Seven Blessings to Eternity
Happy Sabbath once more from Nevis Island. I hope you are here with a fresh mind and a lot of enthusiasm, and that you are not tired from the last video that spoke about the seven seals. And it was a long video; I hope I can make it shorter today.
But I have to admit that the Holy Spirit has not stopped giving more light and more insight. Even in the last days, and even today in the morning, I received new light from the Holy Spirit. So we are in an extreme outpouring time of the water of life while we are traveling together with K2, the river Mu, that God called the great river Euphrates, the water of life river, the latter rain river. So I hope that you bear with me.
I tried to make this video not as long as the others, but I now have to press into the announced parts, including a big new finding. And perhaps I can cover this today in this video, which speaks mainly about the blessings. We can find seven blessings in Revelation, and so far, nobody has been able to find the points in time or the eras where these blessings belong.
I was able to do that, and you will see what it really means. I hinted at it in my last part already, and I said that with every seal, there is a blessing connected for those who stand the seal test. So I don't want to use many more words—let's jump directly into the matter.
So as I said, when you do a simple word search in the King James Version Bible, which is accepted by most of the Protestants, and you search for the word "blessed" in the book of revelation, you find seven verses and seven matches for this word "blessed." Of course, this is already a blessing. The first thing you should note is that two of these blessings, in Revelation 16:15, the first one, and in Revelation 22:7, the second one, are in red.
That means that Jesus Christ Himself speaks. These must be special blessings that have been spoken directly by Him and have, of course, even more weight than all the other blessings—the other five blessings. This is what we should see first when we take a quick look at the blessings.
We can also recognize that the first blessing is in the first chapter, and the last blessing—even two of the last blessings—are in the last chapter. So Revelation begins with a blessing, and it ends with a double blessing, like we had in our study, for those who know it, the High Sabbath list. And in the High Sabbath list, we also had a double stop codon.
While here, we end with a double stop blessing. So these are the last blessings of Jesus Christ that are given, and we have to look at them very carefully. One of them, the sixth blessing, is spoken by Himself, by God.
So I would like to try what nobody has done so far. I would like to connect these blessings with the tests of the seven seals, because every single seal, when it is broken—and this is what Christianity normally expects—something terrible happens. And of course, when something terrible happens, our faith is tested, our steadfastness is tested.
There are possibilities to fall into temptation if we are not grounded in Jesus during such terrible times, as I showed you in the last video, what these horse riders and the other time frames meant. For example, from the fifth seal onward, it was tested the patience of the saints extremely, when even the two witnesses lay dead on the street where their Creator had been crucified—their Lord had been crucified. So you see, the seals mainly predict terrible things, while the blessings should be for those who remain faithful during these terrible times.
Now, let me go to the first blessing. It reads—it's the third verse of Revelation, and it took only three verses for the Lord to bless someone or us: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of THIS prophecy, of the whole Revelation, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand." We will see later that in different blessings, He says, "I come quickly."
Here, He only says, "the time is at hand." It is soon, but it is not quickly. There is a big difference.
When we look at the blessing later, we will see that the difference are hundreds of years. So, who has been tested in the first seal, in the judgment cycle, when the first seal was really broken? Remember, I told you that the seals were never actually broken, but only seen from the outside, until the judgment cycle began in 1846 with the white horse rider, which is the Adventist Church—or, more broadly, all Sabbath-keeping churches, if you want.
The gospel went out with the rider, a church, on a white horse, carrying a white and purified gospel. In Daniel 8:14, the verse reads: "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." The sanctuary, in this case, is the church, and the church would be cleansed, liberated from only Sunday-keeping, which is, according to the commandments, transgressing the fourth with Sunday.
So, when you keep the Sabbath, you are honoring the Creator, and you have a pure gospel—if all the other parts are also correct, of course.
Now, how many people, and I mentioned this already, kept the Sabbath in 1846? It was about 12 people, like the 12 apostles with whom it all began. These 12 individuals are usually called the Advent pioneers. Of course, there were some people from Protestant churches, like Joseph Bates, who brought the knowledge of the Sabbath to the attention of James and Ellen G. White, and they are, of course, part of these pioneers who reintroduced Sabbath-keeping in 1846, even earlier, in 1845.
You saw a video from Paraguay that shed light on this time, even mentioning a comet—a hidden comet from the perspective of history, but a very prominent one at that time, with a special trajectory that emphasized what happened in the Protestant churches after the disappointment of 1844. If you don’t remember, in 1844, there was the Great Disappointment. William Miller and Samuel Snow had preached that Jesus would come in 1844. I don't want to focus too much on all the details of this history, but on the 22nd of October, 1844, they were expecting Jesus to come—and, of course, He did not, as we know, and there was a great disappointment.
Now, many, many people had followed them—millions, worldwide. Millions and millions of Christians believed that message, because the 2,300 evenings and mornings had been so clearly deciphered to point to 1844, which was correct, but the event was not understood correctly. It wasn’t the coming of Christ, but the prelude of the coming began—the judgment of the dead, which is an Orion cycle.
So, what did Christianity do when they were disappointed? Let me first tell you what Hiram Edson did. Hiram Edson was one of these 12 pioneers. They were in his stable on his farm, praying the whole night, really searching the Lord, asking, "What happened?" They had waited until midnight, unaware of the Jewish reckoning of days, and so they prayed through the night. In the morning, when the sun was already up, he went outside, and they all went out. Then, suddenly, he had a vision—he saw the heavens open, and he saw Jesus entering the Most Holy Place in heaven to start His intercessory service. This gave them the understanding of what had truly happened: a new time had begun, a new era had started—the era of judgment.
And of course, first, the dead would be judged, and later, the living, as I showed in the last video. 168 years long—from 1846 to 2014—was the judgment of the dead, and from 2014 until now, but now ending, we have the judgment on the living. So, what did Christianity do? Did they all respond like Hiram Edson and the pioneers did? Did they kneel and pray, or did they just become disappointed and angry? Look, we have this period, even described in Wikipedia, called the Great Disappointment of 1844. The people were greatly disappointed.
They had believed the calculations, they had believed the time-setting of William Miller and Samuel Snow, but they were disappointed.
What do you do when you're disappointed? You get angry. You get angry with those who disappoint you. It probably wasn’t Jesus who disappointed them, or at least they didn’t seem angry with Jesus, but rather with William Miller, Samuel Snow, the Miller movement, and all its representatives.
It wasn’t the Adventist Church at that time because the church had not yet formed, it wasn’t purified, and there was no Sabbath-keeping yet. Many people say, "Oh, Miller was the first Adventist." This is totally wrong.
He has nothing to do with Adventism. He never was an Adventist. He never kept the Sabbath.
So, the people were completely and utterly disappointed. The press covered it, and all the media available at that time spoke about it. It was truly a hype.
And then Jesus did not come. And if Jesus would has come, it would have been pretty cheep to go to heaven, because where were the tests? What the people did not recognize is that this was the first test. The test was whether they would continue to study.
Which book? Which book of the Bible speaks prominently and reveals when Jesus Christ would come? The Revelation of Jesus Christ, right? Given through an angel, the angel Gabriel, to John the Apostle on Patmos. If you could decipher that book, if you could unseal that book together with Christ—because only the Lamb can open the seals—then you would know when Jesus comes. But the people gave up.
The people abandoned all prophesying. They gave up the belief that anyone in the world would ever be able to decipher when the second coming would happen. Is it possible to know the exact day, year, month, and hour? I can remember that there is a verse in Revelation that speaks precisely about that, but that is for a later video that will then strike 23 hours and 59 minutes.
Now, the blessing is connected with those who did not forsake all prophesying, who understood that Miller’s work was good but by far did not take into account the revelation of Christ. Daniel 8:14 is just one verse in Daniel.
This is what he deciphered—one verse. But he did not even touch the book of Revelation. So, what should they have done? Instead of being sad, they should have opened the book of Revelation.
They should have read what is prophesied in this book about what they had just experienced. Let me show you. In Revelation 4, John received a vision of the throne in heaven.
And here you have the introduction of all the important parts of the Orion clock. Here you have the throne. You have the four beasts around the throne.
You have the seats, like 24 hours around the throne, the seats of the elders. You have a clock description. In Revelation 4, you get the entire building plan of the Orion clock.
What do you get in Chapter 5? In Chapter 5, you get the scroll and the "Lamb theme". So, the Lamb first has to go to the Father to get a book. "And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals."
"No man in heaven, nor on earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, nor to look at it." Who would be able? That’s the big question for everyone here. And so, we come to verse 6. "And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb, (Jesus Christ), as it had been slain,"—Jesus Christ, slain on the cross—"having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."
"And He came..." Now, where to? To the throne. Where’s the throne? In the courtyard? No.
In the holy place, where the lampstand is and the showbread? No. Where is the throne of God the Father? In the Most Holy Place, right? So, He came. He entered the Most Holy Place "and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne of His Father."
He took the book from His Father. And then we have what I once called the Carillon in heaven. "And when He had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints."
"And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof." So, we’re talking about the book of Revelation. We are talking about the biggest part of the book of Revelation—the seven-seal book.
So, the Orion cycle had begun, when the Lamb came and took the book. But, as I told you, it took two years.
"And He came...": one year, 1844. "And took the book out of the right hand..." in 1845, during the cleansing. Now, some Protestants began to keep the Sabbath. And Revelation 6, first verse: "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals..."
This happened after two years had passed since the Great Disappointment, and people studied the book and understood, "Oh, that was the opening, that was the open door. That was the open door in heaven." Look at how the whole scene began.
Revelation 4 and 5 together depicts the entire narrative—all the events that occurred from 1844 to 1846. It begins with an open door. "After this, I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven."
Yes, when? Which door? Now you know. It was the door through which the Lamb would enter the Most Holy Place where His Father sits. Yes, and John was even asked to "come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter."
First, the door was opened to the Most Holy Place so that in Chapter 5, in 1844, the Lamb could pass through to His Father, take the book in 1845, and open and break its first seal in the year 1846. But Adventists understood this open door on the 23rd of October, 1844, when Hiram Edson saw the open door with Jesus Christ passing from the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place.
So they received a blessing. They received a blessing because they did not forsake what all other Christians forsook—prophesying and time-setting. Let’s read it again.
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of THIS prophecy (of the Revelation, the whole Revelation) and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand." Which time did He mean was at hand? The time of the judgment. Between 1844 and 1846, during these two years, the judgment was prepared, and then it started.
So, this is the blessing—when you do not give up, when you continue to study the holy book of Revelation that was truly delivered to you, given by Jesus Christ to the angel Gabriel, and then given to humanity through the Apostle John on a very small island. So, I believe we now have a little overview of how this works with the seal, with an example now.
So, the seal is the test. The test was, are you disappointed and give up, or do you, even in disappointment, continue studying? What have we done over the last 15 years? How many times have we been disappointed because something did not come to pass as we expected, but we never gave up? This blessing is for all those who study and never give up, even if they believed that Jesus would come earlier, and then He did not.
But many give up. And here we have something like a sifting. The seals are sifting people.
Let’s go to the second horse, the red horse rider. That seal opened in 1914 with the First World War, when there were great, great tests. I wrote about these tests and about what the faithful Adventists did during that time and what the unfaithful Adventists did during that time. Of course, when you have a world war, almost all nations participate, and everyone who can take up arms is called to do so.
I don’t want to focus too much only on the Adventists, but there have been, as I said in the last video, many people—so many Christians—being tested. If it wasn’t the Sabbath, which is almost impossible to keep when you are a soldier, then it was "Thou shalt not kill," right? You are tested anyway if you are a Christian. You cannot be a soldier, do military service, and keep the commandments of God.
It is impossible. And while there may be good reasons for killing, like saving your homeland, or whatever, it still means transgressing the commandments. We should never take up arms, and of course, we should keep the Sabbath even in times of war.
Even the church said, "Hey, no problem with military service. You can take up arms. It is a special case. It’s a world war. Hey, it is absolutely normal." Why? Because they did not want to have problems with their governments.
Churches are quickly forbidden if they say something the government does not like. But who is the head of the church? It is Jesus Christ. Is He the King of Kings? Should we do what He says, or should we follow what the government says if it goes against the commandments of Christ, the head of the church? Of course not.
We have to obey God more rather than our governments or men. This is so.
This is written. And many faithful Christians, not the majority, but many, refused military service for various reasons, Adventists especially because of Sabbath-keeping. And what happened to them? They were imprisoned, and many of them were killed.
Yes, you can look it up in my article. Perhaps I’ll put a short link here so that you can go there and read it. I even posted letters in the article—goodbye letters, farewell letters.
Sad. You will cry when you read them. These good-hearted and faithful Christians wrote from jail to their relatives, to their wives, knowing that the next day they would be killed—decapitated or hanged.
We shall not forget history because history will repeat. What is the blessing? Is the blessing connected to this Betelgeuse red horse rider, where, even later, the Adventist Church split into two parts: the reformers who were faithful and the non-reformers who obeyed the government, which today is still the Adventist Church? This is the church body that went through.
Do you know why? The black horse, the dead horse, and so on—this represents the Adventist Church that became increasingly defiled because this was already the first test that they could not withstand. And then we have the Adventist reformers, but they also did not stand all the tests. For example, the first test: to keep what this revelation says. There’s more in Revelation than just chapters 4 and 5. So, let's read the blessing.
It’s in Revelation 14:13. And now, interestingly, this is in the context after the third angel’s message of the three angels' messages of chapter 14 has been given, and before the harvest texts. Indeed, from the years 1846 to 1914, the third angel’s message, which is the Sabbath, had been continuously preached.
This is the Sabbath message: Keep the Sabbath so that you do not receive her plagues. So now, exactly after 68 years of preaching the third angel's message—which is well known in the Adventist Church and with which they strongly identify—comes the blessing for those Adventists who did not fall in the second seal test.
"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth." The dead—those faithful ones who refused military service, who would not transgress the commandments, who remained in the Lord and died in the Lord. "Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and pain and suffering (and also their families), and their works do follow them."
When you die in Christ, you are a martyr. And these were martyrs, absolutely martyrs. And when you read this letter, which I cannot read now, due to the shortness of this video. But read it for you completely, but if you read this letter, then you will understand what martyrdom truly is.
But, dear friends, in the blessing, we see the part that says, "their works follow them." And this is still not so easy to understand if we only consider the martyrs who died in the First World War, even though they gave a wonderful testimony for Jesus Christ and the faith. But what work would truly follow those who died from henceforth? "From henceforth" does not refer directly to 1914, but it begins in 1914.
Now, you see someone who is following the work of a special person who died on the 16th of July, 1915, in the same Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur year of 1914 to 1915. It is the prophetess—better said, the messenger of the Adventist Church, Ellen G. White. You hear me mention her name many times, and without shame, because her work was incredibly vast.
Even though she was despised by many other Christians and other churches, this woman was extraordinarily good. She wrote many wonderful books and had between 100 to 200 visions that helped me immensely in deciphering the book of Revelation. Without Ellen G. White, I never would have discovered the Orion Cycles.
Ellen G. White clearly pointed to Orion. What other prophet has spoken about Orion in a Christian setting? Nobody, except her. She said that the voice of God would one day come from Orion and proclaim the day and the hour of the second coming.
And it took me about 26 years in total until it comes to the point to fulfill the works that I followed. And so, the works of Ellen G. White were not in vain. She worked for 70 years for the Lord, in deep humility and with all her strength.
And there are Adventists today on earth—perhaps not Seventh-day Adventists, but people who belong to our movement—who honor her works. We are now approaching a very solemn blessing, the first of two blessings written in red.
Jesus Christ Himself now blesses and gives a warning at the same time. Let's read the blessing connected with the black horse, where the gospel was turned upside down by false doctrines: "Behold, I come as a thief" for all those who did not heed the gospel when it was white, but it became dirtier and dirtier and more altered until it became completely black.
"I come as a thief for all those." That's the warning. But now, the blessing:
"Blessed is he that watcheth," so others do not watch, "and keepeth his garments," so the others did not keep their white garments as they should have. "Lest he walks (what?) naked." These churches with these false doctrines are naked, and their members are naked. "And they see his shame."
It’s shameful to belong to those. That’s not me saying that; that’s Jesus Christ who said that, says that still, and continues to say that.
Take that into account, please. So when you are part of a church that has a black gospel, even if you believe it to be white, be careful about what happened from 1936 onwards until the churches died. Died I told you that was the beginning with the Hitler regime, when it emerged—when the people, due to materialism that entered the churches, really would, even the Adventist Church, send their children to school on the Sabbath.
They distanced themselves from Judaism and other associations to avoid being killed. Instead of protesting against what Hitler did, all Protestant churches stopped protesting. They said, "Oh, we don't want to bring our members into trouble," but the real reason was that they feared the confiscation of their possessions, their church buildings, and so on.
I mentioned this in the last video, but you can read about it in more detail in my articles. Look, after the Third World War, the UN emerged, a one-world religion came up. In the beginning of the 1960s we had the Second Vatican Council, which propagated ecumenism across the entire world, calling for the end of the protest.
The Second Vatican Council had only one main goal: to end the protest. Along with this came many false doctrines. First of all, it questioned the nature of Christ.
Did He have an advantage because He was God? Could He have sinned or not? This perspective twisted the understanding that Jesus overcame sin. He never sinned—that’s true—but He had the same sinful nature as Adam after the fall. Yet, He demonstrated that a man in sinful flesh can live a life without sinning.
This is what members of modern churches don’t want to hear. They do not want to live lives without sin because sin makes so much fun, isn't it? Who is faithful to their spouse anymore? And so on.
Do I have to talk about these things—about what you like, and what, when you read the Bible, Jesus dislikes? That’s the problem. The churches became liberal. Yes, this was completely embraced and even pushed by the papacy and the UN.
Liberalism. Do you see what is happening now with liberalism? Have you seen what’s happening in the streets? Have you ever seen what’s going on? Christopher Street Day and all these things? That all began after the Second World War, during this dark time. But it’s really not funny.
Many have already totally rejected (oh...) time-setting and (oh...) prophecy, and say: "Who is interested in that?"
They think: "Jesus is love. He loves. Once saved, always saved. We can do whatever we want. We can fornicate. We can be drunk. We can kill. We can do whatever we like. We are saved. One day we accepted Christ. The next day we forgot Him, but we are saved."
And to all those, Jesus says: "I come as a thief for them."
But blessed, absolutely blessed, are those who come through this dark time because they watch. They are watchful. They still read prophecy, and they still see that Jesus is coming soon.
They keep their garments and do not walk like Caesar without clothes, and everyone seeing it and laughing. It is so important to understand this point.
And I cannot emphasize it enough because this is how liberalism is. It is from the devil. And you will walk naked in front of Christ and the angels, and everyone who is holy will see it.
But you yourself, you don't see it—just like Caesar did not see. The king did not realize that he was naked because he believed in a lie. And the churches today are almost all lying and preaching a black gospel, the gospel of the devil.
Take care. Jesus says, "I come as a thief." They will not see, they will not understand the signs of the times. They are blinded by their own lusts and by their own sins.
Did you recognize the late setting of the third blessing, that belongs to the black horse rider and the black gospel? Do you see that it is in Revelation 16, which talks about the bowls of wrath? And in this case, it is a blessing that doesn’t come until the sixth bowl.
Here is this red blessing. So it comes at the end of the sixth bowl, when three unclean spirits like frogs gather for the battle of Armageddon. These three unclean frogs are none other than the Pope, the leader of the so-called Protestant nation—the US, and the leader of the UN.
And all these people—all these three unclean spirits—call for a gathering, which is a consequence of the gathering that we will see in the fourth blessing, which belongs to 1986 and the dead horse. So, all the churches that preached a black gospel and finally died will never recognize their error. They will be united with these three powers, and from the sixth bowl of wrath onward, they will persecute the true Christians together with these evil spirits of demons.
I would say this is a terrible ordeal. And Jesus puts it in nice words, just saying, "Behold, I come as a thief for those." They do not recognize that He is coming. On the contrary, those who say He is coming now—they will persecute because they have been following the gospel of demons for a long time.
Now, what is the consequence of the Vatican Council? The dead horse. This is what happened in 1986 when all churches prayed together with Hinduism, Buddhism, and various other pagan religions, invited by John Paul II to the first great World Day of Prayer, the first one ever. They came, and all the religions of the world were there, including Protestants and, of course, the Catholics who organized this meeting in Assisi, in this small town in Italy, where they all prayed together for world peace.
This is something we should not do. Look, the Second Vatican Council worked out a plan how to destroy Protestantism. And to test if it had succeeded, the Pope, John Paul II, invited everyone to that meeting.
And everyone who came, everyone who sent representatives, everyone who participated, died—along with their church and the church members who thought that something like this would be no problem for a loving Jesus. They died. And later, there was one meeting after another, and more and more joined between 1986 and 2014 until the judgment of the living began. And no one recognized it because they had been blinded, and they were already dead.
And when you read the blessing now, I hope your eyes will finally open to what it means when Jesus shouts from the heavens, "Get out of her, my people, so that you do not receive of her plagues." The Apostle Paul has earnestly warned Christians about not being unequally yoked with unbelievers. And when we look into this, we find the great warning of Jesus Christ from the heavens, "Get out of her, my people."
This is a repetition of what Paul said, or perhaps we should say Paul foretold what Jesus would later repeat. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers," he says in 2 Corinthians 6:14. "For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion, (ecumenical communion), hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? (Baal.) Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" Even online, you can find Catholic commentators who remain outraged about what happened there, because they saw Hinduism and Buddhism—what do these have to do with Christ? There is only one name through which we are saved and can come to the Father. Even Catholics, members of this church, recognize that something was wrong with John Paul II’s 1986 invitation.
"For ye are the temple of the living God, and God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." Right? And the next verse is so important because it is echoed in Revelation: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you. And ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
I suggest we read the blessing now for those who did not partake in this meeting, in later meetings, or in the ecumenical movement, and who even expose the activities in the ecumenical movement as being from the devil, clearly separating themselves from these things. Remember, as you read the blessing with me, that it speaks about an invitation. One invitation came from John Paul II and later popes, inviting people to partake in things of idolatry, while the Lord invites also but to a different event.
"And He says unto me, Write: Blessed are they which are called, (invited), unto the marriage supper of the Lamb." "Be not unequally yoked" can also, or is also, related to marriage. You should not be married, or it is at least recommended, to an unbeliever.
But also, you should not partake in events that primarily involve unbelievers. So, we should be married to Christ. Christ is our head.
The marriage supper of the Lamb. And He repeats and says, "And He saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God." Did you recognize that this blessing is spoken in Revelation 19, which is already about the coming of Christ? There is an entire passage, from Revelation 19:6 to 19:10, that speaks about the marriage supper of the Lamb.
So, God's invitation is still valid, but the 1986 invitation also continues. You decide where you want to eat—at the table of Baal or at the table of Christ? It’s an ongoing struggle.
I say, the protest must go on, and it must continue in a successful form, with a pure gospel, keeping all the commandments, but we’ll come back to that later. We are now approaching the fifth blessing, and this should be connected with the fifth seal, of course.
Can you remember where the seal was? The fifth seal concluded an entire Orion judgment round. And there was no white horse anymore at that time, because the Adventist Church had fallen and continues to fall. And there would not be a new church anymore.
But the judgment of the dead ended after 168 years, and the judgment of the living—for the next 12 years—should begin. So, I will read you the text of the fifth seal quickly, and when you then read the blessing, you should no longer doubt that the seals and the blessings are intrinsically connected. The seal is in Revelation 6:9-11.
"And when he had opened the fifth seal," coming one time full circle, "I saw under the altar"—I showed you Taurus and Orion—"the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they, (the dead), cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" And now you see that the judgment is over with the next verse. "And white robes were given unto every one of them," those that died in the Lord.
"And it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled." So, we would have martyrs again during the time of the judgment of the living. We even have some of them mentioned in the Bible.
Read Revelation 11, where the two witnesses died. They did not die physically, nor did they die spiritually.
But they were dead in the sight of the world because nobody believed their testimony. So, this is also a kind of martyrdom—when you bear testimony for Jesus Christ and everyone ignores you. But back to the dead in Christ.
So, they asked, "How long, O Lord?" Okay, until He comes, right? But would they see, for example, the bowls of wrath already? No. We need to look for where the blessing, the final fulfillment, and the end of their waiting time are mentioned in the biblical text. And indeed, it is in Revelation 20:6, and it is in the context of the millennium.
So, when Jesus Christ arrives, He blows the trumpet, and all the dead in Christ will rise. And here is the blessing: *Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection.*
The first resurrection is the resurrection of all those who have died in Christ. All those who died before the flood, after the flood, in the time between the apostles, Jesus, and even in the judgment of the dead. It includes all the believers who died in Christ.
That's probably billions. So, this first resurrection—this is what they are waiting for.
Where are they waiting? As spirits? Somewhere in an eon? No, they are in their graves. Of course, the seal should be understood symbolically and not literally. The dead do not speak.
They are dead. So, they wait in their graves for the first resurrection, which begins at the start of the millennium. "On such, the second death has no power...," because they died in Christ.
They will not resurrect again (or die again and be resurrected again) after the millennium when Jesus comes down on the Mount of Olives. And at that same moment, all those who died without being in Christ will be resurrected to face their eternal judgment. "But they shall be priests of God and Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years."
When Jesus comes, blows the last trumpet, they will rise, and then their waiting time will be over. And, of course, the judgment on the living will also be complete. We came now full circle in the judgment of the dead cycle.
Now we turn to two blessings that are reserved for the living, for those who will go through and see Jesus Christ while still alive. One of these blessings is connected to a blessing in Daniel 12 that never has been
solved—one of the biggest mysteries in the combination of Daniel 12 and Revelation. We should study both books together because one holds the key to understanding the other.
The blessing I want to discuss now is the sixth blessing. But before I show you the sixth blessing, it might be best to first review the seventh. Can you recall my last video, where I spoke about the seals—particularly the sixth and seventh seals, which we could only identify when the Orion constellation was revived after a long waiting period in the judgment of the living by the Spirit of God entering into it?
In both witnesses, Orion and Horologium, comets entered. In Orion, it was the comet K2 that you see here at its current position on the 1st of October, in my time zone, today. So, we are still in Bethel—this area we named Bethel. Because this was Gilgal.
These areas outside of the Orion constellation have special names: Jericho, Jordan, and the Rapture. So, this was a short trip to other videos. But on the 14th of December 2023, K2 entered the Orion constellation as a new clock hand and activated, through its path, the Orion constellation for the last cycle of the sixth and seventh seals.
As you may remember, we first identified the seventh seal easily because the main question was: When would K2 finally and forever leave the Orion constellation, and the clock would stop to tick? We identified two potential points to consider. The first is here when K2 is still in the club but already leaving the constellation lines.
That would be that date—more or less the 15th of December 2024—or when K2 truly leaves the constellation itself, crossing the somewhat artificial border line of the constellation, defined by astronomers. Personally, I would say, and I already it already, that the 15th of December is the key date. Now, please allow me one thing. I want to show you something in this video that is truly great. But you need to understand that I can't reveal everything just yet, as there are more videos to come.
I know from other studies that it is not the 23rd of December when K2 leaves the temple. It departs with a very sacred and solemn declaration, which will be part of one of the upcoming videos. So, on the 14th of December, we have a Sabbath, and it is likely that K2 will stay on the last Sabbath within the Orion constellation, while the silence in heaven begins as K2 leaves the Orion constellation officially on the 15th of December 2024.
The Orion clock was activated for a complete 365-day cycle, from the 14th of December 2023 to the 14th of December 2024—a full year. And then K2 will leave Orion. This means that this clock of God has stopped ticking forever. So we found the seventh seal, which must begin with the silence in heaven around here and then continues there.
I have told you now that it is the 15th of December. I place K2 there, marking when the clock stops ticking. This moment is precisely at the endpoint of the club of Orion, and this has multiple reasons that I will explain in the upcoming videos.
So, please remember the 15th of December 2024 and fix this date in your mind, because it is extremely important—we will come back to that. The sixth seal, which should open before the seventh seal, must occur somewhere along this trajectory before the seventh opens. I showed you in the last video in detail what the different stages of the opening events are.
So, the sixth blessing belongs somewhere within the time frame from the first event of the opening, and the first event of the opening was on this line. Let me go back with K2 to that line—it was the 1st of January, precisely when the earthquake in Japan happened, which is the first event of the sixth seal. Good.
So, somewhere between the 1st of January 2024 and the 15th of December 2024, we have to find the blessing. We now know the time frame in which the sixth blessing must fall because it corresponds to the time frame according to our theme we have worked out in this video. It is connected with the time frame of the sixth seal.
This time frame also overlaps with the time frame of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. Here, we will see exactly what that time frame was. Please, if you haven’t watched it yet, watch my video *The Patience of the Two Witnesses* because, without that concept, you will get lost.
In that video, we developed a time plan by comparing the time frames between Daniel 12 and Revelation 11, focusing on the time frames of the two witnesses, and they align parallel. They are very parallel in the first two timelines, and then we have the observation of the standing up of the witnesses. Now, you saw that the sixth seal opened exactly between the two legs of Orion.
We drew this Alnitak-Rigel line, which is the main line of the Orion Seal clock, and on the 1st of January, Orion stood up. But we can also see it another way, that Orion was on one leg on the 26th or 27th of December 2023, and then the second leg was activated on the 9th of January 2024. But that’s not the end of the standing up of the two witnesses, because the second witness in the heavens is the Horologium.
And the Horologium has a pendulum, and while the pendulum cannot stand up, it can be struck twice by comet E3. The second strike occurred on the 28th of May 2024. Now, what I did not include here is a verse from Daniel 12 that must belong to the time after the 1,290 days are over—logically, because they are mentioned together. Let’s read both verses of Daniel 12 for clarity.
Daniel 12:11 says, "And from the time that the daily (sacrifice is not there) shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." So, the two sets of 1,290 days we have here and they ended already on the 9th of January.
Next verse, Daniel 12:12: "Blessed is he..." Now, we have a blessing, and this blessing must correspond with the sixth blessing in Revelation. "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."
Now, we even have one more time frame mentioned in Daniel 12:13, which would then correspond with the phrase "cometh quickly," referring to the last 16 days until Jesus appears or, let me say, arrives on the 20th of June 2025. "But go thou thy way till the end be." So, there’s still a little time left.
"For thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." So, what does this mean? This is the first resurrection, right? Daniel is currently dead.
So, here we are. We would expect that the time frame for the witnesses to fulfill the 1,335 days would fall within the time of the standing up of the witnesses. I hope you can follow me. Let’s think a little bit more.
Do the 1,335 days, according to the text, include the 1,290 days, or are they exclusive? "Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh," or "reacheth the 1,335 days"—and that’s a blessing. But it’s not even said what the blessing is.
It simply says, "Blessed is he." It does not specify what the blessing is. So, the blessing is written in the sixth blessing of Revelation.
We’ll get to that. But the two times 1,335 days must include the two times 1,290 days because it says you have to wait even until reaching the 1,335 days. And again, there are two witnesses.
So, it’s two times 1,335 days. Let’s see if this is any significant date that falls within the time frame of the standing up of the witnesses. We only have 140 days where it should point.
I worked this out on the next sheet. I calculated, starting on the 16th of December 2016, exactly when the first day of the two times 1,290 days began, and then added two times 1,335 days, which sums up to 2,670 days. And, wow, we land on a known date: the 8th of April 2024.
Did you see my last video? Was this date marked with a heavenly sign—prominent, even so prominent that many people would say the end has come? Yes, it was the solar eclipse that painted the famous X over the United States. And this is the date that was marked by God as the blessing for those who have been faithful even until that day, who have had the patience of the two witnesses to reach this point, still holding their crowns of Philadelphia and still wearing their white robes.
So, it is a very, very important date. I marked it green so that everyone would see—it's the green date. Yes, it’s a very important, very important date.
We can place K2 there now. So, this was very near the Bellatrix line, which was connected to the darkening of the sun. Okay, here it is.
That was the solar eclipse. And where was the solar eclipse? Let’s look at the other side. Let me bring the moon over the sun.
Can you see it? Where was the moon? It was in the lying fish. We call it the dead fish. The Christians who died.
The upright fish depicts the Christians who go up and see Jesus coming alive—the 144,000. While the lying fish is a symbol for the Christians who would die but be resurrected in the first resurrection.
So, the 1,335 days ended here, and the blessing was pronounced: "Blessed are those that wait and reach the (two times) 1,335 days." Meanwhile, on the other side, we have the fulfillment of the text in Daniel 12:13.
The last verse of Daniel: "But go thou thy way till the end be, dear Daniel, for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." Okay, let’s go to the blessing in Revelation.
It is the sixth blessing, and we will have to talk a lot about the sixth blessing—and the seventh. "Behold, I come quickly."
What is the blessing for the long patience of the witnesses? Here is the patience of the saints. What is the true blessing for reaching this time? A promise: "Behold, I come quickly."
It's a red text. It comes directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself: "Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book" It is directed to those who have studied since the first blessing, which was very similar.
The first blessing—can you remember? "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein. For the time is at hand." But "at hand" is not the same as "quickly."
The blessing in the sixth seal, on the 8th of April 2024, is "Behold, I come now quickly." Doesn't that beg the question of what Jesus means when He says, "I come quickly"? Do you believe we can find that through Bible study, through studying the book of Revelation? I did a search for the term "I come quickly" and found it six times in the book of Revelation. The first time it is mentioned to the church of Ephesus, but as a warning.
"I come quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." A warning. The second mention is in the warning to the church of Pergamos, the church that compromised.
"Repent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." The third mention, this time in a positive manner, is directed to the church of Philadelphia, which is our church as we believe: "Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
So, it's a crown church. When do you believe that this church received its crown? It was on the 8th of April 2024, when the blessing for those who had the patience to wait until the two times 1,335 days were completed was pronounced. This blessing gave us the crown.
Then we can see that three times in the last chapter of Revelation, in chapter 22, it is repeated: "I come quickly," with a blessing. "I come quickly, and my reward is with me." "I come quickly, surely I testify."
Jesus Christ speaks these words three times. He uses this phrase, "I come quickly," three times in the last chapter of the book of Revelation—very important. We need to research more into that, of course.
But we cannot yet understand what He truly means by "quickly," and this question kept working in my mind. In the morning, I wanted to start recording this video, but I still wasn’t satisfied. I saw all these things—the crown, the blessing, the understanding of the two times 1,335 days, the 8th of April, the solar eclipse being in the sixth seal.
I understood all these things, but I still wasn’t happy. When I’m not happy, it’s a sign that the Holy Spirit is still working with me and still wants to teach me something. So, I prayed again and researched further. And then I thought, why don’t I calculate how "quick" it really would be?
Now, the real problem is, of course, we have to calculate from the 8th of April, but until when? For example, should we calculate until the 20th of June next year, when we know that Jesus comes to rapture His church? Or should we calculate only to the 15th of December, which is now a very prominent date when we know that the seventh seal opens, marking the very solemn time of silence in heaven? The question is, what is the event?
Look7: "Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Behold, I come quickly."
This is a very special blessing, meant only for the 144,000 firstfruits. For them, He comes obviously quickly—at least quicker than for others. Because we have a repetition of this "I come quickly" in Revelation 22:12: "And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."
This is a different "I come quickly" for a different group of people. We have two different groups with two different beginning dates for "I come quickly" and two different end dates for "I come quickly." And this is really important to understand.
Obviously, for one group, Jesus comes earlier, and for the other group, He comes a little later. And this is the solution to the problem of what it means that Philadelphia is kept from the hour of temptation that must come over the world. This is in Revelation 3, verse 10.
"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience"—remember my video about the patience of the two witnesses—"I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." And then, directly, there is another "Behold, I come quickly" in verse 11: "Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
So, they already have a crown. And this is now a very difficult teaching to tell because, of course, I am not God, and I cannot say as a prophet, "Hey, there will be two raptures." But to the saints is promised here that Jesus comes quickly from the 8th of April 2024 to the 15th of December 2024. That’s their time frame, which you can see in the last countdown video, and it coincides with a very special time: the time of trouble that begins on the 15th of December.
And this must be the hour of temptation. And if they are kept from this hour of temptation, then it is the "Come up hither" call for the two witnesses in Revelation 11, and not the call for all saints after the first resurrection to come to Jesus in the cloud. So, there seems to be—though I am not 100% sure—something like a special resurrection, a special rapture for a specific group of people, and that would occur before the time of trouble starts.
Perhaps on the 14th of December, perhaps on the 15th of December. But as I said, I cannot be 100% sure about that. But the text seems to suggest, with the two instances of "I come quickly" in Revelation 22, that there are two different groups of people with two different dates for Jesus' coming, two different second-coming dates for them.
I also hear prophets on the internet saying that there is a special rapture for the 144,000 firstfruits who will then come back to earth and do a special work to lead many to righteousness. Yes, I see that, but I do not know if there is truly a special rapture. You understand, because there aren’t many hints about that.
I do not want to create any hopes or promises, but it really seems that there is something very unusual and very special in this text. But now, let's go to the calculation. What does "quickly" mean? And then, we would also have a time frame for the second "quickly," which is for the second group of people—likely the great multitude—that is then led through the time of trouble to righteousness.
I’ll show you here something. I asked the date calculator what the difference is between the 8th of April 2024 and the 15th of December 2024. And it came out to be 251 days. Phu Is that quickly?
For us humans, perhaps it doesn’t seem so quick—it is 8 months and a week, as it is written here and calculated. And I thought, "But what does this mean for Jesus?" Had I heard of these 251 days before in a study? I went to ChatGPT. I asked, "Is there anywhere in the Bible a possibility to calculate the 251 days? Or 252 days with inclusive calculation?" No, no idea, nothing.
I said, "I think I read one day, years ago, some study on the internet where I heard this number before." ChatGPT answered, "No, I don’t know, never heard that, never saw it." Okay, okay, I went to the old search engine, Google, and I put that in with some search terms.
And then I came across an article that I want to show you. The article is from a ministry that calls themselves "Tentstake Ministries". And it does an interesting calculation with 2 Peter 3:8, where it says, "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
This is a very well-known verse, but they take it very literally and say, if it’s so, then we have a factor with which we can calculate what time is for Jesus and what it is for us, or vice versa. So, okay, we have the basic formula that one day equals a thousand years.
So, they do some calculations—I’ll spare you those—and we start here where they say, "Let’s do some math."
Here’s an example: What is one hour for Jesus for us humans? If one day is a thousand years, then 24 hours is a thousand years. Of course We will divide a thousand years by 24 in order to find one hour of God’s time.
41.6 years. Pretty interesting. The 40 years are mentioned so many times in the Bible, even in the Exodus and so on.
Very close to 40 years. Yeah, that’s one hour. Okay, then we come to the next equation, right? If one hour equals 41.6 years, then 60 minutes equals 41.6 years.
We will divide 41.6 by 60 and find out how long one single minute is in God’s time. The result is 0.69 of a year, or approximately what...? 251 days or, with inclusive calculation, 252 days. Wow.
That’s the number that had been in my mind anywhere. For at least 10 years or so, I hadn’t heard about this number. And then I remembered, indeed, this calculation.
That’s one minute for Jesus. Now, look at that again. So, that means from the crowning of His church, Philadelphia, and the proclamation of the blessing, "I come quickly," it is in Jesus’ time only one minute until He starts the time of trouble, the great solemnity in the heavens, and trouble on earth. Only one minute.
And this is also one minute as a blessing for those who have kept His word of patience, whatever that means. And perhaps it is the ascension of the two witnesses and all those that belong to them. Oh yeah, that’s quickly, isn’t it? At least for Jesus.
It’s even quick for us. And they have a nice comparison here, even with nine months. For me, it’s a little less than nine months—eight months and a week.
And they compare it to the gestation period of a baby. The famous question: could it have to do with the woes? Yes, I believe a woe will happen, and I have more studies for you about that in one of the next videos. And it is a terrible study, I can tell you.
I do not want to be a fearmonger, but we are now entering terrible times. Jesus is coming. These are the last verses of Revelation 22 and of all the book of Revelation.
Please remember that. I place you with K2 onto the 15th of December 2024, because this is the date of silence in heaven.
The seventh seal. We also have to look at the seventh blessing now, of course, which must take place during the time of the seventh seal.
Look a little bit at the structure with me for a moment, as we see it here and in the text. Three times, Jesus proclaims in these last words, "I come quickly."
That was the blessing of the sixth seal. The next time we find it here: "I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."
And in the penultimate verse of Revelation, He says, "Surely, I come quickly." So three times, He utters this phrase. Look at the skies, at the heavens.
We have three heavenly bodies giving a voice to Orion. So we have K2, which is an angel, and we will see that it is also mentioned in the text. There is the moon, the lesser light.
Why the moon? Because the sun will then appear in the same position when the rapture occurs next year on the 20th of June. Jupiter is the king's planet, a representative of Jesus Christ Himself in the realm of the planets, the moving heavenly bodies, the moving stars.
Two of them are standing in Taurus, especially Jupiter. Jupiter is in the king's way between the two horns.
He is leaving Taurus, leaving the temple through the king's way. All three—K2, the moon, and Jupiter—give Orion a voice, and He proclaims, "I come quickly." That's solemn.
We have two blessings. One was here for the sixth seal, and we have the other blessing.
This is here, I marked it: "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."
This blessing is proclaimed at a certain point. It must belong to the time of the seventh seal. But we need to find out exactly when that will take place.
It's a riddle. And it’s not a simple riddle. Look, why is it so important to find out when this blessing is pronounced? It is simply because Revelation 22:11 is a terrible verse.
This verse is understood by everyone as the close of probation: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still."
"And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still." This proclamation obviously comes before the blessing.
"Blessed are they that do his commandments." Doing His commandments includes the fourth commandment, of course. Take care. Read it in the Bible what is it, not in the Catechism.
It’s the Sabbath. And only those, in the time when there is silence in heaven and everyone is watching Earth, will have the last chance to be led to righteousness and to keep all the commandments. It’s a very, very terrible time of trouble and great persecution.
Only those will have the right to the tree of life. The tree of life is symbolized by the wood, the club that Orion holds in his hand. And you know that in the sixth seal, we had the Orionids as the falling figs.
Take care that you belong to the tree of life and not to the tree that has been cursed, the fig tree. Take care. This means you must be very, very careful with what you do, what you believe, and what you support.
"For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters..." We have spoken about these. "...and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie."
A strong last warning for the time of the silence in heaven, the seventh seal. Blessed are only those who keep the commandments. I cannot emphasize this enough.
But now, look at another structural problem. We have one blessing in the sixth seal, which we know is exactly on the 8th of April, with the solar eclipse and the X over the United States.
And then we have John testifying: "I, John, saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things."
That’s the angel Gabriel. "Then he says to me, See thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren, the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book."
"Worship God." And Jesus Himself, in red letters, speaks and tells us more about this angel: "I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches."
"I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." So, here we have three persons, like the three heavenly bodies in that area that play a role in this last chapter. It is, of course, Jesus Christ Himself, calling Himself the morning star.
It is Gabriel, who is speaking here a lot. And it is, of course, John, the apostle, who also testifies of these things. And in this scene, especially when Jesus says, "I am the morning star," He is pointing to a brilliant heavenly body.
And Gabriel is an angel, and angels are represented by comets. Now, I want to show you one more verse, and then I will show you the heavenly situation that precisely depicts this. Before the declaration, "He that is unjust..."—the close of probation—we have another important event.
And it is after the blessing of the sixth seal. It reads, "And he says unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand." Now, "the time is at hand" means the entire book.
And I told you before, a time that is "at hand" is still quite a long way off. But the whole book ends with the tree of life, with eternal life, so it points to after the millennium. After the millennium has passed, this is still quite far into the future.
But the event between the blessing for the sixth seal and the blessing for the seventh seal is the unsealing of the book. So, the unsealing of the book happens after the blessing for the sixth seal, which is after April 8, 2024, and it must be before the blessing of the seventh seal.
What are we doing? I told you in so many videos that we got a stream of light, ultimately. And we are still receiving. And this is indeed the unsealing of the book.
And the riddle and the mystery of God has been solved, as you will see in the next videos. And this is exactly happening right now in the sixth seal and after the blessing. Now, let me show you the three persons.
Of course, one person is the angel Gabriel. And this is my fourth angel, if you will. We have in the heavens at the moment, while I record, a wonderful comet of the century.
It is A3 Tsuchinshan. And this comet is now illuminating all the Earth. Everyone can see it at the moment in the southern hemisphere at sunrise.
And soon, we will see it in the northern hemisphere at sunset. So, this is a comet that’s making a lot of hype. But indeed, it is the fourth angel, the angel Gabriel, speaking from the heavens.
And this is parallel to Revelation 18. What did I say many times in this video? I proclaimed a certain voice many times. But this is not Gabriel’s voice; it’s Jesus’ voice.
Look at the verses. "And after these things, I saw another angel," the angel Gabriel—Comet A3 Tsuchinshan—"come down from heaven, having great power."
A big, prominent comet. "And the Earth was lightened with his glory," in both the southern and northern hemispheres.
"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, ‘Babylon the Great is fallen.’" Did I proclaim something like this? "Is fallen." Why twice? Can you remember the open book, the unsealed book that I unsealed together with Jesus for you? Can you remember that it had a part written on the backside, when already the churches had once fallen, when the popes were enthroned in 538. And then again, they fell in the judgment of the dead cycle.
"Fallen, fallen. It has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird."
We wrote about that many times, and this was a big part of our work. "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her."
"And the merchants of the earth have waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." But there comes one more voice. And now, this is the voice of Jesus, because this voice from heaven is saying,
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
"For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you."
"And double unto her double according to her works. In the cup which she has filled, fill to her double." Now, in the heavens, there is an event that I cannot recall ever happening in history.
A second comet is appearing just with or just after A3 Tsuchinshan. It doesn’t even have a name yet.
I’ll show you an article and a photo. It has a scientific name, but it is a very large comet.
And people don’t even know what to expect from this comet. But it could be even bigger than the century comet—a morning star comet.
A comet that truly is worthy to give this declaration of Jesus as the second voice in chapter 18, which then speaks throughout the whole chapter. It is Jesus speaking. And the same scene is reflected in chapter 22, with one time Gabriel talking and then Jesus speaking, telling us that He is the morning star.
These events are so extremely rare and unique that there is no doubt anymore that we are at the end. I’ll tell you one more thing. Our pastor Ray has been looking into things with this second comet that has been discovered.
And it moves into the crater area, which is the chalice of Virgo. And of course, when Jesus says, "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works; in the cup which she has filled, fill to her double." When the comet is in the chalice, it matches this verse perfectly.
So in the next videos, perhaps I can show you more when astronomers have done their work. Back to chapter 22. As I told you, the unsealing of the book is happening right now before your eyes.
But there’s more to it. We have two blessings. What happens between the sixth and the seventh blessing? We have the declaration of the close of probation.
But this happens before the blessing for those who have to keep the commandments from henceforth. So, it’s something in between the 6th seal, 8th of April, and the 7th seal, the 15th of December. And this will now conclude the matter, for today.
I showed you a calculation of what "quickly" means for the Lord. And through this deciphering of the 251 days, we can determine when exactly this second "I come quickly, and my reward is with me" is uttered and declared for those people who, yes, have to go through the great time of trouble.
And they have to wash their robes during this time—the great multitude. So, let's do the calculation to find out exactly when this declaration is made, when this promise is given.
We know that the sun will be in this position on the 20/21st of June. And we believe that destruction will fall upon the earth on the 22nd of June 2025. And the rapture will occur before on 20/21st of June 2025.
So, let's take the 21st of June and subtract 251 days—one minute for Jesus—from this date. Where do we land? We land on Sunday, October 13, or inclusive Monday, October 14.
In Jewish terms, it would be from October 13 to October 14 this year. And this is true Yom Kippur. True Yom Kippur.
The judgment day, respectively, all clocks of God, and especially the Orion clock, are Yom Kippur clocks. Yom Kippur once marked the beginning of the great judgment day, including the preparation. It was on the 22nd to 23rd of October 1844 when Jesus went into the most holy place.
And two years later, in 1846, when His church was cleansed on earth, He began to open the seals. Now, we are between the 6th and the 7th seals, and we have only one Yom Kippur.
One true Yom Kippur. And this is exactly where the 251 days, another "quickly," points to. This is the day when we in Paraguay have long planned to blow the shofar horn as an announcement for the jubilee that will begin on the 1st of Nisan 2025.
Which, according to our calculation, most likely will start on the 31st of March. So, this is a very special Yom Kippur. It is the Yom Kippur of the announcement of the 70th jubilee since Israel entered Canaan.
And even more, it is the 180th Yom Kippur since Jesus went into the most holy place on the 22nd to 23rd of October 1844. 180 Yom Kippurs will have passed since then. But this does not mean that on this 180th Yom Kippur, probation directly closes.
We have to be very careful when we now research chapter 22 again to see when this declaration of verse 11, which is so serious and terrible, is truly uttered. So, let's do this together, very concentrated. When you look at the structure of Revelation 22, especially the verses that start with the 6th blessing for the 6th seal: "Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book," then you encounter a big problem. When does probation really close?
The close of probation is generally understood to be proclaimed with the verse, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still. And he which is filthy, let him be filthy still. And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. And he that is holy, let him be holy still."
So, no change anymore of character or behavior or anything. Who sins, continues sinning. And he that is holy, stays to be holy.
The problem is that this verse comes before the 7th blessing, which is for the 7th seal. So, the logic would suggest that probation could close before the 7th seal is opened, and the people who hold the commandments during the 7th seal are blessed. They are blessed, but probation has closed before.
And what better opportunity would there be than the 180th Yom Kippur? So, if you believe this, then probation has already closed when this video is published. And that would be very, very bad news. And, as I said before, it would absolutely contradict that the Holy Spirit is still available until the 4th of June.
There must be a trick. Now, I was really researching this whole matter. And it is a difficult matter.
I was talking to ChatGPT for a good while. And ChatGPT didn’t have any solution but noted that many scholars have tried to decipher the flow of this chapter, the verse flow, using a chiasm or other forms of structural, prophetic, scripture forms. But they couldn’t.
In the end, they say it’s allegorical. There isn’t a particular order. This has nothing to do with an orderly text.
And this, I do not believe, because God is order, and nothing that He writes is senseless or in disorder. So, I prayed over the theme, and then, after a long struggle again with Jesus, I finally saw the structure. And the structure is indeed the structure of the seals.
If you haven’t watched my seal video, you might get lost at this point. But I can recap briefly. The 6th seal—all the heavenly signs—ramp up from the 1st of January 2024 to the 15th of December 2024, when the 7th seal opens.
The last thing to happen before is the Orionids meteor shower, the figs, the untimely figs falling from the tree. Then there is a pause in the 6th seal—not in the text—but the 6th seal is now interrupted by the half an hour of silence in heaven of the 7th seal. It’s an interlude.
It is when heaven holds its breath, and everyone has to endure that great temptation test on Earth—great persecution, great trouble. Then, this seventh seal closes. The seal closes on the 4th of June. Then the text of the 6th seal continues, saying that the books are rolled up. The judgment in heaven ends. The books are closed or rolled together.
Heaven departs. No more precursor signs. That’s it.
What happens when the books are closed? Yes, it’s the end of the judgment. It’s the end of probationary time. Now, everyone who has kept the commandments in the 7th seal will continue keeping them.
Those who have not learned to keep them, even during the 7th seal, will continue sinning. And this is when the declaration happens. So, the declaration occurs on the 4th of June, when the books are closed.
Probation has closed. And then, the text continues with the rapture of the 6th seal. The islands and the mountains are moved out of their places.
And the last verse then states, "The great day of the Lord has come." So, when you take this structure and apply it to the verses in Revelation 22, especially focusing on the 6th and the 7th blessing, you get this exact structure, which allows you to solve the problem that, obviously, the close of probation comes before the blessing for the 7th seal. So, here we are in the first blessing.
This is easy to understand. We’ve talked about it many times now. This is the 6th blessing for the 6th seal.
And what happens next? "And I, John, saw these things, and I heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, 'See that you do it not. For I am your fellow-servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the sayings of this book.'"
Remember, "keeping the sayings of this book" was already a blessing to the church of Philadelphia, once the Adventist pioneers understood that they should keep on studying. Now this same blessing is repeated in the 6th seal.
So, there is once again a church of Philadelphia on Earth—the High Sabbath Adventists, of course. And they have this angel that teaches everything.
Not Gabriel himself, but Gabriel as a type in this case. Now comes the point I have emphasized many times: In this time of the 6th seal, when all these wonders in heaven occur that open the 6th seal until the 7th seal opens, the unsealing of the book takes place.
"And he says to me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand." I mentioned before that "at hand" suggests a long time, but you have to understand that we have also unsealed events reaching up to the time after the millennium. I wrote a whole book about what happens there.
So then comes the declaration. And you would be completely lost if you didn’t recognize the same structure in the 6th seal. The 6th seal continues without any interruption.
The next part in the 6th seal says that the books are closed. And this directly corresponds with the verse, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still," because the books are closed on the 4th of June, and everything has stopped.
Exactly like the text says. So, the blessings are directly connected with the seals. In the scriptures, between the 6th and the 7th seal, we have a whole chapter.
This chapter is about the sealing of the 144,000 and the great multitude, serving as an interlude between the 6th and the 7th seal. And this entire chapter is so important and crucial, that we see this interlude here as well. So, here we would have the close of probation.
Then follows this chapter of the interlude. "And Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me," a promise, "to give every man according as his work shall be." And we have learned that this must be the 180th Yom Kippur, which now serves as the interlude between the blessing of the 6th seal and, a bit later, the blessing of the 7th seal.
This interlude is the Yom Kippur of the great declaration, that He comes quickly for those who belong to the great multitude, and that they get their reward, "to give every man according as his work shall be." Later, I’ll show you further proof that this is the Yom Kippur—Jesus declaring, "I am Alpha and Omega..." I will show you in the heavens that the Alpha and the Omega has been completely drawn exactly on Yom Kippur. "...the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
That's the interlude between the 6th seal and the 7th seal. And now, at the end, we come to the 7th and final blessing for those enduring the time of trouble of the 7th seal. It reads, "Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city."
Then come the rest of the warnings: "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and so on." Now you understand—this is the end. These are those left behind.
The great day of the Lord has come. And who testifies to that? The angel, the Spirit, the Bride, and Jesus Himself, saying, "Surely I come quickly."
This is the structure of the chapter. You would have the greatest difficulty in understanding if you don’t realize that the blessings are connected with the seals and that there is an interlude. The entire 7th chapter covers the great day of the Lord in heaven when all the redeemed are there in the final fulfillment of this Yom Kippur of the announcement of the 70th Jubilee.
I hope you understand it. I don’t know if I explained it well enough for it to be clear. But this is precisely the structure.
At the end of this video, I want to take you back to the sign of the Son of Man and show you why Jesus says on the 180th Yom Kippur, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." It is the fourth and final time that He says this in Revelation. He signs, "And behold, I come quickly."
"My reward is with me, to give every person according to their works." He now signs this with the Alpha and Omega. Now, I place you in the heavens on the 14th of October this year, and K2 is here.
So, follow me once more. We now have the Alpha completed—more than completed, even.
And we have the Omega. And when is the Omega truly completed? Was it completed here, as we assumed some time ago? Or here, in the club? No, it is completed when it turns.
When it starts to turn and to paint the last part of the Mu, the Holy Spirit, that begins here. But He does not say, "I am the Mu." He says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega."
He says, "Until here is my signature. Until the Yom Kippur." Then my signature is complete.
"And I have done my work, and you will receive your reward when you have done your work." I hope you understand that these things are extremely solemn. For many of you, this may be a great blessing.
I believe that only those who are alive and receive all seven blessings can go to heaven. While those who have died will only have five blessings, as we saw with the fifth seal. They wait for the resurrection.
I want to close this very solemn message about the last Yom Kippur, the time of the 6th and 7th seals, and the seven blessings with the last verse of this chapter that we just studied: "And the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
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