The Great and Marvelous Sign
Happy Sabbath and welcome back to my small office on Nevis Island. Today, according to my timeline, it is the 5th of October, and this video will be published on the 1st of November. Unfortunately, because we believe that big things are happening, especially on Yom Kippur from the 13th to the 14th of October this year.
But we have a certain plan that we cannot interrupt, and we have only the Sabbath to publish the videos because they have to be transported into so many languages, and that's a lot of work for my Paraguayan publishing team. Dear friends, we are now at the penultimate video that I called "The Great and Marvelous Sign." Some parts that I planned for the last video, which is called "The Last Countdown," I have to already put into this video to show you the whole connections, all the connections that are done in Revelation, that lead up to an understanding of the great and marvelous sign of Revelation 15:1. I would like to directly jump into the theme without further ado because it is so complex this time, and we have only one hour and 50 minutes max because I promised you to make the videos short.
So, if you do not understand something, go back, look also to other videos—watch the other videos that we did—because everything is indeed interconnected. The whole of chapter 15 of Revelation is titled by the translators of the Bible "The Seven Angels with Seven Plagues." It’s the introductory chapter to the outpouring of the plagues in chapter 16 when one after the other of the bowls of wrath is poured out.
This chapter 15, already in its first sentence, has a lot of information that is easily overlooked, and that also happened to us. But we want now to read word by word and later decipher word by word of this very important chapter, to understand what the great and marvelous sign is, how it unfolds in the heavens, and how Jesus Christ himself wants to warn us about the plagues with a last, very clear warning. Let’s read chapter 15, verse 1: "And I saw another sign in heaven,..." Another—so which one did come before?
So, this sign here is great and marvelous, right? So it’s great and marvelous in comparison to chapter 12, where we had "and there appeared a great wonder in heaven," normally called "the woman sign," the woman of Revelation 12. This woman sign that appeared on the 23rd of September, 2017. This was only great, not marvelous additionally.
We have always to take care how we read every single word. So the woman sign was great, yes, and it was seen by many, many, many Christians. I made YouTube videos about it, and there was shortly a big hype for about a year when it was discovered before in Stellarium, of course, that the woman Virgo would receive a crown in Leo. Because Leo has nine stars, but three planets came in on the 23rd of September, 2017. They had assembled in the crown, so they gave a crown of 12 stars.
Then, the moon came to her feet exactly on that day, that nailed the day. And so we had the moon under her feet. But then many people believed that would already be the sign for the rapture. No, because there's a lot of things, as you can see here, to happen before the rapture can take place. And just read the last verse of chapter 12, verse 17:
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." So, it’s about the seed of the woman. It is about the DNA that we got in Eden as a gift from God.
Who tried to make war against the DNA seed? It was Satan, obviously—the dragon—who developed vaccinations that would change the original DNA that should multiply, as God said in Genesis, multiply until Jesus comes. But whoever has their DNA changed would fall out of the original bloodline of Jesus. That's the war.
We have here a prediction from September 2017 that a great war would start against the seed of the remnant of the woman. Now you can see how that happened, and this was the first woe. I will speak in the next video about the second and the third woe and try to explain to you very clearly which woes come when and what they are.
Let's take a trip in time to the great sign of the woman in Revelation 12. It was the 23rd of September, 2017, when it appeared, when the moon was at her feet. The moon is only there for a short, very short time.
Therefore, we can pinpoint this date and even the hour pretty accurately. Jupiter was just being born by the woman. So he's the king's planet.
So who was born? Jupiter, the coming king. But it's a birth sign—it's only great.
But what makes it marvelous? To understand what makes it marvelous, we have to position Jupiter so that it activates Orion, which symbolizes the true high priest in the heavens. And how can we do that? Jupiter has a sidereal time, an orbit of 12 years. So we have to follow Jupiter, if you want, together with me, until it reaches Orion's club, which would be the fulfillment of this great sign and would make it marvelous—or at least more marvelous, because there are more reasons why it is so marvelous.
Let's do the journey. I bring Jupiter into our focus, and now we go month by month. We travel with Jupiter through time.
You see how it becomes retrograde many times. And now, in 2023, we are getting closer, but it is retrograde in Aries. Now, just in May 2024, Jupiter reaches Taurus.
And here we are. This is October of this year. But it becomes retrograde again, and once more, it moves back to the king's way and comes out once more.
Now, we have to go forward day by day, and we reach the 4th of June, 2025, when Jupiter is directly in the club, even further activated by K2, the comet. So this is a very special date. And then even the Sun comes a little later, separating K2 and Jupiter.
We understood K2 as being a symbol for Elijah, who goes up with the chariot to heaven. And then Jupiter is the king who exercises his vengeance in the 7th plague. We will come back to that again.
So this is the end of the woman sign. We have followed the woman sign through time until the rapture date and even beyond, when Jupiter, the king, truly comes and fulfills what he is meant to do. But is this all that makes this sign so great and marvelous? Surely, it is the completion of the woman sign in Orion—the king, the high priest who becomes king and comes the second time.
But there's much more to it, and this is why I warn you with this video one penultimate time. So, let's go back to the great and marvelous sign: " angels having the seven last plagues. For in them is filled up the wrath of God." Okay, that seems to read simple. What we have to find in the heavens are seven angels and seven plagues.
Right? The sign is great and marvelous: seven angels, and they have the seven last plagues. That seems to be pretty straightforward, doesn't it? Let me show you what we found in 2018.
In the year 2018, when we were studying the Orion cycles and trying to understand how the trumpets would fit, how the plagues would fit into the Orion cycles, we saw that the trumpets would end on the 20th of August, 2018, and that then, most probably, the first plague would fall. So, when we were sitting in the temple, the second witness, my brother Gerhard, encountered this sign in the heavens, moving the heavens. And all of a sudden, he was enthusiastic and said, "Look, we have seven constellations, and we have seven planets in these seven constellations."
"That must be the seven angels with the seven plagues." Okay, we looked at this, and then we saw, yeah, indeed, there are seven constellations, right? Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra. Then we have this rider—the snake rider on the beast.
Then we have Sagittarius, and we have, of course, Capricorn as a symbol for Satan. And then we saw, indeed, he’s right—there is Mercury in Cancer, the Sun in Leo, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Libra, and the Moon activates Ophiuchus and the beast. We believe that’s the Pope and the beast, riding the beast.
Then there’s Saturn in Sagittarius and Mars in Capricornus. Wow, that's something very, very rare, that we have such a planet parade exactly in seven consecutive constellations. And yes, that is a precursor to what would really happen in our year 2024, but in a different form.
But it shows us, more or less, what we have to expect, even if it unfolds differently. So, we have the idea that the planets—the classical planets, including the Sun and Moon, the moving planets known in ancient times—would be the plagues. And we understood that we need to have seven constellations as the plague angels, which carry the plagues, so that a planet is in each of these constellations.
This was a good idea. And when you see what it really is, and we showed it in videos before, then you would also see how that unfolds today. But there’s a trick.
And God is very, very wise. He does things in a way so that we wouldn’t easily see something unfolding, like we have here in the great and marvelous sign of 2018. By the way, it was incredible that exactly on that prophesied day, the Pope had to officially declare, by writing a legal letter from the Vatican, a declaration that the Catholic Church is apologizing for all the terror they committed over hundreds and hundreds of years against children.
And so we understood that to be the terrible ulcers that the Catholic Church, through its leaders, through its bishops, through its fathers, carries and has received. And so they had to admit what has happened in this ongoing child abuse scandal. This church is marked by God with these ulcers—dirty and absolutely marked.
But this sign was a precursor to what would really happen. Now, what did we tell you in the last videos about these unfolding plagues? I want to make it short and show you again what we taught in many other videos from Paraguay recently. So, we started to understand that this position here was a special position because K2, for a short time, had left Orion, and we later called this point Gilgal.
This was then Bethel, the house of God. Here would be Jericho, then the Jordan, and the river Euphrates. The Euphrates--the Mu--dries out, and then we have the Rapture.
So, here we started to see that something very special was unfolding in the heavens. The first planets are aligning to come through the club hand of Orion, which holds the iron rod. It’s a symbol for a plague, for a strike of Orion.
On the 10th of June 2024, from the 10th to the 13th, I believe it was, Pope Francis presided over the G7 meeting, and everyone had to kiss him and show allegiance to him. We made many videos about what happened there. It marked the beginning of Revelation 17, when the whore rides the beast with seven heads.
This is important, but it is not today's theme. I want to show again the planet parade, how they move through Orion's club hand in a rapid sequence. At the beginning, we have Venus coming into the club, followed by Mercury and the Sun in quick succession.
When we go up to June 2025, there’s an issue because only five planets cross through Orion’s club hand. But we also need to consider the large comet K2, which also passes through the club hand. This comet replaces two planets that we do not find.
What are these two planets? One is the Moon because, if we include the Moon, we would have many more instances—every month or 29 days, the Moon would pass through the club, resulting in more than seven plagues. So, the Moon cannot be included. It must play a different role, which we will come to that later.
The other moving star, or planet, that does not pass through Orion’s hand is Saturn. Saturn is in a completely different constellation, where it belongs—it is in Aquarius, a symbol for the LGBT community and the age of Aquarius.
Saturn is slow and will never pass through Orion’s hand within the span of one year. So, we need a replacement for the Moon and Saturn to understand how the plagues are represented by passing through the club hand, the iron rod of Orion. And this role can only be played by one celestial body that passes through twice—K2, the large comet. What we have to do now is to continue moving the heavens.
We’ve already moved three planets over the line of the club hand—Mercury, Venus, and the "planet" Sun, which counts as one of the moving stars. Yes, it counts. Then, as the fourth plague, we have K2 passing before any other body, except the Moon, does. K2 is passing now, and let's look at when it started.
On the 13th of July, there was the Trump assassination attempt. Then it moved forward to the next line of the club, on the 27th of June, when we had the blasphemy of the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, France—always an enemy country of God since the French Revolution. So, there are very significant events when K2 passes. We need to pay attention when it passes the second time.
K2 was the fourth. It goes out but then comes back. Now let's see what the fifth is.
The fifth to come is Mars. Five moving heavenly bodies have now crossed on the 2nd of September. Paraguay explained everything that happened.
Then, you have to move faster because now K2 returns, but in the opposite direction. Oh, it takes a long time. You see Jupiter going retrograde and then forward again, and both—K2 and Jupiter—follow the same line.
Now we are already in May of next year. Now they even "walk" together, just as the biblical text says: Elijah and Elisha went together after having crossed the Jordan.
The Jordan ends on the 4th of June, and now both heavenly bodies are almost exactly together in the club hand—or even within the club—of Orion, in the club area of Orion. So, the sixth plague, because it is connected to the river Euphrates, which we deciphered as the Mu—the last signature of the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit—dries out on the 4th of June next year. This is exactly when the pendulum clock strikes 666.
All of this is explained in other videos, i have to make the video short. This is the point when there is the gathering of the evil forces, the three spirits, like frogs, to summon all the kings of the earth for the battle of Armageddon.
Sixth plague. And we also have Jupiter in the club hand, making it the seventh heavenly body to pass in the remaining time. Then we have the separation of Elijah (K2) and Jupiter through fire, the chariot of fire.
Here, up above, is Auriga, known as the Charioteer of God. And here is the fire—the Sun—which separates Elisha and Elijah. So, this is the rapture of Elijah.
That's what we have found so far. Now, compare it. It’s impressive, and we have this trick with K2 playing the role of two heavenly bodies because it retreats, leaves, returns, and crosses again in the right direction through the club hand of Orion. This is what we discovered months ago, and it seemed to be correct.
Now, it’s a moving sign, a long sign—it’s dynamic.
But compare it with what I showed you earlier. Wasn’t that bigger, greater, and more marvelous? That's what's been bothering me. And I asked myself, why doesn’t it seem as marvelous and great as we would expect? Yes, we see seven plagues.
But do we see seven plague angels? As the text says, “seven angels having the seven last plagues.” Where are the seven angels? How does this work? In the earlier example, we had seven angels or seven constellations playing the role of the seven angels, each associated with a plague for a moment, with the Moon moving quickly.
But now, in this long timeframe, from June 2024 to June 2025, where are the seven plague angels? Can you remember that I told you in the video series about the great Orion cycle that there is a trick—multiplying oneself by seven is an oath? Can you recall that I explained how the 400 years of the Abrahamic Covenant, due to the presence of Jesus Christ, had to be extended to 407 years instead of just 400 years in the spoken part? Jesus always points to Himself with the number seven. Can you now see where the seven plague angels are? Look, I’ll give you another hint.
In Revelation 15:6, it tells us how the plagues and the angels come out of the temple:
“And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues.” Each of the seven angels has a plague, right? And they come out of the temple, "...clothed in pure and white linen." Oh, wait a minute.
Plague angels clothed in pure and white linen? That is the garment of a high priest—pure and white linen, that are high priestly garments.
"...and having their breasts girded with golden girdles." Wait a minute. Girdles.
Don’t we have the girdle stars, the belt stars, even called "the girdle?" Alnilam, for example, is "the girdle." Don’t we have a belt, a girdle, possibly around the chest of Orion? Of course, it’s more around the loins or hips, but it’s still a girdle. Don’t we have that here? So, Orion is our heavenly high priest, which we have known since at least 2010, if not as early as 2008.
And he has, of course, a girdle. And when Orion swears, he multiplies himself by seven—the word "shaba," which I showed you in the last videos, and which we've known since 2008, is a multiplication. When God makes a solemn oath, He multiplies Himself by seven, or that He even adds seven years.
Once spoken "time, times and a half" to two witnesses means seven years, and the other time is when He passed through the sacrifices in the Abrahamic pact with a torch in His hand, adding another seven. So, when once Orion would hold a torch in his hand, then the Abrahamic pact would be fulfilled. When do you believe that this torch would be lit? I would say—and I want to be very precise here—I would say that when the Sun is in the torch, then the torch is lit.
End of the Abrahamic pact, isn't it? Oh, wow. Let's read the verse. That verse is in Genesis 15, of course.
Near the end, in verse 17, it says, "And it came to pass..." You know, there were the sacrifices—they were cut in the middle, and then we had the 26 years together with the two birds. And then, "And it came to pass, that when the Sun went down (at sunset), and it was dark (a dark time), behold, a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces."
Now, the word for "lamp" is a bit tricky in English only. The word for "lamp" is indeed *lappid*, from an unused root probably meaning to shine—a flambeau, lamp, flame, brand, lamp, lightning, and torch. And I can tell you, because I’m German—I was German, now I am St. Kitts and Nevisian—it is a torch in all German translations, and it is even a torch in the Spanish translation.
Only the English King James Version translates it as "lamp." It’s a torch. Back to Revelation 15.
So, we have "the seven angels coming out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles." All hints of the heavenly High Priest with the girdle. It’s Orion.
And how can we see Orion leaving the temple seven times? Doesn’t he leave the temple only once, our High Priest? No, he now plays a different role. He plays the role of the seven plague angels—the entire constellation of Orion. Let's reset the time in Stellarium. Each time a planet is in his torch, and that planet leaves the constellation—here we even have two together, Mercury and Venus—then one of the plague angels, represented by Orion, with his club activated by a planet (or two times by K2), leaves the temple in the direction of the ecliptic, because the Sun moves this way.
Can you see it? So, we have seven times our heavenly High Priest—symbolized by Orion, representing Jesus interceding—leaving the temple as the seven plague angels, while the number seven is also intrinsically connected to a solemn oath. We’ll get to that in this video. Would that now make a great and marvelous sign? Is it greater than just the constellation of Virgo with the moon at her feet for a moment? Yes, this sign is a one-year solar cycle sign, even longer than a year.
So, this sign unfolds in a divine timeframe—in the Mazzaroth timeframe. And it becomes even greater and more marvelous with this comet K2, adding to the mystery. It replaces the Moon and Saturn, as I already showed.
Now, we come back to the question of the plagues. You know, all the texts about the plagues are about terrible and horrific events: all fish in the sea die, humanity suffers, waters are poisoned, the sun scorches people, the seat of the beast darkens, the ulcers of the first and fifth plague—all these dreadful things.
And what we have seen so far was just a glimpse of what one should expect. Where is the mystery? Why haven’t these plagues manifested in the expected way so far? I’ll tell you It’s a wonderful mystery, and it makes this sign even greater and more marvelous—I pondered over it for a long time. It is that you have to understand the entire text, not just two verses from Revelation 15.
Let’s return to the wonderful biblical text that gives us more insight. First of all, when you see this sign—and we saw it months ago in Paraguay, together with me here in Nevis—then comes the next text, verse 2: "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire." Now, you know where the sea of glass is.
It is the Orion Nebula. Again, it points to Orion, of course. "And them that had gotten the victory over the beast, over his image, over his mark, and over the number of his name."
We know what the beast is—the UN. We know what the image is—LGBT, same-sex marriage. We know what the mark is.
It is Sunday-keeping instead of the mark of God, which is the Sabbath, and the number of his name, the beast's name. We need the victory. It is the vaccination crisis or test.
"Stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." The harps of God point to Paraguay, as was explained years and years ago, because Paraguay is the land of the harps. So these people have victory over these beastly marks and things.
Now, the next verse: "And they sing the song of Moses." This is what we did recently.
This is what we accomplished in the great Orion cycle three-part series. The third part was just published today, the last part today, when I record this video. "...Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb."
I also published, before this part will be published, the song of the book of the seven seals with the Lamb, the only one who could open it. "...saying, Great and marvelous are Thy works." And the works of God are visible in the heavens and made manifest. "Lord God Almighty, just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints." Can you see the order of things? First, we discovered this.
Then, we had victory over all these things. Then we saw the Moses series, the great Orion cycle, which directly points to the birth of Moses. After that, we had the series with the seals, especially the sixth and seventh seals.
And then, we are praising the Lord. And what was this praising of the Lord? It was the jubilee announcement with the shofar. This will happen in my timeline a little later, in about ten days, because today is the High Sabbath of the fest of Trumpets.
And in plus nine days, on the 10th of Tishri, this announcement will take place. It’s like a great carillon. Everyone in Paraguay, Nevis, and other countries where our members are, will praise the Lord and His works.
"Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints. Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? For Thou only art holy. For all nations shall come and worship before Thee. For Thy judgments are made manifest." Really? And this is exactly the problem. How can we say that the judgments have been made manifest when we see only glimpses of the plagues and not the real thing, obviously? It is, that we can give that praise, because we know more than has been published already.
Therefore, I am doing these last two parts. We know how they manifest and when they manifest. We will get to that.
"And after that..."—after Yom Kippur, 2024, from the 13th to the 14th of October, 2024, the 180th Yom Kippur since Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in 1844—then, "...after that, I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened." After that... Now, we have this verse, and obviously, some angels have already come out of the temple.
Therefore, it’s not all in the exact order, but almost the exact order. We have now already five in total, including Mars, that have gone out of the temple. They had the seven plagues.
Orion now has five plagues already, "clothed in pure white linen, having their breasts girded with golden girdles." As I showed you, it’s all Orion.
Seven times, with the last being K2 and Jupiter. But then comes the problem, the textual problem. All of a sudden: "And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth forever and ever."
Wait a minute—slow down. The plagues are the planets. The seven plague angels are Orion.
And now, how many times did we say "the bowls of plagues"? No, no, no, wait a minute. There are no "bowls of plagues." Look at the text.
"Golden vials full of the wrath of God." So, in the vial, there is no plague. The vial contains wrath.
Oh, wow. Don't we have that programmed differently in our minds? Where does this programming come from? Look at the text: "the seven bowls of God's wrath." That’s in the next chapter, Revelation 16.
"And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels (to Orion)..." What is the great voice? "Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."
No word about a plague. But we understand these events described in these texts as the plagues. But that’s not accurate.
It's actually the bowls of wrath. Oh, wait a minute. So, the plagues could still be the planets.
And two times K2. This is what was seen as the great and marvelous sign. But a sign is just a sign.
And a sign is not the wrath. But the plagues that we have seen—or the signs, or the events that occurred when the plagues were leaving the temple—Orion with a planet, Orion with K2—could be a hint of what might happen when the bowls of wrath are poured out. Who pours out the bowls of wrath now? Wait a minute. "I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels..."
We now understand that the seven angels are Orion. "Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." Orion pours it out.
Orion pours out the bowls of wrath. Wow. How? We already saw the planets.
We needed K2 as a replacement for the Moon and for Saturn. Why did we have to replace the Moon? Because the Moon moves so frequently—every month, every 29-point-something days—through Orion's hand.
So, there would be too many plagues if we used the Moon as the plagues. But do I have to ask ChatGPT, what the only heavenly body is that can play the bowls, because they fill up? The Moon fills up, showing the sickle at the beginning of the month, and it fills up and up to the full moon, then wanes—waxing and waning—filling up and then being poured out.
Is it possible that we would see something similar in the assumed time frame of the second coming, perhaps in harmony with the great and marvelous sign—the planets and K2 moving through the club hand of Orion? That was the idea. And as I noticed this difference between the bowls of wrath and the plagues, I had to learn, I tell you—I had to unlearn saying "the bowls of the plagues." I used to say that all the time. I really had to learn to distinguish very carefully between the bowls of wrath and the plagues because they are different things.
Now, we suspect that the Moon, which moves so frequently through Orion's hand, could play the role of the bowls of wrath. Dear friends, I have bad news. We need to check out all the texts in Revelation that mention plagues, and we need to harmonize all these things, and you will see that it gets pretty confusing—but bear with me. I will explain everything in the end.
When we search for the word "plague" in a partial match, we find many texts—11 verses. That’s not a huge number, but there are some.
The first verse that mentions the word "plagues" is Revelation 9:20, and that’s during the sixth trumpet. So, the sixth trumpet must have something to do with plagues, and this will be the theme for my last video, *The Last Countdown*. It has a lot to do with the last countdown.
I will not cover this in this video, but in this video, you will get the foundation for understanding Revelation 9:20. Revelation 11:6—this is the text where the two witnesses have the power to pour out plagues as often as they wish. I explained this in the last video.
It has to do with the plague cycles that we found/had a couple of years ago, between 2018 and 2021. This is done. Revelation 15:1—we just studied a little bit.
We began to explore the first mention of the seven last plagues. So, that's the distinction between Revelation 11:6—these plagues that the two witnesses can pour out as often as they wish—and the seven last plagues. Here is a difference, and this is what most people know about the plagues only.
They do not know about all the other plagues, but they know about the seven last plagues. And when they talk about plagues, they mean the seven last plagues. But that's not completely correct. Now, the next verse we only touched: "And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen."
So, this is now to be studied. And we said, okay, the plagues are not the bowls of wrath. One thing is very important:
Still in chapter 15, verse 8: "And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power, and no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled." This must be a time when the High Priest—our heavenly High Priest, who is also man, Jesus Christ—has left the temple, and then the plagues are fulfilled, perhaps poured out.
We have to carefully observe these things. So, "...until the seven plagues are fulfilled"—until the seven times of Orion are fulfilled—He will have left, but Orion, as the angel of death, the angel of the plagues, pours out seven bowls of wrath (or plagues?).
Revelation 16:9: "And men were scorched with heat." Now, we are dealing with what we normally understand as the fourth plague. But we have to be very precise and very careful.
And you will see this clearly in this text: "And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which has power over these plagues." Plural.
So, the scorching with great heat—we understand it as one plague. No. It says "these plagues."
So, it refers here to all the plagues that had already fallen before. So, we should be very, very careful to understand this correctly as the fourth bowl of wrath being poured out, which then refers to these plagues that occurred before.
"And they repented not to give Him glory." Dear friends, just to avoid too much confusion at this point, I want to give you a hint. When the Bible refers to "these plagues," it is not necessarily the same as the last seven plagues.
There is a difference. Obviously, this verse contradicts what we have seen before. We have seen a difference between the last seven plagues and the bowls of wrath because it says here "these plagues."
But it does not refer to the last seven plagues, as you will see. It refers to the bowls of wrath that have fallen before, including the fourth bowl of wrath—"these plagues."
In Revelation 9:20, in the sixth trumpet text, there is also a reference to the smoke, fire, and brimstone of the sixth trumpet as "these plagues." It’s a back reference, nothing more.
And it does not speak in any way about the last seven plagues. It speaks about "these plagues." So, the fourth bowl of wrath mentions "these plagues," referring directly to the other bowls of wrath that had been poured out before, and not to the seven last plagues.
This is very important to understand. Another point I want to mention is that in Revelation 13, the word that is usually translated as "wound"—the wound of the beast that later healed—is the same word as "plagues," but it’s translated everywhere as "wound." So, when we refer to the seven last plagues, they must be terrible.
But if it is only a plague in the form of a wound, it is obviously not as extremely terrible as the seven last plagues. So, we have to differentiate and be very careful in how we study these things. But now, back to the other texts that include the word "plagues" in Revelation.
Revelation 16:21 is even more complicated: "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven." This occurs in the seventh bowl of wrath, which includes a lengthy description and many events before this verse happens.
"Every stone about the weight of a talent; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great." So, the seventh bowl of wrath is not the plague itself, but the seventh bowl of wrath includes the plague of the hail. Can you see how contradictory it becomes when we study this further and in great detail?
But I tell you, there is a solution to this problem, but we must go step by step so that you do not get lost. The next chapter that talks about plagues is chapter 18, the fourth angel's message chapter, and the destruction of Babylon in three hours. Okay, here we have: "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'"
Ok, that is the big and great, significant warning of Jesus Christ, directly from heaven. And I reveal to you that we expect, after A3 Tsuchinshan, another comet coming up at the end of October. Perhaps, for you, this is already in the past, but this comet, which currently only has a scientific name, might even be brighter than A3.
We will see if this is the voice of Jesus Christ coming from heaven, giving a final warning. But this is generally a warning to be mindful of the plagues. So, then we have Revelation 18:8: "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day."
Now, this is a challenging one, and it leads to the solution to the problem, which I will address a little later. "Death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." This is now a riddle.
Of course, everything is a riddle, but this is perhaps the most complicated riddle of all. Why does it say "in one day"? Is it a literal day, or is it a year? As we will see later, a whole year would be too long. So, it should be indeed one literal day.
Ah, that makes it very difficult. You see, we say, "Oh, since June 2024, we have at least been seeing the plagues." Perhaps they are not yet poured out in the bowls of wrath.
But they will start soon, as you will see in this video. And then it takes about half a year until they are poured out. But here it says that all seven plagues are poured out in one day.
And that is something we need to solve. And then, to make it complete, we still have Revelation 21:9: "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues." Now, what? Didn’t we just say that the seven vials of the wrath of God are not the plagues? And now they are called the plagues again.
"The seven vials full of the seven last plagues..."—now, how do we reconcile that? There is also a solution to this, which I will show you again a little later because we need a foundation for understanding this. And this seventh angel, which we now know must be Orion, spoke with me, saying, "Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife."
So, we need to have a specific moment when the vials are full of the seven last plagues, and then Orion speaks and says, "Come up hither." This points to a certain moment of rapture. When is that? It is when we see a vial full, or all the vials full. Then we have a rapture moment/event/possibility.
And then, in the very last chapter of Revelation, the plagues are mentioned again, but this time in the form of a warning, not so contradictory. I include it here for completeness: "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book."
And so, it ends with the plagues. And there is a lot of contradictions, but the solution is marvelous, just as the sign is great and marvelous.
Now, the next thing to do is homework. We have to look at the moons, as I promised before, and we need to be very careful. I’ll rush through this now, showing you the moons that pass through Orion's hand in rapid succession. Later, I’ll show you an Excel spreadsheet where I list all these moons with their illumination phases, so you have a complete view.
Stop the video if you need to, and you can read through all that. I have to move quickly and keep it brief to reach the solution regarding how the plagues and vials work together. Let’s begin our rapid journey through the moons in Orion's club on the 7th of June 2024.
We can observe that there is a moon a few days—3 to 4 days—before Venus, the Sun, and Mercury, as the first three plagues, cross through the club of Orion, with an illumination of only 0.8%. This is called an astronomical new moon. I called it "moon 0" because this moon has no filling at all—it is the "0 moon," the empty bowl.
The next moon in Orion’s club appears on the 4th of July 2024, Independence Day, and it is filled or illuminated to 2.3%. This is now moon number one, a little sliver. On the 31st of July 2024, we find the next moon, the second moon in my list, and it is illuminated at 13.4%, filling up. We come to the third moon in my list, on the 27th of August 2024, with the moon illuminated to 31.9%, still filling up.
The fourth moon appears on the 24th of September 2024, already half full at 55.2%. We find the fifth moon on the 21st of October 2024, almost the anniversary of Yom Kippur in 1844, and it is illuminated to 76.6%, pretty full already. The sixth moon is encountered on the 17th of November 2024, and now it is pretty filled up at 93.1%. Now we want to see if it can fill up one more time. We find the seventh moon, and now it’s really full.
It is illuminated at 99.8%. We find it on the famous, as mentioned in my previous videos, 15th of December 2024—when we said that K2 is in this position and that this might be the day when the seventh seal of trouble opens. If the theory holds, from now on, the moons should diminish every single month. Remember that we are observing a series of seven moons since the "moon zero"—seven consecutive moon months, not a single month.
We are observing the same sidereal position of the moon each month as it passes through the club of Orion. So, the 15th of December is the fullest moon so far. On January 11, 2025, the moon is not full anymore.
It has diminished to 95.1%. The moon is emptied. By February 8, 2025, the moon is still getting emptied at 79.6%. This is the second moon that we find that has been emptied.
By the 7th of March 2025, the third emptied moon, it is still emptying to 55.8%. On the 3rd of April 2025, the moon is still emptying, now for the fourth time, at 34.9%. On the 30th of April 2025, late at night—so, effectively on the 1st of May, which is a significant date in our movement—the moon continues to empty, with an illumination of only 15.1%. This is the fifth emptying moon.
The sixth emptying moon appears on the 28th of May 2025, with an illumination of just 2.8%, bringing us six days—possibly seven—away from the drying out of the river Euphrates, with this sixth emptying moon. That’s interesting, isn’t it? And on the 24th to 25th of June 2025, when we believe that the rapture has already occurred, we return to a total astronomical new moon, illuminated at just 0.5%. The bowl is completely emptied—or, we could say, all seven bowls, since this is the seventh emptying moon in a row, have been fully poured out.
Here is the promised spreadsheet, summarizing what we’ve seen in this recent clip about the moon’s journey through Orion's club hand. Let’s look at the title lines: "Moon bowls given by Taurus to Orion."
Remember that all the bowls are coming in this club area and are delivered by the horns of Taurus. Taurus is one of the four beasts of the Mazzaroth, representing the calf face of the four beasts. So, Taurus gives each bowl of wrath to the Betelgeuse club hand of Orion. But whose wrath is it? The Mazzaroth is the clock of God the Father.
So, it is not the wrath of Jesus, represented by Orion, but the wrath of the Father, now given to Jesus as the angel of death. In the Exodus, during the 10th plague, Jesus was the angel of death, who killed all the firstborn—a very fitting role for Orion, our former High Priest. When He has left the sanctuary and ceased His intercessory service of grace, He becomes the King who comes with His iron rod and wrath.
But we must be very careful when studying these things. Clearly, the moons—representing the vials or bowls of wrath—are still mingled with grace, as the Holy Spirit is still doing His work on the earth, available until the 4th of June 2025.
However, look at the seventh vial. In the seventh vial, we see the outpouring of a very severe, extensive plague. We must be careful not to confuse the wrath of God that is still mingled with grace, with the wrath of God that must be the seven last plagues, where no grace remains.
This represents the total and complete destruction expected when we find the time when the seven last plagues are poured out. Back to the list. The dates in Orion’s club are always in Jerusalem time, as I assumed that would be the most accepted by you.
So, I included the Jewish dates as the main full day date. If you notice any differences compared to the dates I previously mentioned, it’s just the Jewish day difference. Here i have noted the main part of the day, for example the 6th of June has a small portion, the main part is on the 7th of June. It’s simply nomenclature.
Illumination can also vary slightly—an hour later or earlier can result in a minor percentage difference. What’s important is the amount of filling, of course.
You can observe that each of the moons in this row is filling up, while in this row, they are emptying. I analyzed the differences and will explain that further. Remark, as I mentioned in the video, that I have some further observations to share later. Here again is the astronomical new moon, and here again an astronomical new moon, and the moon seven and the moon zero.
So, we can say that God's bowls of wrath began filling from the empty bowl, the zero bowl, starting on the 7th of June 2024—almost exactly one year before the river Euphrates dries up. God’s wrath fills up, month by month, until the bowls are filled to the brink—seven bowls now filled into the moon—reaching 99.8% on the 15th of December. This represents the fullness of God's wrath.
You can find the filling levels in this column, and observe the different amounts of filling.
I don’t know if it is important, but I included them to show how certain events in specific months may have contributed to filling God's wrath more than others. For example, here something that happened between the 28th of August and the 24th of September increased it by 22.8%, which is the maximum here. So, it could have been a decision at a meeting or an extreme escalation in the Middle East that significantly intensified God's wrath.
The attack of Iran on Israel happened around this time frame, or here. It’s up to you to decide what you think it was. We made some videos on this, but it's not my theme here.
I want to find out how the bowls of wrath and the plagues work together. The next thing I need to clarify for you—very important for understanding—is what happens when the bowls are full, and we observe the first emptied moon, from 99.8% down to 94.8%. It’s easy to misinterpret this visually. This is when we see, for the first time, a moon that has been emptied.
So, that means the emptying process must have started on the 15th of December, when the bowl was full. The next time we see it, it is already emptied. So, the first bowl of wrath is poured out between the 15th of December 2024 and the 12th of January 2025.
The 15th of December is shortly before Christmas—pagan Christmas—and also New Year, the Gregorian New Year falls in this timeframe. It’s possible that an event occurs that disrupts the festive season and turns it into a time of mourning because this is the period when the first bowl of wrath with the noisome and grievous sores is poured out. Whatever that means. Perhaps in the last video we can speculate about it once we know more about the second woe.
Following the logical sequence, the second bowl of wrath, as seen here, is poured out between the 12th of January 2025 and the 8th of February 2025, and so on. The third bowl is poured out between the 8th of February and the 7th of March, the fourth bowl between the 7th of March and the 4th of April, and so on. Here, I’ve also indicated the strength of each bowl, as I call this row this time.
This measures how much is the emptying between two observations. The first decrease is 5%, not much. And remember, the text says that the sores affect only those who have the mark of the beast, right? So, 5%, but I believe more people have the mark of the beast, but this is only a strength indicator. For instance, the third bowl, poured out between the 8th of February and the 7th of March, has a 22% difference—between 80% and 58%, you see.
So, it’s like a game. I don’t know if this indicator has any real significance, or if we can observe something by the “strength index” indicating how severe a plague is. But we encounter a contradiction with the seventh bowl.
On the 28th of May, we observe the sixth poured-out moon, with only 2.7% illumination remaining. And one moon month later, on the 25th of June 2025, we see the outpouring of the seventh bowl of wrath, which includes the plague of the great hail.
However, this has a strength indicator that seems contradictory, right? The difference between 2.7% and 0.5% is only 2.2%. This creates, at least for me, a contradiction with the biblical text, which says that this plague, which is included it the seventh bowl of wrath, is extremely severe. Let’s look at the text once more:
"And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent. And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great."
2.2%? Something is wrong. Or perhaps there’s something we haven’t fully understood yet. It’s common, when studying biblical prophecy, to get confused, as is the case now.
When this happens, a good strategy is to check if the chapter or chapters—or even the entire book—are structured chiastically, which is a form of literature that’s unfamiliar to most of us and our thinking. In our usual stories, we have a beginning, events unfold by the characters, and the story ends, often with a marriage and a happy end. But this isn’t the case in biblical prophecy.
In biblical prophecy, we normally find chiastic structures, which means that the climax—the most critical point—is at the center top, like a mountain. You ascend, prepare, reach the peak where the happy end is. So you have the most important part at the top, and then descend.
Let’s apply this to the plagues. First, the plagues accumulate and "fill on". Then, you reach a peak point—determined by God’s revelation to the prophet—and then something happens, such as the pouring out of the plagues.
So, there is a build-up, a peak, and then the outpouring. And there’s an overarching theme that links the beginning and the end. The beginning and end (the ground level so to speak) are like two sides of a mountain, connected and complementary, as are the levels in between.
And what we have here in chapters 15 and 16, combined as if it would be one story, is such a chiastic structure. So, the first step is to check if we have something like a climax within these chapters. Can we see something like a count of plagues filling up? Then, do we reach a peak, followed by the outpouring of the plagues?
And then we have to check if the beginning—the one ground level—and the end—the other ground level—are interconnected. If this is the case, then we can understand/learn about the end from the beginning. And then, we understand the whole structure and everything becomes clearer. This is exactly the case here.
So, you now have leaned and understand that we have the moon plagues and the planet plagues. We have the vials that fill up and are poured out, and we have the planet plagues, which are the seven last plagues. That's the big difference.
Now, let’s examine the text once more for this chiastic structure. The first verse speaks about the great and marvelous sign, which we now have leaned about. It represents Jesus as Orion, "having the seven last plagues." He possesses them only when also K2 and Jupiter, as the sixth and seventh plagues in the last day, have arrived in Orion’s club.
This verse should be connected to the last verse of the chiastic structure, the last verse of chapter 16. And what do we find there? "The plague of the hail." So, the plague of the hail marks the end of the great and marvelous sign of the seven plague angels.
Proven. This means that everything that was filling up since the first verse in chapter 15 is now being poured out in the last verse of chapter 16. What else is filling up? Let’s go back to chapter 15.
We have the song of Moses, which is a record of the publication of these final messages—what I shared with you. Then, after that, "I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles."
Which filling of which plagues is this? It refers to the planet plagues—Sun, Mercury, Venus, K2, and Mars. What’s still missing until the very end, until the 21st or 20th of June 2025?
We still need one more appearance of K2 and Jupiter—the greatest planet of all. The "hail" planet. This is one phase of filling, and then it is poured out in one day, as we read in chapter 18.
All the plagues, all seven plagues, are poured out in one day after the rapture, on the 21st and 22nd of June 2025. Then we have another interlude—a filling up and pouring out of the vials, the bowls of wrath.
We continue reading: "And one of the four beasts (Taurus) gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth forever and ever." But there’s no mention of these being poured out yet.
Same here: the seven plague angels come out of the temple, but there’s no mention of the pouring out. All the pouring out happens in chapter 16.
So, what is the climax? What is the peak (top plateau) of the mountain? It is this: "And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power, and no man was able to enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled." Which seven plagues are these? Okay, it says seven.
These are the seven last planet plagues. This is fulfilled in the last verse of chapter 16, when the great hail is poured out. We are clearly now at the end of the filling up of the vials of wrath on the 15th of December 2024, when the full moon bowl is seen in Orion’s club.
And the smoke that fills the temple answers the question of whether grace has ended or continues. The smoke that fills the whole temple is connected with Revelation 8. And in Revelation 8, we have the opening of the seventh seal. As I mentioned in previous videos, this is still a time of grace.
This is the last time of sealing. It’s the time of great trouble on earth but a time of silence in heaven because all of heaven holds its breath to see who and how many can still be sealed—the great multitude, helped by the 144,000, brought to righteousness.
So, what do we see here? Trumpets are present. We will address the trumpets in the last part. And yes, a woe trumpet is set to sound exactly on that day.
But that is not the theme of this video. What is important is this: "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer. And there was given unto him much incense."
So, a lot of smoke. "...that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne." This is not the brazen altar, Taurus, but inside the Most Holy Place. This is Jesus still interceding, but this time with the prayers of all the saints.
It’s the most important time in human history, the final sealing. We will delve into that even more in the next video. Here, you have the textual connection in the following verse:
"And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand." So, the very last act is to fill the censer from the brazen altar, bring it back to the Most Holy Place, place it on the golden altar, and offer much incense. But there is something unusual in this text.
This is from Revelation 8:5: "And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar." This is now not the brazen altar; it's the golden altar. "And cast it into the earth."
"And there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake." Can you see it? So, is this now the seven last plagues, or is it the bowls of wrath? It must be the bowls of wrath because the angel is not seen leaving the temple so far. The angel, of course, is Jesus Christ.
He is still serving in His role of intercession. But the final act is now that the censer—representing the vials filled with the wrath of God the Father, mingled with mercy—is poured out upon the earth. And when we see this, we know for certain that the end has come.
Therefore, many people can still be led to righteousness during this time, because the Holy Spirit is still available until the 4th of June. Remember what I showed you in the table? The 7th bowl of wrath begins to be poured out on the 28th of May.
The 4th of June marks the end of grace—Jesus must leave the temple then. And after that, the great hail falls a little later.
It’s all step by step. So, when does the great hail fall? Of course, after the rapture, when the people of God are taken to heaven. It’s all in the text of the 7th bowl.
Here again, you have the voices, the thunders, and the lightnings connected with Revelation 8 that we just read. A great earthquake, we just read about: "such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great."
But still, this is grace. "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath."
So, this must be the seven last plagues—this "cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath." This has nothing to do with the vials.
They caused the mighty earthquake and the thunderings and the lightnings. And then we have the rapture again. "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found."
This parallels the text in Revelation 6:14: "And the heaven departed as a scroll." End of grace.
The books are closed as the scroll is rolled together. "And every mountain and island were moved out of their places." Compare these.
It’s exactly the same: "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." It’s all parallel.
This is the end of grace, when "the great city is divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fall. And great Babylon comes in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath."
This is then when Jesus leaves the temple. Then we have the rapture. (Pointing to Verse 19): 4th of June. (Pointing to Verse 20): the 20th of June. (Pointing to Verse 21): and the 21st-22nd of June.
"And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent. And men blasphemed God." Men—all men—because the saints are no longer there anymore. They have been raptured.
"...because of the plague of the hail"—Jupiter and all the other plagues that were seen in Orion’s hand, as He held the seven plagues. "For the plague thereof was exceeding great."
So, here you have it. We see two stages. There is a stage with the vials where grace is still present.
And then, at the end, in the seventh vial, we find the end of grace. Jesus leaves the temple, followed by the rapture and the great hail.
This is why we haven’t seen anything manifest yet. Because everything must first be poured out throughout chapter 16, except the last verse. All the moon plagues that filled up until the 15th of December 2024 must then be poured out—slowly but steadily—until the moon is completely empty.
But a little before, in the seventh bowl, we already have K2 and Jupiter reaching the club of Orion on the 4th of June 2025. And this occurs within the time of the outpouring of the seventh bowl.
It matches perfectly with what we have studied and observed in the moon table. Now you can understand at least two verses perfectly. One of these is in Revelation 18.
It’s in verse 8, as I have already mentioned: "Therefore shall her plagues," the plagues of Babylon. What are the plagues of Babylon? They are the seven last plagues, because they "come in one day."
All of them come together with the hail. "...death, mourning, and famine. And she shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
Jupiter and all the other planets, along with K2, poured out on one day. What could that be? It could very well refer to a moment when all the leaders of the nations who possess atomic warheads press the buttons in total panic.
It’s certainly a possibility. And even a very likely one.
And if you see such videos or such estimations, some say it lasts only 17 minutes, or some say 70 minutes—and the earth is destroyed totally, utterly, and completely. Therefore, it happens in one day. But perhaps even shorter.
The second verse that you can now understand is also in chapter 18. This verse has always been a difficult riddle to understand. It reads: "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works. In the cup which she has filled, fill to her double." What do we have now? Can you see now this marvelous structure?
Why is it called great and marvelous? Revelation design. Revelation 15:1 describes the seven last plagues. Orion represents the seven plague angels.
Great—the greatest constellation of all—even seven times.
What is marvelous? The vials. It was difficult and marvelous to discover the solution with the vials. Look again.
Double. So, we have the vials of the moon. The moon filled up, and then it was poured out.
That's one instance. But what about the seven last plagues? They filled up and are then poured out at the end, at the bottom line. In the seventh vial, they are poured out in one day all together. Everything that ramped up will then come to pass. What did we see ramping up? Remember what truly filled up God's wrath.
Watch the videos from Paraguay. I can only counsel you. For example, in the first planet plague, we saw the Pope of Rome presiding over the G7 meeting, and everyone had to pay allegiance to him.
Everyone was kissing him. He was sitting in a wheelchair. This marked the beginning of Revelation chapter 17—the great war.
They declared war against God, together with the Pope, and the G7—the seven most powerful nations of the earth. We saw in the second plague, if I remember correctly, a NATO meeting where they refused any attempt to make peace with Russia. They refused everything.
And so, the war escalates and escalates. Then we had President Trump portraying himself as a Sun God, blaspheming. We had the Trump assassination attempt, which is also not acceptable to God—that a candidate in the US is almost assassinated by his political opponents.
It’s incredible. This was K2, pointing to this event one side of the club. Now K2, pointing to the other side of the club, which was the blasphemy of the opening ceremony in France, a country that has always been an enemy country. We had Mars during the German elections, where—even though the people desired the AFD, sought change, democracy, and freedom from oppression by these communist and dictatorial systems—their voice was suppressed. Actually, there is no freedom to use their money as they wish, no freedom of speech, no liberty anymore.
These are all stages of God’s wrath filling up, planet by planet, and handed over to Jesus. Can you now see what is happening and what has happened? And think on the sixth vial, which would then be again K2, but consider the moon as well. The vials are similar—they fill up.
The plagues are similar to the vials—they also fill up. And there is a gathering of all world leaders, a UN meeting, to wage war against the Christians who remain faithful to God. At that point, the pinnacle of God’s wrath is reached, and He pours out everything.
He pours out the seventh vial alongside the seven last plagues. I hope you now understand why nothing significant has happened so far, but watch for events starting from the 15th of December 2024, the beginning (first month) of the outpouring of the first vial. We will see what unfolds from that date on.
This is the meaning of "doubling her double." It simply refers to having the planets that form the seven last plagues—the great sign—and then the vials that form the marvelous sign. It’s a double outpouring of plagues.
Let me give you another little hint that I found quite interesting: the structure here mirrors the structure of Jericho. Can you see it? We had six marches on the first six days.
That corresponds to the outpouring of the first six vials. And then we had seven marches on the seventh day. So, in the seventh vial, we have another set of seven—the seven last plagues.
This is the final, absolute proof that my long-standing theory of the Jericho typology is perfectly correct. We see this structure precisely now. Then, as we look up to the heavens, we can identify which part of the text corresponds to which type of plague.
Is it a vial plague or a planet plague? Is it a moon or a planet plague? Is it one of the vials or one of the last seven plagues—or, as we now know, all of them together? I hope you understand this point. One thing remains: how can we textually prove that Jesus indeed multiplies Himself by seven? I mentioned that multiplying by seven signifies swearing, taking an oath.
And it must be connected with a promise. Is it a promise to pour out the plagues? Yes, in a certain sense, surely. But typically, God’s promises cover other things.
And there is a promise and an oath in Revelation 10. This is what we will examine at the end of this video. Revelation 10 is a wonderful chapter.
It is the chapter of the beginning of the judgment and the chapter of the end of the judgment. Every Adventist knows what chapter 10 really signifies. It tells the story of the angel and the little scroll.
This chapter is self-repetitive because, at the end, there is an instruction from Jesus Christ that it must be repeated: "And he said unto me"—the mighty angel, which is Jesus Christ, as you will see—"Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." This is the account of John taking the book out of the hand of the angel—Jesus Christ—and eating it.
It was sweet in his mouth but became very bitter in his stomach. William Miller was the one who fulfilled this in the first instance of this chapter. He "ate" it, and it was sweet to him—he preached the second coming of Jesus Christ.
But when Jesus did not come, it turned bitter in his stomach. He was deeply "bitter" in the end because of the Great Disappointment of 1844.
And then comes the command: "Thou must prophesy again." This is what I have been doing since 2010, publicly.
So, in the end, when it says "again", we must come back to this chapter one day. Then, we will see if it can finally finish those things that have not been finished. As I mentioned, William Miller studied Daniel 8:14, the prophecy of the 2300 evenings and mornings.
Initially, he calculated the year 1843, which was later corrected to 1844. However, they did not understand that this was indeed a wonderful deciphering—not of the second coming, but of the beginning of the judgment in heaven. So, I now return to this chapter, and I am at the end of this judgment, as you have already seen.
Now, we need to check, if we can see something in the heavens. This was never was an idea of William Miller since they did not have the scientific advancements we have today. The chapter begins with a "mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud."
"And a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire." After all the messages I have shared with you in recent weeks, can you decipher where this points to? It should not be difficult for you.
This angel descending from heaven bears a strong resemblance/similarity to the angel who comes down and illuminates the earth with his glory. This is the angel of Revelation 18, or the fourth angel, who brings the message of Orion. Let’s go back to chapter 10, where we find that only two angels in the entire book of Revelation come down from heaven.
The others are described as flying into heaven, like the first, second, and third angels. But this angel comes down from heaven, meaning it has to do with the Orion message.
It points to Orion. "He is clothed with a cloud." For many years, we believed that Jesus Christ is clothed with a cloud because, as Orion, He has the Orion nebula. A nebula is a cloud.
But now we know it even better—that this beginning of the chapter refers to an even more advanced vision in the heavens, specifically K2 clothing Orion since the 14th of December 2023. Can you see it? "Clothed with a cloud."
Compare this to the woman sign of September 23rd, 2017. In Revelation 12, the woman was clothed with the Sun because the Sun was in Virgo. But here, K2 is clothing all of Orion with a cloud.
Comets are, in essence, heavenly clouds because they have a coma—a cloud. So, He is clothed, symbolizing His blood that flowed from the side wound made by the sword. And now He is truly clothed with a cloud.
Since we are in the time of the sixth and seventh seals, Orion is depicted as wearing a cloud. The next description in the biblical text says, "And a rainbow was upon his head."
Do you remember where the head part is? Orion's head part is here, which we even named Gilgal—the starting point of Elijah’s final journey. Now, K2 is a comet, and exactly, when all the plague signs began, K2 entered Orion's head part around the 10th or 11th of June.
K2 is a comet, and as I have explained many times, a comet has a coma—and a coma is a cloud. What happens with clouds? They rain. What happens when the Sun shines on a cloud? A rainbow appears.
What was present in the great Orion cycle, between His arms as He lifted them to make an oath? On the left side, we had the flood, and on the right side, we had Jacob's sin. After the flood, there was the promise of a rainbow between the head part and the two hands raised in the oath.
So, we expect the rainbow to appear exactly in this spot. K2, one of the largest comets ever discovered, has an immense coma. This, combined with the Sun in June 2024, creates the rainbow—the rainbow promise: "I will not destroy the Earth with a flood (water) again, but by fire."
The next part reads, "And his face was as it were the Sun." Where do we find this? This is quite straightforward because, when you zoom in, you can see that directly in the face of Orion is the star Meissa, which is a Sun, of course. A star is a Sun.
So, His face shines like a star or like a Sun. The next description of Orion during the time of K2 is: "His feet as pillars of fire." Later, it even mentions that He places His feet on the sea and on the land.
We need to look carefully at how this plays out. But "feet like fire" should be clear enough. Fire, suns, and stars—they are like atomic ovens. Saiph and Rigel are incredibly hot and bright stars. So, His "feet are like pillars of fire."
"And he had in his hand a little book open." In William Miller’s time, that book was Daniel 8:14, and in our time, it is the entire book of Revelation, as I have already explained. Now, the more complicate part is: "He set His right foot upon the sea and His left foot on the earth."
You wouldn’t easily find a symbol for the sea or the earth (landmass) in the direct area of Orion. But let me first explain what this meant in William Miller's time, how this was interpreted?
In Miller’s time, the message he had—the Bridegroom is coming, the Midnight Cry—was carried by ship from the U.S. to the European continent. It was a worldwide message. Ellen White also explained later that this message reached the Old World (the sea, with many nations and tongues) and the earth (the American continent, the U.S.).
Now, is it possible that we find symbols for the sea and the earth when we extend the leg lines from Alnitak to Saiph and from Alnitak to Rigel? Can we find any footing (hold) for Orion’s feet? We need to zoom out to explore this. Let’s start by extending Orion’s right leg and see if it finds any hold.
The rabbit is not a hold, nor is the dove, but then there is a ship—a massive ship. Can you see it? Here, we find footing (hold).
So, this is the ship. A ship floats in the sea. His right foot finds support (hold) in the sea, which represents Europe.
I found my friend, the second witness I spoke of, in Austria, while I was in the American continent, South America. I sent my message out via the internet—symbolically, "by the ship over the sea"—and found my second witness in Europe. Now, let’s do the same with Orion’s left leg.
We extend the line from Alnitak to Rigel and see if it finds any hold related to the earth. Again, the rabbit is not a hold, but what do we see next? We come to an island in the great river Eridanus—not the Euphrates, but Eridanus.
So, there is an island in the river—a small piece of land, but sufficient for a foothold.
Thus, we find support on the earth. And the sequence of events matches exactly what is described in the Bible: the right foot finds support (hold) on the sea, and the left foot finds support (hold) on an island. This aligns with my own story. I once had a dream where I was pursued on a ship, and I had to jump overboard, floating in the sea, until I reached an island.
This is my story: first, I received the message of Orion while in Paraguay (South America), still on the American continent. Then, I sent the message "by ship" to Austria in Europe, symbolizing the sea and found my friend. Later, I was instructed to go to Nevis Island through dreams and visions that came through our community members. And now, I am here.
This is where Jesus has His two bastions/strongholds on earth: in Paraguay, South America, and also in Nevis Island. You can see this story depicted directly in the heavens.
The next two verses, three and four, address the thunders, the seven thunders. There are so many misunderstandings about what the seven thunders signify. Ellen White made it clear: it’s a delineation of events from 1841, 42, and 43 until the end.
We studied this in detail in *The Gene of Life* series, which I want to link here, along with *The Ship of Time* presentation. Remember, we just saw ship. This is the "High Sabbath List", representing the DNA of a perfect Christian character that needed to be developed during the time of judgment.
Those who are alive and have not developed this kind of Christian character, as depicted in the DNA of the High Sabbath list, will have a pretty big problem now in the time of the plagues, the bowls of wrath, and the manifestation of God’s judgments. Let me now come to the conclusion of the matter.
It is about the oath of the angel. We need to understand what the oath is and when it is spoken: "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven."
Where should K2 be when Orion lifts his hand to heaven? It must be either here or here. The oath itself gives us the exact position: "And swore by Him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven (very very solemn oath) and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things that are therein, that there should be time no longer."
It goes on to say, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin or prepare to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He has declared to His servants the prophets." In Miller’s time, this verse did not come to pass as expected, but it was interpreted by Ellen G. White to mean that "time no longer" refers to prophetic time. I can show you that.
She tells us, "This time, which the angel declares with a solemn oath, is not the end of this world’s history, nor of probationary time, but of prophetic time." This is the first application of this oath, "which was to precede the advent of our Lord. That is, the people would no longer receive another message based on definite time," which is prophetic time.
"After this period of time, from 1842 to 1844, there can be no further definite tracing of prophetic time. The longest timeline reaches to the autumn of 1844." Now, of course, I need to address this verse a bit, as it has been used and misused by Adventists to turn their own message against themselves.
They claim that Miller was wrong—everyone says Miller was wrong. But normally Adventists should be saying that Miller was right because he calculated the correct time. But the pressure from the world now has forced Adventists to say: "Oh, we used this declaration of Ellen White, that there should be no time-setting beyond 1844." But that is not what she is saying. What she states is that there is no definite tracing of time using prophetic time anymore.
When have we used prophetic time? May I discuss this? Very rarely, or almost nowhere. It is like this. Look at Daniel 12.
What timelines do we find there? We have "time, times, and half a time," which are three and a half literal years. A time is a year—literal time, not prophetic time.
We used the 1290 days. Did we interpret them as 1290 years or as 1290 literal days? Literal days. We used the 1335 days as literal days as well, not as years.
So, nowhere in Daniel 12, which is our main and most important chapter for deciphering Revelation, did we use prophetic time. But, dear friends, what do we do with the prophetic timelines in Revelation 11? For example, there are the "three and a half days" during which the witnesses were dead.
Wait a moment. Three and a half days in prophetic time would equal 1260 days, right? But we found that it is actually 1290 days because we had the key in Daniel. So, it’s not 1260 days—it’s 1290 literal days. This is not prophetic time. "No direct tracing of definite time."
The next thing what we did was, we used the oath in Daniel 12 to find a number, a formula that led to a number: 168. Mice, or rats, or something else? We determined that it represented years. But is this prophetic time? Of course not. It’s symbolic time.
So, we never used prophetic time in the normal way that Protestants did. Never. And then we had to wait until an active comet would come and activate the Orion constellation again.
We had to watch the heavens—to watch and wait. That’s what we did. But now we are there.
And Ellen White was right. There is no definite tracing of time with prophetic time—it is impossible.
You need to have symbolic time, and you need the keys with literal time from Daniel 12 to unlock the timeframes of Revelation that are not written in prophetic time. There you have it. Now, let’s turn to the oath itself and the conclusion of this video.
I mentioned earlier that we need to determine when and where this oath is declared—"time no longer." As you’ve seen, it must relate to K2, which clothed Orion. It was in the head part, and it might be there when He has K2 in His hand, but that moment is not the end of time.
"Time no longer" has a second application. It cannot be again the same "no prophetic time," because we have not used prophetic time, nor does it simply mean "no more delay," as some suggest.
No, it must be something that signifies time stopping altogether, and this is something we have explained many times before. When does this occur? It happens in December of this year, when the full moon, representing the full bowl of wrath with all seven filled bowls, is visible, here, and K2 is in the highest position in Orion. This is the moment of the oath.
Orion lifts up His extended arm, even with the club, and K2 takes its final position before departing. There the Orion clock then stops forever to tick because it is no longer activated. When the Orion clock is no longer active, is then the oath—declaring "time no longer"—correct to utter? There is no time anymore. This coincides with the statement, "He comes quickly."
I have shown you all these wonderful aspects already. This is the oath, and at this moment, we reach the pinnacle of the chiastic structure found in Revelation chapters 15 and 16—this is the summit of the mountain. It’s also the highest point in the Orion constellation. This is exactly when Jesus Christ says, "I come quickly," and there is no more delay.
After spending so many years with the Orion message, I have seen again and again that it is a message of reconciliation. It is the great Day of Atonement we are talking about, and it holds the potential for reconciliation among Christians. Have you seen how this message plays its role in bringing about reconciliation?
There are so many debates about pre-rapture, post-rapture, post-plague, pre-plague. Some argue that we are here while God's wrath is poured out; others argue that we are not here. There are so many contradictions and seemingly contradictory verses in the Bible that unity seems impossible. But this great and marvelous sign that you have learned about now offers a way to bring unity, or at least it should.
Have you noticed that we are here during these plagues—the moon plagues, the vials of wrath? Yes, we are still present. But are we here during the outpouring of the great hail plague, which encompasses all the seven last plagues at once? No, the rapture occurs just a few days before.
So, both perspectives are correct. Those who say we are present during the plagues are correct because this refers to the time of the vials. And those who say we are not present when the plagues fall are also correct, because we are not destined to endure God’s wrath. We are not here when the plagues of Babylon fall, and the winepress is trodden outside the city of God.
Friends, I want to conclude this video, and I hope you’ve been able to follow along with this very solemn message. Now, I want to share with you one final moment of reflection and to relax. I’ve compiled all the studies from this video into one short three-minute clip.
Please enjoy it. And afterward, let me know—without me saying another word in this video—whether the sign you see now unfolding in these three minutes, right before your eyes in the heavens, is great and marvelous. Is it even greater and more marvelous than the sign we discovered in 2018, which we believed was also great and marvelous? I think this one is unmatched. Have a blessed Sabbath, and thank you for listening.
I look forward to seeing you next Sabbath for the last video, at least the last one I have planned to produce for you.
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