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The Final Prophetic Revelation

The Final Prophetic Revelation – Unlocking the Last Mysteries of Revelation

The Ultimate Countdown to the End – The Last Great Riddles Deciphered

After nearly 20 years of research and study, John Scotram unveils the final prophetic mysteries hidden within the Book of Revelation. These definitive studies decode the sealed book, the great signs in the heavens, and the final countdown to the end of time.

🔵 The Book Sealed with Seven Seals – Discover its true meaning through the heavens.

📜 The Seven Blessings of Revelation – Are they unfolding right before our eyes?

🔥 The Last Countdown – Prophecy confirms the time is now!

🎺 The Loosening of the Four Winds – A final warning before judgment falls.

This is the culmination of decades of research—don’t miss the final revelations!

Video Series

Sealing Mankind’s Fate

The scene in Revelation about the book sealed with seven seals can only be properly understood in the context of the heavens. In this video, you will discover the great importance of this book and what is written inside it, on it, and on its seals. When Jesus, the Lamb, opens the book, He brings the world one step closer to the revelation of Himself, which first requires that the judgment is complete. You will be blessed with this understanding from the heavens that highlights the role of this book and its seals not only in centuries past, but especially with their repetition in the present time of the judgment. Jesus alone is worthy to reveal the whole mystery of this book to His glory.

Seven Blessings to Eternity

After understanding the book of seven seals and its record of the trials of God’s people, we embark in a study of the seven blessings of the Revelation. You will find that it is no coincidence that there are exactly seven times in the Revelation when a blessing is pronounced, and in this video, we explore what these blessings are associated with, and when they occur in time. Could it be that as each seal is opened and the ensuing trial is met by faith, Jesus extends an appropriate blessing to the victor? Let a knowledge of the time provide the answer, and make sure you receive all the blessings the Lord makes available to you.

The Great and Marvelous Sign

In this video, you will climb by faith to the summit of a heavenly mountain—a mountain of time. The summit lies not far in the future, when you will be able to discern the outpouring of God’s wrath. The revelation of the prophesied “great” and “marvelous” sign of the seven last plagues will come alive as the story unfolds in several chapters of Revelation. You won’t want to miss any part of this powerful study that puts the pieces together shedding light on every detail of God’s prophetic word.

The Last Countdown – Part 1

Jesus said, “the harvest is the end of the world” (Matthew 13:39), so as we approach that time, we should see signs that Revelation’s harvest prophecy will be fulfilled. Over the years of our journey in deciphering the Revelation, we have sought to understand the application of this prophecy according to the state of our knowledge. In this video, you will discern how the Spirit has led us step by step, teaching us principles along the way that would serve to make the ultimate fulfillment discernable. Then Brother John will walk you through the elements of the prophecy and show how they are depicted in perfect sequence in heaven. Indeed, now that the prophetic sequence is seen in detail and the earth is ripe for the harvest, we can be sure that it is the time of the end, and the last countdown to the end of time is here.

The Last Countdown – Part 2

As this world’s history draws to a close, God has given a heavenly countdown so that no one need be caught by surprise. In this video, Brother John explains the ominous prophecy of Revelation’s sixth trumpet with the heavenly canvas, and offers some strong indications for what globally transformative event one could expect to begin the second woe. This video reveals the time of the loosening of the four angels who are bound to the great river Euphrates, and third woe of the seventh trumpet. As the time shortens until these momentous events, may you be among those who give glory to God and overcome in faith by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

The Loosening of the Four Winds

As the time draws near when the four winds are loosened, the fulfillment of biblical prophecies is displayed like never before. In this study, you will discover what Revelation’s trumpets warn about, who blows them, and what role Donald Trump has in it all. And as the mysteries are made plain in the heavens, the central position and overarching theme is once again seen to be the cross of Jesus Christ. The magnificence and grandeur of the plan of salvation cannot be overestimated. May your heart be thrilled as treasures from God’s prophetic word are uncovered, giving you a splash of the refreshing water from the river of life that flows through the inheritance that God has prepared for His children. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!

The Sign of the Seven Last Plagues

The Great and Marvelous Sign lives up to its name as the culmination of the Great sign of the woman of Revelation 12. Jupiter, having come from the womb of Virgo, finally reaches the hand of Orion, where Jesus is depicted as a King with His scepter of righteous judgment. As it does, the bowls of wrath can be seen being filled up in the months before December 15, 2024, when the outpouring of wrath commences with “fire, smoke, and brimstone.” Meanwhile, the plagues of Babylon’s evils are timed by the members of the solar system striking Orion’s outstretched hand. For these plagues, God’s wrath is given to Babylon all in one day as a double reward with the outpouring of the seventh bowl of wrath shortly after Jesus takes away the redeemed from the earth.

The last great riddles of Revelation have been deciphered. The prophetic clock is complete, and the final countdown has begun.

⏳ The seals have been broken—will you heed the call?

🔥 The plagues are about to be poured out—are you ready?

🎺 Time is running out—this is the final warning.

The heavens have spoken. The signs are clear. Now, only one question remains:

Will you be found faithful when the last trumpet sounds?

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