Sealing Mankind’s Fate
Happy Sabbath and welcome back to my small office on the small Caribbean island of Nevis. I am feeling both happy and extremely sad because today, I begin recording the first part of the last messages that I will have for the church, for Christians, and for the world. These messages have been prepared by the Holy Spirit, and He has guided us with an incredible stream of knowledge into these final messages.
Today, in my timeline, it is the 22nd of September, 2024, just for the record. I want to give you a brief overview of the messages as I plan them to be published. The message you are watching right now is called "Sealing Mankind's Fate."
This message is quite long because it spans 2,000 years, from Christ’s first coming to His second coming. This part will lay the foundation for understanding all the other parts. For members of our community, this might seem like a lot of repetition, but that’s not so important, because we have many new viewers who also want to understand how everything works.
In this part, I am trying to lay the foundation for understanding all the other parts. On October 25th, in the evening, as the Sabbath begins, we plan to release "Seven Blessings to Eternity." This message is a complementary one to the "Seven Seals" message that I will give in this video, and it shows how those who went through the seals were also blessed if they remained faithful to God.
On the 1st of November, in the evening, as the Sabbath begins, we plan to release "The Great and Marvelous Sign," which is another solemn message. I promise that all these other videos, except this one, will be shorter, but in this one we have a big theme to cover, and you will see that it is very difficult to fit it all into two hours. On the 8th of November, once again on a Friday evening for the Sabbath, we plan to release the last part of this series, which will have the title "The Last Countdown."
This will bring us full circle, from our first website, which was called, to this last message I have for you. In this message, we have a clear and sober explanation of how the bowls of God’s wrath are depicted in the heavens. You might have wondered how we can say that the plagues are already being poured out.
You will see in this part that there is a difference between the plagues and the bowls of wrath. What you haven’t seen yet in this world, you will very soon see – the outpouring of the bowls of wrath. Very, very soon. And we must hurry to bring out this last message before they are truly poured out.
This will be the final call for all those who want to hear Jesus’ voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you do not share in her sins and receive none of her plagues.” I believe that after so many years of delivering messages – 14 years publicly – it is almost time for us to enter our chambers, very soon after the publication of these last messages. You will find in these last messages the date when we will enter our chambers and close the doors of our publication ministry.
We will have a few weeks left, as you will see, and then our publication ministry will close. That might give us a little time – perhaps a few more Sabbaths – to release additional messages or complementary thoughts that may come up for a final set of Sabbath sermons. But I believe that from a certain date onward – a date I am not revealing right now because it will be part of this video message today – we will have closed our ministry because the world will enter a terrible time when no grace will be available anymore.
At that point, the messages we have already recorded will do their work, and there will be no need for more recordings or further teachings, as everything we have said over the last 14 years will stand. I hope you understand. This is how we see things, and I believe it has been guided by the Holy Spirit.
So, while I am happy that we are nearing the end of a challenging time and ministry, it has also been a joyful time, walking together with Christ’s Spirit to studying and discovering many, many wonderful things. I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with you, that He will open your ears and your mind so that you can receive these messages and respond accordingly, because there is only a little time left to respond adequately to Christ’s last calls from the heavens. Do not despise the One who speaks from heaven.
Very early in the ministry, we recognized that Orion is the clock of the seals – the seals of Revelation. How do you think we arrived at this conclusion? Could you ask some of your pastors or elders why there are seven seals but only four horsemen? Wouldn’t it make sense that if the seals were represented by horsemen, there would be seven since there are seven seals, right?
But in the opening of the seven seals in Revelation, especially in chapter 6, we see only four horsemen. Now sensationlist pastors like Paul Begley and many others they talk about the idea that the horsemen are about to ride. No, they’ve already ridden. They rode in terrible times, yes.
When we go through these first four seals, which are the four horsemen, you can judge for yourself to believe whether they represent terrible times, terrible horses, and terrible riders of four horses. The first horseman was already the subject of one of our Paraguayan videos, which I’ll link here so you can watch it. You will learn that it was in 1846 when the gospel of Jesus Christ was once again preached by a pure, white church – hence, the rider on the white horse.
The rider is the messenger, the horse is the gospel, and its color shows how pure or white or defiled the gospel is that the rider proclaims. This is not my own idea; it is a perspective held by a significant portion of Christianity that has studied the seals for centuries.
The seals are, of course, complex. We are talking about seven seals, but in fact, there are 13. The four horsemen have already ridden twice.
The reason for this lies in the correct interpretation of the Israelites' entry into Canaan in 1406 B.C. While the exact year is not important in this case, what is crucial is the story of the conquest of Jericho. During this conquest, the captain of the host, Yahweh, appeared to Joshua the night before they were to begin taking Jericho, and He explained the battle plan.
The plan was to march around the city once per day for six days. Then, on the seventh day—Jericho’s judgment day—they were to march around the city seven times. So, six days with one march each day equals six, and seven times on the last day, the judgment day, when the walls of Jericho fell, equals seven. Six plus seven is thirteen.
The book of the seven seals is a very mysterious book, which was given to Jesus Christ in chapter five of Revelation. Let’s go there. We are now at the beginning of chapter five, where the book itself is described. It says: "And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, God the Father, a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals."
Now, I ask you: What is written within? Of course, I can only see what is inside when the seals are broken, one by one, as described later in the text, starting from chapter six with the breaking of the seals. Then I can see what is written inside.
But when I have such a scroll, can I see anything without breaking the seals? Yes, I can see the seal itself and what is written on the outside of the scroll. This is where the Jericho typology helps us understand the organization of the seals. As I mentioned, the battle plan was six days with one march each day—that’s the seal and the outside of the scroll. I can see the seal or somethin in the seal. I can see its pattern, but I cannot see what is written inside.
Since the scene in Revelation five is a judgment scene—when the Lamb comes to His Father, when Jesus Christ comes to His Father—it marks the beginning of the judgment, first of the dead and later of the living. Then we have the final seven marches around Jericho on the last day, which represents one great day in heaven. This is Yom Kippur in heaven—the Day of Atonement, the judgment day in heaven.
We have seven seals that are broken, and only then can we see what each part of the scroll reveals. So, we have the first six seals, which correspond to the six marches around Jericho before the final judgment begins, the last day—the long day of judgment in heaven, lasting 168 plus plus plus days—the judgment of the dead and the living.
As Jesus breaks each seal, one after the other, we can read the part inside. That’s the key to understanding this process.
For centuries therefore, scholars have identified the horsemen with certain historical events. I’ve written extensively about this in a series of two articles using the classical interpretation on our old website. I’ll provide a link here.
So, if you’re not fully satisfied with my explanation, please read the study.+ I must shorten it now due to time constraints. These are deep studies that have been developed over many years. Yes, these are all profound studies.
But my major focus has been on the sixth and seventh seals, which are incredibly difficult and have not been fully understood—not even by us—until now. But we have found the answer.
To make this absolutely clear: the first six seals have already been opened.
But the seals were read in the time between Jesus Christ and the first church of the apostles. At that time, the white horse rider symbolized the first Christian church, led by the twelve apostles, the original apostles of the Bible.
Afterward, the gospel began to be defiled—turning red, black, and then dead. These are events and eras that occurred between the time of Jesus Christ and the apostles, and 1844, when the last great day began. Six seals.
Adventists know six seals. For instance, they see the events related to the opening of the sixth seal in the 1700s and 1800s: the great earthquake, the falling stars in 1833, and so on. They recognize these events, and they are true. However, these were not the opened seals—they were the closed seals, observed along with what was written on the outside of the scroll, without actually opening the scroll itself. But when the scroll was opened, Adventists should have seen that.
Because they say the open door in chapter four of Revelation marks the beginning of the judgment, and that the first scene is when the Lamb comes to the Father. It is then that He receives the book of the seven seals from His Father’s hand. Therefore, the seals could never have been broken before 1844 respectively 1846.
This is where it begins: "And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth." Notice—four beasts, and seven horns, seven eyes. Here we see both numbers represented.
We have four, which corresponds to the four horse riders and they must have connections to the four beasts. And we have seven, the number representing completeness in Jesus—Jesus himself is symbolized by seven. The seven horns and seven eyes are the seven Spirits of God, which were mentioned earlier in the book of Revelation, as well as the seven churches.
Then, as I explained, when He "came" it signified one year, and "taking the book" was another year, out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. If we follow these years, they correspond to 1844, when the judgment began. Then He came. That was the first year.
In 1844, Jesus entered the Most Holy Place to approach His Father. The Lamb came to the Father and took the book from His hand—that occurred in 1845. While the first seal is described in the next chapter, when the Lamb came and opend it, occured in 1846.
I explained all of this in detail in my last series. We have years passing here, and now we understand the connection between the four beasts, which we deciphered as the four outer stars of the Orion constellation. These stars are Saiph, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Rigel.
These four outer stars prominently shine in the Orion constellation. And of course, as it is written, "in the midst of the throne" or in the midst of these beasts is the throne itself. The throne of the Godhead, consisting of three Persons.
Jesus Christ (Alnitak) is at the right hand of the Father in the center—Alnilam-, and Mintaka represent the Holy Spirit. This is the Orion constellation, which functions as a clock. Once you understand the construction plan of the clock, you immediately see why there are only four horse riders.
Simply put, the horse riders are the messengers sent out, but there are only four outer stars in one Orion cycle. Do you see it? The throne lines, which we often speak about, represent the Godhead itself. But they are not the ones delivering the gospel to men—this is why messengers, the horse riders, are used.
So, in essence, we have four horses, or four horse riders, in the judgment cycle of Orion, which spans from 1846 to 2014.
Ask your pastor, ask scholars, ask them if they can explain why there are four horse riders but seven seals. And why the first four seals are the four horse riders. We look up to the heavens, and we see this directly depicted in the Orion constellation.
When you look up with the naked eye, you wouldn’t see the throne lines, but you would immediately see the throne—the girdle with the three girdle stars. And around the throne, you would see the four horse riders. Look up at the stars, and everything becomes simple—or at least simpler.
So, in the first judgment cycle, which was the judgment of the dead, this cycle took 168 years. Until 2014, we have these four horse riders. They correspond to certain dates, and this is what I discovered in 2008 and 2009 and published in 2010.
Before I rush you through the first four seals, I want to show you the intrinsic connection between the beasts around the throne—the four beasts around the throne—and the four horse riders mentioned in the biblical text. The first seal is broken, of course, in Revelation 6:1: "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, the first one, and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, 'Come and see.' And I saw, and behold, a white horse."
So you have the white horse coming out when the first beast around the throne speaks. The first beast around the throne is Saiph. I'll show you why.
Next, when He opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, "Come and see." And there went out another horse that was red. Because of the color red, we can pinpoint exactly where the cycle begins and where it ends.
There’s only one red star there, and God hides it nicely—Betelgeuse, a red giant, very well known throughout the world. Red. So this must represent the red horse when the red star—the red beast—speaks. Then the red horese goes out.
Now let’s go to the third seal. When He opened the third seal, I heard the third beast (Bellatrix) say, "Come and see." And I beheld, and lo, a black horse. The third beast is at Bellatrix.
Now for the fourth seal. When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, "Come and see." And what becomes visible when the fourth star speaks? And I looked, and behold, a pale horse. This is not a good sign.
But now look at the fifth and sixth seals—no beast, no horse, nowhere. When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they held. It’s a long passage, but no beast, no horse, nothing.
That’s because there simply is no fifth outer star anymore. Then, in the sixth seal: "And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black," and so on. We’ll come back to that. But again, no beast, no horse.
It’s done. The four outer stars have spoken, and they will not speak anymore. And this is what you will see.
Now let’s move quickly to Revelation 8 and the seventh seal: "And when He had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour"—whatever this half an hour may signify. But again, no beast, no horse.
Ask your pastor. I say it again.
Let me now rush you through the first four seals.
The first four classical seals and the first four seals opened in the judgment cycle. I wrote an article after I had already published the original Orion study, where I tried to compare the seals seen from outside with the seals seen from inside once they were broken. I took this entire study, I admit, from an Adventist website, but this is almost common knowledge in Christianity when it comes to understanding what the first four, five, or even six seals represent.
This should be common knowledge. But what I did was a comparison. So, what we have here is the first march around Jericho, and what we have here is the seventh march, or the first march in the judgment cycle. I’ve explained this before: Six times over a long period, each day one march, and then very quickly, seven marches on the last day. The marches represent the opening of the seals.
The era of the Holy Apostles is written here, from 31 A.D. to 99 A.D. And this corresponds to the first march on day one, according to the Jericho pattern. They had a pure gospel, which is why we have a white horse. Now, I compared this with what happened in 1846 with the Adventists.
There’s an entire video from Paraguay about the first seal, how it was opened, and how the gospel was purified again through one church on earth that observed the Sabbath. This was the restoration of the full truth of the gospel—a church that kept all the commandments in 1846, when James and Ellen White began to observe the Sabbath. Where are the Christians that have that today?
So, it’s only one church that represented the white horse rider. One church proclaimed all ten commandments again. This occurred on judgment day, already within a true Orion cycle, with the seal broken and opened by Jesus Christ Himself in 1846.
The colors of the horses change from white to red, to black, and finally to death. This signifies the defilement of the gospel. It didn’t just become defiled during the time of the apostles, up to the modern church, but it also became defiled during the judgment cycle, starting in 1846.
Ellen G. White once said that the fourth angel’s message is a repetition of the second angel’s message, adding the events that occurred since the great disappointment in 1844. This is why we’ve done what we’ve done since 2010, showing how even the Adventist Church and all other churches have once again been defiled, ignoring the fact that the horses are riding.
The red color symbolizes the shedding of blood. Now, look In the beginning at the second day of Jericho, there was the time period from 100 to 313 A.D. It is linked to the martyrs who were persecuted by the Roman Empire. Rome was still a powerful empire and persecuted Christians—these things are well known.
But what means that for "our time", during the judgment cycle? It is the periode around the star Betelgeuse, pointing to 1914. What happened in 1914? The First World War broke out—a terrible, terrible event.
Moving to the black horse, you will see that it corresponds with the Second World War. Here, we have two world wars, pointed out by the Orion judgment cycle clock. Is this judgment connected to war, a world war, or two world wars? I would say yes.
Does this give us a hint of what the sixth and seventh seals could be, where there is no longer a horse? The red color and the symbols of the seal clearly speak of bloodshed. It is a persecution phase, similar to the persecution by Rome.
What happened within the Adventist Church? I wrote all of this in the original Orion study, but I won’t repeat it here. If you want more details, go to the study. I must keep this short.
In 1914, a major test began for faithful Adventists. Adventists are Sabbath keepers, and as a sabbath keeper one has a huge problem when one goes to war as a soldiers. No general or colonel would consider that you are a Sabbath keeper. As soldiers, you have ti fight and to kill, and you can’t keep the Sabbath while serving as a soldier.
This raised significant questions: Should true Christians perform military service? Yes or no? Should true Christians bear arms? Yes or no? Is one able to keep the Sabbath while serving in the military during a war?
These questions led to a split within the Adventist Church. And I believe that many, many other Christians have faced the same problem. For instance, an Adventist friend of mine at that time, after reading my Orion study, became a bit upset because it pointed out problems and sins within the Adventist Church—not in the white horse, of course, but in the red, black, and dead horses.
They couldn't accept this. They believed their church was perfect. But no church is perfect, and God reveals problems for a reason.
God points out these issues so they can be repented of, and once repented, they are forgiven. But if I refuse to acknowledge the problems, I cannot repent, and therefore, I am never forgiven. That’s the issue.
I have to accept criticism from God as a given and see it as important, and I must respond accordingly. If I don’t do this, if I push it aside and say, “Leave me in peace,” that doesn’t work.
A true Christian understands that when a problem arises, God, in His love, points it out so we can work together with Him to solve it, leading to repentance and pardon. My friend asked me, somewhat upset, "Is this a purely Adventist clock in the heavens, or what?" He got upset with me. Our friendship broke down soon after.
I responded, "No. Is the First and also Second World War an Adventist problem? Is the white horse rider, symbolizing a pure gospel, an Adventist problem? Or is it an issue of all Christianity, which has forgotten the Sabbath? Is this a problem for all Christians? Is a war where I have to take up arms to kill someone, and where I can’t keep God’s commandments, a problem specific to the Adventist Church or a problem for all of Christianity? Is the Second World War, as we will soon see, a problem for all Christians, or just the Adventist Church?"
So, in a sense, i said yes, the clock shows how the Adventist Church reacted poorly, turning from a white horse into red, black, and even dead. We will soon come to 1986, and you’ll see how the Adventist Church essentially died. But-as you soon will see-this wasn’t just an Adventist problem—it was also an issue for all Protestant churches.
Moving forward, we arrive at the third seal, which bears the headline in the study: "The Truth is Cast to the Ground." This is not from my study, but from classical interpreters. It refers to the period from 313 A.D. to 538 A.D., when the popes began to rise in power.
Let’s read about it.
The church, which was facing quarrels to maintain the pureness of its doctrines and which saw the shedding of the blood of its members who did not renounce the truth, is now represented by the color black, antithesis to white. Blackness often represents the comparison of the Holy Bible to moral obscurity, sin, apostasy or error. It corresponds to the period from 313 to 538. Paul prophesied of a time when the doctrines would change through a paganizing process. Peter, too, prophesied that the church would spoil itself one day. The pair of balances represents the spirit of commercialization and materialism that was going to penetrate the church. One penny was the salary for one day of work, which was only enough to buy 1.44 lbs. of wheat or less than 3 lbs. of barley.
This symbolizes extreme scarcity of the Word of God, which was forbidden in that time and produced a famine for hearing the Word. Many doctrines began to die and pagan creeds entered (Constantine enacted the oldest known Sunday law.) The majority go along with the process of doctrinal deterioration. Just a few faithful (remnant) continue to respect the biblical truth. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. The wine represents the blood of Christ.
Now, the black horse rider, or the third beast, points to 1936. What happened in 1936? I could show you again, even with ChatGPT, if I was correct in my original Orion study. And it added even more points to my understanding.
1936 was the time when the Hitler regime, particularly in Germany, began enacting laws that forbid totally for people to keep the Sabbath. Everyone was required to send their children to school on Saturday, the Sabbath. This was a horrific time, not only for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but for all churches that observed the Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath.
So, they had to compromise. If not, all these churches that refused, for example, to send their children to school on the Sabbath were forbidden to continue acting as a church in Germany, and they lost all their possessions. They lost their church buildings, and their bank accounts were confiscated.
When this happened to the Adventist Church, it took just a week—seven days—and the Adventist Church made a pact with Hitler. They said, “Oh, if this is the case, then we will no longer insist that the Sabbath is so important that we would lose our possessions. No, no, no.
We will no longer tell our members that sending their children to school on the Sabbath would be a sin or breaking the Sabbath. No, no, no. We have nothing to do with this Jewish belief system.”
They essentially told Hitler, “Cool your wrath on the Jews, but please, not with us.” And within that week, they got everything back. In my opinion—and I don’t know how yours is—the Adventist Church did not stand the test of the third seal.
Later, you will see that every single seal is connected with a blessing. Do you think they received the blessing connected to this test under the Hitler regime? Can you see how long the seals are? For example, the second seal spans from 1914 to 1936. There is a pretty long period, a 50-year seal, from 1936 until 1986.
This isn’t just about what happened shortly before the Second World War. Of course, during the Second World War, we again faced the question of serving in the military, breaking the commandment “Thou shalt not kill,” and of course, not keeping the Sabbath.
But what happened after the Second World War? After the war, we entered a new world order. Fire had come down from heaven when a certain nation dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan.
Suddenly, people woke up and realized that this could lead to the destruction of humanity. They realized the need for a global consultation committee, and that’s how the United Nations was founded.
Then we had a new world order, with nations suddenly working together. The Pope quickly seized the opportunity and raised the idea, during the Second Vatican Council, of a one-world religion. He suggested that all religions were somehow guilty of the wars. I don’t know if the two world wars were religious; they seemed more political to me.
But a new world order emerged, and the idea of a one-world religion began to take shape. This was part of what the Second Vatican Council pushed for—bringing religions together. And this, too, is connected to the Black Horse.
Read again the text I’ve shared with you, and you’ll see it perfectly coincides with what I’ve explained. What I did in this comparisons was to use the exact same text that Adventist scholars had used for the classical seals and I applied it to the judgment time, when the seals were truly opened.
Now I want to walk you through that one time. The rest you’ll have to read on your own.
We’re talking about the Adventist Church, which was facing quarrels to maintain the pureness of its doctrines. There was so much trouble within the Adventist Church after the Second World War. Ideas started surfacing about the Holy Spirit not being a person. Then, the nature of Christ was turned upside down, and people were told that almost nothing was a sin. “Once saved, always saved”—all these concepts emerged during this period.
So, it’s about maintaining doctrinal purity. The doctrines of this gospel turned completely black. The Church had already witnessed the shedding of blood among its members during both World Wars. The Adventist Church was divided. Those who refused to renounce the truth are now represented by the color black, antithesis to white.
I’ve used this text here because it fits 100%. Blackness often represents the comparison of the Holy Bible to moral obscurity, sin, apostasy or error. It corresponds to the period from 1936 to 1986. Now, I’ve applied these modern years to the prophecy. Ellen G. White prophesied of a time when the doctrines would change through a paganizing process.
The entire world was moving in the direction set by the popes during the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.
White prophesied of a time when the doctrines would change through a paganizing process. This process culminated in 1986 with the largest ecumenical event of its kind, the first and biggest push of the whole world—specifically the Christian world—toward ecumenism.
Ellen G. White, too, prophesied that the church would spoil itself one day. The pair of balances represents the spirit of commercialization. What did I just tell you? To avoid losing their possessions and their bank accounts, the Adventist Church made a pact with Hitler.
...and materialism that was going to penetrate the church. One penny was the salary for one day of work, which was only enough to buy so and so much. You understand—it’s about money. Money makes the world go round.
This symbolizes extreme scarcity (the black gospel) of the Word of God (the pure gospel), which was changed in that time and produced a famine for hearing the Word. Many doctrines began to die and pagan creeds entered. The majority go along with the process of doctrinal deterioration. Just a few faithful continue to respect the biblical truth. And so on...
Remember, what we saw externally in the seals, in the period from 313 A.D. to 538 A.D., until the popes gained total power. This scenario repeated itself starting in 1936 when even the Protestant churches fell into darkness, blackened by false doctrines.
This laid the groundwork for what occurred with the fourth seal. You see now what the horse riders and the defilement of the gospel really signify.
Are you part of this? Are you keeping the Sabbath, or are you keeping Sunday and the Sabbath have no importance to you?
Are you one of the Christians who say, “If war comes, if there is trouble, I have weapons at home, and I can use them—I can kill”? Are you involved in a profession or a service—aside from necessary services like the police, hospitals, or others—that requires you to work on the Sabbath? Are you compromising?
The fourth horse, the dead horse, corresponds to the fourth day of Jericho in the classical setting—from 538 A.D. to 1517 A.D., when Protestantism began. The protest against this kind of church began during that period.
In 538 A.D., we had the first pope. This was the pagan church. The church had compromised so deeply that even a "God" was set on the throne, where Jesus Christ should have been seated.
Who is there? The Antichrist. All the Reformers knew it.
Are you waiting for the Antichrist to appear? Perhaps you think it will be a king or the son of a king? No.
The Antichrist has been seated on the throne since 538 A.D., and he is a pagan. He is the devil, and he is a man with a number.
And it’s the pope who has this number 666 in his initials. This has been studied for hundreds, even five hundred years. But who really cares anymore?
Now we need to focus on modern events. We need people to recognize what is happening on the world stage today. The Antichrist is coming, and many expect him to be a person, someone to be revealed. But the truth is, he has been revealed for a long time.
So who is it? Is it all the popes? Yes, definitely. But it could also be the last pope who will be the worst of them all. Are we already facing the last pope, or is there one more to come?
There are hints that suggest one more might come, who will be even worse than the one we have now. It is possible. So let me explain what the dead horse signifies. It is, when you paganize the gospel, when a rider goes out with a hades and death message.
If you believe the gospel of this church, you are dead. It’s as simple as that. You die. That’s it.
The Catholic Church is the Antichrist. The popes are the Antichrist in person. So, if you believe in this system, you are no longer following what Jesus said. You are worshiping idols. You are doing whatever you want. You are not keeping the Sabbath. You have become a pagan.
I’m sorry for being so blunt, but it’s the truth. Repent and change. It’s as simple as that.
See the truth. Accept the truth. Repent, and you will be saved. You will receive the pardon of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This false gosple is horrible. What happened in 1986, to which Rigel, the last horse rider, or beast star, points to. It was a significant event, and it has little to do specifically with the Adventist Church, though they were part of it. This event was the invitation of the Antichrist—the pope—to come to Assisi, a small town in Italy, for the first-ever ecumenical World Day of Prayer for Peace.
It sounds good on the surface, but the truth is, it was a gathering of pagans. The pope and the pagan church came together to pray for peace—something God would like to grant if He could, but He cannot answer the prayers of pagans. The Bible clearly states that these prayers are an abomination to Him.
So, who went to Assisi? All the Protestant churches, including a representative of the Adventist Church. My friend asked me, “Is this only an Adventist clock?” No, because all the Protestant churches were there, but also the Adventist Church had their own problem by participating as well.
Do you see what I mean? Anyone who wanted to keep their garments clean would not have gone to Assisi. They would not have prayed with pagans, thinking they could receive Christ’s favor through such actions.
This is when Protestantism fell—when ecumenism began. More and more people have followed that path ever since. I recently heard about a man, sometime around 2015, who declared that the protest is over. Two weeks later, he was dead. God is not mocked.
So, these are the four seals in a rushed and rapid form. I’m sorry, but this is how the gospel became defiled.
Once during the time of the first six marches around Jericho, and again during the time of the judgment of the dead in the first four phases, everything must be viewed as time frames, as segments.
From 1846 to 1914. From 1914 to 1936. From 1936 to 1986.
And now we come full circle into the fifth seal, from 1986 to 2014. What do you think? Would God allow the gospel to die, with no rider anymore?
Do you see now how the gospel started with a white horse, with the apostles, and how it became defiled until the popes gained total power? And do you see how this was repeated from 1846 onward? There was once again a pure church on the earth, and then it became defiled again until it was swallowed up by the dead horse.
Can you picture the ribs? It was swallowed, just like the cows in Pharaoh’s dream. So, twice the papacy gained total power over the Christian church.
And it repeated, of course, in the judgment of the dead cycle. Terrible things happened. And most likely, you are in a church that has also been swallowed, even if you are a Protestant.
But you may not understand, because God indeed did the trick and repeated the seals, especially the four horse riders. Like I showed you with the examples, even an Adventist scholar wrote about the ancient churches and the ancient riders, but failed to recognize that his own church was once the white horse and has since been defiled into the dead horse, with the rider of Hades and death upon it.
These are terrible things.
I tell you, my friends, I could speak about each seal for two hours, or three, or even an entire day. But I don’t have the time. We must now move on to the fifth seal.
The fifth seal does not have a rider anymore, but it is straightforward to understand when we read the text about what it signifies. It is about a reformation, but this reformation will face trouble, as you can see.
"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held."
Where is the altar? The altar is represented by Taurus. What is under the altar? It is the Orion constellation.
You can look it up, or I can provide a photo. That is where the souls are.
And this is the judgment of the dead, respectively in the Middle Ages, we saw the beginning of the Reformation, and now we must compare these two reformations.
The scripture says, "And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?’" Who shed their blood? It was first the Christians who died in Rome, under the Roman emperors, which corresponds to the church of Smyrna.
But then another church emerged—the fifth church, the church of Sardis. Yet their works were not found complete in the end. So you see that the seals are connected to the churches as well.
But I don’t have time to show you all these wonders. And white robes were given to the dead—unto every one of them. All accounted for. All dead.
Why do we call this the judgment of the dead cycle? Because, when you trace the timeline from 1986 to 2014, the cycle which started with the white horse, which began in 1846, has now come full circle. This marks the end of the judgment of the dead. Can you see? White robes were given to each one of them.
And it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants and brethren, who should also be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. This means another judgment is coming.
And what judgment is that? If it’s not the judgment of the dead, since we’ve already completed that cycle, it must be the judgment of the living. Many will still die, fulfilling the number of all the martyrs.
Wow, this is heavy stuff, my friends. So, that’s the text. Now, let's look at the interpretation from the Adventist scholar. They say that the fifth seal, which corresponds to the fifth march on the fifth day of Jericho, spans from 1571 to 1755.
I’ll save you from reading all the text that I then repeated and applied to the judgment cycle of the dead. But I can tell you that it’s about the Reformation. In the Reformation, they marked 1571, but you could put any other date. For example, when reformers before Luther came up.
You could say it a process of an upcoming Reformation against the dead horse, or the "whore church," which is the pagan church—Catholicism. You know what happened during this time. People began to realize that the gospel being preached was dead.
There was no justification by faith anymore. There was only justification through indulgences and works. The reformers saw that this gospel was wrong, and that idolatry had completely replaced Christianity.
Then the reformers protested against that. And this protest, of course, was fought back by the papacy, and they started to kill. And then we have the many, many dead people in the Reformation who were brought to the stake, to the fires, burned alive, tortured, and so on.
But what happened then? Did the Reformation succeed or not? The greatest blow against the Reformation came from two things. The first thing that happened against the Reformation was that Luther failed because he was still keeping Sunday. And the pope who called him out told him clearly that he was not being consistent.
They still had the mark of Rome—Sunday. So, the pope told him, "Forget your Reformation. It is not a true Reformation. If you are a true reformer and want to go back to what the apostles did—the white horse—then you should have kept the Sabbath, the seventh-day Sabbath."
So, the Reformation failed. But of course, there were people who continued to study and move forward. And that is why, in 1846, we came to a true white horse again, when the first Protestants—particularly the Adventist Church—started to keep the Sabbath once more.
That is when the Reformation was fulfilled. This is where we come to. So, what happened with the Adventist Church? Well, as I showed you, they became defiled again.
Even their doctrines changed into terrible, pagan doctrines, until they were swallowed up by the ecumenical movement in 1986 and onward, completely taken over by the papacy again.
So, what should logically happen next? In the timeframe between 1986 and 2014, when the fifth seal begins here in this repetition on the seventh day, on judgment day, there should arise a movement again that says, "We have to protest. We have to protest against all this falsehood."
This is the very thing that Ellen G. White spoke of when she said that there would be a repetition of the second angel’s message through the fourth angel. Additionally it will expose all the defilements, all the sins, and all the depravities that have entered the churches since 1844.
Can you see it now? What is this church? Are this Adventists who don’t even understand the seals? Or is this a special Adventist group or movement that fully understands all the cycles, the seals, the horse riders, and the whole of Revelation?
Think about it. Who has the complete overview? Only we do.
We look up and see everything depicted in Orion—up until the fifth seal. The fifth seal covers the period from the beginning of the Orion message Reformation to the close of probation, when no more martyrs will die. The little time of trouble.
I put 2015 here, but the cycle actually ended in 2014. We were unsure, we were still here in 2015, wondering, "What’s happening? How long will the judgment of the living take?"
At the time when I wrote this article, we didn’t know. We saw 2014, Yom Kippur 2014, leading into Yom Kippur 2015—so that’s why 2015 appears here.
Everything we wrote had a logical foundation, but we didn’t know the future. We didn’t know at that time how long it would take. How long, how long, how long?
That’s the question: "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood?" But the judgment of the dead was over—completely over. Just as the reformers had died in the past, and the Reformation was over.
And remember what I told you about Sardis. Jesus said to the church of Sardis, the Reformation church: "And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write, 'These things saith He that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead.'" The Reformation died.
Yes, it died because they did not keep the Sabbath. But look at this: "Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments, who have not only kept Sunday, and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy."
In white—the white horse that would go out once again with the Adventist Church, even after Sardis had died. What was the great problem? The second problem I was talking about. The second issue was the abandonment of time-setting after the 1844 Great Disappointment.
You know all these stories. William Miller preached about the soon coming of Jesus Christ, understanding that the 2,300 days and mornings would end in 1844. But Jesus did not come, not because the timing was wrong, but because the event was misunderstood. Miller was preaching the right time, but the wrong event.
It wasn’t the Second Coming of Christ, but the beginning of this cycle here—the judgment cycle. Jesus, therefore, says, "Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent of giving up all Bible study and trying to find out the date of the blessed hope. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief."
And this is exactly what is happening right now: "And thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee." But if you would watch, what would you know? You would know the hour when Jesus comes.
Then, He does not come to you as a thief, but as the King in the clouds. That’s the difference.
The fifth seal was, at one time, the end of the Reformation. And the fifth seal, the second time, marked the end of the great judgment cycle of the dead. The dead now had to wait for some time, and they asked, "How long?" But there was no answer. Just, "Wait a little while."
It would not be long. It would not be another 168 years—it would be shorter. I’ll give you an estimation, perhaps a perfect estimation.
When the judgment of the dead cycle was 168 years long, and a sundial clock—the clock of Ahaz—shows one day with the shadow of the sun, it only shows something during the day, which is 180 degrees. At night, it shows nothing.
So how long is the judgment day? Just reading the Bible: 180 degrees—180 years. Subtracting 168 from 180 leaves 12 years, right? An inclusive calculation after the year 2014 gives us 2014 plus 12 years, but inclusive means minus one.
Can you see the date? Can you see the year? It would be 2025.
There’s a lot more to this, but I have no time, as always. This is just to show you how quickly you can estimate how long the judgment of the living will take. It’s all in the Bible.
And when you watch, Jesus does not come to you as a thief. We have now completed one full cycle with four horses. But one would not be a horse any longer, because the judgment declaration is over. No more horses.
The declaration is that all four horses have ridden two times. One time around, the declaration was that the Reformation is dead. One time around, there was a reformation—our Reformation.
We wanted to reform the Adventist Church first, but then we were sent to the Protestant churches because the Adventist Church again refused the message of the fourth angel. But this time, the message would be refused by all churches. And this, too, is a prophecy.
I can show you. Let’s go to the last book in the Old Testament—Malachi, chapter four.
The last two verses:
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." In which seal is the great and dreadful day of the Lord mentioned? It is in the sixth seal. We will come to that.
"And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest (so that not) I come and smite the earth with a curse." When the Reformation of the reformers died, as Sardis did, there came a sixth seal, and a Reformation that would not die, but instead give us a new white horse—the Adventist Church, keeping the Sabbath, right? This is what Ellen G. White once said, and she stated that the Adventist Church is like Elijah, or John the Baptist, preparing the way. But read the verse very slowly and understand: "Lest I come and smite."
So, they were successful in reforming, even to the point of keeping the Sabbath again. Would God then come and smite the earth with a curse? No, because they succeeded in turning the hearts of the fathers to the children by rediscovering the Sabbath, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Do you understand? They were successful.
They had a perfect church again, but it became defiled. Now, as we near the end of this cycle, another reformation must come to resurrect the dead horse and prevent all the churches from falling into Hades and death. This is the last Elijah—the fourth angel, bringing the message of the fourth angel, with a leader, with a movement.
But this Elijah will not be heard in any corner of the earth. Everyone will reject what he has to say. There is no other white horse coming up.
We’ve already had two cycles. There are no more marches around Jericho for white horses, except that white horse of Revelation 19, on which the Word of God, Jesus Christ Himself, sits. He will come to reign over the nations with an iron rod, with His vengeance and the wrath of His Father, along with all the heavenly hosts, riding billions of white horses.
This Elijah would have the perfect interpretation, the perfect understanding, but he would not be heard. He will not be able to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, nor the hearts of the children to their fathers, because simply they no longer have hearts anymore. Their hearts—perhaps even yours—have stopped beating. There is no love, no true love for Christ.
And so, therefore, this last Elijah, who came in 2010, 2014, and onward, would fail. The only thing he can do is vindicate God. He can only vindicate God with a small group of people in the world, saying, "The Lord was just, and He gave His gospel in the right form so that at least a small group of people, with hearts that still beat for Jesus Christ, could understand and not die like Sardis died, or like the Adventist Church died."
Even though they understood the importance of keeping the Sabbath or other traditions like the health message—"do not eat meat," and so on—it is almost works. *Almost*, I say. Their hearts beat for music, for diets, for sports, for camp meetings.
But where is Christ? He is not there anymore. Their hearts are no longer beating. They are dead horses.
But THEN we would have this little group on the earth, and THEN "so that not" turns into "I come and smite the earth with a curse." And the curse is, of course, the bowls of wrath. That will be my last part of this series.
Do you understand the fifth seal now? The judgment of the dead is over. The living will now be judged with a new message, with a complete message—these last messages that we have been delivering since 2010. Have you stayed with me so far? I hope so.
If not, take a pause before we begin with the sixth and seventh seals, which will be new for those following this movement since 2010 or for a shorter time. The sixth seal is a seal that, again, has no rider, no horse, but it is filled with heavenly signs—a lot of them. It also has earthly signs—a lot of them.
There is an earthquake, the sun and moon darkening, and falling stars.
We need to do our homework and compare the sixth seal, which was already seen on the sixth day of Jericho from the outside, but never fully opened. Let’s read the sixth seal to see what it includes:
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind."
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together."
So we have these elements that were already fulfilled on the sixth day of Jericho, but they were never fully completed in this sixth classical seal.
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
We understand the "mountain and island" as a parallel to the seventh bowl of wrath text, because this represents the rapture of those who have faith like a mountain and live on the islands—those last refuges on earth where true Christians can still be found.
But this part has not yet been fulfilled:
"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.'"
It is about wrath. The end of the sixth seal brings the wrath of God:
"For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?"
Those who will be able to stand are the ones I explained in my last series—those who are celebrating the Jubilee.
We did indeed see a fulfillment of some signs in the 1700s and 1800s, but it never came to full completion. Why? As I told you, because Sardis failed due to not keeping the Sabbath, and later because they rejected any time-setting and completely refused the message of the Adventist Church. So, a new cycle began—the seventh day of Jericho with a new set of seven marches.
Keep in mind that the seventh march never took place in classical times. There were only six marches over six days, but the seventh march never happened. When you see this seventh march depicted in the heavens, you will know it is the absolute end, and that seventh march will be this "half hour of silence" in the heavens.
Now let’s see what the scholar says about this. The sixth seal is titled by the scholar, "We Are Nearing the End." They interpret it as spanning from 1755, due to a specific event, and continuing until the Second Coming—without taking into account the seventh day of Jericho, where we have another round of seven marches.
The sixth seal culminates with the Second Coming of Christ. Yes, the classical sixth seal, because it has not yet culminated, and I will now show you how this sixth seal fits into a special clock of God. Therefore, we can call it appropriately: The time of the end. Not bad.
The great earthquake has been identified by many theologians as the Great Earthquake of Lisbon, on November 1, 1755. That's why they mark 1755 here, because they discovered this extraordinarily powerful event—almost a magnitude 10 earthquake—felt around the entire earth. The darkening of the sun occurred on May 19, 1780. The darkening of the moon occurred the night of the same day (May 19, 1780).
People saw it as a supernatural event, but today we can study it more closely, and we now know it was most likely caused by massive wildfires that created the effect of a blood moon. You don’t only get a blood moon during a lunar eclipse, but also when the atmosphere is filled with smoke, causing the moon to appear reddish. We come to that, because we’ve seen that in this year.
The falling stars happened on November 13, 1833. These four events marked the beginning of the time. What happened in 1833? It was the great night of the starfall. In New York, people could read the newspaper at night just by the light of the shooting stars. So many shooting stars fell that night It was a special event that woke many people up and prepared them for the message of William Miller. These four events mark the beginning of the time of the end. Yes.
This period marks the end of the Reformation and the beginning of the judgment of the dead, which will end with the second coming of Christ. Yes, because the classical sixth seal has never fully concluded with the heavens rolling up like a scroll and the arrival of the great day of wrath.
Facing the Second Coming of Christ, those who have taken shelter in the saving mercy will receive eternal life; yes Jesus already said: “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,..."
So, directly, as others do, I connect the sixth seal with the final warning. If you do not wake up at the time of the sixth seal, you are condemned, "because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
Remember, He is depicted in Orion with His blood and His wounds. So, when you also refuse the sixth march on the seventh day, you have a problem. A big problem.
Because this is the last warning. Now, I will show you what the seventh seal is. As I’ve shown you before, the text speaks of half an hour of silence in heaven.
How is this to be interpreted? *Behold, He is coming with the clouds*. I fully support this interpretation. As I said, the seventh seal has never been opened or even seen in a way that is visible from the outside. What was perceived from the outside was only an interpretation of what it might be, but it has not been fulfilled or seen on earth by any event or church or otherwise. Because the seventh seal is truly the final moment. So, it must be opened to be seen, or we must witness something in the heavens that will help us understand when it will open.
"This silence will occur at the occasion of the Second Coming of Christ." So, the seventh seal is the second coming of Christ, "when Heaven will be empty. Therefore silence in heaven, because He is traveling. The angels will come with Jesus (Mat. 25:31). Some have applied the prophetic principle of a day for a year to this half an hour and say that it could represent one literal week.
We must look to the heavens to determine the setting how this half-hour is to be understood. Is it again prophetic time? Or is it something else? Here we have the day-for-a-year principle.
Could it be a year? Could it be half a year? Will we see signs of this in the heavens? Perhaps. We must keep watching the heavens. I added a little bit and said:
This silence will occur at the occasion of the Second Coming of Christ, when Heaven will hold its breath till the judgment of the living is over. Of course Some say that this half hour could represent one literal week, but that is unfortunately wrong.
I already knew it was wrong back in 2011, or around that time, when I wrote this article. Before I show you the current sixth seal and the clock where it is happening, and where God reveals the timeframe of the sixth and even the seventh seal, I need to show you something very special in the biblical text. As you know, the first six seals are all described in Revelation 6.
However, between the sixth seal and the seventh seal—which, as we’ve seen, represents the coming of Jesus Christ—we have the entire chapter seven. Chapter seven is dedicated to the sealing of the 144,000 living saints. When the Millerite movement observed the beginning signs of the sixth seal, such as the Lisbon earthquake, the darkening of the sun, the red moon, and the falling stars, they believed that Christ was about to return.
Could He have come then? Perhaps. When would He have returned? If the 144,000 had been found at that time. But clearly, they had not been found.
Instead, a new church had to arise—a church that would be purified—after Miller’s time, after the Great Disappointment of 1844. First, the judgment of the dead had to begin. Then, since 2014, the judgment of the living has been underway.
When I wrote the Orion study in 2010, I searched for the fifth, sixth, and seventh seals within this Orion cycle of the judgment of the dead. I thought they must be anywhere there, happening very quickly. And when I began here, I had about four years to uncover the seals. During that time, we released several versions of the original Orion study because we started seeing signs that pointed to the fact that the events of the sixth seal had already begun or were unfolding at that time, becoming visible on the earth.
Can you remember the greatest earthquake of recent centuries? It was in 2011, the Great Japan Earthquake that claimed 20,000 lives. Huge tsunamis swept through the land, and the earthquake registered a magnitude of 9.0 or 9.1. It was devastating. Even nuclear power plants exploded, and radiation contaminated the oceans—effects that still persist today.
We wrote about that event and thought, “Could this be it?” Then we searched for other signs, like the darkening of the sun. I can’t recall the exact year, but there were enormous coronal holes in the sun that made it appear as though it were covered in sackcloth. Yes And of course, we had lunar eclipses that produced blood moons.
We tried to fit these signs into the timeline, thinking that perhaps Jesus was already on His way. We had no idea how much longer it would take. Nobody knows the exact time, right? Can I use that as an excuse just once?
So, we witnessed these things. But what do you think would have happened if the 144,000 had been found at that time? Yes, the seventh seal would have been opened, and Jesus would have come. Look, Revelation chapter 7 is a beautiful precaution from God.
He essentially says, “You can have the signs of the sixth seal, but the heavens will only depart like a scroll only once the 144,000 have been sealed and accounted for.” Because if this number of true believers on earth isn’t reached, Christ cannot return. What happened later? In 2016, we were finally convinced that Jesus would come on October 24th.
We even celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles and wrote about it in many articles and mentioned it in many videos. We went up to a small plateau we have and held the feast there. We lived in the tabernacles. We wrote a whole series on this experience. And then, while we were deeply in prayer and contemplation, we understood that Jesus wanted us to pray for more time.
So, even though we had witnessed signs like the 2011 earthquake in Japan, which indicated that the sixth seal was eager to fully open and complete its fulfillment even with the last verses, we realized that the time had not yet come. The 144,000 had not yet been found and sealed.
More time had to be granted so that more people could have a chance. So, we prayed, and that’s what happened.
This is what you can see, why the texts of the sixth seal and the seventh seal are separated by an entire chapter. Let me explain it again: the sixth seal is in chapter six, the sealing of the 144,000 is in chapter seven, and only in chapter eight do we find the last and final event.
When the Orion clock stops and the 144,000 are found and sealed, then Jesus will come.
I hope this is clear. Adventists who believe that the end times began with the Lisbon earthquake in 1755, and that the sixth seal opened then, aren’t entirely wrong. But there’s a condition in the Bible: only when the 144,000 are truly found can the last verses of the sixth seal be fulfilled and the seventh seal finally opened.
But God would send a clock marker so that we would know that time is not infinite. There isn’t an endless waiting, because the dead are already impatient, and now the living are also becoming impatient. So God would send the spirit of life to show when time is finally running out.
When we talk about the sixth and seventh seals, please remember that I have told you that Orion is the clock for the seven seals—it governs all seven. But Houston, we have a problem.
We have already used all the horse riders twice—once in the classical interpretation and once here. We’ve also used the fifth seal twice. You can’t conclude the judgment of the dead two times.
So, a whole cycle with all the outer stars, including Saiph has already been used up—twice, from beginning to end. How can we fit the sixth and seventh seals into Orion? It must be that clock. You know it ended in 2014, when the judgment of the living began.
Now, please refer to my video about the patience of the two witnesses. All these timeframes, including our preaching since 2010 with two periods of 1,260 days, twice, and 1,290 days, twice, are explained there.
I covered all of this in that video. It shows the entire judgment of the living, even some of the preparation time beforehand. Everything is explained there, except the 1,335 days.
But I will cover the 1,335 days in the next video. These years have been full of messages from our movement—completely full. There were trumpets, preparing trumpets.
There were loud trumpets. There were preparing plagues. There were loud or truly falling plagues.
Even during the time it says in Revelation 11 that the two witnesses were overcome and killed, we experienced around five cycles of plagues. We placed everything into Orion, because Orion was the only clock we had and knew about—only Orion.
Yes, we also had the Father’s clock, the Mazzaroth, with the planets as the actors and the constellations also playing their roles. We saw many signs of the trumpets and even the plagues fulfilled in the Mazzaroth, in the Father’s clock.
But Orion, as the sealing clock—the clock of the seals—had stopped. Do you think we were right to place so many cycles of trumpets and plagues into Orion during the time of the two witnesses, during the judgment of the living? Or do you side with the critics who say, “Oh, everything they wrote was nonsense and worthless”? I tell you the opposite is true. The word of God was prepared for that and gave us the authority to act as we felt led to do.
I will show you the verses that give us the permission to act freely within the timeframes, particularly both periods of the two witnesses—the two times 1,260 days in sackcloth and the two times 1,290 days when they were dead. The first verse I marked says, "These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood." You know, there’s blood in the waters during the trumpets and the plagues, and they smite the earth with all kinds of plagues, because we had more cycles of plagues than even trumpet cycles.
"As often as they will." And that is power. That is the power, the permission from God, that we can warn the world with any cycle of trumpets or plagues, whatever we like. 1:40:50
And this is what we did. When we saw an earthly event or anything in the heavens, when we saw signs in the Maseroth, we warned, we warned. For two periods of three and a half years, for two times 1,290 days afterwards, even when we were dead after our sacrifice in 2016.
This is that other time: "And when they shall have finished their testimony in sackclothes, when they did their sacrifice, the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." And their dead bodies—our websites—shall lie in the street of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Can you see it? When you’re dead, you can do what you want, but you’re dead. Nobody will listen.
Anyway, we warned through five plague cycles during that time. It didn’t matter. This is how God foresaw what would happen, what we would do. We were dead anyway, and so were our prophecies during that time, failing. But during the sackclothes time, our prophecies were still relatively well-positioned, but during the time when we were dead, we failed so many times that we questioned what was happening. The first plague was still wonderful, but the others didn’t come to pass as we expected because we were dead.
This is how the word of God works—it cannot be mocked, it cannot be changed, and every single word makes a lot of sense when you live through prophecy. Later, starting from 2020 or 2021, we had the Horologium clock, which opened our eyes to the second witness in the heavens, and then everything began to fall into place. Then came the time when we understood the significance of the two comets, K2 and E3, forming that great and wondrous sign of the Son of Man since 2023, to be precise.
It began on the 12th of March, 2023. So our eyes were opened, and now these comets have already started to scroll up. The roll up. They formed the great fish in the heavens, and now they are rolling up like a scroll—the heavens are being rolled up.
This has never been seen before. It is happening right now. It has already started to unfold, to scroll up.
Do you see? We need something, somewhere in the Orion clock—and I just mentioned it—that would give us reasoning, a foundation, an event, something like a divine resurrection of the Orion clock, which had stopped with the dead under the altar, asking, "How long, O Lord?" And He said, "Wait a little while." How long is this little while? Until the Orion clock would be resurrected. How? Revelation 11: "Their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city."
And so on—they were dead for a while. I told you we were dead. I explained all of this in the other video.
But after three and a half days, twice, the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet—the two witnesses in heaven, but also the witnesses of the two witnesses. Who are the two witnesses in heaven? Orion and Horologium. We know these things.
So there is a resurrection of Orion by the spirit of life sent from God. Who does the spirit of life represent? K2, who now forms the "mu," the water of life. So here we are, and now I will show you what the sixth and seventh seals are. Back to the heavens.
I have placed for you the ephemeris of the great sign of the Son of Man. We have Orion, and we have Horologium, the clock that the fish holds in its mouth, proclaiming the time of God the Father and the coming of His Son. I placed K2 in its current position, as of today.
Today, in my time zone, it is the 24th of September, 2024. So now you can see that Orion is the first witness, and Horologium is the second witness in heaven, in the order of things as we found these constellations to be the two witnesses. And we are the witnesses of the two witnesses.
We write about them. K2 is in its position as of today. This is a very special position because according to the study of the last day of Elijah, it is a special city or town.
This area, which we deciphered, is Gilgal. This area here is Bethel.
This is why my series about Jacob’s dream was discovered and understood when exactly the dream took place in the location of Bethel. The series about the great Orion cycle will be published while we are in Bethel. This location corresponds to Jericho.
Whoops. How many times have I now spoken about Jericho? This location where Jupiter enters—that’s Jericho. Another curve.
Do you remember when we said that Elijah and Elisha went together? And all the time, Elijah said, "Stay here," but Elisha replied, "No, master, I will not leave you." This is Jupiter and K2 always moving together, changing directions.
That's a different video, which we’ve already shown, and I think Paraguay did it very, very well. So here we have Bethel. That’s where we are now.
Here we would have Jericho. And it must be the seventh and final round around Jericho. Wow.
So when we circle Jericho, that is when Jericho falls. What is Jericho today? It’s Babylon. Read chapter 18 of Revelation—the fall of Babylon.
When will it take place? Here. Around here, there will be a victory shout, and then it falls.
But this is the last round around Jericho. Then we have the blowing of the trumpets. The seventh trumpet must be somewhere here, around Jericho.
Seventh trumpet, the blowing of the seventh trumpet. And then comes the victory shout of all those resurrected in the first resurrection. And then we’re almost at the end when the sun divides Jupiter and K2, which is then the rapture of the saints.
Yeah, all of this has been explained before, but now I want to show you where the sixth and seventh seals are. The funny thing is, you can’t easily find the sixth seal unless you know where the seventh seal is. First, I want to mention that there is a similarity between the fifth seal, when the clock stopped ticking and ended the judgment of the dead, and the seventh seal now.
If you remember the text, it says there is silence in heaven for half an hour. Silence means not only that Jesus is traveling to earth—which is a correct and longstanding interpretation (because nobody had it different) —but also that there is silence in heaven because the clock has stopped ticking.
Clocks make noise. And when they stop ticking, there is silence in heaven too, right? The great clock of time stops ticking. When does it stop ticking? I told you that the spirit of life, K2, entered Orion on December 14th last year.
I can show you. I’ll try to quickly go to December 14th. What do we see here? K2.
It entered Orion—the spirit of life—because K2 is now drawing the "mu," the last character of the signature of God’s monogram: alpha, omega, and mu.
Mintaka, the Holy Spirit. Now tell me, in this ephemeris, when will K2 leave Orion forever—millions and millions of years, or never come back? If K2 is the spirit of life, it resurrects Orion for the last two seals, but then it leaves Orion when there is silence in heaven, when the clock has stopped ticking, right? So let’s follow the path of K2 through Orion and see when it leaves Orion forever and never returns.
Here it leaves briefly to fulfill Gilgal, but it comes back, right? Can you see it? It comes back. So not forever—Orion is still in play.
Let’s move forward. Now, it leaves Orion again for a short while at Bethel. But what does it do? It comes back.
We’re back in Orion. The club of Orion is still part of the Orion constellation. But now, heading towards Jericho, we’re not sure if we should follow this line or this imaginary boundary of the constellation.
Either we’re talking about this line, which means the 15th, 16th, or 17th of December this year, or we’re talking about this line, which points to the 23rd or 24th. This would be Christmas Eve.
There’s a prophecy in the Bible that says He will turn our feasts—the pagan feasts—into mourning. And this Christmas is not His birthday, but it is Tammuz's birthday, not Jesus Christ’s birthday, as we already showed in articles back in 2011. "I will turn YOUR feasts into mourning."
And on this Christmas, K2 will leave Orion for good. It will never come back. Never ever.
What does then eighter this or that moment signify? The seventh seal. The clock stops ticking. Silence in heaven.
How long? Half an hour. So what did we say about when Jesus comes? I drew this line up to the 4th of June and said that is the Second Coming. It takes place from the 4th of June to the 20th of June.
This is the true Second Coming, when Jesus will be visible. If you extend this line, you come almost exactly to the 4th of June. A comet makes a curve.
Why does it make curves? The comet doesn’t swirl around by itself. Instead, the curve happens because the Earth orbits the sun, and our viewpoint to the comet changes constantly. We return to the same point after one full orbit around the sun.
This explains why our perspective of the comet is always shifting while it flies away. Once we complete a full loop, the Earth returns to the same position from where it was first observed.
When we take the club line, or any line we choose, and divide it into two parts as I did with this line, we get half a year.
What did we say earlier? Could it be half a year? Now, which clock in heaven, in relation to the Godhead, measures half a year as half an hour? It’s God the Father’s clock—the Mazzaroth, the ecliptic where the sun travels around in one year. On the Father’s clock, half an hour equals exactly half a year. And both lines, and this ephemeris of half a year from here to there, while a year would reach to here, is simply the result of the Earth’s travel around the sun, while the sun completes its journey once along the ecliptic.
It’s astronomy.
It’s biblical astronomy. That’s the half an hour of silence in heaven. It wasn’t that difficult, was it? It’s depicted right there.
We can see it. We just need to understand that silence in heaven also means also when Orion’s clock has stopped ticking in heaven.
When a clock of God stops ticking in heaven, what does it mean?
One might think that it marks the end of intercession, but that would contradict the fact that we still have portions of the Holy Spirit available until June 4. So, it cannot be that.
Nor can it refer to Jesus' journey to the earth, as some suggest—the well-known seven-day journey in Adventism. But that cannot be it either, because we still have the Holy Spirit available until June 4. So, what is it? It is a silence caused by deep stress in heaven.
At the end of the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Most Holy Place once a year, right before the conclusion, there was the greatest tension among God's people.
They waited to see if the high priest would come out alive, if the sins of the people had truly been forgiven. They were silent, stressed, holding their breath. And the same thing happens in heaven as the Great Day of Atonement—the 180-year-long Day of Atonement in heaven—comes to its conclusion. Everyone is watching what is happening on earth because they know that this is the final portion of the Holy Spirit, and it is coming to an end. The question is: Who will be sealed in this last portion of time of the Holy Spirit?
It is an extremely solemn time. That is why even the clocks are silent—they stop marking time. And in one of my upcoming sections, I will address a very important teaching that further confirms this perspective: that there is no more delay for the end of the judgment.
Now, I can also explain why I mentioned at the beginning of the video that we would stop publishing our messages after a certain point. We believe these are the final messages, and during this solemn time of the last sealing of God’s people, the videos must serve their purpose during the time of the "loud cry." They carry the message for the very last days. That is why we needed to have the entire series ready by a specific date—at least a few weeks before December 15 or 23.
In the last video of this series, which I call *The Last Countdown*, I will show you whether it is the 15th of December or the 23rd of December. But to understand this, we must grasp the meaning of this last countdown, and we must understand how the heavens depict the outpouring of God’s wrath in the form of the bowls.
Now we know when the 7th seal will be opened. So, when should we expect the timeframe for the signs and events of the 6th seal that lead up to the great day of God’s wrath?
As you can now learn and understand from the structure of the seventh seal, it ends before Jesus comes on June 4, when the portions of the Holy Spirit have been completely consumed. You can also grasp the structure of the sixth seal and the other seals. They open in Orion but do not necessarily close in Orion.
We also learned this with the fifth seal. The fifth seal ended the first cycle of the four horsemen when it returned to the first horseman and concluded the first five seals. However, it was only opened in 2014 and continued outside Orion until the Spirit of Life reentered Orion.
So, when does the fifth seal close, for example? It closes when the question of those who were slain under the altar is answered positively, and they are resurrected. It ends for them with the first resurrection. Next, we see that the sixth seal also has a chiastic structure. Just as the fifth seal had the sixth seal interwoven within it, the sixth seal has the seventh seal intertwined within it.
This means that the sixth seal opens in Orion up to a certain point, and then the seventh seal follows—the silence in heaven. After that, we must find the texts that close the sixth seal. And this is now easy with our understanding of the heavenly judgment, which ends on June 4, 2025.
So we know when Jesus will cease interceding, which means the books will be closed. There is even a verse directly within the sixth seal that states: "And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together." This marks the end of the entire Day of Atonement and the judgment in heaven on June 4, 2025.
That is the moment when the scroll rolls up, as we have seen with the comets that “roll” or “spiral”—Comet E3 in Horologium and Comet K2 in Orion. This is the moment when the books are closed because the Holy Spirit is no longer available. This is also the time from June 4, 2025, to June 20, when Jesus will rapture His people.
In the same verse, Revelation 6:14, we see the rapture. What is it? "And every mountain and island were moved out of their places." That is the rapture.
If you have faith like a mountain or if you have fled to an island, then you will be raptured. You have taken the message from the mountain ranges of Paraguay or from Nevis, and you will be raptured. These are the messages of the last days.
Thus, faith like a mountain—or mountains—symbolizes Paraguay. Because we live there and have our headquarters in the mountainous region of Paraguay, as well as on a small island. This is an indication of our message, but at the same time, of the rapture of those who have believed this message. This means that at the moment of the day of wrath, when all the kings and people of the earth flee to bunkers, to dense and mountainous places, they will cry out: "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne."
This is definitely the moment when God's people will already have been raptured from the earth. Then, the full and absolute wrath of God will fall upon those left behind.
What we now need to find are the signs in the heavens that will lead us to the opening of the seventh seal, because after that, we enter the final solemn period where everyone holds their breath. Then, the books close, and the day of wrath begins. These are the signs I want to explain now, which must occur within a specific timeframe.
It must be during the time when Orion was resurrected, right? And it must extend up until the 7th seal opens. We are talking about the timeframe from the 14th of December last year to the 23rd of December this year.
This must be the timeframe for the opening of the 6th seal, on the 7th day of Jericho. And here we are already at the 7th march around Jericho, which now coincides perfectly with the 7th seal’s march. Can you see it? This has never happened before in the heavens.
It is exactly what we’ve been waiting for. So, let's explore what we should be looking for. Of course, we must search for a great earthquake.
We need to search for the darkening of the sun and a blood moon. The next event must be something like falling stars. If you’ve been paying close attention, you might recall that in the original Orion presentation, we already suggested that the 6th seal could have opened.
Why did we think that? Simply because we believed Jesus would come sooner. We expected Jesus to come in 2015, then in 2016. So, we thought Jesus was on His way.
Therefore, we anticipated the opening of the 6th seal. We looked for an earthquake and other signs, like the darkening of the sun and moon, the blood moon, and falling stars.
We tried to decipher these events. One earthquake was incredibly significant: the 2011 Japan earthquake, which claimed 20,000 lives, caused a massive tsunami, and led to the explosion of nuclear power plants, poisoning the oceans, and more.
That was a truly significant event. But remember, first of all, we prayed for a delay of Jesus coming. We asked Jesus for more time so that the 144,000 could be sealed, from 2016 to 2025. But Jesus comes like a thief, right? So, if He repeated an earthquake like the one in Japan with that magnitude, everyone would already know Jesus is coming, and He wouldn’t come like a thief anymore.
So, He didn’t do that. But He set the type in 2011. And now, on the 1st of January 2024, when K2 was in a special position in Orion, He repeated the Japan earthquake.
It wasn’t as big, but this time it was still a very significant earthquake. And it happened on a very significant day—on the 1st of January, the beginning of the year. Which year? The start of a certain Gregorian year, just before Jesus comes.
Let me show you an article about this earthquake: the 2024 Japan Noto earthquake. It wasn’t a small one.
The Noto earthquake was a 7.5/7.6 earthquake (depending upon source) that occurred on Jan. 1, 2024, in the Ishikawa Prefecture near the northern coast of Japan's Noto Peninsula. It reached the maximum seismic activity of 7 on the Japanese scale, “a numerical value reflecting the size or energy of the temblor at its source.”
Hundreds of aftershocks were recorded in the week after the quake. In addition, there were several cascading hazards, including landslides, fires, geological uplift, tsunamis and liquefication.
The earthquake’s intense uplift—this is truly incredible—extended the coastline by up to 820 feet (250 meters), which is greater than the length of two American football fields. The quake prompted 16- to 47-inch tsunamis in towns along the coast. According to Japan’s land ministry, at least 296 acres (120 hectares) of land flooded from the tsunamis.
In the first month, there were almost 1,000 landslides related to the quake. While they affected fewer than 100 buildings, they blocked roads and rivers, isolated villages, delayed recovery, and increased the risk of future landslides. Multiple quakes (M4.8 to M6.0 in intensity) also hit the Noto region on June 3. While these new quakes came six months after the Noto earthquake, experts say the events are linked.
June 3rd is also a very important date, because it was shortly before something with the plagues happend.
The Japan Times said, “The Noto Peninsula has, in fact, been experiencing an ongoing “seismic swarm” — many earthquakes within a relatively small area that don’t fit a ‘mainshock-aftershock’ pattern — since late 2020, with this generating earthquakes at 10 times the average regional rate.” In 2023, these quakes ranged in strength from M4.0 to M6.3. Rain, snow and climate change-induced sea level rise all played a role in this swarm.
Wajima, a city in Ishikawa Prefecture, was most affected by the earthquake. Many of the city’s 23,000 residents heeded tsunami evacuation orders and fled. However, the city still had most of the earthquake’s casualties. Dramatic images showed the devastation in Wajima.
It’s hard to imagine that a community used to stand here. The market district, once the heart of the city, is now the very heart of the destruction, in a corner of Japan where destruction is everywhere.
Three days later, the wreckage still smoulders. Here, fire followed the quake.
Survivors can only look on at what they’ve lost—the remains of their lives that once stood here. At 83, this woman doesn’t see how she’ll ever rebuild. Her house survived the initial quake, but hours later, it was destroyed by the flames.
Imagine surviving the quake only to lose everything to fire a few hours later. Her neighbors were trapped, and that’s what truly haunts her. I heard my neighbors crying for help and I couldn’t do anything, she says.
Others heard as well and tried to help, but they weren’t professionals. They couldn’t do anything. It became too dangerous, and they had to evacuate. Those people died in the fire.
Now, there’s little more the authorities can do than assess the damage and count the loss. This entire community of lives and businesses has been completely leveled. This area used to be a market.
I won’t show you all the terrible images—you can imagine the scene, and you can look it up for yourself. Now you see, this earthquake corresponds to the real, massive earthquake in 2011 in Japan, which marked the beginning of the 6th seal for us. But now, Jesus comes as a thief, so the earthquake was smaller but still devastating.
And it had aftershocks lasting until June, a full six months of seismic activity. When you consider it all together, it becomes the biggest earthquake in history. And this marks the beginning of the 6th seal.
Now, let me show you what this means in heaven. I place K2 on the date of January 1st, 2024. You can see it is on a line.
I will now reveal to you which line this is. Now you can already see it: it is the Alnitak-Rigel line that we marked inside the Orion constellation. This is the pointer to the Rigel star, with Alnitak as the center of the clock.
It stretches from Alnitak to Rigel. This is the standard constellation line as depicted in Stellarium. But this is the line we added because it holds great significance for us. 2:11:18
Here also, we added this line, the Alnitak-Bellatrix line. And the Alnitak-Betelgeuse line is anyway already part of both our clock and the constellation, centered on Alnitak. And also this is already part of the clock. So, we added this line, and we added this line, lines to the four star pointers.
Look when exactly the second foot of Orion was touched by K2. In our understanding—this is the first foot star, this is the second foot star—the line from the lamb to the second foot star was also entered by the spirit of life. Exactly then, the Great Japan Earthquake series started. That is not a coincidence, because you can’t make these things up.
It’s impossible. So, what is the next event that must happen in the sequence of events that foreshadow the soon beginning of the wrath of God? And behold, when He opened the sixth seal, the great earthquake... We already had it. Then it says, the sun became black as sackcloth of hair.
Now, what could that be? I would say it's a solar eclipse, which has always been seen, even in ancient times, as an omen for bad things to come. Why is this solar eclipse, though they occur relatively frequently, so extremely important? Because it happened on the 8th of April, 2024, and I believe that everyone who truly believes in the Bible was aware of this solar eclipse because it was a special one. It completed something that began to be drawn a few years ago.
A great X across the United States. Hundreds, if not thousands, of prophets—both good and bad, true and false—saw this sign and reported it. Even secular people have spoken about this great sign from God, interpreting it as the sign of Jesus’ second coming and the destruction of the USA. This was on the 8th of April.
Now, please remember this date very carefully—April 8th, 2024—because this event not only fulfilled the X over the U.S., but also a very important timeframe of the two witnesses in Revelation 11, connected with Daniel. But this will be the topic of one of my next parts. I’d like to put K2 on the 8th of April and show you this solar eclipse in a neighboring constellation.
Here, we can see the moon approaching, and we move forward hourly until the moon is directly over the sun. Now, in Stellarium, we have a solar eclipse. I want to do this as accurately as possible.
Now, on the other hand, we have K2 in Orion at this point. Where are we approximately? I’d say we are very close to this line. Almost exactly in the Bellatrix line, we had the darkening of the sun.
Not as precise as the foot line that began the sixth seal, but pretty close, pretty close. So, you can see that God is truly good to us. He signaled to many people, and He allerted through the masses lots of people, that the end is near.
This was seen by many prophets and people. They all saw the X over the U.S., but what they didn’t understand was what this day truly meant. But I’ll save the explanation of this wonderful and important date for one of my next videos.
You should at least see that this solar eclipse occurred exactly along the connecting line between the two fish, and it activated the lying fish. We see one fish as the resurrection fish, swimming upward, and the other as the dead fish, which must be resurrected. So, it was about a resurrection of someone who was dead.
Was this a spiritual awakening for the U.S. or something even more significant in prophecy, maybe even mentioned elsewhere in Revelation? So, we have the darkening of the sun. The next thing that must happen is that the moon must become like blood. The first thing one might look for is, of course, a lunar eclipse because during total lunar eclipses, the moon turns reddish.
And this is what many people look for when analyzing biblical signs in the heavens. But okay, let’s check if this year we have a lunar eclipse within the Orion clock’s timeframe, as K2 passes through the constellation. You know we only have time until the 15th or the 23rd of December this year when K2 permanently leaves the Orion constellation.
We need to find a blood moon in the period between the 8th of April, when the solar eclipse occurred (as that comes first in the biblical text), and the December date. I have here a list of eclipses in 2024, and of course, we start looking after the 8th of April, when the total solar eclipse happened. And there, from the 17th to the 18th of September, we have a lunar eclipse.
But it is only partial, so it doesn't turn the moon red. It’s not a blood moon. On October 2nd, another solar eclipse will occur, but it's only an annular eclipse.
Annular eclipses can be pretty interesting, but it’s not the significant one, pointing to the date I will show you in another video. It is April 8th, the X date. Then we have a lunar eclipse on October 17th, but it’s just "almost", what ever that would mean.
So, there is no blood moon in the timeframe we are searching for that would be caused by a lunar eclipse. What else can we look for? Okay, we have the type of the blood moon in the classical sixth seal, which was the dark day. Let’s search for the dark day.
I suggest we read together a very interesting short article I found on **. It talks about this dark day of May 19, 1780, which classical scholars see as the blood moon at the beginning of the time of the end, before the judgment of the dead began.
On May 19, 1780, a strange darkness fell over much of New England. (New England is in the U.S.) It was so dark by noon that it was impossible to read or write even sitting by a window. The darkness that enveloped Connecticut remained there for a day and a half.
In Hartford, a legislative meeting was in progress at the Old State House. Instead of adjourning, legislator Abraham Davenport of Stamford said, “Bring the candles.” For this, and for assuaging the fears of what was perceived as the Day of Judgment by many of his colleagues, Davenport became a hero.
(Now, listen very carefully)
While still considered a supernatural event by some today, it has been proven through scientific examination of tree rings in Canada that a major forest fire in the spring of 1780 was the likely culprit of Connecticut’s Dark Day.
(Here’s an interesting quote)
“The day of Judgment is either approaching, or it is not.” – Abraham Davenport
He was absolutely right.
The day of judgment was approaching, but it wasn’t in 1780 because that was still to come in 1833, with the falling of the stars, before the great day of judgment would begin in Orion. Before I reveal what the blood moon really is, let’s do a thought experiment together. I place K2 back in the position of April 8th, 2024, when we had the solar eclipse in Pisces, and I’d like you to guess where you might expect the blood moon to occur.
Remember, we had the Orion clock line between Alnitak and Rigel, and exactly on that line, we had the earthquake. So, shortly before we would reach the Alnitak-Bellatrix line, which is the next outer star in this sequence, we had the darkening of the sun. Wouldn’t it be logical to expect the next event to occur around the next star line?
Now, let’s add the star line from Alnitak to Betelgeuse, even a bit higher, to reach the path of K2. Alright, now let’s move K2 to estimate where we might expect the blood moon. I’ll move forward month by month, quickly.
Now, we’re in July. It could be from the beginning of July, and of course, after the line as well. That would be symmetrically, which would place it in August or early August. So, we have a one-month window where we might expect the blood moon to occur.
Later, we’ll come to the falling stars, and you’ll see how logical it is when they happen, too. So, God spreads out these sixth seal events nicely over the timeframe from December 23rd to December 24th. It’s truly fascinating how He distributes these events, and what you’re seeing here is unique.
I gave you the historical type of the blood moon—the great sign accepted by many Adventist and other scholars in 1780. Now, let’s see if there were Canadian wildfires in 2024. Wikipedia tells us more.
The 2024 wildfires in Canada began as an extension of the record-setting 2023 wildfires. The country experienced an unusually long fire season in 2023 that had extended into the autumn; these fires smouldered through the winter and about 150 re-ignited as early as February 2024. (Right after the January 1st earthquake.) By early May, large wildfires had broken out in Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba.
(Early May was already after the April 8th eclipse.)
Soon after, there were also significant fires in Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The 2024 fires have forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people in communities throughout the country, including over 7,000 from Labrador City (the largest-ever evacuation in Newfoundland and Labrador's history) and over 25,000 in Jasper, Alberta. The Jasper wildfire destroyed one-third of the town's structures and was one of the most expensive natural disasters in Canadian history. Smoke from the fires reduced air quality through the United States and Canada and reached as far as Mexico and Europe. Important)
There have been two fatalities reported related to the fires: a firefighter killed by a falling tree in Alberta, and a helicopter pilot in the Northwest Territories who crashed while assisting with wildfire management.
The 2024 season is poised to have the second-highest carbon emissions since the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service measurements began in 2003, behind only the historically destructive 2023 season.
But as you read this, the 2023 season was merely the precursor to the ongoing 2024 season.)
By total area burned—over 5.3 million hectares (13 million acres) as of September 12 (what timeframe did i show you: the Beteigeuze timeframe)—it was one of the six worst years in the preceding 50. Approximately 70% of the land burned has been in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories.
Now friends, when do you think people most often look up at the moon? Typically, it’s when there’s a full moon, and when red moons are expected. But as you’ve seen, there is no true red moon this year. But people look up especially when the press is hyping up super moons.
Let’s briefly check a list of super moons for 2024. The super moons can be found in a super moon calendar of 2024, and they didn’t start until August 19. That was the first super moon of this year. We’ll have a total of four super moons, starting on August 19 and ending on November 15. These super moons are the ones we should focus on to see if they appear red.
Which one do you think was the reddest, considering the wildfires had already ceased? I’d say the super moon of August 19. Let’s check if anyone noticed a red moon on or around August 19. Here’s a list of distances and more detailed information. You can pause the video if you’d like to examine it closely.
Now, here are some observations from people around the world during the super moon on August 19, 2024—or the night before.
Forest fire in Canada colors moon in Eindhoven red. (This is a town in the Netherlands. It says:)
Anyone looking at the Eindhoven sky late Sunday evening and Sunday night saw a conspicuously red-coloured moon. Weatherman Floris Lafeber of Weerplaza explains what was going on. That smokey sky came from Canada. A number of forest fires are raging there.”
Last year, there were no red skies in other parts of the world than in North America.
“We were dealing with a smokey sky,” Lafeber explained to Omroep Brabant radio on Monday morning. “That smoke comes from Canada. A number of forest fires are raging there. Particles entered the atmosphere and were blown all the way to our area with the jet stream.” That jet stream is a very strong wind at very high altitudes. The smoke and ash particles have travelled a distance of seven thousand kilometers. Even this Monday, we are still feeling the effects of this. “Because of that smoke, the sky will not be bright blue.”
Another example from the BBC on August 18, 2024:
Smoke from wildfires across the Atlantic has brought spectacular vivid colours to sunsets and sunrises across the UK this weekend.
Fires have blazed across North America this summer, and smoke particles have been carried by the jet stream to the skies above the British Isles.
The unusual hues should continue until Monday, when more unsettled weather will begin to disperse the smoke in the upper atmosphere.
But skywatchers could also be in for a treat on Monday night, when a rare blue supermoon appears above the UK.
But the skies are red. Despite the term “blue supermoon,” the moon itself is never blue—just to clear up any misunderstandings.
Let me show you a video.
This clip is from the BBC, and I’ll enlarge it for you so you can really see what’s happening. It’s worth watching. Especially notice the countries and the colors. Not all are red moons, but a hughe number of them are.
Key locations showing red moons:
Europe, Lisbon, Portugal (as mentioned in the video)
Madrid, Spain. The moon is very red.
Jakarta, Indonesia (where the Pope was visiting)
So indeed, we had red supermoons in many locations around the world on the 19th of August, when K2 was nearing Betelgeuse. The next significant date would be the 18th of September 2024, which was just a few days ago and coincided with a partial lunar eclipse. During that event, there were still reports of red moons in various parts of the world.
However, the red moons will soon cease as the smoke from the wildfires dissapear, and the atmosphere clears. This sets the stage for the next celestial event, the final warning sign. I brought you now back to the Orion constellation, specifically on the 19th of August, when the blood moon event occurred near the Betelgeuse line.
Now, when would you expect the next event, the falling stars, in the sequence of heavenly signs foretelling the great and terrible day of the wrath of the Lord? We know that K2 is making a curve—it’s circling around the position in the sky that we call Betel. And then K2 will start to enter again Orion. But pay close attention to what is happening in the sky, particularly in Orion near K2. Can you see it? The Orionids are approaching.
The Orionids are a meteor shower, and meteor showers have caused notable events in history. In 1833, we had the great event of the falling stars, but that was the Leonids meteor shower in the Leo constellation. This time, the Orionids enter Orion, I want to emphasize this date: on October 14th. This is when the Orionids meteor shower enters the constellation of Orion, while K2 is still making its round near Betel. We have the meteor shower directly in the club region of Orion.
You can observe it. It goes in the coming days, after the 14th, after this special day of entering, it goes through the club. Even reaches exactly the hand position of Orion. We have a meteor shower in Orion's club.
Is this significant? Do you believe this is it? Don’t we have the Orionids meteor shower every year? Yes, we have it every year. So why is it so significant? But when do we have a comet that comes only once every six million years, and not always in Orion? When do we have a comet passing through Orion? When do we see all the other events happening at such exact points? Like the earthquake on January 1st. And just before Bellatrix, we have the solar eclipse on April 8th, which draws an X over the United States.
We’ve seen the blood moons, and something significant should happen next, a heavenly sign that foretells the great day of the Lord’s wrath is at hand. For this we have the Orionids entering Orion's club. What happens next? I’ve already shown you.
K2 will leave Orion. Then another Orionids meteor shower will come, and after that, it’s over. Silence in heaven.
No more meteor showers, no more K2 anymore in Orion. Now I’ll explain what you’ve seen. And this is finally the end of this long video.
But what I want to show you is very solemn. I’ve shown you all these signs in Orion, along with this very rare comet. Did you pay attention to the colors and the descriptions in the text? Did you follow along with your Bibles open, reading the verses as I spoke? Did you check, like the Bereans do? If you did, maybe you’ve seen something.
This video was long because I wanted to emphasize all the other seals and how they worked together to bring us to this culminating point. It’s a wonderful story being told here—the sixth seal.
It has many different signs and descriptions, and every single sign has a bit of context around it. And it’s that bit of context that makes the whole story. Let’s turn to the Bible.
When he opened the sixth seal, what was the first event? “And behold, there was a great earthquake.” This earthquake happened exactly on January 1st, 2024, when we crossed the second line between Alnitak and Rigel, which is the second leg or foot line—the line from the center of the lamp to Orion’s left foot.
So, this is the moment when a big constellation like this, also called Michael, stands up. Do you believe that when such a huge constellation stands up, there would be an earthquake on earth as he places his foot down? I’ll show you much more about this. And yes, it’s mentioned in Revelation, in another chapter.
But that’s the theme of the next video. Remember, when someone like the Archangel Michael stands up, it causes an earthquake. The next thing mentioned is: “The sun became black as sackcloth of hair.”
Did we see the color black? Which star represented the black horse rider? Can you remember? It was Bellatrix, on April 8th. So, here we go. On April 8th, we are approaching, as you know, the Alnitak-Bellatrix line.
The black horse rider’s star—but it’s not about the horse rider anymore. There’s no church anymore. But the color is black.
And that’s mentioned in the text: "Black as sackcloth of hair." The solar eclipse near the black horse rider’s star.
Do you see what Orion holds in his left hand? It’s not exactly a sackcloth, but in some depictions of Orion, he holds a cloth, his mantle. Do you see the hair? It’s the lion’s mane. Who is running around the earth like a lion, seeking whom he may devour? Do you see now the "sackcloth of hair"? The next event to happen is the blood moons.
The moon became like blood. As you know, it was on August 16th when many around the world saw it. And this, again, was very near Betelgeuse, the red star.
Very, very red. It’s a red giant. That’s the red horse rider’s star.
And in the text, we follow K2 through Orion as the last warnings of the sixth seal are now truly happening. Even if it is a little hidden from the eyes of the world because they do not look up and do not understand the immense importance of the Orion constellation. And now, the red color is coming not only from the smoke in Canada but also from the great star in Orion, Betelgeuse.
What is Betelgeuse warning about? War. At this moment, as I sit here, it is the 26th of September, and I was overwhelmed when I saw these things happening directly in Orion, in the order of how K2 swirls through this constellation as a last, very last warning before it departs. What is the next event? "And the stars of heaven fell to the earth."
A whole verse is reserved for this event, that's how important it is, even if you thought it might not be so important. "Even as a fig tree"—and we left out this little part before because we had no explanation for it, no explanation—"casts her untimely figs when she is shaken by a mighty wind." A mighty wind is always a sign of an upcoming war.
Wind means war. But what about the fig tree? I showed you that we are approaching the Orionids. Now, the Orionids enter Orion's area exactly on the 14th of October.
The 14th of October this year is a very, very important date. We have planned to blow the shofar on the eve of this day because it is true **Yom Kippur**, the Day of Judgment. And in Paraguay, they bought a shofar, a true shofar horn, especially for this wonderful opportunity. Because on Yom Kippur of the 49th year, the high priest had to blow the shofar. And half a year later, the beginning of the **Jubilee** would take place when the moon was sighted for the first of Nisan, the new year.
Most probably, this will happen this time on the 31st of March, 2025. But this was the warning: half a year’s time, and then the Jubilee begins.
So, this is exactly the moment when the Orionids enter the club area of Orion. Have you seen the fig tree? You won’t believe it, but you should. A week ago, a member of our community had a dream, and he saw in Orion's hand holding this club, but it was a tree.
Yes. And when you consider how huge the Orion constellation is, of course, it is not a little stick or match or whatever he holds as a club in his hand. The biggest piece of wood you could hold in your hand if you were Orion would be a tree trunk.
It would be a big, huge tree trunk. What's missing in the picture? The figs. The untimely figs.
The Orionids. That’s the rain, and it goes through the whole club. Follow me.
Can you see it? It goes through the whole club, the whole area. Everywhere, falling stars, falling figs from this wonderful big tree that Orion holds in his hand.
The last sign before K2 departs.
Of course, the departure of Comet K2 is the beginning and the opening of the seventh seal, marking the start of the solemn time of the loud cry on earth and total silence in heaven. This ends when the books are closed, when Comet K2 and Comet E3 roll up like a scroll. And we turn again to the Bible and read, “And the heavens departed like a scroll when it is rolled together.” I’ve already shown you what happens with E3 and K2 afterward. They are scrolling out like two rolls.
This is the moment when the books are finally closed after the long and great day of judgment in heaven, which encompassed the judgment of the dead and then the judgment of the living. This ends on June 4, 2025, when there will no longer be any portions of the Holy Spirit available. After this, the next event is the rapture. This is symbolized by the mountains and islands being moved out of their places—lifted up to heaven, toward Jesus Christ. This represents those with faith like a mountain, such as the 144,000, and those with little faith like an island, possibly those sealed during the seventh seal, whose faith was small but who were led to righteousness at the last moment by the 144,000.
The last thing that will happen, of course, is that the kings of the earth, every servant and free man—everyone who was left behind—will flee to their bunkers because the great, literal day of the Lord’s wrath has come. I will explain this in the part called The Great and Marvelous Sign, which details the wrath of God described in Revelation chapters 15 and 16. In that video, we will present the wrath in great detail.
We will see that, although the Lord’s judgments will be visibly manifested during the seventh seal, they will still be mixed with grace. The Holy Spirit will still be available during that time. But then comes a literal day—the great day of the Lord’s wrath—when the entire earth will be destroyed at once.
This is the moment when everyone will acknowledge that Jesus has come, that He has raptured His people, and that it is the end. This day will not last a year nor follow a prophetic time frame—it is a literal day. And this day will be from June 21 to June 22, 2025.
This will close the sixth seal, which contains within its chiastic structure the seventh seal.
Let me finish this long, long video. Thank you so much for listening to me for so long. Let me conclude with a wonderful quote.
It speaks about the book that was written within and on the backside. This book—the book of seven seals. And you will love it.
“The book with seven seals contains the history of the world. (Did you see that?) “And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice: ‘Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?’ And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.”
There, in His open hand, lay the book—the roll of the history of God’s providences, the prophetic history of nations and the church. Herein was contained the divine utterances, His authority, His commandments, His laws, the whole symbolic counsel of the eternal, and the history of all ruling powers in the nations. In symbolic language was contained in that roll the influence of every nation, town, and people from the beginning of earth's history to its close.”
Did you watch my last series? That Orion started even with the great Orion cycle at the creation of Adam?
This roll was written within and without. And now Ellen White quotes the verses that we have seen in this video many times.
The same spirit is seen today that is represented in Revelation 6:6-8:
“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.’” Only the oil and the wine make it through the time of scarcity of God’s word.
History is to be repeated, as with the marches around Jericho. That which has been will be again.
I leave you now, and I hope you understand now why I called this video part of the last messages for the church, for the Christians, and for the world: The sealing of mankind's fate.
Blessed Sabbath, and see you soon on the next Sabbath.
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