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The Boy Who Knew the Time

Good Sabbath afternoon, my dear friends, church members, Paraguayans, and everyone around the world. Those who have been faithful over the last years listening to this video, which I believe is a milestone in our movement. For more than 14 years, we have been studying the Bible together, especially the book of Revelation. After all these years, I can only say that the Lord has shown us so much on our journey to find the true rapture date when our fight would be over, and many souls would have been led by us to righteousness.

I can only say that we are serving a wonderful and great God, aren't we? I prayed to Him a little bit before I started this video, so I saved the prayer for myself. But if you want to pray so that your hearts and minds are open to understand what I want to tell you, then feel free to stop the video and do so. Indeed, I think it will be a pretty long video because there is a lot of additional light and details to what we have studied over the years, especially since we learned about the Horologium around 2020.

Now, my cell phone starts again. I really have to switch it off because it only starts when I'm talking. It's incredible. I hope it's now really quiet. Since 2020, we have known about the Horologium, which is the second witness. You know about our attempts to identify the witnesses, and initially, we were unsuccessful. We began in 2010 with Orion. Initially, I was alone, but by 2012, we had formed a small group.

But Orion is only one witness. It is the most important because it represents Jesus in the most holy place showing His wounds to the Father. But we know that God the Father is time, and so the perfect depiction of the second witness must be a clock. When we hear about clocks, then High Sabbath Adventists always give their ear—at least one. That makes me happy because I could show you how important timing and time are for God, who is time.

In the last few years, we learned about the Horologium in 2020. This knowledge came during a time when the world was under pressure. Pressure started to mount in 2012 when LGBT homosexual marriage was approved in the US. We could see the role Pope Francis played in all these things. "Who am I to judge?" Pressure upon true Christianity started to mount and became more intense. Then came the corona crisis and the vaccination that we warned people about very soon, but they did not listen and died by the millions, if not billions, having their DNA compromised and thus becoming goats instead of sheep of God, the Creator.

All these things worked together, and this significant heart crisis came during the Horologium time, and we had to endure it. Now, ultimately, a question arose. We saw these tests in the HSL. The woe tests, or the mark, the image, and the number test. But the question was always, will there be another mark of the beast test in the end, yes or no? I, seeing that time is running out, doubted. I have to say that frankly, I doubted. I doubted that we would have another Sunday Law, that it would really come to pass.

We saw a Sunday Law, blue laws in the 1800s in the US already, and it coincided with the corona test on our side of the retroceding HSL. So was there necessity to have another Sunday Law test? I sometimes mentioned in Paraguay, still on the table there, I said if a Sunday Law comes, it comes very in the end, more or less so far in the end, that the Adventists that never listened to what the High Sabbath Adventists said would be punished by that. Knowing that the rapture has happened, the Sunday Law is on the earth, and they know they have not gone to heaven. Now they are under the curse of the Antichrist. Now we know we will have a seventh religious Pope soon if our interpretation is correct.

So that will be Peter the Roman, a terrible persecutor, like in the Middle Ages. Pastor Henriques has been carefully following the Sunday Law traces for many years. Indeed, I think now he has it. I watched his last video yesterday evening. I don't know if he did one now, but the one from yesterday, Friday [July 26]. And I have to say, he convinced me. He finally convinced me that we will have a Sunday Law under the Trump administration, together with J.D. Vance, who is a Catholic and very strongly involved in the Project 2025 movement. I think we will have a Sunday Law soon in the U.S. and then very soon worldwide. That is a development we could see earliest coming to pass beginning on the 20th of January when Trump starts to reign from his Oval Office. So any time afterwards, the Sunday Law could come, still before we have the rapture.

Watching this video yesterday night, I think it was about 10, Linda was already gone to bed. And I have to tell you how it was, really. Because this is how God works, and, blessed be the Lord, how He works and how He works with students, not prophets. Any time coming to the end of that video, I was strongly reminded of the dream of our sister Jenny. I did not remember when she had dreamt it; I had to look it up later, but I was reminded of that dream.

That dream, I remembered, was predicting that one day our movement would find the Horologium. We're going to read this dream together so that you will see how it predicted that. And I was reminded of that. There was a time given by a boy, a very young boy. A man refused to give the time, and a boy knew the time. When I repeated that in my mind, I said the boy knew the time. It would not stop repeating in my head. I switched off the TV, switched off all the living room lights, went to my bedroom over the terrace, and went into the bedroom, and it went on. I brushed my teeth, and it went on. After brushing my teeth, I was even forced to repeat it out loud. I said the boy knew the time. The boy knew the time. The boy knew the time. Then I said, I have to sleep. It's 11. It's not my time to go to bed late. I switched off the light, went to bed, and tried to sleep. I could not.

The boy knew the time. The boy knew the time. The boy knew the time. Switched on the light again, went up. You have to see, in my house, everything is in different buildings. I had to open the door, switch off the alarm, open the door, go down to the hurricane meshes, open one, go down the stairs, like Jenny in her dream. I had to open the office meshes, hurricane meshes, open the door. Then the alarm system there says, "Hey, you are entering a prohibited area," and so on. At night, leaving my bedroom and going to the office is a nightmare. I went in, switched on the laptop, and started to study. I moved to heaven. It was a long introduction to this video, but I want you to see how God is working.

We are not time setters. We are worshipping a God who is time. And in the videos, "Hey, look at this line and this line, and this goes there, and this is whatever, and this is on that date, and Mars and Jupiter and seven plagues," and so on. This is sometimes very dry. I hope that this video makes up for it. Because really, we serve a great God who is time. He is not only time. He is a person. And our Jesus Christ is even a human person. We have to understand that all these riddles are given to give us joy, appreciation, to give us something to think about while we are waiting for Him to come back. And it should not bring disappointment to us. Also, if we find that it will take longer or whatever, it should never bring disappointment to us. It should bring joy to us if there is even more harmony in the things that God teaches in His Bible, in His word, and also in the book of nature. I think nobody in the world has been as successful as we are in deciphering the Bible, the Revelation, especially together with the stars. Therefore, we are the wise ones who teach many to righteousness. The many are not there still. But okay, we also had to stand our tests, which is the wait-and-study test.

So I went to my office and did the following, what I do now with you. I want to bring up the dream. Yes, so here's the dream. I want to make it bigger. Okay, so Sister Yormary shared this dream on the very same day when it was given to us by Sister Jenny. It was the 9th of July, 2019. Okay, let's read this very, very short dream together in English. Sister Jenny said, "In my dream, I had a vision, and this was the vision."

So we can already think, what is that, please? This is not normal. We normally do not receive dreams where I said I had a dream, and in the dream, I had a vision. This is something abnormal. This is something special. When I studied today with my wife, Sister Linda, in the morning, showing her what I got to know in the night, then I found another dream of a different person. And it started similarly. Both dreams, in different symbolism, point to the same time. It's incredible. Both dreams mention that it was not a normal dream. Sister Jenny puts it so and says, "In my dream, I had a vision, and this was the vision. I was in an antiquated office. It had typewriters that looked very old."

In the year 2019, our offices in Paraguay had laptops. Of course, we had no typewriters, but the laptops were six, seven, eight, ten years old. We had no money. We were a poor, poor, poor movement. Living from hand to mouth was terrible. We were poor. We did all the work. We published and published and did things. We really, really were diligently working for the Lord without having money. We were supported a little bit here and a little bit there with tithes from the few members. But our laptops were about to break in the year 2019.

At that time, I believe I had not even known that my stepfather had died and I would expect the inheritance, which came then in April 2020. Then we became a rich movement, by myself. Not because we are sucking out the blood of our members. This is not the case with us. Everything is financed by me now and respectively by God because He made me invest in Bitcoin by another dream, and so we are now a rich movement by the money that God created as the last bastion of liberty on earth. So we were in an antiquated office, and we worked in an antiquated office. This is what Sister Jenny saw in her vision.

Here it starts: It had typewriters. She says, "Our laptops, not even computers. Our typewriters. Old typewriters. This is the situation that we had in 2019. What were we writing about? We were writing about Orion. Majorly. Yeah, we wrote also about the HSL, but our major focus since the year 2010 until 2019 was Orion. We did not understand anything about the Horologium so far."

She goes on and says, "Suddenly, I turn. And two keys." She turns. Something turns. Something changes. She sees something which is not in the location of Orion. "And two keys that are joined by a ring are attracted to a rag. So it seems that under the rag there is a magnet."

Okay, we know now what the two keys are. They are on a ring. It's the sign of the Son of Man formed by the two key comets, E3 and K2. The keys are E3 and K2, and the ring is the belly and the main shape of the big fish, the great fish in the heavens. "So a magnet was under the rag. It was something hidden there that would attract the keys from the year 2019 on. Who went to the Horologium first? That was K2. Who comes now into the Horologium or is since turning around now already a year? That was the last one, E3."

Both are attracted to the Horologium. Both go through the Horologium. But the Horologium in 2019 was hidden from our view. Then she goes on and says, "When I lifted it, it was not a magnet but a clock that marked three." A perfect depiction, explanation, detailed about the Horologium clock in the heavens, which has a pendulum and marks three. So perfect. It was prophesied by this dream that soon we would discover a clock in the heavens that has to do something with two comets forming a ring, the sign of the Son of Man. "But I could not quite memorize the minutes."

So she sees the hour, and this is all the only three stars forming the pendulum, the middle point, and the three. She did not see the minutes. But you know that in the heavens (let me switch to the heavens, the Horologium clock, so you see better), here is the pendulum, the middle point, the three o'clock. But there is no minute pointer. But what you can see there is this minute artwork clock hand. Perhaps she was mentioning that I saw this about 10 minutes. It would be here about 10 minutes, about 10 minutes. This is like all clocks are put in artwork or also for sales, sales display, and so on.

Let me go back to the dream. So it seems to be 10 minutes. Logical. "I went down the stairs and asked someone to give me the time, and the person refused to give it to me." So I understood that she was walking from the Orion office down to the Horologium. Because in Orion, we had written all the years before, and now she went down to Horologium.

But when I showed it to my wife in the morning, she said, "Look, here are the stairs." This is what happened. Sometimes you're blind to things you see so many times while working. Now, I’ll show you what she said. She said, "When you're in the Orion office, look, here are the stairs." She made this noise. Here she goes down. "This is where Jenny comes from, and here Jenny walks down the stairs. Where else do you have such clear stairs?"

"Wow," I said, "Yeah, of course. These are the stairs." I thought she would go down the Eridanus, the river, the stream. "No, no, no," she said, "She went down the stairs."

So, when she went down the stairs, we can ask ourselves which person she would meet first. I know we had said that once, but we never saw the stairs. When she's on this step, she meets Phaeton. She meets Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, in a certain depiction when he was human on earth, in his baptism. Here is the dove, you know, all these things. And here he is in the river. When Jesus was here on earth, he said, "Nobody knows the time, not even the Son, not the angels, but the Father only."

And so, she says Jesus refused to give her the time when she was on that step down. She talked to him and he said, "No." The same things that he said in the Bible: "I don't know the time," or even better, "I refuse to tell it to you. It's not the time. When I was on earth, it was not the time to tell you the time of my coming." He never did it to anybody. I think you're starting to understand.

Yeah, so let's read the dream. Let's go on in the dream. “Once again,” so, I assume she went down some more steps. “Once again, I asked the child in Spanish,” I have to see this, “un niño.” So, it is a boy. It's a boy, and he told me, "Now, look at this exact timing. Exact, as it seems, much too exact. Who wants to know the coming of Jesus Christ on the second? We would be happy to know the hour, or the year, sometimes, or the month, or the day." But this boy tells her the time down to the second, and in that moment, I woke up.

And we are left alone to think what it means. This is God, and I have to make this video longer because I want to show you the beauty of God's riddles. This is a riddle. This is a riddle that has not been solved for six years, no, five years. Five years. We are now five years after the dream, but the fulfillment of this dream indeed will be next year. Therefore, I said six years. Six years. I’ll show you how we are looking now, walking with Jenny down the stairs further. And I put already help into the stars. So, we step down from here a little further, and we look now if she meets anywhere a boy. Okay, no, no person. The fish is not near enough, and it's not a boy. No, the river itself is water. No, no boy, no boy, no boy, no boy. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Here, let me zoom in. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Now, here comes E3. This is the help that I put. I put the ephemeris of E3 in, and here on the step, she seems to meet anywhere a comet. Okay, a comet could be a person. Comets are depicted in the Bible as messengers, as angels. Angels are young-looking, young. They are immortal, so it could be the boy. And I ask myself, "Wait a minute, how old is E3?" We know that the comet itself is millions of years old, but when did the comet come into our human sphere, so that we discovered it and it started to live, got a name? Yeah, so normally, when you are born, you get a name, and a comet is not born until it is discovered and gets a name. And all the comets have even the birthdate in their name. So, here is E3, and E3 was born in 2022.

So, after Jenny's vision, and now it is about two years old. Yeah, and when it comes to pass, then it will be three years old. Yeah, it’s a very, very young child, boy. And she meets him here, and then this boy knows the time, as you know now: 3:13:43. And so I have to tell you, this was not the exact way how I did it, how I found the solution to the problem. I just wanted to show you the dream a little bit more logically and nicely. I'll tell you how I found it. I had no ephemeris there, so I was looking around in the horologium where I would find 3:15 or something. And we, since about a year or something, have started to work with the measuring tool, which you can install in Stellarium. Normally, we use it to paint lines. For example, if I want to paint a line and I push Ctrl + A, and then I put myself here, and then I paint a line from this star to this star, yeah, then I have my line and I can look at which planets go over it, or which comets, and so on. Yeah, so this is what we are using this tool for.

But indeed, it is a measuring tool for angles. And which angles does this measure? So, it measures the distance of two objects from the earthly observer. So, when they are farther away, the angle gets bigger. When they are nearer together, the angle gets smaller. You could also say it's an expressed distance in angles. Now, if you were good in school, yeah, I think about sixth grade or something like that, then you know how an angle is described. An angle is described by degrees, and if you want to have it more exact, then you use minutes and seconds. And look what this tool shows. I do it like this: this is, for example, five degrees, 46 minutes, and 51.72 seconds. Minutes is one tittle, and seconds is two. Okay, so, oh, and I never looked at these numbers because I'm only interested normally in the lines. All of a sudden, last night it came to my mind, look, this looks exactly like Jenny has written the time in her dream. I'll show you. Here’s the original: 3:13 with 43 seconds, 3:13 and 43 seconds. Minutes or hours, minutes and seconds, could be degrees, minutes, and seconds. Five degrees, 46 minutes, 51 seconds is, for example, this angle between here and here, between these two points, here and here. In our eye, it is five degrees difference. Is it possible? Came then to my mind, because we are searching for a clock hand that shows us this time.

So now the idea of the whole thing was: is E3 the searched-for clock hand, and do we get in any way E3 so near to the center of the Horologium clock so that we have a distance of three degrees, 13 minutes, and 43 seconds?

I tried around, and I'll show you the first result because there are more than one result. We suspected already that this is here the last step on the staircase that Jenny walked down. Look at that: here is the staircase, and here she would fall to the serpent Hydrus. So that is really the very last step on the staircase that she could have walked in her dream. We can see that E3 comes from here and is pretty far away from the center still, so very far away.

Let's measure the angle. Angle two? No. Angle two? No. So, just rapidly, let's measure the angle. All right, so we're here. This has an angle of nine degrees, yeah. So, I have to come nearer, and I have to follow the line. I get to eight degrees, then I get to seven degrees. We come nearer. I get to six degrees, five degrees, four degrees. We are coming nearer, and three degrees. So indeed, I had to stop the video and put the angle exactly where I have it now. This is really very, very difficult to put it so exactly as she has it in the dream, but it's possible, but only with a lot of effort.

Then, to bring E3 exactly onto the hour and minute into the center of this point here, the crossing point between the angle measurement tool from the center to—I think it's Epsilon Horologium—the center of the clock to the point that shows us then the exact time where the dream points to.

Interestingly, of course, it is exactly on the last step where she meets the boy, and the boy knows the time. But what does it help us? It's the 28th of March, 2025. That is very exact; you cannot lie because these degrees are so extremely exact that you have even the hour on the day. By the way, I use Earth, West Jerusalem for my timing.

When I hear this date, I personally know exactly that it has to do something with me personally, because on the 28th of March, 1999, I made a covenant with God. I stopped drinking from then on, and I said I will only work for you. I will only study the Bible, I will work for you, I will do your will from that day on. That's 26 years then ago, in the year 2025, yeah. So from a really wretched life, I started to be a true Christian, and I did what God wanted from me, as I believe at least, and I tried to do His will. That would be then in March next year; it would be 26 years.

We can also look in our feast day list, and we would find that the sighting of the new moon, which would start the new Biblical Jewish year, would be the 30th of March in the evening. So, that would make the 30th/31st of March, 2025, the beginning of a new Jewish year—Biblical Jewish year, correctly studied in our articles a long time ago, 2010. And this year must then be the year of the second coming.

Yeah, so here we are at an interesting point. It is the end of Jenny's dream, and as I said before, we are now left alone to find out what it really means. Okay, that cannot be all, but dreams are hints. Dreams help us to understand things more deeply, or they correct us when we are wrong in something. And I believe this dream was given so that we would understand E3 as a clock hand that is doing a circle around the center of the clock in a certain time, in a certain year—2024/2025—and it points, of course, to the point of interest of our office in the dream. Our office since 2010 tries to find out when Jesus would come, when the rapture would happen, the first resurrection, all that stuff—the travel to heaven.

Okay, so the dream ends there, but this does not mean that the interpretation stops. Is there another point you can ask yourself where E3 shows the same time, but this time it would not be the dream time of the meeting of Jenny with the boy, but it would be our meeting with Jesus for the rapture? Would it be here the 4th of June, 2025, as we believed?

I tell you why I had always a problem with the 4th of June, 2025, as the rapture day. I believe that it is a very important date that shows the coming of Christ, but the coming of Christ is not a day. The rapture will be a day. The beginning of the wrath of God will be a day, but the coming of Jesus is described especially in Adventism by Ellen G. White as an event that takes several days or weeks. From a certain point on, we will see the cloud coming, but she even says in a very famous quote, it will take days where the people see Him coming, have great fear, and want the mountains to fall upon them—sixth seal, you know all these texts—and then comes the day.

So the coming, I refer especially to the vision of our children on the farm on the 4th of June, where they had the vision and were told by Jesus that He will come and put crowns upon them on the 4th of June when they are faithful. But He did not say the year, so it would be now the year 2025, but it takes a while. He would come and put crowns, so the coming and putting the crowns—this is even already weeks between the second coming, the rapture, and the putting on of crowns.

So, and the rapture takes also a while. How long? Perhaps the boy E3 tells us. Let's check the angle time. Yeah, so it will be again very difficult for me to do it very exactly live here on screen, but perhaps I have to switch off and start again. So let's try. We come from here more or less, 3:13, yeah. So, it's already 14, so we should have to go there. You see it becomes now smaller, two degrees. A little here, two degrees, one degree, yeah, and now it gets farther away, and we want to have again three degrees and so on. So very difficult, very difficult.

So here we come to the 4th of June, two degrees, 32. Too near, small angle. We need a bigger angle. We need to get to three at least. Again, three degrees, almost, almost, almost. Yeah, here, three degrees, one minute. We need 13 minutes. You see, when I painted the ephemeris—11, 12, 14, 13—now I need the seconds. I have to make it much bigger. Wow, okay, so it's very difficult to do it online with you, but you can try it by yourself. It's really, really difficult work to do that. So let's try. We are 3:12, we need 13, a little bit more, 13:38. For the video, it's good enough, and it's also good enough for nailing the day. 38 instead of 43. Don't nail me. So let's look. What day is that?

We have to move E3. First of all, I have again to search for E3. It's now, of course, here. Now we go forward. April, May—oops, no, that's too far. May. Let's go day-wise. Look at that. That's our 4th of June, yeah. So we believed Jesus would rapture us there, but this is not what the boy says. The boy says three degrees, 13:43. It's a witness, it's a key in Jenny's dream. Where do we come? 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20th and some hours. Pretty exact, yeah. We nailed the day, three degrees, 13 minutes, 38, almost for 43 seconds, 20th of June, 2025. Here we are. People, that's a big finding! This is what an angel, a messenger angel, tells you.

And now look at the time clock of God. Which hour is it pointing to? Five, not six as the pendulum, but five. What did we say? How much is the pendulum always swinging back and forth? If six is the middle point, so it swings normally one hour in this direction, one hour in that direction. So it swings around the center point, one hour to the left and one hour to the right. This is how a pendulum in a clock swings. So, in this time, it is the swing to the five o'clock hour. It must be 5 a.m. because Jesus comes in the fourth night watch. The fourth night watch is from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m., and 5 a.m. is in the middle of the fourth night watch. Five is also a good time because we know from the Bible that the resurrection was before sunrise, and the last hour before sunrise is normally 5 a.m. because sunrise is at 6 a.m. A very good day in a clock to show the resurrection time. And this is the clock of God who is time. First resurrection, same day rapture, because we do not come before those that are in the graves. That's an interesting biblical time, what comet E3, the messenger and the clock hand of the Horologium clock, tells us: 20th of June, 2025.

So this is 16 days after the six o'clock point, the 4th of June, or in other different forms expressed, 15 days is one prophetical hour, and one day is 16 days. 15 plus 1 is 16, one prophetical hour. So this points now to a lot of biblical insight that we have to share now with you. And to do this, we have first to check another dream that immediately came to my mind that is corresponding or parallel to Jenny's vision in the dream, if you remember. So I'll show you that. It will be a pretty long video, I'm sorry, but it's a long teaching. It's a lot of things that come out of that. So let me bring up the other dream that I meant. This was Jenny's, and now we go to a prophet that was once a prophet of God, Ernie Knoll, but in 2009 he fell and became a real Balaam prophet—a fallen prophet because of lust and money. But in 2007, he was still a prophet of God, and we wrote about him, and we were very positive. He even, in his older dreams, confirmed many studies, and he even, yeah, brought me to study his dreams and then the Orion Clock.

So let's read this. It's very short. It's equally short as Jenny's dream, and it is called "Prepare….” “Prepare for the Wrath of God" dream. Yeah, it was very near the June 20th dream, dream in 2007, June 22, 2007, by Ernie Knoll. And look how it starts. “This was not actually a dream.” Now, what was it then? He always dreams, but this was not a dream. Was it then a vision in a dream? Very similar, something extraordinary, something special. And now look what the second sentence says: it was almost 5 a.m. It was almost 5 a.m. when the wrath of God comes, and we are not destined for wrath, so the rapture must be a day before: 20th, 21st, 22nd, probably falls the wrath.

So let's go back to the dream. I woke up because I thought I heard my wife say something, but she had not. My wife—the bride, perhaps, I don't know. So she said she was in the middle of a common dream. Perhaps the wife is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and at 5 a.m. she still sleeps, perhaps?

I, (Ernie Knoll in that case), told her that I heard a voice say, (Now comes the riddle:) “As June is a short month, so is time. Prepare for the wrath of God.” Which clock of God shows in which year is that June that will be shortened?" Because Jesus shortens it, only the Horologium clock shows that in heaven. It is the 20th of June, 2025, that is the shortened June.

Ernie Knoll recently produced a video, I think it was in April this year, but it was published in July, in this month, 2024. And he was really outraged in this video. As a fallen prophet, he has no patience, and he's really now done. You have to admit that it's sad for him; it's sad for the people that follow him. Very, very sad story. Very sad story to follow a fallen prophet and not follow biblical teaching and check things out as the Bereans did.

So he was really shouting and crying almost in this video, and he said, "May the Lord make this June of 2024 the June that will be shortened because he could not wait anymore." Well, we know from study it's not this June 2024, but it's the June 2025, yeah. And so we have the advantage to have the clocks of God.

When somebody says it was almost 5 a.m. and they prepare for the wrath of God, and they do not know the year, and I'm in 2007, I'm 18 years from the year when it happens. So I'm six plus six plus six years, and we have on the Horologium the three times six o'clock strikes, 18 years from the real fulfillment of the dream. While Jenny's fulfillment is six years away from 2019 to 2025, one strike of the Horologium clock. You see how similar these things are, but who gets the interpretation and the things to know? We, the High Sabbath Adventists, we can decipher these things.

Excuse me for making this video long. I have to tell you the depth of these things. We cannot just go over and say, "Wow, the rapture is 16 days later than we thought. Oh, how sad." It's the contrary. We have dreams that helped us; we have two prophets helping us to find the correct date. And it's only we who know these things, and can decipher why it was five o'clock when Jesus woke Ernie Knoll up and said to him in an audible voice, "As June is a short month, so is time on my time clock. Prepare, because then, almost five, when it's exactly five, then comes my wrath."

We will dig deeper into that after a short pause.

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