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The Boy Who Knew the Time - Part 2

So, a new day. It is now Sunday, the 28th of July, 2024, and I am trying to record the second part of this pretty long teaching video. Welcome back. New day, same shirt. I hope you're well, and you also took a pause because it's getting long now.

Let's recap a little bit. The boy told us about two hours on God's clock, the Horologium clock, the pendulum clock in heaven. It was the 11th hour on the last step of Jenny's staircase, and there was the 5 a.m. hour as the last hour of the fourth night watch. We believe now, and can believe, that this is the date of the rapture, the first resurrection and the rapture, because it's biblically connected to the wee morning hours shortly before sunrise.

So far, we did not talk about the 11th hour. Biblically, it’s the parable of Jesus about the workers, where the 11th-hour workers got paid the same salary as those who worked many more hours throughout the hot day. They came just in the very last hour, in the Jewish hour, which must be around 5 p.m. when they worked until 6 p.m.

Aha, okay. So, we are pointed to a time between March 28, 2025, and June 4, 2025, being the 11th hour for the last-hour workers. In our movement, we are always hoping, praying, and fervently pleading with God that the message will finally go out and that the 11th-hour workers, who are definitely the 144,000 according to Daniel 12 that will shine like the stars and lead many to righteousness, which we believe could be the martyrs.

So, we are talking about a time when the message truly goes out, the latter rain in any form is poured out, the fourth angel's message shines, and finally—Revelation 18—illuminates the earth. All the work we did for 14, 15 years would then come to fruition. This is what we believe. The question is, what event would happen to make this come to pass?

It must be an event so prominent that it really wakes people up. I know of one church, and I was a member of that church, that would wake up with a very special event: the so-called Sunday Law. I'm talking about the Seventh-day Adventists, of course. When the Sunday Law comes, or at least becomes visible, they will wake up because it is what they have been anticipating for the last 170 years or so. Yes, since 1846, to be exact.

When this happens, it would be the only valid sign of Jesus's coming for them. That is because Ellen G. White, the messenger (she refused to be called a prophet, saying her scope of work was much bigger than just being a prophet), said the very last act of the end-time drama is the Sunday Law.

Now, I personally did not see it developing in a form that I would say it's now, it's coming before Jesus comes, it's really coming. We saw the LGBT movement fulfilling the image of the beast, we saw the vaccination fulfilling the number of the beast, and we saw in the 1880s the developments with the blue laws in the U.S., which Alonzo T. Jones then prevented that it would become nationwide. And I saw this as the mark of the beast because the sign (I do not have to say all these things, but I repeat them in case you show this video to other people), the sign of God or the mark of God is His Sabbath, the seventh-day Sabbath, instituted in Eden already, then reinforced by the Ten Commandments. It's the fourth commandment. And then comes the Sunday movement, and almost all Christians today keep the Sunday instead of the Sabbath, and they transgress this commandment of God.

Now we have an extreme movement in the U.S., mightily powered by President Trump. It's called Project 2025. Listen to the year: Project 2025. It is really important that even the year of Jesus' coming is the name of the Sunday project. They first want to bring the Bibles back into the public schools and more or less force Christianity upon everybody who came into the United States and brought different religions—Jewish people or especially Islam.

So what sounds to a Christian ear at first very nice, indeed comes with a disguised poison, which is forcing Sunday worship upon the people. And this movement is there, and whoever would not believe that Trump supports it could see that in this campaign that he did recently—two weeks or one week ago, when he announced J.D. Vance as his vice president. And this is exactly the leader who is connected to Project 2025, of an extreme right Christian nationalist movement.

So now, when Trump is elected, we not only can expect that he fires Gary Gensler and supports the Bitcoin community, which is good, and he will bring back Christian values, which would be good, but indeed it is a fanatic movement that probably will bring a forced Sunday worship over the U.S. at least, which is expected from the prophecies of Ellen White to be the last act of the drama.

So we have to talk about when we see these two times in the clock, or even three—when we see the 11th hour as the beginning of a very intense, end-time event fulfillment. Then we will go to the five o'clock hour, but we pass the six o'clock hour as well. So we have exact dates in 2025. We have to think, What could it be?

We're not good in these things—we have dates, we see them on the clocks of God, but to harmonize that with future world events that we do not know exactly, it's very speculative. But it is not bad to speculate about some things if you have prophecies that point to certain aspects.

So I could imagine that, for example, the 11th hour points to something like a visible development of a Sunday Law in the U.S. And when this U.S. law has become nationwide, then you know that the whole world tries to copy what the U.S. does. This comes very, very quickly; in rapid succession. And so we would have the 28th of March, for example, as a visible fulfillment of the Sunday Law—a National Sunday Law in the U.S. And then we would come to the 4th of June when, for example, the hour of the ten horns with the beast will start.

What we have to do now is go to the Bible and check the verse again that points to this hour, which could be the hour between six o'clock and five o'clock on the Horologium. So, we are now in the Bible, in Revelation chapter 17, which is shown and explained by one of the angels who have the seven last plagues. We have already deciphered that this is the comet K2, which swirls around in Orion, the other witness that has to say more or less the same as the Horologium witness says.

We will get to that. This video is really, really deep. You will see that. So, where are we exactly? Last Sabbath, the video of the penultimate Sabbath was published, where the brothers in Paraguay deciphered the riddle here, of which it is even told to us that only those with wisdom can decipher it. So, it's the wise ones who can decipher the riddle, and we could decipher it. And then God calls us wise if we can do that, not we ourselves call us wise, right?

The seven heads are seven mountains. The religious count of the popes and the political count of the popes solve this riddle. But if you want to know more about this, then watch the Sabbath sermon video. So, after this riddle has been solved, we come to Revelation 17:12. As humans, we are often confused when we read things and then see, “Oh, now we know what the beast is and that the pope of Rome was riding the beast, which is the UN with the ten horns as Europe, and that also has seven heads of the G7.” Then we are done, and then we read on and miss details, leaving some out. So, we come to this number 12 verse, and let’s read it together now. And then I will ask you, who makes war with whom and why? "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;” “As yet” refers to the time when K2 already has the bowl. So from the 13th of July on, when it received the fourth bowl. No, the sun (the sun god, Trump) received the shot in the ear. The bowl was poured out upon him, but then he got the power to burn the people with a false fanatic movement, pretending it's the Holy Spirit flame movement of the great revival, but it is not.

So then we read the verse now: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast."

And quickly, we see the hour, and this must be between 6 a.m. and 5 a.m., even being an hour on the Horologium clock, which is nice. Also, it is 15 days plus one, which is one prophetic hour plus one day—the day for the rapture—everything fits very nicely and harmoniously together. But we overlook that we are not talking about the whole beast that makes war here, or gets the kingdom, or gets the power as kings one hour with the beast.

So, we're talking about something the European Union—the ten kings—has (but not completely), and then even gives this power to the UN, the beast. This is not a simple thing. We have to understand what this verse is really talking about. And it even goes on: “these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”

So, it's about the ten horns. It is about something that is there in the European Union—in Europe—and then “these” (probably the ten kings and the UN) shall make war with the Lamb. And the Lamb shall win—“shall overcome them, for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and they that are with Him are called and chosen and faithful.”

And then it emphasizes even that we are talking about something which is happening in Europe. It says, “and he says to me,” this angel with the bowl, “the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth”—the whore is the Roman Catholic Church in Italy, in Europe—"are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.” It refers to Revelation 13 when the first beast, came out of the many waters; out of the sea.

So Europe, Europe, Europe is in the bull's eye, as Biden would put it. So we have to watch. There is something in Europe which has not gotten total power so far but will become such a big power that it can even give this power to the beast, to the UN. And we all know what it is.

I'm from Germany, and my brother Gerhard is from Austria, and we all grew up before we came to Paraguay—we all grew up in our countries under an active Sunday law, which we have in Europe. An active Sunday law. I even come from Bavaria—Munich—where in my whole youth—and I left Germany when I was 36—I never knew that throughout the world you can go shopping and whatever on a Sunday . You can even buy in the supermarkets until 10 o'clock in the evening. I never saw that. I never was aware that would be so because we have always had a Sunday shopping prohibition since I was born or even much longer. It is even in the constitution of Germany that this day is holy, sacred, and has to be protected, the Sunday.

We have been living under a Sunday law for a long time. Even when you mow your garden on a Sunday and so on, you have to pay fines if you are accused by a neighbor. And my brother Gerhard, perhaps in a video, can talk about Austria and it's hard.

So, what I did yesterday when I saw these verses pointing so strongly to Europe, I went to ChatGPT, and I asked ChatGPT something. I asked what I want to show you in the next part. Okay, here we are. I asked ChatGPT which nations in the European Union have Sunday legislation. In Germany, Bavaria, for example, there is a prohibition to work on Sundays. And so then ChatGPT answers and says Sunday legislation in the European Union varies from country to country. Some nations have strict laws prohibiting work and certain activities on Sundays, while others have more relaxed regulations. Here are some examples of EU countries with notable Sunday legislation.

So, he gives me a list, and I do not want to make the video extremely long. I will give you these documents with the copy of this chat with ChatGPT later. But I want you to note how many countries are named here. The count who have notable Sunday legislations: Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Spain, Hungary, and Luxembourg. Wow. When I saw this count, it's 10 nations. That's incredible. It's 10 kings, but these kings have not received power so far. Who can give power to those so that their already-intrinsic Sunday legislation can then spread, for example, to the whole of Europe? Only the European Commission can do that. It's a little bit complicated, but they can do that.

And there has been a Sunday movement since 2010. We have been writing about this Sunday movement in the European Union, even originating from Germany. So, I asked another question to be sure, "Are there more countries in the EU with strict Sunday regulations?" And ChatGPT answered, saying that in addition to the previously mentioned countries, several other European Union countries also have varying degrees of Sunday regulations. So, it is already beginning, though not all of them have strictly enforced laws. Here is a more comprehensive list of EU countries with notable Sunday regulations: Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Estonia.

So then I said to myself, "Okay, what is it now really? Is it 10 or is it 20?" I asked, "So the first 10 countries that you named have the strictest regulations?" ChatGPT answered, "Yes, the first 10 countries I mentioned generally have the strictest regulations regarding Sunday trading and work." Here is a recap of those countries with some additional context.

So here we go again, the list of the 10 that I named before. These countries typically have more stringent Sunday regulations compared to other EU nations, reflecting cultural, religious, and social considerations. Wow. So I said to myself, these are the 10 horns, the successors. Horns are successors of the Roman beast. Rome fell into 10 parts—10 districts—and therefore in the Bible, in Revelation, we always use the 10 horns as the successors of Rome and as a symbol for the modern Rome in Europe. But indeed, we have 10 countries in the 26 (or 28, I'm not sure) member states of the European Union that already have strict Sunday law regulations. And so far, they never played a role in our interpretation of prophecy, but now they should because now we have 10 horns in Revelation 17 that play a major role after the time of the deciphering of the seven-and-eight-popes prophecy. And even they make war—together with the beast.

So the 10 horns which thou sawest are 10 kings, and now we know which ones they are—exactly which nations these 10 kings are which have received no kingdom as yet. So their Sunday regulation has not spread wider than over them so far. “But receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” So which hour are we talking about? We have one hour now exactly in the Horologium: six to five: the pendulum swing, the 15 days. “These have one mind”, being of a mindset to legislate forced Sunday worship. That's the mind that they have, “and shall give their power”. So when the European Union says, "Okay, we want to have a Sunday law fixed in our European Union constitution, to oblige every single member state to force Sunday worship upon their population," then they spread the power. Then they have the power, and they give this power again unto the beast, which is the UN or all nations. So it will spread worldwide exactly as Ellen White prophesied. And this is therefore the last war in this last hour—this last persecution.

Let me talk about this hour. It is seemingly very short: 15 days, and then Jesus comes. Perhaps we already have a similar development in the U.S. in the 11th hour from March 28th on, as I said. So that could lead to the national Sunday legislation there, so that second beast (U.S.) and first beast (Europe) together force this legislation upon the UN and spread it worldwide. But in these parts of the earth, in Europe and in the U.S., the persecution will be hardest. This is what we can say from this prophecy. So you could say, "Okay, this is only 14 days or 15 days or 16 days, and then Jesus comes. I do not have to cling to these rules," and so on. Perhaps, perhaps this is the third woe that is not so strong as Adventists believed. They believe this is a severe persecution lasting for a certain time, probably years, and they have to withstand it completely. And now this hour comes that we see now, and it's short. Therefore, I said this video is profound. We have to think about these things. Why is this so short?

And remember what I said. I said when the Sunday legislation comes, it is a sign that Jesus comes. And when you hear Pastor Henriquez, he says the same: it's a sign that Jesus comes. "Hey, the Sunday law is coming, Jesus comes." He puts that into one sentence. This is the belief system of, let me say, faithful Adventists that see the Sunday law and Jesus' coming as being together. But the more or less unfaithful Adventists all believe that first the Sunday law has to come, then it takes a long time, and then—just then, after a long tribulation—Jesus will come. And they get what they believe.

And this is what I said. Indeed, when the 666 strike happens on the 4th of June—the third strike of E3 on the pendulum—we have completed the number 666 in the heavens. And this is also a very good point in time for Jesus to say, "It's done. You now have your Sunday law, but you won't have it long because it provokes My wrath. You took everything away. The last resort that I had was that you were freely able to keep the Sabbath correctly according to the Bible on the seventh day. But now even that you take away. All worship is taken away from Me: the last act of the drama. I come." The fourth of June. Whatever happens then—worldwide, nationwide—I have no idea. Well, I have an idea, but I don't know for sure.

So, 15 days of hardest Sunday regulation, and we can shout glory. The Lord has taken His kingdom. The seventh trumpet, when that happens. But for Adventists that are not raptured—that had not prepared, as Ernie Knoll's dream clearly said, "Prepare for the wrath of God” so that you are raptured before it happens—those Adventists and Sunday-keeping Christians, not taking into account the Ten Commandments as they are written in their Bibles, will not go to heaven. They're not ready, they have not prepared, but they will be here under a Sunday law legislation that is not a test anymore after the hour.

So, let's look at what Revelation 3:10 says: "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience," to Philadelphia, the church of Philadelphia, "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience"—and we had a lot of patience—"I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth."

So we are not deceived by this. We understand this hour, which is now reduced to 15 days, and we are kept from that. We cannot fall in that. The great tests have been LGBT friendliness, same-sex marriage—endorsing it, supporting it, doing it—and the vaccination test with the fear-mongering COVID situation. These have been the great and years-long end-time tests, while the mark of the beast test that everybody is waiting for takes only a short time. It is very short, and is only a sign for the wrath of God, the second coming and the rapture. Those who stay will understand their error after the rapture.

And this is how Revelation 17 continues after the verses we have read. Again, it points to these 10 nations in the European Union that I have just shown you: “And the ten horns which thou sawest”—not the beast: “upon the beast,”—these ten nations, “these” (and now you have a list of those nations)."These shall hate the whore” because now they have recognized that the Lamb took away His people from the earth, “and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh"—terrible, no?—"and burn her with fire."

If you saw the video of the penultimate Sabbath that was published yesterday (July 26), then you also know that the last pope that is expected to be coming soon (about September this year, 2024), is Peter the Roman. And the prophecy of Malachy said clearly that Rome will burn and be destroyed under the reign of this last pope, which only takes a short time: less than a year.

So here we are, we nailed the nail in a sure place, I believe. Later I will talk about a hair in the soup. This is an idiom in German when something comes up which destroys the taste of the good dish that we try to eat, but then later we will take out this hair in the soup and again find that our nail in a sure place is even surer.

Okay, so now we understand pretty clearly that the mark of the beast is Sunday. The mark of God is the seventh-day Sabbath, and there is a war between these two in this last hour—or even beginning in the 11th hour when you can already smell it. That would be March 28th next year. I hope I made that very clear.

Now, let's go on to a different aspect of the whole thing. How does this new hour that we have, the 5 a.m. hour, fit into the Elijah story that will be the theme and published next Sabbath (August 2)? How does it fit into the Elijah story that we also see being depicted and coming to pass in Orion with K2 is the main actor there, being as a symbol for Elijah?

So, I moved the heavens now to Orion, and I will show you K2 in the position together with Jupiter on the 4th of June, 2025. This is the former suspected rapture date that we have now corrected to the 20th of June, some 16 days later. So, we also had the plagues clock, and we were always unsure, because now we have two heavenly bodies in the club of Orion. Which one of them is the seventh plague or the sixth plague? But I believe we already correctly deciphered it, saying that K2 is the sixth plague because it is the angel that draws the Mu, which is the sign of water. The Mu is the angel of the waters who had power over the waters. And we know that in the sixth plague, the waters dry out to prepare the way for the kings of the east.

Now, the question is, who are these kings of the east? But the question is also, who is the seventh plague, now? But it should be answered now: it must be Jupiter. When I show you the text of the seventh plague, then you can see that Jupiter, being the biggest and by far the biggest planet or heavenly body that crosses the plagues line of the galactic equator, perfectly fulfills the seventh plague text.

Let me go there quickly. That is Revelation 16, and here is the whole chapter. The seventh bowl: "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air"—air, we have to find out what that is—"and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, 'It is done.' And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." So it's not a real earthquake. An earthquake is a symbol for a worldwide movement. Is this the Sunday movement? Is this the shaking? "And the great city was divided into three parts." So then perhaps we would have the Trump camp: the Republicans, we would have the Democrats, and we would have the Christian movement falling into two parts now: the Sunday keepers and the Sabbath keepers, the faithful ones and the unfaithful ones. So that's a possibility, but it’s speculation.

"And the great city was divided, and the cities of the nations fell. And that great Babylon came in remembrance." Now He remembers to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. And so, probably the wrath falls on the 22nd of June, according to the date in Ernie Knoll's dream and also other things that we can see. "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." So this must be the rapture. I said this many times. Who are islands and mountains standing for? For example, we divided our camp into two parts like Jacob did in the night of trouble before he met his brother Esau. The mountains would stand for the Cordilleras, which is mountainous in Paraguay where our ministry was originally located. And we divided it, and I went to an island—to Nevis island. I was sent there by God through dreams. So, “the islands fled away and the mountains were not found.” And “mountains were not found”, you will see, refers directly to the Elijah text—Elijah's rapture text.

And then comes, "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent. And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." And here we are with Jupiter. Jupiter is a helper planet that prevents meteorites and asteroids from falling upon the earth because of its great gravitation, a great protective gravitational force. He takes the hits and the stripes for us. Therefore, it's also a symbol for Jesus. But obviously, He does not do that anymore after the rapture, when the islands and the mountains have fled away.

So, this plague is great, and they blaspheme God. I want to say something that I did not hear in the Sabbath video about the blaspheming. The people just start to blaspheme God in the fourth plague, and now we know that the sun god Trump, is making himself God. And there are so many things I could talk about also that were not seen so far from Paraguay. Blaspheming. There are two ways you can blaspheme biblically: either you pretend to be able to forgive sins, or the other thing is you make yourself God. That's blaspheming. There is no other definition in the Bible for blaspheming. So, somebody must make himself God or pretend to forgive sins. But in the case of Trump, with his video with the solar eclipse, he definitely made himself the sun god. Like Pharaoh was worshipped like a god, pretending he was the reincarnation of Ra, the sun god Ra incarnated on earth. And so, Trump does the same thing. Whether it was meant jokingly, humorously, or whatever, it does not change the fact that he does these things. And in the Bitcoin conference yesterday, he said, "You cannot elect anyone other than me if you want your industry and everything to survive. I'm the only president you can elect."

He makes himself God through his extreme boasting, and therefore, when people worship that god, they blaspheme. They blaspheme by worshipping a different god or a man who makes himself God, and blaspheming God is exactly what happens from that time on when Trump starts to reign, and they still worship Trump, Trump, Trump.

There's so much I could say about it. Did you hear in the Trump solar eclipse video, when his head was covering the sun, did you hear the melody that was played? It was the "Also sprach Zarathustra" song, and this has meaning. When people produce such short videos for an electoral campaign, they put meaning into that. I used the same melody once when we deciphered the way to Orion because I said, "Look, it's Orion; it's a symbol for God." They used this melody, the "Also sprach Zarathustra" melody, for Trump making himself God.

Who was Zarathustra? Google it. Go to Wikipedia and google it. Who was Zarathustra? He was a leader or the author of a whole religion, Zoroastrianism. Read that. There's so much I could put into this video, so many things, but you just have to google and read what Zarathustra really was. Who was he? He was the author of a whole religious movement, and he is called by his followers the great prophet. The Bible calls the second beast the false prophet. Why? We never knew why. Oh, “fallen Protestantism," is our normal explanation. Okay, is Protestantism a prophet? They begin with "pro," prophet, Protestantism. This is the only similarity so far. Why would they prophesy something wrong?

It's Trump, the godlike blasphemer, who prophesies prosperity now. "Make America Great Again." He prophesies that under his reign everything will flourish, and everything will become fine, and no need for Jesus to come or heal. He will heal the nation and the world. He said that in the Bitcoin conference; he will heal the world. He's God, and he plays the "Also sprach Zarathustra" melody and makes himself the false—no, the great prophet. But we know, and the Bible calls him the false prophet, and he is the false prophet just since that video.

Let's go back to the mountains that were not found, and this means we go back to what I wanted to tell you about Elijah. This is in 2 Kings 2. Here's the Elijah story, "Elijah Taken to Heaven." I hope our friends in Paraguay did a good job with the video. I have not watched it so far because it's not published, but I explained the story up to a certain point. I said, "Look how K2 and Jupiter always walk together like in the four stations that Elijah walked to on his last day on earth."

But one thing—and this is the culminating point, this is the rapture itself—we couldn’t see developing in the heavens because we stopped looking on the 4th of June. But it is not the end of the Elijah rapture story, when Jupiter and K2 are together, walking on the other side of the Jordan, being in the club of Orion together on a certain day. But it is the beginning of the seventh plague, yes.

Let me see where we are; it's a little bit difficult. Somewhere here, here they talk, “and it came to pass.” Here we are in verse 11: "And it came to pass, as they still went on and talked, that behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." And Elisha was left behind. Can we see this also really happening in heaven?

For me, the end of what I saw was here on this day, the 4th of June, because I had no time anymore. But when I go on now, can I see the chariot of fire coming? So I go up to the 20th of June because I have this time now. I see Mercury coming. What could Mercury be in the context of the seventh plague? It could be the great hail, for example. It's a small planet; Jupiter is much, much bigger. Look at what happens with Jupiter. Jupiter walks on. K2 also. Jupiter trespasses the line. And now, interestingly, Jupiter, if it is the seventh plague, is poured out upon the air as the seventh plague text says. And Gemini is an air sign. Each sign is one of the elements in classical astrology. I'm sorry, but this also was once.Biblical astronomersassigned the 12 Mazzaroth signs to fire, earth, wind or air, whatever it was. This is an air sign. I'm not so good in these things because I'm not an astrologer, but I know, and I also asked ChatGPT, that Gemini is an air sign.

So the seventh plague, Jupiter, is poured out upon the air sign. And then look what happens. Do you see? We are on the 16th now. Do you see the fiery chariot that parts asunder Elisha (Jupiter) and Elijah (K2)? The 20th, look at that. It's the sun. And the sun, biblically according to Psalm 19, is the bridegroom. And you will hear in one of the Paraguay videos that K2 shows the coming down of the holy city with the bridegroom. It's the sun that completes the circle around the Mazzaroth. This is the chamber for the sun, where the sun goes out of its chambers when it crosses the galactic equator on solstice, which is on the 21st of June. And interestingly, K2 and the sun on the 21st of June both stand on the galactic equator, which could also be a wonderful rapture sign. And the rapture could even take two days. We have a first resurrection, we have many teachings online that we believe that it is a double day: one day for the first resurrection, 5:00 a.m., and one day for the rapture, June 21st. And Ernie Knoll's dream showed the wrath for June 22nd. So this is how it could work out. Perhaps we will find more proof that we have a double day for the rapture.

But now we have found the fiery chariot in the Elijah story that parts Elisha and Elijah. So I went back for you now to the 4th of June, 2025, of course, and again we have the heavenly situation with Jupiter and K2 in the area of the club of Orion. But we did not put the spotlight on what is happening there with Mercury. Mercury is the factor that is not clear to us in this plagues clock. We already deciphered that K2 is the sixth plague, opening the way for the kings of the east, while Jupiter is the seventh plague that is poured out upon Gemini, which is an air sign.

Alright, but now when we move the heavens, we see Mercury coming there. So you see, on around the seventh or eighth, we have Mercury crossing the galactic equator. That would be the eighth plague, which is not correct. It would even come before Jupiter crosses the galactic equator. So what is this?As always, it's in the text in the Bible. You know that the sixth plague text speaks about opening the way for the kings of the east. It's a big riddle, and you can already say that there must be kings. And what does Christianity believe? How many kings are there? The three kings that came to visit Jesus in his house when he was two years old.

So when we look, who are the three kings? We just have to move the heavens. It's obviously Mercury, Jupiter, and the sun. These are the three kings of the east. Why are they kings? Okay, Jupiter is the king planet; it's the biggest and most massive gas planet. Massive is perhaps the wrong word, but it has an extreme gravitational force in our solar system, Jupiter, the king planet. The sun simply stands for the bridegroom who is the King of kings, no problem. But what do we do with Mercury? Mercury, of the planets of our solar system, is the smallest in heaven. It's the smallest, most tiny planet, but it's directly connected to the sun. It's the nearest planet to the sun, often standing for the messenger of the bridegroom. And Jesus said the smallest in heaven is greater than John the Baptist was. He who is the smallest, who makes himself the smallest, in a certain form can be a king. So this is why Mercury is also a king. He is nearest to the sun, is the messenger of the sun/bridegroom, and he is the smallest in heaven. Fantastic.

These are the three kings from the east. The sun: east; coming from the east. And indeed, in Taurus, we are in the west, and they are coming from the east, which would be Leo. So they are indeed coming into the right direction, the correct direction. So when we move the heavens, you can see exactly these three kings walking under K2, who is the sixth plague, who opens the way—the waterway—for them. So indeed, we could say, when is this happening more or less? It would be shortly before Jupiter passes, perhaps 30th of April, no, 2nd of May or so, the waterway would be opened. I don't know, perhaps it's also the galactic equator, and the waterway would just be opened on the 4th of June. We have to think on these things. But then, Mercury already passes on the 8th, then Jupiter coming through from the east, passing the galactic equator or the Mu, the waterway.

I will leave it open a little bit, because we have to invest more thought into that, but this is what I wanted to show you. And now to complete the Elijah story, I promised to tell you why in the seventh plague it is said that the islands and the mountains fled away or were not found. The mountains were not found anymore. The islands fled away, and the mountains were not found anymore. Let me get my Bible.

So here we are, and the story of Elijah is still not finished. Indeed, we have the story of the aftermath. When Elijah was taken to heaven, Elisha went back to the sons of the prophets on the other side of the Jordan. And then they said that they accepted him, that the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha. And then they wanted to send out and search for Elijah because they did not believe that he had been raptured. So “let them go, we pray thee and seek thy master, lest peradventure the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him upon some mountain or into some valley." Some mountain, yeah. So they would not believe that Elijah was raptured. And he said, Elisha said, "Ye shall not send. It's not necessary. He's gone with the fiery wagon. Believe it." “And when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, Send." He gave up on them. They sent therefore fifty men, and they sought three days, and what did they not find in the mountains? Elijah. Elijah was gone. Three days searching, and Elijah was gone. That's the rapture.

In this world, this could be the three days: 20th, 21st, 22nd of June 2025, the three days of searching, and they were gone, and then the hail falls. So here we are. So I think this completes this story even better now than it was before, and I hope you agree.

So the next thing is to talk about the hair in the soup. To speak about the hair in the soup, I have prepared a screenshot for you, to show you one more result of Jenny's dream. When you follow the ephemeris of E3, you can recognize that we have certain circles or spirals forming in the heavens. There was already a spiral in 2024; this is a part of it. Then we have the spiral in 2024-25, and then we have the 2025-26 spiral around here. Even in 2023, we already had fulfillments of the three degrees, 13 minutes, and 43 seconds, and we will have one or two more very close fulfillments in 2026, when the spiral comes around again and E3 has the same distance again.

This is, of course, a very important hour. It would point to the 16th of June again, in June of the year 2026, exactly to the midnight point. Midnight is biblically important, of course. I do not want to spill the beans about that, but of course, you are immediately reminded of the midnight cry. We had the midnight cry several times. K2 was showing the midnight hour being on the 12th of March 2023, when the sign of the Son of Man began, or it was on the 5th of March, and the sign of the Son of Man began on the 12th of March. This is how we put it in the articles, because K2 passed through the midnight point very clearly. But we have to look at this hair in the soup. Is it so? For example, we have in March 2025, we have the 11th hour. Now a whole round could then come to the 12 o'clock hour. Is this the 11th to the 12th hour, then?

Yeah, the hair in the soup becomes worse because, for example, from the 20th of June 2025 to the 16th of June 2026, inclusive, is 360 days: a prophetic year. It looks good—or bad for us when we say, "Oh, the rapture is on the 20th of June 2025. This 12 o'clock hour could be significant." And then when you think about these things deeply, you find also counter-arguments. One of the major counter-arguments that I found rapidly was, for example, that only the 24-25 circle really circles around the middle point, Epsilon Horologium, of the Horologium clock. So as a real clock hand, a clock hand is fixed on the middle point. E3 can only work in this time frame of this circle in this time frame as a real clock hand. This is outside the middle point of this spiral circle would be somewhere there, and this spiral circle would have its middle point somewhere there. It's not really working as a clock hand. So we probably can discard it. Here's also some February points in 2023 that have the same degrees, but we already can discard it because nothing very significant happened at that time. Perhaps the GOP meeting, something like this, but no. And the same could be in 2026, when we come to this point that it is spiraling out, spiraling away, the whirlwind that takes all both witnesses away, but it's not really a clock hand anymore at that time. This is one of the possible first hints that we do not have to take into account this hair-in-the-soup date.

But then thinking deeply, I came to a famous quote of Ellen G. White that speaks about midnight also, that the rapture would happen at midnight. And this quote I want to show you now. It is in Early Writings, one of the first books, the first book that ever was published from Ellen G. White. Where we are is the chapter "Deliverance of the Saints." And there's the famous quote, and the rapture, according to this quote, happens at midnight. And this brings us into trouble with the hair in the soup, having the midnight point on the 16th of June 2026, which would be a pretty long time for a Sunday law.

"It was at midnight that God chose to deliver His people"—the rapture—"as the wicked were mocking around them. Suddenly the sun appeared, shining in its strength, and the moon stood still. The wicked looked upon the scene with amazement while the saints beheld with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance. Signs and wonders followed in quick succession. Everything seemed turned out of its normal course. The stream ceased to flow, dark heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other, but there was one clear place of settled glory, whence came the voice of God like many waters, shaking the heavens and the earth. There was a mighty earthquake"—the seventh plague—"the graves were opened, and those who had died in faith under the third angel's message, keeping the Sabbath”—the seventh-day Sabbath—“came forth from their dusty beds, glorified"—the special resurrection—"to hear the covenant of peace that God was to make with those who had kept His law."

So we have a very exact and, I believe, astronomical description of the rapture date. It should be midnight. The sun should appear, shining in its strength, and the moon should stand still. Now, what I do and like to do is talk to ChatGPT about such things because so far the AI is not biased. When I have talked to this ChatGPT, I have even the impression that I can convince it to, in the end, a High Sabbath Adventist believer. It always thinks the things that I try to ponder very logically and very clearly. It's much more intelligent than many of those that we have in certain groups. In its 4.0 version, it's already much more developed than many human brains that can only sleep and nothing else. Sorry for saying that, but it's so.

So I said, what could the moon standing still mean? And I will give you that also as a document. But it is a very long answer, and I asked very deeply, and I don’t want to stress the video even more reading all these answers—very logical and clear answers. I will prepare a document that I will send you. Then you can read it, and it is clear. There is an astronomical phenomenon called the lunar standstill. There is a major one, and there's a minor one. And the major one occurs every 18.6 years, so it's pretty seldom, and the minor one in between the major ones: 18.6 years.

So when you pass over the rapture point—and Ellen G. White indicated that the rapture would happen in a year at a time when the moon stands still, or lunar standstill happens—then you pass this rapture point. Then you have the next possible rapture, according to Ellen White, in about 19 years. Bad. And I asked, of course, when is this next lunar standstill to be expected? And it answered. Or do you believe it answered? Did it answer 2026, or did it answer 2025? It answered 2025. Indeed, the lunar standstill is not a day. The lunar standstill is a time frame. It begins to develop between two equinoxes, and this time it's from the September equinox 2024 to the March equinox 2025. But the best observation time, and in this vision we are talking about observation—what do the people of God see?—is a certain date in 2025. It's the 12th of June 2025. And this is how many days before the rapture? A week. That's a week or eight days before the rapture, and this is the time frame that our pioneers—the Seventh-day Adventist pioneers—always said: we will see Jesus coming seven, eight days before He really arrives, resurrects the sleeping saints, and raptures us together with them. The 12th of June is the major point of visibility of the lunar standstill 2025. Not 2026, any midnight point. We have to clarify that. So, the sun appeared shining in its strength. I can remember there's another quote: "the sun came up." I also asked ChatGPT, what does it mean? Immediately, the answer was solstice, northern hemisphere solstice, happening on June 21st, 2025, when the sun, as we saw before, stands on the galactic equator. Solstice, this is where the sun reaches its highest point in the heavens, and then it comes down. It comes up, and goes down. It's exactly like in the quote, "comes up, goes down." And the moment of the highest point is the 21st of June, together with K2 on the galactic equator. Better you cannot have it with that quote, except the midnight.

So, it was at midnight. Now, ChatGPT says, okay, midnight is a spiritual thing. You cannot say it's midnight in an astronomical setting. What is midnight? Yeah, it's very difficult to say. The sky is always night. So what is midnight? Okay, one thing is we said over the head of Orion, this could be for us on the clock of Orion, a 12 o'clock point, a midnight point, or a noon point. This is pretty near there, but I believe that it refers to spiritual things more. Midnight is the darkest hour. So it was in the darkest hour that God chose to deliver His people. But on the other hand, of course, when Sunday worship is forced upon us and so on, and death decree or whatever will happen then, it is really necessary that God rescues us from this earth because no flesh would survive. Midnight, the darkest hour.

But midnight also alludes to the Bible, and Ellen White loved to do that. And so I said to ChatGPT, what would midnight point to if we view it in a biblical context? And ChatGPT answered two things immediately. And it said of course, the midnight cry, the bridegroom cometh, the sun cometh up. This is clear. And of course, the second one, the angel of death in the Exodus—the tenth plague angel, while we have seven last plagues. So the death angel of the seventh of the last plagues, is the angel of death with the great hail that has to come immediately after the rapture, when the Exodus happens. This is the second, true and wonderful Exodus of God's people—the islands and the mountains that are fleeing away together with Jesus to heaven. And here we are at the midnight point. It is the fulfillment of the true midnight cry, and it is the fulfillment of the angel of death.

Ellen White even says that the angel of death was Jesus Himself. And in Revelation 19, you can read who judges His people with an iron rod. And you saw the iron rod. It is indeed the pendulum of the Horologium clock that swings from the 6 a.m. point to the 5 a.m. point, as it was prophesied once by Ernie Knoll, once by Jenny, and of course several times by the Bible.

There are still many things to tell you, but I will leave it here. I think we have taken the hair out of the soup, and we have encountered an even better explanation, checking out our doubt like the Bereans, checking out the Bible, the writings, the prophecies of God. And we nailed the nail of the coming of Jesus, the rapture and the Exodus of God's people in a sure place now.

Blessings, blessings to all who listened to this long video until the end, and I hope you're strengthened by it. We wish you a good time until we see the things happening. Amen.

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