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📰 WCF Prophetic Gazette

Breaking Heavenly News – Unveiling the Final Events

📜 Truth Unfolding in Real-Time

Prophecy is not just history—it is news before it happens. In a world filled with deception, WCF Prophetic Gazette brings heaven’s latest revelations, deciphered through the heavens, Scripture, and divine guidance.

🔎 From the signs in the sky to the fulfillment of final prophecies, we invite you to read, discern, and prepare for the events that will soon shake the world.

🌟 Heaven’s Headlines: Stay Informed

  • 🕊️ The Two Witnesses have spoken—what did they say?
  • 🔥 The Trumpets and Plagues are sounding—do you hear them?
  • 🌾 The Final Harvest is beginning—are you ready?

💡 The time for speculation is over. The prophecies are clear. Read the latest reports from God’s newsroom and see for yourself what heaven is declaring!

Newest Articles First

Oval Office Clash: Third Bowl Poured Out

Oval Office Clash: Third Bowl Poured Out Oval-Office-Eklat: Dritte Zornesschale ausgegossen Disputa en la oficina oval: La tercera copa derramada

As the bowls of God’s wrath continue to be poured out upon the world, the heavenly testimony, in conjunction with the written word, serves as undeniable proof that the end is near. Join us as we explore how Trump and Zelensky’s Oval Office clash is connected to the outpouring of the third bowl of wrath.

The final warnings are being given so that no one need be caught unaware when the effects of the fourth bowl of wrath are felt upon the world. May you be found among those who look up with full assurance of God’s protection.

Emptying the Bowls of Wrath

Emptying the Bowls of Wrath Das Entleeren der Zornesschalen Vaciando las copas de la ira

Jesus said that He and the Father are one. This unity is undeniably manifested in the outpouring of God’s bowls of wrath. Join us as we uncover how the timing declared on God’s clock in the Mazzaroth precisely aligns with the manifestation of His wrath on earth. The final warnings are being given before the full intensity of His wrath is felt upon the world. Will you choose to abide safely in Him, or will you face the wrath intended only for the impenitent?

Apollyon Enthroned

Apollyon Enthroned Apollyon inthronisiert Apolión entronizado

Many are delighted with the changes that President Trump is bringing about in his first days in the office and are hopeful for the promised “Golden Age”, but the heavens testify to a different story. As Jesus wept over the beloved city, Jerusalem, so He weeps over the United States, a nation once in the favor of God, but now receiving His wrath. Can you see behind the diabolical agenda? Do you see that Apollyon has been enthroned?

God’s Visitation Has Begun

God’s Visitation Has Begun Gottes Heimsuchung hat begonnen La visitación de Dios ha comenzado

The visitation of God's destructive judgments upon the earth has begun. He is revealing the appointed times on His heavenly clock, providing understanding of how His judgments are unfolding and the reasons behind the outpouring of His wrath.

Those who discern the times through His clock can find assurance that His hand is at work. For the wicked, He is a consuming fire; for the righteous, a mighty fortress. His wrath is still being poured out with mercy for a little while longer, but the time has come for everyone to make a decisive choice about whom they will serve.

Choose the King of kings, and expose the destroyer and his schemes.

The Smoke of Her Burning

The Smoke of Her Burning Der Rauch ihres Brandes El humo de su incendio

God has unmistakably revealed that the apocalyptic fires raging in Los Angeles, California, are a manifestation of His judgment. He marked the precise timing of their outbreak on His heavenly clock at a location of deep prophetic significance. Through this, He provides clear understanding, ensuring that all recognize His hand at work in the destruction unfolding.

We invite you to study the times He reveals on His clock and to share these warnings with others. Many judgments are yet to come, and it is crucial that people have the opportunity to turn to God and find salvation.

A Time to Love

A Time to Love Eine Zeit zu lieben Un tiempo para amar

It has been eight years since this website debuted, and our journey on this earth is nearly over. God’s clock is giving its final tics, and we invite you to watch it closely, remembering His loving life and timely death. He has provided all that you need to endure the final moments faithfully. Be of good courage, for your redemption draweth nigh!

Three Crowns and a Humble Shawl

Three Crowns and a Humble Shawl Drei Kronen und ein schlichtes Tuch Tres coronas y un humilde chal

We are excited to present a compelling new article that delves into the prophetic significance of four celestial events linked to T Coronae Borealis, spanning over two centuries. This thought-provoking piece explores how these events symbolize key moments in history—from the United States Constitution to the establishment of the United Nations—and culminate in a humble, yet profound, revelation in 2024.

The article, Three Crowns and a Humble Shawl, provides a deep spiritual insight into how these celestial signs are connected to the ultimate return of Christ, predicted between 2024 and 2025. Don’t miss out on this unique exploration of prophecy, history, and divine intervention.

The Apocalyptic Seals

The Apocalyptic Seals Die apokalyptischen Siegel Los sellos apocalípticos

Despising God’s sure word, Pope Francis now authorizes blessings for gay couples, and it is splitting the church. Political division in the US is widening as Donald Trump’s removal from the presidential ballot in Colorado has enraged his followers. The earth is disquieted and cannot bear up much longer. Earthquakes and volcanoes threaten that worse is to come.

Will you be able to stand through this time of rapid degradation? In this short article, you will find out how you can be sure to stand while Babylon’s walls come crumbling down. It is the Lord’s promise in the sign of the Son of man as the mystery of His return is unsealed.

The Faithful and True Witness

The Faithful and True Witness Der treue und wahrhaftige Zeuge El Testigo Fiel y Verdadero

We live in solemn times. Prophecies are fulfilling like clockwork. The world is losing their sanity. Now the seventh trumpet directs our attention to the last battle that takes place when comet K2 is in Orion. Through Orion, the Lord taught us much, and the experience we went through in the earlier years sheds light on the final days. Learn how the past perfectly fits into the present and unlocks the mystery of the time ahead.

When God confirms the study with an asteroid blocking the light of Orion’s right hand star, Betelgeuse, in a heavenly gesture of divine precision, we can just praise the Lord, who has proven Himself to be The Faithful and True Witness. He does all things well, and in His time. You are safe to submit to His loving care and experience His close relation to His people.

Israel: The Tribes Mourn

Israel: The Tribes Mourn Israel: Das Wehklagen der Stämme Israel: Las tribus se lamentan

The world is intently looking to the nation of Israel after the horrific attack perpetrated on October 7, 2023, which was a High Sabbath. Many Christians consider Israel to be a timepiece for the fulfillment of prophecy, and are eagerly leading people to consider the biblical significance of this war that has broken out, especially in relation to the time of the rapture of the church. But how can we be sure of the correct prophetic application of this apocalyptic event?

Jesus’ own prophecy in relation to the signs of the time of the end in Matthew 24:30 answers the question of the meaning of this unprecedented war.

And then [first] shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then [second] shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and [third] they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24:30)

We must pay careful attention to the words of Jesus. First, He said that the sign of the Son of man would appear in heaven. Therefore, He led us to look up to recognize it. This sign has appeared through the trajectory of two newsworthy comets forming the Alpha and Omega signature of Jesus, by which He identifies Himself in the book of Revelation.

Escape the Darkened Kingdom

Escape the Darkened Kingdom Entfliehe dem Reich der Finsternis Escapa del reino en tinieblas

One thing after another has been plaguing the world system. Now, a new war has exploded in Israel, and serves as a harbinger of worse to come. But God has sent His cometary messengers ahead to point out the landmarks on our way to the Promised Land. Look up, and hold on to the angels’ hands, who will bring you to safety before the modern world, like Sodom, is turned to ashes.

The Tribes in Heaven

The Tribes in Heaven Die Stämme im Himmel Las tribus en el cielo

Jesus is coming and He is gathering His people together into one body. He went to prepare a place for you in His kingdom, and now that He is returning, the place He has prepared is reflected in the sign of the Son of man. Join us on this fascinating journey of discovery as in faith we spy out the inheritance that God is giving to His people. His reward is with Him. Let us be found watching, and faithful, and sharing the wonder of His love as we drink deeply from the river of the water of life.

Flooded With Fire

Flooded With Fire Die Feuer-Sintflut Inundados con fuego

Jesus said that the time of the end would be as it was in the days of Noah.

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:37)

In order to understand what Jesus was communicating with this, it is necessary to look back at Noah’s experience and compare that with our own. As we do that in Flooded With Fire, you will be amazed at the parallels that become evident. This reconfirms that we are in the times that Jesus was referring to. We live in a time of decision, when discerning the time of our visitation is of critical importance, to spare us from being consumed by the fiery destruction that is already overtaking the world.

A Time to Reign

A Time to Reign Eine Zeit zu herrschen Un tiempo para reinar

We are at a turning point in earth’s history. Society has degenerated to the point that families in the image of God are on the fast-track to extinction. How long will God allow modern Babylon to intoxicate His children with the woke wine of confusion so that in their madness, girls pluck off their breasts and men are effeminized en masse? How long will this system enslave His people financially by stealing the value from the money in their wallets? How long will they silence them from speaking against the state-approved narrative, and numb their minds with deceit from a spectrum of influencers on every side who are united in their viral fear- and climate-mongering manipulation tactics?

When will the truth triumph over error and deceit? When will Jesus manifest His authority over the kingdoms of the earth? The sign of the Son of man points to the answers. The Lord has a time to reign that will not pass unnoticed but will be announced with the certain sound of the seventh trumpet.

The Church Triumphant

The Church Triumphant Die siegreiche Gemeinde La iglesia triunfante

With something as momentous as the return of Jesus to give His reward to the righteous and severe justice to the wicked, the Lord does not leave us without a second, independent witness to its truth. In The Church Triumphant, we explore the clock of the Father in the Mazzaroth throughout the transition from this old earth until the beginning of eternity, when the new Earth is prepared for repopulation with the redeemed. You are sure to be amazed by the many gems of confirmation that reflect the glory of the Father’s love and reiterate that He is indeed revealing the time.

Will you believe and receive your crown of stars in the end? If so, do your part to share the word of Time so that others may likewise believe and join the redeemed on the sea of glass. Let no man take your crown!

Thrust in Thy Sickle

Thrust in Thy Sickle Sende deine Sichel Mete tu hoz

The sign of the Son of man is appearing, and the Lord is fulfilling many of His end-time Bible types and prophecies with it. We have seen how it represents the alpha and omega signature of the Lord, the sign of Jonah, how the seven churches are displayed there as well as the ten commandments and more. In Thrust in Thy Sickle, we will consider the prophecy of the earth’s culminating harvests of wheat and grapes as described in Revelation 14. In a similar parable—that of the sower of seed—Jesus said that the harvest was at the end of the world, so seeing this prophecy fulfilling confirms that the end is here.

The Melody of God’s Law

The Melody of God’s Law Die Melodie des Gesetzes Gottes La melodía de la ley de Dios

The law of God is the foundation of His kingdom and all who enter it will have His law in their hearts. What do the heavens say about His law and how it is written? In this article, you will discover one of the most amazing portrayals in the sign of the Son of man: how the character of God is written in wonderful glory as Jesus returns as King of kings. You will recognize how that law is embodied in Jesus and in His end-time church that sings the song of perfect obedience through rest in Jesus’ finished work. What does that mean? The answer might surprise you as you read about the insights that God has embodied in His heavenly masterpiece.

Agents of the Last War

Agents of the Last War Die Akteure des letzten Krieges Los agentes de la última guerra

We are in a time such as never was since there was a nation, and the recent developments in the global battle are decisive. Jesus has taken His power over the kingdoms of the earth, and He is unmasking the agents of the last war. His prophetic word guides us in the context of the current world events.

Two comets of great relevance in these days are so precisely positioned that exactly one prophetic hour of 15 days was marked as they crossed each other’s paths, forming crosshairs in the sights of time!

In this article, we will explain the dramatic developments that happened during that hour in the crosshairs of God that fulfill prophecy and explain why God has begun to pour out His wrath. We will see how the beginnings of the coming third woe of Revelation are laid out in that hour, and you will see behind the veil of the hidden agenda and discover how the enemy has declared war against God. You will plainly see what the enemy is doing and why the wrath of God can no longer be turned back. With their fraud and insolence toward God’s law, the leading men of the world have passed the point of no return.

The Final Gathering

The Final Gathering Die letzte Sammlung La reunión final

Jesus is speaking from heaven to His scattered flock. The time has come for the final gathering of His sheep into the fold of the Son of man. He invites everyone from each church to come through the open door into the ark of truth where His character is to become theirs; where one is safe from the snares of the enemy. Time is short and the Lord is urgently calling all those with an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches today. Listen to His voice and follow Him into the end-time fold.

In this article, you will learn how the sign of the Son of man represents the gathering of the subjects of God’s kingdom, with the comets acting the part of the angels delivering messages of repentance, encouragement, and hope to the body of Christ according to the various needs of the church.

The Beacon of God’s Wrath

The Beacon of God’s Wrath Das Leuchtfeuer des Zornes Gottes El faro de la ira de Dios

The nations have declared war against the Lamb and have already signed a treaty in partnership with the World Health Organization to administer gene-therapy vaccines that will blot one’s name from the Lamb’s book of life. In step with God’s clocks, this “Pandemic Treaty” is to become legally binding in May 2024. This war of the nations is prophesied in the Bible, which adds that the Lamb will overcome them. Learn what the Beacon of God's wrath declares regarding this momentous development, and when He will manifest His justice!

God’s Battle Plan

God’s Battle Plan Der Schlachtplan Gottes El plan de batalla de Dios

Last Sabbath, the leader of our movement received a dream sent to him by a member, instructing him to address a message to all Christianity who still remains faithful. The message contains God’s battle plan for how His people are to proceed in order to win the war against the world-dominating powers of darkness. It is a tremendous and yet ingeniously simple and practical plan that should not only astonish us but give all Christians a common “weapon” to use.

He That Hath an Ear

He That Hath an Ear An alle, die ein Ohr haben El que tiene oído

The lampstand in the Lord’s sanctuary had seven lamps, and stood as a symbol for the church, in whom is the Holy Spirit. This seven-fold nature of the church is seen again in Jesus’ letters to the seven churches in Revelation, wherein He invites anyone with an ear, to hear what the Spirit is saying to them. This is an earnest call to God’s children to listen to what is going on among them and to take the appropriate actions. Do you hear His voice?

Jesus gave the apostle John a message for seven churches in his day that represented the character and condition of the entire body, not just in that time, but throughout the centuries since then, up to the last moments of history. To each church, Jesus gives counsel and frames it in the setting of the Christian’s hope: the return of their Lord. As we explore the letters of Jesus to the seven churches in the setting of the sign of the Son of man, an amazing and important revelation will be uncovered! He that hath an ear, let him hear what the heavens declare from the Spirit of God, that he may be gathered in the harvest for Christ.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come Dein Reich komme Venga Tu Reino

Oppression is being felt in the world like never before. Freedom of speech and decision-making, which are God-given gifts, are increasingly being taken away. Every citizen of the world is fast becoming enslaved to the climate change agenda, to be formalized in the great reset and enforced by CBDCs, despite claims that all are for the common good. Meanwhile, the three comets gathered at the constellation of Lepus signal a dramatic increase of trouble in the world. In the face of such circumstances, the longing question of the burdened soul is, “How long?” How long must we endure such persecution, and witness the injustice that prevails? The sign of the Son of man in the heavens brings good tidings of the time of deliverance and shows the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ for all to see.

In this article, you will learn how the Father answers the burning question that Christ’s disciples had about the time when He would establish His kingdom, and you will also recognize the character of Christ’s kingdom as expressed in love and time.

It is our earnest prayer that your soul will be filled with joy and that you will be ready to join the chorus to proclaim the coming of Christ and His everlasting kingdom, giving hope to many as the evil powers attempt to usurp the position that belongs to Christ alone.

In the Crosshairs of God

In the Crosshairs of God Im Fadenkreuz Gottes En el punto de mira de Dios

The plans and schemes of the enemy are in the crosshairs of God’s judgments. Three comets are converging in the constellation of Lepus and important developments on earth confirm God’s word and indicate that a great, paradigm-shifting battle is about to envelop the world. The crossing paths of two comets mark a critical hour, and a third comet gives a solemn message for an important feast day on God’s calendar. In this article, we will explore the conflict just ahead, identify the players in this battle and what the Bible tells us regarding God’s provision to sustain His people against the enemy’s attacks.

Anointing the Man of Sin

Anointing the Man of Sin Die Salbung des Menschen der Sünde Ungiendo al hombre de pecado

The world is about to witness a once-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, it is a once-in-history event. Satan’s anointed one is soon to be revealed. But some things may not transpire as we have believed. In this article, we explore what the Word of God in conjunction with some pertinent heavenly signs for this time say about the days and weeks just ahead of us.

Stand fast, because this trip may take you through a surprising way and leave you in an unanticipated destination. But do not fear, because the Holy Spirit is leading into all truth, and no trial can come to you that is so great that He is not able to carry you through it. Only stand strong in your allegiance and faithfulness to Jesus Christ our Lord and King, come what may. Put yourself fully on His side.

Their Enemies Beheld Them

Their Enemies Beheld Them Es schauten sie ihre Feinde A la vista de sus enemigos

In Their Enemies Beheld Them, you will discover the sign of the Son of man like never before—the same sign that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 when describing the end of the world, which shows how close we are to the end. That sign has been unfolding in the heavens since March 12, 2023, and now you will see what place it has in the book of Revelation. Once its role is understood, it becomes a precise timepiece from which we can read some important dates in relation to Bible prophecy—some upcoming, some already passed.

Three comets in the sign of the Son of man are making their way, one after the other, into the constellation of Lepus, which represents the enemies of God, who are to become His footstool. The first two have already entered and left their mark in history. Discover how the movements of these comets fulfill the detailed sequence of an important prophecy of Revelation.

When God Visits Babylon

When God Visits Babylon Wenn Gott Babylon heimsucht Cuando Dios visita Babilonia

In Revelation 18, the fall of “great Babylon” is prophesied. What does this ancient city represent today, and how does its fall affect you? The prophecy includes a strong warning from Jesus Himself as He calls to His people to come out of her before she is plagued, but what does that mean? How can we know whether we are in Babylon or have already come out?

By looking up, we can see how the Lord retells this amazing prophecy with the added revelation of the time, as well as further detail about the real nature of “Babylon” today. As two angels visited Sodom and Gomorrah, entreating Lot and his family to swiftly depart, so today, the cometary angels of heaven have arrived and are calling for all God’s people to quickly come out of the condemned city where many of them still dwell. When God visits Babylon, those within its jurisdiction will feel His wrath, which is not for His people. Here the word of the Lord against her!

Independence Day

Independence Day Der Unabhängigkeitstag El día de la independencia

On March 31, 2023, the day after we completed the publication of the first version of our newest book, The Heavenly Masterpiece, we received a dream that hinted at the outpouring of two more plagues. We had already understood some things about the third and fourth plagues, but the others (and many details of the third and fourth) were still shrouded in mystery.

That same night, one of our members was led to research recent comets and found two that were discovered just this year, both of which have trajectories that intersect the sign of the Son of man: comets C/2023 A1 and C/2023 A2. We wondered, could these two comets be messengers of the Lord to tell us something more about the coming plagues? In this article, we will focus on one of them, and why we believe it is the messenger angel bearing the fourth plague, which will be poured out upon the sun, and what that means for you.

Earth’s Night of Woe

Earth’s Night of Woe Die dunkle Nacht des Wehgeschreis La oscura noche de los ayes

Midnight has passed and the seventh trumpet is sounding. Its tone is waking up the virgins who are waiting for the Bridegroom while looking up to the sign of the Son of man. Have you understood what He is communicating in His sign? Have you recognized that the kingdoms of this world now belong to the Lord, who will bring retribution to the wicked and good to the just?

In this article, you will get exposure to a quick succession of several connected topics that will have you on the edge of your seat. It will challenge you and give you food for spiritual development and for study, so to trim your lamp and get ready to go out and be a light in the darkness!

The Princess and the Dragon

The Princess and the Dragon Die Prinzessin und der Drache La princesa y el dragón

The sign of the Son of man takes on greater meaning in the light of the war in heaven described in Revelation 12. In this article, we will follow the woman through time and see how the dragon fought, and how the sign of the Son of man relates to the prophecy for an astonishing end-time application you never considered before.

Every Christian who saw the sign of the woman on September 23, 2017 should reevaluate whether they understand the meaning of their experience. Many were disappointed because they were not raptured and did not understand the true meaning of that sign. As you read, Revelation 12 will beautifully come to life as you begin to understand the salvation of the Lord, both past and present.

The Persecutor’s Doom Foretold

The Persecutor’s Doom Foretold Der kommende Untergang des Häschers La perdición del perseguidor anunciada

A newly discovered comet that is expected to become visible sheds light on the role of the last major, symbolic angel of the book of Revelation. You will learn an amazing truth about the power God has given to His church over Satan, and you will discover what was the midnight cry, which should awaken you to the service of disseminating the light of God during Earth’s darkest hour.

The Prophetic Battle Plan

The Prophetic Battle Plan Der prophetische Schlachtplan El plan de batalla profético

An unusual sun-grazing comet has returned to broach the skies again with a peculiar trajectory. The large sungrazer 96P/Machholz bears a divine message that gives immediacy to the prophecy of Christ’s victory over the kings of the earth as described in Revelation. As the angel standing in the sun of chapter 19, his loud and clear message declares the victory today, just before the commencement of the final engagement.

Who are the kings, captains, mighty men, and horses, that will be fed to the birds? Who are the free and bond, small and great who will be swept into the fray? And when will this army of wickedness be swept into the lake of fire and brimstone? Read this article to understand today’s battlefield and posture yourself with the army of God for the triumph of His people!

Sealed in His Name

Sealed in His Name Versiegelt in Seinem Namen Sellados en Su Nombre

When the Orion message was first published in 2010, what was taking shape would turn out to be the answer to the greatest question of mankind’s existence: how long? From atheist to saint, everyone asks this question. It is often a question of how long until humanity can no longer live on this planet. For Christians, it is a question of when the great Progenitor of the Christian name will return to bestow upon them the same eternal quality of life which He has been experiencing since His resurrection.

In this article, the Orion message will come full circle as we communicate the ultimate teaching that comes from the sign of the Son of man, His royal monogram that comprises the letters Alpha and Omega.

The Ark of the Testament is Opening

The Ark of the Testament is Opening Die Lade Seines Bundes öffnet sich El arca del pacto está abriéndose

When we look up at the sign of the Son of man, there are many things for the eyes to focus upon, which bring amazing insights regarding the appearance of our Lord. The rhinoceros and the hare have demonstrated this. But the greatest treasure in the sight of Israel is the Ark of the Testament, which was prophesied to be revealed in heaven:

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. (Revelation 11:19)

In this article, you will see the revealed ark as we continue gazing upon the sign of the Son of man.

The Unclean Hare and the Pineapple

The Unclean Hare and the Pineapple Der unreine Hase und die Ananas La liebre inmunda y la piña

In this article, we will examine the symbolism of the constellation Lepus as it relates to the sign of the Son of man introduced in The Sign Has Appeared. On the surface, the hare is a rather unfitting symbol to take part in such a sacred setting as the signature of the Alpha and Omega. However, as seen in The Strength of the Unicorn, God is showing important aspects of the last battle—especially those things that will give comfort and encouragement to His people as they face the final tribulation.

The Strength of the Unicorn

The Strength of the Unicorn Die Kraft des Einhorns La fuerza del unicornio

Just two hundred years ago, everybody knew that the unicorn referred to the rhinoceros, whose primary attributes are strength and orneriness. The rhinoceros has formidable strength, a strong horn, and an indominable will of its own. Despite how useful its strength might be as a draft animal, the rhinoceros has never been tamed by man. Therefore, it is a fitting animal to describe the strength of God as He delivers His people from bondage once again in humanity’s last great battle. However, the strength of the rhino is not limited to divinity; His word calls YOU to be strong as a rhino too! This article will point out important lessons and timing information for the battle ahead.

The Agricultural Apocalypse

The Agricultural Apocalypse Die Agrar-Apokalypse El apocalipsis agrícola

This is a practical message. We are well into the twenty-first century and times have changed immeasurably over the last 150+ years since God gave His church special instruction regarding health. Many have developed a religion around food, but in The Agricultural Apocalypse, you will find a sensible, non-fanatical approach to health that is in keeping with the times in which we live and at the same time honorable to God.

The Sign Has Appeared

The Sign Has Appeared Das Zeichen ist erschienen La señal ha aparecido

Jesus spoke of a time when His sign would appear in heaven, and all the earth would know it:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24:30)

It is one of the most compelling signs mentioned in the Bible, because it leads the lost of the whole earth to mourn when they see it, yet it gives strength and hope to the righteous who have been waiting for it. In the end, both classes believe it, but only one class benefits from it. The sign that Jesus spoke of is not an arbitrary and hitherto unknown sign, but a sign that He Himself used as a signature to literally “sign” the message of His return in the book of Revelation, as well as His covenant promises in the Old Testament.

🚀 A Call to Watch and Pray

As events unfold rapidly, only those who watch will understand. Jesus warned, "Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments" (Revelation 16:15).

📖 These articles are not just information—they are preparation. Every headline is a divine call to action. Will you ignore the signs or stand in faith as the final events transpire?

🔴 The Final Reports Are Here

This is not just another news feed—it is God’s last message to the world. The last seals are being opened, the time of delay is over, and the midnight cry has begun.

📝 Read. Reflect. Respond.

🕊️ The heavens are speaking. Will you listen?

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Unlocking Revelation
With biblical astronomy

Revealing God’s Prophetic Clocks in the Heavens

Since creation, the stars have testified of God’s perfect plan. Now, as the end draws near, they confirm the appointed times of judgment and deliverance. Join us in studying the heavenly signs that declare the urgency of the final call.
Toggle Order of Our Experience Sections  

In the beginning there was...

Re-discover how the truth was unveiled
  • Orion Clock

    ⏳The Orion Clock (2010)

    A celestial timepiece revealing the history of the judgment of the dead and the commencement of the judgment of the living.
    Do you know the new name of Jesus?


  • ✝️ The True Crucifixion Date (2010)

    By discovering Jesus' true crucifixion date (May 25, AD 31), we unlocked God’s lost calendar rules, revealing the divine order of time.


  • 🌟 The True Birth Date of Jesus (2012)

    Through biblical and astronomical research, we discovered that Jesus was born on October 27, 5 B.C., aligning perfectly with God’s celestial signs.


  • Gene of Life

    🧬 The Gene of Life (2012)

    By studying the High Sabbaths, we uncovered the divine DNA of true Christian character, as Paul described them as shadows of things to come.


From Laodicea to Philadelphia—
Milestones of Our Spiritual Growth

Our journey to decipher the Book of Revelation was not just a search for prophetic truth—it was a spiritual transformation. We began in Laodicea, the lukewarm church that Jesus warned about. But through divine guidance, deep study, and the trials of faith, we were refined and became Philadelphia, the living church without reproach. — This section presents the key milestones in our spiritual growth—the turning points that shaped our understanding and prepared us for the final revelation. Each article in this series marks a critical breakthrough in our quest to fully understand God’s last message to the world.
  • ⚖️Our High Calling

    In 2012, we explored the profound responsibility of the 144,000 witnesses in the Great Controversy. This study emphasizes the significance of each individual's role in upholding God's justice and the potential impact if even one were missing. It challenges believers to reflect on their faith and commitment in these pivotal times.

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  • ⛪The End of the SDA Church

    In 2012, we examined the potential for the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church to compromise its foundational principles under external pressures. This study highlights concerns about the church's possible alignment with broader ecumenical movements, potentially leading to a dilution of its core beliefs, especially regarding the sanctity of the seventh-day Sabbath. It serves as a call for members to remain vigilant and uphold the original tenets of their faith amidst changing global religious dynamics.

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  • 👑The Character of the 144000

    In 2012, we delved into the character development of the 144,000, emphasizing the necessity for them to cultivate a Christ-like nature surpassing that of past martyrs. This study highlights the unique mission and purpose of the 144,000, requiring them to embody all facets of divine character. It serves as a call for believers to strive for this elevated standard in preparation for their pivotal role in the culmination of Earth's history.

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  • ⏱️God Is Not Just Love!

    In 2016, we received a profound revelation: God is not just love; He is also time personified. This understanding deepened our relationship with Him, recognizing that He embodies both love and the very essence of time. This insight has guided our journey, emphasizing the importance of aligning our lives with His divine timing and love.

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  • 🏕️The Day of the Witnesses

    In 2016, we faced a profound decision. Anticipating Jesus' imminent return, we realized that the 144,000 were not yet prepared. In a heartfelt plea, we prayed for an extension of grace, choosing to forgo the rapture to reach and save more souls. In 2024, we discovered that the heavens confirmed our decision, proving that we had acted in alignment with divine timing. Thus, in 2016, we became Philadelphia—the church that endures and remains faithful until the end.

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The Awakening of the Two Witnesses

After our prayer in 2016, we endured a long period of waiting, even through the first woe—the COVID crisis. Then, in June 2021, a great sign appeared: Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein entered the Horologium constellation—the pendulum clock of time. This marked the beginning of a new era of discoveries, unveiling profound truths that would lead us to the final revelations in the next section.
  • ⚔️The Rod of Iron

    The Rod of Iron is the symbol of divine authority and judgment in the final events of Earth's history. But who will wield it? This study unveils its true meaning, revealing how the 144,000 are called to rule with it—not by force, but through the power of truth. As prophecy unfolds, the heavens confirm God’s appointed leaders, preparing them to stand firm in the final conflict.

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  • 🌕Two Moons on a Pendulum Clock

    In 2021, we observed a remarkable celestial event: Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) traversed the Horologium constellation, known as the pendulum clock of time. This event, preceding the discovery of the Sign of the Son of Man, signified a pivotal moment in our prophetic journey, highlighting the alignment of heavenly signs with divine timing.

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  • ☁️The Sign of the Son of Man

    In 2023, a remarkable celestial event unfolded: Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) began to traverse the skies between the Orion and Horologium constellations. Their paths formed a great fish, symbolizing the Sign of Jonah, and traced the Alpha and Omega, representing Jesus Christ. This phenomenon, known as the Sign of the Son of Man, serves as a divine monogram, heralding the imminent return of Christ and emphasizing the urgency of spiritual readiness.

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  • 🕊️Sealed in His Name

    In the article "Sealed in His Name", the profound connection between God's law and our very being is explored. It emphasizes that to truly belong to God, one must embody His character, with His law inscribed upon our hearts and minds. This divine seal signifies a transformative union, aligning our actions and thoughts with His divine will. The article further delves into the symbolism of the Orion constellation, highlighting its representation of Jesus' intercession and the pathway to divine reconciliation. This celestial imagery serves as a reminder of the heavenly masterpiece being crafted, inviting believers to partake in the divine mission of sealing others with His name.

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  • 📯The Final Gathering

    In "The Final Gathering," Jesus calls His scattered flock to unite under His care. This article explores how the Sign of the Son of Man—formed by two comets—symbolizes this gathering, with the comets acting as messengers delivering calls for repentance and hope to the churches. It emphasizes the urgency of heeding His voice and entering the ark of truth for spiritual safety.

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  • ⚖️The Melody of God’s Law

    In "The Melody of God's Law," the article explores the profound connection between divine law and the harmonious order of creation. It emphasizes that God's commandments are not merely rules but a melodic guide that, when followed, bring one's life into symphony with the Creator. The faithful are called to internalize this divine melody, allowing it to resonate within their hearts and reflect in their actions, thus becoming living instruments of God's will.

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  • 🔯The Tribes in Heaven

    "The Tribes in Heaven" explores the prophetic significance of the Sign of the Son of Man, highlighting how it symbolizes the gathering of God's people into their respective spiritual tribes. This celestial event, marked by the appearance of two comets forming a great fish in the sky, serves as a divine call for believers to unite and prepare for the imminent return of Jesus Christ. The article emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's place within the spiritual tribes of Israel, as represented by the constellations, and aligning one's life with God's divine order.

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  • The Day That Burns Like an Oven

    🌋The Day That Burns Like an Oven

    In May 2024, a powerful G5 solar storm illuminated the skies with unprecedented auroras, marking the beginning of God’s prophesied year of wrath. This celestial event aligns with Malachi 4, where the Day of the Lord is described as burning like an oven, consuming the wicked while the righteous find healing in the Sun of Righteousness. At the same time, the Orion clock nears midnight, and the threefold seal of God's name—the alpha (α), omega (ω), and mu (μ)—is revealed in the Sign of the Son of Man, testifying to the imminent return of Jesus.

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The Mystery of God Fulfilled—
The Final Revelation

For nearly two decades, our research has led us to the complete understanding of the Book of Revelation. As foretold in Revelation 10, when the seventh angel begins to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God is fulfilled. In Revelation 11:19, we reach the climactic moment—the Ark of the Covenant is seen in the heavens, for the whole world to behold. We have uncovered where this Ark is in the heavens and when it will become visible. This is the final revelation—the fulfillment of the mystery of God in these last video series.
  • 🌠 The Sign of the Son of Man

    The Sign of the Son of Man has long been awaited—but could it have already appeared, yet gone unrecognized? In this four-part video series, we uncover the deep prophetic truths hidden within this celestial testimony. From the sign of Jonah to the name of God itself, these revelations bring clarity to the last call before Christ’s return. Are you ready to see what has been revealed? Watch now and prepare for the final moments of history.

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  • 🕰️ A Godly Dream That Reveals the Time

    Time is not just measured—it is revealed. In The Boy Who Knows the Time, a divine timeline unfolds through dreams, prophecy, and celestial signs. Discover the mystery of the 11th hour and 5 AM, the hidden patterns in history, and how God’s Horologium clock aligns with the final events of prophecy.

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  • 🏗️ The Final Foundations – Keys to Prophecy’s Last Secrets

    Before the final revelation, the foundation must be laid. This four-part series uncovers key prophetic events leading to the end. 🌊 The Great River Euphrates – The sixth plague unfolds. ⏳ The Two Witnesses – Timelines reveal their role. 🌠 The Crowning Comets – Celestial signs confirm prophecy. ⚡ The Fifth Plague – Darkness covers the beast’s throne. 🔑 These truths unlock what comes next!

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  • 🎺 The 70th Jubilee – The Year of Redemption Has Come

    The 70th Jubilee is here—the final year of release and restoration before Christ’s return! This groundbreaking video series deciphers the Orion Clock, biblical chronology, and the covenant of Abraham to confirm 2025 as the Jubilee of Jubilees. 🔵 The Great Orion Cycle – The Bible’s perfect chronology, now decoded. 📜 The Everlasting Covenant – God’s promise written in the stars. 🎺 The Jubilee Trumpet – Announced at Yom Kippur 2024. The time of redemption has come! Will you recognize the sign?

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  • 📖 The Final Prophetic Revelation – The Last Mysteries Deciphered

    After nearly 20 years of study, the final riddles of Revelation have been solved. This video series unveils the sealed book, the great celestial signs, and the ultimate countdown to the end. 🔵 Sealing Mankind’s Fate – The true meaning of the seven seals. 📜 The Seven Blessings – The rewards for those who endure. 🌠 The Great and Marvelous Sign – The final prophecy in the heavens. 🔥 The Last Countdown – The signs confirm time is up! The book is open. The time has come. Will you heed the last warning?

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  • 💖 The Heart of the Father Revealed

    A divine sign has been painted in the heavens! Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) traces a heart in the sky, revealing the Father’s love and the final call to His children. These videos unveil the deep connection between prophecy, the two witnesses, and the last drops of grace. Will you recognize the message from His heart to yours? Watch now and be strengthened for the final events.

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  • 🌾 The Final Testimony – The Mystery of God is Finished

    The two witnesses have risen, the sixth trumpet has sounded, and the final harvest has begun. In this last prophetic video series, the greatest mysteries of Revelation are revealed: 🌳 The Two Witnesses – Their testimony is complete, spanning Christ’s time to the judgment of the living. 🎺 The Sixth Trumpet – The final four winds are released, marking the time appointed. 🌾 The Last Harvest – The Ark of the Testament is revealed, fulfilling the mystery of God. The heavens have spoken. The final moment is here. Will you be part of the harvest?

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The Storehouse of Eternal Knowledge

  • The History of Our Quest

    • A collection of all prophetic articles published since the revelation of the Sign of the Son of Man, documenting the unfolding of the final events in real-time.
    • Our five books, available in English, German, and Spanish. These books document the entire history of our research since 2010, capturing the prophetic discoveries and insights that have shaped our understanding.
    • An archive of all our videos since the start of our ministry. The audio is mostly in English, German, and Spanish, and we are actively working on providing subtitles.

The Raiders of the Lost Ark

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