declaring that the COVID-19 crisis was effectively over by January 2024."
Now, I wanted to nail down the exact date. "Was anything remarkable on January 8-9 or 9-10 in a Hebrew setting when we see K2 passing the second foot line of Orion? Anything remarkable on January 8th, 9th, or 10th, 2024, in this regard of lifting measures?
Now, look at how precisely the heavens speak to us. On January 9, 2024... Do you believe it? What did we calculate? January 9, 2024, is the day when the second woe is over, marking the end of the two witnesses being "dead"—witnesses who had endured all these development times with the vaccines and remained strong during the second 1,290 days of the great test of the number of the beast.
I’ll read it again: On January 9, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—the U.S. Health Ministry, the second beast—announced the end of several COVID-19 restrictions, marking a significant step towards declaring the COVID-19 crisis over. This included lifting the five-day isolation requirement for individuals testing positive for COVID-19, reflecting a shift towards managing the virus more like other endemic respiratory illnesses (like the flu). This decision was based on widespread vaccination coverage, the availability of treatments, and the reduced severity of cases and hospitalizations.
Additionally, around this period, global organizations and governments coordinated efforts to transition from emergency measures to more sustainable, long-term strategies for managing COVID-19. This included maintaining vaccine and treatment access for uninsured individuals through programs like the HHS Bridge Access Program. These measures collectively indicated a significant turning point—as seen in the heavens and in the prophecy of the two witnesses—in the COVID-19 (second woe) pandemic, facilitating the return to normalcy and the declaration that the crisis phase of the pandemic was over.
Wow At least I do. All right, but we’re not done. We’re at the last dates. What’s missing?
So, this was the "White Cloud Farm" time—the whole corona crisis preparation and the corona crisis itself. We’ve spoken about that many times, in many, many, many articles. We warned people, and you know all this if you are a member of this ministry. But if you’re outside and (hopefully) not vaccinated, then know that we were really warning and warning and warning against taking that satanic stuff. We also explained the number of the beast being connected to it, and so on.
What’s missing now is to calculate the 2,520 days that must then belong to... Okay, we can say already, the "to" field points to the 16th of December, the publication date of the article that explained the end of our former Last Countdown ministry. So, let’s do the calculation. We have 2,520 days, and if we count inclusively, then we come to the 23rd of January 2010. Calculating exclusively 2,520 days brings us to January 22, 2010. And now I know all our members are already shouting—that’s either exactly or very close to the exact date of the beginning of our Orion message publication again.
As I said, you have two times the 16th here, so you have to exclude one day to have the biblical count. So I put here 2,519 days—that should be the absolutely correct one—and then I have to put here, of course, one day later. And then I have 2,519 to 2,519—the same count. This is the exact publication date of the Orion study in German because I’m a native German speaker, and this was the first time that the study was available. A certain prophet even dreamt about this day—that a certain new scroll was found on his kitchen counter. Why did he have this prophecy? Because I had a problem, "Houston, I had just a little problem."
Let’s go to the proof. This is our old website, The Last Countdown, but I have it now in German because in German, I have the right date, as I published first in German. I showed you the other publication dates too, but I had a problem on the server. This here says, first date: January 21. I know I published it—it says here first date—I know I published it on the Friday night before the Sabbath. I wanted to get this wonderful study of Orion being our High Priest in heaven, interceding for us before the throne of the Father in the Most Holy Place—I wanted to get this out on a Saturday, on the Sabbath. But my server at that time—in 2010, people—server administration was a terrible mess, and I had the wrong date on the server. So the article took the server date, and this was two days off.
Therefore, I have this date time. What is correct is the hour. It was indeed late on the 22nd to the 23rd of January 2010. So this is exactly where the error was. I published it for the Sabbath, so Friday the 22nd; Sabbath was the 23rd. I published it just an hour before midnight, which is then correctly already the 22nd to the 23rd of January. So, if you believe only the server, then you say we are two days off, taken for granted. But I know, and the prophet said, it was on the Sabbath on his kitchen counter—a new scroll with a golden ribbon around it. It was the golden message from the golden Most Holy Place and the golden true sanctuary in heaven.
And now we come from publication to publication to publication. This is what we saw all the time—the wonderful publication dates that God uses. When it is preached, when it goes out, then He says the preaching of the two witnesses began. It’s all here, look: "And I will give power—I will give the Holy Spirit—unto My two witnesses: Orion and Horologium." Horologium was not visible at that time; it was under a cloth. And also, for many people, Orion was under a cloth, and therefore we preached in sackcloth. Nobody would believe the Orion message. From the very first day it was published I tried to make it public and to show especially my brothers in the Adventist Church—I was still at that time a Seventh-day Adventist—that they would not, by all means, with all the proof that I had, believe that the Orion study was correct. They would not even start to believe.
We always preached in sackcloth, and when we made our sacrifice, we indeed died like a sacrifice dies. Therefore, we were dead for seven years, including two leap months, until the Spirit of Life came to enter into Orion and make him stand up. From Orion to Orion, seven years in sackcloth, seven years dead—from the first publication of the Orion message in German to the very 9th of January 2024 when a clock hand of God sent a million years ago from the Oort Cloud enters exactly the foot line between the Holy Spirit, Mintaka, and Rigel in Orion.
I would say that's really incredible—actually it should be credible because there is so much proof in that Just to keep my promise, I wanted to show you the other dates of the publication—for example, in English. I was again always faster in English than in Spanish. The Orion message in English was published on January 26, 2010, and the same message in Spanish was published a little later (I needed longer), on the 5th of February 2010. But indeed, I published it first absolutely on the 22nd, 23 hours in the night leading to the 23rd, the Sabbath, so that it would be available for the world on the Sabbath.
And this is when you come full circle, when you come to the complete and perfect deciphering of the time of the two witnesses and their reporters—the witnesses of the witnesses. We are the witnesses of the witnesses, with two websites, two time frames, 14 years with leap months, like Jacob working for Laban. Yeah, I hope you are blessed by this story and by this deciphering, and knowing what the true river Euphrates is now—the great and marvelous Holy-Spirit-river of living water—and how that fits together with the Spirit of Life that entered into the two witnesses.
And how I could finally decipher these time frames, and that it indeed points directly to our ministry and what we did, to the turning point between the first seven years and the second seven years with the COVID development, with the last article published telling about the old ministry, and then starting a new ministry with The Seven Lean Years article in the same series. That was the first intent to understand the next time frame of another nine years that are now almost behind us—at least nearly.
So, I wish you, whatever day you have, if you are watching this video on a Sabbath, be blessed, have a blessed Sabbath. And if not, anyway, be blessed, and wait until we reach the travel of the 1,335 light years of Daniel 12. See you then.
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