What Do You See?
Good morning once again, it's good to see everyone here. We have been talking at length over the last weeks and months about the sign of the Son of Man, and it leads me to ask, what do you see? What do you see in the heavens? We see a sign, a shape, and it reminds us of Jesus' words when he said to the skeptical people, who were the scribes and Pharisees, in Matthew chapter 12, verse 39, well, then verse 38, the scribes and the Pharisees answered, saying to Jesus, Master, we would see a sign from thee. Verse 39, but Jesus answered and said unto them, an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
So one sign only would be given, the sign of the prophet Jonas. “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” We'll come back to that later, but we see in the heavens the whale and the whale's belly where Jonah was.
This is THE sign that Jesus said would be given. Now, what do we learn from Jesus when he says, no sign will be given but the sign of the prophet Jonah? Be thinking about that, because at first glance, it sounds like Jesus is saying that in a rejecting tone. You want a sign, but no sign is going to be given to you, just this sign of Jonah.
What do you see? We see the sign of Jonah in the whale's belly. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so the Son of Man was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. We see that it's talking about the Son of Man.
What do you see in this? We see the alpha and the omega that together form the divine monogram, the signature of the Lord, who calls himself in Revelation four times, he says, I am Alpha and Omega. We see His signature in the sign. We also see the scene of His baptism.
When Jesus was baptized in the water and the dove descended, that was the sign that God gave to John the Baptist, that this is the Messiah, the dove resting on his head. We see in the sign turned over the vessel, the lamp of the wise virgins shining with the oil of time filled with the Spirit, the oil of the Spirit. What do you see in the sign? We see the seven churches of Revelation outlined in a path following the course of the comets in the reverse order as they're given in Revelation.
We see how in Revelation, it starts with the first love and the rebuke to the church of Ephesus that they had lost that first love. And in each progressive church, it was a degrading condition, generally speaking, until Laodicea is completely warned, at least, of being spit out. But we're going in the opposite direction from Laodicea, the comet K2 comes this way, E3, the other direction, back to the first love.
But what do you see? Or what do you hear? Do you hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches along that path? We see the two witnesses of time on either side of the river of time, and it shows us a picture that is given in the prophetic writings. And this sign with these two witnesses is a theme, two witnesses of time. And when we look at time prophecy in the Bible, we have to understand it in the perspective of two witnesses.
And so, we see in the book of Daniel how the timelines that are given there, the 70 weeks or 490 years, which leads to the time when Jesus came to the earth and was crucified, and also culminates with the death of the first martyr of His disciples, and that is all a subset of the larger time prophecy, still in Daniel, that leads up to the time of judgment, the judgment of the dead. Then we had the first Orion cycle that we studied for a long time, the judgment cycle, and that led to the judgment of the living. First there's the judgment of the dead, then the judgment of the living.
Peter speaks of Jesus when He comes, He will judge the living and the dead, and that is what we see, the judgment of the dead, and then the judgment of the living, coming into a second witness of time, a second application of the 2,300 days, with another 70 weeks, and that leads to another cross in that 70th week, that cross being the cross of the Horologium, pointing directly to that last week where the comet comes exactly in the middle of the week to show that point where it crosses the cross. What do you see? We see two trunks of the Tree of Life on either side of the river that flows from the throne of God, as it is described in Revelation 22, and we see the leaves of the Tree of Life in the Horologium with Comet BB. We see the prophecy of Zechariah 4 where he sees two olive trees on either side of a candlestick with seven lamps, over which is a bowl and two pipes pouring out their oil for the lamp, all in this sign, olive trees, the two pipes, the bowl of oil like the bowl of manna in the Ark, all represented there.
We see Jesus' parable of the fig tree where he had a fig tree planted in the vineyard where there are grapes, but he had a fig tree planted there, and year after year he sought fruit on that fig tree. These are the years characterized by the corona crisis, the vaccination crisis especially, and in the parable Jesus comes, or the character in the parable that represents Jesus, he comes and pleads for another year because the owner of the vineyard says, hey, what is this fruitless tree doing in the vineyard? Cut it down. But the caretaker says, give it one more year, and that one more year is where we are now.
It's the day of the Lord, the year that the Lord requested in the parable. And he said, then if it doesn't bear fruit, cut it down. What do you see? We see a sickle for the wheat and a sickle for the grapes.
We see the barn where the wheat is gathered. We see the wine press where the grapes are tread underfoot. What do you see? We see the harp and the harpers who harp with their harp.
It's the harp of 10 strings, and we can recognize what those strings are. In the two tables, just like there are two comets, the first table connected with the comet K2, and the second table of the law, the Ten Commandments, in the second comet. These are the 10 strings of the harp that are played by God's people.
We saw the churches in this same area. When we look at the entire area where the sign touches, and all of those constellations, we find 12 constellations. In ancient times, the ship was a single constellation.
And those correspond with the tribes of Israel. It's a division of the lands that we see here. And when we look at that in our mind's eye, we can see some patterns that show us that this is an image of the holy city in Revelation that lies four square, and we see the pattern of the pyramid there with the Holy Spirit in the center of God's city.
The holy city where all of the tribes of spiritual Israel have their allotted lands, if you will. The promise of that land. What do you see in the sign? That's the question.
We can see the wounds of Jesus in Orion, the river of blood that flows from his side, from the creation of the world all the way until the present time. We see the name of the Father, Yahweh, in the ancient characters represented by the path of the comets, Yod-eh, Vav-eh, pointing to the hands, meaning literally, behold the hands, behold the nail. We see the nail that is in a sure place as the Bible describes it in Isaiah chapter 22.
It points to, of course, Christ and His crucifixion. We have seen how along the path of Comet K2, we have represented each of the feasts of the year in their order from the Passover in the spring at the beginning of the year, the seventh day of unleavened bread, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, both at this crossing place. We see Yom Kippur, Tabernacles dwelling with God or God dwelling with us.
That's what Tabernacles represents. In the end, Shemini Atzeret, the prayer for the latter rain. And as well, the last great day was the last feast Sabbath of the year, the end of the Feast of Tabernacles.
We see on the same path the history of Israel moving from Egypt, exiting Egypt, coming to the Red Sea, then at Mount Sinai, receiving the law and at the same time committing a great sin. It's interesting how the law and sin often go together because it's the law that exposes the sin. And of course, it points there to this specific event because the comets made this crossing on the anniversary, the Hebrew anniversary of that event.
Likewise, at Yom Kippur, that was the anniversary when they had confirmation of God's forgiveness for their sin when Moses went the second time up the mountain. That was Yom Kippur. Then they had their wandering time through the wilderness, corresponding to that tabernacling time like we saw in the previous slide, before finally entering into Canaan.
And so we see the entire journey of Israel represented in the path of the comet. Given the symbolism of the sign. We also see the covenant of God with his people.
It was a covenant of blood that began with Adam, continued with Noah in the flood where the waters overflowed the earth. In Abraham, the father of the tribe. Moses, the leader of Israel.
David, the king of Judah and Israel. Jesus, all continuing the same covenant that God made with man. And when Jesus came, He gave His blood.
Therefore, it is a fitting place at the throne where Jesus gave His blood for all of humanity from Adam, even until the last covenant, or rather the culmination of the covenant, is fulfilled in the last Elijah because Jesus said that Elijah shall come and restore all things. And so in the end, there is that spirit of Elijah who comes into the world and restores all things at the time of the coming of Jesus. What do you see? Many things.
In the clock, we see the sword coming out of the mouth of time. We see the iron rod, the morning star. We see a side of Jesus that many do not dwell much on.
It's a side of vengeance. It's a side of His warrior capabilities. You don't want to meet with those weapons.
Those are for the grapes, those who do not want the Lord to reign over them. Those who reject the time also. We want to be among the wheat that are harvested and gathered into His barn.
But in any case, whether wheat or grapes, there's a knife involved. The wheat is cut, the grapes are cut, they're trampled. It's not just a knife because the actual part that is useful of the wheat is not the part that is cut.
But how do you get to that wheat? You have to thresh the grain. In ancient times, they would thresh the grain by, they'd have a big pile of it basically on the ground and they would trample on it with oxen. The oxen would step on it back and forth and back and forth until the wheat was separated from the chaff and then they would blow the chaff out from the wheat and they would collect it back again.
So in either way, it's a process that you can understand from the perspective of the grain, if you will, or the grapes. It's not a pleasant process. The Bible uses the imagery of threshing the wheat as a very tumultuous time, referring to war and affliction.
And likewise, for the grapes, when they're tread in the winepress, it's about the vengeance and the grape juice, of course, representing blood. Jesus is described in Revelation chapter 19 as having garments stained with blood from the winepress. So what do you see? Because what we have seen, though it is a lot, though it is many things, and that's just a sample, of course, there's even many other things, we haven't exhausted all of what God has put in the sign.
There's more yet to be discovered and more that I haven't shared here that we've talked about before. But despite all of that, I want to say that it's not enough. It's not enough.
Now, what do I mean by that? Let me ask a question. Do you believe in the sign? In the One that made the sign? Okay. Jesus made a certain comment in John chapter 7, and I want to start in verse 37.
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. So, Jesus pointed out that those who believe on him, out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water.
What does that mean? Why did he use that language? You know, if you look at that verse in the commentaries, generally they say, well, the spirit will flow from the heart. And that's not inaccurate, but why did Jesus say the belly? They had a word for the heart, and they used it often. But why did he say it would flow out of their belly? Well, I think we see that in the sign, because it is the sign of the whale, the great fish of Jonah, where he was in the belly.
That's here. And from that place, you see where the river, which I've colored red to signify the blood, wherein is the life. So, this is the river of living water that flows from the belly in two different ways.
Two rivers, if you will. And therefore, Jesus said, he that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers, plural, rivers of living water. Because there's, from this perspective, it's flowing in two different directions, as though from the top, as a spring from the top of the mountain flowing down.
And Jesus said of Himself, I am the fountain of living water. Look at Jeremiah chapter 2, beginning with verse 11. God is speaking with His people and drawing a contrast.
Because of what they have done. He says, has a nation ever changed their gods, which are yet no gods. So, He's talking about the nations that have their idols and they worship their idols.
But every nation may have their idols and they stick with their idols. They, you know, Nineveh worships Dagon, the fish god. And it was always so.
They kept to their gods. And so, the Lord is saying, has any nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? But My people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. And then He says in verse 12, be astonished.
Who? Oh, ye heavens, be astonished, ye heavens at this and be horribly afraid. Be very desolate, saith the Lord. And then He explains a little bit more.
For my people have committed two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters. The fountain, a fountain springs up of its own.
It gives that living water. And instead of the fountain, they hewed themselves out cisterns, broken cisterns. Now, what is a cistern for? It holds the water.
It's not a fountain of water. It's just to hold the water. But it doesn't even hold the water.
They're broken cisterns at that. And so, God is pleading with His people because of what they have done. They have forsaken the fountain of living water.
And instead, they have these broken cisterns, which is man's attempt to accomplish the same purpose, but they're man-made. They're broken, fallible, not really working, dead cisterns. And what is the purpose of the living water? To give life, to save humanity.
That's what we see, that Jesus gave his life, his blood for all of time, for all humanity. It's the DNA, His DNA. But man has made his own cisterns, his own way of saving himself by getting an injection, for example, saving yourself, saving the planet.
All of these things that man has done, forsaking the fountain of living water, and instead making in our own concept a replacement that doesn't work. But who is He saying that to? For My people. He's not talking about the world.
He's not talking about those out there who don't believe in Him. He's talking about His people. And so I ask again, what do you see? Where are His people? We've seen how the churches are represented inside.
They have the Spirit, where there is the dove. They have the fountain of living water. What did Jesus say about them? Where would the fountain come from? In John chapter 7, he said, out of the heavens shall flow rivers of living water.
No, out of the belly of the great fish shall flow rivers of living water. So what's the difference? What does it mean when He says out of his belly? That is out of the belly of the person, out of our belly, your belly. What's the difference? What do you see? Do you see the sign of the son of man? Do you see the river, the fountain of living water in heaven? Or what did Jesus say? He that believeth on the sign of the Son of man.
No, he that believeth on Me. And that's different than the sign. So we have a contrast.
We talk a lot about the sign of the Son of man, but that's just the sign. It represents the real thing, but the real thing is much more important. The sign is good.
It's wonderful. It also shows us something about Jesus, like I hinted to, because it's just the sign of Jonah. And yet in that one sign of Jonah, we see a multifaceted picture of who Jesus is, but it's still just a sign.
Jesus said, if you believe on me, He didn't say if you believe in my sign. And He said that there would be a fountain of living water flowing from your belly, not from the heavens. This is just a picture.
So do you believe on Jesus or on the sign? It's important to make that distinction, that we understand that this is not just something nice that's happening in heaven, but that it happens in our own heart. That's where it counts. That's where the belief happens, because as James said, the devils also believe, and they tremble.
A lot of times we don't even tremble, but the true belief that Jesus was referring to was not a belief in the sign, but in Himself. And so when we look at the sign, learn to see not symbols, not just a picture and an illustration, not just comets flying through the heavens, but see the Son of man. Jesus wants us to look at His works, whether his heavenly works in the sign or His creation or whatever experiences we have in life.
He wants us not to see just those things. It's not just, oh, there's a clock in the heavens or stars or flying balls of ice. That's not what God is directing our attention to.
He wants us to see Jesus, because God wants a relationship with His people. That's what the covenant is all about. It began with Adam and Eve, just one marriage, and it grew to a family, to a tribe, to a nation, to a kingdom, to a race, the human race, and then ultimately uniting the human race with all of heaven and all of the other races, the different worlds that we are a spectacle to, as Paul mentioned.
That's the process. It's the deliverance of the prodigal son, the prodigal planet, if you will. But it's about God's family.
He wants a family, and He is our father. And so, in a family situation, and even today, as much as the family is degraded and almost dissolved in this world, still, people hold very strongly and value very highly those family relationships with their children, their parents, their spouse, even brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles going out in the circle. It's the family relationships that are the most meaningful to us, and so it is with God, and He wants that closeness with us.
He doesn't want to be up there in heaven where we just look up at a sign, but He wants to be with us in our hearts. And just as when Jesus came to the earth, and He was that fountain of living water, and He gave that water that flowed from His belly, He gave it to all of humanity, whoever would accept it, so it is with us. We, like He, when we have the fountain of living water in our body, then it will also flow out to others, because the Spirit, you'll remember a couple of weeks ago when we talked about the relationship between the spirit and the body and the soul, we saw how the Spirit is most often connected with the air and breath, but there are those times when God says, I will pour out My Spirit.
So, that means the Spirit is in liquid form, and therefore the Spirit is also sometimes represented in terms of liquid water, for example, living water. But we see that that is in connection with the flesh. It says, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, just like when we breathe, we receive the air, and that air goes into our blood, then we have that life in the blood, so when we receive the Spirit from God, it comes into us and gives life to our soul, so to speak.
And that is then given freely to those around us. We saw before how we have the sheep and the goats, and this is the goat's territory, and yet that's where the water goes to. We give to the goats, not that they remain in that condition, but that all will find life in Christ.
So, all of those things are presented in the sign, but remember that it is a person that we're talking about, and we want to be united with Him and walk in His presence. You know, Jesus isn't physically here on the earth today, but He has given His Spirit to His people so that we become His representatives, and we give the light to the world. He does all things through His people, and therefore it's important that we learn to see things in the spiritual sense, and not just looking at the distant heavens, these are wonderful truths we believe, but the true belief that Jesus is looking for is the belief that brings those things from heaven into our hearts so that it will come out to those around us, and whatever state the world is in, you can't hide a light that is in the world set on a hill.
It will be seen just as the stars of heaven are seen by the world. God gives His sun to shine on the just and on the unjust, but we're living in this time of division, the time of the final harvest, and so it's important for us to make a decision, to make it concrete, that it's not just nice things in heaven, but to allow His sickle to cut. It cuts through the churches.
Some are inside, some are outside in each case. For each church, some are within Christ, and some are severed from Christ. The difference is whether we put Him at a distance or we receive Him personally in our hearts because He wants to be our Lord personally for each one individually, and so I want to close by asking you to take these things personally as a message from the Lord because He sent these messengers, these angels, if you will.
It's the same word both in Hebrew and in Greek. Angel and messenger are the same word, and so these messengers, they come and they bear a message, but it's not the messenger, it's not the angels that we are really interested in. It's the message, and the message is the Word of God.
It's the person of Jesus Christ. This is, if you will, the message of the Son of Man, the sign of the Son of Man, but it's the Son of Man who we want, and we can have the sign of the Son of Man just like you can hang a picture of your loved one in your house, but they're not there, and so take it personally and receive that relationship that the Lord wants with each of us individually so that we can be gathered into His barn and not be trampled along with the grapes.
Let's stand for a word of prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father, once again, we come before you and we thank you for this little sign of Jonah. It almost shows your humorous side if it weren't so serious, but it certainly shows us your love, how even an evil and adulterous generation, you may give one sign, but you put your whole heart and life and soul into that sign, and as the Creator, that means a lot. It's full of the richness and meaning that is comparable only to the written Word.
We thank you for your goodness and your grace toward us that even in this generation when we are so far removed from you in spirit and have difficulty discerning your voice, yet you have given this sign to direct our attention to the person of your Son, and so we just receive your Spirit again today, just as we need air continuously, breath after breath, so we need that rejuvenation of your Spirit moment by moment, cleansing our blood and giving life to every member of our body. We thank you for the illustrations that you give to us in nature, for your artwork that is written throughout all time. We love you, Father, and we look forward to going through this time ahead though we know it will not be an easy time, but if we go with you and we receive you into our hearts to direct our lives, you alone can maneuver us through the complicated and even impossible maze of life, for you are the God of the impossible, and we commit our lives to you until we meet you face to face on the cloud.
We pray these things in the name of our Savior who died for us that we may live in your presence and be part of your family. Amen. Thank you.
We'll see you again next week.
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