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The Last Countdown – Part 1

Happy Sabbath, and welcome back one last time to my little office on Nevis Island, the small island in the Caribbean Sea where God has directed me to be for this time. It’s a very special time, as you saw in the last videos, and it is truly the last messages that God has for Christianity. But, as you also know, almost nobody will listen.

We have now reached the last video of this final series that I wanted to produce for you, so that you would know the results of all the years of study that began for me around 2004. It’s been a long time, 20 years, and next year it will be 21 years. Daniel fasted for three weeks, which is 21 days, and it has indeed been a time of fasting for me as well, because we were in sackcloth and were even dead for a certain period.

Today I have two themes, but they all work together with the themes of the last videos. The two themes in this video, which I planned to call “The Last Countdown” as a reference to the website, with which we started in 2010 to publish the Orion message, are the harvest—the harvest texts of Revelation 14—and the last two woes. Originally, I was planning to include at least parts of what I shared in the last video about the great and marvelous sign, especially the moons.

The filling up and emptying moons in these plagues—not the seven last plagues, but these plagues of the vials—because they showed so nicely as seven steps of filling up, a count-up, and then seven steps to empty, to be poured out. This led me to the idea of calling this video with this “The Last Countdown.”

But God wanted it other, He had different plans. While I was studying these themes, we also found the solution to the harvest texts, how the harvest texts now really play out in the heavens. I’ll show you a little later the many attempts, or at least the major efforts, we made to decipher the harvest texts.

They are not simple, and there have already been opportunities or ideas on how they could be deciphered, but we never achieved a perfect interpretation because, quite simply, it wasn’t yet the time of the harvest. You will see in this video that what I have now for you is, like the other great and marvelous sign, unbeatable.

Yet, this still doesn’t fully explain why I didn’t change the title of this video. I still call it “The Last Countdown.” And unfortunately, I will have to end all my series, all my videos, all my writings, and all my studies with a sad theme, with the two remaining woes, especially the second woe.

Because indeed, it’s not over. We thought it would be over, but it’s not. And when you see what this second woe is, you will understand that it includes God’s last countdown.

I don’t want to reveal everything here at the beginning of the video, but it is a countdown: 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. And it is soon. We are already in this last countdown. So I ask you not to be sad if I have to end it with this terrible ordeal that comes directly from God.

I’ll say that, on one hand, I am truly sad, but on the other hand, I am also relieved that it’s finally coming to pass. Because this world, as it is, cannot continue. It’s impossible.

It’s a world without God. And even the Holy Spirit has now been so heavily refused in the latter rain intents of the Lord that He withdraws. And of course, this is not a wonderful, nice message.

But remember, all these things have to happen so that in the end, Jesus can come and take His people to Himself. Every single step, whether it’s a woe or not, is a birth pang. Every single step we see of more depravation in the world shows us that God’s wrath is kindled.

We know that in the end, a great flame, a great torch, will pass through the sacrifices. And the Abrahamic covenant will be fully delivered. Our inheritance is the stars.

I wrote an entire book about this. And never lose hope. Never lose sight of Jesus at the top of Orion’s ladder.

This is what I want to give you already now at the beginning of this video. Never have fear because love extinguishes, takes away all fear. God’s true people have nothing to fear.

Jesus is always with us—with you. Jesus is always loving.

He has gotten the Father’s wrath. But this does not mean that He is wrathful against His people. He still loves them.

But there are so many misunderstandings about how to belong to God’s flock. I hope that the videos, the teachings, the writings, and the books over the last 14 years have done a little part in explaining what it takes to belong to God’s sheep. If you want to belong to God’s people, then you will be part of the wheat harvest.

And that would be good news. But if you do not belong to God's people, you will be part of the vintage, the grape harvest. And then you would be thrown into the winepress.

The winepress is trodden outside the city—the city of God, the holy city, where all the redeemed will be when the earth is destroyed. So try to belong to the good wheat and not to the bad grapes.

You will see two sickles in this video, two sharp sickles, one after the other. Try to be harvested by the first one, which belongs to the wheat harvest. I want to begin this video with a declaration from Ellen White, the prophetess of the Adventist church.

You all know that we have an Adventist background, but we are not part of the Adventist church anymore because the Adventist church has fallen into total apostasy. This declaration shows that 124 years ago, the Adventists were already searching for the harvest. Let me read it for you.

"The message of the angel following the third, is now to be given to all parts of the world." Already in 1900. "t is to be the harvest message, and the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God." This points directly to the angel of Revelation 18:1, who has great power and enlightens the whole world with God's glory.

"The Lord has this one more call of mercy to the world"—one more call. This video now.

"But the perversity of man diverts the work from its true purpose, and the light has to struggle amid the darkness of men who believe themselves competent to do a work that God has not appointed them to do." Now look, we have been working for 14 years in the fourth angel’s message, and we identify ourselves with this angel of Revelation 18:1, who comes shortly before Jesus himself calls His people out of Babylon to avoid receiving her plagues. And now you know what "her plagues" are.

It’s the seven angels—Orion, having multiplied himself sevenfold—coming over the world in one day. And this signifies the final vintage when this happens. This declaration by Ellen G. White is very important.

It says that the harvest message must go out during very difficult times. It’s a dark time, a time when people who believe they are called by God, or at least assume or pretend to have been called by God, do a work that was never appointed to them.

Look, we are surrounded on YouTube by so many highly successful channels with messages that have never been given by God—never, ever. You can already sense that something is wrong when someone just receives messages from God and interprets them themselves. These people have received nothing from God.

We have struggled with these people. We have even tried to convince them of the truth. They would never respond or respond positively—if they respond at all, it’s only to say that we are wrong.

They believe themselves to be prophets, hearing the voice of God. But God speaks to us through His word, through the Bible, and through the other book, the book of nature. This is the way God chose to bring His messages to the world—not through prophets who receive dictated statements. This is not God’s way in these times.

It is a test to study. And if you do not study, if you lack wisdom, if you cannot decipher, and if you are not interested in God’s word itself, then you will never find the heavens as a key; then you will never understand and will not belong to the wheat. If you simply follow prophets who take a phrase or term from any verse in Revelation and turn it into a five-minute message, and then thousands follow without sense, connection, or logic—these are not God’s prophets.

God’s prophets are people who are deeply engaged in Bible study, who are deeply engaged and connect themselves in prayer to understand what God expressed already thousands of years ago. These are the prophets—not those who receive dictations. The darkness of this world, as Ellen G. White says, comes from people like these, who are easy to follow and believe because it’s simple to think they have received a message from God.

"Oh, the harvest is near. Oh, the rapture is near. Oh, we will be raptured without seeing any problems or plagues."

I have proof that this is not so. Have you been here during the corona crisis? Have you been tested? Did you take the vaccination? Did you allow governments and pharmaceutical companies to alter your DNA? Were you tested? Were you here? Was it a plague? Is a pandemic a plague? And what did so many pre-rapture prophets tell us? They said we would not be here when the plagues fell. But this was a plague.

It was the first woe. And as we approach the woes, there will be a second and a third. And here’s the bad news: if you are here in the third, you belong to the vintage.

The good news is that you will be here in the second, and it is, again, a test, as you will see. So, beware of the false prophets. Beware of people who have no clue of Bible prophecy, who even admit they don’t understand the Word, yet claim they’ve been given a word from Jesus, dictated in the night or early morning—maybe at 5:14 am—and then point to a Strong’s number without knowing its meaning.

People, don’t be easily deceived. Check everything for yourself. Study the Bible.

Check what we say. Open the Bible. Read.

Check if our connections are right or wrong. So, now to the theme. The harvest itself, of course, has two parts.

I am not here to explain the entire harvest itself, like the wheat harvest for the good and the vintage for the bad. This has been covered in thousands and thousands of sermons by others, in Jesus Christ’s parables about the harvest. He speaks also of the harvest, the reapers are the angels, and so on.

You know all these things. I am not here to give you milk again. I am here to explain how a clock of God in the heavens shows you the text depicted and played out in the heavens, so that you will know the timing of the harvest.

I am here to give you the timing. It is a last warning. God shows on a clock in heaven how the two harvests will take place and when.

So, when you know the vintage has come, and the wheat harvest is over, and you would even know when the wheat harvest begins, you would know that this time frame shown is your last chance. If you have not repented by now, if you still do not keep the Ten Commandments—and I showed you in the video “Seven Blessings to Eternity”—I showed you, you do not receive a blessing if, in the time of the outpouring of the moons, you are still not keeping the commandments. Blessed are those who keep the commandments.

If you still go to church on Sunday, dishonoring the Creator by keeping Sunday instead of the Sabbath, then you are not keeping the commandments. It’s as simple as that. This blessing is given in the last time.

“Keep My commandments.” It’s the last blessing, the last warning. This means that the Ten Commandments were not nailed to the cross, right? Because if they were, why would Jesus contradict Himself? Of course, He does not.

This is your last chance to stop Sunday observance, which comes from Rome, from a depraved church. So stop that. Keep the Sabbath instead.

Honor the Creator. And whatever your government says—whether it’s the right day for worship, national worship, or climate worship—keep the Sabbath. And all the other nine commandments, too, of course.

It’s your last chance. Will you forsake it? Would you forsake salvation? Would you forsake going to heaven? Would you rather be part of the winepress, trodden by the feet of the great God? Would you choose that because of a day that so many of you treat so lightly? "Oh, it’s just a day."

No, it’s a question of honoring what God says or not. Will you obey Him? Or would you rather say, “It doesn’t matter what He says”? The wheat harvest only gathers good grain.

And good grain is simply seen by God as someone truly on His side, keeping His commandments. And if it seems foolish to you what God says, okay—if you want to be saved, then obey. It’s as simple as that.

I don’t know where the problem lies. Perhaps you do. I don’t.

Maybe it’s your work. But it’s God who says, “Keep the Sabbath.” Would you die for your work? Is your work your master? Is your boss your master? Is your profession your master? Is school the master of your children, or are you, the parents, the ones who decide when the children go to school? Think.

Wake up. If not, the vintage is waiting for you. Now, let’s look at some examples of how, over time, we have drawn closer to a complete and total understanding of the harvest text.

Sometimes we were closer to the truth; sometimes we drifted away but found another gem. But gem by gem, we had to add to our understanding of how the heavens finally show the timing of these two harvests.

Of course, when deciphering the harvest text, we need to find two angels with two sharp sickles in their hands. That was the starting point of all our research: where in the heavens can we find an angel, most likely a constellation, that would one day or at a certain time hold a sickle in his hand—and later, again, another sickle?

That’s the first principle. So, naturally, we took the description from Revelation 14:14, which reads, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud.” Because of this white cloud, I called my farm in Paraguay, when I arrived there in 2004, the "White Cloud Farm".

Later, in 2016, when we launched the new website, we named it It’s as simple as that. It all goes back to this one verse: the white cloud. We know that Jesus will one day rapture us into the cloud.

So, since I was waiting and starting to study as early as 2004, I was watching for this white cloud. “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud sat one like unto the Son of Man.”

Who could that be? The Son of Man is Jesus. So we have to find a white cloud and Jesus sitting upon it, right? "...having on his head a golden crown." Finding a symbol for Jesus in the heavens with a crown on His head may already be a bit more challenging.

A constellation—you already know where we’re pointing—that, at a certain moment, has a crown on its head "and in His hand a sharp sickle." Now, read Revelation 14:17 with me as well.

“And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.” Is this the same constellation? Is it a different one? Are we speaking about two different angels, or is it the same angel—the harvest angel, Jesus Christ, both times?

These are valid questions. And this is what we’ve been searching to uncover through all these years. My brother Gerhard wrote an article in 2016.

It was, in fact, on February 5, 2016, published in English and titled *The Time of the Harvest.* It was part of a series we wrote.

At that time, we believed Jesus would come in October 2016. And then, as you know, we prayed and asked Jesus not to come, so that the 144,000 could be sealed in fulfillment of Revelation 7. This is all told already.

This was our first major attempt to decipher the harvest texts, as we needed to interpret the texts and place them within the time frame we believed Jesus would return. At that time, we had no idea we would be led to a prayer.

But we needed to know if the harvest texts were already fulfilling or not. So, we searched for it. And this article by the second witness of the two witnesses discusses that.

It’s a lengthy article, and I highly recommend that you read it—even with the knowledge after watching this video.

It contains marvelous gems and covers all the basics, or “milk,” that you might need to fully grasp the scope of this message and its importance.

And the importance of being part of the wheat harvest, not part of the vintage. So all these things have been written in various articles, and I can only give you a glimpse of it.

A glimpse. For example, here we already see a connection between Revelation 14:14 and Alnitak, the star of Jesus in the Orion clock, as you know.

There’s Saiph, the white horse star, which led us to say, “Oh, perhaps Jesus will come around the Saiph point,” since in Revelation 19, Jesus comes on a white horse.

Near Alnitak is also the Horsehead Nebula. Could this have any connection with the verse that says, “And blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs”? Let me scroll a little further and show you some wonderful pictures we found.

The sickle is marked everywhere. We saw the Pope of Rome doing certain things at that time, and it all seemed as if it was coming to pass.

Then we placed several texts within the Orion clock and said, “Oh, this must be the first angel, this must be this, this must be that.” But where exactly were the sickles? This was always a challenge.

We also saw it is a terrible time. Look at this: in February 2016, we wrote that the vintage would be fireballs.

It represents the destruction of the earth, destruction by atomic war. So, read it.

I can only advise you not to be part of the winepress that is trodden by God’s feet. The next article we wrote was together. It’s a four-part article in a four-part series.

It’s an addendum to this end-of-the-world article series. The whole series is worth rereading; I can only emphasize that.

It’s a wonderful series with a lot of insights that you would need for getting through this time, which I can’t cover in just one video. The articles are very long because there’s so much to say. This was written by all of us, the bearers of the Ark.

At that time, we had four authors. I want to return to one specific picture in this fairly long article. It is about this picture.

In this image, we began to understand the sickles in Orion as part of the throne line segments. There is a segment of the whole circle, and there’s a small portion around it that takes on the shape of a sickle.

Look, it’s not so bad to see that in that way—it’s a sickle shape. But what’s missing? A handle.

Where is the handle? We even illustrated Jesus here sitting for the two different harvests, with two sickles—one on each side.

We understood this as the lowered right hand of Jesus and this as the lowered left hand of Jesus sitting on the throne as Alnitak. Here, we would see here a little rounded sickle shape when taking the throne lines into account. But where is the handle? Well, it was an idea.

At that time, we had nothing else, only the Orion clock, to decipher the harvest texts. This was in 2016.

This was even before 2017, when we would begin to understand the Mazzaroth clock of God the Father. We only had Orion as God’s clock. We also had the HSL, the High Sabbath List, but in a list of High Sabbaths—a list as long as kilometers or miles—it’s hard to find a sickle, right? So we had the Orion clock.

But the idea that Orion is a sign of the Son of Man sitting on a cloud already pointed us clearly toward Orion, because we have the Orion Nebula here. Alnitak, of course, seems to sit upon a white cloud if you understand the Orion Nebula as a white cloud, which, in some photos—especially uncolored ones—appears this way. In others, when it is colored, it does not.

But it’s very prominent and even visible to the naked eye. People call it the sword of Orion. It’s a nebula, a cloud, visible from Earth to the naked eye.

Prominent. Interesting. But would Jesus come like a thief if it would be that? Another counter-argument might be, “Oh, but this cloud is always there.”

It doesn’t point to a specific time unless we place a particular Orion cycle into a time frame and then apply the texts around it, as we did here. Thrust in thy sickle, Thrust in thy sickle. “The hour has come.”

We said this is the hour, and so on. We tried our best to figure out how the harvest texts align with Orion.

So, from November 22, 2016 onward, we launched the new website because we understood that a new era had begun. We called it If you search there—here’s the search button—you can search as I did here. “Thrust,” “sickle,” for example.

You can enter “sickle” or whatever term. This just shows how intensely we were trying to decipher the harvest texts in the heavens, finally. We found 23 articles where this term appears.

We were really intense studying on these things. Here’s a glimpse of the articles we wrote about this. But let me guide you through some findings. The earliest finding adding to the understanding that Orion is the angel sitting on the white cloud with a likeness to the Son of Man was written in the article *WW3 and the Scorched Earth.*

So, you know we always associated the vintage with atomic war. To get to the point, we had again a certain cycle, and we knew that the plagues would begin on August 20, 2018. This indeed had a fulfillment, specifically of all the plagues that the two witnesses would bring upon the earth within a specific time frame. They had the power to plague the earth as often as they desired.

And this began after the trumpet orchestra cycle. So, what was the discovery? In Leo, there’s an asterism called “the sickle.” Can you see it? The handle and then the sickle blade itself.

It’s actually called “the sickle,” and on August 20, 2018, the sun entered that sickle. So suddenly we deviated and said, “Maybe it’s not Orion, maybe it’s Leo, because Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.” Perhaps this was related to the timing of the plagues.

"It could indeed have something to do with this." Yes, and I say again, it was indeed a sign of the sickle for the two witnesses of Revelation 11 to begin casting their plagues as often as they wished. The next article I want to mention is *The Great Supper of God.*

In this article, we had another finding. Suddenly, we suspected that the Horologium might also play a role in the harvest texts. Indeed, you’ll see that this leads us to the final understanding of 666 in relation to a specific point in the vintage harvest.

In this same article we also had for the first time a comet playing a role—it was NEOWISE. We suspected that NEOWISE could already be the comet of the fourth angel in Revelation 18:1, coming down to Earth, visible from Earth as a grand spectacle, and illuminating all the Earth with its glory.

As you know, NEOWISE was not that comet because it wasn’t followed by a second comet—the “second voice” in Revelation 18, which calls, “Come out of her, my people,” spoken by Jesus Christ Himself from the heavens. But still, we marked that time of NEOWISE as the hour to reap. The discovery was that, for the first time, we linked a visible comet to Revelation 18 and also to the harvest texts in Revelation 14.

And you will see that this is indeed the case. Comets play a major role in deciphering the harvest texts. The next article I want to mention was written by me.

And perhaps it was the farthest from the truth, but it does include a gem. This was on June 22, 2022. We had already believed that Jesus might come because I saw two comets moving through two constellations within the suspected time frame for His possible coming.

They moved through two constellations that have sickles. It’s not only Leo that has a sickle asterism, but also—let me show you—Gemini, where the Pollux twin holds a sickle in his hand.

Of course, when we suspect a certain time frame for Jesus Christ’s possible coming, and the sun lights up the hand holding the sickle, this could perhaps fulfill one of the harvest texts—at least one of the sickle angels. Then the two angels would be different ones, as you can see, because we needed to find the second one as well. This was Boötes with Arcturus, and Boötes also holds a sickle in his hand.

A certain comet on the other side of the galaxy was entering this constellation within the suspected time frame in 2022, thus activating this angel. At one point, we would have Gemini’s Pollux twin holding the sickle, for example, for the wheat harvest.

And then this angel would hold a sickle for the vintage. This was a possible idea. But again you see, the activation of the sickle angels was done by comets this time.

Not just an Orion cycle timing; but now we had real sickles. The Leo sickle, which by the way is a true sign for the time of the plagues, that are caused, if you will, by the two witnesses in Revelation 11. These sickles are true sickles, at least in artwork, and activated by comets. It’s all gem by gem, adding to the truth. And the final finding is unbeatable, as I said.

This is what this article added. Then the next article included another deciphering called *The Wine Press of Divine Wrath,* written by Robert Dickinson on December 16, 2022, just a few months after my previous article.

Still in 2022, my article was in June, and this was in December. In this article, we deciphered what “The Wine Press of the Wrath of God” truly represents. That’s the next gem, and it stands.

Another important gem in this article was that, for the first time, we saw a comet forming the shape of a sickle. This is a significant discovery, as we had never before seen the direct form of a sickle drawn by a comet. We’d seen comets activating two distinct angels with sickles in artwork.

We observed sickles in the Orion clock’s throne lines, but far away from this finding. This comet’s ephemeris, its trajectory, traced the sickle shape, even the handle, very close to the Orion constellation. An impressive discovery.

Later this eventually led to the understanding of the sign of the Son of Man. Here you see it closer. You see Horologium is struck at a certain moment—May 28, 2024—by comet E3.

It’s comet E3. Now we had already E3, and it obviously formed a large sickle. Since it’s the first we saw, we believed this could mark the wheat harvest.

But the Horologium itself, struck by this comet, resembles an ancient winepress. In those times, grapes were thrown into a carved area, trodden underfoot, and the juice—or blood, in symbolic terms—flowed into another carved area where it was collected. This is how harvests worked in ancient times.

And this is the shape of the clock. We would have here the clock face and here the vessel for holding the grape juice respectively the blood. And, of course, the Horsehead Nebula again is mentioned, because this deciphering also stands, as you’ll see what it means.

It symbolizes the end of the vintage. The next article, written a few days later, a week after, again by Robert Dickinson, is *The Virgin's Seed.* In this article, we found a connection with Virgo, as Virgo holds grain and palm branches, which are also symbols of harvest.

Again, we, of course, had Orion. Here, you see a comet in Orion, in a certain location, not far from what would later unfold in the true deciphering. Here, we have the Leo sickle asterism.

We see a comet passing through Virgo. This was in 2016, marking the start of the woman sign that would later come to pass in September 2023—all interconnected.

I can only advise you to read these articles, as they contain a lot of truth with only very minor issues. But even these issues eventually led us to the right conclusions. So, I would say that in this article, we first saw Orion connected with the river Eridanus to Horologium, laying the foundation for the later discovery of the entire sign of the Son of Man, formed by comets K2 and E3.

Do you see how we come closer to the truth step by step? Then, the last article where we tried to decipher the sickles was written by Yormary, our honored only female author. She wrote this article on August 15, 2023. This was already the time when we were within the sign of the Son of Man.

We had discovered it, we understood it. At the beginning of the article, we even stated, “The sign of the Son of Man is appearing, and the Lord is fulfilling many of His end-time Bible types and prophecies with it.” We had already found the Alpha and Omega signature.

In this image here, the two sickles of the wine and wheat harvests were positioned in a specific way. This is because we believed that these sickles were positioned in the heavens in the sign of the Son of Man. The first one would have its handle here, forming a large sickle that reaches up to the Horologium constellation.

I showed this in a previous article. The first comet we identified forming a sickle was E3. Here is the sign of the Son of Man.

And the sickle again. And honestly, this is what I saw: when the sickle goes here, there’s a specific time frame as it enters the Horologium constellation.

Then later, the handle would be here, and the same comet would form another smaller sickle when moving from the pendulum’s first strike to its second. So, I saw a large sickle formed by E3 here, and a small sickle formed also by E3 here. All this gives us time frames, because the ephemeris are formed by the comets of course, which gives us dates through their flight.


This can be seen perfectly using Stellarium. Important is for example, the tares lie outside the sign of the Son of Man, and the barn where the good wheat is gathered would be the belly of the fish. The grapes are also harvested outside.

Those who believe in the sign of the Son of Man are gathered through the mouth into the barn. The mouth is positioned at 7 o’clock in the Horologium, which represents the Sabbath, the seventh day Sabbath. Take care.

The Sabbath is within the mouth of the fish—it speaks. *Ichthys*, the fish, was the symbol for the early Christians because *Ichthys* sounds like *Christus.*

It’s spelled equally. That’s why they adopted the fish as a symbol. It’s the sign of the Son of Man.

So here you see the barn—enter by keeping the Sabbath and be saved, or stay outside where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Can you see how it all fits together for deciphering? This was the complete trajectory of E3, which formed two sickles again.

There’s a major issue with E3, though, because it never directly touches the Orion constellation. It passes very close, with the handle near Orion, but it does not directly enter the constellation.

Additionally, the relationship between the constellation’s size and the size of the sickle seems unnatural. It’s not quite perfect.

You wouldn’t hold such a large sickle in your hand—it would be ten times heavier than you. Even for Orion, holding and harvesting with such a sickle would be challenging. But, of course, it’s a symbol, we said.

And we had nothing else at the time. We didn’t realize that these comets would have more time. But when you give them more time to develop their paths, it becomes possible to later see something new.

So, this was a brief glimpse into all our findings. Orion is highly suspected to be at least one of the harvesters. There’s also strong suspicion now that comets could draw sickles.

This is what you should take away. But as you can see, each past deciphering had small issues—whether with size, availability, location, or even involving two different angels in different parts of the heavens.

If this would all fit, then we have in the text, “the angel came out of the temple,” or “the angel came out of the altar.” Where is the altar? It’s Taurus. Boötes is not close to Taurus.

You could say Gemini is near Taurus. But in each case, there’s a minor issue here or there. This is what you must first understand as we delve into these texts.

In the end, in a perfect fulfillment, every single text element must be fulfilled to absolute perfection. If it isn’t, then there’s reason to suspect we haven’t yet seen the true sign or signs for the wheat harvest and the vintage. So whenever a bit of doubt remains, we must question whether this is indeed it.

Horologium and Orion are the two true witnesses in heaven. My friend Gerhard and I are merely the two witnesses of the two witnesses. In Solomon’s temple, there were two archangels, and in the background, two other angels.

Or, we could say, the four outer stars—some are “feet” stars, and some are “hand” stars. So remember, Horologium and Orion are the two witnesses.

As we’ve learned in many videos, both witnesses express something similar but from different viewpoints, different positions because they are also located in different parts of the heavens. Horologium is quite far from the Orion clock. The Horologium clock is distant from the Orion clock.

But they are connected through the ephemeris, the paths of two comets, K2 and E3. Now, let me bring you back to this image of E3. We saw E3 drawing a handle on one side of Orion.

Here you can see Orion’s boundary line. It never crosses into Orion, but there’s a large sickle.

And then this handle here of Horologium, the pendulum part, provides a smaller sickle. So if we now call Horologium as the second witness to the stand, we understand that E3 belongs to the Horologium constellation and gives Horologium a voice in our time.

So let’s ask Horologium some questions. “Witness Horologium, why do you say, through the path of E3, that there is a large sickle in Orion while you hold only a small sickle yourself?” What would Horologium’s answer be? Horologium might say, “Look, I wanted to point to the bigger witness with the true harvest solution, telling you through comet E3 that Orion holds the big harvest sickle. So the harvest text must be fulfilled in Orion, not in me. I hold a small sickle, but I am not the true great harvest angel.”

“Though I do play a role in the harvest text—a very small role as the winepress. Therefore, I am humble, and I hold only a small sickle, having a small part in the harvest texts.” “Ah, i see,” the advocate or prosecutor might say...

“...And look, Orion has a handle drawn by E3. You show us that. But for yourself, you use a constellation line as the handle.”

“A part of your pendulum is the handle. Why do you do that?” Horologium might respond, “I am trying to explain something that you would later find in the great and big witness, in Orion. You would find that you can use part of the constellation as a handle.”

“This is the new part I add to the understanding. So, we don’t need to draw the entire sickle, including the handle, with a comet’s path. You can understand the sickle blade as painted by a comet, with part of the constellation serving as the handle.”

“Oh,” says the prosecutor. “Witness dismissed.” And I believe that this is exactly what E3, giving voice to Horologium, would say and answer if we were to ask.

It would point with the big sickle to Orion, and also tells us to take note: sometimes the sickle blade is traced by a comet, but the handle may be part of the constellation itself. This leads us now to the deciphering of the true and unbeatable harvest sign, perfectly solving and aligning with all the texts. The Apostle John, on the small island of Patmos, sees a vision in the heavens.

And he says, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud.” So, it’s likely not the white cloud of the Orion Nebula, which is always visible, but something that appears suddenly. "And upon the cloud one sat like the Son of Man"—a constellation that at least looks like a man.

You know we’re referring to the Orion constellation. Here we are: “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud”—the comet K2.

Indeed, K2 is a very large comet. It’s so invisible to the eye that only in vision could the prophet see it, because Jesus comes like a thief. But here, Alnitak, the Lamb—the wounded one, the new name of Jesus Christ—is directly "sitting" upon K2 around December 29 of last year. Because K2 entered the Orion constellation on December 14, 2023. Comets are often depicted as clouds.

Now, truly, Alnitak, or rather the entire constellation Orion, is "sitting" upon a white cloud. And this hasn’t been the case for millions of years; it’s only for a short time frame. This marks the true beginning of the harvest texts.

Now, K2 gives voice to Orion, just as E3 gave voice to the Horologium. Orion is the first witness. The next thing we need to see is: "having on his head a golden crown."

We follow the trajectory, as we’ve done on many occasions. We follow the path of K2 until it reaches the head part of Orion. Then, we should see forming a crown.

Can you see it? Can you see the crown? Do you see the wonderful crown formed upon the head of Orion by four stars, four moving heavenly bodies?

K2 activates the entire crown—Venus, Mercury, and the Sun forming a crown, a rhombus, in the heavens over Orion’s head. Can you recall what these three represent? They were the first three plagues.

We are in June 2024, and then, one after the other in quick succession, they cross the galactic equator, specifically Orion’s club hand, to begin the countdown of the seven last plagues or the complete and final filling up of God’s wrath. So, this is what you see here—Orion’s crown.

This suggests that these three plagues have been the first three points of Jesus’ crown. Ellen White describes in the chapter on the last plagues and judgment—the judgment even after the millennium—when all the dead are resurrected in the second resurrection, gather to attack the holy city, but are then consumed by fire, she sees Jesus wearing a sevenfold crown. Let’s read.

"Then the saints used their wings and mounted to the top of the city wall. Jesus was also with them. His crown looked brilliant and glorious. It was a crown within a crown, seven in number." This “seven in number” refers to the chapter on the last plagues where it signifies that Jesus receives this sevenfold crown through the oath He made, which I explained in the last video, *Time No Longer.* Then, the seven last plagues fill up God’s wrath, and they crown Him seven times as King.

And when He is then crowned with seven moving heavenly bodies, including Jupiter, then He is King, wearing the sevenfold crown. And this is what we see here, starting with the first three plagues as the three points of His seven-pointed crown.

Let’s go back to the text: “And in His hand, a sharp sickle.” Okay, we’ve already passed the left hand, so it must be the right hand.

I ask you, can you see a handle, or can you see wood in Orion’s hand that might serve as a handle? Of course, you see it. Handles are made of wood, and he holds a club in his hand. Now, what is missing? The sickle.

The sickle blade. And Horologium already told us that the handle could be part of the constellation itself, but the blade should be traced by the comet. Let me do something for you.

Let’s trace the ephemerides of K2 only from the evening of July 27, the day they blasphemed in the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, simulating the Last Supper of the Lord with LGBTQ people, up to December 1, 2024, when K2 reaches a certain point. Let me calculate that for you and show you.

Can you see it? Orion holds a handle—a very short handle, but definitely a handle. And here is a sickle blade.

Can you see it? I hope you can. This is the sickle blade for the wheat harvest. And K2 comes again into the handle, and therefore it must end there.

There is even a covering of an Orion star by K2, directly on this date. So this must be the sickle blade of the wheat harvest. So is the wheat harvest now taking place in this time? No.

It is the time in which the sickle blade is formed. And now we go back to the text. Where are we exactly? “Having on his head a golden crown,” I showed you, “and in his hand a sharp sickle.”

So before the sickle is formed—and of course, it is sharp because comets draw a very sharp line—it is not possible that the harvest would start. The wheat harvest cannot start, simply because the sickle blade must have been finished. The next text proves that.

“And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud.” So, shouting to Orion, somebody must come out of the temple and shout to Orion—an angel, a messenger. “Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

And then the angel does it. So somebody comes out of the temple and gives the command. We have to observe who comes out of the temple.

Now, regarding the temple, we must look carefully at what the temple truly represents in the heavens. The altar is Taurus. This is always important to understand because Taurus is already cut in half, lying on the altar. We have the four horns of the altar here—Taurus is the altar.

And where is the altar? The altar is in the courtyard, and in the courtyard is the temple. So, if we want to see a temple, we must understand that the temple, of course, is comprised of the holy place and the most holy place.

We have long understood that the holy place is Orion, as our High Priest remains in the most holy place until the end of intercession. You will later see that the harvest texts point us to the exact moment when grace truly ends. However, the end of grace is not now, as you will see.

It’s a little later, but only very slightly. So, the blade is formed. Now, who first leaves the temple area, which includes both the holy place and the most holy place in Orion? Who leaves Orion first? Watch closely.

It’s K2. On the 23rd or 24th, specifically Christmas Eve, K2 exits the temple. We must distinguish, of course, between the path that K2 paints and K2 as an person that speaks also.

It’s a celestial body, so it can “speak,” as it were, at a specific moment. This moment is defined in the biblical text, where it says that "another angel came out"—K2 came out of the temple, leaving Orion and "crying with a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud."

“Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time has come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” How does he know this? Christmas is not the true Christmas. For years, in videos from Paraguay and in many articles, we have shown that Christmas is not Christmas.

Christmas is a pagan feast, rooted in the worship of Tammuz. This goes back to Babylon’s time, the time of the Tower of Babel.

This is worship of a false god. We know that Jesus was born in October, and we provided the correct date, with two options for celebration, either according to the Jewish date or the Gregorian date. But if you partake in this pagan Christmas, you continue to fill up the bowls of God’s wrath.

Perhaps even the seven plague angels grow angrier and angrier. Remember that K2 also plays the role of two of the seven last plague angels. But knowing this, what gives K2 the loud voice? In our analysis of the Mazzaroth signs, years and years ago, we found that only two celestial bodies can provide a loud voice.

It’s either the sun or the moon, and preferably a full moon. Do you remember my last video? Very close to this date, there was a full moon.

Do you remember? It was a little earlier. Let me show you—it was on the 15th.

Here, on the same line as Orion’s club, we have the full moon, the filled up vials with the wrath of God. This gives K2 the loud voice. Now, a question.

These constellation borders are artificial, set by astronomers or the creators of Stellarium. But what about the constellation lines marked by the stars? Which is more valid? Of course, it’s the star lines.

If we look at the star lines and say that all lines belonging to the Orion constellation make up the temple, then we see that K2 leaves the temple earlier—not on but before December 23rd or 24th. When does this happen? To avoid confusion, let’s turn off the boundary lines.

Now you can see everything without any artificial borders. Here, you can also see the star line marking the upper end of Orion’s club. Going back to December 1st, K2 was still within Orion’s club.

But it leaves. So, now we go back to the text. How exact is the text? How exactly does the text define when K2, as this other angel coming out of the temple, cries with a loud voice? And again, the English translation makes it difficult for us.

I have to switch to the King James Version with Strong’s to show you what the word for “time” is. And the word for time is G5610, *hora.* Apparently a primary word meaning “hour.”

Day, hour, instant, season—but specifically, hour. In Spanish, *hora* even means hour. Definitely, it means hour.

In German translations and Spanish translations, it doesn’t say “time”—they use “hour.” “The hour to reap has come.” When God speaks about an hour, it’s very important.

It is the smallest of all time units in the Bible. A “second,” for instance, does not exist. But an hour is a specific, small time unit.

So, we must carefully consider every word God speaks, especially when given in the heavens. In 2017, we encountered a clock we understood as God the Father’s clock, the Mazzaroth. And on the Mazzaroth, we have the two great lights.

One great and the other lesser light—the sun and the moon. These lights are the day pointer and the hour pointer.

The day pointer is, of course, the sun. One complete orbit around the ecliptic in one year represents a “day.” So, don’t confuse this day and year with the prophetic day-year principle.

I mentioned that we can no longer use prophetic time. Instead, we must use the actual timing that we observe in the heavens when deciphering God’s clocks.

So, a “day” is a sidereal year, a complete circuit around the ecliptic, returning to the same starting point. It’s a sidereal year or, in God’s terms, a day. The same applies to the moon.

When the moon, the lesser light, completes one orbit, it takes 29.x days to return to its starting point. This happens approximately 12 times per year. In God the Father’s terms, this is an “hour.”

So, the year, or day, corresponds to the sun. The month, or hour, corresponds to the moon. Now you understand.

And both heavenly bodies, the sun and the moon, can give a loud voice, with the moon preferably doing so when it’s full. And on December 15, the full moon is positioned exactly in Orion’s club, giving a loud voice to K2.

It directs K2 to look above, where the moon is, so that K2 understands, “The hour has come.”

This is how K2 knows the hour. I don’t know if you are a farmer or do gardening, but we did and still do a lot of farming in Paraguay.

Neighbors and experienced farmers advised us, “You must plant certain crops according to the moon phases. Always plant with the waning moon, or with the waxing moon, or better yet, never with a waxing moon,” or similar guidelines. "When is normally the best harvest time? From full moon on, or when?" "The best harvesting time is depending on the crop and region.

"Traditionally, some farmers prefer to harvest around the full moon as it's believed the moon's gravitational pull affects the moisture in plants, making them juicier and easier to harvest. However, for other crops, the full moon might not be ideal and it's better to follow specific harvesting guidelines for each crop." So, the full moon is traditionally favored by farmers for harvesting.

Here, we have the full moon directly for the crop harvest, specifically for the wheat harvest. This fits, and this is why K2 now knows that after it leaves the temple area—this line—the hour for harvesting has come. The next verse confirms that Orion now starts to reap from December 15 onward.

“And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.” I don’t know if I should tell you—perhaps you’ve already seen it.

We’re talking about the wheat harvest, but indeed we’re talking about the crop harvest. What crop is ready earliest? That’s typically barley. Of course, December isn’t the time for barley, but it’s the time for heaven to declare that the harvest begins.

Have you heard of the first fruits? Have you ever heard that some crops ripen earlier and are therefore "taken up earlier? I would advise you to study the Bible on what that means. Look up for the 144,000. Where are they seen? When? Where? Mount Zion—top of the Orion constellation.

Where are we? The ladder to heaven. I can’t include everything in my videos, as there are also things I simply shouldn’t tell you. But I can give you hints for further study, for your own study.

And indeed, there’s information on the internet about something like a pre-rapture. One piece of information is definitely correct, and that’s the information from Daniel 12. In Daniel 12, we hear that "at that time, Michael stands up—the great prince who stands for the children of thy people—and there shall be a time of trouble."

Now, this trouble marks the outpouring of the moons. Now come the waning moons, as shown in the last video. And this time of trouble is "such as never was since there was a nation, even until that time."

"At that time, thy people shall be delivered, everyone found written in the book." And now listen carefully. "Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."

This is not the first resurrection because, in the first resurrection, only the saints who died in Christ from all ages are raised. Here, we see two different groups resurrecting. We have those who transgressed against Jesus—the bad ones, even those from Jesus' time on earth, certain individuals.

And these are all the bad ones, very bad ones, in the judgment time. But there are also good people, like perhaps the Adventist pioneers and other great reformers, in this time of judgment. We call this the special resurrection.

It’s written here. When would that occur? It would take place when the grain harvest, the crop harvest, begins. They are the first fruits.

There are hints in the Bible about a pre-rapture. Another hint is found in Revelation 3, verse 10. This verse pertains to the Church of Philadelphia, a church of the Holy Spirit, the church without any rebuke.

“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience”—we discussed the patience of the saints in previous videos—“I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” The good news here is that there’s still a trial/test. There’s still a chance to pass the test.

But this test is tied to a trial, and we’ll cover this in this video. The bad news is that obviously not all saints are kept from this hour of temptation; only Philadelphia is kept from this hour of temptation. And you can think about who this Philadelphia could be. This is exactly what begins here.

Can you see it? So now, in Orion’s club, we have already found the harvest sickle for the wheat harvest with the beginning of this harvest. Now, the question is: how long will this harvest last? It will last until the vintage begins. It’s as simple as that.

Because the vintage also requires a preparation time. Do you see the vintage sickle? I don’t see it yet, but I can draw it for you. If I use my angle tool, I can extend this line quite easily.

Then I can see when K2 would start to paint the other sickle, from the point of crossing. That’s three days later—around December 17th–18th, when K2 will start to trace the grape harvest sickle, or the vintage sickle.

Let’s draw it. The end of the vintage sickle is June 4, 2025, because this is the moment when the river Euphrates dries out, and this is the ephemeris of K2. The river Euphrates is drawing the Mu with two sickles.

Let’s draw it. And here you see it. Now we have the handle—a longer handle, of course—in the hand of Orion, and we have a wonderful sickle.

Let me switch off the tool so you can see it fully. This is now the vintage sickle. The good news is again that while the vintage sickle is forming, the vintage itself does not take place.

But from June 4 next year, the sickle is ready. The text that initiates the vintage is Revelation 14:17: “And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.”

This text includes important information. That’s an understatement. It’s life-saving information, even.

The other angel is again, of course, Orion. We now get to know that Orion comes out of the temple having a sharp sickle. This means he must already have the sharp sickle; it must have been drawn before he leaves the temple.

But when it is drawn, he indeed leaves the temple. I hope you can follow my reasoning. As long as the vintage sickle is not drawn, Jesus will remain in the temple.

But as soon as it is drawn, he will leave the temple. However, this does still not imply that he immediately begins the vintage on June 4, when K2 reaches the top of the sickle So now, we need to determine the exact timing for the vintage.

Naturally, it’s in the text. The next verse: “And another angel.”

So, we have another angel and then another angel, always represented by the same two figures—the same two actors.

“And another angel came out from the altar.” Now, as I mentioned, Taurus represents the altar. So we must watch in the Taurus area for someone significant to leave Taurus.

“Which had power over fire.” Aha. And “cried with a loud cry.”

Once again, we have a loud voice, meaning either the moon, the sun, or both, addressing the one holding the sharp sickle: “Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.”

And then, of course, the angel "thrusts in his sickle into the earth," marking the start of the terrible vintage.

“And gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.” Remember, we identified the Horologium as the winepress, and the Horologium strikes 666 exactly on that date.

It says: "Until there, then everything for the vintage is prepared. Then, I’m ready."

The winepress is prepared on the 666 date, which is June 4, 2025. The winepress is ready.

But we must wait for the other angel that comes out from the altar, the one who has power over fire. We’ve seen this many times now. Let’s move forward in time and observe.

So, here comes Jupiter, Mercury and Jupiter. But is this an angel that has power over fire? Interestingly, the fire should be the sun. The sun is coming.

Who has power over the sun at a certain point in time? Look at that. We have a very, very special conjunction with fire and comet K2 directly on the galactic equator, on solstice. We spoke about solstice.

As a potential rapture date but also as a possible start of the end for the earth. So, power over fire. Who is higher? K2 or the sun? K2 stands higher.

It has power "over" the fire. Comets can also have power over the sun. How? Comets are typically sun-grazers.

They get their coma by coming nearer, and nearer, and nearer to the sun, getting hotter. Many comets disintegrate when they come too close to the sun, which then the sun has power over them, destroying them.

But when a very large comet like K2 grazes the sun, it isn’t destroyed. It orbits behind the sun and reappears on the other side unharmed.

Then the comet has power over the sun. And K2 is such a comet. It still exists.

It’s moving away from the sun and has power over it. Now, we even see them together on the galactic equator, with K2 positioned higher above the sun, at least from Orion’s viewpoint. Power over the sun.

An important line here is the galactic equator, meaning leaving Taurus. And both the sun and K2 leave Taurus on June 21 next year.

We believe the rapture takes place on the 20th. So, when the rapture occurs and Jesus has gathered and harvested all His people away from the earth, then the vintage can begin. This is what the angel tells Orion.

The other angel, who came from the altar in Taurus and had power over the fire. Now he speaks with a very, very loud voice, activated even by the sun. We said either sun or moon can provide a loud voice.

And for the moon, preferably the full moon. When I introduced this theme of the harvest to my friend Gerhard, the second witness, he remarked, “How sad that the handle of the wheat harvest sickle is shorter than the handle of the vintage sickle.” I said, “Yes, you’re probably right.”

"It’s the only thing I also don’t fully understand, why it is so. But it is. This is how it’s depicted in the heavens."

For a few days, I didn’t think much more of it. But then, it worked again in me and I said to myself, "we can’t take modern scythes or tools as a reference. We need to consider what they actually used in biblical times."

And I did some searching in Google Images and so on. And suddenly, I saw that it’s the opposite. The handle of the grape harvest sickle is actually longer than that of the wheat harvest.

But I was still unsure because the image search isn’t very precise. So I asked ChatGPT. I’ll show you the result.

I asked, “I have a question about biblical times, wheat or grain and vintage sickles.” ChatGPT replied, “Sure, I’d be happy." "Which one of them had a longer handle?” Answer:

"The vintage sickle typically had a longer handle compared to the wheat sickle. A vintage sickle was used for cutting grapes during the harvest and required a longer reach to navigate through the vines. In contrast, a wheat sickle had a shorter handle as it was used for cutting wheat or other cereal crops closer to the ground."

Now I asked also for more detail: “Can you provide any reference for this knowledge?” The response: “The information about the handles of vintage and wheat sickles can be found in agricultural history and tool reference books.” And it’s true; it’s hard to find unless you have access to books.

"These sources often provide details on traditional farming tools and their designs, highlighting how tools were adapted to the specific needs of different crops. For a more in-depth study, you might consult books on agricultural history or museum collections featuring farming implements." A little later, I asked about exact lengths.

“How long was the antique vintage sickle handle in comparison to the antique wheat harvest sickle handle?” ChatGPT replied with a similar answer to what I’d already mentioned, and then it says: “The wheat sickle handle was typically around 6 to 12 inches long, allowing the harvester to bend low and cut grain stalks close to the ground. The vintage grape sickle, in contrast, had a handle that could be up to 18 to 24 inches long.”

So it’s double to triple the length of the wheat harvest sickle handle, "providing more reach to maneuver among the vines without damaging them. This difference reflects the specific practical needs of harvesting grapes versus grain."

There you have it. It’s incredible. This is how we sometimes imagine things in modern times wrongly.

But when we go back to biblical times, we see that what is depicted in heaven aligns exactly with the biblical text. And so this is the perfect, absolutely perfect harvest sign. We have the wheat sickle with the shorter handle, and we have the grape sickle with the longer handle—double or even triple the length of the wheat sickle handle.

What more could we ask for? Now, let’s go to the last harvest text. And the final one has been deciphered for a long time, since 2016. "And the winepress," Horologium—okay, that was an addition in recent years.

But the meaning of it being “trodden without the city” was deciphered long ago. This simply means that “the city” is the holy city, the city of God. And “without” means it has departed.

It takes on board all the redeemed, all those from the first resurrection and the special resurrection, and they ascend. The good ones of the special resurrection ascend. Then, the treading of the winepress is executed by Orion, by Jupiter, by the King, with great hail and all seven last plagues falling at once in one day.

“And blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles.” The horse bridles again hint at Alnitak. So let’s zoom in to the Alnitak area, where you can see the Flame Nebula.

And here is the Horsehead Nebula, which I’ve mentioned in this video and others. This is Orion’s horse, and now we have the James Webb photography. And out of this black horse, we now see a white horse because of better instruments, recognizing a whitish nebula.

So now, it gives the horse a white color. That’s the horse with which Jesus returns. And the text even specifies the distance: "by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs."

So when you take this sixteen hundred furlongs and translate it to light years, you get precisely the distance between the pendulum of the Horologium, which is the recipient of the blood of the winepress—which is its face. So from the pendulum star, through the bloodstream of the river Eridanus, to Alnitak in Orion. And this is exactly where the Horsehead Nebula is.

So, you have exactly sixteen hundred light-years, deciphered perfectly. Years ago, we initially thought it was the distance directly from Earth to the Horsehead Nebula, simply because we didn’t have Gaia, the new instrument that now measures distances between stars much more accurately. So, in our first website, “,” we listed the sixteen hundred light years as the distance from Earth to the Horsehead Nebula.

But now we know better. It is exactly as the biblical text says. It’s the bloodstream from Horologium’s pendulum, the recipient of the blood, to Alnitak, through the river Eridanus.

If you’d like more detail on this, I recommend watching the video, “Which Way to Orion,” where our pastor Ray explains this incredible resolution to the riddle of the sixteen hundred furlongs in more depth. So, this means that when the holy city departs, flying to the Orion Nebula, and Jesus arrives on His horse, everyone on Earth left behind will perish—but also gracefully, all in one day. And what could that be? What would kill everyone in a day? YouTube explains that, in the event of an atomic war, it would take about 74 minutes for everyone to be dead.

That said, we’re done with the harvest texts, with every detail and timing down to the very days. And now, you also know when grace will end, as Jesus, represented as Orion, exits the temple. This happens exactly on the day when the Holy Spirit’s last portions have been spent.

It is June 4, 2025, when Jesus leaves the temple and comes to Earth. This is also the time for the preparation of the seventh plague. After the rapture, all seven plagues will be poured out at once.

Now we’re ready for the final part, the last teaching I’ve planned and prepared for you. It is about the second woe. But before I discuss the second woe, I can already tell you what the third woe is, as it fits here.

The third woe, which “comes quickly,” as stated in Revelation 11, is Jesus’ return and the destruction of the Earth by fire. So, naturally, the second woe occurs between the first and the third. For a long time, we believed the second woe was the vaccination crisis.

But obviously, it is not. Let me explain how I came to this conclusion. It was so that i was studying these themes.

And the last theme that came to my understanding was these harvest texts. We had researched the harvest texts countless times. But now we saw the two sickles, and almost overlooked them.

Then I said to myself—and I did that in prayer to Jesus—and I said, “Lord, isn’t it a little bit too many times used Orion now? When I present this to the audience, won’t they say, ‘They’re putting everything into Orion’?” I continued saying, “Lord, this reminds me of when we only had Orion, and we placed the trumpets, five plague cycles, and everything into Orion. Orion this, Orion that. Are we making the same mistake again?” He gave an answer in this prayer, saying, “John, listen carefully.”

“Think and count how many times you’ve now seen Orion acting the role of a different angel in Revelation—a different prominent angel in Revelation.” I was lying in bed at that time, so I started counting on my fingers.

I said, “Okay, Lord, first we identified Orion as the angel of the seals." The new finding is that the sixth and seventh seals are now manifesting in Orion because K2 reactivated it.”

I demonstrated this in the first part of this four-part series. The second angel we identified were the "Plague angels". So seven plague angels beeing all Orion, where Orion as one constellation is multiplied by seven to represent the angel of death.

Thus, we recognized Orion as the angel of death, similar to Jesus’ role as the angel of death in the tenth plague of the Exodus. So, we have the angel of the seals and the angel of death.

Next, due to the multiplication by seven, we identified Orion as the angel of the oath in Revelation 10—“Time no longer”—the great angel of the oath.

This ties together all of Orion’s cycles, including the judgment cycle, and of course, connects back to the double oath to Jared and Moses in the great Orion cycle I showed you in another series. So we have the angel of the seals, the angel of death, and the angel of the oath. And now, just recently, about a week ago, we found Orion as the harvest angel—the angel of the harvest and the vintage. But that’s still one angel—again, Orion.

So now we have four angels, four angels that are all Orion. And then I knew what the Lord wanted me to find—it’s Revelation 9:13. But let’s read the last verse of the fifth trumpet: “One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.”

"Oh," i said. So, the first woe was the corona crisis and the vaccination crisis. But the next verse points to what I just discovered: “And the sixth angel sounded.”

“And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God.” Now you understand it like water—easy, simple, crystal clear. “Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, ‘Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.’”

Oh my God, I said to myself. Loose the four angels, the four Orions: the seal Orion angel, the plague Orion angel the oath Orion angel, and the harvest Orion angel. Loose them, because they’re all bound—where? In the great river Euphrates.

And you all know the great river Euphrates, because I made an entire video about it. It’s the ephemeris of the great sign of the Son of Man. The signature “Mu” of the Holy Spirit is the river Euphrates.

Let me paint it once more. The Mu starts being drawn here, with the man in the river, curving upward and then tapering out.

And it reaches its end after 372 days, precisely on June 4. So, let’s go there—June 4. This is exactly when the river Euphrates dries out and the Mu is fully and completely drawn.

And there we also have a conjunction—K2 and Jupiter—confirming it once more. So where is Orion bound? Can you see it? Bound, clothed, sitting on, having a white cloud, and holding the sickles. Bound.

K2 orbits around Orion and binds it. The ephemeris is the band, and K2 itself is the binder.

To loosen Orion means to accomplish something even Job could not. Job 38:31. The chapter is called “The Lord answers Job.”

Verse 31: “Canst thou, bind the sweet influences of Pleiades”—which is in Taurus—“or loose the bands of ” And Revelation 9:15 tells us, “And the four angels were loosed.” Because someone could unravel their mystery, their secret.

“They were prepared for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, to slay the third part of men.” Now, this is bad news, isn’t it? The question is precisely when they’re loosed. What is the hour, what is the day, what is the month, and what is the year? Remember, it’s the sixth trumpet. This is not the seven last plagues that fall in a single day.

It must be something else—a trumpet is a warning bevor the seven last plagues. Now I’ll explain this, and we’ll decipher each of these time frames, because this is God’s last countdown. Dear friends, while I studied this theme, it revealed again vast new information, and many additional connections in the book of Revelation became clear.

So I decided to split this final part, the “last countdown” theme, into two parts. It would simply be too lengthy for one video. The good news is, we’ll have one more part to tie up all the loose ends.

Now, we’ve heard about the loosening of the bands. And it’s not just one band, but multiple bands, and we’ll see how this unfolds. Friends, we must also discuss the fifth trumpet when addressing the sixth trumpet, because the fifth trumpet obviously contains elements about the coronavirus crisis, as we deciphered years ago. But we also have to conclude the first woe before the second woe can start.

So the fifth trumpet must include the entire corona crisis, including the vaccination crisis, within its text. We need to uncover how that works out. And when we do that, we’ll all of a sudden see who the trumpet angel is.

Look, back in 2017–18, we could clearly see the trumpet signs in the Mazzaroth—the actors playing out the text of at least the first four trumpets. But where was the trumpet angel? There should have been four visible angels, each blowing the trumpet.

We never found them; we never saw them. In this final part of the last countdown video, I will show you who these trumpet angels are, including those of the fifth, sixth, and seventh trumpets. It will be very interesting, I believe, and I’ll be very happy to have you back and bear with me for one last part of this last countdown video that concludes the matter.

And I believe then the book will be pretty well unsealed. So I wish you once again a blessed Sabbath. See you next Sabbath, hopefully. I love you all, and keep the faith.

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