A Time to Prophesy
Good morning, welcome again, it's good to see everyone. Today we have an important theme and an exciting one about the time to prophesy. Now this title comes out of the book of Revelation from chapter 10 where there's a story of an angel that John sees, a mighty angel standing with one foot on the sea and one foot on the earth and he has a message.
In fact, he has a solemn message and he makes a sworn oath “and he swear by him that liveth forever and ever”, and he continues to describe him, “that there should be time no longer.” So this mighty angel that's described is talking about the end of time. And in his other hand, he has one hand raised in the oath, and in his other hand he has a little book open.
And that little book was given to John and he was told to eat the book. “And I took the little book out of the angel's hands and ate it up and it was in my mouth sweet as honey. And as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.”
Now this refers to a historic event. In the 1840s there was a movement that came out of an understanding of that little book, because that little book refers to Daniel, especially this prophecy from Daniel chapter 8 where “he said unto me unto 2,300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Now this prophecy is clearly a time prophecy and there was a man by the name of William Miller who was a deist but he converted to a Baptist and eventually became a minister and he was studying to prove out his faith.
He was studying the Bible. And he came to that passage with the 2,300 days and he wanted to understand it. And he researched, he studied it, and he came to the conclusion that it was a time prophecy ending in his days, just some years in advance of that time when he was studying it.
And as he first convinced himself about its truth and then later began to write about it and share that message, there was a great Advent awakening that took place where many people began to gather together and they would hear the words of ultimately this time prophecy. And it was based on that, not only that 2,300 days, but also other time prophecies pointing to that same time that would conclude in 1844. Now it was a very sweet message for them.
It was the second coming of Jesus. Everybody was anticipating it. They were looking forward to that.
They were repenting and turning from their sins. And so it was sweet in their mouth like honey, just like the prophecy says of the little book when he would eat it. But October 22nd came and went and it seemed as though the prophecy had failed.
And it was indeed bitter in their belly. After being digested, the message after the time came, it then had a bitter effect in them because of that disappointment. So that is what is described in the Bible in chapter 10 when it talks about the eating of the little book that was sweet in the mouth and bitter in the stomach.
It was prophesying this experience that God knew in advance would happen to the people. The very next verse in that chapter after his belly turned bitter it says, and he said unto me, the angel speaking, “he said unto me, thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.” So there was then to follow another prophecy.
And it's clear from the context that this must be a time prophecy. The first one was the little book about Daniel and the 2300 days. And this is all in the context of the angel who's swearing there shall be time no longer.
Well, their experience, which ended up bitter in their belly, was then not the end. So the angel says, you must prophesy again, prophesy a time message again. Now, when people think of a time message, especially Christians today, there's usually one verse that comes quickly to mind.
And that is, there's a few verses that fit, “but of that day and that hour knoweth no man.” Everybody stands behind that and says, we have no knowledge of the time. And they defend that many times in every video that they make or any communication, oh, we don't know the time, nobody knows the time, based on a misunderstanding of what Jesus said in these verses.
“Of that hour, of that day and hour knoweth no man, or no man maketh known. No, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” So it's the Father alone who, Jesus said, knows the time.
Now, Jesus, of course, said this 2,000 years ago when he was in human flesh on the earth. So at that time, it wasn't given to him to know. But Jesus since ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father, and I suppose they don't really hold secrets from one another.
And then afterward, Jesus communicated the entire revelation to his angel, who then gave it to John, who wrote it down. And the revelation is the prophecy of Jesus Christ, of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the time when he will come. That's what the book is about.
It's about his appearing, his revealing in the second coming. So he also says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 3, remember therefore how thou hast received and heard. Just like Miller, he studied the time prophecies.
Today, nobody studies time prophecy, not because it's forbidden. There's nothing in the Bible that says thou shalt not study time. On the contrary, there are many, many time prophecies, and they're important.
We need to study the time. And Jesus even emphasized the importance of studying the time and knowing the time. “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent.”
There are many who need to repent from ignoring an entire apocalyptic book in the Bible. People say, oh, Revelation, that's for those people that come after the rapture. I don't need that.
That's very presumptuous, and God's people need to repent from ignoring His word, His prophetic word about His return. What can be more glorious than the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? And yet we ignore it. We don't want to study it.
That is a fault, and it's a fault that God, that Jesus himself speaks of. “If therefore thou shalt not watch,” if you don't pay attention to what the prophecies say, “I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” So if you don't watch, you won't know.
And He says, therefore, we must watch. And when we watch, we will know what hour Jesus will come upon us. And then He won't come on us as a thief.
The angel said, “thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.” Now this, therefore, leads to the next chapter. The next chapter is Revelation 11.
This is the last verse in chapter 10, and then comes the story of the two witnesses. So just like there were two prophecies, there was Miller who studied the first one and presented it to the world, and then the angel says, you must prophesy again, now there comes a second witness. And we see those in the heavens.
We have the Orion clock, and I've included the clock there just to illustrate it. And we have the Horologium, the two witnesses to the time, exactly in the context of Revelation 10, where the angel says, there shall be time no longer. So this is speaking about the time, two witnesses to the time.
Now, when we look closer at these two witnesses, we'll notice some correlations to that historical time and our present time. But in the course of Revelation 11, it mentions not just the two witnesses, but it says that after three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them, and there is the spirit also represented. So we have the two witnesses and the spirit of life.
Together, they make three, and that brings our mind to the apostle John, again, in his epistle, 1 John 5, and verse 7 says, for there are three that bear witness in heaven, that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. So the Father is known in Daniel as the Ancient of Days, he represents, or rather, the clock represents the Father, time, the Ancient of Days. The Word, that's Jesus, represented in Orion, showing His wounds that He suffered on the cross.
And then, of course, the Holy Ghost being represented by the dove with the olive branch. And these three are one, because in the sign of the Son of Man, it groups them all together in one. So we see that fulfilled there, but these are those three that bear record in heaven.
He continues, and there are three that bear witness in the earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. Now, referring back, if you're familiar with our former messages, you know very well that in this portion of the sign, we have represented the seven churches. In each region, we have, starting from Laodicea to Philadelphia, and Sardis, Thiatyra, Pergamos, Smyrna, and Ephesus, going around in the circle, where Philadelphia includes this entire set.
Philadelphia is the church where Jesus said, I will write on you my name, in paraphrasing my Father's name, and the name of the Holy City. The three parts all represented there together, and all the other churches in that same area. And so, the three that bear witness in the earth are the two churches that Jesus said nothing against, Smyrna and Philadelphia.
Smyrna was poor, but they bought the gold from Jesus, like the dorado, the golden fish, and so we have the spirit, the water, and the blood, Smyrna representing the blood, because they were those who Jesus encouraged to be faithful unto death, representing the martyrs, especially. So, we see in God's people the earthly witnesses, and in heaven, of course, we're looking in the heavens, but they're representing the churches, whereas the heavenly witnesses are representing the divinity. Now, you'll notice how Philadelphia has the three parts, but especially, we talked about the Millerites, they were, the group that came from there were also Philadelphia, but they have all since died.
And today, we have Philadelphia again. So, we have that before and after, and in Revelation chapter 14, it says, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, saith the Spirit. So, that connects those who were of Philadelphia, but have died, those Millerites who proclaimed the time message in the 1840s, and they experienced the disappointment, but they continued with the Lord, those who died in the Lord from henceforth, they are represented by that part of Philadelphia, representing, depicted by the dove, the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them, just as we continue to refer to the work of William Miller, even today.
But since his time, looking at the Orion clock, here we have the constellation of Orion, and I'm not going to go into detail about the clock, we've been describing that in our articles for over a decade, and it's not so relevant to our discussion here, but it began in 1846 with the star Saiph, and progressed throughout 168 years, through the whole course of history, pointing out specific events, specific times where special things were happening among God's people, among those people that came from the Millerite movement, but didn't reject it all as fake. They understood that this was the moving of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, instead of rejecting it, they said, where did we go wrong? What did we misunderstand? Okay, it wasn't the end of the world, what was it? It was the beginning of the judgment, and therefore, we have the judgment cycle, which spans 168 years until 2014, and then began the time most especially connected with the judgment of the living, and the Horologium clock, the second witness, transitioning after a period of transition to the second witness. So in the meantime, those people that came from the Millerites, they ultimately formed going back to here.
It was around this time, shortly before the throne lines, when they organized into a church, the Seventh-day Adventist church, and continued to give the message of the three angels as described in Revelation chapter 14, but they became more and more distanced from that original time message, and even today, many of them take the position of those who were not among them in the beginning, those who said that was wrong, Miller was just mistaken, and the studies were all wrong, it wasn't from the Holy Spirit, and so many among the Seventh-day Adventist church actually fell away, or they refused to proclaim a second message. They refused to prophesy again. Remember, the angel after Miller, he said, thou must prophesy again.
Now, thou was referring then to Miller and his movement, because they were the ones who ate the book. So that was the Seventh-day Adventist church. But the Seventh-day Adventist church absolutely refused to give the time, the time message.
When this message of time came, with the understanding of the heavenly witness in Orion, this was before the end of that cycle, a few years, but the church wanted nothing to do with it. They would not prophesy this message, Miller's message, or the second Miller, if you will. They wouldn't do it.
It's a lot like the story of Jonah, who knew, had the history, had the relationship with the Lord, but refused to do according to his will. So the question is, will we follow suit? Now, in Jesus's day, there were certain of the scribes and the Pharisees who came to Jesus, and they said, Master, we would see a sign from thee. So they wanted Him to prove Himself by showing a sign.
And what was Jesus's response? He answered and said unto them, an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas. So Jesus, first of all, was speaking of an evil and adulterous generation, and that no sign would be given to it but that of the prophet Jonas. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
So which time was that referring to? That was referring to Jesus's time, right? It was when they saw Jesus three days and three nights in the heart of the earth from Gethsemane until he ascended to the Father at his resurrection on his resurrection day. Those were the three days and three nights. That was their sign of Jonas, right? But it's interesting that, first of all, we see this in the sign in heaven, the three days and the three nights.
We have Jesus's crucifixion from Thursday night to Friday night, and then His burial in the tomb from Friday night to Saturday night across the Sabbath, and then His resurrection day from before dawn on Sunday until He ascended to his Father and, like the wave sheaf, that pointed to the resurrection, three days and three nights. But there was another time when the Pharisees came also and asked something very similar. The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, intending, desiring that Jesus would show them a sign from heaven.
This is a few chapters later in the same book of Matthew that is reporting that. And Jesus answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering.
O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times? So Jesus called them hypocrites because they would look to the heavens to know about their limited future the next day, what the weather would be like, but they didn't look to the heavens, to the second heavens in the stars, to discern the signs of the times of the future. Now it's interesting here that he notes that the signs of the times are to be discerned from the heavens. Yet today if you talk about the signs of the times, what comes to mind? What do people say? What are the signs of the times? Earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, natural disasters, all these earthly things.
Things happening in Israel. But Jesus said, You can discern the face of the sky, but can you not discern the signs of the times? Looking into heaven. He continues and says, A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
Very similar to what he said before. And he left them and departed. But what's the difference? Before he was referring to the earth, to what happened in His very life on the earth that they in His generation could see.
That wicked and adulterous generation that wanted a sign when Jesus came the first time. They had the sign of Jonah that they could see in Jesus in the flesh. Here Jesus says, When there's a wicked and adulterous generation that's looking for a sign, they will get the sign of the prophet Jonas, but where? In heaven.
And so therefore, we have to look to the heavens. Now it's interesting because he says, There shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet Jonas. Okay? No sign but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
But elsewhere Jesus says, Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man. Now wait a minute. Didn't you say there was no sign but the sign of the prophet Jonas? So how can there be no sign except that one and also the sign of the Son of Man? The only way to explain it is that they are one and the same sign.
The sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. They shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
And we've talked about how we see those events happening even in our time when the sign first appeared, when the comets first began to show us this sign within that time frame. And then right in the middle when the Israel and Hamas conflict began that's been escalating and is still continuing to escalate today as it becomes more of a regional and even global thing. And then at the end, the third part, the Son of Man coming himself in the clouds of heaven.
These are one and the same sign. The sign of the Son of Man and the sign of the prophet Jonas. Just as it was at Jesus's first coming.
They had the Son of Man and they saw His life and we have the sign of the Son of Man. And we see that sign and it points to His second coming just as the first one showed that He was the Messiah for the first coming. So let's look at the sign of Jonah a little bit more closely and see what more there is to find there.
So if we look into the book of Jonah, right at the beginning God tells Jonah, arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry against it for their wickedness is come up before me. So Nineveh was a wicked city. The prophet Nahum in Nahum chapter 3 verse 1 talks about it, he identifies it as the bloody city full of lies and robbery and that connects with Revelation 22 verse 15 where it says outside the city are the dogs and the murderers bloody people that have blood on their hands, the liars.
So in the sign we see the dog and that represents Nineveh that bloody city full of murderers and liars etc. Continuing in the story Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish. You know the story we went over it last Sabbath so I won't go over it again but he fled from the presence of the Lord and went down to Joppa and he found a ship going to Tarshish.
So, here we see the ship, and it’s interesting that the artwork shows the ship coming in this direction. However, in the constellations, this part of the ship is the constellation Puppis, which represents the poop deck—the back end of the ship. This means that, in reality, the constellations depict the ship moving in the opposite direction, fleeing from Nineveh.
You know the story—Jonah told the people on board that they needed to throw him overboard because they were caught in a great storm, and he was the cause of it. So, they took Jonah and cast him into the sea.
The name Jonah in Hebrew is actually a Hebrew word that means dove. When we see the dove in the sign, falling out of the ship, it symbolizes Jonah being thrown overboard. But the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah, and that is represented in the comets that form the sign of the great fish. Indeed, the fish swallows Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. In the sign, Jonah is now represented by the small human figure in the belly of the great fish.
It was from there that Jonah prayed to the Lord His God out of the fish’s belly.
Prayer is connected with incense and the Spirit, and so we see the dove again, but this time representing his prayer rising from his spirit. Let’s take a closer look at his prayer, which has many different connections to this sign:
And he said "I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, out of the belly of hell cried I, and Thou heardest my voice. So from the belly of hell, For Thou hast cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about; all Thy billows and Thy waves passed over me."
Here, we see the billows and waves, just like those in the sign near the ship. The waves represent the surface of the water, while the deep represents the waters below, surrounding Jonah. All shown in the sign.
"Then I said, I am cast out of Thy sight; yet I will look again toward Thy holy temple."
This idea of being cast out reminds us of our study on the Exodus from Egypt. This crossing point of the Red Sea refers back to the Feast of Weeks when the Israelites sinned by worshiping the golden calf. At that time, God declared, "I will blot them out," as if marking them with a great X. Moses interceded, saying, "Blot me out instead." This moment of blotting out or being cast out of God’s sight is reflected here. God did not want to take His people anymore. He wanted to cast them out of His sight.
"The waters compassed me about, even to the soul."
We have previously discussed how the soul is represented in the sign by the waters.
"The depth closed me round about; the weeds were wrapped about my head. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains."
In the sign, we see a mountain, down to the bottom of the mountains.
"The earth with her bars was about me forever: yet hast Thou brought up my life from corruption."
The word corruption also means pit or trap. In modern times, this could symbolize this part of the river in the sign that has been deviated, which we have connected to the time of the injection—a great trap for the world, a corruption of our genetics. That is also represented there.
"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord: and my prayer came in unto Thee, and of course, into Thine holy temple."
We know that the temple is represented by Orion, and so Jonah’s prayer ascends like incense into God’s house.
"They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy."
The phrase lying vanities refers to idolatry—the empty idols people worship as gods. Lying vanities because they treat them as gods, but they are empty. This again connects to the time of the golden calf, the period of blotting out.
"They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy." They blot themselves out in a sense.
This is similar to the warning Jesus gave to the church of Sardis:
"If you do not watch, you will not know the time, and I will come as a thief. If you do not watch, you will be blotted out." You will forsake your own mercy, God’s mercy towards you.
The church of Sardis rejected the message of time. Jesus called them back:
"Remember where you came from, remember how you have heard, and hold fast."
Jonah’s prayer continues:
"But I will sacrifice unto Thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord."
Of course we are familiar with the sacrifice being represented in connection with Jesus’ baptism, when the dove descended upon Him as He was baptized into the river. When we are baptized, we are baptized into His sacrifice. Jonah’s words reflect this sacrifice of thanksgiving, acknowledging that salvation belongs to the Lord.
That is the end of Jonah’s prayer. We see many different elements of his experience reflected in the sign.
“Then, the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.”
In the sign, out of the mouth of the fish, we see the clock. That message that God gave to Jonah. A second time, after he was spit out, He gave him the message:
"Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown."
God gave him a time message. Again, we see the connection to the church and to our time. Many say, "No one knows the day or the hour" Stay away from the time, that is the attitude—fleeing from God’s message of time, just as Jonah fled from God. But it did not work out well for Jonah.
When God spoke to the fish, it vomited him out—God put him directly into the clock, into the knowledge of time. That is what this message is about: a time to prophesy, a time to give this message of time.
“So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them unto the least of them.”
In our time, Nineveh symbolizes Babylon in Revelation. Those who repent are represented in the sign as the small foot inside the body of Christ. That is the repentant portion. We hope that portion is not in proportion to the size of the animal—but that is not for us to determine. We call everyone to repentance, just as in Nineveh, when the entire city, from the king to the common people, all repented.
Continuing with the story, while Jonah was waiting to see what would happen, and his attitude was not the best. Jonah went out of the city, and the heat was burdensome to him and the Lord was gracious. He caused a plant to grow to provide shade for him, and Jonah was grateful. But then, came a worm. The text says, "God prepared a worm, and when the morning rose the next day, it smote the gourd that it withered."
In the sign, we see a snake, but what is the worm that destroys God’s blessing? It is also represented by a serpent—the enemy who steals God’s blessings and causes us to demonstrate whether we are thankful or not.
It is interesting that Jonah’s prayer is written in past tense, though it describes his experience in the fish’s belly. It is written from a later perspective, after he learned his lesson—to have compassion for others rather than just seeking his own comfort. His prayer actually shows that transformation of heart that is seen in his willingness to offer sacrifice and thanksgiving that before he did not want to give.
So, looking at The Sign of Jonah, I just summarized here all the verses from the book we just read and looked at and where they all appear in the sign. So you can see that there is quite a lot of correlation between the story of Jonah and this sign of Jonah.
And we discovered this correlation with the elements of Jonah’s story at a special time on God’s clock in Orion, as the comet K2 was coming up right through what we call the throne lines—the lines extending from the three belt stars. If you extend the line between Alnitak and Alnilam, it comes up to this point where it crosses the path of the comet K2. And on that date—February 10—we discovered these things, as God revealed them on that day.
God works in time, and all the things that happen, happen at His prescribed times. Yes, and Alnilam represents the Father. So, we have the voice of the Father coming at this time, showing the Sign of Jonah, showing the time that is being spoken by the great fish.
And that time we see when looking more closely at the clock. We now see the other comet—Comet E3—when it crosses the pendulum of the clock, the sword that comes out of His mouth, as described in Revelation 19.
It is this period in particular that is being referred to—that time from February 20 until May 27. And I just wanted to show the symmetry there, because I think it’s very interesting. There’s a solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, and it is exactly seven weeks from February 20 to April 8. Then, it is another seven weeks from April 9 until May 27. So, you see that perfect symmetry.
And then, immediately after, on the 28th, is when the comet crosses the line—and that is the end. So, here we have the last day, and then begins the travel—the rapture after.
This is connected with that great X that many see in these solar eclipses—the one from 2017 and this one on April 8, 2024.
Interestingly, as others have pointed out, there are a number of townships and villages in the United States that bear the name Nineveh. All of them are represented here with these red dots, and they are all clustered more or less along the path of the solar eclipse—seven of them in the United States and one in Nova Scotia. These are the only townships in all of North America named Nineveh.
Many of them are small, but they are all more or less along the path of the eclipse. So, that connects this time with the time of Jonah, that eclipse in the middle connecting it with this whole period, pointing to this time in particular as the time to prophesy.
And if we look at the other throne line, which corresponds to the line from Alnitak to Mintaka—representing the Holy Spirit—if we extend that, it comes to February 19.
So, we have from February 10 to the 19—ten days leading up to February 20, that first crossing at the pendulum.
And in these ten days is that time when we receive this message, are delivering it, and will publish it. And then, it’s on the rest of the audience watching here to share that message—to share this message of time that God is giving.
And this, as I said, is connected with the Spirit:
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
And so, we have the Sign of Jonah pointing to this time—from February 20 to May 27—two pairs of seven weeks, 98 days in total.
Including the time we publish this—on February 17—it’s exactly 100 days we have until Babylon falls.
And then, there’s the last great day—the day of the resurrection when Jesus comes.
And then, when the comet crosses the pendulum at last, it is the rapture and the journey to heaven to be with Jesus forever.
Can you explain that blue area?
Yes, amen.
This is the water of life that the Spirit and the bride say, Come.
If you’re thirsty, drink of the water of life.
It runs by the clock—it gives the time.
Let us give this last message of mercy, calling on everyone in Babylon:
"Come out of her, My people"
If you hear His voice—the voice of the Good Shepherd—calling us to come out, to come into His fold, this is the time.
It is a time to prophesy.
Time—a literal time—100 days, or two pairs of seven weeks.
But it is also this time when we need to give this prophecy.
This is the last chance.
There is no more—no more time.
"There shall be time no longer."
That’s the summary of Revelation 10 and the two witnesses that show this.
And we want to be among His two witnesses.
The bride, as I just read in the verse—the bride also says, Come.
And that’s the commission that I want to leave you with—as the bride, the body of Christ—to give this message.
To say, Come.
Drink of the water of life that flows from the tree of life, represented in heaven by the two clocks.
Thank you, and let’s—Amen.
Let’s have a word of prayer and ask God’s blessing on that work.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for this message that You have given to us—a message of time, of repentance.
And we see that we have much to repent of.
Many of us have forsaken time—we have turned a deaf ear to all things connected with time.
And we need to repent.
I pray that You will pour out Your Spirit in abundance and move upon Your people, that they will recognize that need for repentance on their own part—to receive Your message of time and to proclaim it.
And to call others—as the bride—to call others to come.
All who thirst, come—drink from the water of the fountain of the river of life.
Thank You for the blessings that You give to us, that flow continually from Your throne.
We love You.
Go with this message, and with all who take it on their lips—who share it in the streets of modern Babylon.
May it be heard by Your people as they recognize Your voice and come out of her into the safety of Your ark of time.
We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ Alnitak of Orion.
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