The Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee – Part 2
Once again, a happy Sabbath to you, dear friends. Of course, it’s not Sabbath here, but indeed today is Sunday.
I believe today is the 8th of September, 2024, and I’m here to record the next part of this series on the Great Orion Cycle and the 70th Jubilee. Last Sabbath, we discussed the 70th Jubilee theory, which stems from the traditional belief that the entrance into Canaan took place in 1406 BC. It is from this year, 1406 BC, that the count began of the 70 Jubilees that lead to the second coming of Christ. I’ll briefly explain this theory, and in this video, I intend to examine whether this theory holds true.
This is a very holy theme that we are discussing. In speaking of the Jubilees, we refer to the second coming of Christ. It involves the promise of our inheritance, which I believe signifies the restoration and giving back of Eden to humanity—the heavenly Canaan, the descent of the Holy City, and all those related events.
It also ties into God’s entire plan of redemption, which, of course, unfolds in various stages. When we began publishing the Orion message in 2010—actually, when I started to publish it, as I was alone at the time—it all traced back to a very special and significant year that marked a milestone: 2008. That year, I was able to decipher Daniel 12, specifically the oath of the man above the river, whom Ellen White and many scholars identify as Jesus Christ himself in a vision. In this vision, He appeared to Daniel and swore to two witnesses, one on either side of the river, while He stood on the river itself. This discovery was a critical milestone in uncovering the Orion message because the oath has both a spoken and a visual component. The visual aspect of the oath conveys and results in the number 168 years, symbolized within the scene itself, as Jesus spoke to the two witnesses about time, times, and half a time, answering Daniel’s question, “How long?” Speaking a time to two witnesses implies that the time must be doubled, as we previously explored in our Revelation 11 study in an earlier video.
So, we are dealing with a seven-year time frame. Now, the question is: where do these seven years belong? Are they in the future, in the past, or are we already living within them? When did all of this begin, and when did the 168 years occur?
We determined this in our first study of the Orion message, which you must read to follow along with what I’m saying. It’s published on the website, and we’ve referenced it countless times in nearly every article. To understand our articles and reasoning, you must study the original Orion message as it was. While some of the conclusions have been refined over time and were not entirely accurate at first, this is to be expected when studying the Bible. But we never give up; we keep refining our understanding.
One thing that has never needed refining is the 168-year judgment of the dead, which began with the white horse rider in 1846 and lasted for this famous time of 168 years until 2014. What happens after the judgment of the dead ends? Naturally, the judgment of the living begins, and we now know that this has been ongoing for 10 years.
The first Orion cycle I discovered was the judgment of the dead, which lasted 168 years. We started talking about it around 2012-2013 and eventually presented our findings. It was then that we discovered the Great Orion Cycle, which I mentioned in the last video.
This Great Orion Cycle also consists of 168 year segments, with a total duration of 4032 years—two spans of 2016 years. We call it the Great Cycle because it spans over four millennia. The duration of each of its 168 segments can be calculated, dividing 4032 by 168 to get 24 years.
So, the resolution of this clock is 24 years per tick, just as an hour has 60 minutes, and if you had a second hand, you’d count 3600 seconds. When we examine the Orion clock and notice a time marker of God, it signifies a time frame of plus or minus 24 years. This understanding is important when we begin to draw lines starting from Alnitak, the central star, through the outer stars and throne lines, marking specific years in Old Testament history. These provide us with divine pointers to significant events.
Now, I want to show you the original article we published in 2013 and the conclusions we reached at that time. As I mentioned in the previous video, we will find one error—not in the timing, but in the event. This must be clarified. We need to determine whether the Exodus could have occurred in 1446 BC. Does the Orion clock corroborate this, does the great Orion Cycle confirm an exodus in 1446 BC, or does it point to a different conclusion? If it suggests something else, we may need to refine our study once again. Alternatively, perhaps some Christian scholars have made mistakes that God is now correcting through the voice from Orion. We will see.
Now, let’s go to the original article we posted on February 13th, 2013. The author was my friend Robert Dickinson, who was living on my farm in Paraguay at the time. I remember clearly how we sat together at the round table, acknowledging that we still had much to learn about biblical genealogy and the various timeframes presented. It was—and still is—quite a daunting task. I’ll have to say many times to shorten things as we move forward in this video. 9:22
And perhaps, if you don't believe what I’m telling you, you may need to study this further on other websites that detail the various calculations, because I don't want to go through every single one. However, I will later show you proof of the totals so that, if you wish, you can verify them on other websites or in the Bible itself. But I must save time, as this is a vast subject, as you will see.
So, let’s go through the original article, *Seven Steps to Eternity*, from February 13, 2013. This was almost exactly a year before the judgment of the living would begin. Just a side note.
It relates to what we discovered and published in the *Christmas 2.0* article in 2012, where we began a detailed analysis of the Great Orion Cycle. Here is a timeline that shows the basic concept, which remains valid and has not needed any refinement.
Later in this video, we’ll see proof supporting our assumption that, with 168 ticks of 24 years each, the Great Orion Cycle spans 4032 years. We already knew from the *Christmas 2.0* article that Jesus was born in 5 BC, a date we nailed down, which can also be historically verified. From there, we count backwards and arrive at 4037 BC as the creation date. This differs from the traditional belief by a few years or decades, and we’ll explore the reasons for that.
I can tell you already upfront that it’s due to tradition. However, we will examine this proof from a different perspective, and another person will confirm that the other calculation has been manipulated. We came to this year by simply reasoning things out based on a dream I showed you in the last video. The creation of Adam occurred on the same day as the birthday of Jesus. In that way, we came to this cycle
This is the base structure—a thought and dream construction—but we now need to verify whether the other markers in the Great Orion Cycle point to logical and significant milestone dates in Old Testament history. This period is what we refer to as the pre-Christian era. Just to give you an overview, we also have the classical seals.
This is all depicted and explained in the original Orion study. Then we come to the first Orion cycle that I discovered, the Judgment of the Dead cycle. It began in 1846.
You’ve likely heard about this in other videos from our friends in Paraguay. This cycle ended in 2014. At the time, we weren't sure whether the plagues would begin in 2014 or 2015, and we believed they might. However, we now understand that the cycle truly ended on February 1st, 2014.
So, this is the pre-Christian era, and this is what I want to examine with you. During this era, we also have the Exodus, and we want to confirm the 1406 BC date because, if it’s correct, our 70th Jubilee would occur in 2025, and the second coming of Christ would happen that year.
If you've never seen the Orion clock, let me show you this picture. Look up like a child—this was my brother Robert’s idea to include that picture, and I like it. When you look up like a child, you see the Orion clock.
Here, you have the three belt stars: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. Then there are the shoulder or hand stars, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, and down here is Saiph, which is where we usually begin the cycles. Finally, there's Rigel, one of Orion's foot stars.
The idea that came to my mind was to understand Alnitak, the wounded one, as representing the Lamb of God at the center of God’s great clock in heaven. This clock has multiple cycles, as we’ve been able to uncover over the years.
Alnitak is the center of the clock, just as every clock needs a center where the minute, second, or hour hand is attached. I drew lines from Alnitak through the outer stars, from the shoulders and the foot stars of Orion. When you draw a circle around this and divide it into 168 segments, you get a pointer to a specific segment.
You can also draw lines from Alnitak through Alnilam, and another from Alnitak through Mintaka. These lines, which are closely aligned, are what we call throne lines because for us, Alnitak represents the Lamb, Jesus Christ, while the center represents God the Father, and the other line symbolizes the Holy Spirit. These three make up the Godhead.
This is why we refer to them as throne lines. This is a very brief overview of the Orion message. Of course, it contains several cycles, each with its own timeframe.
Today, we’re focusing mainly on the Great Orion Cycle, but this is a general understanding of how the clock works. We also have a beautiful animation created by our brother Robert, who is very skilled at making these. In this animation, you can see the Orion clock rolling down and drawing pointers along a timeline. 16:34
And here, for example, we have the creation, of course, followed by the flood. It would be incredible if the Great Orion Cycle points to the flood, which we believe it does. Then we have the Exodus, which is our main theme that we aim to prove, along with other significant events like the completion of the temple. These are all time markers where biblical scholars have established their timelines.
One very important event is the fall of Jerusalem in 677 BC, when King Manasseh was taken into captivity. So, this gives you an overview and understanding of how time is depicted in Orion.
Now, let’s shed more light on this. Here, we have marked the years that we were able to see and connect to key biblical milestone events.
We start at 4037 BC as the creation date. Then, after a full circle of 4032 years, we come to the birth of Jesus. The birthday of the first Adam and the birthday of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, both align on the same star line—Alnitak to Saiph.
This is important to understand. Essentially, it’s like a "birthday clock." Keep this in mind as we move forward: the birth of Adam, and 4032 years later, the birth of Jesus.
The next key date at the next pointer shows 2381 BC. You’ll notice a slight gap between the exact pointer and the year 2381 BC, which reflects the resolution of the clock. By using the creation date, we can calculate through the genealogy listed in Genesis 5 to pinpoint the exact number of years leading to the flood.
Many ancient scholars have already done these calculations numerous times, but they often begin with different creation dates, which leads them to different flood dates. However, based on our calculation, the flood occurred in 2381 BC. This is easily derived by tracing the genealogy from Adam to Noah and the flood.
Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood, and you can trace all the births of his sons and their descendants and his ancestors, all the way back to Adam. This time span can be easily calculated using the Bible, and many have done so. You can also verify this by studying other sources or simply by asking, for example, ChatGPT.
According to our studies, the flood occurred in 2381 BC, and fittingly, the red star Betelgeuse points directly to this catastrophic event. I would consider this a significant milestone because, as I mentioned earlier, it’s like a "birthday" for "new humanity." A new generation began after the flood, as everyone not belonging to God's people was wiped from the earth.
Only Noah and his family—eight people in total—were rescued in the ark. A new earth began, a new generation started, but it soon became defiled again. So, the next pointer, Alnitak-Bellatrix, points us to 1877 BC.
Now, according to our calculations and timeline, in 1877 BC... I can remember, this was a tough one. I remember we spent days and hours, yes, hours that turned into days, or maybe even a week. Every single evening, we sat together, studying and praying, trying to understand what event in 1877 BC this line was pointing to.
At the time, we believed we had found it. For us, it was Jacob’s ladder dream—the renewal of God’s covenant with Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. This was very important. He had fled from his brother Esau, who was furious, and Jacob had to leave to avoid being killed.
He rested at a place that would later be called Bethel, the "house of God." That night, while he slept, he dreamed of Jesus Christ standing high above a ladder, with angels ascending and descending. We now understand that this ladder to heaven—often called Jacob’s ladder—is represented by the throne lines of the Orion.
Indeed, some refer to it as the three Marys, while others call it the girdle stars, but it’s also known as Jacob’s ladder. What Jacob received in that dream was God’s promise that, through this ladder, humanity would one day ascend to heaven, to Jesus Christ. "Come up hither." 23:58
Revelation 11 mentions the two witnesses, and Orion is one of them. These connections are truly marvelous. After the flood, the next significant event shown in the Great Orion Cycle is Jacob’s ladder to heaven—the renewal of God’s covenant.
By that time, sin had once again crept in, and defilement had reappeared. Humanity was once more on a bad path. Even from Abraham to Jacob, we can already see some defilement within the holy family, the patriarchs. Jacob’s name means "liar," and he was indeed lying and pretending to be Esau in front of his father Isaac, who could barely see.
These are things we should not do if we desire to live holy lives. However, Jacob is one of the great patriarchs, and an important figure. He is the father of the 12 sons who became the tribes of Israel.
So, this is a very important moment: when God renewed His covenant with him in Bethel. Let me skip over the throne line here, and perhaps you noticed that we did not extend the throne lines through to the other side, as we did with the other cycles.
We didn’t paint this line through because we couldn’t identify any particularly important event for the so-called "left throne lines." In our terminology, these are the right throne lines. What we did find were the years 1583-1540 BC.
You’ll notice a small gap due to the deviation between the Mintaka-Alnitak and Mintaka-Alnilam lines. This timeframe seems to point to something significant. To be frank, we initially believed this pointed to the Exodus.
However, determining the exact date of the Exodus was extremely difficult, as it didn’t match what any group of scholars would say. We noted it because it seemed to be pointing to the Exodus. Full stop.
We had no other explanation. A very solid, well-established date, however, was-besides the other pointer of Saiph showing very exact years-a direct and immediate hit towards the Rigel pointer, at 677 BC, the captivity of Manasseh. This date is an archaeologically and historically fixed date.
You cannot change this year because there is overwhelming biblical, archaeological, and historical evidence supporting it. So, this is a nailed-down date.
Following the Exodus and Israel’s release from Egyptian captivity, the next captivity to befall God’s people was that of King Manasseh. Therefore, this is an incredibly important historical and biblical year date. This is, in summary, what our analysis of the Great Orion Cycle has revealed, showing us the key events God is highlighting.
As I mentioned, this functions like a "birthday clock." Jacob, in a sense, became the father of a new generation. While it wasn’t his literal birthday, it was a spiritual rebirth when he had his dream, as he was coming from a place of sin.
Jacob had committed treachery against his brother and was heading into exile. Yet, God renewed His covenant with him, and this must have marked Jacob’s spiritual rebirth, transforming him into what he would later become: Israel.
Now, let’s further analyze this right throne line, especially this one linked to the ominous Exodus and Jordan crossing dates. They are almost 40 years apart, so we initially thought this must represent the Exodus.
However, it only points to a short timeframe, and within this span, we must find a biblical event. We were intrigued to discover that these events are about 42-43 years apart, which aligns with the 42 stations of Israel during their wilderness wanderings.
So, we believed this could fit quite well, but the dates didn’t align perfectly with what other scholars had found or believed to be true. That’s why we think this needs further refinement.
We aim to determine, in detail, whether the 1406 BC date for entering Canaan is accurate. If so, the Exodus would have happened 40 years earlier, and so on.
Let’s be as detailed and precise as possible because this time, we have to correct it and we don't want to have any other errors. To that end, I asked our brother Ray, Pastor Ray, to recalculate all the Orion dates once more with the utmost accuracy, using the modern methods we’ve learned over the last 14 years. Here are the results of his recalculations.
As you can see, there’s not much difference. We’ll go through it.
We have the starting point at 4037 BC, and with the 24-year variation, it could be 4013 BC. But we can pinpoint the exact year because we understand the cycle. So, 4037 BC remains the creation date.
Then, looking at the left side, which we left out earlier (the Mintaka-Alnilam lines). We will come to that lines and will come to a very important date. Toward the end of this video, or possibly in the next part, I’ll explain what we found regarding the left front line.
Betelgeuse, marking 2405-2381 BC. So, what do we have here? 2381 BC. This is the flood date we identified, within the possible 24-year variation for each tick.
By the way, here’s the exact number you can calculate from the genealogy in Genesis 5: 1656 years. You can even Google it. 32:33
Many, many scholars have calculated this genealogy from creation to the flood because it’s a fixed number. This is a biblical number that can be directly calculated from the genealogy, starting with Adam and going through to Noah, knowing that the flood occurred in the 600th year of Noah’s life.
So, then we come to the Bellatrix point. We have here 1877 BC to 1853 BC. What do we have there? We exactly met the point on the deviation line, the most extreme left if you want, is Jacob’s ladder to heaven, which we calculated for this date.
Next, we come to the right front line, given by Mintaka and Alnilam. Alnitak-Mintaka is one line, and Alnitak-Alnilam forms the second line. This gives us a riddle.
These years range from 1565 BC to 1493 BC. So, that’s the riddle line. If you narrow it down, you’ll come to the range of 1541 to 1517 BC.
That would be the narrowest throne line possible. We’ll see that the important date falls exactly within the narrow limelight of this throne line. We had the Exodus dated at 1583 BC and 1540 BC.
So, no change. The lowest date is 1540, which falls within this range. And 1583 BC is outside of this calculated range.
1583 is outside of the range, beyond the most exact calculated range, which would be earlier than the leftmost date, if you will. So, we already see that this was not very exact.
These two dates must point to something else. The Exodus and the crossing of the Jordan must be something else. It’s not, not even very exact.
We were not satisfied with this, to be honest. But we had no other answer. Now we come to the Rigel line.
We wrote 677 BC. As I said, this is a date that cannot be changed. It’s historical.
The line is 677 BC at the exact point, on the left boarder line. And 653 BC is not necessary because we have a direct hit for that year on this line. So, what is it, then, if this throne line is not the Exodus?
Let me show you how difficult it can be to figure things out.
What I have now that we didn’t have back then is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence with access to vast data. It has been taught with historical data, and it has access to almost the entire internet, including historical books that we never had access to.
ChatGPT has access to all of this. So, in 2013, we weren’t able to find things that I can now find with the help of ChatGPT. It’s that simple.
So, what I did was I chatted with ChatGPT. I won’t show you the original chat, as that would take too long, but I’ll show you how it started a couple of days ago.
I don’t want to show you the final result yet, but I’ll show you how cumbersome it was to gather all the answers I’m about to present to you. This time I had to chat with ChatGPT for several days, almost a week, and it resulted in 137 pages of study notes, shown here at the left side.
This is a huge amount of material for a video. I’m showing you this so that you understand that the results I’m presenting to you don’t come from nowhere. This is the result of hard, hard study.
The result may be said quickly and then the effort is forgotten, but it took a lot of effort to get there. And all of this was done in collaboration with ChatGPT. On any of the 137 pages, it even said that this was marvelous—an incredible finding.
ChatGPT was amazed by the fact that there is a divine hand, overseeing all the major dates in human history and biblical history. It was enthusiastic about the discoveries we made and helped solve some problems with scholars’ calculations.
It also revealed reasons why scholars sometimes deliberately introduce errors into their calculations. This was an incredible study, and it took a long time to arrive at these exact points.
I started with the old dates from the previous Orion clock. First I provided to ChatCPT those dates until I realized I needed to use the newly calculated dates to narrow it down. When I asked ChatGPT for the narrowest and most exact limelight that the throne lines, the right throne lines, shed on a segment of the Orion clock—the Great Orion Cycle—we found only a few years between Mintaka and Alnilam: 1541 BC to 1517 BC. 39:47
So, that's only a couple of years. And there’s only one event that scholars have calculated to have taken place in the timeframe 1541 BC to 1517 BC. I’ll show you now in the chat.
Here’s what it is: the birth of Moses. I’ve told you before that this clock is like a birthday clock.
The birth of Moses, depending on the chronology, of course—and we’ll see which chronology puts the birth of Moses in this year. We’ll get to that, and I believe it will be the first "wow" moment.
Depending on the chronology, this period could point to, or be very exact to, the time of Moses' birth, who would later lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Traditional dating—not "tradition", but "traditional dating," because there's a difference—places the birth of Moses around or in 1526 BC. Let’s check that point: 1526 BC is earlier than 1517 BC and later than 1541 BC.
It falls exactly into the narrow limelight of that timeline painted by the throne lines. Now, who was Moses? Everyone knows. Moses was the liberator.
He was born to eventually free the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt during the exodus. Now, when did the exodus take place? It’s recorded in the Bible: Moses was 40 years old when he went into his exile, and he was 80 years old when he returned and initiated the plagues with Pharaoh. So, 80 years after his birth, the exodus happened. And another 40 years later was the entry into Canaan, which we are looking for.
So, let’s do the calculation. We take a simple calculator—no need to worry about the year zero because it doesn’t affect our count.
We have the birth year of Moses as 1526 BC. Now, subtract 80 years (because we’re dealing with BC). That would give us the year of the exodus: 1446 BC. And, as I’ll show you, 40 years later, they entered Canaan.
What was the famous date for the entry into Canaan? Subtract another 40 years, which brings us to 1406 BC. So here we are. Who are these traditional scholars that calculate Moses' birth year as 1526 BC? It’s exactly those who say the entry into Canaan was in 1406 BC, and this is precisely the year we’ve been looking for to begin the 70 Jubilee counts.
Here we are. So, studying further, I wanted to know exactly who these scholars are, how many of them believe in this, and what other theories are out there. I’ll give you a glimpse now of who supports this view and how many others have different beliefs.
So, I asked ChatGPT to help me figure out how many theories there are regarding the exodus and the entry into Canaan. I asked, "Can you explain which other dates for the exodus and the entry into Canaan have been proposed by other scholars? How many, and what are the differences compared to the 1406 BC date for the entry into Canaan? And how many scholars, in percentage terms, support each theory?" I really wanted to know, how many theories are existing.
And here is the answer:
"There have been various scholarly dates proposed for the exodus and the entry into Canaan. The traditional date of 1406 BC for the entry into Canaan, which places the exodus around 1446 BC (of course 40 years earlier), is widely accepted by many conservative scholars (i repeat: conservative scholars), particularly those who take a literal interpretation of biblical chronology.
Now, please listen carefully: a **literal interpretation** of biblical chronology. And this is what we want.
We want to take God at His word. We want to take the Gods word literally. And this is us.
So, I’m happy to report that the 1406 BC date aligns with that part of Christianity that takes God at His word and interprets the Bible literally. However, there are other theories, some of which place the exodus and entry into Canaan at different times. Let me explain the main scholarly viewpoints and their differences.
Let’s read:
Traditional, early date:
1446 BC for the exodus, 1406 BC for the entry into Canaan.
Many conservative scholars, and those who base their understanding on 1 Kings 6:1, which states that the exodus occurred 480 years before the construction of Solomon’s temple, around 966 BC.
Time difference:
This timeline assumes the Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness, entering Canaan around 1406 BC.
Percentage of scholars:
This is likely the most accepted view among conservative biblical scholars, especially those who emphasize the historical accuracy of the Bible. Exact percentages are difficult to determine, but a reasonable estimate would be that 30-50% of biblical scholars and historians may support this early date.
Now, Orion confirms this date with the birth of Moses in 1526 BC.
Late date (second theory):
1260-1250 BC for the exodus, and 1220-1210 BC for the entry into Canaan." 47:38
Proponents. Now, let's listen, if these are the people that we would support. Many modern historians and archaeologists suggest a later date for the exodus based on archaeological evidence and references to the Merneptah Stele, which mentions Israel as a people in Canaan around 1207 BC.
This theory also suggests that the exodus "could have" occurred during the reign of Ramesses II, and that the name of the city Ramses in Exodus 1:11 indicates this later time period. Yeah, that’s out of thin air.
Time difference: This places the exodus around 1260-1250 BC, with entry into Canaan around 1220 BC, resulting in a difference of about 186 to 200 years from the traditional date.
Percentage of scholars: The late date is supported by a significant number of scholars, particularly archaeologists.
Now, archaeologists are not theologians, and they are not Bible students, right? ... and secular historians. Are we secular or are we religious people? Exactly. The secular world believes something different than what the Bible says.
Many of these scholars prioritize archaeological evidence over a literal reading of biblical chronology. Rough estimates suggest that 40-60% of scholars might support this late date, especially among mainstream historical and archaeological circles.
Now, there’s a third group.
Alternative proposals and theories. There are other minor theories and proposals for the date of the exodus and entry into Canaan, but they have far fewer adherents.
Third intermediate Date: Some scholars propose dates in between the early and late dates, such as placing the exodus around 1300 BC. This is often an attempt to reconcile conflicting evidence from both biblical texts and archaeology. For what?
Non-historical interpretations: A number of modern scholars argue that the exodus and conquest narratives are theological constructs rather than historical events. Enemies of the Bible. They do not assign a specific date. It had not happened anyway
In any case, these scholars deny that a literal historical exodus took place and view the story as symbolic of Israel's origins. Let’s say, those are pagans.
We’re not interested in this group.
There’s a summary of key differences and percentages, but let’s get to the conclusion to keep it short.
In conclusion, the 1406 BC date for entering Canaan remains a widely supported view among conservative scholars, and we would say we are part of that group, while the later date around 1220 BC is favored by many modern historians and archaeologists.
So the next question I had was: If we narrow it to those that believe the Bible is literal, do we only have the early date, right?
Answer: Yes. If we narrow it down to scholars who believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, then the early date for the exodus, 1446 BC, and the entry into Canaan, 1406 BC, is the dominant and most widely accepted position. Confirmed now by Orion.
Okay, let’s read the key points. Literal Bible scholars generally rely on the timeline provided in 1 Kings 6:1, which states that the exodus occurred 480 years before Solomon's temple was built, around 966 BC. This calculation gives the date of 1446 BC for the exodus and 1406 BC for the entry into Canaan, and of course, 1526 BC for the birth of Moses. 52:30
These scholars tend to follow the genealogies—yes, we want to do that—chronologies—yes, we want to use them—and historical events—yes, we are researching those—described in the Old Testament as literal and historically accurate. Archaeological findings that suggest later dates, such as those involving the Merneptah Stele, are often either reinterpreted or considered less reliable compared to the biblical text.
Conclusion: Yes, for those who believe in the literal biblical account, the early date—1446 BC for the exodus, 1406 BC for the entry into Canaan—is generally the only accepted timeline.
Amen. This group would reject the later dates proposed by archaeologists or secular scholars. So we are coming to a union with our great Orion cycle, with conservative Bible readers. This is good news, because what we want is unity among Christians.
So, I asked directly to ChatGPT, and after hundreds of pages, it understood a lot about the throne lines and that stuff. I explained all that to ChatGPT so it could give its opinion about it. I asked, "So if the right throne line of Orion shows a date for Moses' birth between 1541 BC and 1517 BC, the narrow limelight, which theory would be proven right?"
"If the right throne line of Orion shows the date for Moses' birth between 1541 BC and 1517 BC, this time frame would support the early date theory for the exodus and entry into Canaan. Here’s why:
Moses is traditionally believed to have been 80 years old at the time of the exodus. I explained that. If he was born between 1541 and 1517 BC, and if the exodus occurred when Moses was 80, this would place the exodus roughly between 1461 BC and 1437 BC.
This aligns closely with the early date theory, which places the exodus in 1446 BC and the entry into Canaan in 1406 BC. Thus, the early date theory would be proven right based on the time frame for Moses' birth shown by the right throne line of Orion, in the Great Cycle of course."
Does it point to Moses' birth? Yes, definitely. Between 1541 BC and 1517 BC, we calculated that he was born in 1526 BC. This is the accepted date for the birth of Moses by conservative biblical scholars who read the Bible literally.
Let's talk once more about the birthday clock: the birthday of Adam, the birthday of Jesus, the birthday of a new generation after the flood, the rebirth of Jacob becoming the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. He himself was called Israel by God, changing his name from liar to father of Israel.
The birthday of Moses, and 120 years later, the entry into Canaan. Very important for another study of the left throne line. Remember that this is not only about the birth of Moses but also the birth of the first generation of those who would inhabit Canaan. Could that also point to a 120-year time frame in our time, leading us to the heavenly Canaan? Yes, you will see that it is so.
Birthdays. Manasseh was led into captivity in 677 BC, but Manasseh repented in captivity, and he came back to Jerusalem as a different person. He repented. He realized something had gone wrong. That was also like Jacob's rebirth—a renewed Manasseh.
And then Jesus Christ, who takes away all the sins of the world, was born in 5 BC. Not his death on the cross, but his birthday. So we have indeed a birth and rebirth clock in the Great Orion Cycle with incredibly important milestones in the history of humanity from the religious, biblical viewpoint. Divine interventions, divine milestones, a very holy place, the holiest of holy things we are talking about. 58:23
So I promised to show you the left front line, but before we do that, I want also to corroborate once more, because it was really a deep study, to the 1877 date and the flood date of 2381, because this is not so clear for the conservative scholars. So let's check first the great flood date which is really pivotal and that's simple. You know that we set it to 2381 BC and because this is in the time frame of the clock marker, Betelgeuse clock marker, Alnitak Betelgeuse line. This can be calculated by the genealogy in Genesis 5. So I asked ChatGPT with a typo in my question: When would have been the great flood if creation occurred in 4037 BC? Here's the 4037 BC.
If creation occurred in 4037 BC, we can calculate the timing of the great flood based on the genealogical information given in the Bible, specifically Genesis 5 and Genesis 7. According to the genealogies, the flood occurred in the 600th year of Noah's life. To calculate the time from creation to flood... I do not read now everything, but here is all the calculations done and so on and so on. This gives us the 1656 years after creation date of the flood.
If creation occurred in 4037 BC, the great flood would have occurred, here's the calculation, 2381 BC. An exact hit. But while we are in complete unity with the scholars about the years from creation to flood, the flood date and the creation date, of course, they vary between us. So that must have had reasons why this is so.
Because these conservative scholars, they really seemed to have tried their best to understand the Bible literally. But they come to a different creation date and so they also logically come to a different flood date than we can read it in the heavens. And the heavens declare the glory and the time frame in the great clock of Orion, of God.
So where does this discrepancy come from? And this is what I asked ChatGPT. Is it possible that those scholars that agree with me and us in the Exodus date and all the other dates, all the other dates are absolutely correct. 677 BC and so on. These 1877 BC date as you will see perfectly coincide with that what the scholars calculated.
Is it possible that those scholars that agree with me in the Exodus date wanted to come to a date very near the traditional belief that creation happened around 4000 BC or even 3997 BC-which is more or less a Jewish estimation-so that they pressed their calculations into that limited time frame fixed in their minds. Perhaps they condensed the genealogy of the patriarchs or others-other genealogies or other historical data in the Bible-into their assumed time frame, so that they would reach a commonly accepted date.
Why would they do so? Let's listen what ChatGPT opines. Yes, the intelligence says, it's very possible that scholars who accept the 1446 BC Exodus date may have felt a need to align the creation date with the commonly held belief that creation occurred around 4000 BC. This idea of a 4000 BC creation is deeply rooted in study...
No tradition... It's tradition only. Where does this tradition come from? From the traditional Catholic Church of course.
...stemming largely from Bishop Usher's chronology. Who was Bishop Usher? Of which church was he? ...and similar early calculations. Scholars who were aware of this widespread acceptance may have felt compelled to fit their interpretation of the biblical genealogies within this established time frame. It's tradition's pressure.
Reasons for pressing the genealogies. First, traditional influence. The idea that creation occurred around 4000 BC has been long accepted by many biblical scholars and institutions.
So later scholars might have felt pressured to work within this framework. Social and religious institutional pressure. This would involve adjusting, manipulating the genealogies of the patriarchs to fit within the presumed minus 4000 BC date.
Avoiding controversy. By aligning the creation date with what was already commonly accepted around 4000 BC, scholars could avoid raising unnecessary controversy. There was no clock in heaven for them that would prove them wrong at that point and confirm then others.
This might lead them to respectively have led them to make small adjustments or interpretations of the patriarchal genealogies in order to avoid straying too far from the traditional timeline. Yeah, so much far we are not away with 4037. It's 37 years compared to 4000 years.
But the 4037 BC date is a hit, as you will more and more see, because all the other time pointers point to the important exact dates that can be calculated backwards also. Third, symbolic or flexible use of genealogies. Some scholars might have viewed the genealogies as symbolic or representative rather than strictly literal.
But this belongs to the other groups that I showed you before. To the modern theologians and archaeologists and it belongs also to the pagans. So this is not what I was asking for.
I was asking for the conservatives, why they have come to a different creation date. So, conclusion. It's quite possible that the common belief in a 4000 BC creation influenced scholars to press the genealogies into a framework that would result in a creation date close to 4000 BC.
This could explain why some scholars, despite agreeing with you on the exodus date, arrived at a later creation date than your 4037 BC, possibly to align with traditional expectations. So I hope I explained that point now clearly. They tried to do something that God is not confirming with the heavens.
We have to look up and then we come to the truth and the Holy Spirit leads us through looking up as a child into the into all the truth. So, believe it or not, that was the easy part, the simple part. I have now to come to a theme that is really a great controversy between the scholars.
It is about the Bellatrix 1877 to 1853 time frame. What exactly and really is Bellatrix pointing to? What is the history that God wants to highlight with this wonderful star line Alnitak-Bellatrix? Is it something important? Is it really Jacob's dream of the ladder to heaven, which would be a wonderful corroboration with the Orion great cycle being the ladder to heaven? And Orion enthusiasts even call the three belt stars Jacob's Ladder. So from the date of Moses' birth, respectively the Exodus (taking for granted Moses' birth in 1526 BC, the Exodus in 1446 BC, and all these logical dates like 1406 BC for entering Canaan), and counting backward with a special 430-year prophecy of the Bible, do we come to these Bellatrix dates?
Where do we come to? Let’s do the calculation. So, let me first show you in the Bible where the 430 years come from. It comes from the Exodus, of course, from Exodus 12:40 and 12:41.
We have to read that. "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt was 430 years. And it came to pass at the end of the 430 years, even the selfsame day, it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt." Now, when we calculate from the Exodus date backward 430 years, where do we land? Let's take the Exodus date that we found and could pretty nicely prove with Moses's birth—1446—and because we are in BC, we have to add 430 years (and inclusive count is even plus one).
Then we come to the date 1877 BC. Can you remember where we found that? Now the Orion great cycle is directly pointing to this year, 1877 BC. It’s even in the fall because the creation of Adam started in the fall.
My brother Ray, and our pastor Ray, did this very, very exactly. 1877 BC is a direct hit with the 430 years for the sojourning of Israel in foreign lands. In Egypt, they say even.
So how exact is that? This seems to be perfectly exact. Many are now tempted to say, "Okay, 1877 BC, calculating everything backward from the traditional understanding of the Exodus, the entry into Canaan, and Moses's birth brings us to Exodus minus 430, to 1877 BC (or 1876 BC)." That was the year when Jacob came together with his son Joseph and his family. They entered Egypt, and then the 430 years began. But there is a problem, and this problem has never been solved in all the history of the historians of the Bible—and we will do that. I promise we will do that, and we need the Orion great cycle to do that.
So, we did not put 1877 BC in for that event; we put a different event there. And we put, as you saw many times, Jacob's ladder dream there. Now, the scholar's opinion—and this is based on hard biblical study and we can confirm that—is that Jacob was 77 years old when he had the ladder dream. I can show you how the calculation has to be done if you do it diligently and correctly.
Which Bible verse tells us that Jacob was 77 years old when he had the ladder-to-heaven dream? The Bible does not explicitly state Jacob's age when he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. However, through biblical chronology, scholars estimate that Jacob was around 77 years old at that time. This estimation is based on piecing together various events in Jacob's life.
The dream itself is recorded in Genesis 28:10-12, where Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven as he is on his way to Haran, but the specific age of Jacob is not mentioned directly in the text. Then I asked how we calculate the 77 years. Now, I leave it to you, and I’ll scroll slowly so that you can stop the video and see how this is calculated.
I have to shorten things here, but this is all based on true biblical study, and as you will see, we can confirm that date later. But now arises a true problem. This is all calculated nicely, but Jacob in 1877 BC was not 77 years old. He had a different age. When you calculate now from the flood—being in our timeframe, as we see in Orion, 2381 BC—we use the genealogy in Genesis 11, and we calculate to Jacob and when he was born. Then we have exactly how old he was at the 1877 BC point, and you will see that’s a big problem. So to make it easy—but you can do that absolutely by yourself—I asked again ChatGPT. But this time, everything is checked. I did that in an Excel spreadsheet for myself and my community, and it's all checked, and the dates are correct.
So I would ask you, ChatGPT, once more to do the perfect timeline from the flood—estimated or set now as seen in Orion, 2381 BC—up to when Jacob was 77 years old, as the scholars' calculation would be for the dream of Jacob’s ladder. Here’s the perfect timeline from the flood in 2381 BC up to when Jacob was 77 years old. The flood, as mentioned—Arphaxad’s birth was two years after the flood, directly mentioned in the biblical genealogy text. Then we calculate all the birthdays—the birthday clock of the patriarchs—and we come to Jacob's birth in 1929 BC. Then we calculate simply when Jacob would have been 77 years old, and we come to a contradiction—we come to 1852 BC. 1:16:08
Who was awake saw this date, or at least something very near to that date, something in the timeline, something in the Bellatrix pointer. Let's have a look again. Here are the Bellatrix data, and we had this 1877 date, but this is obviously not when Jacob was 77 years old, but rather 1853 BC.
Here, fall is the rightmost limit of the Bellatrix timeline—24 years, remember? Fall gives us the right limit, but years are calculated in Jewish thinking from fall to fall. That’s the religious Yom Kippur count. We even have Yom Kippur (YK) mentioned when it was finally inaugurated with keeping the feast days in Canaan. But here, of course, we have to say fall, because it was not Yom Kippur yet—it was not existing at that time.
But 1853—if you write it in the correct terms, you would write it as 1853 to 1852 BC. We do this in our studies, normally putting a slash, so we would write 1853/52. Then you have exactly that year, and this is exactly to the point—the year in which, according to the calculated timeline from the flood in 2381 BC to Jacob's age of 77, he had the dream, when he was leaving, fleeing from his brother, and having the dream where a rebirth happened.
So, he would have repented. He would have been pardoned by God. God sent him an affirmation of the covenant with him. So, now we would not have placed this event here in 1877 BC, but in 1853/52, there Jacob would have been 77 years old. We have a perfect hit this time on the right limit, as the flood was also on the right limit.
Okay, now is this the beginning of the 430 years? No, because we just did the calculation. Remember, we just did the calculation—1446 plus 430 plus one year brings us to 1877. Wait a minute—so it was not Jacob's entry into Egypt, and it was also not Jacob's dream about the ladder.
How can we reconcile the ladder dream and the 430 years with our exodus date of 1446? That is a big riddle that has to be solved.
Let’s do a simple calculation that just tells us how many years we are off from the 430-year sojourn count, as we have seen in Exodus. So, the simple count is the following. Now we have 1853 minus the exodus year 1446, and this brings us to 407 years. So, instead of 430 years, as the biblical text seems to say, we have only 407 years from Jacob's ladder dream until the exodus.
This is really a big problem. Nobody, not even the scholars, really knows how exactly to set this 430 timeline.
The interesting point is that we have another biblical text that also speaks about a time frame of about 400 years. To be exact, it speaks about 400 years. So, 400 years instead of 430 years would be much nearer to the solution of the problem.
Where do we find this text? This text is found in Genesis 15:13. Let's read the context:
"And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?" So, it’s Abraham talking to God—to Yahweh, to Jesus Christ before He was born as a human.
And He—Jesus—said unto him, "Take me a heifer of three years old, and a she-goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon." Abraham wanted a confirmation of the covenant.
"And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst"—this is the way contracts were done in that time—"and laid each piece one against another, but the birds divided he not. And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him."
"And He said unto Abram, 'Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them for 400 years.'"
This is Jesus Christ speaking here, and this is holy—holy, holiest ground.
In the Exodus account, it says 430 years. Who spoke there? Most people believe that the first five books of the Bible were written by Moses himself. 1:23:01
So, it’s most probably Moses who wrote the book of Exodus, because he experienced that time. So, it was Moses speaking from his understanding, and we wrote a pretty interesting series of his view about things, which was partially erroneous. In the wilderness wandering Moses even had to learn the calendar of God because it had been forgotten. Moses is an inspired person, of course, so the 430 years are not wrong, but they have a different meaning than he probably understood. But this is Jesus Christ speaking here, so we should take the 400 years promised with an oath, with a covenant, and with the ceremony of a covenant, very, very, very seriously.
Now we are seven years off. If you remember, for the sojourning, we had the calculation of 1853 (the ladder dream) minus 1446, which gave us 407 years. Seven years off. Seven is a wonderful number. All our Orion cycles are constructed with sevens. Seven years is one hour in the judgment cycle in the Orion clock. Seven years is a wonderful and interesting number to be off.
Now, where do I put it? My problem is that I know where in the Bible this difference of the seven years is. It cost me something like a whole night of wrestling with Jesus Christ until He revealed to me that He had given me the key about 14 years ago already—actually, even longer than that, back in the year 2008.
I don’t want to spill all the beans of Part Three. In Part Three, we will talk about what the Great Orion Cycle really is. The Great Orion Cycle is a depiction of the oath of Jesus Christ to two witnesses. He Himself stood on a river and said something there, and this oath—like the oath to Abraham—was in a holy setting.
We have two witnesses on both sides. On the throne lines, we have two witnesses: one is Moses, and the other, I won’t reveal in this part, but in the next. And we have Jesus lifting both His hands for the oath in Daniel 12. Let’s read it.
Here is the scene: "Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, there stood other two, two witnesses, one on this side of the bank of the river and the other on that side of the bank of the river." This points to the two witnesses: one is Moses, and the other we will find out later.
"And one said to the man clothed in linen, who was upon the waters of the river, 'How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?'"
That’s the question: how long to the end of wonders?
"And I heard the man clothed in linen"—and almost every scholar in the world deciphers that this man in linen is our heavenly High Priest, Jesus Christ Himself—"which was upon the waters of the river, when He held up His right hand and His left hand"—Betelgeuse and Bellatrix—"and swore." Now we have swearing. We’ll come to that.
"And He swore by Him that lives forever"—a very holy, holy oath of Jesus Christ Himself to His Father—"that it shall be for a time, and times, and a half." A time is one year, times is two years, and a half is half a year—three and a half years. But it’s sworn to two witnesses, so this is two times three and a half years, which is seven years.
"And when he"—the bad one, the devil—"shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished."
What does Jesus do here? He adds to the 400 years that had been given as a promise—an oath to Abraham—He adds seven years. He says when all the power has been scattered, when the Israelites have been completely destroyed by slavery in Egypt, then a liberator, Moses, will be sent to them, and they will be liberated. And these seven years, nobody has, because they don’t have the Great Orion Clock that puts the correction of the 400 years plus seven years, bringing us to the 77 year old Jacob, when he left his brother and went into exile.
You can believe this because I can now show you that we also have an explanation for the 430 years, and it makes sense. 1:29:31
Let’s look at Galatians and what Paul says about the 430 years. We find that in Galatians 3:17: "And this I say, that the covenant"—so everybody believes now that’s the covenant with Abram—"that was confirmed before of God in Christ." So, he says there was Christ. This is what we say too. "The law, which was 430 years after,"—so, when was the law given? In the first year in the exile, in the wilderness—the first year in the wilderness wandering—"cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect."
But now we have a contradiction between Paul, who says, "Oh, this is the 430 years back to Abraham when Christ made the covenant with him," and Moses himself wrote in Exodus that the 430 years was all the time in Egypt. And we have to solve these contradictions if we are good Bible students, because the Bible must confirm itself. If we find apparent contradictions, we have to solve them so that everything comes into harmony. This is our duty to do. We have to prove the Word with itself. The Word of God is not chaos and is not in disharmony, as you will now see perfectly.
Paul adds to this difficult sentence one hint, and this hint gives us the understanding of what really happened at the beginning of the 430 years until the law was given in the first year after leaving Egypt. We read on in Galatians 3:18: "For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise." He points to the inheritance—clearly to the inheritance.
Now, think: which inheritance was compromised? Which inheritance was not according to the birth line of the patriarchs? There was one patriarch who was treacherous, pretty witty but treacherous. His name is Liar, and Liar in the Hebrew language is Jacob. Jacob, of course, later became Israel, as you know, when he fought with Jesus a whole night and had a problem with his hip, as I have on the right side.
Jacob was that seed of Abraham who, through his treachery, brought disgrace upon himself and Israel when he bought his birthright. And I told you this is a "birthday" or birth clock—and, of course, also a "birthright" clock. So, in Genesis 25:29 onward, he bought his birthright for just a dish of lentils. This is the point where there was a break in honesty in the timeline of the patriarchs. Normally, Esau would have been the firstborn, and so he would have had the right of the firstborn—the birthright.
Ellen White wrote about this event, and she said that if Rebekah and Jacob had done nothing and just waited for God’s promise to fulfill, then nothing would have happened, and God would have done the thing so that, in time, Jacob would have effortlessly received the birthright through God’s plan and His decisions. But Jacob wanted to come before God, and this great sin needed recompense. And the recompense for this great sin was decreed by the 430 years.
Let’s go back one last time to Genesis 15:13, to Jesus’ promise to Abraham that Paul mentions, but Paul does not say it starts with Abraham—it has to do with inheritance. And He said unto Abraham, "Know of a surety"—I swear to you—"that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs." Who of the descendants, the seed of Abraham, would be the first one who would have to go into exile in a strange land? It was Jacob, when he had to flee from his brother Esau. He went into exile because of double treachery—he bought the birthright.
Now we can calculate when that happened, and this backs up the sentence of the 430 years. But the real exile—the punishment—would start from the moment Jacob had to flee from his home and go into exile. The oath continued to the end of all sojourning, not only for him but also for the sojourning of the Israelites, who would later bear his name, because Jacob later became Israel.
So the 400 years—better, the 407 years—they include both the sojourning of Jacob himself and that of Israel, his descendants, as a punishment for what he did at the beginning of the 430 years with the first act of double treachery against his brother: the purchase of the birthright for a dish of lentils. God cannot be mocked. And read it again: "A stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them"—as Jacob served Laban in Haran—"and they shall afflict them 400 years," meaning both Jacob and the Israelites later in slavery in Egypt. That’s the story.
Now, the calculation is simple. We have the correction of the 400 years plus an additional Orion judgment-cycle hour of seven years. We come to 407 years. And now look at this: Bellatrix, a lifted hand for an oath of Jesus, and this time even two hands—Betelgeuse too—swearing to a certain witness that we will find out in the third part, and to Moses with the Bellatrix hand.
So we have here: 1877 BC plus 430 years brings us to 1446 BC for the exodus, the left limit of the Bellatrix pointer. The 24-year later right limit, 1853 BC, which we calculated as the perfect year when Jacob was 77 years old, and he had to wait another 400 plus seven years—that brings us again to 1446 BC as the exodus and the end of the punishment.
Friends, are we on holy ground? Jesus, our God and the Creator of Orion and the Great Clock in heaven, nails the 1446 exodus date with two timelines and two prophecies in an exact star pointer with a segment limit of 24 years. When you don’t have that, you can never solve the disputed problem of the 400 and 430 years that scholars have been discussing for centuries, and nobody finds a solution because you need two oaths of Jesus Christ: the oath to Abraham mentioned by Paul in Galatians, and the oath to Daniel—or in front of Daniel—to two important personalities of the Bible.
Watch for the third part, friends. We are on holy ground, as I’ve said many times now. We deciphered what scholars have tried to decipher for hundreds and hundreds of years—the complete and total timeline from creation to Jesus’s birth. And we could only do it with the help of the Orion Great Timepiece.
Now, are there more insights we can take from this? Yes, and I tell you frankly, I believe a third part is necessary for that. I’ll give you a short preview of what you can expect for next Sabbath. I don’t want to make the videos too long. What we never could find was the left throne line, but now, having nailed the dates, the years, the great anchor points like Moses being born 80 years before their liberation, that brings us to the understanding of what the left throne line—one we never drew because it was too difficult for us—is really pointing to.
We will come to a marvelous conclusion. If we take Moses’s time frame from his birth until the entry into Canaan—120 years, the same year as his death—and the timeline on the other side that will also give us a number of years, this will bring us to a conclusion for our time. This will bring us to both the generation that has been judged in the judgment of the dead and the generation that will see Jesus coming in the clouds without tasting death. All these timelines point to a pivotal year in this movement’s history, if not the most pivotal year, confirmed by two throne pointers of the throne lines of the Great Orion Cycle.
This is then the ultimate proof that this movement has the truth and has been led by the Holy Spirit into all truth. And then, when we come to these lines, we are directly in the Holy Place in heaven because this year has already happened. This was when Jesus was still interceding in the Most Holy Place as our heavenly Advocate, the true High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. This is then the most holy ground, and we will enter into this Most Holy Place, at least in the spiritual sense, next Sabbath.
I hope you will be back and check out what I found for you. Amen.
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