The Last Countdown – Part 2
Good day, dear friends, wherever or whenever you are. Normally, it is decided now to publish these videos on the Sabbath day, on the evening of a Friday when the biblical Sabbath begins. But I'm not sure if we can do it this time because the work to bring this video into three languages is quite challenging. I'm recording, of course, in English, which is not my native language, but I do it to make the translation easier.
Then we have to translate everything into German and Spanish, which is really hard. I don't know many ministries that present their material in so many languages—three major languages in the Christian world. So I hope you appreciate that, and you can also see the extreme efforts that are mostly done by the Paraguayan team.
As you know, we divided our ministry into two camps, as the story of Jacob suggests. I’m here on the beautiful island of Nevis, and my friends stayed in the Cordillera mountains of Paraguay, where they do all the publishing work. So I’m speaking directly to you again because my friends in Paraguay suggested that I should do this more frequently, to address you and comfort you in these very, very last days.
I am, let me say, the chief master student of the Bible here. I’ve been doing this job publicly since 2010, although I started studying in 2004 after I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist in 2003. I was baptized on the island of Mallorca, in the sea, by the way—a lot of water
Then in 2004, I began to study more deeply, connecting with my earlier studies when I was 16, 17, or 18 years old. I had already studied the Bible deeply back then.
I was always interested in studying the book of Revelation. At that young age, I probably didn’t understand that the Bible interprets itself and that we must look at all the Bible passages to understand God’s voice. Later, around 2004, I came to understand that "the heavens declare the glory of God," and that we must also look up to the heavens to understand what God is telling us—and that’s a lot, obviously.
So now the ministry has produced five books, and it’s ongoing. But we do not want to produce books anymore in this short time left, because producing books is incredibly hard work and takes a lot of time—especially for our brother Ray, who does most of the editing. We decided to focus on making videos. Producing videos in three languages is still a lot of work, but we no longer have the time to produce books.
So we put our material into videos. But the disadvantage is that videos aren’t searchable like written articles. The written form is always what God values most because it’s searchable. You can go back, you can go forward, you can read it again, and you can understand it differently and better on the second, third, fourth, or even hundredth reading. That’s how you continually learn and understand God’s word better.
This is what we usually do. But in video form, we lose the ability for you to search what we’ve written. Unfortunately, we simply can’t do it anymore.
We are too small, with too few followers. We don’t have the talents or resources we need. Let me say, we are about twenty or thirty active members, and the rest are observers what we’re doing. They clap hands and saying "nicely done" sometimes, or they are criticizing (boo), not liking what we say.
But the people who are bringing the message out and truly working in the fields are diligent. We have people in Africa, in the Philippines, we have people who are extremely diligent in doing the field work. And we have Paraguay, and Nevis Islands, who are dedicated to the publishing and study work. So now you have a little overview.
I don’t want to make this too long, but the video will be long because we have a pretty lengthy teaching again. As always, we revisit things and study them deeply—more deeply than before.
In the last video, we discussed the addition of one prophetic hour from June 4, 2025, to June 20, 2025, which we could now study. We could see that a time is still ongoing and that we have more time to go—the hour with the beast, the 15 days with the beast. This period extends exactly to June 19, 2025, followed by the final end game with the coming of Jesus. While He is coming already, and we believe He will visibly come from June 4 onwards when the pendulum in the Horologium strikes the third time.
So, we had here the first, second, and third strike of the pendulum, that will be June 4. So we have a number there. We’ve mentioned this date many times, but I always want to repeat it so that newcomers can understand. The pendulum clock will show 6 o’clock, with the pendulum in a resting position there. It displays exactly 6 o clock, another 6, and another 6—666. This pendulum clock is a witness, as we discovered, one of the two witnesses.
The other witness is Orion up there, on the other side of the sign of the Son of Man, because here is His baptism and here is the dove descending upon Jesus, signifying His death on the cross in the river Jordan. So we have the number 666 here.
This number indicates that the Horologium witness is telling us that the Antichrist is absolute and really beginning to reign. It is a perfectly fulfill on June 4, 2025, when the third strike occurs during the hour that the nations have with the beast. The nations—the horns—that had not yet received power.
I explained all this in the last video. If you want to review it, please do so. I cannot repeat everything here.
So, on June 4, we have K2 in a specific position, right in the prolonged line with the club of Orion. I believe that the pendulum of the Horologium acts like an iron rod.
But here, too, we have a rod or club, typically used to strike people, right? This relates to a verse in Revelation 19, where it says that Jesus will reign over the nations with an iron rod. So, starting from June 4th, we expect the final battle of Armageddon to begin.
According to Revelation 17, Jesus, the Lamb, together with His saints, will emerge victorious this time. Today, we will also revisit the story of the two witnesses. We’ve seen many times in our studies that we tried to decipher all the time frames mentioned there.
We saw that the two witnesses are even overcome by the beast that comes out of the bottomless pit. Then they remain dead for a long time, which is a sad story. This is in contrast to the victorious story of the saints in Revelation 17, where the Lamb triumphs together with His saints. The two witnesses are meant to prepare the way for Jesus' second coming, but for a period—and it's quite a long period as you'll see—they lie dead.
Whatever that truly means, we need to explore and understand what happened during that time.
What I will do today is not to tell the story from scratch, as many parts of it have already been nicely deciphered. Perhaps in the beginning and the end, we might need to make some little adjustments of a few months or weeks to make it fit even better and more perfectly into the complete picture.
Over the years, as we studied Revelation 11, which is a central and very important chapter of Revelation, we found that once this chapter is fully deciphered, you can determine when Jesus will come, when the end is. These time frames mentioned there lead all up to His coming. It’s a wonderful chapter because, for me, it represents the greatest riddle in Revelation. When this riddle is solved, or when these time frames have passed, then the mystery is solved. This is written in Revelation 10 when the seventh trumpet sounds, and the mystery of God is fulfilled.
So, we aim to understand this chapter because it guides us to the second coming. The two witnesses must first be identified who they are, and we’ve already done that—they are the Horologium and Orion. These were our study areas beginning in 2021. We focused on the Horologium clock and the Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet (BB, 2014 UN 271).
This comet came from this area, entering the Horologium clock. However, I’m not showing the ephemeris of this comet now because I can only display two ephemerides in Stellarium, so I’m showing E3 and K2, the bluish one. Therefor I did not show BB.
We studied this from 2021 onward and wrote articles about the Horologium. Later, we realized: "of course, Orion—whom we had written about for 7, 8, 9, or 10 years—is the first witness". The second witness is the Horologium, now as you can see in the sign of the Son of Man, saying the same just like Jesus. But with a different taste, or from a different perspective. Each witness, being in different locations, has a different viewpoint of the reality, about the events taking place on earth.
If you want that Jesus as Orion essentially saying the same thing as the number 666 here, which indicates that the Antichrist will finally begin to reign on June 4th with all his power, and the nations will give him their authority. So, if you seek something similar from Orion, we have 1, 2, 3 passings of K2 in the club.
And Jesus says: 777, because Orion has 7 main stars. We always say that the mystery of the 7 stars is fulfilled in Orion, the man who reaches up to Nazareth with his right hand. So, Jesus' number symbolizes completeness, perfection, the end and stands also for oath.
In fact, to swear an oath is to "seven oneself." I wrote about this in the original Orion study in 2010 when we needed to know how long the judgment of the dead would take. We arrived at 168 years because we understood the scene by the river described in Daniel 12, where also the two witnesses are there, hearing the oath of Jesus, who seventh Himself by seven. Thus, seven signifies an oath, swearing, taking oneself by seven, and Orion represents seven.
In the club, we have three hits of seven—7, 7, 7. Do you see that? 7,7,7. Of course, these are few time frames with specific dates. From here to here, marking the Trump assassination attempt, the blasphemy at the Olympic Games on July 27, 2024. And then we have here a timeframe, and here another timeframe.
If you have Stellarium, you can check this for yourself by drawing the ephemerides of K2 and E3 from March 12, 2023, to June 4, 2025. These are the lines that I, along with my brothers and sisters in Paraguay, constantly reference. We all use the same program. And we see that so many times, how God even considers these somewhat artificial constellation borders when pointing to certain events and time frames.
It’s really fascinating. God can see the future—what is future for us is present for Him. He sees everything ongoing in the world in the present. So for Him it is no problem to see anything, what is in our future. And accordingly, He wrote prophecies 2,000 years ago about what He sees in His presents but is in our far-distant future.
This is how God works. He is omniscient, and He is not the creator of time. I want to emphasize that because many people say, "Oh, God created time." No, God is not only love; as we wrote in a very important article that started our new website on, after years of other studies, that led to the understanding in 2016 that we had to sacrifice the second coming for the sake of the 144,000 who were not yet ready. And I doubt they are ready now.
It's sad to say that, but I have to believe Jesus that they are ready now, even though I can't see them. Just as Elijah couldn't see the 7,000, I can't see the 144,000 anywhere in the world acting correctly as they should. I can't see that, but probably they are there because God says so, and I know that the sealing time is over. So, like Elijah, I have to believe. God told him, and he had to believe, even though he never saw the 7,000. Let's make that very clear.
So, we have 7, 7, 7, while here we have 6, 6, 6. The 6, 6, 6, doesn't make the Horologium a devilish witness. No, no, it's just saying, "Hey, 6, 6, 6, take care, the Antichrist will reign, and he has three steps leading up to that", which I've explained in a different video, or my brothers also have, where this comes from and why it is so.
Then we have the response of Jesus, who will win with His big club, the iron rod, 7, 7, 7. At the last moment, when the third 7 comes—this is again on the 4th of June 2025. I’ve extended the ephemerides line of K2 slightly here from the 9th until the 20th, one day before it crosses the galactic equator, and we have the Solstice, the day when the Sun and Moon stand still, as I explained in the last video. But a certain and significant thing also happens on this 4th of June also in Orion.
Yes, it’s the strike of the extended line of Orion’s club, a slaughter weapon, but on the other hand, it’s much, much more. And this is what I want to talk about today.
So, if you remember the last or penultimate sabbath video and sermon from Paraguay, we tried to explain the story of Elijah’s last walk on that one day.
We deciphered it to be 360 prophetic days, or one prophetic year, which is always 360 days long—not 365. This is because of the moon cycle; we have 12 times 30 days, which is a year in moon cycles. We came to a certain point of understanding that Elijah plays the role of K2, and Jupiter in particular, plays the role of Elisha.
Now, I want to introduce something new. Everything else so far was repetition—sorry for that, but we have new visitors, and they need some background. So, we have Jupiter playing the role of Elisha.
We know that after crossing the Jordan, they walked together, and then came the fiery wagon, the chariot, which we now understand as the Sun. Let's go to the 20th of June. Here, on the 19th and 20th, we are at the end of this line. We know that Elisha and Elijah went together—when Elijah was taken up in the whirlwind, which is the form of the pathway K2 draws, with the wagon, represented by the charioteer Auriga. So, he is taken away, and K2 represents definitely Elijah. But now, is Elisha, represented by Jupiter, doing a new work, if this is the end of time? Is there more time?
Some people in our midst believe: "it continues for another 7 years, with a great tribulation, and different interpretations of the mark of the beast. They think we’ve got it wrong, and that it’s not the Sabbath, and that everything in our studies is mistaken. They see more time and claim that the mark of the beast is a chip from Elon Musk in the head that everyone must receive." That is not bible study. This is mainstream newspaper study, a deviation (I am not sure). Like rolling dice and then take article Nr. 5 and that must be the end. Or Nr. 6, or 6-6-6, like throw 3 times the dices and then you have 6-6-6. The problem is: you never get 777 by throwing dice. This is playing games with God. God is very precise in His word.
We have to find out, why Jupiter plays the role as the 7th plague as we found out already. Jupiter is the king planet, representing King Jesus. This detail was not mentioned in previous videos. This are little details, but it adds to our belief. When we see the things as God shows us in the heavens, we must think deeply and understand what it means really and where it leads to.
In the story from 2 Kings, Elisah is a symbol, not just of a prophet or the 144,000 who are now supposed to be doing a great work on earth, but of the King. Who is our king? Jesus Christ is our King. He comes with an iron rod to rule, and at the beginning of the seventh plague on June 4th, we find Jupiter precisely in the position of the iron rod. Jesus brings the seventh plague, He brings the great hail, and He is the destroyer of the world. Can you remember what Elisha did? The last prophet after the great prophet Elijah was Elisha. Elijah prepared the way for Elisha.
So, Elisha is a symbol of the final and absolute destruction; he is the destroyer. Elisha has always symbolized Jesus Christ, coming to judge His people. You know how this story began. 42 children killed, and so on. He makes no differentiation anymore between women, men, children, or anyone else. Whoever is left behind when Elijah is gone on June 20th, 2025, is lost. It’s the end. They are doomed to the seventh plague, where all the plagues suddenly occur in literal form.
Many people have always wanted the plagues to be poured out in a literal form. Wait until June 20th or 21st, 2025, and you will see exactly what you have wished for. But when you see that, know now that it’s too late to repent. Stop blaspheming and come into harmony with your Creator. Stop blaspheming. Stop calling the studies we have done here "BS," "dumb," or "not spirit-led." I tell you, and you will see in this video, that it is a sin against the Holy Spirit because we have been studying with the Holy Spirit for many years. I can prove this in this video—that we have studied with the Holy Spirit, in sackcloth, and even as if dead for many years, according to what you can see in the heavens because Orion and Horologium themselves are again symbols of someone on this earth and the story that has unfolded with them.
So, after this warning, I want to lower my tone again and want to show you what I found after the last videos and even when my last video was produced. I was deeply thinking about the text of the sixth plague, and I wasn’t completely satisfied with what I had seen so far. Let’s go to Revelation chapter 16, where we find the sixth plague in verse 12. My computer is a bit slow, but it says, "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."
So, in our last video—I'll tell you the truth—we were searching for the great river Euphrates. We did this online together in our chat group with the brethren in Paraguay. I did that together with them. One or two of them suggested the right thing, but I couldn’t understand it. Sometimes, I’m also blocked in my understanding, and the truth is, they didn’t fully understand why it would be so as they said. They couldn’t corroborate to that. So I said, "No, no, no, I need a line. I need Elijah and Elisha, Jupiter and K2, and K2 and Jupiter passing a line—a river, a line or a river."
Then we said, "Okay, perhaps we can use the angle tool." And what we had never used before was the head star Meissa of Orion. And then we see Jupiter from a certain moment on, and we see K2 passing this line, and that is the great river Euphrates.
I ask you something—do you agree? Do you agree? Look at the text. "The great river Euphrates..." Is a line that we draw with an angle tool a great heavenly river? GREAT It’s a line, a line that you don’t even see easily. It cannot be the great river Euphrates—that’s the problem. This is what I was pondering. I said to myself, "Wait a minute, the line is nice. We have K2 and Jupiter passing that line in the correct time frame." So the line would be Jordan, but not the great river Euphrates. Do you see what I mean? Drying out of the great river Euphrates is one thing, and crossing the Jordan is something different.
The Elijah story is in 2 Kings in the Old Testament. But the revelation of God does not speak about the Jordan. It speaks about the great river Euphrates. That’s where I was thinking—it must be something bigger, it must be something great, it must be something with great significant, meaning and effect when this river dries out.
It must even prepare the possibility for three unclean spirits like frogs to come out of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. It must also prepare the way for the kings of the east. I tried to bring all these things together with Jupiter, K2, and Mercury and the Sun. And it looked good, but only a little bit was missing. However, in my last video, I mentioned three kings, but now I will show you that there are only two. The great river Euphrates will now become very, very great and significant when you listen on
When you think of a river, a river is a symbol for water. In a riverbed water flows. And water-water and blood-symbolizes Jesus' redeeming blood and the Holy Spirit, as it is said, "out of your body will flow streams of living water." The great river Euphrates must be something visible in the heavens in the very, very end times—not to say that it must be visible in the heavens exactly until the point where it dries out. Perhaps after it dries out, it won't be visible anymore. So, we should have—when we look up with Stellarium—a clear view of the great river Euphrates.
And for a while now, we have indeed painted the great river Euphrates in our studies. Look at the picture I’m showing you now. Remember the sign of the Son of Man. Jesus said several times in Revelation, "I am the Alpha and the Omega." About a year and a half ago, we wrote about this monogram of God. He always says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am Alnitak of Orion." There is someone else who belongs to this family—it is the Father, Alnilam of Orion. In Greek, he would also be abbreviated as Alpha and Omega. "I and the Father are one." Alpha Alnilam and Alnitak of Orion, both sharing the same initials.
Then we said, "Hey, it doesn’t end on the 28th of May." Let me switch that off. Yeah, so now I can move this. There was a strike on the pendulum on May 28th, 2024. Now look at the center, and we see that we go one full circle around the clock until we come to June 4th, 2025. That is one hour in horologium—one clock hand going around one full circle from 6 to 6. By the way, 6 to 6 would also represent a day—the great day of the Lord, which is 372 days long.
Oh, I cannot stress enough how important it is for people to re-read our studies on the old website, where we wrote about these wonderful things. These were foundational studies to identify time frames hidden in the Old Testament. Perhaps you believe, "Oh, studying the sacrifices is horrible; this was all nailed to the cross." Yes, they were nailed to the cross, but as Paul said, they were shadows of things to come—they were prophecies. This is where we found the 372 days, 14 years before they would become visible through this last circle around the Horologium clock. Exactly 372 days.
We said this is a special time, where we have special portions provided by the Holy Spirit. Read this article—it's all written there in 2010. Let me look it up for you, so I don’t say anything wrong. The series is called "Shadows of the Sacrifices." Part one is about the basic study of which portions of the spring sacrifices were for Jesus' special time, for His disciples, when He was in the grave, resurrected, and then until the Holy Spirit was poured out. They had necessary special portions because the sacrificial system had ceased.
This is part one—read that, as it leads into part two, which is about the much greater number of sacrifices for the autumn feasts. That's part two, and in English, it was published on June 7th, 2011. Exactly, there was one year after the Orion study was published. Let me check this in German as well, because normally, I wrote these articles and then it took me a long time to translate everything into the other languages. Perhaps it was even published earlier—in April 2011—two months I needed then for this work. So this was in 2011.
13 years before the 372 days studied in this article would come to pass, I referred to this period as the time of the plagues. I wanted to know how long the plagues would last. And it is exactly so, that the 372 days, or at least 360 days of them, were aligned for the falling of the plagues. Let me see where the final count is—this is what I found out in 2011: that the 372-day cycle of the Orion clock would encompass the plagues. Now we see it in the heavens in the Horologium. Of course, at that time, we didn’t know anything about the second witness, the Horologium clock. I just wanted to show you how these things work together.
So, we have special portions of the Holy Spirit for these 372 days. We concluded that Elijah's journey begins 360 days before June 4th, when these portions end.
So, then we came to the following conclusion. Let's do the calculation. June 4th, 2025 is a Wednesday. Now, if I go back 360 days—let's subtract it—we come to June 9th or incl. June 10th, 2024. So, I go there in Stellarium, June 10th, 2024. Now one year back and a couple of days up. Here we are: June 10. Now, let's look at where we are in the Horologium.
E3 is here, and it has just passed, starting this whole cycle of 360 prophetic days, which is one prophetic year—360 days. This is exactly the distance to this point, the third 6 o'clock strike. So, where are we with K2? Let's search for K2. Here we go—K2 is exactly at the head part, which is still in Taurus, but it’s on the head of Jesus as Orion. Orion represents Jesus. So, here we are—this is the beginning of Elijah's journey.
Now, where do we come from, or where are we now in the Alpha and the Omega? We said that June 4th, 2025, more or less marks the end—the Omega. So, we are talking about the Alpha. If you know how an Alpha is written in Greek, here you see the first letter of the Greek alphabet. "I am the first and the last." And the last letter of the Greek alphabet is Omega. In the lowercase version, it’s written like this, and we see this from here to here. Therefore, you see the different shadings of colors, but they are interwoven; they are overlapping, like in a monogram.
A monogram is always an artistic representation of a first name and last name. It’s a monogram, and that’s why we called our article "The Divine Monogram." That's Jesus speaking in Revelation. But Orion has three stars on the throne—let me show you that here. Indeed, the old Arabic names for these stars are "The Wounded One," "The Girdle," and again, "The Girdle." But they are 3, and all the same—they represent three persons on the throne line, marking the throne of God, which I showed back in 2010 in the Orion message presentation.
This is the famous girdle line of Orion. These three stars form the throne of God. God the Father is in the middle, and on His right side (as seen from us, on the left side) is Jesus, represented by Alnitak, "The Wounded One." Even the stars reflect this. Who in the Godhead was wounded? Jesus Christ. Then there’s the third one. Who is this third one? Is it Lucifer, or Gabriel? There is a third divine person—something that many people negate and do not want to acknowledge as a person with his own star, Mintaka.
Mintaka can only represent one person—the Holy Spirit. Mintaka is the Holy Spirit. A, A, Alpha, Alpha... let me go there. Alpha for Alnilam and Alnitak of Orion. Because this is not a W, but a lower Omega. Till here it is an Omega. And then, where is the representation of the Third Person of the Godhead? It is the Mu, M. The name Mintaka begins with the Greek letter Mu, which corresponds to the letter M in our language. So where is this Mu? Again interwoven From here on. Why did we start here? I'll show you later, because this is where the dead man in the river is depicted.
Then we painted this Mu here. Watch one thing. We painted it in this picture up until the 4th of June, 2025.
When we produced this picture, it was the signature of all three persons of the Godhead in relation to the end times—the sign of the Son of Man, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. We painted it only up to that point because we did not know that we had 16 more days. Then we saw/recognized this form.
This original Mu has only a very small extension, or tittle, at the end. In some depictions, it reaches up to, at most, half of the last stroke here. So it should be even a little less than half in the calligraphy.
If it extends beyond half, reaching up to the 20th of June, it would no longer be a Mu. Remember that very well. I want to emphasize that—it wouldn’t be a Mu anymore.
You know, later it starts to spiral out, circling and circling. On one side, we are circling out, and here we are spiraling out. This represents the folding together of the scrolls.
And the heavens depart. This sign is rolled up into the scrolls. Because by then, everything that needs to be written, produced, and published will have been completed.
And the heavens depart as a scroll, with two rows on both sides. But until when is the signature of God valid? The Alpha is no longer an Alpha, the Omega is no longer an Omega.
The Alpha ends here. So, this part here does not belong to the Alpha. This part here represents an hour, a specific hour of 372 days around the clock.
But it does not belong to the signature anymore, because the Alpha follows this line, and this is outside of the Alpha line. How long does the Mu go? The Mu also has a certain ending.
The Holy Spirit's Mintaka Mu line must end before the 20th of June, because if it extends beyond that, it would no longer be a Mu as it is written in the Greek alphabet.
When would this end? We have an idea when. This witness indicates it ends on the 4th of June. We painted it up until the 4th of June because that is when both witnesses agree.
Now, we have Alpha standing for Alnilam and Alnitak, representing God the Father and Jesus Christ. And we have the Mu standing for the Holy Spirit.
But in Revelation, the Alpha and the Omega are literally named. Jesus says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
Jesus was speaking there. But is also the Holy Spirit's signature mentioned in Revelation? Does the Spirit speak and say, "I am Mintaka of Orion, I am Mu"? Yes, He does. He does.
And that’s the funny thing. He does. And He even says that He comes after the Alpha and Omega in the signature.
I’ll show you—the Mu ending signature. So, let's search Revelation.
Here we go. Let's search first for "Spirit." And we’ll do that in the book of Revelation only.
Let's activate "partial match". Spirits, for example, will then also be found. How many verses? 23 verses. 23 verses That’s a lot, isn’t it? We always talk about Alpha and Omega, Jesus, and perhaps Gabriel, who is the messenger in this case, and John.
But the Spirit is mentioned in 23 verses—23 verses, 23 times. Where? The seven Spirits are before His throne.
"I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day." John was even in the Spirit. The Lord says the seventh day Sabbath, not Sunday.
So then the seven churches receive all the warnings to "have the Spirit and have an ear." The Sign of the Son of Man. But the Spirit says it.
It’s not only Alnitak who says it. It’s not only the Father who says it. The Spirit especially says it.
The Spirit speaks. What happens when a nation speaks or says something? A law, a declaration.
And laws and declarations are signed by the ruler. When the Spirit says something, do you believe He signs, or does He not sign? "And immediately, I was in the Spirit..." in Revelation 4. Do you know that we began our whole ministry in Revelation 4—the throne room vision—in the Spirit?
John—a symbol for the last John, which is my second name.
And I was in the Spirit when I saw the throne room and what it really meant. It was pointing to Orion with the three thrones. "And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thundering and voices."
Look at that—the second time mentioned. The Spirit.
These are the seven Spirits of God—the seven lights of Orion. This is also depicted in the earthly sanctuary of Moses, with the seven-branched candlestick. Again, Revelation 5:6 belongs to the throne room vision. Seven Spirits.... always pointing to Orion and the seven stars.
Then we have the spiritual part of the story of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. "The great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt." You cannot decipher that if you do not have the Sign of the Son of Man, with the dead body of Christ in the river Eridanus and the dove coming down upon Him. So, the Eridanus plays the role of whom? Of the Jordan. Of the Jordan River, but not the Euphrates.
So, "after three and a half days," we return to the story of the two witnesses. The Spirit of Life. The Spirit of Life.
We have the Spirit of Life, and we have the Water of Life. It’s connected to something—the great Euphrates. The Spirit is connected to the waters, the water of life.
Could the Spirit be the great river Euphrates? "And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth." This is a very important chapter for us, especially for Seventh-day Adventists.
"Yes, says..." Who says this? Jesus Christ? The Father? John? No. The Spirit speaks again.
Do you believe that when the Spirit talks so much—to the seven churches, to John in the throne room vision, in the history of the two witnesses—the Spirit now speaks clearly about the dead?
"That they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." This marks the end of the judgment of the dead that the Spirit is talking about. "And then I saw three unclean spirits."
In contrast, the Holy Spirit is a good spirit, of course.
But suddenly, three unclean spirits appear. They also speak, but they speak during the sixth plague, when the great river Euphrates has dried up. When the Holy Spirit’s River has dried up, then suddenly these three unclean spirits are given a voice.
Then they can speak. But not before—they are restrained before.
Who is the great restrainer? The Holy Spirit. And when He is taken away, as Paul says, then the end-time 6,6,6 rule of the Antichrist—the man of sin—will come over the world. But first, the Spirit has to be removed.
Who holds back? Who restrains? When the restrainer is removed, could that be what the drying up of the great river Euphrates means? That the Holy Spirit is finally completely withdrawn from the earth? And on what day would that be? You know the answer.
Then, as it goes on with these three spirits, "they are spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God Almighty—Armageddon." When they have the word/the say, the restrainer is gone. The great river Euphrates will have dried up, and they will begin their work without the restrainer to do their horrible miraculous work.
"So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness." That is Revelation 17.
"And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast." Again, the Spirit is speaking to John, showing him the great judgment on the whore.
And when will this take place? In the last hour—in the 15 plus 1 days. Then the great seventh plague is poured out.
Revelation 18:2 is a very important chapter for High Sabbath Adventists. "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.'"
And when will that be? When the restrainer is gone. Revelation 19 says, "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, 'See thou do it not.'"
That was Gabriel who said, "Do it not. I am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is..." what? "The spirit of prophecy."
Orion is a witness. Horologium is a witness. Who wrote about both? The High Sabbath Adventists for quite a long time—14, 15 years now, since 2010.
We will come to that. And this is the spirit of prophecy. We would never dare to call ourselves prophets.
We study the Bible. But when you study the Bible, you have to pray. You have to listen to the still, small voice, which is the Holy Spirit, just as Elijah does or did.
You cannot study and find or understand the voice of God if you are not in the Spirit. That’s why John always said, "I was in the Spirit," even on the Lord’s Day—the correct Lord’s Day, the Sabbath, the Seventh-day Sabbath.
"I was in the Spirit when I heard these things. I was in the Spirit in Revelation 17, when this angel with the plagues showed him the judgment."
This is what we recently understood. Yet, there has been no reaction to our beautiful video and the wonderful explanation of the great riddle of the popes: seven kings, seven hills, and the eighth is under the seventh, and so on. This is marvelous. Look at it. Watch it. And then, rewind. Watch it again, until the Spirit tells you, "Wow. This is the only possibility to explain that riddle." And God says, "Here is wisdom."
How do you get wisdom? Who is the Spirit of wisdom? The Holy Spirit. When you can decipher these things, and when you appreciate them—when you hear these things and say, "Wow, this is deciphered"—then you have the Holy Spirit. If not, then you don't.
You either have an evil spirit or no spirit at all. That is the truth.
I’m sorry to say that. And that’s why we cannot publish our videos on YouTube, because that would be considered hate speech.
It’s called hate speech, but it’s not. It is the voice of love, calling you to repentance before it’s too late, and you are left behind.
And who has the last word? "And the Spirit and the bride say... " Revelation 22, the last chapter.
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' And let him that heareth say, 'Come.'"
Him that heareth—who has an ear—come. They should work together. "And let him that is athirst come." Athirst for what? For the water of life; Spirit. "And whosoever will, let him take the water of life."
Here it is: the Spirit and water of life, directly connected—the Spirit and water of life, indeed. What, or better who, is the great, marvelous, and unbelievably huge river Euphrates? The Euphrates came from Eden It is one of the rivers of Eden.
In Genesis 1, the second verse already, it speaks about the Holy Spirit. And He has the last word. "And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon..." what? "The face of the waters."
What is waters again? Mu.
The Greek letter Mu is not only an abbreviation, the first letter of Mintaka. It has a meaning.
It is water. It is water. In Paraguay, we also have only one letter in Guarani, the original Indigenous language of Paraguay. It is "y." Y means water—a one-letter word. And so it is in Greek.
Mu. Mu, in the Old Hebrew language, means waters.
The water is Mu. The spirit of life, the water of life, is Mu. So, I already told you, who is the great river Euphrates of the sixth plague that dries out.
Here you see it painted in blue—the water of life, the Mu; Mintaka—the Holy Spirit.
And He dries out. Because if He didn’t dry out, it wouldn’t be Mu anymore. And when does it dry out? How long did we paint it? I told you before—until the 4th of June, 2025, when the 372 days are over. And those 372 days were studied and published in 2011. This is the time of the plagues when they unfold to a culmination point, when the seventh plague is poured out.
But we are not destined for the wrath. The rapture is between the 4th of June and the 21/22nd of June. So, these 372 days were studied to be portions.
How did I come to these 372 days? Because I understood that the Jewish people, the old nation of Israel, were given orders by God to sacrifice on the feast days a certain amount of animals and flour. It looks very technical and very boring with a lot of numbers. In German—I'm not sure what it's called in English—we have a story, a myth, about the Schlaraffenland. You have to go through a huge mountain of cake. You have to eat your way through the cake to get to the sweet and wonderful things inside. The grilled chicken flies into your mouth and so on.
But first, you have to go kilometers through the mountain of pretty dry cake. It must not be a very pleasant way to get to the city in the center where everything is beautiful.
This is how I felt with that study. I was sitting down, studying numbers and numbers. Look—it lists how much flour mingled with oil had to be sacrificed on the 2nd day, on the 3rd day, on the 4th day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and so on, until Shemini Atzeret. Animal count: bullocks, rams, lambs, goats—how many in total. Then adding all these things up. Then finding the keys for how many days these over-exaggerated feast day offerings would last. How many daily portions did the priest have to offer for the sins of the people per day during the morning and evening offerings?
How many days would all these portions offered on the feast days last? 372 days is the result.
I showed you already—where was it? Here you have the calculation.
You find 372 loaves of bread. One loaf per day equals 372 days. All these calculations lead to that final number. Incredible, isn’t it?
But it is so. And these 372 days represent portions—portions per day, where you still have Jesus Christ offering salvation. The sacrifices were a picture, an imagery, of His sacrifice—always.
Bullocks and rams, which are clean animals, lambs too. So it was always that the sacrifices pointing to Christ. And now we knew from this study in 2011 that we would have, in the end, 372 special portions for 372 days. Additionally, to the portions that had been given for other times.
And there we found 1260 in the Ezekiel study, and so on. That is part 3 of that study, but I won’t mention that too much today because the video gets longer and longer. But it’s all interconnected, intertwined—all the studies. You have to be a very, very diligent student if you want to understand all the depth of what has been written.
And it is truly blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to say that these studies, which were done with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, were from the devil or misleading.
We always came closer to the truth, and the Holy Spirit leads into all truth. He does not give it in a dream, a vision, or whatever in just one second. It takes many, many years of diligent study to finally be led to the truth, to the blessed hope, to the second coming of Jesus Christ. So, these were portions of the Holy Spirit for a special, difficult time.
Now, what is the most difficult time, you might ask? Let me go back to that picture again.
Obviously, the 372 portions begin here. And this is exactly the time that is very difficult, because it is between the second sixth and the third sixth, when we have the last developments that lead up to the reign of the Antichrist.
But the Antichrist must have his hour with the beast. He must get the power, right? The whore must finally ride completely over the beast and reign over the earth. And for this to happen, what holds him back must be withdrawn.
And that must be from the moment of the third pendulum strike, on the 4th of June, 2025, when he gets his fifteen-day reign over the earth, until the seventh plague destroys him, and he is thrown into the lake of fire.
So, the 4th of June must be the moment when the Holy Spirit is finally and totally withdrawn
This event—the total retrieval of the Holy Spirit—has a name in Christendom. It’s not in the Bible, just like the word "Bible" is also not in the Bible. But it is a specific event.
It is the end of intercession. It is the end of the possibility for salvation. When the Spirit is withdrawn, you can no longer be baptized in the Spirit—in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You can’t. Perhaps you still could, but let’s look at the signature. You can no longer be baptized in the name of the Father and the Son. The Son is Alpha, the Father is Alpha and Omega of Orion, and the Spirit—because the river Euphrates, representing the Holy Spirit, has dried up.
The Mu has been written into the heavens, and it’s the end of the sign of the Son of Man and His representative, the Holy Spirit. The 4th of June, 2025.
I want you to ponder about what that means. It’s the end of probation. That’s what Christians typically call it when they talk about the total withdrawal of the Holy Spirit—the end of probation.
No one can be saved anymore. You also know the verse that goes with it: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still." No change is possible anymore. "And he which is filthy, let him be filthy still. And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. And he that is holy, let him be holy still."
"I come quickly, very quickly." When this command is given, then Jesus comes, really and truly quickly, in one prophetic hour. And look at what is mentioned earlier in this chapter before this command is given—the river of life story.
And it’s a depiction—a wonderful depiction—of the sign of the Son of Man.
"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." The Lamb is Jesus, who was slaughtered. We need to look into the sign of the Son of Man.
Where is Jesus depicted as being slaughtered? "In the midst of the street of it." Hey, there is a street In the middle of the street—let me show you. Let's zoom in so we can see the whole sign of the Son of Man.
So, where is a river? Here is a river—the Eridanus. Does this part of the Eridanus belong to the sign of the Son of Man? No, it's cut out. Look who has it—who attracts this part of the river. It's Cetus.
It's Leviathan, also known as Cetus. That's the monster of the sea. And we said these are the vaccinated people who would not belong anymore to the bloodline of Christ. Because here is Jesus in His baptism scene. He is dead in the river and resurrected. Resurrected here. Dead in the river—baptism, death on the cross.
What did we say? Who was... Sorry, I need to go back to the verse. Let me show you. "In the midst of the street of it"—the water of life. So it has to do with the river Eridanus.
"And in the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve kinds of fruits and yielded her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
We’ve already shown all these things pertaining to the Son of Man—the two trees, the two trunks. One tree of life is Orion, and the other is the Horologium. They are on both sides of the river.
One is on this side, and the other is on the opposite side. But the problem is that this part of the river is cut off. You see, it is cut off, just as this other part of the river is also cut off.
And we deciphered it to be Laodicea—the church of Laodicea that is spit out of the mouth of the fish, of Jesus Christ. Christ is "Ichthys," which means Christ, the fish. That’s why the early Christians used the fish as a symbol—it signifies Christ. Christians', Christ, Ichthys, the fish. Therefore, it is a fish, the sign of the Son of man. We wrote all these things, and you can read that and read that again.
So, we have the problem that is that this part is cut off, and this part is cut off—Laodicea and the vaccinated ones who now have the bloodline of the monster. They are no longer human, as God created them, but they have tampered with their DNA.
So, how do I get the river of life now to reach Orion?
Look at that. If we start from the sacrifice of Jesus—this is His baptism, which was a symbol of His later crucifixion—and prolong that line that K2 draws, then we come to Orion, to the second tree trunk on the side of the river of life.
But how do I get there? Here, I do not get there. This part is cut off. The river would cease here. This is where the Mu needs to be painted.
We started the Mu here exactly at that point because this is cut off. We have to have a river going from here to there. And that is the Mintaka Mu, the signature of Jesus Christ, right? Mu, water.
So, going back to this wonderful picture here, here is the man in the river, and we painted the Mu leading up to Orion. Then, finally, on the 4th of June, 2025, this river dries out—at the same moment when the Antichrist starts to reign without restriction on the earth.
So far, so good. This is a very important teaching, and I can only counsel you to take it very seriously. The Euphrates was a part of the four rivers in Eden.
"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads (or 4 different rivers)." The first river is Pison, the second is Gihon, and the name of the third river is Hiddekel, "that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria." And the fourth river is the Euphrates. So, it's four rivers. Let's count.
Jesus was walking in the Garden of Eden together with Adam and Eve in person, and He told Eve to expect it—a sacrifice, Himself. And how many rivers do we find? We find, of course, the river, the great river, which then parts into four parts.
We'll see. So, that must be the Eridanus, the Eridanus part. This is another part, parted. I do not know which one it is, but it's a second part. That's a first part, that's a second part, and then it's parted again by K2. There's a third part.
And now we have the beginning here of the fourth part, the great river Euphrates, being the Holy Spirit. How wonderful is that? When you study the heavens, you come from one "Wow" to the next.
It's really incredible. I'm fascinated by these things, and I'm honestly fascinated by the revelations since I was a youngster. But I did not have the Spirit until I was baptized in 2003.
Then I started to have my first studies in 2004, and that led to public work from 2010 on, with the Orion study.
Some parts I had deciphered before, leading up to the Orion study and the possibility of deciphering Orion as a clock, being the throne room of God, of Jesus Christ as Orion, which is a symbol of Himself as the High Priest before the Father, pledging with His blood for our lives. We know already that Orion and Horologium are the two witnesses—I’ve already mentioned it many times. They are the base, the pillars.
Now we understand that they are the two stems of the Holy-Spirit-river, in the sign of the Son of Man—the holiest area, the Eden area, the New Eden area—our inheritance. Here are the twelve tribes inside. Can you remember, we have all these studies outside: the twelve tribes are inside, we have twelve constellations involved.
Some are cut off—here only a foot is inside—or this is entirely the Church of Philadelphia, and so on. We have all these studies outside—wonderful studies. Yet so few people have the Spirit to study and to have an ear. The seven churches are there. It’s wonderful.
But I cannot put everything into one video—totally impossible. Therefore, we produced articles and videos before, already. This is, I believe, the last deciphering that I am doing personally, as I started alone and personally in 2010 with publishing the Orion study—the first Orion presentation.
Now to end and refine the story of Elijah and Elisha with the new knowledge that the river of the Holy Spirit is the Mu, painted from the dead man in the river—which represents Jesus Christ. The water of life flowed out of His body and out of our bodies because the fish is also us—Christendom. With this knowledge, we have a little bit to refine.
Because, when you remember, we had in one of the Sabbath sermons lately, we had painted this artificial line, as I showed before, between Alnitak and Meissa, the head star.
And then we had the crossing of Jupiter and K2 as Elijah over the river. But this river was not the river, indeed. So we have to explain it a little differently. Interesting that the Bible helps with that, as always. We were looking for a river that they would cross together, and this river was dried up in the 2 Kings, chapter 2 story.
And now, we see in the heavens a little bit of a contradiction. One time, we say K2 is Elijah, but the Mu that Elijah—K2—paints is the great river Euphrates. Indeed, it is not such a big contradiction as we will see. Let's look at the story of the Bible once more, with a little bit more attention, as I did last time. Because I did not know that we have more time after the 4th of June, until the 20th or 21st of June 2025.
So, let me see. Here the crossing is described in 2 Kings, chapter 2, verse 8: "And Elijah took his mantle"—and we said, "OK, this is the coma of K2, the comet"—"and wrapped it together." So, the coma could also even disappear at that time. "And smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither," so the river dried out, so that they would go over on dry ground.
Here you have the similarity of the texts. Next verse: "And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha..." So what are they talking about now? What is the only thing that is mentioned is what they were talking about on the other side of the Jordan when they had passed? Elisha said to Elijah, "Ask what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee." And Elisha said, "I pray thee,..." What does he want from Elisha, who is K2—the comet that paints the river of life, the Holy Spirit line, or the riverbed? "...let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me."
So it is exactly this. This is the theme of the whole story up there in the heavens: K2 as a comet is a person resembling Elijah; Jupiter as Elisha, the later king, the destroyer. And the comet has an ephemeris—the Mu—painted by the orbit of the pathway that Elijah went. And it is, at the same time, the great river Euphrates in the heavens that dries out. So there is no contradiction at all to the story.
And to finish it, what did Elijah answer? He said, "Thou hast asked a hard thing." It is a hard story, a difficult story in the heavens. Nevertheless, "if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so."
Okay, I believe that we will be taken to heaven at this point. If not, we have to go on studying, right? Let’s see in the heavens once more how nicely this fulfills now. But first, I have to move the heavens a little bit so that you can see where we were. I really want to make this video a little detailed so that you can see.
Let me put the line in. So, I want to do it very precisely, but that is difficult. From Alnitak to Meissa, up there in this area. So, this was the explanation that I had in my last video. First, of course, the line is crossed by K2. As you can see, the crossing happens more or less on the 17th of April. And then later, Jupiter crosses the same line, more or less on the 9th of May. But look at the text again—the text says, "So that they two went over on dry ground." They two went over, so they went together over at the same moment. You cannot say Elijah passed first and then Elisha came after. They two went over on dry ground. Right?
So, what do we see now without this artificial line? Let me blot it out again. Now we have to go even to the 4th of June. So here we are. And now look, this is the moment when the river dries out and it parts to both sides. The river parts, and now they are on the same line—the prolongation line of the Club of Orion. And now they go together, as we saw. Really, at the same moment, they are now in conjunction—Jupiter and K2. And now they go over together over this line.
And then comes already Mercury. So, let’s go back to the 4th. This is the moment when the river dries out. Now we have to look: Who are the kings of the East? Because now we are in Revelation again, Revelation 16, the 6th plague, where we have the theme of the kings of the East. Before, I thought we had three: Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun. But now we know for sure that Jupiter is the king, Elisha. But who, then, are the kings of the East? And in this riddle, there is also the hint with the East.
So, in the East, we have the Sun. What is the nearest planet to the Sun? In the East—Mercury. It’s the innermost planet of our planetary system. It’s the smallest in the heavens, but it’s a king. It can stand for a messenger; it can stand for an earthly messenger, but also for a heavenly messenger, and that would be Gabriel. So, Gabriel is the one who brought the revelation of Jesus Christ to John in Patmos. So he is the messenger, the great messenger. But he is also a king in heaven—not as big as Jesus Christ, but he is an angel king. So the smallest in heaven. Mercury and the Sun—these are the kings of the East. That’s now clear.
So they go dry foot over this line, and then we have only to observe who are the kings of the East. Why does God do this in this way in the sixth plague text? It is simply so that we have seven last plagues, and the seventh plague is, of course, Elisha, the king's planet—Jupiter. And we do not have an eighth, and we do not have a ninth.
So Mercury and the Sun come at the time when Jupiter already passes the galactic equator and starts to slaughter in the seventh plague. But you see that Mercury is very fast, and the Sun follows close behind. So these are now the kings of the East.
And then the text is over. It would take a long time until Venus or something else comes along. So this marks the end of the sixth and the seventh plague.
And we have now explained exactly who the kings of the East are. It’s the Sun that rises in the East, and it’s Mercury that rises together with the Sun, often almost invisible in the sunlight—the innermost planet of our planetary system.
With this explanation, I think we have completely understood the Elijah story and the Elisha story. Perhaps there is more to discover in an even deeper study, but I want to leave it as it is.
In Elijah and Elisha, we also have something like two witnesses. And this leads us to the next part.
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